7HE ENTERPRISE H*n my TbmUt m' Friday by tk* (vprewiiSE PUBLISHING CO. *• ipn m* — North Onliw W.CMANMNC, Uto~ m. C. MANNING, JR. —BUS. MGR Sabacnptioa Pric* (Strictly Caih V Advaaee) , vear __ \ C months S irtonths _ .Ler*d at the Port o«ce >t Wil .amatoti. North a~+ matter. TUESDAY. APRIL 1. 1924. The WDliamston Chamber of Corn mere* elected John P Biers. Clay tor Moore ami John I. Hassctl. «»«•!«■ gale.- to the meeting of t*e Coast*- Hißt-may Commission to be helu a. Savanah. Ga.. April 7 and S. Tne Savanah meeting to aeter mine the routing of the Coastal L»e fense highway. formerly support to begin at Norfolk, extend to Wilming ton. Charleston. Savanah and or. f Florida. ani in view of this idea ar.a un.lerstandinc, many count.es made large contribution.-. to the road rai!e No 'JO The William-ton Bri-U-e was built. Martin arid Bertie countie? pay - injr *n -ame. with the unoer standing thai they were co-itributin* to the I nitcd State- for the purpose of e coastal defense project Martin county further contribute.! t !7. r >.l*>o as a free cift on the Washington V\ illian ston roa-i Beaufort, Craven and other counties liave also made larvre con tributions to this project. Until recently there seemed to be iw que.-tion about this location. /Route No " extending from Wilmington t»> the Virginia line through Coldsbor'. Wilson. Rocky Mount seemed to bob up and claim the ri»rhr as bemv- th» proper route for primary roa-! ar.-' the fight now it- whether or not tfc» Government will complete its onrma" project of building a re;:! Nations iefence road or whether it will '»/.• a tourist's roa-i It cannot be denied that for a rea defen.-e proposition our ports shoul-' be the point.- touched, because the vita! thing in time i.f wir is lh» ability to bring land and sea together quickly We admit it would be very nice t ta»: a car at Banjor. Mair.e in the fall fn.m that place to Key West Ra ar.d then in the spring turn the tap and let it read from Key \\e~t t« Ganeor All the way there and k.rl on a government r->a-i But of fa? more importance to the peopte is t> have a road touching the ports. * he* would be of ju.-t a* much use to the tourist and of a far more use to the Government as a defence propo-: tion and help more than any small thing in holding down freight rates as it would put the inland pe.. pie in close touch with the port ba.-e freight rate* TELEPHONE COMPANY TO I SSI K IHKRCTORS The local telephone company is'now having printed a directory serving the three exchanges, Wdliam.-ton. James vflle and Plymouth. The book wBl be mailed Thursday morning after Seav injr the press Wednesday. The direr . Tory carries an up-to-date list of all subscriber.- and it is essential thai the subscriber refer to his directory •* . before making a call as there haw been many changes made. The rules and regulations or sug gestions have been limited to very few and the company earnestly ask; the subscribers to read them carefully So far there has been only one mt take detected and that is the leavir.; Mt of Mr. J. L. Hoiliday': numbei which is lttlC The company expects te petal each Mrtk a correction t the directory to be ran in the column if tUi paper ao that the subwriber amy tata *" ap-to-date list of al Takiaf awarytkia* «■*« consider ,tir~ the aerrice furnfahed by a mm-, - m&c.. , ixw-«l ~.~p-ny equals my furnished in Eastern Carolina and gires connec tions u> more points, frtw of charge. j thar, mart of the larger companies One of the amusing facts as U>klj by the chief operator is that when a ] party calls another party the persor j answenne most al«)"> shouts heDo j just to receive the same to*; of aj shoot hack- Vke a ke.: the operator j what should have been said, the re- j pjv n . your name an«s if by chance the party calling wanted you the conservation would cummer .if else was wanted he woul be aj-ked for." We are ashame*! to te!' :t but we are guilty of sHoutini "hello" several times ar.d ther. tfainj ahead wit" the conversation We inquired further as to the aeak >opt-- in the »erv*ce Such -pot were said to he found in operating a* tlmes hut rot a_- much a- the |'-b.ic generally su-pecte,i The spot* as toM a re mainly to be f'.und in neglecting •o answer the telephone promptly. Jlowir.e children. too smal! to react, .he transmitter, to att to u~e the eiep-.'-ne. eave.- dropping. e.speci:-'ly .r. the sever*! party line-; rihr»n£ . r v .. arKi a>kir.r i t: central, tl» e wrr- aid to b» hr rac-e and poor >ervi.-e the re suit We are not tryir.j? to shield the rie phone indu. 1 Try. but mere'y tr> ms* o create a understands z betweer vat indv-try ar.-i the .abseriber party would stop awl r.irfc U» ranv trantt- there is K .r ;he called-party not in answer h be hiffhjy pUa-e-: w:tii wha; •crvice he ret.- The telephone m:u> iy i, hke every other, in.iu.-tr>. it i.*s not work perfect!;. \ PIPK IIKE tV What a wotv'erful thing it would h. I i !h>- ta*|«*er> if ais hw'. tA ■*"' «»>s inves-tigatio:;. l* unieni j' strirr- «■: i» ■' ' -=-uld he earned 011 Ji •'> • y > rirtp uf ti«e roventnKr t. i ,•* •'> Me that such ar envesturation. il he mve.-tirator- had the p*-*« r t* :r»- ai.il firw as «>-ca-ion « ouM re»uit in annual saving- u lh' i.j|u>>r? far in excel.- of an;. .-avs-rs • may be hoped for a.- a re: ul* of »\e>t;catinj» private * l.«ch - >ut>;ect t>> private competition lit" ihn-h must >ir.k or swim or eflW-w --r mar jiTmfr.t IKKk « HOPS That Vorth Carolina is ra}»;-i!> he omu " a truck >tate an-i rega-r.inj *i;uch of the ground lost many years .;-o i? evident from tne ..fW ial gn>%en hent "fS»*ures just nHfjwJ n-wen inr he r. n.merr J! a« reside- c' this year? ruck i t.-p It is shown that the pro neetfre snap bear a>-reare :n V rtl irohna «il! i»r'»!vtbi> a* ' e.- abinge acre- an.! >tra»herr»- •« ut *•.>" acre> It is ■ju't ' pr»bs.b!« •hat a considerably larger jfrrtir I jtowr. - n these crop- over l * state ii .'(■mmrrral quantities which do r.ol thr.'Ujth the wpiiiel channel- of tra»le. The lettuce acreage in the -tale ha? been e-timatc! to he 1.230 acre The Watermelon acreage last year was 4.T3H jcie- caiteloupes. acr^s which -was c6ns:.er»h'y .iecrea~e.' from the |*n IOUS year, the water iiwiun acreage hw.ny only slijrhtly «ie Urease- 1 TV stratrfcen . .-!« s. •z~r.. -• r I e«tj«f €! to e«ual iil.W" ries i i-. t"■ c umert al areas of if - t. i -* C. st l ine. !ea»iinfr to Wl* . - ' fl- n ;ohisuerv. Faye Zr V -i J Ci*. ai. lu cold weather in Ja.i» . .* •' ■' to i*erabie daniape t j tr.' II *'. i c: p. -f the state and pi tr-ila-l.' r *:i spinnach. lettuce Ilk --ajr»a *- ■ ercps. The early plar.te-! -p.T t truck was also ba>:iy «iamaee»i and re r quired re-planting Farm work fc ■ now artier full sway after a lor - > | period of wet and eoU! at her which A ! greatly delayed field act IT it K - -- Farm • * j, "■ * I era in the eastern ar tracking sec I ■*" II tiaa are very kaqr from dawn to «*■! ' prepariac their land far plaatiH. v! TW frail ni|i, parttflarly peachei ic hare been held back by t)»e coetinw > cool weather until practically no I blooms are open at this date. This does not apply to the 'recognized .Coastal Belt. It if true, however, of j the commercial peach area of the ' Sand Hill*; also, northeast am! west • of that area where most cf the fruit jis growm. | I LESSENING FERTILIZER COST ! -! Nitrogen From Air and Hydracsn From Wittr Combine to Maka Cheap Ammonia. 8: ctiw-tlc nitrogen fertilizers using uuLusia aa a principal ingredient. Kay be made at prices to compete with those using iJtrogen trow such natu ral sources a* Chile saltpeter, Charles O. Brown, consulting chemist of Provi dence, told members of the American lnatitute of Chemical Kngineera The nitrogen may be derived from the air by any one of several processes; the i v drugen, «ii i tj is the other coinpo neiit of ainomnia. may be had from naler. !>->ujmy in production of hydrogen from water, which la a »>-11-known B.rtliixl, may be effected, Mr. Brown ■aid. thn-ugh use of a special tj j»e of electric eel" ami through utilization of electricity from liydro-electric power plants at other times than that of the peak toad. It is cheaper, liu said, to sell su«-h power at a low rate than to waste it, and the manufacture of Bjdrvg*-n offwts a,profitable use for it. Another good source of hydrogen, in the speaker's opinion, ia gases of coke ovens. These are two chief sourews f-.r what he termed "by-product hy cirufn .Such secondary methods of :i.anufactun were the most suitable Bent of ammonia, may be had from Mr. Br»un declared. Mr. Itrown predicted that hydrogen aiay tie ppjuivd from coke o\ens at the •■"■ St of "M -cuts [>er 1,000 feet, and fTonl water at from liS to H8 rents, -Jepend:ng on tlie cost of the electricity used The production cost of anhy drous ammonia, using "by-product hy drogen." be figured as from 3.H4 to 4X: ceota a i«»und, which would en- j able the production of commercial fer tilizer at a lower cost than that now | ■cade fr>m natural sources of ammonia ] and nitrogen. ROOTING HURTS THE VOICE ' Professor in University Says Vocal Lessons Are Useless After Big [ Football Game. -asou win.schools **' ~ • I 'sure fit' _ tWhten oirfoosel^^^^^ =aa —-■ " l""-*^K SUOE'HX'Sag^CAPS VMfMUK-AlfM MADC BY FINE 4 LEVY. INC. 702 BAOADWAY. NEW TOU CUT MAR(»()LIS BROS. and BROOKS J —. 1 Clean Cook-Stows rV)>wi really know L' how to clean r] »*o\cs,r»i k.,drip- wj i *:' j. puts and other kit- ™ fV iiwa utensils ! The quickest nd , *"• i most effective wav is with Red Seal j\ > | Lve.Ol*»j*|:cd stove* are easily * cleared of obstructions and Use ais- m- vance of feeble flame and escaping ' llOi SEHOLD HINTS gas done away with. Start lutiuy Co u«e thi»««mdrr cleaner! ,• M M Ifl V * 'P."*" 1 W —* J — N-d "« «*» **—• m **«?. . h~RI k h.lj.Ul. ««--*» trite, "Home Help*" I*"*- ... P C. TostM IN 6c Co. ■SaWt f •»**. iW *Mi*C «*• «■"'«« / I rf U Seal Ur, tettrr . Mf (wrtu M ar : ••" • "•■•:*' ' :vY THE ENTERPRISE. WILUAMSTOK NORTH CABOUNI "} __ s |tfsK >(W kn* fMMfVMI ' I fMti for hair of the week Mlaakf ' "nj came and tbe can of the M t "f the siaiian »»■!« he nf off standard. 4*r n kfarj duty la tho t ebeeriag MttloL This Is root bed * by Prof. R. OL Kliieen. ill ■nor la voice at the Ua»- Tf-nrirt Of Ml—noi la Profi—in Eißna aara he vmH" . never hate t* anod a |tar nor read a ampaprr !• know haw a M naiaata football natm case oat. Be wooM be able ta itraaatran the gmmte aa •nna as leaaoas befaa lloadaj aasam »«« Yo4ee students atrr piartkallj MS [»r reat uaahln foMowiag the Min nesotalo« a par aad it tbe close of the N-Ttbsestera nesvta «M rtrtorioos. Voire lessnoo »«! "ff nawMhi; the «»«> after Min nesota kM ta Mk!ii|aß a pae aa far away that rriatire!; few wero ■ pranL ITofnanr KHiMc « jteescst dlsap- J potntment raaae t» after " the | lowa came («# of W« popiis Is aa ; oboe ijiWyer la the M:r.x»-xpo(is Sj» ; phony orchestra He experted this voir* at least t® he Hear and arcara'e Wk« the ana irirt t*» «iag >t aouad like patthg tbe brakes m a traia of heavily l«aM fl>• 'ir* Even tbe oboe bad beea ta i the football por Liberty BaN Always en View. TV Liberty be-'2_ •nfannri Ameri can relic, will l« aadt to rtae publir. day a»i iu«ct«t_ maunrr aad winter. nxtrr j4»- » *«nse f.mala:(4 by Wilfred Jwxbn curator of Inde pendence hall. wL>rre tbe »-Hi mta Heretofore thousand* »f i i«if»»r* ha Tt failed to «e* the f«uo«is old bell be cause the baUd:t.? it rinsed to the public during maia boar*. fader the tew |»lan it is to place at the rear pnitab of i i>-.; »-tiVn-e ball J a Ourpaa jnll of amaftii inm work. | no open in that tbe bell may I be Hearty ana at aH tin** At ni*ht 1 It will be '"maitta't-l *i'b fi---l;;g*>ta. NOTICE OF SALE OL REAL L_S TATE I rwler and Iqr v:rtire of the p>.wer ;f rate o tained n a certain dee»i of trust exeraSed t«. the ur.der--iirr.ed ru.4»i by He»ry C«wki an»i wife. Kthe.-!ir.e Carbon. the 27th dijr of lar. !S2(l ■artisch k; '! dwi of trust t* >f rwwt'l ta ti* i-uWf res-..-try of Marin "ount> in Ifcoi A 2 il pi/* t:-H. -axi deed of tnast havinr b»w ifivffi t«* secure trfliin :*'• of e*e« .uite an>i tenor tfa sewith aixi default having beea made ia the p«yl of | Jae isifchfrihw secured by the said ' deed at trait and the sttpulatisars caa . tai ted ia the said deed of trust not har.af been rnndwd with and at the reqaest of the holder of the said aates. the salenigacd trustee will on Monday the 14th day af April 1924 at 12 a'dack M. ia front of the court house daar ia the town of Williams . taw North Carolina offer for sale ta | the highest hiitdti far cash the follow I :ng o»sen bed real estate, to-wit: First tract: Bawnded on the North 'by the Bill Jores (now Herry Carson liandi; on the East by Ned Lee, on f'be Sooth by Ned Lee. aad on the [V mi by William Williams land, con tai jag eleven acres more or less and brag the same aad where the said Scraod trad: Bounded by Ella Smitburick, Henry K'-ight, Henry Cums and 'William* contain tag 30 acres and same land -boaigh-. from J. & Godard. Refer to Martin County Registry for a better finptK*. Said two tracts of lan-i being free from emimbrance except $900.00 due J. G. Godard. T Thu the 13th day of March. 192-4. W. J HI'NTER, Trustee ! Martin avj Heel, AttyV 5 18-4t. MmCE Under »*i by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by Henry Ward and wife. Sarah Ward, to the undersig-td I vili on Saturday. April ISth, 1924, *" I - M at Iho Court House door in Tar bono. N. C, sdl at puUic auction *or cash, the following described property.- A certaia tract of land situate i.i Coo** Nest Tow --ship. Martin County. North Caiolma. adjoining the lands of Dtan Brown. Dina Stat on Andrew Wjmn. Telrtha Pitt, containirg 12 arres. iwrr or les?, being the only hbi owned by the said Heirv Ward in said Town^hipL This Marrh 15th. 1924 R M RAWIJS. Trustee. 3-18-4t. NOTICE OF RESALE Coier and by virtue of an order of resale made by the Suerpior Court of Vjrtir County in the Special Fro ree-rings- entitled. J. Frank Weaver and wife. Minnie Weaver, -vs- Walter HI zison. Allie Harrison and G. H. Hansoa, the undersigned Commission er. will on Monday the 7th day of April \9tt at 12 o'clock M. at the Cocrt H«im Door in Martin County, at \V i!lara>t««. North Carolina, offer for .sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and beir.- m Bear Cras» Township, Mar tin I'wanti. North Carolina, anal de scribed as follows, to-wit: 1. at certain tract or parcel of land ISarrtfmn Bros, anil (Tompauy i Special Showing For Easter .• • • We are making special showings in Hats, Suits, Coats, Ox- I ford Hosiery, Dresses, Sweaters, Silk and Piece Goods of all the new styles and colors. I It will pay you to make us avisit before you make your se lection for Easter. . (v Our assortment is the largest that we have ever shown and you will sure be suprised when you see the quality of goods j and the low prices we are asking for them. • Come to see us and let us show you the largest assortment you have seen this spring. Harrison Bros. & Co tT' • ; _ . • » ' ; s "' a COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK WILLIAMSTQN'S LARGEST DKPARTM ENT STORE • ' ' • —- lying and beats ■ Martin County, North Caretiaa, more or leas adjaieias the hah of J. R- Harrises at the BriiaaiH Harmon oa the geatli. Claaili White hurst an the Weat and i. & Peel an yr* How to Make Money! PAIMT FACTS Illustration describes how to make FV, .JFJ BEST —PURE —PHUT hrS2Jß>Cata FRPIL/ LMSEMMSIEFMT is White Lead and Costly White 7jie to assure loosest years of wear, as proven by 50 years of ntmoat satisfactory use. ti*sr con-|ffe—»aiS»mi.aMto form. and therefore • you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and ao J m«l« I*4 gaDona of Pore Pamt for |2LBZ per gallon. ■ flMtffalVVKE—Uaa pa*- SALSBURY JOHNSONCO. INC. Hamilton =*^^=^=—=—== ! Tomb Stones • _ I Pi j > j! See me before placing your order for a Tomb stone or Monument. I 'can save you money. I sell the very best marble, Vermont or j (leorgia marble. 5 The prices are right, and freight paid. —----- --- ~^ M ——T "- - v.. - -JW. . —. — _ g •_ j the North and more CNMHIJ knowa as tbc Redmond Harrison Land. This the 22ad day af March ISM. WHEELER MARTIN, MUL

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