OWL LAFFSI Mil FUi is a grim gambler. No mm AwM wager old age with it. MO- Customer—"Yowr dog aeems very fond of watching you cut hair." Barber— "l aint that; sometimes I make a mistakr and snip off a little hit of a customer's ear." -o-o-o- ' ACID TEST FOR OPTIMISM Aa the movie director would say, I Can you register joy— When your hat through the i mud om a windy day? !' rTfflG SACRIFICE >SALE! THE LEADER, FOR TEN DAYS Beginning TODAY March 21& Opened Its Doors to the Buying: Public With the Greatest Cut Sale I Vices Ever Off ere in Eastern CAROLINA. Will Sell floods at Such Ridiculously IJOW Prices That SYOU WILL WONDER WITH GREAT ASTONISHMENT ACT! 9V A,Few Hints to the Wise Buyer READ! I APRON GINGHAMS fpECWL MEN oVERALLS AVY f «WY 4MNNIS | $3.98 $1.49 - 12 i-2c 59 c LISTEN! BIG LINE OF MEN'S XI inch IVrtak, special pci yz.i'l l _______ ____________ To the ftrst 6T ladles entering our nOMOPt! , " r '° OFORI>S - '* MFNS NAINSOOK SPRING OFFERING IN * ,*J2!?£SL *" ™ UNION SUITS FOOTWEAR _ 49c 49c All new spring styles at (tjQ QC DC C*r»».Scrim. spec.ul per y«r* 8 1| i£ q , Men's Handkerchiefs 1 lalr-rnce I°° Co«*«. beautiful **>Dresse.s, spcdal at j 3C inch iUbne. special per yard J\ ard stylish valuas up to $32.50, special . _ iq^ J9 95 TO sl4 Qq $14.95 MEN'S PANTS * ° _ jt,*~ *« ~ 400 trimmed ha's OVIDTC - ti * \ alue. up to $4.00, new spring aty!e* All MM, $6.00 value*—now SKI«CIO DRESSES (t» J /\a> d>«7 Or special Here a a great special $5.00 and $7.-0 $7.50 Urease*, all color*— row quality now . ' _ t AA $2.95 $195 AND $3.95 - $3.95 $14.95 . ST? . $1.98 t ' > . * ' . > ■ You can save more money at this sale in five minutes than you can make elsewhere in a week. * MEET YOUR FRIENDS HERE I —————P,K——n——— — - r cm-i T-J. ■ Hill ■»■ ■—■ THE LEADER ■+ ABEYOUNB - WII UAMSTUN, N.[. I When you ham a tooth paßod? When the dry agents ryd your cel lar? When you make oat your income tax report? When the boaa bawls you out? Whan you run out of gas 10 miles from a filling station? Well, if you aay you can, you can' have the Presidency of the Arianiae Club. -o-o-o- THE STENOCS STATISTICS Men . Who chew pipes when they dictate. Who say "Now girlie." •Who spring a big word when I'm i already 10 words behind. Who wear white enameled lodge pins as big as a nickel. Who say "hey?" when I know deni ed well they heard me. Who still whistle, "Yea, We Have No Bananas" and think it's clever to use the saying in reference to every other article known. (Time out for gum chewing and re- j flection.) "Yeh, I hate 'em, but I reckon some j day 111 marry one and start hating 'em all over again. THE ENTERPRISE. WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MARCH XL WM. Henry Garkin thinks the old-fash - famed Sunday auit has gone to join the old-fashioned Sunday. -o-o-o- It aeems to us that most men, judg ing from newspaper reports, use very little discretion in choosing the wea ■ pons with which they strike their ' wives. The most meticulous man in * I | this respect we ever knew always I used a hatchet, but he was always | careful to avoid dulling "the sharp c«lge and never *.ried to hack through a skull or anything like that. -o-o-o- IT ISNT | It's really not a simple trick To write a snappy limerick, 1 I I For if ye publish one with spice, We promptly hear: This isn't nice! j And should we print a harmless o »?, You'll say, "Another rotten pun!" It's teally not a simple trick To write a snappy limerick. -o-o-o- W are asked why women, don't learn !to vamp their own husbands. The | answer is, we guess, that after living | with then), for a while they decide the old fools are not worth the trouble. LOCAL NEWS AND PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tyre of Griffins were in town yesterday. • • • • Miss Mary Whi'e of Greenvitie was a visitor here Monday. Misses Mary Clyde Hassell a'd Rita Warren of Washington were J here eWdnesday night attending thej here Wednesday wight attending the I •• • • Misses Maggie Bell ard Annie Jones j and Ruth Pippin and Bunting of Hami' lton were in town yestentay. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Leighton B!ount of Bethel were here Wednesday. 1 ' i Judge and Mrs. J. C. Smith of Rob ersonville were visitors here Wednes day. ■ ' • • • • Mrs. W. P. Bougham of Washington ■ ' was a shopper here yesterday. Mrs. Fannie Gardner of Washing ton attended the fashion show Wed nesday night •• « • Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith of Rob | ersotiville attended the indoor cirrus Mrs. J. W. Watts. Jr. returned Wed. fl 1 nesdry from New Bern where she was I called last week on account of the D i death of her father. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gurga'us. Mrs Walter Ha!bers*adt and Mrs. L C. Bennett left by motor this morning for Greensboro. Mrs. Halber>tadt will go to Lexington while away to visit . friends. i .... i t Mrs. G. W. Hardison left Wednesday 1 morning for Petersburg where she | will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.jl L. Minga o • • • Friends of Mr. Dsney Taylor viii B be sorry to learn that he is rot im-j|| proving as it was hoped he would a jl few days ago. • • • • The Todd-Trou*. show will remnin n lever next week fcr three day*. Dur ing that time it will show for the col ored people. • * • • Drummers will be saved the trouble • ard et"harassment of having to ask I where the Atla t'c hc*el is. The j hotel has bought a .c* electric >ign. (Pronounce It) KI-RO-PRAK-TIK (Spell It) CHIROpRACT IC THE PILOT TO HEALTH Ttl *' chiropra.-tor ls your pjlot to health if vou are suffering from Nerve Pressure *kxh pcrnU the ail-important Vital Foire from flowing to thr various or*an> He releases the procure and »it** Forrf aciin flow* normally. Ser your chiroprJctor. Consultation and ptnal amlv«i« fir** IT. RY A N B()Y I) Chiropractor Palmer School Graduate THE TAB HEEL APARTMENTS A| X® 3 (seconl floor) ■Hi V »" NORTH CAR.