AIMUmSEKS WILL FIND OUK A UTCHXCT TO ISM mutes OP XAKIDi COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 16 PROCEEDINGS OF RECORDERS COURT TODAY liquor Trade Sends Sev eral To County Jail RECORDERS COURT The Rescanden Court heirf today wai short hat rather Judge Stnixn. of F»hi i nan Jli j—Mai with E. S mil -fii t * J of during the ses- State n Louis Lee transporting liquor La* fomd guilty awl toed lltttH and cast and confined in Jul long enough to miss ase meaL State TS J. B. McGowaa. having liquor far the purpose of sale. Defen dant fend guilty and teed «tSOM and sentenced to jafl for 15 days. Slate vs Joe Sjpwow, larceny, "'■■mai food |«ny and was sen tenced to tie rands for four nwitb State « Joe Simmons, breaking jafl- Not guilty. State rs Fred Everett, carrying State TS Joe Eborn. resisting odker. Not pdtj- State TS Joe Eborn. assault with deadly weapon. Eborn found ruiftv and was sent to jail for 30 day*. State TS Lawrence Woolard, manu farturmg liquor. This case was con tinned to next Tuesday. Aprfl 15. State n Wdl Mines. Gus Baldwin 801 Meeks Lonnir Oak*, and George Chin. r«u»uc. Each found *why and (nol tlO W and 1-5 of the ml State ts Fred Bryant, assault. Not gudty State TS Ned William- Continued to April 15l • MISS CARRIE LEE PEEL ENTERTAINED FRIDAY On Friday evening from eight thirty until dtwii thirty. Miss Carrie Lee FYei entertained a number of her friends at the attractive new iasmr jf her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R J. Peel mm Hangkton street in honor of her eighteenth birthday. Spring limn and pdtted plants were used in profusion throughout the hare. Miss Margaret Manning served punch in the buck halL Hearts were |U\«d and Miss Mdba Wyrme the greatest —her of ptugiei iisni. and was peeiented with a box of kome ■ill riitiw An ice course was serv ed by Mini i Lee Parher wd EJlrr Eiere:t of FofaeraaaviMe and M->* t*» M. These pr.jnt vwe, Mi;«s > Little. Mittie Brown. Esther Harrison. Pattie Harris. Margaret Manning Evelyn Harrison. Vehna Harrison.. Ism pt ne Sykes. Pattie Edanondson Mary Legged. Emma BeC Harris. Mary Mtlim Andrews. Susie James. EKinh'th Hnsaell. Myrt Wynn. Laura OHhu, Mdba Wynne. Sadie Perry. Dwuthy Thrower. Elizabeth Gnrgann* TraAah Ward Page, and Messn. Wa Hedges. Bryant CariUiphcn. Biß Harre.l. Bill Ila?;ell Harmn. V-i High:. Charles Godwin. Faa* Car ■tarpben. Francis Barnes, Raynaud Taylor. M. H Wolff. John Booker. W T. Mi iilni. Ii . Cajliid Harrison and Misse.- ESen Owing. Frances Guv-. ENTERTAINMENT TO BE OVEN IN J AMKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL AI DVTORIIM FRIDAY NIGHT la the auditorium at Jamesvdle. Friday evening at S o'clock. a 11.11.M11 wffl be given under the iiini of Iks Van Hairr. mem ber of the Jmmmmmm schaul faculty TW public is invited. ' Dr. g»>f Changes Ofin Heme ad to ere, ear, aaae aadthraat, has 4e eated that iwfflbcte *snag tht hoars frosr 1 to C m the afteraooo. He is hoc mm§ Friday in his iflct in STOVE DEMONSTRATION That the —to way to aril pih is to let the bayer bar aB abaat to the atoee «f M S. al aaLt week. Am expat frsa the factory wffl n—naST"*bT'pnZlt -*■' " v 7.*® * ~ r THE ENTERPRISE MARTIN COUNTY ONLY COUNTY IN STATE TO HOLD NO TOWNSHIP RDIAUI O—il flaw af Pwimif Cetera ktolhr P(*|k Far AD Autharrty Martm county held no township prawriK Saturday while every other county in the state did The {twill plant and purpose of all dfowiatk government is to go to people for all authority. In accordance with this democratic plan of organisa tion. is that every voter is called to his respective voting place and there elect* delegates to a county conven tion. And at the county . convention delegates to the senatorial, judieial congressional, state and national con ventions are elected. ' In accordance with this plan pre duct piimn lim «ut Md, so far as we ksom in every county in North Car S»l»rdi). April Sth where iVI« gates to thr mnty conventions «w elected. ak« they elected representa- Inw who formed the County Kiern tiw committee who name the County Chairman. JERNIGAN—4 "OWING On Sunday afternoon at one o'clock a wedding of particular interest to their many friends in Wißiamston and vicinity took place in the Philathea room of the Memorial Baptist church with the pastor. Rev. R L. Shirley, when Miss Estelle Cowing and Mr. Dnid Jernigan were married. Mrs- Jenufin is the oldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cha*. Cowing ami lis a very popular young lady. She at tended the Wdliamston high school. Mr. Jernigan came here from Au lander about two years ago aid has been in the barber business with the firm of Hall and Jernigan and he is a very highly respected young man by all those who know him. He e the son of Mr .and Mi*. D. F. J. Jernigan of -Inlander. They left on a ear for Rocky Mount where they are visiting friends and urill return to Will jams ton Wednes day to make their home MR. GREEN'S ARTICLE O.N CONDITION AT POOR 801 SE RECEIVES MICH PRAISE Far perfectly plain talk, the article by J. W. Green, on the "Poor House" appearing in our paper xnne time ago. takes the premium, and yet every body says it is the plain truth When citizens make such state ments then it behooves us to remedy tbe cause. Martin county can build and maintain a respectable county home, why not do it? The beat way for the county to ans wer the charge is to correct the trou ble. renore tbe cause. MISS MI'MBT IN BASKET BALL TW last Sanaay edition of The New York Times carried a picture of the High School Basket Ball Team ofWotMd, New Jersey, which has cctered the National Toumament- Frinub and relatives here will be interested to learn that Miss Florence* H"*jr *« a member of the team. She is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Mary Whitley Mandy. and visit* Iter rela tives is WiKiamston every year. M»>- M—dji's team is scheduled to play the team mt Guthrie. Okia . for the West field cup. MR. T. F. HARRISON LEAVES TO PI RCHASE SI MMER GOODS Mr. T- F. Harrison, of the firm of Harrison Brothers and Company left yesterday afternoon for Northern cities oheie he will bay imh r goods for his store. This is Mr. Har riaon'a second trip to the northern aaikiti this spring and he will buy the moot attractive line -of summer goods that has ever been shown in AT THE STRANU THEATRE The local mavit faa were afond a real taaat last uniin when Mae Marray up—ri to "Fascotatioa". M pmri to he aa good that the same pn»" wffl he ih«aa again tonight The pictorce boohed by the Strand tiailis— George Arßss to the ■Gnea CiMwi" >• ichriaW to appear here at aa early date Messrs. Clayton Moore C A Har riaao, W. C Meaning and Dr. P. R. Caae attested the faneral of Dr. M. P. |mm 1 » Ruhiissa«ffli: this af- Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 8, 1924. I JURORS FOR SPE CIAL TERM MAR TIN SUPERIOR CT. Two Weeks Term Begin ning The 12th Of May Following is a list of the juror drawn yesterday to serve at the spec ial term of Superior Court .to com ir.ence May 12th ami to last for two weeks: First Week E. G- Waters. J. W Martin .Geo. H Mizelle. J. W. Hopkins. L J. Haidi son. J L Peel. J K Bowen, J. L Rodg erson. W. H. Mizelle, N. R Everett, A. S. Robecson. J. A Coffieid. J. T. Taylor. L A. ('room. W. E. Davi*. J. W Euhanks. W. B. She trod ami J T. Haislip. Second Week W. W Waters. J. F. Martin. W. G. Hardison. Louis H. Roberson. Ben Ward. A. B. Ayers. J. A. Barnhill. R H. Smith. S. C. Peel. F. U Barnes, W A Bland. Geo. II Holliday. J. A. A»s bon. Jlf. G. Roti-rson, Hynun Warren. B. F. Meyers. I'. I. Gladstone and X F. Brown. ROGERSON -BIRC.ESS Washington Daily New? Mr. Kir.K-r Rogerson and Mis Joscphine Burgess were Happi!; mime.l at the home of the l«ride" mother. Mr?. W. B. Burgess on A eademy street Sunday morning at eight o'clock. The ceremony wr.s impressively performed in the pres ence of a few friends by the Rer Richard Bagby of the First Chri - tian church. The brkle is the efficient strao? rcpher of E. Peterson and Co., and a young lady of many friends The n»ni is employed at the At lam Supply Company, an.l a young man of sterling worth. The couple will make their home on East Fourth street. The Daily News extend* fori Mr. Rogerson is a former Marti eiunty num. having been reared a! Rear Grass where his family is well known. LITEKARV SOCIETY OF JAMESVILLE ENTERTAINS THAT OF FARM UFE The O. Henry Literary, Society ol Use Marin'rjr Farm I.ife School was royally entertained with a fish fry and camp supper at Gardner's ciM near Jame*ville Thursday ni*ht by the M oodrti* \\ ilson society. Tt.e two ocieties met on the school Krounai- it five o'clock aim soon the cars and a huge truck wrre loaded and suited on their way U> the camp grottr.*ls. Afler reach inr their le.4inatiun boat riding, alining ind frames are re en Joyed by some while others were ftf ing the fish. After supper everybody gatheruJ around the camp fire anal hid a re;-»- lar iw! time. The success of the casio r. was due to e r reut extent to the kind hospitality of Mr. Ray. The crowd reluctantly broke up with a hearty vote of thank* to Woo>ir.>» Wil on society for c most enjcyabV o-vr-ning. The society work ha.« been s. treat benefit as well as pleasure to Jht Farm Life school hoys and giris lu.' POLICEMAN FRANK GIR GANL'S LEFT FOR BALTIMORE Policeman Frank Gurganus left yesterday for Baltimore where he will go to Johns Hopkins Hospital for treatment. Mr. Gnrganus has been 31 for some time and his phjnAriaas thought it advisable for him to go to a specialist for treatment. His many • nendf hoep that he will soon he much oetter and able to return home. JAMES C ROBERSON DIES La>t Friday the death angel Tint ed the bom- of Mr. and Mrs M. EL Robereon anl carried away their Mo, Jams Clayton, lie was onlr fifteen months old and was in ptiftu health until Sunday when ptnuim took place from eating cabbage. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Elmer palter of the IWwnwiviDe church. Intel not was «ie in the old Wynn grave yard near Crass Road;. C ARD OF THANKS We wish to thank oar friends ami wtlbhini for their kind mtofatratiaes their sympathy to oar recent MSB. I. & MIZELL AKDflm, DREN. THE MAN FOR THE OFFICE Tfcf voters of Martin county arc fortunate in this election year in hav- j in* aspirant? for the several offices, who do command the esteem of their fellow men Especially is this true of J. San Grtjinprr, who is asking the dmooats choose him for the office of Register of Deeds in the June I*rim ary. Mr. Getsinger is a yountr man of merit, a World War Veteran, having wntil eighteen months. and receiving an honorable discharge. He is of rood democratic stock, is honest, morally cleoa. courteous, applies him self dwriy to his work. which is done in a neat orderly manner. For three and one-half years he has been serv ing as assistant Register of Deeds, ami the work has largely depended upon him. Those who have business in i' the office have found him on the job any time daring the day. or at night, when necessary. Men of hnsines everywhere are de jmandine that those in places of trust j should be trained—training is the j keynote of success in any line— j«nd 'Mr Getsinger is familiar with every I detail of the office of Register of j Martin county-. He would .ro into the j office with no «•««•« ♦- l! --_ ■' * ft . | J ' j I Mr W. It Hardy was at home to • deurn guest* at her home on llaugh ttm street last evening from eight - tturtj until eleven-thirty. Tables were at>U|ed for tcKlre and crystal bowls at me!." were found on each table which were enjoyed during the even »**- High score wu made by Mrs. M. D. tVall ai«l she was presented with two 3-sndctade handkerchiefs. A salad oar.e with sandwiches, pickles and Uatk tjffte was served by Mrs. Hardy by Mrs. Harrison. Those attending were, Mrs. M. D. Watts, Mrs. C. A. Harrison, Mrs. G. H. Harrison. Mrs. J D. Woolard, Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs. John A. Man ning. Mrs. R. A. Critcher, Mrs. Roy Gar-anus. Mr.-. Carrie Biggs Williams Mr* W. J. Hodges and Misses Carrie IVII White and Daisy Wynne. MANY WILLI A MSTON PEOPLE WILL ATTEND EASTERN CAROUNA EXPOSITION Many Willuunston people are expect ing to attend the East Carolina Ex position which is being held in Kins tM this week. The programme of the Exposition mas printed in The Enter prise and those desiring to go should look.over the programme to see the hot of the offering*. Anna Case sang last night, she being one of the great est attraction of the entire week. «* of the greatest attractions of the entire week. For the benefit of those who were Mt informed of the fact that I, A. K. White and Joe Roebuck dissolved partnership in the paint business, Villain i 30, 1923. I am in no way raaimtul with this firm. MRS. G. W. HARMON IMPROVING Fiiwib of Mrs. G. W. Hardison will he (lad to know that she is improv lag after aa upeiation at Johnson Wilis Hospital m Richmond. Va. She w® aat be akle to return to her home far ah sat two weeks, however. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Special Term of Super ior Court Ordered For May The County Board of Commission ers met yesterday with the following members of the boar I present, H. C. Green. Chairman, V. K. Taylor, \V. B. Harrington and J. G. Rarnhill. The first thing brought to the at tention of the board was the condition of'Whitley's bridge and it wa- order ed that Messrs. V. K. Taylor ami J. G. Harnhill improve said bridge. W. J. I'ryan was release*! from the i>ayment of taxes on fifty acres of land in Goose Nest township, v.hich had been improperly listed. Martin Brothers were refunded the sum of $4.52 for \Y. H. Hopkins land sold by the sheriff ami the same said laml was taken over by the Board of Education. It was next ordered that a dipping vat be built in J. 11. Cherry and Brother's pasture and that Cherry Brothers were to furnish lumber and sand a;nl the county was to furni.-h V v., ■ce ir» V ,o st«» pom in teti est fits R it y r 'oil! rly iy • t ■ in / Mf mm Mams n taxes V Wil tlounl nt of pd in I the j Point I the 924 •ne iioarii recommended that the Kastern Carolina Manual Training School for Delinquent Boys he located at Rocky Mount, X. C. Joe Cray Corey of Griffins township was permanently released from Ihe payment of poll tax. Tt was also ordered that Jo>hua Griffin be relieved from the payment of 1924 poll tax. It was ordered by the Commission ers that the Governor lie requested to rail a special session of the Superior Court for Martin County to bejrin May 12th. It was also ordered that Countv A cent, T. B. Brandon, keep on hand serum for h»p cholera treatment. Mrs. Ffl?ira Price, IVad Mrs. (jura Price of near James vjlle died Saturday from an abcesa forinci in the throat following an at tack of pneumonia. Mrs. Price wa-s the daughter of •• chariah Gurkin. She was in her nix t\ third year. In early life she was ■named to Z. Z. Price who with three ;-r-iwn children survives her. She was a member of a lartfe family but they ■■«ve- all preceded her to the grave ex • cepting her Mr. Za.-.riah 1. Curkin of Griffin; township. The body was buried at the fan.*h c»iMUry of her hushar.l'» family in a : pot selected by herself. She nai IT»II a consistent member of the CdrTs ti in church for fifty years and lw»r '•iiidal was conducted by Rev. A. J. [Manning. Mr. John L Jenkins of Ayden was in town Monday. 0 Mrs. P. H. Brown, Mrs. Z. H. Rose, Mimes Margaret Everett and Nina Upton and Mr. Harry C. James at tended the East Carolina Exposition, hearing- Anna Case sing. Mr. Charles Sawyer of Windsor was a business visitor here yesterday. . RASTER FLOWERS Give your flower orders to Clark- Bennett and Montirello Cafe, agents r cT Crecnvfllc 'Floral, leading florist. LIST OF PREMIUMS WON' BY MARTIN' COUNTY AT N. C. STATE FAIR IN 1921 Following are the names of those who made entries at the State Fair 'ast year ami the pri-es won: Theodore Roberson, William, ton Poultry. prize $2,>.00. Oak City High School, Oak City Vocational Agriculture, prize s•> '-4) A. E. Smith, Robersonville, Swine prize $46.f10." | The total amount, $77.00, receive is a smalt portion qf the many prue offered by the State Fair. Some of th, counties winning up towards thou« ands of dollars. FIFTEEN MARKSMEN ARE TO BE SELECTED FROM STUDENTS OF CAMP> The War Department announce that fifteen marksmen an* to be -e lecte.l from the students of the t .; zens V Miii tary Training Camps to be held in this Arm> Corps Area Juh 3rd to August 1, 1924. These mark-men will be cho-en b> coni|ie*itive tests at the rifle ranges during the encampment - at limp Mi iTellar;, Ala.: Fort llracr. N C trl Fort Barranca-. Fia.; from among a" C. M. T. C. students who fire the rifle course, the fifteen fortunate ones wK win this honor will lie sent to Camp Perry, Ohio on l-ake Krie to arrio then* August .ItKli \x h."r»- they wilt compete in national and uttern-.t ional rifle matches until Septenrt* 20 and then will return to their homes. Only two members of last year" Citizens' Military Training ('amp rifle rnnjre teams will Im» eliirib!.' for appointment amonk' the fifteen am these will he selecte«l acoor>lin>» t« their Scores maile in the natiomt' meet.-; at Camp Perry, Ohio in 1'.23 ful rumpftilors sent fr*>if, Camps will lie perpiitteil to leave "l-it camp on AU(rust Ist anil will l>e «en" •lirect from their homes to Camp Per ry. Ohio in time to arrive on August 30Ul. They will he furnished all trans portation. subsistence, as well a - uni forms ami medical attention while of the team. Kntrance fees in compeli tive meets at Camp Perry will be |>ail by the Camp authorities. FOREST PROTECTION WEEK PROCLAIMED K YPRESIUK.NT Fo*est protcctio ) wecK f .• ! »_'l H.i l*» . i (w. k 'iuildl '■ . ''rest '«" it u>i'» . i • »: April "J 12", '.iclusiv \ tli.- I orest Serin'", I'nitc I s .. * f • f.-: lent of .»,' iri/turr. I nis i)(itUii , :i' | cn, ( ' ■ calls \ . IKII to t l .'* u»: in. !«. :{.« thai .. i- i-acl. ■ In forest fires and urires all cttiwr. to protect all wooded aieas from fi.- Governors of many states will UcUt proclamations supplementing the »m Vfsued by the President, and Arbo: I'ay in several states will be obcerve«i durinir forest protection week Secretary of Agriculture Wallace and W. U. Greely, Chief of the K»nsi Service, have many times empha-lre. the importance of preventing fore.-* fires, about "(>,loo of which every year sweep 11.©00,000 acres of land People are Careless with F«re Secretary Wallace has -tated that out of every ten forest (ires re sult from human carelessness and wil" not hap|ien once the public in brnurkt face to face with the ferWttJ losse these tires cause. These fall es pecially heavy on the American public since the Cnited States uses more sawtimber than all other nations com bined. C»>ief Forester (Sreeley says it is not difficult for everyone to be carv 1 ful with fire while in wooded areas litre are simple rules which if ohser» si I will go far toward reducing thr numlier of man-caused forest fire.- reported every year: lie sure yoar match is out befrrc throwing it away: Don't throw cigars, cigarettes, ami pipe ashes along the roadside; buil>! mall camp fires away from bntih and small trees; Never leave you camp ftp unwatche«l; Make sure y»■ ur camp fire •s dead—then bury it; Keep in touch with Forest Rangers and Fire Waf •'ens anl report all fires you may see no matter how small; Ite as careful with fire while you are in wooded -»reas ay you would Se in your own home. Mr. Henry C Green was in town this morning. Mr. H. N. Pearson end Natter Rar Mills of Durham are business visitors in town this week. Spring with its flowers and-all is further witnessed by the fish fry* held several days.out of the week by the local hunts ant) fish club. FOR WE HAYS IX OUR possession a few bags of seed pea nuts. Fancy Jumboes for seed. See Frank Weaver. Wflliaiastor. WATCH THE LABEL ON Y? PUbl - rr THE DAT£ de " VOIR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 DR. MANNING DIES AT HOME IN ROBERSONVILLE Studied Denistry in Rich mond and Was Promi in the Profession - | On Momiay morning jusf before the | ■wiine the davit the spirit left the b--r. tf Dr. M. P. Manning after an ill'c.v- which had been T_veij for Sve years. He had been | -Vaftned to hi- room for lianlly a week ' x -t for v«-ir> he has suffered constant ly fieft >:uV!(s. wa.- a son of the late f »- aad Mrs. Maniza Manning who Iressiied ;n Pit: county near Bethel. He i-> .-enived by his mother and two >i-ter.-. Mrs. J. K Jerkin- of Rob«r -otiTille an J with whom he made his . -Mr . O. A Daniels of Oxford ■ £t«l three bro hers, Messrs. W. O. and il. F. if Pari and !.. *l. V. r ninjt of Norfolk The Jecea -«l was in the pr :•> of young mashj-d. being in his . rty • ■fhth >t-ar. Hi- had been a n i iber of t*ie M".s-k r>ar> Ba;»ti.-t churc nice b»yro»i :!-:•! wa- ahvay ;.c:ivf all pkiiM - - of chuitrh work. He udied •u-UL-trv at ;!>e University ScS lof Me»iic»ne at Richmond anii pr ■ iced denistry .r Bethel for a-"few ye:, and then h to I.cb n : vtlle when- he l.a- been fyr abo t ten year-. He was ore of the most . romi r.ert of his aii pted to\ r. and was beloved b\ a large clr; I of friend?. lle wa- a member of the Junior outer of masons an.! was a U' jner. Ihe Srine club and the ma >ns of lx» Se.--«-nvi!U- ami Bethel assi -'. ' I in b-jrc! ceremonies. The inic.ment l ;«!.m •it the family cevne* - at v old home near Bethel. Rev F. P. "5-»rn- oflrwlwl :;t the fune.- t! -er . sees Th ho t of sorrowing :emis utrf liny beautiful floral cfWrings "-poi" the pomilarity of the •' ceas- REI"? CRO«S MRSEN I\. SPKIT SCHOOL - Hi;. IREX (I.i, -\pri? 7.—v- r.teen R*J Or * Pu!dic Health Nur es in V,»rtK Carolina Itave inspect** ! over •««*» m children ilur'n? tY; first "wo morith.- of this year, acco:.!jig to ju.-t cmipileil at It I Cros-s "«!*ers here. Inspections conducted by l- .1 doc tors ritK the assistance of Red Cross in 240 citv ami courtv • :ho«h hraut'foul tlif State have ir dmleil -r>reful examination of every t nil for ™tivsseal ilefects which re tar >»is de velopment. Of the number ir ;>ected, nsny were found with ser'oo? oubles t larrr nupiher of which h~ v » beer. tiin«t«l a- a result of the e 7 >rts of t«l Cross Nurses. • Numerous children wee fuuml in •la»roonjs with seri rs comnvj :icablo 1l and were excluileil the schools ujitil the i . ectin;' t,Vi pup J had passed. !ty sue:i care ui attention. t!»e npc-t sU'es, the laapt T »f j-eri.'j epidemics 1.1 North 'afolina school - is min'n, cd. Scfttn I authorities and leathers tie lane noticeable improvement "s bein:j made Mi the general standard .if work tow- by North Carolina sch. t! chil ireii following the ccriTfl on >f these Sef«*l- which have prevented them frma attemlin? school regv ..rly or prvuperiy .preparinir their les. In addition to the work i" ehods Kel Cross Nurses in North • '.irolina hare al«o held over 2aO l.ealt iemon rations aivl lectures, besides x i siting over homes in the Sta o wh«f «tcknes». and disease ret|uiree : ursing attention. Miss Martha Ilaldree e f the ! -cS«oo! faculty spent th# wee 'end in tewn. the roest of Mr. A. J. ° v . nning. Jlisi Mary Wadswort}* am.' !lessi-~ How*!! arni Albert Wads* >rih of fSrrti .spent the week-* »*I with Mr an.) Mrs. J. W. Watts, J- Hus Eva Pcef of Kob« >aviUc >i»r.l the w«k emi in t'jwn V'.th her parfflL-. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. i «L Sillie Adams Si ij Moye A ins ley and M. s Jitrfy Catherine Ainsley of Oat Cit; "ere in town Saturday. , Mr. Lester Rogers car. tJ his mother, Mrs. Henry Roger U> the Vii hinfton hospital this mo .ng for '.mlnwak. Mis. A. V. Joyner and Itjybor.i Joycer returned Sunday even i» fi - j Rocky Mount where he *j take; harriedly on Friday last fo a sc-l den wl»|t, having left the rjspiul a few days before after ha- '.ng had aa operation for appendicitis. He is wty much improved at this . rrw and able to he oat. \ Minim. Clayton and Mrur'.v Moore and Richard Smith «tr.t to Wash- W—day to m Bishop Perst on oArial hotjnew for the Church of tie Advent. «*f wed to

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