;HE ENTERPRISE; iv •» «.C MANNUKCw m. C MAjbilXC. JR. —BUS- MGR. iSttwdy Cash la A*aa«e) , SJ-» .aaad at th( >*Ht OMea at WO —»— North o'ia oa mmtamc- TL'ESDAV. MARCH z*. IKI •" rf*- Carolina 01 no * feavjnp 59.18 actomotnles cosuwr by aSAMtMr. IZSJWIIM dolbrs- Ttte>e ark r fcarures. riartß caaaty has purchased lM* j.m mahfi- -or «K f OT n ' r - l "~ : fcaofort. Berue. Halifax a.*> Pi« ns-r*- cars ia proportion to t «p«la -iee Hartai. Edpecumbe havin* a c at for each » C-f ttse coan bordennp Martir only Washier i»c ha- fewer cars per that MarUr. they ownuir aae ear for tart 35 people The iairest aomU-r of tar- oimr-i it the *6 jawordiny to jk petet on t? s tne htcnvnl sretwe They be n* t!«e m&t prosperous br ait- • tk** anwtbrr piair statement that ElifTtiß RAVNDERS INTER VIEWS tX»NKEI>EK \TE \ IT. Tsw fo'iowinc .--r.irfe recentt> ap ptarad ia t»* Independent of U'- abe-.r City as zr interview bv Sasnoer- arith Wm N in « jrar ok. «-tonfeaer»te .- .Wter. .Hrrt last -eek. ju--t one week after t»* interview We prirt '- *•" 1 lory le«4« fw the yoath loday- Kr Parker? says: -If | was a yoacx mar, r.owa iay a «ife. H » » U Chaoaa «r « jOes Coanti s -here 1 calii lu b* a ira! helpii.; ' urr ,>a * }.) —« hay «eto hfc »ar««>- P* kjT ' r vl tot j® !«■ Ml- with the mer.folks, or ' up to Ker elbow in the tub. belpir.* her Ma Co tne famdy Ttsea I cave a smart wotuan who'd be a »«»• Mtebtepi. niah happy arsj-' rat* the lie the> oaph* to be raised " * Tfea> -pi-k' Uilliam X Park,", rt jear-o!: of Soathera A«e ear this- crty the other day A mar i who hens satisfied wtth the saee wife for 5* year>. ai-! who .loe-r '- 1 track haghly of the arry.nrs oo o# ti* parser': uay seneratsoe- -a pette»t epefled ano pamperoi U>t. in k«s opr »sc. wt» tet kr.ow hoar to work a"* - 1 wfco by vjrtw of r.evor NatiM bees I ao a*aa«to- «t. wtU hnd it hard to nakr J the rrade the.r forefather.- "Ode Mr Pa-krr Ines with b_- Tn year m ~'e. an acttve woman an. tun tected. wt»o does her owr. cooktr - a tj j sweeptET The caple can rurcoer, CS d HI i»ii« T who visit I tttmt t* uw. |" w!w>ni iff s- j dihcr S7 parnthiMi*#, and, 3 I [ml it i irtim — *f "Wfß. I'm living or borrowed t-me~ Mr Parker. "Ar.d I cii Ij*ill The old lady and me both have jrot uut than our three-j KOI* and ton Taken aiUfr.ur I weVe We weh eaaayh Wh> j we never aad a *T>t »■ •" aac iaj) a few crass words." avows Mr Parker, to whici. his wife he .rlilj 1 {aeu we've been too la>} to %M. he coalinacs. 1 reckon aow adiays M falks had more to do. they'd pt alac bettor. who ha«« t» I aaafc to hac ap a tmmUr of cuSltt a the aay they aba aid go, aes who tile far thaar fadies, nan whose fcjghagt amhitiaa is to he a wife to L-trd all a* her daj& What aa a>«* , m a VtOt aaare work," insists this S l>nf c aU *aet* who » still the heed 'tf a family aad happy ' Mr- Paifaer served during the e* !tm* period «t tbe Civil War where as- a ahvyaaa he drew a salary of fl* a wcth for himself aad sl2 far Ire hone He came oat of the anry rax- for her had saved of isu- rapi He walked inUa giw |fi r -XoTe. piarked down a nolkir bill and asked the clerk for ten cents ■vru of tobasco. m - I vuiiiirl firt yoa le® fwts *Mtk of toaacco for a eirtkwi of it"", ujileii the cierk And the late private in the Confederate Arrry leansen *>•«* he didcl "hare a cent ii* thr worfd He uklt- settle do-wr, ir hit*, oh) inoe in Hertford Comity, but amp to Pas*piotarsk. irJ started farsassar 1E W went up on the r-TVAb sertior; to ret some whea: mi (foa acqaamtetl with his wife t( he. who n» Mis.- Bnabctf Pritehard la laree raor.th- they wer* snarried -The; were har.i tir.w- ir. the old isn." «ffltm*> the oti-rrrariii' I who say* he is oW enou;- n to sleep by hb-sK. hat ihcsfll We spur oct *n yarws. wore oar own dotws, sot one pair of shoes- a year. pw»v v:r sn ne»l and hominy, and Jived •oe rice 2nd '!«*.' ! wsk w«re Uan a.}t®Wf I couid folio-r l!« pk-w all «taj today ami show y m how to a! a M «•' P*** -|«.sk» wfll rerer wee anl times a&aia »r I saw -a>» 2lr. Parke*-j 11* yoaneer generation will neve; knew what wofk is. The* 'ioe Uit bowtotake "S»f7" are ne Uwtrt to." Sir. I'l'krr twilled the terr b!« 4a>* «f the Civil War whs-e >.e T , „-_ark*d ««n the 1 march «iar a» U" la>f hi.- -r la rr aaia a-krp loa* at the tiw. he tie-' Ss* »-cr»*"-- ttiier to his wrist Winer ( the Inornr !»•>« he awoke mil) freaiL- of I'r. John l>. j lltrr - f r»* t to see him within;* | I no tar race. ! (■»««> > o*« of slie chief rr--.-or»s i •fey he withdrew br*au-«- of the jrwoked watts are aiaaa t foroe*. j :o :raid m 'ho* Utu-r «iays whea t »% *mVt-T pohticx. It oer? was thai tnc= were called j ■» tae h*h of p ( Hy"the cry sap needs of the pe--p:e : IV. *v K 1 *' u * li * •' .>■(«» wealth in the ferae o» j rafl not «nb;nat»"> and the: •*•- _a | aandrrd aixi one kifs red spirits that se ■flaqci) pwwi interests Now sate? srjee ar*- ijet called hy the epofjf are famished thi m and if Ifcf -"uxt of lore for the people (alts a «u io the rotors, he is smith *te>« b> the pollUcai flood? mi «|uick t; tteaS ij e retire* in dis«wt- A pw« bui r« to t i If cik «dy be ti*e rxh. unless th»l (OX ta:. horn, the k-jee to the power> j that hr Of cwtrs* this is s»«! ard | omtf the sonir. faaaJjr can stars.! rt The pe*p> 4>> little thickinc: their ' rrk. TS » kw f »r thaw and fall i.'JnKtj#fs how io "ake j T>- ftrta between man and r**ej (x- nemer emr* Hotly contested than lit is u»«av We -jo n«t oecejaarfly mm: oee m Kus.-ia. (iermaK>. nor *V -t «e arxar those in the p'z r l -Jtel Male* ihe 3d««r cirrar. or rather what j Wis r—ltd the uwoor tmcms, was ore of ti* r«4 cofnpt>rrms!r jr thincs that it;- tk to? s . u prteratiML It fair ly toe Kr:pture **The !jKi aol The laraii Shall Ijc l>own T' (ti ' The rhomhrr of muhr.> was there. thr rfcarrhe were there, the gaaUen were there, aat the bed we call paUm, jart that kiad that rets jmt aoaney bccnte the w*eel stof» a! the mcp piare. The cms ronpany tod a litt!e ■rie and foar dogs, a g*«d ja«rtcr. aad a owe■ oalher. iar,» the 'games' A had oar »i i ■aaj ) ly poprlar called laft* which from gent rrJ appear Tit people «f the ilia, hooi.nr. hum In. far they an people ahooe «e j The mtf taaahle heiv that WBliam -too is an easy Kik, bet nobody can ' sajr asTthbe hit n—r, all aaKthed a ■ u^rtkeT ONE WEEK TO SELECT A Qt'EEN There reaaaiss only one wrek far WiUiawtat -to select its Qceer. to it a: the Eastern Carr'ina Expsitioa to he held a K lsli* are: north. Wsth the ciany damsels that Willizjn.>ton if fa'.crcd with and i«ot to daost one w«u! be I.ule l«a» than mjiirr. You reeaS the toaae last year when W5- i jam tor. was a:I apset orcr the cc;- test — 1 feow near Wfllia mtwi'r Queer, ca-ae wj-jur.* tV Jjcwsad ray. Vote for yc-er ipta-te-be »r the e«- ckwl aad isail It u> Ti : En terprise at ooce. Wgatflaa is soinjr to scad a Qceen to the Exposition aad it i> yacr doty u> hel| lame h-r. j LOCAL NEWS OF BEAVER DAM Mr Hiap Soger* of Itear Gras> sepctt Saturday and Sunday cith fc'> penrt». K r ano Mr.- J. Ko*rr.-. Mr. Ira l>a>! *>ent to Wißiamstoa Saturday. Mr Ijester Koffr attended rharrh in W3lam>t«( Satiday ir.srnin?. Mr i-ji Mr . A. _L Bayaor spent Sudaj wisl; Mr awi Mrs John Cherry Bear Krrrrtt.- Messrs. John Caffipher ar>»i Clllir Cwßiyher aoUn>l to Greenville aad Wirt terr .lie Satarday. Mr asi Mr>. Hiner Chermn spent j Spr«da> .n Everett* wH* rriatjve?- I Mr., Kratk Berr.ett werrt tv Wifliam (it on Sauiiday- A n%ar * of ;he local people at tended toe c;rra.- ia WJlillMtMl last ' me>-k M'. K T- Leppo.F-3 of Kaieij-H. re |.r»j«c}i'f he Cattoa Growers As «a!M-r was w. '.err yester-iay h«k lisp' after hoinet* of h«- AsasoC-- atioa. • • o o Jew T- Pike atte ded Uhe lirpj". wai co venioa held in 1 Ka!eirh h«« Tar-day [CANDIDATE FXIK SHERIFF I terrHy iniiTf myself a cardnfat# for sheriff of Mart u Coa U.\ and so iKitior the lapimit of the IVmocnric vcters IR the IV« e-atic pnraiy to be hehi Jane ?th. IWI A B- AVERS. A hwk toms, say> J*Lr. is a piace arhere the aaan wath the Miucvicd na'L- to a .inasre! The recer.s n Kr.*t« it Hotly waoi has tie aathorities *o a whittle » Wmi aoi everybody has TO c» bock to their own bunpalo*. TV a aaW cf fce »«([ "It's a l-or«r -O I Way ta T Ip.eiiri ded reser.tly -t h.s 'i mi m* Cow-try. Er jr'an«i This aas » e of ti»e Htos". favored damp the war. After nen uriKar show, there isj !always .xl that it will be piit or. in! j .-t«'?i-e (LV "o*r_ Bcpn say. -irarsaacrs a** rood a' ; talkinp !ecia:e they live awr.y. frorr I we j ; P. B. CONE Dentist IE I'Snr •wr Fnam-rs v' i, Merciaats iip-k Howrs 3i-l? ai 2-S. Of»e p* li'Wj X» 9 Ers. So. ljS fT How to Make Money! y—W wmcn Illustration dcau ibcs luv to nuke Br-nK-TMT . hrtUtaMi Yf&fi? LMSOMBIEHMT «J»T»tP Lfd and Costly Wfcite vmaLx S qa»U pbn, and so make 1/4 cmlkM of Pore Pamt for $2.82 per^attoc. SALSBURY JOHNSON 00 INC.Hac-.stso •*V ' ' TIE LtIEOTIM, WUXIAXSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. to idKt a Qwec L uffuuit V.'fl laußstop ia th»E*pue*ti* to he held' maO to The aaeajrise at an. ! j TRUSTEES SALE ■ By ritvae of the a«ti»or-ty confer- I reJ in a* by a "Deed of Trust - ex- ] eca'ei to me bi C K Mohiey ayd G-1 N. Mctdey. on the 3rd day of March j 1821, and dsty wcwiißi i tie kfjnj ter of Dwfs c&r ia JLrtfa Count;., ia book G-2 page IK, to iccat the payment of a ce*ai bad beai f ' eves date and 'hmV-F «,hnli>hrj > j cm daie thrmflfl and the rfcpa!a- J i Uses ia said Dm of Trw tx> bar | , fcfr beesk cempfieai «i'h, I shall ex- 1 P«&e at poMic ikfxc, for cash, on j the 15th da. of AprJ 1921, at V. fl iUjattac, at Cacr. Hwee door 12 o'- clock Mart e Caaaty the fdkwi-f property, at a ca the \V£- lunutoc a d V. a! a Liar, cor. er cf Farrr.. thretf a! on* a fence t** bar to a Poy lar Tree, the ce a line to Northern Gate Put or. !b« of »*. J. jßddiek Creek Fin ihraee'a North - er'y cour-»e aioar- the W. J. kxfcfcck i Creek Farm to W Jliuuoa Land !a --i r> v *eme«t Ce'i- lire. ' ■« a ftia fht iT.e ana iJorr a:" W 1 iiwfca Irp. Co's. liae to a Poplar in ra of Sprioj ISranr* thenar a Soath-T'tt course up aait ma*. of ia»«i bra»Ci to r«a>t, the ee a!. !b *asd E«aii to 'be brtnaaur. coesta One-Eaa >ire»; (i'Dt arre-- j:*-r* or Se-i. Btt-g it * >!|ianitic Towrafcjp an . kr.own as Tut W. |.. Fa;sn_~* H II grtßßSk Trustee Thl> Vi-u litis. 3 ? NOTICE OF >* L»: or REAL ES TATE Under ard U t.iut of the p> w of dale co taine»i in a ceitiir. cf inut rurre: to the v: -iertif -*d rostee hy He" r Ca- a»i • fe. | »X e.i«ce Car-*- * It* 2T»fc «ky of Jz i. 193 0 «Mk *aud dred «' tm.-" i« lif r*rord ■ tie publ« irgrtir. of Mar* in Coaat) e Book A-2 at | v 43 1 . -and deed of Iras? 'urirjr been j»»Te« to same nertaiti ote.- of r-.ra fate and tew r tts*"r*-*Uli ar>i defrr.i having lee- istaiae it tfcr pavm> t of he ntfehtedEes* woaiM b; the asd ke-l of trust *n»t ».*e ibtw:. toa tri *d in Use saod «jeed of 'lust net hav.ng teen with aad a trse request of P* bolder of the aid notes, Ue wh'ei.-Ktcned U -u.*ee *0 or Uoraiay the ".ttt day of Apri 1>25 at 12 oVock M- 13 frwj of the ecurt hotkse tMor u> the ton of WillM-as ton North Careitaa offer for sale to (be nrhft b»duer for cm*h «b Ulltm mi. J»rr.lo) teoui estate, to-wrt: Fi.>t tract «*. the Ncrtl* by Itrtl Je «> Imw Henry Ciiior land*; on the Ea-t |r.- Ned lee. « he S.; uttb b» VeJ !jw. « the be 4 fcy Vi':Lia WiZUam* l-r>i. con- *{"« anes mre o. and beir.jr the -anae and «here !br saJd i "ar>«)ti ro» !im. Smv«i trad: R«:4(d Sj U"r j Smithwwk. Hrrr K afrit*.. ! ear. j Carsoai l.uir WiOuai wtas I in? 3# acre- janfjSy .ame br.' | huarkt front 1 (1 Kef. r t-1 Mart.n Courty ite*i»tr. f r a tetter I S—>i tvw IncU of Uiid br eg iw from i 111 Mil ■i wi fvfW ffUMO •tsf J C. Uxbni. T>tt» the I*h da? of Hatch,.l*4. | every meal ■»»ctlt« •■« ■ t-y * us It wakes »••» W. J. HUNTER, Trustee Martin and Pted, AttyV 3-18-dt. NOTICE Or SALE OF REAL ES TATE I Urxkr aid bjr virtue of the power' cf ak tavajted in m certain deed] cf tract ezecateu to the undersigned j trustee by Kherier Hassei! ad wife. EaatHatsd! « the 9«h day of July IMB which Mid deed of bat is of leant in the public registry of Mar :ia County ia Book N-2 at p*ge 309. said deed of trust hanng been giret for the of seruriag certairr notes of even date ata tenor there with. and the ebpabtMßs contained m the said deed af tHMt not haring been con plied with and default faring beer made in the payment of the ia ' j ' * • i - —■£ THE UNIVERSAL CAR Make Delivery Certain! TWTTH the entire factory output of Ford Can " being absorbed as rapidly as the cars can be produced, it is certain that plant capacity will be greatly over-sold when spring buying reaches it highest point. i\ We advise that you place your order at once, taking advantage oi yoUr dealers first oppor tunity to make delivery. i Detroit, Michigan , II you do not wish to pay cash for your car, coa venient installment tenia can he arrange*!. Or you can enroll under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. >k.ll \EAKE>I At'IHUKIZEU IORI* f>TM.Fir • *»C » « iarrißott iiroß. t iaiii (Lumpauij I Special Showing For Easter We are making special showings in Hats, Suits, Coats, Ox foi-d Hosiery, Di-esses. Sweatei-s, Silk and Piece Goods of all the new styles and colors. It will pay you to make us a visit before you make your se lection for Easter. Our assortment is the largest that we have ever shown and you will sure be suprised when you see the quality of goods c I and the low prices we are asking for them. j * „ H' J ' ' Come to see us and let us show you the 'argest assortment you have seen this spring. , ! l- - " * . % -■'*. ■ " * 11 . i. • ■' "■ ■ "*•* ■ "j S Harrison Bros. & Cb % \ COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK \ f IWILLIAMSTON*S LARGEST DKPAKTM3CT STORE >? r -> • * i i ..II ■ i i L_ idebtedoess thereby smutd aad at the icqaest of the holder of the said notes the undersigned trustee ariD on Wednesday the 23rd day of April, • 1324 at -12 eVlrsk SL ia front of the jcoarthsase door ia the town of WO - North Carolina offer for ' -ale to the highest bidder for cash the | following described real estate, to-wit: (Begicni z at a post oa Broad Street art. Bench"? Sine, rannirg along , BoaeVs line ia 2 Soctherr!, direction [ IST fee* to a ft oh. thence in aa East ercly directioo Ait feet to Faulk's line, tfce ce »i«»y Faulk's hse 134 feet to Broad Street, thence aJnir Erear! Street -SO fe*t to the begirrung. beirg the s*«n lot number 2 i~ the Crawford lot land drrifion and deeded to Emrna fteacnkrJ G. Him the 10th *7 rf Man*, 192 C R G HARRISON*. Truflfe- Hxrtiß and Bed Attanqn. •' ;r 3-11-tt- MMJlto TABLEIB far iwrl SVLVK^ mmedmi iitwj faaJhf far Ifa, whtd tiily —did— faMhytMil DarlßaiL