ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OCR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO 15M HOMES OF KAKTUi COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 12 QUEEN CONTEST BEGINS WITH THIS ISUE Any Town m County can Elect A Beauty Queen OBthtlHlMerftki(p«(r there w9 be M m Mdk cmt« to be mH as a me far the nana to repc ■eat yi *— aft the East Carolina ripaaiTiia which tabes place April 71b to *l2lb to titwi 111—tii i from «nr the cetiie East era patt of the State ril be there and WSliaastaa should be represented by «ae of her pretty young todies. It is mm af the i all i ia the contest that this youtg lady sou* not be aarritd | and so ia noting be sare to send in ' the name af a stogie girl. Kis Nina Upton represented WB- j liimoliei last 3*ear at the exposition in i Wilson and she nmde a very favorable ■ ■■;— M an thoae attending j Bat with the voting being done by the aadiences at the exposition, the 1 toarn giving its qaeen the most sap part has the best chance of winning.' yet there are thousands there who; are not represented by a queen who! support the girl who is prettiest to { them. So let's elect a pretty girl to represent WiUtonutoa aad then go j there and rapport her danng the ex- j pssiliim The winner receives a beauti- j fal $54000 diiaaseil ring and last pnainli by aauae of the lending stores BULKS TO BE OBSEBYED ABE: 1. Any single girl to Wiliamton township is eMgiblr. X. Every person, in WQliamston town ship is entitled to one vote. X No puin caa cast a second vote if the person of their ftrst choice ah—ld decide to withdraw from the rat*. I Coo pons published in The En toi prist may be ased for votes or blank coup ear will be furnished by this aWce or by Mr- Hagh G. Horton. ' Secretary af the Chamber of Com i Votes mail he mailed or bronght to The Enterpri-e office where they will bo connted and given oat daily, aatfl Monday night Marvh 31st at IX Any town to the connty can send a qaten to the exposition bat they are given only this week in which to select her. Committee in charge. Hugh G. Horton. Chmn. W. C. Maaninjr C A Harrison VANDEBLir REPLIES TO BIS ADVERSARIES Declares Hm One Concern Is That Cm i apt ion la the Government Shaß Be Rooted Ont Washington. March *».—The action mi J. Horace Harding of New York to nfaring- to sit with Frank A Vanderlip mm the obard of director af the Continental Caa company. fence tonight from Mr. Vanderlip. to draw the attention af tie people to the need of a elm nop in variona • Vanderlip said. he was willing that "toy awn upalsliiia rhonld safer, as R has, hirauir af what has been -No ms fikea to affead deliberately I I ' gnad tase.~ Mr. Vanderlip said. "No Ma who has enjoyed the ■torn af his fellow ciUaens as I aatf dilteiauli radar n doad. I fad 1 'itr." Hnrdtog objected to Mr. Van - derhp's Bktorriiff speech to arhkh be teU af ii that Fiiridinl Hard ■g had aaid the Marian Star far ■are than it was worth, and Mr. Vanderlip hns injgaei from the caa OF THANKS rad tina\ far lhaae wha kimKy ii with a depth sf feeling that I wish " 11 MGRETA COOKE. THE ENTERPRISE WOOD CUTTING ENDS IN HUMAN FLESH CUTTING Man Narrowly Escaped Bleeding To Death Friday afternoon Mr. Coat Swain, a farmer living about t oio from here, invited his neighbor j to a aood cut i ting. It seems he hnd hqunr and some of the men got a little too much. Among them was James Gurgaaus, who after the first drink called for more. Some of the beys* byway of a joke, filled a giasa with water and' when Garganas discovered the prank.) he became enraged and begaa fusssire j however, he was prriuailcil away and j ; jast s* the crowd hnd broken he re- i I turned walking ap behind Bed F. 1 | Bowen. who was walktoe away, drew j | bis knife and gave Bower.'* throat a i i ;-wipe. The kzdfe entered nearly in I : the front of Bowen's neck and cat; I around to the hark. ranging upward. j I !to wen was ru-ned to l>r. Rhode* ami when he renclned the Wtor hr! I was Med white and practically drained j dry. almost coUapsmr- However, the ( I araceaded m stopping the; blood promptly and Bowen » now able j to walk around. Sheriff Robrrson was ix.foimt i and j went to the home of Gurgacas where j ! he found him in bed and denied know-1 ling anything abont what he had done- He told bis wife, however, when he | reached home that he had killed a Gurgaffus is anfortnnately a drag J fiend, taking all kinds of dope and sometimes is very ijnii »rl*oo»e ITriea to Escape When Sheriff Robrrson reached the man's home he called himself unable f to walk to the car. so the sheriff gave | him a lift and placed him in the Fori On reaching the jad the same cum plaint that he was anihle to walk was made, so the ihtiiff agaia aided Ins | Jast as they were approaching the rate to the jail Gotganus asked to be allowed to stop to fix hk string snd the sheriff, good natunVy. grant ed the' vhk and loosened his hold for caa who was sa helpless a minute be fore sprang asd ran and offered the officer a mtii i chase The prisoner was f nan hi and placed ia jail where he is now awaiting the outcome of rut isffiited on Bowen Mr. Peel Asked To Candidate By His Former Students Mr. Sylvester Peel. Williamstea. N. C Oar dear Sir:- As the ihmousta primary for the . election of candidate* far the several state and county officers is near at | hard it has aimid to n that thru ' car solicitations, not only as citizens ' of Martin County bwt as your former J itadenta. we may be able to persuade ! yen to announce yourself as a candi date far the office of Register of Deeds af this connty. subject to the lYunary We as former achnal bays and girls sf jams feel that we are better ac quainted with you than aay me else rave j aui hnsaedtoto family and are know that year high sense of honor and duty is not excelled, nnd that yen are weß and nhly qualified and ! weald do honor to The High OSce | crhith we desire you to ill May we therefore earnestly ask j that ye naraeaeirr yourself as a candi dato far The Office of Register of Deeds of Martin Connty object to the coming Primary, and ia the event yon do announce jouisctf we aosare you that we vfl not the ia our efforts >' A gum Mmrig pen of our sincere Sincerely your feraser students. March 12. MR I J. T. Sauthwick. Mrs. Mattie Smith -1 wick. J. G M, John G Peel. A B : Lilley. W. J. Griffin. W. J. Lflfey. N. T. Tice. bn T. Griffin. A D. Griffin. Sr . Dnvid Griffin. eCon C_ Griffin. . Charles M. IW. Rny T. Griffin. W O Griffin. Jen. S. Cnffia. S. C. Griffin. John A Griffin. Ethel Grifc. Thos. C Griffin. John K Peel. Lewis H MBS. POPE VERT ILL „ Friends of Mrs. Bettie pope nun sorry to Ran yesterday that she had ' been token ioHIIIIJ fll at her baaac an n. oghlan stmt aad little hop* aemal boras, bat today she is feel- Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday; Mnnoh 28.1924. DR. BIGGS WITH DRAWS FROM RACE Realizing my inaptitude for politi ' cal honors and that I can not give . enough time to my campaign 1 have ! decided to withdraw from the Con ! Tvesstonal race aad retire to the rear j ranks of my party I wish to assure my friends of my, sincere appreciation uf their support and of my willingness to serve them whenever I may have the privilege. Respectfully. JNO. D. BIGGS FARMERS Al>VlSfl) NOT TO INCREASE COTTON ACREAGE j By Clarence Ousley Former Assistant Secretary of Agri- j culture • I The mo t important statement yet' : lade concerning cotton production | j for 1924 come* from the Department jof Agriculture. The Department ha«- . made a comprehensive surrey of world j condition-- and aJvise* American farm- j jcrs not to increase their output thi* l year except as increases may result {from favorabV weather and improved ' ! farming methods which decrease the ctoots of production. Concerning cotton ' the Department says: "In the lirht of general busines" conditions, the cotton market give* a comparatively good price. It must be j f remembered that a large crop if se-' I cured by increased acreage and ex-J pensive pr>»taction methods, would ' j tend to lesult in a decline in prkv., II which mirht more than offset aay re-. sultiag reductions in cost due to hirh-. er yields " As to acreage, that is already de- ' ■ | f-rmincl in the preparation* the ' farmer has made His intentions arvl i •' n*ar rannot weU be rhaaeed except . siiehtly by unforeseen conditions of I weather, for he has planted in part. I he has secured seed and he has male provisions fur his entire farminr pro • • gram Hence the acreage is already r practically fixed, though there will be - no'sto*istirul calculation af it for some r weeks. • ' In the common jmlgmi lit of the ' | trade, of agnraltursl observers and of • three of the professional forecasting | r ( bureaus of the l aited States there, ■ will be an increase of acreage this I f ■ year of from 3 to C per cent- Quota- ! tions of prires aad actaal «o»itract - j made for future delivery reflect the j expectation of a larger acreage and a larrer crop If price.- are to be lower it be ( hooves the fanner to reduce his costs i of production The only way he can 1 do that in any considerable degrve is j by reducing the acre yield. Assum-. ing that the farmer follows good farm 1 I, ing methods, there are but two ele-1 II ments affecting acre yield, vis, the! 11 weather and the boll weevil ,| With an indicated increase of acr -11 eage and aa indicated decrease in r '■ price, therefore, the cotton farmer's . best hope of profit lies in preparation . for weevil control Every state agri f cultural college, every county arrent i and the National 801 l Weevil Control Association have the information by i which every farmer who will to do so . I may escape weevil loss and make a . | profit aopn cotton under average g j weather cwaditions. . t LITTLE CHILDS MED I THIS MORNING f Sylvester, the lb months old child of Mr. Slymter Raynor aad wife, died I ( this mornmg after a two days at . tack of ptomaine poison whirh. per f hap* was caused by eating candy t Saturday. I The burial nil be at the old Ray nor ■. buryjic gtotnd at Mc. G Ped'.v I MISS THOMAS HOSTESS , ' Saturday evening fro 8:36 to II JO J Miss Thoma*. of the local school ! faculty, entertained a number of - people at the home of Mrs. B A t- Cntcner. ; The home was artistically arranged kj with spring loueis and greens. Tito "• guests were received by Miss Thomas '- and served punch in the back hafl by >• Mrs. Critchcr. L Mah Jong, bridge and danrir.g were enjoyed darn- the enfoing- A-salad couire was erved far refreshments. Those present were. Mr. aad Mrs. W. H. Biggs. Mr. ard Mrs. B Duke Critchcr. Mr. aad Mrs. Elbrrt Peel, a Mr Mi Mrs. A. R Denning. Mr. aad d Mrs. BL A Criteher. Mios Elhabeth e Bunas. Menu. C D Carilsiphrn. Jr. e M. H. Wolff. B. L Cibuin sad J. G. r Godard. Jr. I- ■ Ton teat hove to be 21 to vote. they afcould be capable af tefling d what ia pretty and what atot. I I If ywa hain't a girl onto for the lather fefloTCi. RW be al right we are I MARTIN COUNTY TEACHERS. HOLD I REGULAR MEETING Next Meeting To Be Held in About Three Weeks ■ » The Msrtin oCunty Trachers met in the Williamston school aodttonum on Saturday afternoon. March 22. At two-thirty the meeting opene« with the son—"Battle Hymn of the Ilepublic."" Rev. R. L Shirley then !.d in the devotional service. He rend the forty-sixth Palm and offered a shprt prayer. After the singing of * ""Juanits" he talked of the "Influence cf the Teacher." First, he -poke of ■ I the teacher's inability to dictate his | price and the consequent -mall salary j which he so often receives Yet. the J I teacher's influence over a child is «rreater than any save that of a moth ; Kf. and of a far different nature than j that of a mother herself He insisted ' teachers face their task with a mile ami optimism, for the best pay. ! : nd the most valuable pav after a!!. « . is the "consciousne .■ of enrice well rendered™ The minutes of the February rrvet " ing were rem: Supt. R. A. Pope ann.traced that , the County IVmonstrator would soon |«t on a "l-ive-At-Home " campaier. The purpose of this eampa:rn will Se : to gei people to pledge themselves to ' live at ha me. not out of tin cans. Mr Ainsley distributed Final He i port blanks among the teachers. As very few census cards had been I sent in to the office. Mr. Tope asked all teachers to toko the censu.- of j their schools or get some competent person to do so Special reference was ma>te of the country schools Mr. I'ope next talked iW the Kadinr Circle work and the method of testing that might be n-ol He Kurirested that the lender*, -end in one hundred >|west*oa> to be typed at the office Then either ten or twenty from these lists tony be given as the test A term paper may be substituted The mi in patt af the ha i ion* period was used by the delegates who | rave brief accounts of some phase of j the State Assembly program I Mr. Davis was the first to spewk Of i special interest to him was Mr. Joyn- I er's speech on Rural Schools. Cooper j athre marketing was stressed. He. toe. | was impressed by the eulogies af Ay- I cack made by Dr. Alderman aad Dr. 1 Brooks. "Physical Training" and "Masir in the Schools" were the maia J toP*., discussed at the City Saperia j tendent-/ meeting. 70" at the last ' reneral meeting. Mr Davis said that ) many resolutions were drawn up. but | perhaps, the greatest one was the one relative to an eight months school • term, d Mr. Aimley was then called upon to give his re part. He stated that be would give jutt three things that ' made an apepal to him. The eight months school term; the stonterdiza I union, school. He gave the system af 1 -tandardisatioa as laid down by Rio* ' Kulghum For primary giatee. equip- Iment shall consist of drills, perception cards. Phonetics, general seat work. ' and three supplementary renters. Far intermediate grade equipment shall consist of map., globes, library of at least tea books of travel history and , fiction, one dictionary for ench room, ' ai.d only oae grade to a teacher ( Mr. G. W. Rhode- spoke briefly of his tri ptq Raleigh He attended the High School Principals' group The County I' nit Plan, the Csaislidotira " an-1 Accrediting of the Elementary School, the eijght months school term. I ?t-d the pnhlwnl >m of a school nafr ■ arine (for the extra one dollar of the Jtwo •tallars membership feel were , mentioned by him as having interest I e>! him The following tww statements > were «|Uoted by him as ideas he le- I crived from some of the speeches: f "No pessimist should tench school-" :|"This state store the World War has peat more money on public education I jtlan it had before the war." Miss Pritchett stated that Miss k' Gage of Penhody university gave n ' | helpful talk in which she insisted {that primary teachers not try to make s I grown people of children, as its 91 I I effects are not curable The ex .iihit--, she said, were good. She atn . j t ared the fact that President Wright • f Greenville gave aa able adßi 11 .' .ii which he made a plea far mora I; isnral ■ckdslr as n solution for the i j-Better Teacher- problem A Miss Marjorie Enelaad told of the - importaaee of comhtomg oduratioa and labor m the boooe. She montiowod the fact that she heard the ■—te of i! greeting from the American Secretary t of Home Eiimomiri Art to Ma re— i that she lisrrasf I t Mr. Gen. W. Smith stated that this i was the first State moating thffi ha had attmlrJ aad that R wax the 4 v SUPERIOR COURT ] PROCEEDINGS I The second week of Martin county j Superior Court operted yesterday at . IO o'clock. The jury was called and ' i-everal members a>ked to be ex cmseu and five of then; were excu*ei for the term The only ease tn.d last week after the Little divorce case was. P-oßae Johnsoa zr*i wife a ' vs. *"• T* Henry Wynn. * This was a suit drvucht to recover - a small pw of lard located :n the j * Free I'nion sectior of Martin coontv. r .A - ? J consuaune practica!!> two da> >. The j wst of t-ne trial was. pi I hips several , J.rae mo-re than the value of the land. I * The case of Roy Kaebuck vs the A. 1 ,C_ I_ RR. Co. compromised. TSe I ' ■'o'eiviant company payiruc to the ' the -urn of Jd' « Owimr to the s>kres •* ' attorneys, roar: a *v>urned at 11 o'- * • clock for the day 1 Jure Caoi ope nut I c-xirt a|>jn this ! lMtrang bet p ttviliy every on I the calendar ' tra! tolay had Wbe j' tv*.i iiueJ he*ia«- of of at-j* toraeys. ! CHILI) BADLY IN- ! JUREI> WHEN GATE GAVE WAY ; Krnest G.lx U* » year oL « f Mr Jan . anJ wife, of the !'r >wn Sp".'t« >«t-oa -uflerssi a very j i-rjOt accidm*. yesterday morrir.g j v hen he r*tcsapo to tum a calf out | of the 10. ar-l the heavy rate which 1 1 t-pene«l to the co~ k-t fe'J on h.n ami j - broke hs rirh* lee above the knee aml the right ar.kle. a! -o the left let: ; | ju -t above th - ankle. In the break of j | the left le« the bone stuck tkrourh the ' flesh j • V.'arnrn and York were call- j ed and gave pf»|«r attention to the ' T.our«l> an>l at the present tune the j little fellow sevms to be frtlinr j fairly mell We wish to -tate that this mfiest ! ! v -as brocght to our c-Ace last week and | through an error of the make-up man j • it was rot put a lad Friday's issue j as it should have been 5 Gallons of Liquor Captured by Chief Chief of I\d»re J. C. Mann in* v isited the £ar»ien Terrace store of | Mr J. K McGovran la-t week with a I -earrKir - aprty ami >ur.-ee«ied in And-1 ing S -likes of liquor which wa>j foun-l -.ttinr arowsi in the open The «ttrer- say that Mr MKtowan clams i» was a little liuwor for the s-e of I his wife who is an mvalsil , | The liquor was seizt-I arel Mcu>ann catered mto bond for his apfararance , tefore the recoevier leit TueMtay. * STOCK MARhETS . | ! The daily of the New York f stock market is a -oukt of s >iw • > r■nm.i.t to the fellow uho he> ' - not deal It is >aM iKat to the iea! ' i n there is either rla>lne>- or tt 1 r We are gomg to r»e the he»ilines I of the dady papers herinnme Mon t day the 21 ami on through the week. , I to order that oar readers mirht oh- ' , -erre for theatsdves. Monday March 24. "Cotton IW r Break Sharply ~ ! "Activ* Month* Closing laO Potots ( er Lower. I nder Heaiy Sellm: —Mid , i lie; 273 i - r "Sharp Advance is RegL-tered hg , Specia'tins, Aang them are Xorfoik •too Hrtm It R Stock and the s Stock of the a and IO Cent tS»res ~ U itch the comparison for oae week i' Mr BoUnd Robe .pent the week-end here with his father, who is very ill at his loae in New Towm. i v-arre of south inspiration and help i to kiai He attended the Vocational * Grup. and served tm a committee for I core card for Buy*' Farm Shop. Yet, i he heard Mr. Joyaer** talk «■ eo I mnrketmjr. aad heard a I', e S. Army odrerV talk oa the use nnd I akaie af the Aaorrican Flag This. - be said, was extremely toteresting. -j After these had ghrea their short re I port? Supt Pope a a very few anrdi t rave hit rapwi lina of the State I Meet in T. that each eaa aeeuoad to e'feel Kiaietf oae of a group trying !to solve the paoklimi of the group e The ieterestrar and diiersifkd pro I' ers were reaßy dsieg lomKhag. r | After these n anil Mr. Pspe dis f missed the geaeral seraioo and the - Primary. Gromarir Grades aad Hi*h c. School Teachers to their re i pec ■ * 81"PT. R A POPE. Prnilrat. I EVA IREXE PEEL. Secretary- 777/ftcJL /feM ESTABLISHED 1898 MARTIN COUNTY TO HAVE ANOTHER ROAD SOON. From Williamscon To Washington County Line The Suit bdmj cmbbi>-JOS has J a-tvertc*.! for M- MB a cumber of | i .in the 'tale a cri siii rmrrrf ■ i bhf* ttda; at jl> «ficr a RaV t*- The first iluthtt fHlttr Three. no : other •Istnct in the State (tfttisi ;' more thar two The pnjMl- in Ki' j - district are: ii Project Nft !•! Beaaf>tl Court!. I consists of Eik» «c route 30 be- ! tween New Here 1M CHoraarinitj 1' Ileis »;D be OT and in'nint Project Xo. 1 Marts: County, con j sbb of 17-51 n;W rente #. from WidimstMi to th» Wa.Jiawtw Coun ty line Bab will be iwfwl on drain i-r and -awi UT surfaciajr. Project Xo Id Xas#i Coßnly.'cori sirts of liJ«S mile- oa r*>ales 5S and ' P*. The * ->rk mcieiic. the porter of route 5* from \*-hi iriie to the Frank- ' lin Coo-'.j lime tow iM Warren ton. and that par' of rwete fron Cas ta! ta to the Krarki r C«aMt !sne to ! unli Bw» aie i-koi for «!iaiiL".j, rr*t.r f ir) «r>: tay sur- •. III.PI KUCAN COWEVTIOX IN SESSMIX %T PIAMOI 1H Ihe KcpuM irar l . ~rrir-.ional Coll- | ter.tion la tout at llymouth w;!l if ..-nate a rat»l»iate for Con- UUU iK>i el*ct .ieJerates to the He puhticar Xataoral CvßimUie to be l.eM at in JOT* Wheeler M irt ar»J J T l"rx» arr > - tf.-»liiir from WellsaaßsSon TRIIXGILAR DEBATES ' j The tnasralar .Wfcitf by t.V State I hieh *chooi- «ai be heM Krday ! n«ht March -5* It «* with T ll— e re*ret that we lo IMi 4*l ViHawloa oa the 11-4 of ] r.-n:e-tant- -iw wr Kate hai the I honor t» r»» as far as Ctufr' Hill in j the coenpetioet for the i« nl* on several , occaoob ait>l every eta » 'lmuM be j arrvriol the nfma( fntjkrr of a j trial- Mr ii>i llr*. J Glr itixi Mrs I jv heeler Martia a»i Mr M H Wolff are attending the show :a W ashm»- |tu« this after— la Mis IV»*Jr ha> n-taraed (• Xew Bern where -be visited 1 Mi-- Mar;. Wat.mxtk Sbe is >|en«l- ! r»r -«>ir-e tune amb kn sifter. Mr. W T Heater at brr Imow in Xe* lowa Mr K. C. Jwe) of the Scotlaixi Xerk >yaa> Compass) was a W.:re - rjii ' tor in town Moalai Mr Kli lUbHtw» left thi» moraia£ ' t«» Itrlhaiea where be will visit l-Kwij foe a few 4ayv j - | Sprint; m to have OIMOI its '> rhoiiilr. It M.: be that tt» rukl -«*) |,ale> kaie wrecked it Xot in | triliy year- has W( lem so Itrk • war»l THE >t l* H«»MI P (PER Soaw-UaM-- tbe letMnt «f a com- j ' BidKy .toe* M ahv tbe L -.rwr paper a hirkdy ibe> tbe nai or woman . wf> ha- WSTOI awa>- There is a short po«-■» abf" thiifbi MMjßmi- ha beer, jut.- the lUHMds of paper- in other Mttaaai of the CMUtri for *v eral year- aaJ eiflaaar lite feeling of the nat>r ato has away from >iwr We nud lAe for every readier of The EMerprt»e to rc-aJ this litis mm iahe of arpnriatM It fol low.: IPs pf.r te.! «U U>kau4 ai-i h'.raely, r in of a rull county twwa: V. ith aa ■« ft nr*ea i ■« at its wrap t** *■». Thr putaaa. n M»ni, thrown it down Bat I seas ever; la* that it offers. Each item baft loaartlnag to view, IkiHfk the ibta of years, through yilt't pleasure aal fears. It stnw tknr km t—rh to renew T-e death af tbe pH 1 «CT courted. The fi—ith of a Cm I mil Jeer- ' T* rie of a fmd 1 lote to ctanen! The fall of a mac. I wwmi As I read I drift luaa ij backward, To tbe ebn to live was a joy. 1 think mmd 1 pin; dl Ike catjr*s dall nar Ciaws faint aal apaa Pa a hay- Rare fiif—i rf pm ■■■"*!> bjr "J*. v--*- -- —;.«n»ni.nJ Pair aaar of fc»ut aad bee*. Aad the jaainl little ton with the streets kahaf tjgm a ¥ - :/• ;■ . » VTCH THE LABEL ON VOI U P A PEE- IT CARRIES THE DATS VOIR SLBSCRFTTPOX EXPIRES I JAMES H. MIZELLE DIED AT HIS HOME YESTERDAY A. M. To Be Buried Tomorrow In Baptist Ceme tery Vr. Jamf- H. Miiel'e «:iM at tls i-ome on we-=t Main strw: yesterday iH-miPi at S c'cloek- H» nal been K-k with pr.eumorta for 14 days and a few .lays airo hts cor.ktior was ir -u -ht to Kave beer, better, bat he ; ufffffd a relap>e the Md tme 1 r.irefully yesterday nonin(. Mr. Mizelle was ao years oU. mar j ie»i Mus Mau«le Bowep ud be-ide* ha; leave- four chit tren. Mrs. Jordan \T=rd.*Sli>s S Mizelle of De tn it. Mrs. H. P..Taylor. Jr. ami Km Una HL only -op. John was lulled in Francs* He 'iswfc volurtpered ar-l w as a mer he" of the !>i\ isior.. Mr. Mirelle haii beers a very hard Worker, havine heen eej3i»t! saost of the t;ri» for thirty year- It. the Koarvk- nramps. I> also did en ilorable »n!ir.| 'iiinn- fat per a .i- This wia.s th" «ev- -th time be !>ad pneumoria. hut a«e "jj toj-* on Vim. so that h«® wra-i no aUe 1o lesi.-t.- He will be bur tom.r!»« at the ! aptist cemetery The funeral will k- HeU at th? residence at 3 o'clock. CANDIDATE FOR RE(;iSTER OF DEEDS To the I>eni era' ic of M rtin C'fcurty: I take this means t aa-oaxnn)t myself a cansliiiate. aivii jolit ..n» your supps>it. for the oUk -o' Kei;; er of Dtdh, suhjec* tt> att orr c* the IVmcfra'ic Primary to I* Md june Tth. IS_*4 1 ha\e serrtd Deputy Re? : -ter of ItreiU for the past three year- and trust that my services, as >acfa. aar rants 'he s.ijport arni fOMidm.v of •bs v.te:s o «f Martin. CourAv. z :> ii t irr." xciis. ]GEOR;I\ RKPRESEXTATIVE HAS I A titMll» WOKII MIR fINIR J( HAS Washington. March SI —Al3*ed j rraft in the- zovernmeat wi_> cowl j y -stenlay in the Uusf b> Kepreseo- I tative l_arse. IVn«Knt, * "Xot only I.* _•!' the men ic the hixn plan- of the be pro.-«ute>? for r ■; tiny, bst bu JMSS men wbo -• inn niiiiwf offi jcia!s should i>- .i i 1 ie der'ated. j "Judas was a better aa.. ;rar • any j that exist Isdir, for l.l have the divency to commit ~ Mr. Larseri Diaii.U:sr>i t*va: t varies K Forbes, forrnei dimur of the veUran.-.' bureau, wunki urf have been iii.lictevi but for the -nve tixa tion of a -enate ibramittae and went on reconl as *.»• pulxy of ceasiriK investiiration, as l«g a. we e'.;« .* RTaft ais! wron-.! jia;."' He attacked John W Chm. ">rwr as sistant attorney wiw. he .-aid. 'hi- been apm-tn: ,v a pecial attorney at I I.M* 1 ptr asastk." —for the itovr mment in the ir".. -»ro' ba nau case ha.- been done?" he askcul "He ha iiktwteil two men and that's all - TRAFFIC MEX TO MEET Kin-ston. March 23.—Ea-tera Caro lina traffic men will meet at Golds boru Tue.s.lay at noon to cc-nsjder propose.! increases in freight rates to point- in thi.- ertion from Ohio river axi western points. Ihrirtors of the newly urKaniiei traAc h.reaa repre senting chambers of conut*rve in this territory' *>H attend aimo-t v fthout euepticn. it a evprcte.: H Gait Braxton, of this city. he- af the bu reau todiy al! interested busi ness men to be piresent. Tie r cetinj will be opene.l at n-wt —*"• Mr Tom Cook of .J Mount -pent the week end la tr'. a w th kis | f: mi!y. Ih>n"t wait for the Jane pricrvjr to vote, vote to day for tbe girl you ■ would have to represent | '.pr. n hip at tbe E C. Ktpoot oa. I About cs earth's claries Lnfarled. I Each heart amle«led. w>th tk- buth of a chfld. Looking forth to a place isi the amid. Aad the paper tells bow all kn : proa pint 1 follow their Irrea aa they flow. Applaadiny each (aa aad KfieUaf ■ Par the sake of the dbys bet iga. Above afl the have city diScr far mm hoar • » * ' ■* I'm

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