,..■■■ . , ' ' ' ■ • '• *'•_. * ' » . V - —. ' - «' . •• ;■ . The Following Citizens Personally Endorse Dr. John D. Biggs § *. ~ -if • For Congress Dr Bigg is safe. *■ uad. de I inoeiHy believe this district ) pervlable and is the man to wo*i!d be f« rlunate m U>itr repre.-e-.t the pe pie of the first Dr. Jno D. Btggs to represent fchill. ' " Ccagrws. J. C ANDERSON*. J. D WOOLARD. j V s r ~~ N i lir u ir «v t£ thf iran ftr Dr. Htcr- is tW bu for Vote for Dr Bi*g* He is a . ' •**" wft "* Dr . J * Pj Cna/ns. Ho takes plea ere ia Coa C .f -He «iD stand for the pxM IBMI and anil sen* tbe B«f> f«-r Congress for he wiil long™* wrf , a g-od revraseatatire. P»«««W P~P* ngal* of the people. DICK SMITH. I 5L COLLIN PEEL OS. AN PERSON* C. D. CARSTARPHEN. JR. I I ' > J V— ' ■ L - . .. * * r — r i i r ** You vi .'l not regret vo- vm I *T fcr °7 Bi *f? C " ' I* «'«* s capable. ' I favor l*T J. D H kjt> , fmnr I* Jokll D B«. 1 for J- D- Ikggs for Con f" * tae*«s* l' ( I'l*™ l - ton »ive a«i as trsijrht as an ar Ctj»rre» h«iU£* if h»» iiwra- Cm*r«ss >—— ■»— be is a f™" because it is time fcr a Dr. John D. B!*r* to iervitiW but yet jndope ilent I rD> qupj.ficat v. depe-rfakte ' cjg repre- baaiaarn nan and fanner to take the district in Ceagrrss. enough to i-ave at heart the■ nt , ri -| r the place of the lawyers who .. «, .tanwv I« inte.cst cf the people R. C HARRISON . J. fAM GETSI-Nt,iJt WJ. HODGES hawe held the oAce for 90 years. ÜB. BROWN j 7 „ kcse I | j J. 0 . NANKING. v V ' •v x V " ' V V ■ V , : s f~ — * r " k ' 1 \ " A 1 toaftUy rtfooTifriJ tad \ .te for the best B *** is the ma " . The Enterprise prej- eilts «**» *f the •»- ««rirt pam—*y endorse i D. B«ir . L .. *' r»|«»e=*nt this district in ton- sfl Make no ■wtsfce by ntu« tor .• , A. int r __. v these testimonials of the f ~ d- , r.. ? -«i district, i k- E P CI'NNINGHAM , , „ ANDREWS / * • j *I u no* « SIMON ULLEY. is the a»aa for tfca effce. h. Andrews. friends of John D.Bifffrs, A ANDERSO.V v v " asking a careful corsid- v N oration of his filnefs and r / ( * J qualification to rcprc- / \ \ _ We recommend Dr. John D. ' ___* (.„ « P ,.f l\: K ( r |~4 I «oasider Dr. Birgs to be the T>ie |ieople of the first •i>»trtct B«s as Worthy of yo«r sup- 801,1 l " e *'™ " 8 v *«* ■»- for pradartton of the pablir ar^jri cannot cUt a better mar for f Capita. j n /' nn rf#MM£ '"■■■"■ hwary, * licence and ties and the first distric is proud C«-«w» than John I> H**- 111 1 Oil -JTCSS. t- l-_ - ___ J A. EVERETT A SONS. *e»e~hM*y. . **** t# A T. CRAWFORD. ....... ran far afltoe. J We join with them in c D CARSTARPHEN. . NATHAN ORLEANS. their appeal to the vot- ~ - - ers to support a straight r — " forward business man / N I raJorM John D. I; fx* as lam fur Dr. John I). Bit.-.* Ito guard the interests of I JV* for Dr. u*m D. KRS I I "**• *•*** *u» •«* district I Csagnnaan from the fir»; , f . _ . , . . I for CIIHIHI of the frat dt»- *• *P Ji»: nt ' • the people in Hashing- '(ML pmtmmtr of eleet»» a such maa JNO D. SIMPSON l) D - STAILS - «> ton. | G. H. HARRISON. W. R. ORLEANS*' * ' • ' -* ■ '' * * ' ■ 1 . • f * / f~~- ~—————— ' I Do you w&nt a clean. aL«. | —, ( . I honest to repre-ent .« « - Ilartin County shou .1 i)r Uiegs mh , T fht to L. Biggs is the maa for ■«* " • mmm r I TIT J «> r Jonn I» ' "*"** -'Wh.th.i^^TTZ D. Bi|p He will serve »« .lvsrirt. for he U aepndaUe. c-f the first distric*. «"■" imiißi I farthfwlli , J. H. ilßl'vr J. J. CKEGORV. C. A -HARRISON ». C. RARKRa _ 1. L iMJUJNjA J V _J - _ , . «- * »- V ' * ' , . • . . ' - . ' ■ j ' '■ . % — •». '* ' "**' ">f K __ .. ————— f ~~~~~~ V t ' N J 1 A man for gover ment that is Not pjEties Irat Business is \ oters of !l» first district | y am Jalm D. > tbe people and for ilie peoplo «rhat we need. Vo t for Dr. Jna. : ** d hca- itafe. to support B%®s i imi lit I ' for Ca^iass Vj-e for l>r John D. Biggs or I) "*l• '« C.tgiess. He ariil a baß*t, i wfl kt aa Confess t thtni. . - , - 4 R- BROWNING. j \y ANDERSON v . rßimK , c. O. MOOKE. . v -- JO? *- imßWtm* f ( lam 118 a good safe K «* * fVtnim hat a rw! ) maa for Corgress and I Wiiff ritiwm and aaaU maka • Dr. Bins «a fin the UL -j, . 1t , ~,,I MTITr , W. G. LAMM. W. H CRA WFORD- J I a. : -■ ■■ " \ J ■ ■ .v ' - .*'.f * ■ • mtm. THE WILLIAMSTOX. WOCT CAMOUKA. FWPAT. MCM H. MM-