THE 1924 COTTON CROP % J. a Taylor, 80l WeevJ flpecial- It w3l pay tiuj wtta grower in North Carolina to haadto his crap this year as if he the ball weevil to' M farce. There is aathing to be pnat. whether we have few ar many * ■on. aad to the event of a heavy in festataan amy thousands bales of wtlaads mt giawtog the t*f? that bane prove* rfuUn ihialirw. aae mt prima. Every fanaer who aad ■liaiin stady mt the methods of naiiai. early adaiti aad apply crop Hew well he daes this will de termine whether he is to beat the ball ami or the boll weevil is to beat him. beeaase no insecticide will] save a crop that has not been handled j right to other respects. Jaot what particular fields of cat-j tea wil have rnaagh weevils to then;' to the early part mt the season to re- I quire the a>e of poison rrma i- U> j be drti laainr l after the weevils have] netaall y made their appearaice. but j all late crops wdl suffer ia any event. -—I hence there shoald he not late ' iup Some of the principal steps In iiiui m| the largest passible axacar: j of early fruit oa the cotton crop are; Setorttog Laad far Cotton To Til J naditwu. only land) that ia well dratoed should be planted j to cnttoa. and all nee**»ary d.tche* shoald be kept open winter and sum- j mn Land aa which water stands j daring winter months will not make natrk growth ia the following spring.. A aad af medium 'ertflity is best., althaagh the lighter sods, as also the j very rich lands, with the proper fer j caa be ma- 1 ' to produce 7 gaad crops A sa general rule, soil > thai have been pi ■to nag the asoe-t ripi I early growth are safest fo: , to the Laad Prepare the laad thoroughly aeJ pat | to the fertiliaer two or three weeks { f in order to allow Uaae far raias to settle the seedbed. A firm aaedhed will insure «pucker germination of the seed ami m«re rapd growth mt the pUat to its fir-t stages. The practice of applyin- fer- , til tier at planting ttoar, thas render ing it necessary to plaat oa a loose Hd. 1 T " be abandoned. Bed oa the fertilner*" at the taae it is applied with at Wast two farrows of a rather large taratog ptow. aad when yoc pi—« knock off the top of the ridge aith any suitable implement just a bead mt the planter Plaat shallow with as mach weight as possible oa the press wheel of the plaater. Whea to rtaal Early r 1 —"f a accessary. A late nap aaka a i l t g mark far the baH weeed. Bat do not overdo a goad thtog. It ia very im> itoat to get a perfect aland ht the first attempt ptoat -the eatto crap as qtuddy af cvsl. r «i#f- JW- \us ire iII 1 1 aaaea May thaa if pan had ■wmtmi a few h)i laager to first. Ptoat early, bat aat extremely early, ii a Bead ruto Kmd of Seed Bv BaO ar Elj Cadk. L'ae vn» w fi/ far a periad mt years, to order that ad aad fined, aad M p ilk Ip. have ptoat to thaa a bushel mt gaad seed per mam, sad mase to em the caadi- that on Me that the nUi aad gna - never get a start. Allowing the crop - to get ia the grass and tin ilrar ai i it oat, hoping thereby to aake up 1 for lost time, a not the Idai of cul tivation that Ic lytt a large popn tion of early fruit. Weeds and gaaas should be literally awed to the bat. v Bat H is not safinat merrlj to heap the ere prhaa la all the c»Hy port of the season, cp t3l aboat the last of July, H is necessary to culti vate also for the purpose of coa--en tog the moisture, whether there atri weeds and grass or not, to onier tc " ' bee pthe crop growiag a | possible during that period. Hmkj 1 the crust of the ground shoald he I broken promptly after each rain. FrrtliHaj . I The ngbt use of fertQner can be j trade to contribute more to early aaa : tarity. perhaps. than any dhn singlr j factor. On the other hand, hmrro I the wtorur ase of it ca neasdy re;uh j jin more harm than good. It is of 2 I I j vital importance therefore that gm: t •care be exercised as to the kind and! j amount of fertilizer used and the! tin* and n anner of applying it. Hap- j -hazard rur-v- «ork in chsaumg an! I j combining materials will u-ulli • ■ prove disastrous to the crop. especial-1 Jlj in a wet season- There is no single formula beta! | suited for all tpyes of sod. Every! •cotton grower should be goieiard to] i some extent by the kind of land MI | which his crop is to be gnn. Bat I I there are two "fertiliser facts - that I i apply to all cott«a crops grown aa- I jder weevil conditions. of I I the kind of -oil The fist of these t I I that a high percertajre of pbosphnrta I I ..... " ~™~" ~ ' | 'acid should be used in onier to prs- I ! mote early fruiting.. The farmer aad j the boll weevil have entered kSo z jpc rmanent partnership, wherein the j farmer gets the crop on the I lower part of the stalk and the hal" j weevil takes the crop in his own way • • t I and that, for him. is the saviag clsae of the partitersip contract. He -ih lull V N BURNS I VBSJSS , wirmh.jh.twli b I 1 ROOMS TO REXT. SI IT ABLE for small faroi!\ one partly farcin e«l. Mrs. Jennie K YarreU fgm * • a Car Load Trucks ' .. X t i r on the way to my place. If you don't wait vou can get yours out of this car load. * "* •>" '■>* ' Save time, save labor and save vour mules' feet by placing order now. * B. R. Barnhill FORD FORDSON ✓ LINCOLN l m • * • r~. WILUAMSTON, _ NORTH CAROLINA take ad. sal act of i an% make as mach as poaMe far hton If and as little as paaaMe far the »m 0. A I liberal aae of phosphoric acid will help him to ds this la general the richer the land the aae phosphoric acid is aeeded. Prom ••■to lOW pounds per acre of s fer tiliser containing 10 per cent of this elemea; would cover the range of re fill «. Lts for the various soils ased , for the cottor crop The «vcJ "ffrtiiw fact" Ltaias to the use of ammonia. An im portant factor In the pndvti*r. of ieottaa whea the bad weevil is to be jrtdaari with is mat ml of the plant growth. Daring the first part of the 'season, embracing approximately the I first three aonths. the growth should { be rapid and vigorous. This cannrt be over* "one. Kt. from that on there *s»eld be a gradual but decided re j tarviatiaa 4 af the growth. A rack lat. | growth is to be avoided. The right a.v jaf aaiaoaia affords theb en rw*r of secarir.* These results O:. the on. band, enoagh >houli ba use*' to insun a stalk large eiwtogh to hoid a fait crop. A height of thirty inches. by the mm lie of Aagw>t i> sufficient Oa the other hand, the m of too much am maaia results u excessive late growth For each farmer it is a question of kaowiag his land and how much an *• as* on the aprtkular soiL Ei« o e hate- to get out O r M in winter; !c inr sane is true in ipg. Mcaera J falL iCieorjrc B. ('hem B. L Lcjad Sun cyiag—M a; j—Drafting. Oeaetsl Engineering WINDSOR _ KOKTiI CAROLINA, Qood-Byc Qerms jA „ and Vermin | ______ _ > i L>« « f JT,Ts 4 |SP *- w Jritc iSca fron (he L -\J» A SV» - '^. T ' , . ~k > / M A hinitr lc|o duu «ith RrJ 1 ■' ■■■ Lvr lu> ao kAi-roa «o ha-twri. ||ol HINTS man. Ben* Mn to dtjn ihfl __. „ „ , ... I-BtJ vJ" m» I Tstmc* Oar MtmA.-s W*mt w *an» _ |! la *hff tf|»rta(>l«, pi» Surrnnil H^wfrcr^l^ urnes awl nmtl j;o>«1» >,t ili T-ifr kim ** " r **»'' "• ,>M - "Uar. K..1 ■>_ J g | * *"«■' Lft aif3l h. I|. a jjrr it 4. :il K _ * - Cl *=* ** L- j..a/ thi* |Mri of ifce t«Hw fi'iMp ** "* '"* fr«a odnri, a« klv air asj fenwa FBTE fc.illH. fc j-i ff'JTi •fL-viuK* K®boß I P.CTi«mi&Ca| y«jori»s> ««r 8(4 >»•!»! t» I 9ftn»» rWr lajaliiti ttf grait* ml In |li_. a u| «il a«knl Car ' J V naaM-n should atdr, kiHirr. tkat /■ | llrf- l**»J Sfil KiWimi >h >.iU y I M («wl tlr rar. at it iijun IV •biald x 4 l»r rlraanl with !}C Cancers Successfully' Treated at Kellani Hospital •hr KHIn Hospital tnars ».tr*»fully (' wits, Tumors, l iter?, X Raj *»•*> C*i«me S»«» will!out tic im of the knife, X Ray, lUiaa ***** w ""I ■» kit* irn:«d namufglljr over 'jO per cent of tit* ; '*■ I h»A«ii of iafemi t »J«I during 'lit jesi Itreutv-three VKIIH. keu am iiosrir ti. i>:t ■ ® tit Street Kirhmorul, Vuirtaa THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. V ANTS SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE NOTOCE " 1 have taken up two }esxtin~s. oc» ; a black bull, the Other a lifrht on? heier. Owner please pet the jr.. J Dawson CaJtrdin. Ml-i FOB SALE: JERSEY-HOLSTEIN heifer from good stock. wi!l freskec ] in few days. First reasoable • «fet takes her. liione ITI. Oakhurst Farm>. J. S. V. lItTLEY GOOD POLE ROO>! HOI SE WELL - locate'l. water ar.d lijrhts for sale. Oeip and easy c-rnia. See VI. C 2'JK* incuba*or w*s $6.00 per !*» IV oJd cb:c*ss !S. 18 certs each. OAKHI RSI PCI LTRV FARM. W'illtamston. X. C. I WILL BUY SCRAP OR TIE!" lu UMO i'th. !!. li. Mat •.m, R.tanoke Tobacco Wwtitui*. IVR AWNINGS. AW MM, OOVKk-i is and i 4 all k : n !s e »t"UT's >E Brothers a d Cowp.' ;. IKi. N C. 2-l itn WANTED: KEGI LAB \\l> itlNS ie t Boanleis, SOC N li U';ht n si \\ I'lianis' nil, X. C. No. Ef Mrs J .C. Cn.v fold. THIS? Btt-L-S »Tt«KB -rftl Cf- vKit me clii a for it—rut your »yat«rr* ef Ciarrh or l>«afnr*>3 by -C^-irri. I IIUJ.*« r tTIRIIU NI-iIH iM: rM iib: of an Olntnent »f,h h «jui> hJty Keitrroa tV catarrhal int .m motion, aiul !M Internal llfd'dnr. t T»ni*. ohk-lk act* tlv Bk>«! on th* Inn !*u 1 a thus rtMoru normal 100 A thai mV we drHjCKiftta Cor »>ff # T»jta | P. J *-»e««T * Co.. To! dc ->6to WANTED TO RENT A HOI SE *irk ntit r Ten lvoms. Good lo mm* Mar the Moaticeilo C«'e. ta li* MonUcello Cafe_ -I I D W E JL ST INSTALLED A BIT- Jb4a*. Mike buttons of e>nt* .aet and seven styles. Prices | ff fno 3® to SO cents per Mrs. J. F. Thijjpe;: ,ip W ANTED tflf ftfKty Owner to use LAM j Seaat PasSe Punt and -take his own Par~s f« per padlon. See our in Jfcis p..per and rote |* ealF*« rests aofhii'g if ret satisfac- I ".*€T. I ADMIXtSTKATOITS NOTICE - Hi- tils Aay qaa!ifie! is admins Irsisa* »J sie eiaate cf Kj>a Hi!!, de «»sei. tie* i* t« no.ify nil persons : -«"" airs.» the said estate £» iwews th«i. i« the ur.lersigno«! | • oor Jefore the ISth j «J, •*? Kebrwur*. 19*5 t.r this notice KtH V pleated rrt bar of their re- AH fw-r- -i-is indebted IO the estate w 33 pVa«e make immediate payrafntfL Tfcns s!he -(ia> of Fd>nan I'j~2! j MrtlCE / '! »**3 h *~"tui of a [yn of "|p*iß *rf»- Sank War. 4 , to the uitderiit:» 11 I »iJP •m, SaSj.i>o2y. Apnl lith. I»i4. S! IB at liw Court U, u door ir ItikntL S C- sc l ! at public a.:cti. r»| iW ei»fc_ site feflwrir.g described j Wty A ors'xi- tar of land situate fcv Co*sie \SKI Tr* Vnp, Ma-tin Counnf Gurwfasa. adjoining the lands j *f I tan Draa St*ton Aralrew j Wtr»m. "TV-jUiui !*itl, cont.-jni-K 121 w»v r**inr «,- less, heinr the only t*n*l »«■»Trie«S by ■'fce said He- ry Ward in. -i:>a T«*r\»&up. TV» *."«* jso,. I: M BAWLS. Trustee. 3-IS-lt. - * if % A store built for its customers IM hmilJiHf up the Miller £? fxhoud i hmimr** uv iuiv d/irtfjrs brht Vt J it (t>i>J policy la "A« IH «r cmslumrr unJ work bock' A IVOMAN who simps 111 a it pariiin rit store is t s|Hnjllv 1 sensitive l«» tin spirit «»f Slit- lo\cs to lN>k over the beautiful things she Mt-s llwu. Slit- levels in the attractive displays of the lovely tliiii*y that come from almost everv corner of tin world. Sl.e loves to shop at leisure, to look around without IM importuned to Imy, to ijrt att niion when slie wants it. She is keenly -•ppneiaiiw i»f litlfe niceties of service, tile lutclligciH'c and alti nfi\« lit ss of tin- salcs|»cople. anil the general spirit of courtesy pml will an.l helpfulness. After a IHINVIIIOIH;I«_J of she CIIJOVS lum-hiiig in a beautiful tca-rurfin. »l;t re slie can get delirroiislv prepared food, pnt|»erlv served. at a rtr.vonahlc price: A woman appreciates attentive hnt luiohtrusive SI-IUIT in a restaurant. She likes to shop in a l»ig. roomy, well-lighted store with nice. Wide. uiicrowdcd ar>lcs. She expects Mich |>crsonal eiHive niences as a free i-hcckiur service. free delivery service, a place wltcre she can miv-c!l::ucou> information, huv p«»stagc damps, mail h Iters, send eoiisult railroad time tahles. anil a do/en -«*ld things a shopper likes to do. Aliovc all, die Hants a nice, ipnet. c.imfortahle r« st-r«*nii. wlicrt slie can refresh herself. w rite a letter, or wait for a friend. • » • But more than all these, a slxipper wants to feel that she is getting full value for C\ery |HIIIIV C\|N tided: tliat the gtMid* die buys are exactly as represented, ami that if she is not satis fied, proper adjustment wijl IM- made. She knows that the tremendous purchasing |H»U er of the department store ami the small margin of pmtit make it - possible for her to buy at the lowest prices. The woman who shops at Miller .V Khoads finds it just such a store as she wants. It i* just such a store l*eeause it was built on a consideration of its custodiers* wishes. Il was built fur its CHMtomrrM. That is why Miller & ItStoads have won the g«M)d will and confidence of thousands of k»yal friends throughout the Virginias ami Carplinas. I . 4 ' *«' - * _ r #/ jr*a crnn't get rial j«« iramt im ymr owm locality, try R MO N D. VA. m—m m ** m^ St i ▼1 WHEELER MARTIN. Administrator Martin and Fed Atty's. 2-l»-« Martin ft Peel, ally's. 2 1»-C-pd NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE t I ruler and by virtue of the power of j sale container in a certain deed of crust executed lo the undersigned trustee by Roy Gcdnrd and wife, > Artneciu GoO-r i on the tinl day at I Dec. 191.3 which said deed of trust u ! of record in the public registry o ! Martin County in Book O-l at pagi •fSB. «aad deed of Must having beer, f give-, for me purpose of securing ' wees of even dale and tenor | Iherew.ih. an.l default having been | made in the pqwert of the indebted ness secured tl»ereby and the stipula tions contain! in the said deed ol trust not hari."e heen complied with | ano at the request of the holder oi the sa:>l m-'.e? the -jn.ierstgned trus | i«e wdi oc Wednesday the 16th day lot April. 1324 in fro:* of the court house doer in the town of Wiltiarflec | ton. Nor 1 Carolina offer for sale to the highest bhder for ca.-h the fol lowing describes real estate. to-wi : First t r=ct: Beginning a: a Mack Ifiini in a small branch on the South [ side of Swain's John A. ; Hodge.-, fine. and runnig thence a j long sahi line to a corner bhxk gum in the e»Zge of said Pocosm. thence along sa-d line U a n r er gum in a I --mail La'tk. James II Hodges comer, ber-oe il««s .-an 1 l:ne to the run of !:-eecv S«anip. the. cv down the run of said wrir.p to John X. H.-dges .line, thence with *a»l line to a o»rr*er I pine, thence to the beginning, con taining i> acfe- more or less. It be ''T *he same land conveyed b> Philip Ifudges a d wife to J«*se S. Hodges, by deed dated August 15th. 1878 and duly recorded in liook RR on pigrs 74 and in the Register's office of Maitin Coun'y Second tract: Retp'l»:ng in a cor ner a Mack cum. John A. Hodge corner, and lunnmr I te ce along a gtad- 'o the run f Brieves swamp. I William B. Peel's line, thence aloa* said line 4m the nraay tc Jess* !B. Hodges corner, t hence near)y North ' along a line of marked trees to a corner a black fa Jesse B Hodges | corner, thence nckri* east along a tin* ; of marked trees to the beginning, Con or leas. These two tracts being the «ame lard conveyed by the Mid W. C. KILO to the said Roy Godard of era bite with this deed of trust. This the 15th day of March, 1924. 1 W. H. RL'SS. Trustee. Martin an.! FVel. AUy*s 3-18-4t. NOTICE OF RESALE! Under and by virtue of an order of resale made by the Suerpior Court of Martin County in the Special Pro ceeding entitled. J. Prank Weaver and wife. Minnie Weaver, -vs- Walter Harrison. Allie Harrison and G. H. Harison. the undersigned Commission er. will on Monday the ?th day of April !*M at 12 o'clock M. at the Ciwrt Hou-e Door in Martin County, at W flliaraston. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cx-h that certain tract of land lying and beinjr in Bear Grass Township. Var tin County. North Carolina, and lie scribed as follows, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying an.: being in Martin Courty, North Carolina, containing 25 acres, more or less adjoining the lands of J. R- Hamsor, on the Ea.«_ Redmond Harrison on the South. Claude White- on the West arxl J. S. Peel on the North and more commonly known as the Redmond Harrison Land. This the 22nd day of March 1924 WHEELER MARTIN, Commissioner T2^2t NERVOUS HACKING* Can not be cared by a glass at water, bat will dinappear nnrler tkr healing and soothing effect of CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY Every user in a fi inii J

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