ADVnm&HBS WILL FIND OCR COLUMNS A UTCIXKT TO UN arm ret OF MAKXIM COUNT* VOLUME XXV —NUMBER 15 ' MAMMOTH STILL IS CAPTURED OB Tweoday last a MMMUI still nt o|tand in the Bear Grass see te estimated to Ww! Mr. A. & «f TuWu. with Federal pMMMI made a *wl to wfcfleJTtiL Bear Grass section they Tma „| IM a mmoctk moonshine' [J..t ud cafinc dthe catii* outfit The its was a large kettle with a capacity of two handled sallow or MIC and was equipped with acces sary capper pipes and doubler. The still was operated to P» B***- Near the rtfll was foand fourteen handled gallons of beer that were tarn ed oat an the ground. Mr. Harris stated that this was one of the most complete oatflt? he had erer seea and that the plant was worth as math as a thousand dollars The ata had never been used bat had jast been placed when to was cap tared by *be oflfcers. BEAITIFIL WEDDING SOLEMNIZED IN IMMAN UEL BAPTIST CHI'RCH Greenville Reflector A weddinr characterised by >i"«plr diputjr and unasaal beaaty occurred at the lauaaael Baptist churrto oa Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, when Miss Marguerite Annie Higp | and Mr. WOliam Robert Everett, of Scotland Neck, were married. The charrh was elaborately and effective- j ly decorated and was aglow with the cheerful yellow and white of e=rly spring flowers. The whole pulpit and choir loft were cowered with white and were bonked with fern* and and against this lor*} back ground myriads of jonquils l daisies lutes were arraaged- la the center of the pulpit were three all white wiker floor «_ses fllied with calla lilies. and the pews re served for the relatives and closest friends of the bride aatl groom wer* *j*o marked 3ilh floo. «'• •» » th crDa ia*« » ' » i!»' ~ with yellow tulle. The whole m. k a nut effective setting for the r-»- tumr- of the bridal party, wkxh shaded from Chinese yellow to th nch golden brown of the bride's gown Miss Bertolett. of the Gisaaedlc Teachers' College, played the wed ding masic. aad Miss Helen Higr*- who wore a fiwek of peach crepe, saag tie ever-loved Sehebert's sere- Dr. R. T. Vaun of Itoleigh. who sflhiTtr I at the weddiag of the bride's pcrer.ts aad also at that of her suter. performed the ceremony, assisted by Dr. T. H. Plemmoa*. the bribe's Mrs. Everett is the oldest .iaaghter of Mr. and Mrs. L B. Higgs- She is a graduate of Meredfth College ard has traveled extensively aad to her char mand culture aad genuine strength of character has wm for herself the love and on of a hoot of friends wherever she has gone. She has been very active ■ the church aad dab hfe of her towa aad will be greatly missed. Mr. Everett was edacated at toe l amrsJty of North Carolina aad JM N. C. State College. He is a promt atst young planter of Martin coanty aad his popularity and that of hi* bride was proven by the tnmriw saa liiniliiiair gifts which they received At noon Mr. aad Mia. E- & Higgs and Mr. aad Mrv & J. Everett en tertained the weddiag party and ) a gaerts at a beautiful break fast at the Coanty Ctnh, after whid the bride and groom mafiad U Rocky Moaat. where they took thi traia for a trip to St. Aagwatane aa> St. Pctersbaig. FARMERS BUST PLANTING COR? Farmers are plmtmg can thi . week regawßcas of the cold spell They are aot fallowing forsaer meth has not yet opoei They moot he fsl Those bratn who have tried i ma to know that can planted th last week mi March and the flrst a April general)- bears —R. RATBORN JOI NER TAKEN SKRIOI*SLY IU Carried to Parh View n pßil Rev. aad Mrs. A. V. Joyaer left thi ■ ■mmg with their —m. Rayhsr for the Phrk View bnpiiil Rack aight at the sapper table J]d to « feared that Us raailßiia was any pi THE ENTERPRISE EASTERN CAROLINA EXPOSI TION AND AUTOMOBILE SHOW PROGRAMME T* Be HcM m fc —r— Ow*W«k. It j April 7 aad End mg April 12. 1924. MONDAY. APRIL 7TH 2« Pl ■.-Fknde-Fint pr-ze. $10000; acoßd. $75.00; third, $5O 00. faiitwl. ncay cater a Soar m this pa rade. , SJO P. 3L—Formal opnint in Wfi VIRhNML Address of Vdcdkw: Wayne 'A. Mitchell, faitw. M. C [ Rfipiair: Hoa lieo KoyalL. Preai dnt Eiften CarnUaa Chamber of Consent. Gohlsboro. X. G. Aii-irfsf. Cwwr Morrison. »40 P. M.—Doars cW 7Jn p. Jt. IK»r> »prn j 730 P. IL—Cerror>»"i BacJ Ca*- f*Tt SJP P. M.—Mis Anrj Case. pnaa. CoMtd 10:15 P. M.—See exhibits TUESDAY. APRIL KTH TOO P. M-— Doors open. ! "30 to 8:30 P. M. Cerrone* P-ond Concert aad «rV«tnL •:M P- M.—Minstrel by Kiwanb Hits. Eastern Carolina. IJO P. M Own open. 2DO P M Pwade by Kmni» Clubs Eastern ; Carolina. ! JM P. M—i'anti Concert. I 3:30 P. M —See Exhibit.*. 1 SJO P. M Door* dose WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9 i 1« P. M—l-mn opra [ 200 P. J|_—Parade. fc.tary Club I Eastern Carolina 2JO to 3 :30 P. M. —Orwene"s Pittbnrr Band. 5Ai P M. —Dwor* thw P. M—Doors open. 7:30 P. M. —Cerrore's Band concert and -pr-iab •J" p. m. —One art nnwdt. stacoi jby nkdmdoal Rotary Hub Eastern I Carolina THIKDAY. APRIL 10 1:00 P. M—Door* open. 2JO P. M. —Bard enact. 330 P. M.—lntro dartioa of Qmml Two separate eta tests: one Lenoir Caanty aad oar out side I en sir roaaty. FRIDAY. APRIL II I * P- M - DooT« open. 2:30 P M -Cu»»at'» Ban I hi Special Concert for the children. 3:30 P. M.—Special entertainment the children ta he aaaoanred later SM P M.—Doars dose 7:00 P. M —Dssri orpn. 7Jt p. M.—Pageant "Eastern Carolina in Action." SATURDAY. APRIL 12 1« P. M.—Dears open. 2JO P M —Band Concert. 3JO P. M- Special eaterf h—t far the people. "30 P M.— Ban-t ft •M P M—Snaetlmt rraJ w.-rtl while II JO P. M—Deer* Hose, and tha down the rartoia on the See •*+ Aaaaal Eastern Carolina Expose I I TEN -OOVTS- Ten ThnV" for woawn politic* ' *ntMS, |iu by the woman rite 1 chairaai of the Republican utis a 1 raaaittre. are as follows: "Dm" 1 e# ywar hest doth* i; Ma*t Ice! 1 Ifihe a bare bach rider or a tinsel cir ens dancer Itont wear pearl- « ( daarly thinr* aroaad the .lech linal r wear a bat. especially one with feath " ers or lappac thicks on iL Des" ' show yum feet ac ankles. Ikmst yd 1 at yvar lalierct. Doat learn y«i 1 speech by heart, or read it from a wri I ten espy, beat refer to yoar lack •- 1 ti de. Doat Ghdi the other party." I GOV ERNOB'S MARRIAGE A GREAT SI'RPRiSI h _ JTkt aews of the marriage of oa r Gamaor C -neroa Marriaoa came a 4 ja girat wprUe. The people general Ily woe expecting that he migh '■miry Mrs. Vaaderbilt. bat did mm 'know that he was evca cMrtitc Mn Geo. DL Watts of Darham. Mrs. Watts is about as rich as Mrs * V ■ idi ibdt. aad is also very popnla L aad attraction. " POST OFFICE REPAIRED helad|Mtdhtß«dcnwiir few awwiaij repairs, "ifre patina f mt the dki ast be tnablsJ a , Mr. hiet is having tV affair Sw up a proper . rir ad so that rt uftm -a»y data ; af the cStcc ail m he hnper«»L L SIR. CULPETPER INVESTIGATES THE PLACING OF HAKb m ' WARE STORE HEX; » ' t- Mr. W. T. Catpepper of the CU A pepper Hardware Cacjaty mi ELza m beth GBp » k tmmm today IssHar sd WOliamston. Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. April 4, 1924 rue KAiua rßasrEcrs i FOB THE YEAK 19U ' Acconißg to the bleat information from aver JSjtNKH Umiri. reprex-til ing pncbEdf way county in the L nited States. ■ Ahm Uf past moiilh, tkr fjian are aailli Hii m' * naraaal prmtartMß |n(na h k apparrnt. bwttu. tint Uk paoitortu n tiu» > ear nQ ftil raaet w«a Ue trial > aritiaf rr— h*h nges, iwti, farm labor j ihaiMp aal the general difference Mnea Ike phtu of faraa and urban prodacU. TV ftaeial American tie nanl for acmkaral fndacts is 4nag. The ton prosperity is shown mtlta, VM! aad «|aalit> of foods ■hick v UM) to Matisw lor some The fdaga oaifcfb seem likely to alwt tke (RMnt level for iar c»tti«. peek, wheat and tobacco !>■ indi. The HUntM m regard to tabor, HI T— I j fritdorn, credit and (Mt «nu a M nwwpnit to nm a> i if inm ia prodartton. There «* a of an overpro- Jactioa of tm*m ac the Icaed States. Hits mm n iii if artaall) carried out anl d the y**ds are as rood as in 1 recvat >ear. «MU ie« t in a supply larger 'JUB the yen bub R dem. aad. This is poititabili traar ia new of the pro iprctsve ******** ia Iweawk proil*- tio* The cvttM aarket gives promise of beitc aUe to ak«rt> the «:>oderate increase of nttaa at a rtwijisratively roo.i pnrr A Urtpe crop, if secured by axrml acreaee and expensive rsktanl oetM. ««■» tend to brins a dcrtmc ■ price which mrrht more than offset a*} renkinc reduction* ia (•*!• dwr to hi(th yields. («>od jpi(n«rt «a the part «rf cotton farm ers is ikk to pay well ibis year re; k:l vverii p»i ocimr meth nfe. Lab fndfsaf «lx«ld be avoid rd. Tjt t iam cgthU is for a slight m amsf in this late and ■MB? trrrva*e !na here tc The aaljgcal fidnk is for the ' ame amijr u last -ear. The cigarette •ipp of tohar* •> an thox mostly in ill IM! These are rather heavy stocks of t iar* mm lad! m c««i~aderation of the year"- ■« » audi for manufartur The pruat stli ak is for an in ritmiei aiMp >* the extent of 19 per nd IknarM the South. & per coat a this state aatd » per rent in the Silt Atlantic stoles. There iva pros pet -f sji overproduction in view of the Vnr ■■"» it» of *t«k* during the M MS«C i •rrn»N CBOVEBS' ASSOO tTIOX Tn HIVE WMITH %T E r%RIHJN.% EXPOSITION Raleirh. April 1— Farmers who visit thr Culm Cawlioa Ktpo* itk»n at IMNL Ap4 *. 9. and 10. will farf a not übtettng and education al eihht «Mai a —niii of others. The North Canlha Cottoa Growers' Cooperative Auriliaa has arranged a booth whirh is to he not only a dis play that wil atefet bat is planned to aid I l * cottoa fi»««rf «f the coun tje» whirh take fait IT. the exposition. A complete ending and clausing *fin is to hr at the exposition under the rfaulaa of Fred T. Haas of the Eatn# dbe aaJ every farmer whe stdl ha» ntha tea haeH is welcome to bch( i aanpli of tSe ro'lMi for ex pert gf ii liar aad classification Thit iaiilrtiia is, tpa to all fannera whether they be ■i■> ■ n of Lhe as .sarialiaa at ML There is no (hup fair the service wharf, d intended U really With the f-ai ai i s Aaother feature mi the exhibit will be a Wend eafcihit with full • —•— as the poison dustini ■art bad mt lt>lat the weevil. Tke fpi ie mt the Association it aatbr c this rr*-" ia to illastraU % ■n Ml narr of better cotton sea as* ba Ilia a Methods of making tin crop la fmr *he exhibit, Jfr llaas wdi kail the assistance ihrough oat the i ipudno mt thirty leader m the laapnliii work, selected b; toe local oezaaazatiaas of Lenoir '•reeae aad Wayne Caialiw CMO OF THANKS To the aad hrrinj i j apathy mt Meads expressed by hot word aad deed ia our long bereave newt ha* latrhril oar hearts moa deeply aad we mk to thas public! rip*? mm thanks ami appreciation. Mrs. J. D Cherry aad Children. CAM OF THE ADVENT . . - to iwday. Aprd t. Hoi; in' fc«l a. bl Charth iA I il »:« a. at. , _ Everybody adnae. > J. E WARNER. Priest. Hr. Ma A. Maaakm aad little so i Jack j itaiday in Rocky Moaa SHERIFF CAPTURES SMALL OUTFIT s ———— Sheriff Rabmon and Chief rf Po lice J. O. Manning wawri u bviu tion to visit the Bear Tray 113 Wed nesday. Upon reaching the id they saw smoke and immediately «■« to ward iL When they had walked with in a few feet of the a «d— man, Lawrence Woolard. ch> was an charge, discovered then and leaped for other parts. The ker pdrf man followed. Across i tij. brush, over logs aaJ cndrr kwh they went. The policeman hemr raider stoat held wind and ca-wd gmai for p. short while, but fnally aw that he would either lo e his breath or the negro O#. » he stopped. hi breath. '* The outfit consisted «»: a small cop per kettle. *mal etrpCy bmb and four gallons of Rwla.iset ram. JAMESVILLE SCHOOL. TO KE CEITK APPROMtIATION IWD STATE EIH'O.TIOX BOAKII Donation of Five Hatred Ihlin to Help High School Mee* Stale * K«^oiif The State Board of Ednratarm hat just appropriate! to the Jamesville High SrM from a re cently provided fund set a.dr for lh>- purpose of assisting high that arr not able to provide »Am( famd> to preserve the staidaoi rr»j»i n ti t «.f the State. JamesvUle is tk* only school s. the county to make applratM The i —- ty superintendent in>i the Ural com mittee jointly nuk-itf the applica tion. STAH.HXM III' THE »WXIIK MIH. N-.XACEME-*:'. I.TT_ K> •I? :>?ri» by the * r or «\- I.RKSS of UGIST it »i'. of The Enterprise pnhlfcthtd )«•» weekl> at WiDaibtaa. X- C for April. 1924. State of North Carolina . f , .... a*.. Coanty of Martin Before aae. a notary pablac in vd for the Mate aad ramly aforaui per-anally appeared W. C M —nag Jr., who having been rfalj sworn ac cording to law. depoo** and says thai ho is the BuintM Mgr. of The Enter prise uhl that the foflowing as. to the best of hts haooh iff and hrlaef. a true .statement of the o«o« i ikf. management, etc.. af the afomnad publication for the date ahaian a iW above caption. ni|airwd by the Act »1 August 24. 1912. MbriW in «thr 449. Postal Laws aad Bagnlrtaani printed on the icvevso of Urn form, to wit: I. That the name aad aMm»e> of tlx- published, editor, mat u« • rditor, and business are: Publisher V M. Naaant, Vdbaßdaa, N. C Editor W. C. Maaniag. WiUanrfoe. N. C. Business Manarer W C. Mammt. Jr Williamston. X. C. 2 That the oaaers arr: W. C. Man ning Jr.. Williamston. X. C.; F. M Manning, Williamston. X C-; * - C, Manning. Williamitoa. X. C; E S Peel, Williamston. X. C. 3. That the kaowa haikilVrt mortgagees, ami other Monty hM ers owning or hoUhr I per )M « more of total anaoar of hard*, mortgage*, or otaer waritin arr: Dodson Printers Saffly Co. Atlanta. Go. 4. That the two paragraphs neat above, gbring the anaoes a# Ike owner? stockholders, aad secant) hoMers. if any, contain rot aa'> tie last ad stock holders and secarity hUns a* the-j appear upon the hnaks of the com pany but also, ■ own wt*t» the stockholder or semrity hilltr pear* upon the kiah af the caimpiiy as trustee or la any other Mnraary re lation. the aaaee of the pertoai or cor poration for whoao stark trnstee a» aAing, is given: aba that ti* said two paragraphs rtlim stateaor-t --embracing aflaat's M kaomfcdge and belief as ta the croaolaam aad conditions under whark ilaikhaiii n and security holders who do aa* ap pear upon the books of the caafmi as trustees, hold stack and Martia in a capacity other thaa that af a bana ftde owner; aad this ahut has aa reason ta betirre that any other per any interest direct or adaaat m thr said stack, hands, or other auniliri than as ao stated by bam. V. a MAXXIXG. JR. this 3 day af Aprfl, l«t J. E POPE. Notary Mfc Mrs T. L MMto Mo-a Ko BOBEKT t LEE: -IMMORTAL EVEN IN DF.FLU* In Dr. Wrfom E HaSd*r' S»>k -AIOUK t>e trail of Ihf Frickll) \nrs" tier is a chapter en'. '• 1 "Sittmjr B the Ashes." whi".i te ! rcr.bes U - fall of Richmond in *'«• bit 4ay of the Confederacy, a w General Lee's entrance into tlw City «a his rrtmrr from the war. Just flfty ■nr \nrs ago the (Vil War came to a cW. Or. Hatcher's tribute to Ut is so beautiful that we reproduce S for w readers: ( "Bet I » a-.otfcer syrht m cwnnec liom Rsthmdol's fall which I ror.ff- thrilled me a Ihousanl times more than aT! tJje rlon of the vic lur—> arwiar of the Kepubic. It was a spectacle that broke upon me un eiprttli; it c.»—* while the heavens were fcft with storm and the streets w.-i* wild with rainv. V. u: I >a wa • a horsrmn His was br.iu!trM rith mud. and I His head tar. - «k»wn as if worn by I low travel!i The horseman himself -a! OB his hor;* lib' a master: his face wa_- ri'il with >« if respecting erirfs: hi; rrnwutj cere worn in the -enicr ssJ sta ned with travel; his Kit «i .!.«.+«! and spattered with r*aJ ir>l u li arother unknown hcrse tas r.-le with 'rim. a- if for o>in|iany »au f»r love. Even in the fleeting of bis ;«a»-injc bv my gate. I was by h: uicomparable dignity. His acjftti: composure, bis recitude and hi- x-rrvw were so wrcw lit and Urrioi into hi» risafre ami s > beauti fal and iiirt 11 ~v« to my eyes that I Ml «.t> risVti! w*ep:nc To me there was only ow wrt*re this one was; tbere cwW be oadv one that day, and that «f was still my own re.-ered awl dcn-fcf«! Ir»ier. stainless in honor. rr-yleVcit and immortal even in de feat. try own. mv peerless chieftain. CoHrr* K I jee 1c that loeo way. in the midst of nil and nonr with no crvwtls to hail li'ie. with if;, ir-«!ir»!iiiir shouts to rdren' Km. with no banners flaj. pin; akvc! did he come hack fi*r» Ji-itr« war. But. ah' we did not b»* C ix.aere.l and solitary he was. bet yet be w«te ir.yisibh- badges of victory; be carried spoils of honor and which rould never fail, ud ■ every stop of bis sad inorintr be was nairkmf forward to take his place an tbe balance courts of univer sal tee." [HOUSE SHOE TOI'EVAMEVT I I KEATES MkCH MEKKIMKNT I * It K«u to be tkit men and boys .pitched dollars and other misse!> as a pw bat now the obi time hor-e shoes bare cn mr ajrain evidence. Tbe local school has just finished a bor o -boe patching tournament. Six teen boys and girls fathered u|> all tW old hor.-e shoes in town and car- tWw to tbe athletic field last ■ok and b»l a real obi fa-tnoned bor-e sboe i onamrnl There were e«tbt boys and eicht isirls in the luiiiini nl ami there were four con tests aatar both the boys and tfirls ( wfam tbe) were each eliminated anal j after tbe nevt elimination there were left *4^ tbe cult. Trances lloyt, I'at Harris. Laura Orleans and Margaret Ma junx. lain Orleans and Mar -irft NAki.r;; being tie winners in tic latt jrarae John Booker and ("ha>. IVej played Knxr Whitley and Tom Crawford bat thej were .lefeated in the Seals Tbe winrer- were a boa of cWo!i>- I:\TEKTAI\S AT HKIIN;I: On Tuesday evenmj; f-. in thirty wtil ehven thirty at their le el. Looae on Main street. Mr and Mr- A. R- [nwMnK e*itertai-i m>h a! . ? e*d« at bc»l*e Yefow jtaqaik in tbe li«'ij T«» >m -*■* elite and blue hrarin'ii- •» lie a t room made the atmo-u i«r-? f t»e 1 IT my like spriniftir a. f rr» ■*or.- t! »ee table- arranged f->» brid'jt a.- i at the of se • *ra! r>ih bt tc-aptinr refreshments were - e». ir tbe haste.**. TIMC invited were, Mr. al-i Mr-.. J. D Moolard. Mr. ant Mi L tl H. Icei. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrii-on. Mr aarf Mrs. J. L Williams, Mr. and Mrs G. H Harrison. Messrs. J. W. h«r> atA Milt H. Wolff - CAM) OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to tknk oar friends and relative., fgr iVrw BU) acts of kinttfnn aixl sym tfcajr atarißtr tWr recent illnes and .jotk of ny ho-hand aixl our fa- U«r. ■MS. J. L KOBKRTSOK AND FAMILY. StnL EK tiWrt arrived yester 4»jr fi ■■ Keatacki to »wt Mr. Sober trmmfo mother. Mrs. J. L Robertson -srf to ie«m to Keatocky with Mr. Untaa *tw has been here with hi* W- Mt his aincM and death. TWO WOMEN IME AS CARO- ♦ UNA SANITARIUM KLR-S Eight Patieats Mumwi la iVrt.u Inmates of Braa4 Oaks Kefage Morgantown. N. C., April X —Txo wonirn patients were known to be bcrufl to death, si* others are mi.-s --ing, and several are injured after a fire which today destroyed one win.; of the Broad Oaks sanitarium here. F »r --ty patients were sleeping in the build iug when the fire started. 'I * o bodies hare been recovered liv were identified as those of a Mrs. Gaines and a Mrs. Hamilton. Immediately after the Haze was conquered officials made a check of the patients and found eight to he 1 missing. A search was made in the ruins and a few minutes afterward. the bodies of two women wer efourxi Work of searching the ashes v.-as greatly hindred because- of the h*at and firemen sai«l it may be some time liefore it can be definitely a-- tablished whether others lost their I lives. The cause of the fire has not been learned but an inve: ligation already is under way. police said. The blaze started shortly before daybreak while the patier.ts were asleep and had guinea! a headway be fore the night nurses detected it. An alarm was turned in immediately an-' it was with the «reatest difficulty that many of the he> Sfcien patients were removed to safety- Many were ra-r-e-l to asotlwr local hospital- Sorre of tK*m «crr slightly injured while others are suf fering from nervous shock resulting from fri»»t. One man was said to have been seriously burned ami doubt.- for his recovery were eipressel by at tendants. J I*. (Ireen. of Charlotte. X. C. "i , e*pectel to ilie from burns received after running bark into tSe flam ing builtlint; following hi- rescue. Another woman patient from Omgia, also was reported near death Of the forty-two patients in the building when the fire started, thirty were women. The institution U con ducted by I>r. J. Verno. a nerve and mental specialist. Police this afternoon stated the cause of the fire had no* be»n deter mined. It started in a «ecC«n of the building where there is a strict rule against patients carrying matches | Many of the inmate.- were con • fined to their Wds when the f.:e I -tarte.l, and it was with the create-1 I difficulty that they were rescued SCHOOL HOI SK BI'RNS KK I N llKit-: :.N«' _ A>IESVILLE (Uneral Opinion Prevails That The Building Was lired hy An Kara) The Smithwick school him * loratnl between Williamston and Jame-ville was burned last night • The general opinion pmails that it was fireii by some one who is an en »my to his neighbors. his country. Ills friends anl even t» hi# unworthy self. The school would have rl««i in a few week* ami of course, the loss of the building closes the school now. Some few books were burne«U be ionfing to the teacher- mostly. M All JONG PARTY M isj. Elizabeth Ha_wll entertained at one table of Mali Jong at her home on Haughton street yesterday after noon from four to six. Those playing besides the bo-t -- were Mr*. It. I hike t'ritcher. Mr> Robert Heyilenreirh ao.l MU» Kliza ! beth Hurras. •' s _ An attractive salad coarse •»- serv el by Miss Has-sell assisted by her mother, Mrs. A. Hassell. MK. JAMES V TAYLOR DIED SUDDENLY LAST TUESDAY Mr. James N. Taylor of Cross Rood township died suddenly Tuesday. April I. Mr Taylor had been in 01 health for several months with high blood pressure and bright* disease, how ever he was able to be ap and attend ing to business. Tuesday morning he walked out to the field where Ms boys were plough ing. After staying out for « short while he turned to go away but as he turned to leave he fell and was iead In less than a minute. Mr. Taylor was K years old and '.caves a widow, four sons aaii thrr daughter*. The burial was in the Air- si Rawlr burial ground, & S. Cowin; ducting the funeral. Mr. Jaliaa & M will retr last of this w«ek from drier [Detroit where he has speat t two weeks. watch the label on you* P VPUL IT CAUjIES THE DATE VOIR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 RECORDERS COURT PROCEEDINGS State v> W hit Baley, reckless driv ing of an autcmobik oti the pvfatic roads. State ts Arsirvw Mohley, Lather (lark. W teeier Beach an) Oaear Wynn. Assault with deadly weapon. Each defendant pimi gwdty and was fined $5.01) ami cost. State rs Fred Bryant, assault. Con tinued until April *th_ State ts Randolph Ore. Elijah Gor ty IVfendant* Randolph Ore and ham an>l Randolph Carter- FWL*#B - « iurham. each fired $50.00 and one-third of the cast acd confined in \ iSe common jail fofr a term of ten days and they pay their jail fee*. | Randolph Carter was fined tS Oii and •he cost State TS Simon Faear. Jr. driving auto without license. IV»i guilty. Judgment sB-pewW u|»r payment of the costs and apor payment to Mr. Austin, the witness the sun* «f sl7 75 and the case was con tinned ur .il April lath under the same bor.d State vs Wrilie Barfield. assault with deadly w.-?pon. PW»i guilt}"- Fined I*> and "costs- State TS l eßn\ Pitt.- and Aeton Ed mord on Lai Clay for temporary pur poses. \ol Pros. Rob?rt Johnson. Jr. Hav.r.r liquor on hand for ale. Flea»l Nolo Oontenderi arl charred with the co t SK\KK\I. UK VL W'YS OIT FOR TRIP ACROSS CONTINENT The bathing beautie* as pictured in all the viagazines from the western shores have proves! too ■ lucti for Messrs James E. Harrell. Raymond Taylor arrd lames Cooke: » they are takinr advantage of the wonderful ofTer of the JCjrw and OkrtTer. The I fTer is a trip for !•** mtwrirtions or renewals for one year to that paper. There will be two group*. one leav ing in June and another ia July. We wish the hoys a Rice trip across the oW C. S. and the best of Suck in ;9li- : t'n -"b cript-oc slo the "Old Re liable " CNIVFRSITY OF CAROLINA'S IXNINC H %LL IS BI'KNED Chapel Hill. X. CL. April J-—Si* hundred stu>tents of the Cniversity of North Carolina toalay had to -earch for a new place to board. Fire discovered by a negto janitor in the early morning hours, damaged Swain hall, the dininr n»T of the univers ity, to th- 1 extent of J5i.0"0. the kitchen equipment being a total loss. Criversity oftrxl- say repairs to , the huildinr cannot b' cuxplrteil be fore May I. TO HOSPITAL Mr. I.uther Peel acromparied by J. \V Manninr carried Mr. James Gur ganus to the -Late hospital in Ral eirh Wednesday. Mr Peel reported a nice trip, but stated that tho Mr Graranus be con •lemned hy many ard looked upon as an outcast his sense of feeling was to be reckoned with pst as much so as any one else's. Mr Gurganus showed the way a.:d related a few of his eijurifOMs while in the hospital wa» lime ago. lie said he Kate.! t» return ami at tims crie-t as if he were a habj. OAK CITY WiNS HOI BLi: HEADI.R The Oak City hi • Hisket tail team CIIMI its SEA** with ar ovtr whelming victor over KobersonviUe. winning to to The oltbersonville boys were game hot cvuld cot break up the smooth team «ork of the Oak City hoys. The Oak City girl* made it a double header when they won over the RokerxoiiV girl-? hy a score of 12 to 1© BEAR CRASS STXDAT . . SCHOOL HONOR ROLL Folloa in* is the hmr roll of toe Bnr Gnu Scattf *Haol for March, IMfc Ptiui) (1m Mrs. B. O. Owing. Tntkn: Venter C«ra«. Bbadi Covins, Lois Mae Bailey, Tktaa Eailey. V. Terry. Lester Terry. Myr \. Oiianuon. Raymond Cm—. C Gargtnx, D. Baccn. Mawie Mq. liw* Btilef, Willie Mod. Era Euk. Etta K:c*. p --' * Locj Cau, Mary X DaiLfit, Dm» V>v. * « ..Jm