AOMNSAS WILL FIND OH OOUWiS A LATCMBBY TO ISM ■mis OF MARTIN COUXTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 17 MISSING WORD CONTES STARTS IN THIS ISSU E ?25LOQ TO Be Given A way Free to Those Who Take Part Hnw «nH pen like to haw $2&-W> i-a JM fncT The Enterprise is sdTerwig IS to those gnessing ad aa* MI the tanlmt pace in this paper. There it —thing hard about the (Mldt and 9 afford ml pleaawe to thaae d«in« to stop for jast in B'l and read the ads on the po«e- To the one ret tin* the most correct answers SIO.OO will be award ed. the next highest will receive IM# and the tea nest highest wll «*" cetve f' •» each. The tawwrs most he ■ The EMtifrii* «fce hy the Wtow Ti «id«T at i P- M or hear a post he one or mote words.' laajmntma are not inHwW and in; cue. where ttwy are left out should ! ■at he thseri as a missing word in the contest, left oat and yea mast ■ order to get correct answer*, read every advertisement on contest page. The same word may he left oat m the saaK ad or r-"' k word in the sinf al more ,k " once, so it is advisable to AA the adveetiseaaents anew each fa After determining the taTpage. «f it oat as indicated and he «at that the blank is in oar affce before the foßowing Tuesday at 5 P. M. " i. NEv nmiER AND MtS. VANNING JOINT HOSTESSES Toeigkt at the home of Mrs. Crifcch er aa Watts street. Mrs. Roger Criteh „ acd A. Msnring will en tertaia with a briii.; party. Aa ace canrae will he served and tfcr t to wham invitations have been are. Mrs. 0.-war Anderson. Mrs. Wheeler Martin Jr, Mrs. Rome Biggs. Jr.. Mrs. B Duke Critcher. Mrs. P. H. Brown. Mm B. W. Hardy. Mrs.-A. Aader-oa. Mm W. J. Hodges. Mrs. L C Bill r Me* Aaaa Pope. Mrs. Bay Gargaaas. Mrs. G. H. Harrison. Mrs. J. G. Godaidjr, Mrs. J. W. Manning. Mrs. E P. Omiaingham Mrs. C. A. II ai I ilea. Mm M. D. Watts. Mwa Carrie D. White. Mm W. E Dm*, Mrs. Carrie B Wflliams, Mm War ren Bigr* ami Miss Daisy Wynne Funrixc WITH MILK AND HONEY No «MR m the world can ooe pro care anare things to eat than right hrre m Norfott. Situated in the heart a t the finest tracking region in the •wU. its rharer. are washed hy the waters J the Atlantic ocean and Ches apuhi Bay. which teem with delit ia— ma fnir of all bads. Read below this iwitM report from the city's »p*end New pet atari are bringing 15 cent* at the same figure, except the hot haoae varieties growa ia Princess Anne and Norfolk county, for 40 cents pen. cncaaabera. rhabarh. and a scare of other hardy »ifcct»hler. are abaad aaL *T| iner* - is earning m. at 40 cents * Oruge> can he hee*ht far » ceats a deaea. I T 35 a doaen and mvk nam $L a piaal Asparagus is sefl iag far M ceats a peand. while good ■ Hiil ill i may he bought far 10 to IS ceats each. Florida has ar rival. at 15 coda a peand. A large supply of turkey* is ia the oquah. gian haaMd otoer fancy The Mb market is thriviag. with sftal r 11 ' g in an pi— if rill ard treat and other higher clam fish fairiy pit at Ifri_ Shnd a aeßiag from «to m cents a | aad other varieties IMMK. No dky. regardlem mt Ba stae. on og goad thMgvL And the majority mt mmmm hrniu, that it takes a let Maaah Teey iClimi in to Aprfi Aped. The aid legend that Aped hoe v materially strengthened. THE ENTERPRISE WOMEN OF WILUAMSTON CONTEMPLATING THE FOR MATION OF WOMAN'S CLI B* The sana of William-ton are t sattmplstiag and acting upon the faraaatiea of a Woman's Club. The parpoae of the club is to pro mote a progressive spirit among the bniiiaai waaaen of the towr. to buikl up a play ground, swimming jwoi -ml I ether public projects which are for' the welfare of the community and town. The nmvement for such a club is being .ponrored by the women only, with Miss Daisy Wynne acting as temporary chairman. Miss Wynne is being aided hy some of the infest prominent women of the city, women who are interested in the community and its children who are to be the lenders of the future. It is understood that Mayor Jno L Hassell will call a meeting of the witata of the town in the near future for discussing the general problems concerning the town. If the ctab begins to take form and I art it will need your help. | WOMAN DIES WHILE KNEELING IN PRAYKR Stricken with a heart attack. Mr. J. C. Pitt died while kneeling ir. prayer at chnrrh services in Sharps burg San day eight. Mm Pitt, who was 00 rears of age was attending services of the Pr.mi tire Baptist churrh in the Sharps burg graded school building Sun 'ay night. Suddenly while upon her krres ia prayer she was stricken with a fatal heart attack and fell dead al most instantly. The decea.s-1 • *•:* Jied he*- hatband. J. C. Pitt of Sharps Lure. - Tarhoro Daily Southerner. ITXSI S Bl 8E.%1 PI BLISILES EK.IRES ON STATE TAXES The Ceaans Bureau has just publish-1 ed figures on both Federal icJ oilier, taxes paid hy each state. The report show* that North Caro 'ina pays more anne and revenue The same report .«ht«k Bat far date aad local purposes four of these states pay about the suae amount that North Carolina pays. They are as fallens: Virginia. Kentucky. Tennessee and Georgia. J WORK STARTED ON POWER LINE TO EVERETTS Work ara# started oa the power line which wll ran from here to Everett*. Un- week. A right of way has been cleared and the line will follow the left hand side of the road into the neighboring town. According to Mr. Moore, superintendent of the local light plant, the pales will arrive in the neat few days and real work will be gin thea. ( CAB TVRNS TIRTLE. PAS SENGERS ESCAPE INJI'RY Twa aules this side of- RobersonvOle jast where the Gold Point road parts from the mam road Mr. Harold Everett had the misfortune of having his ear turn turtle. He was driving at a mailtiate rate of speed and the exact canoe of the mishap cant be detei mined. aril >t Mr. Everett n a bit sleepy and aßowed the car to get fram under his control before it could be itopped Mr. Everett was ac companied by Mr. J. W. Bigg* ami both escaped injury. MISS SMITH PRETTIEST GIRL IN EASTERN CAROLINA - 0 We have been unoAcially advised by tlaphane that Miss Mary Alice Smith I of Ayden. icteiied the damoMl ring as aha was adjudged the prettiest girt in Fooli■ a aNrth Carolina. Mi&s Liu Spencer mt Kiartao received the sec ond pnae which was a diaaeond ring as she mas adjudged the prettiest girl nca WATER STILL PREVAILS. PISHING AT A STANDSTILL Due to the h«h maters of the Roa aoke river billing fishing has been greatly hampered Seine fishing has baen mm tin nam far aaat time aad ftte pruaeast iniicntians it will cen tinae to he aa. The only type is that partly aoluad the fiah daamad and the price ia a hit lower now than it was at the fitt mt the renin. Plaptilj cared for. the home gar den ia an abject at beaaty and ia a indrvinbdity cf bamaa effort; aa aaany people in aa amay places hare sad ii iB mt taapti atiaa Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 11,1924. I Undertaking EstaUish ment Formed Here. F. L. Edwar l cad company of i Kinston have related the store former- ' ly occupied by the York Garage for. an embalming and undertaking rstab- j lishment. The firm will run an Cihkrtik'Ti' j and embalming establishment, giving j i both day and night service. They have an up to date motor' heats* and announce that their prices; will be reasonable Wiliiamston has been rather negli gent in procuring an up to date under-1 taking establishment aad we rtadlyj welcome Mr. Edwards' firm ir out Where Does Health Education Betnn?! The man in the car stopped to look i at the good-looking farm. The fields. were yielding large crop*; the stock ! was in fine condition. Well-made sheds | housed the newest and most efk-ieni farm machinery and an for travel. • "How many ,-igs have you?"* a-ko! the traveler. m Juk( a huikind ami nine."" said the, farmer. Tliat toar over younder took first prize at '.lie county fair. He's a full-blooded Ihiroc." "Yon certainly know how to raise pigs. Mr. Farmer" "I oueht to; l>e sure ma>Se a study * of raising hogs. You have to get good ' stock and then raise them rirht," "Your corn looks fine too" est, its going to be a bumper crop." "I suppose anybody could raise rorr j around here." ventured the traveler j * "Anybody that's a mird to learn how and wiltin gto work You have to! know how to raise corn; j have to know about the soil; you have I to know about the soil, and lh> seed and how to raLse the crop I've rot the 1 best machinery anywhere aroutd; aal I pays. A man rant afford these day*! to buy inferior stock or tool*; and" then he's got to keep everlasting!* an the jet' JD£ IMBU as a V|||. hat thin and ""How many children hare yon 1 asked the traveler. "Nine!" replied the raiser of prise pigs "Some family, eh'" "And I suppose you and your wife have made a study of how to raise a jwire family of children?"* "Now you're* kiddin' me! I reckon' what's good enough for their dad isi goo.l enough for them." "Hut. is it? You dont expert yonr small pigs to eat what your big hogs eat. When you're growing a prize pig you donY say. 'lt's going to get no more than its nothrr had.* hot 'What does this pig need ?' and that pigwont get it unles you give it to him. You know every point of a pnae hog; do you know every pout of a' prire 6 year old girl or hov? Or a 10 year old ? Or a 2 year oM ?" '"ears as if its goin* to rain." saol the farmer. "1H have to be ret tic thr cultivator ender the shed. Its new thfc; year ard I don't want it to get i wet and rust. If yon want to keep good machinery yon jast have to take careof it"—National hurraa of Edu cation. v COI RTNEY Fl RNfTCBE MOBE TO GIYE MAJESTIC RANGE DEMONS! RATION ; ' If ycu want to know the how and 1 of a good kitchen rauge. attend j the special exhii?. of the Range l«ld at the store of It. S.' Courtney ail next week. A fine set of cooking uU-rjdis i> being girea abooljtelj free, as aa iadace ment to baaL-h your old cook stove now rather than later. It is love at first sight, ia most cases, when a house wife sees the bright permanent finish of the rans-e. and it ia love for life, once she sees the ragged construe tion. and heat-tight joiaU of the 11a jestic. which besides eiinunatiag waste of heat also means perfect heat con trol in baking. An obliging factory expert M on hand to answer any questions any. ne intereOed ia ranges might ask. BOBESON MILL ITEMS The aaay friends of Mr. Harvey Gardner are sorry to know kw "•ciobs HAMK. We are glad to kuw that Mr. Kader LOley has retaraad from Washington where he aaderncat aa operation. Miaa Gladys Parrisher and Messrs. Herbert Gardner an 4 Etncst Gardner ■wtored to Maekeys Sanday Mr - Bmck Ganfcer and aoc. Walter went to Washington Monday on hnri- Sudden death may cftaat the doctor, but nothing ever gats ahend mt lawyer or the andeatafar. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS TO MEET IN TARBORO Former Resident Is Sec. Of Ihe Associ * ation Sunday School workers oi all 'evangelical detiomirjt»or.> in twenty i sever counties, of Eastern North Caro lina will gather in Tarhoro on Tues ■day. Wednesday and Thursday, April | 15. 16 acJ IT. for the Eastern Region =al Sunday School Convention of th« I North Carolina Sunday School Associ-1 I ation. The convention will open or Tuesday afternoon. April 15. and will 1 continue through Thursday nieht ' April 17. Reports T rmm Tarhorx. ir.irf-ate that ' the peojde there are very enthusiastic I over the prospects for the conven j tion. Arrangeaaent.- have been made | to entertain all delegates on the Har vard plan, lodging ami bivakfats be i ing furnished free. ir rharp lof the arrangaanert.- for the conven tion are expecting a goo.l attendance from the different counts included in the region. The territory rotered i by the region include* the following ■ counties: Beaufort. Bertie. Cam.ien. Carteret. l"howan. f'lVfn, V'crrituck. Dsre. Edgecombe. Gaies. Ureene. Hali " fax. Hertford, Hyde. Jone> Ijeroir. Nash. Northampton. o;,>iow. J ramlies. Pasquotank. I'eniuimans , Pitt. Tyrrell. Washington. \Vil>on. I However, the attendance at the con vention will not be confined to these twenty-seven counties, as workers ( from any other county coftvenient to I !the convention are unred to atternl. I On the program of the convention j wi" be four prominent Sunday School eXfierts. Mr*. W. L Iflirkhr.Jiip, At . Ga.. AHWJIC :cf the TaSemacle BaptLst Sui.«lay '- - Is-01. will have char-e of the spe cial c -nferences arni a-Wresses for 'eorkers with children Mr. Trsiik D. j Otty. i*hdadeiphia. IV. A aan -iate ! I'irreJor of Young I'eople's work for the I'reshyterian, Church. C. A. S-. {will give indraction to work with yoaif people between the ages mt twin twenty-four Dr. E B. Quick, AtlHfic. GA, - Samby grk— l Secretary far the Southeast 1 era District of the Christian Disciples (Chareh. will give special instruction to the workers ia Adult Bible Classes Prof. A. M. Locker, Chicago. 111.. Field Superintentlen for the Inter national Sanday School CouncO of j Religious Ed-ication. will have charge 'of the conferences for superintend ent' and other executive officers, as well a. for tho« who are especially interested in Dady Vacation Bible School work. A."pecial feature of the program will be a "Song Festival of the Welre Months." which will be pre sented by the Sunday School children of Tarhoro. under the direction of Mrs. H. B Whitlark. This is expected to be 'a most helpful aad inspiring featura of the convention. Mr. A. D. Mizelle. a former Martin eocnty citizen, hut who now reside* ia T-rboro is Secretary of this Reg" •oral Srnday School Association am! .is do:ng fi'uch to pnmote its and usefulness. LOCAL BfIYS TO HAVE ' BASE BALI. CLI L The local boys, ender the aur.ire me,.t of it L Cohurx, and Charles S Jiafi have formed a local town hase ball s.|uad h \ Practice has not been in effect as yet due to the prepartioo of the diamond Iwjiich will be located at the Roanoke [ Fair gromxl*. The boys are earoe . in their aad it is hoped that they will succeed. LOCAL SMIITS HOLD THEIR BEGI LAB MEETINTG i The boy scouts meeting was called to order by the scout master Thursday- April IO aijd the rail was called. There aere 18 of the 25 members present and the meeting was a very interest ing one. Raymond Rohenon wa» admitted back into the troop Three anr'aiita ben were vutod on and all of (hem were adautted. James Harris, William James and Joe Robertas. This makes a total of ft hoys i nthe troop and goes to show that the troop is stead Hy grwwin. • » A composition was rend hy Mr. W. T. Meadows. Jr. and proved JU be rety helpful and mtercting. . _ The meeting adjourned after a pleasant hour to meet again next Thursday night. —Reported. The food value mt egga does not de creaae as the price gnes down. At this I "enson a# the year they are both "lairftinl and healthful [ Mr. IL IVII mt PlyaMnth ia -to—today Negro Seriously Shot As Result of Quarrel As a result of a i;uarie4 Buster j Butler is carrying a load of hack shot i in his body. According to in:*orma:i.n a negro tenant on the farm of Mr j Dawse l.illey. slappoi a >mall boy an-i j Butler took a han.* in the affair and : hy so loing raisci to a-.rer -Roose-.ell who then shot Butler, empyting an entire load of shot in his body. Roosevelt is said to he a tenant on j Mr. tlrißin's farm in Grstfi? "s town- j ship. Dr. J. H. Saun-ier- m""o dressed j Butler's wound says that he was very j hadly shot, hut thouchS it t > he not j very serious. Rev. I>odd Presents Copy of An OH Preacor Here is a copy of a letter that an old) preacher, r.ot lore aco wrote the j hishop just after r* itference "My dear ft-h.p I ini con i-lerahly bothered at» the ii-a of having two preachers ivsi»iiol to a charee thai paid only List year." Yet this itinerant wh.> had lehml hir IT.l T . years of heroic service a~ ever glorified the record of a Mri.Mut preacher ami who was "bothered" over the pro pects for the ye;ir a>kle>l thc-e im mortal won! : "Neirertheless. I - hell go forward x. I hsve s|wa\ s dor*. I* lieiing that tliere will he rrace i.ffer I e»l as 1 have need" It seems to this writer that if men I of affairs, men in all walks of lifej to lay would only slop and reflect.! took hack a moment, we wonl-l rive ■ credit where credit is due. I helieve I I am correct in -aying that the great-1 est element in tha constructive force I of our early life was due lan-el\ to, the influence of those purer preach j ers who blazed the trails, tracked the! forest, feared no foe. arove into th- j fabric of that early life the ~;>rit that buihied the school house ar»l the "little hrown church in the vale" in which were those principles for aiirht and right so thoroughly gri«un>led in to our pn rente that today wa have a «raaL rick md .«w. H Who bnßt thfa canntry? Br few atfj as can trwthfulT say. we did We in j herited it ami we ought to he apprvei- J ative enoueh for what part ir hare I today that we did not build, to provide a comfortable little home anal pro visions for those old preacher- who rourhed so well in days that are rone | Now they are broken in body hot.) thank Cod. not in spirit, for they see! the work of their hands. Krai* and | consecration woven into the life of the greatest natinn »n earth But do are think of them* No. hut »e are go ing to in the near future It is a dlame that we as a g*eut church have so long forgotten them, that they have come to he known as the "For gotten man." 1 know a Baptist preacher who thirty years aro ju l out f the Seminary entered the ministry of that ereat denomiruttiun. rave hi.- all. his energy, his talent an! hi very life, received thousand- into thf . church, heilt up the «*«tf place-. built beautiful churches and par>unage>. raised rany tlou aid- of ddlars f«»r the e>iurational institution- of his chi:rrh, overlookel himself and * his can family in ki> great real for hi- Loid's cr.use. Now. 1 think of where he is. living in a little lor house in the mountains, a nervous wreck wit boat money, forgotten by the tncu sard* that heard gladly his ntes'age of inspiration of days that are |«s tsl. Sod *4* l man. and yet not o!-l in number of years. His wife's health also broken ard langui hin«r in a -tate of tuber-rular hospital aiaay miles distant and he can only to to see her occasionally when he tan get enough to pay the fare. His chil dren scattered and wwrkiag their way through school as best they can. Great God when Till such injustice end ? I mention this case because 1 know it personally. and there are hundreds almost as bail in oar own great Methodist church. Yes. one just died last month, and who served once in Martin county That one wiß eifual that of oar baptist friend We will soon ask oar Methodists to contribute to a fand that we call the "Superannuate Endownment Pond" which will actke it pa«aiblr for these old soldier.* of the Cnu to get as arach as WW'fl each year which wf enable them to at least live aad aat starve. '"Jjsia gave hit all. what hast thou given?- -E. D. LODD. " ■ FOfcDBON TRACTOR FOR SALE that I have aoed one tea ton, guaran teed to be in perfect mechaaicnl con dition. Practically as good aa new. I have aa further need for it and wll sell it dirt cheap J. S- WHITLEY. Phone 17E Wißiamston. N. C 4-U-tt nl BSCRIBE TO ENTERPKISK «r - METHODIST WOMEN TO SOLICIT SUBSCRIPTIONS V f. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE ' of Ollnt New Suhvrnp limn llunmd at UAn Aid Mfrtia; I A: the nrlinr of th*- Ani of I the MrtholM (*aid> of ttillijm-ton She of crtliP.C mr -uti>crip tions aii! mwDU for Ihf rucllnit I Christian (aprr. North Carolina ("hrislttn Aihmtf. was .lixtis-o.: :irl Mrs. J. T T twivn and Mrs. W. E. ttamru vfrt i-l«l to -m* a> a coib m.lte- t > canvas the entire member of Ik* tfcuih. Iltase be re;. Iv with J"J•*» of yosr pfrffrtiy irixst mo.sey. 'hey xnr r >mirr to a_-k .Hi io rra» your if you i already •u t "vnt»'r arxl if m.( ti»c i Itou sur»s> wai! to uk' j"» I rrxi yoc |.-ft"rrh l- only per ; !n the ill russicii the foSlowine- a>k I>i that their namr; he |KI OT th" ;iew list. Mrs. W H. Crawford. Mr>. J W. H;*l>!. Mr« » E W'aiirr.. Mi- J. E. Harris*-.:. Jr . Mrs, I• \ i>uora-. Jlrv !! Ihike I'ntcher ar-1 other wb>- mM they w«uli later K- |> the ruol :'o inr ' Following U a c!!|>pk from our North t'aroiifu iTinstian Advwatr. To The llurrir- ■ Ik WiMu Ihslrict I have the prtril*ir of nffrnnc five ■loßars in ri*l. in aaMilxm to the lar ten p» r c*-*>t rancvi ton vrhirh the Ailtunte alba ... to any charge which j Aftrrn new subscribers ar.l -evenly-five per mil of renewal.- Th: is a n»-l fair a»! liberal offer. an.l it is mnie with the hope that th. AihwMle may he pLicm in every Mrthnlist Home in the .li-tr rt. This work may he .lone by the >.i-lor Kpwortb Lrafsr. Missionary Society, or any «f tVe church UV | -MI! nfrtl a (iv Xh«nte report j«t lour •hstrwt confeneisoe which nmvene in S«4bikl Nerk on the evening ..f *h— twenty -third of April S. E Me-rcer. Presiding lller E D. DODD, Pastor. SELEt THINS OF MISS" MARTHA ANDERSON COMMENT h"l» KV I;REEN-koiu> NE« S lOn M*>b} right I£ a ro e-ta! at '.r rp-kw. r.h»rr J.ito llankr t I Vr«w u ■ •> i „ I k» «i priori/ « ;v ■ • .■ at the" by Mr- I! M. A Beach an.l i*\: TV l;!arkbiri Son;:" by I"y rill Srott. The I Greensboro Daily ! lew A sa.«l it part. "It va- a most t»i«> I rnm" ainl thai Mi?> Amlrr of I W illiani-lon sans* two h4i«htful num bers. This as |u te f«ra|Jiin*ii!.ir> (.■ her. for tmere were -ever*.! amateur 2rti-t> t.r. the ~promm Mi" Anderson Is a at ijre^t. : « r»> I -*Bege lk» year a»»l sh* wit! o r.ipjete the A. 11. ruar.e in June am) he ha- al« fiven much tan* to tin • development «f ht v..K-e Thi. 1> a • t.lSrult otmbmatton arsl rrijuir* •-.urh w-.rk She hmi- fair to he one of \V most intellectual anl •alentr.l y usav' wmi» ORLEANS CONDI TIN« AX EASTER SALE W. K merchant. i- r-i-Suc'iuc an Ea-'.er sal. "»l he L- a rnral variety of easun.>Me cot-t- at r real ravings **« i n porter ka»,ir lemr*r«! Mr Orleans »rji he a k«! I.m why ht «uttr>t Use *«rJ "buirain" from hi* tore a»M which appear- in tins is s«e. Mr Orlnm> MrtlitH to him ly a* follow- his reaee-n for so toin. ""The aronl Icrrjii applie- more l«. a rlearinr »ale at the etel of the -ea o*l when n4*am have ImAml at thr and have passed it up :hen wWo the merrhant finally dis uarinr of d*epr»:r.r of it, ha market! it way dm in order to Hear it out of hi.- stock, "that t* a htrfa.ii' lh-1 whe nthe iaerdkanrlbae ; has appear ance. style, tone, workmanship and wearinr •rvralitae-. for which the cus tomer. rladly pay a price, and the prices have been 1 materially reduced, "that ! value"" arrurriirjr to Mr. Or leans. He adds. "We want to rive our customers 'value*. Mrs. A. It D—niiay. Mrs. J. G. Coriard. Jr. and Mr*. Qbert a Peel left yester-lay for Kinstori to attend the East Carol ma Exposition. Mr. aad Mrv J. I. Rodgerson anai •taurhters. Mis**-- Marrarrt ami Mary and Mrs Anna Harrison at •mW the exposition in Kin-ton Thurs day- Mr. W. C. M—i me sprat yester day in Norfolk. Mr. aid Mrv Oscar Anderson. Mr. ami Mrs Walter Orleans ami Mean*. Frank and Irvine Mar*oli* attended the style show at the *»p~iri-n h Kinston last n«ht_ Theta ha an e>.anch wnx«* at tha Ihpirt c*mh San'.' as 'he P—tor a«lrf tmrnm. H i liy school ■t newtmr War. WATCII THE LACEL C\ TOS U PAPEJL r -vURiES HIE IMIK YOUR SI'BSCKIPnOX EX Pi WES ESTABLISHED 1898 ROUTE NO. 30 DE CLARED NATIONAL DEFENSE ROUTE Williamston Delegates Return From Con vention The Wi.li_m.-tcr, . WeyJioe to the South Atlantic iliiehway rwratiu rcturr.c.l yestenlay. The .i«!ejrates from here irport a »vry interesting m«vtsnc with * cier.t opposition to ir-ike ".hat- look uncertair. . The fortf.t h*itt£ •jetwirs Rjt.f 30 -n! I'V The State llaumaa. Mr. D. V. Chxm&liss fought the acvocate.- of !*o-jt * . " ar.i tr>-* to Have K* ut No. Ai> reet»nmer.-*evl i the r.>*ica! route. This art:i.n hy tl>e (Aairai" re -ulte.l in a Hari fi.S? hy the Norfolk. Cry. HTtfop'. Wa hinrton. \»w f!errt. Jacksonville, nmi Wjlliam-ten,.irV«• . Ce' ihm •heir effort-- *i v„t. r. won Mr I' M ;!!tam- oT^li:aSeth JJify at ri led « Hj:rrr J v »r Mr. 'hamb'-s-! for I lie rwisi' •; year T). - - fi.:ht «a iite *■ >-n ah. im v«rian--* to > )t PHIL \TIIE \S MEET »TTir "MBS. P. B- - ONE The lliilr'hra ctxs* »-f A.' ! - tist churrh * ere er,t«-rtair - i by X I'- 11. Cune -it hrr ? «r. '"Jaart - rret 'x-! I'reljy everinif. Th.- business hobr prove! 8« t .er*' interesting on acroUßt of She ; r.x-W-s *. h'ch SmxurM Hy ti» n 3 !•". f or th.- orphan that they Save lan-a !« sKiMiort. '! wa> -h"e.»wd to « ' !ii ir. ;inie f «» th -r . rphan ;e •£.••« t by 1- a ter After . * e t'U-ri e- - » j «- J 1 -i nv-.t .ie*s -»u- -as:-! wx \ rick!. - tj:«i ar.dr cV- was s» * ■ « y Mr;. t"..r.e assisted l-j 3-r> >, 'ritd. r -mks j \ u:» «;:rrr. 'leporw-i. II IN.K C. «. H^MiK HAS W IIPEKV.TON - •- w V.'rUoi, Ape a - —up W. m Curva!' t ftSd» itim for appmlkith pcrfarmed In a local . -.-pital. Ht wa* nndar 15 knife for two teur.-. It is "he ration he>n .iebtol Ir 21 hours k: rhaE*»s for rerwver aouhl have hern .louhtfuL mIKM'. M AT THE t IK k".l! Ol THE Alls EM SanU;. Aprd IX - PALM SI NI-AV— fh.-rrfi- Schnnl. »;li A. M. !L M. * .bin.-. :'Up■ *>ri>. ikier.!. M.irr:i:u Prayer aui II A. M Erenini; Pray er ari>» Vijm. P. M. Every hotly rwnVdh -r.v :t. io at erwl I liese ser* ures. J E. WAKXER, Pik-C Mr. J. L V. illuM' kt ye ;»rtlay or r.vrlVlk vktfe he w1! i ;-jt his Mtiier for a fe.. «itajs. Me.-.-rs. Eli Gartpn- ar •! E. S. Peel -*' ill return tonwrrut. 9a*.'aia; from • •luri.b.». S. C. Mr. J'f Mallette of Tinatm was in town la.-t nifht. Mr an>i Mr-. J. t" AExlers.-n ami ih;ltlren will be- at fcow>- wk". Mrs. An len-on".-mother. Mr-. J. L iert on in Nev. Ibwn fM -«v ;ai . Mr anti' Mrs. U 11. Ila.-rii « and Mr an.| Mr.-. J. D. Mwlard peat irih-b;. in k-tieiai X e trip throur'i the (uan;r. , Mr. M l> T'waip^. u. little .laui-htrr anl little Ml s Hi. x"y of Windsor were in towtowi, Wer 4-day. Mrs. J. » Watts. Mr . \.\ K Watt.- ami Mrs Knhrrt ilrjti r.nrich .•pent he!iw-ia» :a tea h«ni'.. x Mrs. J L PttL Mis- A. !!aml -iji M.-c JJ iabetn Ha-- II r !« Wa.-hrnxton Werfneohy. i ' Mia. es Gtim t o»kr ami H Ha--ell are vt-.'snr relatives fe Kins ton aiul attemiinr the ripwiti a. f - A boat ter t- aS r*ht. so l ar as he sticks to his U-w_ ... ' STAND THEATRE V —MONDAY Vinln Daaa i TUESDAY aad WEDNESDAY Betty Cii ■p i ii -Woman to Van* THURSDAY -THE nm eoancss rm.=T.e.n ' tk