\ Items, of the rioato i Mk Kelt Mow of Oak City attend •d the t'n—bai'k meeting here Satnr- BEffL • • • • ■kt Mh Adams aUen.:en the teachers cfrtißf here Satunlay. I Miss Eva Pee! arrived home Friday ntaiitc from Rooersonville to atterd ; the laeetir* of the Martin county teachers which w»> held here Sataiday. She was taken SI Sunday mi if ccr.firsed to her bed at the home of her parents, Mr ami Mrs. K. J ! M. • • • • Miss Essie Jonian attended th«- County Teachers meeting here La.-: Satnnui \ • • • • Mr Geo. W. Saiith *1- a visitor to j oar office Saturday afternoon. o • • o Miss Sophrina Topping spent the j week-er... here with Miss Louw Har- 1 rison * * * * Mr. Peter Rhes arrive*! last over, ■y from Bobersonville where he visit ed for several days. Mr James Manning spent the weel end at home i ••• • I Messrs Lindsay Warren ami Moon* j were visitors here yesterday. • » • • Many of the local folks are expect ed to attend the show !n Washington tonight m m m m I Mr Garland Barnhill of Everett mas a visitor here Sunday. Messr Georjre Hattun Gur ar.u- ' Harrison, am! "Crow" Cook j went to Rohersonville yesterday • • • • Mis* Martha Simmon.- M izelle will arrive home tonight from Detroit. Michigan, where she has been for the past several months, to attem tl.» fonera' of her father who die*f a f ter r very short illnes.-. • • • • I>r J H. Saunders left this r.orr t for Pli&iflphia tr> see ar eye specialist for some trouble that 1 ? has leen having for several week Hs friends hope that >:e will be able to return home in a short time fully re covered. Me»ej Martiia and I»etla Kate Ward rrturoeo to their home in Roeky JStunt Saturday after prftiri - the, aeek with their father at the Atlantic hjtri. • • • • Mrs Ida Hodges of Mark-; •» i.» »l- .ui.|: her neice. Mrs J C. Craw ford at her home on Haufhton >treel Judre W M Bond who is §»,-v> -I over the March term of tRe Su;er • •>t o«rt spet't the welkin! in Eden ter with Lis family. • • • • Mr. iiaJ Mr>. Geo. N Gurgar.us Mrs. \«alter Ha.berd-Lat am: Mr... L C Iksi: ill re;uro«l fr. m V» .-lerr Xortli a"r»>hna last night after >per j ■Jf several day s in Greensboro. Hi|?r I'w .l and other citie • • • • Mr W. T Meadows wu! %%> tu Rich Thur day where he will _r.«er st treatment for hts eye- Mrs J E. Smithwick ar.d Mr Herbert Liliey accorojianieii by M.- Stalling? of janiesviile were .r. tow shopping jestertiij. The Hipi School will hold a Kor.-* shoe tournament on the choo! gr.uis this week • • • • Professor Wolff, the athletic direr tor, has develope.i a (rood sp.nl it toe pupils of ths> school for the var ious popular (fames and plays of the day. MR. BRANDON ON HOG CHOLERA PREVENTION r i - —— Ho*; choiem is the most serious due*** of hogs. This disease is fennd » almost ail parts of the world, lr. . this country it first appeared in the iSate of Ohio and spreaded all over the l~ cited States. I* this part of the state baf choler? wrthreaks are more prevalent it •j ipilt and the fall of-the year. It is i_. —*• eili wited that North Carolina loses imiwlly from 50 to 75 thousand hofrs Hot fMrn is a highly contagious ilimc to serine with a high death late and does dm effect other The germ has never beer, cultivated la laboratories and cannot be seen ews with the most opwerf ul micro ""|i aad it is ouy known by the ef Ehe sjraaptons differ ia different hags and h different hards, depend lag mm the dMßgtk of the gem As a eaaait these variations the ehease has haaa said to exist ia two fanes, dta fridl; ad hi chronic ft ia aMea arhee hain aat. «oadia«» they are Whea fhelera begins fa a haai tha refuse to come up to feed with the herd, they will remain hidden in the bed. When driven out their backs may be arched and they appear to be cold and shiver. Later others will be come sick in the same way. They be come pant and have a weak stagger ing gait, the weakness being mostly ir. rear legs. If the lungs are affected they •vill h&ve a cough and the eyes will he inflamed with a whitish dis charge. They migh be constipated, generally followed by diorrhea. with a , :»r-*»enature from 104 to 107. degrees and even higher. In mak:i:r an examination after hog dies you will notice purple blotches ' on skin. The lungs have specks, and : time splotches that cannot be I trashed off, these speck- are reddish. ►o» they may b*> pirkish and solid re jsembline pneumonia. The heart may show blood blotches such as the lungs. The splun or nielt is often very large, or it might l>e smaller ami greyish in color. The j kidneys also show small blood sj»eck.- jthat resemble a turkey egg The stom lach has bloo! specks and ir. many leases ulceratet. | There is no known cure for hog .cholera up to the present time and I of, rfrur or combination of drugs is know.: to be a preventive or cure for it_ T'ie only thing known is a pre ventive ami that is known as anti-hog eholers serum and virus. By innocula tir-sr a hog with serum and virus you 'car. protect him against cholera. If you want your hogs niaiie immune 'to ei -lera cal! on your County Agent 'within the next, three days. ! j; wil! Ie a state veternurian itere to do the work and it will only cotst you the„ ann>unt of serum used. T B. BRANDON, County Ag»-nt. CANDIDATE FOR , THE OFFICE OF REG. OF DEEDS |TO ' HE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OK ' ,MARTIN COI NTV Anei seridus consideration and the endo a d the solicitations of irsy i lany friends 'hr- ughou: the oouu ty. I announce myself a candidate, and soil* yvur sui>|*>rt. for the office cl lien er of IH-e.l of Marti County, s-übh-c to tiie action of the l>emo rrat f'riitiar> to !«' hejl on June the , 7th. I!»24 "» If nominated a;ui e'ec.etl your sup ' per v.ill \r rt watded by ear est ef fort 'i render efficient and faithful ,-jrrv ce :j« 1 always lta\e done to all t(n,j ruiiliuHl o nie heretofore. K spectfully uhmittetl. "his March •Jtra I*ej4. b SYI.t'KSTER PEEL !\ f E>\ 11.1.E TOWNSHIP'S KOAII IOJMMISSIOVS ASM AL STA'I'E- Ml NT. Itecember l»i2. jH. « . Griffin. roal sup|»lie> $16.74 ! ;■* er two months 'j s.. .vice arc' machine repairs " .5.110 j Her us - Oil Co . 50 gal gas ».«> i Jvr Hooper, road work 10.CO January 11*23 1 lo> oHoper. riuil work 2.50 | • ev M>->re. roa«i work ■ J S contract work 22.50 !! M>n "o Alexander, road work 22.50 I Joe H»opei . road work 12.50 I It* McFadden. roa>i work O.fH) Cha -lie Davenport, work to date 80.00 Mil -o Alexander, work 2(N' J,.- M«"Fadden. w.-rk Ton Gray-, work 2.00 Tm» « (f Jame-ville. filling ditch . Clo. St re«-t 12.60 Gv ll«M»p.-r w..rk 2•o , J ll:ir>iison. «>>rk 12-60 Sta «i*r.l Oil Co . ca> _ 1» 00 Mir.ro Alexander, work 2.0© r Joe McKadden. work 2.00 «Lee Moore, work * 2.00 t-jtig ir Rhode. . «>>rk 2.'K) Mar.in Bros Acct 16.69 Sta- -lard Oil Co., gas 19.95 : 'at ~* r !l: rd. -on, for 1,000 feet lcuber ami 1 months servif*' 50.'K) , February. 1923 O. r Carson, express on blade 3.67 iNat.onal Oil Co. acct to .late 47.2K I f .al: in Inn Works, blades 12.50 Oofistoi. $i 500.00 I>V i Gavion!. ■ 4.50 I J,* Hooper, work 4.5(t ijC P. Car>tarphen. money lx>r r>wel . 1370.33 k | .Vaitin Bros plow ami parts 20.00 j|Star«sar»l Oil Co.. gas . 32.30 ,I } H Lassiter. work 4.00 t j ' S Hardison. work 13.00 r ' S. Ha.-v>ell. acct. to date 11:50 flnorh Gardner, work 4.00 II J S Hardtson. nules and work 12 (*' t Joe Hooper. w„rk f r on. Gray, work 3.50 t " March 1923 L Joe Ho.-pel. work , 2.^ i Joe Hooper, work 5.00 i I. S-' Hardison. work to date 28.75 s Minso. Alexan.ler, work 400 i Tom, Gray, work : 4.00 b J. H. las.- iter, work . 1.00 , W. H. Wypn, work * .. 175 » Jack Johnston, work . 3.75 S. Dow. chain __— ~,4.00 t April 1923. 1 \- Peyton Sykes, work - 5.00 s K. Corey, notes with interest 506.00 e Harris Hardware Co, plor pt *ts 8.60 s. H G. Griffin, road supplies 13.45 j Standard Oil Co., fas 26.00 e I. S. Hardison, work .. . .. 6.25 a J. H. Laasfter. work . , t 4.50| a Qm. Davis, weak L 1.00 &R. Barnhill, paU ata tractor 220.00 • Kin no Alexander, work 4.00 aJ. S. Haidi—a. weak IOJOO ■ C T alckma work en track r 9.48 Standard Oil Co., gas 26.00 Vational Oil Co., acct. to date .. 20.00 ' C. M. Holliday, work SjOOi H. Lasiiiter, work 11 is j F'. R. Barnhill, tractor parts 16 00 . Luther Hardison, two ii.onths service and 1000 ft. luir.tr . 75.«i»i' d A Staton, w.rk ... 6 o*.' 1 W. H. Wynn, vxrk . 6 ' j»''on Iroi ,' oiks, dr*g for B. i Mc. Man v ig. 25 40 j ' S. HardU.ui, work _ 12. •» j i.ii t'de Jon ;s, work 3.0» j Uppoistel $ 800.0t> May 1923 S. A. tSaton, work 2.00 ' blknde Mobley, work '..._ 8.50 '.V. H. Wynn, work 10.00 ; loe Ho«iper, work 11.25' 1. S. Hardi.son, work _.. 12.50 : epoisted $ 1 .200.CM) Mingo Alexander, work . 10.00 I. S. Hardison, work 12.50] Mingo Alexander, work „.' 2.00 j E. W. Hardison, pulling up fence 1.50 | Harris Hardware Co., acct. 8.50 I. H. I .ass iter, work _ 4.50 It. W. Hardison, work 5.00 Tom Gray, work 2.00 Mingo Alexander, work 3.00 Joe Hooper, work 5.00 W. 11. Wynn, work 7.00 Standard Oil Co. gas. K. W. Hardison, work 1.00 W. 11. Wynn, work, 2.21 S. A. Staton, work 1.00 S. A. Staton, work 10.00 J. -S. Hardison, work 10.00 J. S. Hardison, work 12.50 Joe Hooper, work . 5.00 C. C, Sexton, work 6.00 I'. .W. Hardison, work 6.40 Stam'.aril Oil Co., gas 24.1K) Standard Oil Co., gas . 24.00 It N. Hardison, work 2.00 0. (•_ Carson, for freight 3.47 J. H. Lassiter, work 11.25 C. C. Sexton, work 8.00 I,uth"r Hardison, services for May 25.00 J. S. Hardison, work 12.50 W. I!. Wynn, work 4.00 Charlie .Simpson, work 5.00 It. W. Hardison, work 5.00 June 1923 Henry Nunn, work " 1.25 J. S. Hardison, work 12.50 Frank Green, Work 2.50 M >r:; o Alexander, work 2.0n Herr.ard Simpson, work 1.75 .1 H Lassiter, work 9.00 f'hailie Simpson, work 6.00 ' N Hardison, work 5.45 W. 11. Wynn, work 2.00 \V. I!. Wynn, work 9.0" Standard Oil Co. gas. 12.00 S. K Hardison, work, 4.50 J. D. Micelle, wheel, hub ami re;>air.i : 6.70 Newlon Hardison, work 5.50! Newton Hardison, work .. 5.00 Moore, "work 9.50 W. 11. Wynn, work fo.oo Newton Hardison, work 6.00 Joe Mcl''adden, work 10.0» Min jo Alexander, work 8.0.'' loe Hooper, work 7.50 1. S. Harijitftin, work 7.50 Standard Oil Co., gas 24.00 (»u.- Hooper, work 9.50 A us'.in Westorn Road Ms.'hir ery Co., to date 28>7 Joe McFaden, work , 6.00 September 1923 l>ee Moore, work 7.5t) Joe McFadden, work 7.50 loe Hooper, work 4.35 B. A. Critchhr, legal sen-ice 10.0 Min jo Alexander, work 10.00 loe lloojier, work 100»» K. Hardison, work 4>o W. H. Wynn, work B.iH> 'V\ N. Kverett, highway truck |>!ate a j.oii II (i. Griffin, two tires ami tubes 60.00 Standard Oil Co. gas •_ 24.U1 li e Hooper, work . 3.75 Min r,o Alexander, work 6.00 W. H. Wynn, work 6.00 Joe McFadden, work 5.50 Jo« Hooper, work 9.35 Joe McFadden, work J 900 Loe Moore, work 3.50 Gus Hooper, work 3.50 Min.'o Alexander, work 9.00 Joe McFadden, work 7.56 Mingo Alexander, work 5.50 Joe Hooper, work .. t, 7.50 S. A. Staton, work 4.00 W. H. Wynn, work „ 5.50 James Smithwick, work 4.1 M) Luther Hardison services for Ju'j - - 25.00 Luther Hardison, 1 1-2 days work and lino ft. heart cy press ...*. 39.54) Charlie Davenport, for road work to .late 136.50 Newton Hardison. work 3.5() Harris Hdwr. Co. to date 43.42 Joe McFadden, work 8.00 Mingo Alexander, work „ 8.00 W. H. Wynn, work . . .'. 8.00 Joe Hooper, work 12.50 J. S. Hanlison, work 37.50 R. N. Hardison, work ........ 8.84) Standard Oil Co.. gas ..... 24.00 June : 25.00 Tom Ward, damage to tobacco patch L 6.00 J. S. Hanlison, work 12.64) E. H. Ange, appraising road / damage 3.00 August 1923 ' ames JSmithwick, work ....... 6.00 James Smithwick, work 4.00 James Smithwkrk. work ■ 10.00 W. H. Wynn, work „ 6.00 Mingo Alexander, work 6.00 Newton .Hardison, work ...... 4.00 W. H. Wynn, work 10.00 C. E. Simpson, full settlement for road damages : i 25.00 Depoisted $ 756.51 W. E. Manning, appraising road ilamage " . 3 W J. 8. Hardison, work »—L_ 5.00 THH ENTERPRISE, WILLIAM STON, NORTH CAROLINA, Lather Hardison, services for | [ Charlie Davenport, work Jan. I to April ... ~i.iCß.Wj i R. N. Htrdison, v.ork 10 00 j Standard Oil Co., ga:; 24. A) , ' Depoisted $ 32.34 |W. A. Martin, work 4.00 I J. H. Lassiter, work —.... 4.50 j Joe McFaddcn, work 2.00, | Newton Hardison, work B.oo' Vingo Alexander, work 10.00, Joe Hooper, work - 5.00 j Charlie Davenport, work 22.50 Enterprise Pub. Co., publishing yearly report 19.75 . Standard Oil Co. gas _ 26.00 Robt. Mizelle, use of tractor and disc 5.00 J. S. Hardison, work 14.25 J. H. Lassiter, work 9.00 Mir.sro Alexander, work 10.00 W. H. Wynn, work >. 10.00 Geo. Buffalo?, work ... 2.00 S. A. Staton, work 10.00 K. N. Hardison, work - 7.00 J. H. Lassiter, work 4.50 Martin liro.s., acct. to date 95.22 VV. B. Gaylord, work 1.80 J. S. Hardison, work 12.50 M inpo Alexander, work .... 6.001 Joe Hooper, work 2.50 W. H. Wynn, work 6.00 Luther Hardison, 1000 ft. heart cypress for bridge:-; , 35.00 W. B. Gaylord, work .. .. 8.70 Standard Oil Co. gas 25.00 K. G. Hardison, gas ... .. . ".75 Luther Hardison services . for for April 25.001 W. I). Mizeile, work . 2.00 J. H. Lassiter, work 2.25] Mingo Alexander, work 2.00 W. H. Wynrt, work 6.((0 Joe Hooper, work 6.2S J. S. Hardison, work . . '1.1.90 H. G. Griffin, acct. to date.M 19.50 H- N. Hardison, work 6.60 J. C. Benjamine, for payment on road machine 100.00 Standard Oil Co. j*a* 24.® R. f". Hardison work l.(H) Mrs. Josephine Teel, in full for road damage 50.00 J. S. Hardison, work t ... 11.87 Gus Hooper, work .«■*.. 8.00 W. H. Wynn, work „ K.OO Joe McFadden, work v . 10.00 Joe Hooper, work 11.25 l>ee Moore, work 10.00 Mingo Alexander, work 8.(M» Mrs. W. H. Lilley, road damage 15.(Ht Lee Moore, work 2.00 sure fit* /p fhe riutoptr — — _J JS^ y SURE-FIT r S3®„ CAPS PAT MiJI tO l« 20 MADE BY FINE & LEVY, INC. 702 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CXI* MARGOLIS BROS, and BROOKS The Monticello CAFE . . Headquarters for Montauk Ice Cream. We make special orders for Sunday. Give us your order Saturday, to be delivered Sun day. Prompt attention will be given to all orders, large or small. We serve coca cola on the side. Newton Harduon, work 7 00 ' Lather Hard Son, services for August 26.00 Standard Oil Co. gas 16.00 Bingo Alexander, work 9.50 W. H. Wynn, work 8.60 Gas Hooper, work 7.50 Standard Oil Co. gas 2. 22.00 Joe Hooper; work 6.00 Joe McFaden, work ..... 6i» J. S. Hardison, work 6.00 C. C. Sexton, rent for disc 6.00 Gus Hooper, work 4.00 Mingo Alexander, work 6-00 W. H. Wynn, work 6.00 Lee Moore, work - 4.00 Newton Hardison, work ..... 2.20 Standard Oil Co., gas 10.60 October 1923 Luther Hardison, services for September 25.00 Harris Hdw. Co., supplies 1f.50 Standard Oil Co., gas. 10.60 Minro Alexander, work 2.00 W. B. Gaylord, work on machin ery 2.55 Standard Oil Co. gas 14.50 Depoisted $ 600.00 National Oil Co. oils 40.00 November 1923 Luther Hardison, services for October 25.00 John Bateman, work 2.00 Joe Hooper, work 5.00 W. H. Wynn, work 6.00 Standard Oil Co. gas ......_ 9.00 W. H. Wynn, work 2.00 John Baterrtan, work 2.00 Mingo Alexander, work 2.00 John Bateman, work 4.00 i W. H. Wynn, work , 6.00 H. B. Barber, appraising road damage 3.00 December 1923 Charlie Davenport, work 28.50 Joe Hooper, work 10.00 Minjfa Alexander, Work 10.00 John Bateman, work 10.00 J. S. Hardison, work 7.50 Charlie Ange, work 6.00 Henry Gray, work 1.00 Luther Hardison, services for December 25.00 Will Robersoti, work 1.00 Joe Hooper, work _ 2.00 Depoisted % 500.00 Standard Oil Co., gas 9.00 Charlie Davenport, work 158.25 Minna Alexander, work 11.75 Joe Hooper, work 12.50 John Bateman, work ? 10.00 IJ. S. Hardison, work 20.63 John Batman, work 4.00 Joe Hooper, work UO Minga Alexander, work 2.00, Jamesville Township Road's note with interest .378.46 Joe Hooper, work 10.00 John Bate man, work 8.00 Mingo Alexander, work*.. 4.00 Standard Oil Co., gms \— 18.00 For Awnings, Awning Covers and Tents of all kinds. See Harrison Bros, and Co. The Only Thing I in all this world that has the right to talk back to a man is his own mirror. And—on Easter Sunday—your mirror will say some very pointed things right to your face. May we suggest that it should say: "Fine Old Top! That's the spirit. Dressing up for Easter is the right, idea. You look finte i nthat new Fashion Park Suit—it be comes you!" And, let us add, that we'll make it as interesting for your pocket book as your mirror. W. R. ORLEANS . VOTING COUPON FOR QUEEN CONTEST E. CAR. EXPOSITION Kiriston, April 9, 1924 I favor Misd , to represent Williamston at the E. Car. Ex position to be held in Kinston Apr. 7-11. Signed : * Rockers fIHB J we have a good basis upon which to make this statement,-a visit to our store will convince you. Specially designed throughout, these upholstered Rockers are 0 built for comfort as well as appearance. You will enjoy choosing those you need from our display. ■ * 1 ' ..i Cherry Furniture Co. CASH OR CREDIT WASHINGTON - ORTftCAR. > Lather Hardison, iinrkki fer November and 1600 ft }■ lumber .». *— .....77 JO &> Standard Oil Co.' gas .... 9.00 Depoisted $ 800.00 Balance Dec. 81, 192 ft ——#B4.(l Deposits for 1928 ... (787 JS Checks drawn 1923 .... 6M2J9 Balance Dee. 81, 19ft8 ........ 210.07

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