ADVEKTbtIb WILL FIND OUR COLUMNS A LATCIIXK I TO ISM AUMES OF MAKTIN COUNT* VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 18 SOUTH ATLANTIC COASTAL HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION Delegation Reports A Wonderful Trip To Savannah MI II II J. DL Bifx?- H. G. Horton aad J. L Hn-~» n returned last Thurs day boa the meeting of the South Atlantic Coastal Highway Association which met at Savannah, Ga., on April - Bth and 9th. . This Association has for its purpose the 1 irking up of the cities ak>n£ the Atlantic Coast form Norfolk, Va., to Key West, FIL, to be know-r. as a Coastal Highway and to connect tiie port cities as a n.iliury measure in case of war. This Association has been in exis tence for about four years, but the town.- and cities aloe? the coast from Norfolk. Windsor. Williamston. Wash, ington. New Bern and along the line to Wilmington seemn! to have had co knowledge of its Mattaee prior to a few weeks ago when the Mayors of the different towns j-r-.-i »«*embers of various civic bodies residing alony route thirty on which Williamson is] located, received invitation* from Fret' Warde, Secretary of the South At lantic Coastal Highway Association to attend the meeting to be held this year in Savannah. Prior to this year in some way- Rocky Mount a.>d the towns alonr route forty, which extends fron Roa noke Rapid* by Rocky Mount. Wilson Golalsbora. and other towns to WO - hast gri recognition from the Association and had as Chairman for North Carolina N. Y. Chan*bliss of Rocky Mount, and at the meeting in Charleston. S. C.. last year throueh the effort.* of Mr. Cha«abli.-s an* others the Association tentatively a greed, to adopt route forty ai the dfc ial route. Through the alertnes of the Secre tary of the New Bern Chamber o.' ' om me lire, this situation was brougld to the attention of the towns a:on- i root? thirty which resulted in a larj," dole-, ltkn h?:nr ser.t from Elizabeth City. Hertford. Williamston, W&bing tor. Kew Bern and otiaer town.- alon r the rtute to the raecCng at Sa.var.nah Wnen this delegation arrived in Sa vannah they found » very hostile re cepUn accorded them by the delega tioa from route forty, however in the state meeting held in the DeSoto Hotel our route wron out through har ! work and superior numbers of our dde.-atieu with the result that they elected the state chairman for the cor i ing > *ar in the person of Senator I'. 11. H !9iaia- of Elinkt'h City. On Wednesday morning at a hear ing before the Executive Committee route thirty was recognized and pi ' oa tie- nap as the coastal route. rv * • 'I Winning this victory does not tnear that this is all to be accomplished hut on the contrary the work has just be Neither route thirty nor route forty wfll be Mi—ti— il by this association aa a route for toarists until they ar? mad? hard surface roads. At this time route thirty is nearer the pial than route forty in lljis re spect as we have more hard surf am roads completed than the other route rmi from reports out at th convention it was calculated thai rw ti thirty would be linked up with a har- ! ' surface road from Norfolk to Wil mington by 1925 and as far as Ma:- tin County is concerned this route is already completed in th's comity 1-cvin the bridge across Roanoke river ar.! the hard surface ruad to the Beaufort County line. Our defecation reported a delight ful trip te the charming city of Sa vannah They it a city of beaut; with 4k population of one hundred thousand. aad Kbe Washington, D. C, a city of "magnificent distances." It has Bice broad streets with lines of stately Palmetto trees in the cen ter aad double drive ways on dnmsl every street, aad within the city Kmitz mil lau lian the various streets are thirty two public parka surround ed by trees and beactifal flowers and a turf mt greensward. If there ii any . thing that predominates in this quaint ' trnpiial city it is her churehe whirh oae encounters on every hand, and at -ilmart every hour of the day • pea caa hear the chimes from tharc —j,nifir»iit edifices pealing forth their He yaa are ia another mid. Wh*t is known as victory drive sixteen mßes baag which connects the city with T|ht Hfand its play ground oa the Atlantic oeeaa waa Iralt at a cost of one nil ion dollars and is re raided as one of the most beautiful dii«c* in America. It is a city of romance and history "T which has made It famed ia song aad i •» -1 THE ENTERPRISE COUNTY DEMOCRA TIC CONVENTION HELD HERuSAT. County Executive Com mittee Was Elect ed j The County Democratic Convention was held at the Court House Saturday April 12, at 12 M. The convention was called to order and presided over by the former county Chairman, Mr. H. W. Stubbs with Plenny Peel acting as secretary. Preceding the busines part of the program a roll call was asekd for. Ail townships were represented with the exception of Poplar Point, Hamilton, and Goose Nest. The following County Executive Committee was elected: Jamesviile, Lcther Hardison. Williams, Joshua L. i oltrain; Griffins, Plenny Peel, Bear Grass, Nathan Rgoosretiifi.shid Bear Grass, Nathan Rogerson; Wil liamston, Clayton Moore; Cross Roud . Simon E. Roberson; Robersoaville, Edj James; Poplar Point. B. i>. Taylor; Hamilton, F. L. Gladstone; Goc: e Nest, Bill Worsley. This cor.unitu't electe«l Clayton M«ore. County Chaii man. J. C. Smith was elected a member af the Senatorial Judicial Committee. A. R. Dunning elected as a member of the Judicial Committee, H. W. Stubbs elected a member of the Con- Committee. Luke Lamb was endorsed as a mem ber of the State Executive Commit- Colored Commcnceme!:t to be Held Here Wed The County Commencement of the colored schools will be held in Yvil-I 'ir.nston, Wednesday, Aprii l"th. Th ' colored schools of the coui.t y arc narticuiariy enthusia.-tie over this meeting and they are expecting gooii results from the occasion. Interest is being manifested by all the schools OJ they will compete with etch other 012 track field and in various other de-1 aart'nents. A- .pecitil tv«m will run from 0.-V City in the morirng, bringing the ila.«« ell, Oak City, Parmele, Robersor rille and Everett :*hoc!s. Th? stu ients from other schools in the coun ty will arrive by other conveyances. The colored people are paying much attention to the schools and they an ticipate a great gathering on thnt lay. ItK. WHITEHEAD'S RECEIPE FOR CtM.M.t; CARP Tiiere is, apparently, disagrecmcit benvcen Judge Winston ai.d Dr. V. .Vtefiead, al>out cooking D:..ei.*s Ger.- .-u c-«p. Dr. \>hite- ( •rd lives se.'iev.i st further up th*. river Oian the Judge, and carp are uiore c0m...0n arouitd Woi dland than tliey. are at V» intlsor. The Doctor dissents from the Judicial ..lethod and sets forth the following; "Dress hir.i nicely, put liim on a boani, bake him four hours, garnish him with anythiii,. you see fit, take About three drinks, throw away the fish aiid cat the board. * U if somewhat unwillingly that Dr. Whitehead takes is.-ue Wall Judge rt i.ioLoii about cooking German carp and perhaps It is his interest ia main taining the health of the community that he warns against any tl ...Tiring with this trai'.oro'js and muiuaris'.ic fish., I don't believe anybody cvsr lived thai could cook a carp so it would be good to eat." he said -yesterday. The Doctor fa a hanter and a fisherman and maintains a hunting lod.-e dov/n in Northhampton.—News k Observer. story aad in fdl parts of lite city you encounter some monument to her great heroes of the past. situated on the Savanr uh river only sixteen miles from the ocean with a fine water front ;rd great harbor facilities has made it one of the leading ports on the South Atlantic Coast and is the chief city in the world for The *hipm nt of tie - ni stores. The first steamship to cross the At lantic ocean was built in Savanr.ah and sailed from that port. But the farther a North Carolir'an travels away from home the better he loves the Old North State, tr.d as the train crosses the state line he begins to feel better and the admiration swells in his bosom for his native state, whose-r-ountains are the grand est, the music of rivers/ is sweetest as they frolic to the sea, whose climate is the most salubrious, whose soil is the most pro ductive and where sons end daughters are the purest Anglo Saxon strain m America. We can truthfully say, God bless ocr Native Land. * Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 15,1924. MAYOR UASSELL RECEIVES INVITATION TO BE CLTST OF CITIZENS OF .HERTFORD' Mfvting Will Deal With featirrs Re-' lating to Highway Route Number 30. Mr. J. L. Hassell, x Willian;. ton, N. C. My dear 'Sir: | On behalf of the Chamber of Cm-! merce of Perquimans County ami the!' citizens of Hertford, I wish to extend j to you a very pressing invitation to be our guests ; n Hertford on Thurs day, May 1, 1924, at a get-together meeting of people interested in Route SO. We hope at this meeting to devise |j plans by which the grxxl work starte.l: :it Savanah will be made a truiy work- j ing force in this section. We hope to! have around two hundred and fifty. guests on that day and are looking )| forward to a fine time. 1 sinceryly;, trust you can bo with us. Very truly, CHAS. WHEOiiEE •, i XjILLIAM ROGERS DIES SUDDENLY; GILLIAM KCGEKS I I Mr. Gillia.ii Rogers died >u.idayj niorning on the Alonzo Allen farm,, near Everett. Mr. Roger.- went to Ixtl in his u-oal manner ar.d appeared to lie in perfect health up until about midnight when he awoke aud complained of a nunli and sleepy feeling. He didn t remain , in this condition but a rhort time he- fore reacliing an unconscious state L which finally resulted in death at in' early hour Stuvlay morninr. The doctors attributed his dcatn toj ( apoplexy. ' He va.; about 35 years old, | bsing very young to be attacked by a diseuse. t . . Mr. Rogers married thi* d-u htcr of Mr. Henry Gurganus who with seven little children ..urvives hftji. The funeral -war; held yo.-ter lay af-. . ternoi n. The interment took place at , the Noali Gurga.iun burying Much Interest ft'aoi- i fested in Contest Yesterday we continued to received m..ity answers to the r nti st «»i~|» ur being run on the "spA-lal ad" paec of our psipor. ff you haven't mailt i or sent, your'imswer it, h* sure to do , so before C p. r.I. today*. I* you faikd •to reply to the first Is. ue it is no* tec late to start as the greatest number of correct answers gets the finflO, t!.e next greatest number $5.00 and son on This is an easy way to i>e: I'p to date there have U'en a rocd many entries and much interest is manifested in the c»r>te t. FARM feIFE SCIHHiI. CIJOSES TODAY AtTKK A MOST SI'CCESSFIL YEAR The Manning Farm I.ife School L- , closing its session t»«lay with the . anuual picnic. TJ>c coaimencement exercises were hefd this morning an«l the graduates from Ivitli the grammar hi'h schools received diplomas. There are a great many Williams ton |>eople in attendance. A . TI!3 STRAND THI?\. RE ONiGUT AND loMORRO\. ' • L. j! lie'.ty Compson in "Y'oman taj Womaa ' ii tiio featu.e at ii.e £>' Theatre tcni-fht aa! tomoirow. Crl.«c..|| class it with the tof picture ami' L a .ery goo.l picture. - - TOST OFFICE BE.NUVAIBD The United States po.->t oftc" of* Williamslan. is undergoing : prin^' The interior is ml'. L-eia : , ipr.inted, the v.ood work white sa.«? the; the w;.!l a light tan. 'lite fuiaiu.t iis, ( the T.-H1 all b? dcre ore? rml j the port cf.S_3 v/fll «xii j»r- »i>: •; mojx 4 ntrsict lvo appcEHoxs tfcea -1 tofore. Mr. J. T. Pitce, >MatnK.sUrT is now .or \».il 11 able to boaet of a.;' i u;)-to-da'. j rr. post in an t»p -tc-date town. _ . - t, Mr. Gr'Jin )!«lu.nn fror> ; Mr. Henry' Griffin, who fau been in Honolula for several years, returned hone Raturdr.y and is visjtir.g his. i mother, Mrs. J. B. Grif!n. Mr. Giis - peab favon.bly of thai. Pari 11 - roan -• "i Mrs. Van Nortwick and Mr*. Cnrron r.f Paraiclc were lxh yr. tcr day. - Miss Bonner Gurganu* is at home from N. C. College for the Easter , holidays. —j ti MK& FLORENCE ! STALLS KILLED i IN AUTO ACCIDEN A ! Was Enroute to Hospital To Get Her Sister > | Kos-iay. Mr. E. E Etinondson of j I HaciuUm accompanied b;. Mrs. Kit,.-- Stalls, Jrft Hamilton in a car jcriven by Emest Da\ ts enroute ti» I Rocky MOUI.L When ab T four niQcs from Reeky Mount their car collide*! with another car ar.d as a result both cars were demolished and Mrs. .S'al:. was instantly killel in the wrtvk. Mr. Kdmondson only suffered m*ior ic | juries. Mr. Davi> wa- seriously cut a i bout the neck. He and Mr. IMm(>»:- | san were taken to Park Vies; lu -pitol «t Pocky Mount. Mr -. Stalls Was tak n in charge b> la Rocky Mount undenaker anl will I be brought to her home in Hamilton where she will be burieii. Mrs. Stalls was ab>>ut 37 years old H.'im.ndson to R.icky M. Un" where he \.a. goinr to brir.e his wife 'tii-k from I the hospital. Mrs. Stalls and Mrs. I .dinoiidson were sisters. , Mrs. tSalls was alx-j* "7 -ear-- •>!« and leaves one child, a ! if'e «.:rl year;'- oM. Mr Ct-iHie »l! . tie has bai.d of Mrs. S'.a" . die«: last year. Investigations Cause Great Anxiety in Washington The investigation-; now going >n i,i !V. ashineton set'l:l t«» be causing --reas anxiety and worry .nu>ng the o> li tiraf-.s. s "n»?re is e\«?. -(C0 ti'at the hide 01. some of the hi fh-up is j etiinr very thin. They arc kick; v like mules and backing like ste> rs. The latest sensation in many respe*t> is the entry of IVt - ..ient Coolidfe ii the »amt From every r iikiicatfca lie s utt-> the scareliJ husheil u> and alnui.4 mule a thr at that it must l»e stepped. The thin*: that seem-*.I to disturb him im-st was the demand of the senate .estimating con>mittee to see the Mtl lon U»x books It seems reasonable that if ev« ry thing i» hone t, squait- and • U«at they would not object hr> the w».-M .seeing them. If Mr. Jirllwi L dealing fairly v.ith his mahlt I anal pay ing honest taxes let h s-n prt>\ e it. 1 tse fact tluit he u a cabinet oAcer and th.> adviser of the President mak* - it all the mere reasonable that he .-hould show hi. book . Te a much ra-cal'ty has b» en hi' ilen u!ready am! every p-ron actio.; in any public capacity shoubl —illy .-how th;- world their books and >UU ments. Th«- ti.x boots cf the poor man are o;ica t.» the ..axe ...-J 'n-p-etioi of the world, why not Die rich 1# re quired to do the same? The people : huU*d force the issue. Open the becks Hone.-; pecple will welcome sue* t course, dh honest people will not. One of the great trouble* to>lay is th"' the wor-l investigate scares too nu .) of ti* so-eall.-! citizens arxl for the be *fit of the iwople more ir.v * tifv j tior. .- h'>uld he made, for some i»"i''e j hr.v- to I* frightened the;.' v,ll nr.y confessions. MR KABEIt 1.11 IEV SERIfII SI.Y II.E | Mr. Kailer 1.-llev is serio : Ijr *f! r' ! his hone n ■sir herr IJttle tope is en-" I'Ttaiaed forliis recovery nnlns there' ! k a dtc'defl ch*r.-e in the r«-»t fe*r ! i ; horrs, aeeonling to a stater-er.t mi>l» Iby his nliysieia-i toHay. [ Mr. I.ilUy is Oi-c of a!...-t .i c. u .t; . \ j'. h.~hly re.-pecied iu and a-- raa--y .'rirmis are Itupiii ; Ui it he may : | ally arid .ip.ove shortly. * McIiEN.'ZD—VAYIOB 1 Mr. jik! Mr Ih;ve! Th >r as Ta>i«* ! arrr.ounr? th • c: r f c..Hnt o" iheii «L-.a*:'.ter. i|i-. to Mr. It'b icri jersli a iitS nii*, t'-c '.-edditg t iaL_- phrc sonic lies U. 3 ammrr. O | tcKsi to the rHcnt!V iS?rirtS county" of Xiks Tay:oe and of her '"ather, Dr , Dav.l T. Ta. .. |TO A • Tfc>: IJ !>KMOa*.VTC | raxvE.VITOS' RALHIGI! • ' r IV Jeii i D. Bi-gs, W. T. Ward. R T .CoLuin, Luke Latib. E. S. Peei I Clayton Moore, C. D. Ci. r. ;irpren, V C. Ifcanla; J. Manning -wit. i aitecd the State DeoMcratic Cmwi- . tic in Ralvigh Th r Vay. , . ; ; 1 To Make Their Htce Here ll.'. lbs. F. L Edwa d» aad lit- 1 tie son arrivwl Friday frtiw Eiad* " to make their home here They aril) ■ occupy Apcrtmeat No. S ia the Tar S iifcl Building. J rf.AMTH ANSCKHTUIN UKO* HLS TO MEET HERE APRIL 3FRH.| it ill Tleei ia Coart House: Hdl Se-| lect acd S«iailr A Director The Primary Meeting for the se lection of ttoxiiues ior'the Board i f Direcsors of the I'ea.'ut Growers As sociauon will be held at YVillianistor., X. C. Heart ll>>usel Tueslay. A prd J 3t!\ at 3 p ia. A! 1 «"*mbcr- of tV: Association are tirve»> t!> he ytsrat in c:»ler to iiomi rc.te faml LSe.- for Director who will hf elected at the P tr«ct >!.v;inc to be btl or. Thursday. M.iy Bth 1>- ar.naul meeting of the stock holder- of tae Peanut I "rowers As a i'l S Ivehi in SaffiitV.. Va.. M:._. 14th The e raieetii'g.. are of vital in terest U> the lu 'i:\brrs aad a larve at temhince is urgently n^jcested." J. D.W.. eOneral Met. Pcj'ut 'Grower. Association. BEAR GiiASS SCHOOL CLOSES I Pea* li. i-s schools will do. e April th;- ei itei Jth with a contiiienee- IKPt. "1 3 e li.-hack ami IVar ■dw" 1 - »ill give a joint enl.-rtau. at ie: r (in. sin the school buiid ia. « ■ iia% ami I n-lay nights. A|.: I "a nt-Til; ai.l eifhtcirth. I'a Fr. 9 . m-iriiiij, al »»::»' a. r>i . ilsw cil! !v- two speakings. ft llow.-.i fc.. a picnic ||vin • by the hospitahle iJiw ->f r V. ; r S"iass ami Rot buck i 'Vjols In .he afternoon of the aire • tSe jeiwin grades will take pan ia a;i Easter ec« Jiunt. ! anciii»r Fails in lYiee; Ta?: Fell *BSO at Once It/ a'. o.Oer F .thefe a left r:t !ae*-tin the $ll*«l t..x ta> bee.j withdrawn ar»! a tax rf 'IOI-* hi- l- -e , p'accd ii Cus. yet. tl-e chances will have to be :. jCv" iha'i f.-\ nrjblf for a dance to i - stared ir One city. a» will t lhar. iivlc-le waht the profi* I c- u-e»l So be. , amesvilk* Sf fropl To (live P' v Tomorrov. | J -iiv.v il. jti ••• ■- *' o|_»i!lgivs .*« pfe) at the »( ' « -Hun «».* .he -»••» i| ► Weill. - vm>, |. Apr i> !•«. The express ion els which is heir :! ■sel l by Mi-- llairr will taVe |c.rt ' " i the exerci-e. i ue aJiae.-iill : has |K: lor 1.1 ! a very crnlitibli- work during this and t.We wlw atteiei the play II a|>precaaie ilk ),»»I work 'loin- o. 4h the faculty i. .1 the .-indents. The oi lite ptay is :ta anal » traU. uiLtrs FAILI KE i'd hiss Vol lit.K LEADS TO CRIME It. r ke, la.; .*> .1 IJ —The . •-nu rV. if a .-mall dull that she h*a«l in.l me "1» kiss Ma ; o»ii»_.e l«ef. ,e .• h v His"" r- ulUd today ir. the d «overy I iT lh bwdie- Mrs. M. E. arracut! | rati har infant a few>.. m th , irnciitt kuar lere. The he-Uaial i« I : ,bi: c. Mark-viUe l with the | r of his .'it while the authori | -a. ; i?" t > iletermine what ( -S- I ail death 01" the bahy. { (arracctt as! his wife if. rrehs.l | JiZ n "ht. he toM tho sheriir, are" . "nile the wtH.isu bekl the bab>- ia her j -ii - t la?h i !er throat ar. I tab | !er in the 1..«1y. The infant, he I ai'l. f-!I frora hrr arm, to th* (W 5 .r| jras k da- i. E irlier, Carac .tt had I told a deput> .iiat hi* wife killed the i M l aix! be her in tmn. " j A'Vr lie had k'lied hl» wife Car .acatt l fir f'ur eAer clisldrer. J in as. *i;:ujcb!e an-1 drove to the I f»3t of hi# sister at licyou Jack anal | , «at to beal. This f «*r» r«con «*/" c-f tht-l lotu.ntm - ho ed tie- killk ; toll her «a«, wh>. «»rove to the Car-! ; rarJt home, whero he fo ,r..l the : bodae^L ' Carratvlt, a carper.t.-r, is S7 years ?«H. . " " Mr. a Kid Mrs. Harmaa V uml Daai;h: r j . ' Mr. sad. Ur-. T. F. Harrisoa an-1 ; M:- s XOUM- Harryoti noto-ol t€ WJ'oa Sunday to vhit Mi» Martha " llarrisoa who is suffering from an att . lack of ehrcnic aporndiciti*. Mr. airi Mrs. J. W. Watts and Mrr gW- 11. Crawford. Mrs. Robert Hey : -lenreirh a>d Mr Hubert Mort-n | • - pe-sit ;> tenhi in GreenvSle. Sir. iroley. principal of th> Oak , City high school and Mr. Everett of " City were in town Monday at- It j* Jinjf to heoaea. •s • Cas"3a ■ Raher on sp»nt the • week erd h»re with ner mother. COUNTY AGENTS REIHJRT FOR MONTH OF MARCH Active Work Is Showi. By Mr. Brandon's Report u the report of ro^r. Tv awn, Mr. T. B Brandon, to U 'County Conunisoicners for Ihe rcoitth » f Mait S. IS day- spent in tield work. i> days spent in office work. 76 conference.- with farmers in i»~ tank to farming. 113 letters written during the oionth i? farms visited. ■» iwh held with an .ttir.wtir*'- s»* _7t» people . 2 article- prepare.! for local pap. I ~--t week i liad I»r. Saib'lr w tt'- i*'e from the State Yeterinarj divi on to tcaeh the Mini; to phi the life tiire treatment to hog-, t ®e h~en grunted a jK-rmit to tre." #'K' a~d will be reedy for the worl - all t r to «erve the people a'or. ,i v !i: ii. th» county. .-iil.iMsl f.T farc««*r- a.* to the he" to t.-* u. ; !e» cotton cr>t. " ri"' I c Ativi-td 2' I farmer- a.- to Ihe he " "Itvi! i -ethods iir der weevil o«! tk* . I Advised 1* farmer- a* to perm..• *n! pastures. T o«i 'tll het I of h..*.- f.»r S farmers. A«lvi.-etl 6 farmer; as to potatoes for market. .\h". eii 8 farmers a.- hu*!>:ir. •wiltrv h.m - e-. Advi-.-.i 7 fnmi*-s a- Uiihiui; -elf feeder- for pirs- Advised IK farmers a.- to r»>** ! lint -and down in tohacco. A.lvi-ed 12 farmer- a» to the be ! ed to plant und.-r weevil rendition. The greater |»rt of next w.!' !»e devote*) to treating hjc a.- there > • '-ve.:d :>ul break - in the county ap. is a great iinmlet of farroer »Ho have nice !cd ItemU to la -lone already. f7^\ 1. I! IJI:ANIH»N. t our.ty Air ,L William-tor. N C. Ooi)pe;afivc Managers Met AI Jackson. Miss. Last Week. Kd'-iifh. April II, — A very imp I la-.t merlin;; of the (if rural Manager | the twelve State Cotton I'unprilio IA- oruti.m- *'sii held !a-t wo-k i: Jii-'k- '!•, ML; General Ma*uK>' I Blahck of th- North 1 (■r»i er Cooperative I» !>. IV. Kilsfore. President of the An erkin Cotton Growers" Kxhange at . i i«M the meeting On hi- return Mr j • l:Ld.-k i -ported that all of the Sill' j A.i- enii-.iiss were operating iti a Ki*t jly all-factory manner. In thb mtv. ° in;; it develop -I that Rot a sml» n i«.f the Cotton I Vopeiative A | l:o! had l«*n f'.rvcd to ?e?I rvtl' at r:iiy time and that in no ititav lad any lank called up any of C. j cooperative a. fociations for ~ ki tK. al margin, the n lou*. rumors which had hn-n aiKit'l the effect that .-olrte of the n. ( . 1 j alive- have he.-n in tinwul .-Ira t on ;jrcovnt of tlie recent lump in tl»' !•?ice of cotton. "I -« h taie," a.d Mr l!l»'-l ~ :.dtr»r»i.v trkiiv to th * pr>nCi|Je « orlwi/ marlrlihi; antl :or«»e > f !fer hsve already clo ed ••••t *otne rrad aixl libtve very little cotton to off. in ether grade.-. U liile there hit'- U«i i lackenini? of the : i»me-tir wiaf: f or .the npftrt ilenurd . ive. very heavy. There -eet>» tot. . «>ite a . carcily of certaui I)(V s.r» ' rsilcs of we: tern cotton. ""The K'»rth Carolina Asocial« "ias with .n the uast fee .lav... j*.' I«ii! - a quantity of N'orth ( aril,: I cotton which h b in? exports! th.- the , «-rt «»f N'ew Orlean-. TVft-e wh- I are ii>t -re-le.l in the cotton Jejn draw their own eonclr nr fi>"- I th*.- iran.-aetion. It "is self-evirfent tha. jit l- eitl:er difficult to rfnre lhi pa: Itiaslar t. Pr and irra.le of cotton fr»a lie western states or that North Car» I Una cotton fanner*, throb h t»e u jof improved ,-eel. are up J repu'.u'ion on cotton that will ccrcpeta j 'with the cotton that i* w-trail > ex , j-arte-l through Kew Orl~ins. | Mr. l!!alock report* t!w: «.a:;e: ' nditicoa have interfered More or le& I eriou-1 v with the picr.tia* of the W (Top throughout rarino- MrtiMU o* the cotton belt. Reiumin b> way of i i:irmintrha« and Atlanta to Rihfh { the trip wai through one nutiniw i o»iijour of rain. Soaae of the Stale nanagm reported that a fi'il «bli amount of cotton would have to h replanted. . Professor Kdea. mt the JjMesville high school mti hm amMamtC Mr. Pool, were at ton Sat cHay. ■ A ===== ===■= WATCH THE LABEL OX TOUK PAPER. IT ; 488118 THE DATS YOLK SL BSCKIPTHNf EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 CHARGES OF SLUSH FUND FOR Mc- LEAN DENIED Denial Too Late or Elizabeth City Editor Too Early with Charge Raletarh. April &—Action and re action from the precinct meeting* in K'akr Saturday which were featured by the defeat of J. Baiiey in his •>wn van! were all but obscured by the chances of a McLean slosh fund which were sprang Saturday by the Eliza beth City Independent- As forecast exclusively is this corrr>pofrier«e. W. J- Bruplot. State marager for Mr. : MtLraa. today made pablic the cor re-pnMff*y between Editor Saunders and the Lumherton car.-: .late which •iemies aev kw«le>!re of the l!>4 offer on th* rv.rt of Mr McLean. Mr. Sacrvier.-> h»-' the Mc Lean repl;. when he wr. t: ..riarfe, ias\ «>|mv of wharh have 1 n re fmel E Kale.i-h Acrr.niin to the -ialeßir-il frunn hrakpurtrr- u>day. he wr>»?e Mr McLean at Lcn "ton: - l tl*aik jou for your pre, T_» and forwar reply to my letter of 2ath For vih." laformation. it is -#t t y pre -ent IT !r"Ii(M t-» make ar.y \> blsca tion of thi- c»m--p>i>!»3(e." ' But the Saumters article car :e along a day «r •« after this letter -as re ceived at Luchert.* ar.l it . poeared on tie frmi! |u.*r under a ■ t.-*.ble "oluirsn y ad. ~l o-tk- I il» M *1 tv lo Vacqaidi Bailey - The artkle then et «ii to say that 51 ..* ; the wire that !-*•! U-ea *- _ 1 paper "f :t w h»M sapport th* '" .-t> **aSion « lis jiiale for li*»verr-*r " E>litwr Saunders* treatc n; oi the utrfe was niching if not ». :.*artic He drtarioi how -ome ma;, net named 1 'he article." ha»l approa mi him in *t- after .lark. do-. • (hj- dcors ud Ihen whi-p'.iei the »vuUte prw veied he •mil! *wnte o-.- nice piece- in the paper ah«vjj Mr. Mc- Ijean * The Eluabeth City man then pitched »n *k!l fowe. calling the name of J. B. I*uke ar. «4hers whotn he 'at -erted «#i»jfl: r.'Vrbati h n.t .cms • tie Mm of Mr Vcle*i' "aalkbcj the anticipE-.K-r of ex ""M* " fwa 'their "fair h-r-len" of axe- Mr Baiiey kmif cuoldnl J »e . :,'lw a wore inters-sti'ag pure 4 fr>-j«a -vi.ta. as the McLean forces nterpret Jhe artwle. than **r a. jdrr- «?»d for bir: Mr Br.-T-.Vti ma.Se i jM* the fol ■ -wrr.- re J% .f Mr. Mt'.ran to Mr. : »«!»ler . -en: fr»e> Lum'—rt-n ever •1 «tay» am "At Wering your Bqiir e . I s-JJ a> ihd i kn: w wt alever of p?»«pt.vHn».i t.. y.xa to U_ or ae «H»" of your paper ».» be -«nt tt - v-r t'* .-"tale. I have rot aggest "d or 'r" a oe te-! an; «rse io (rake any arh prapwiitu ato IVJ a- that outlin- . d .a y cr letter aid I have no idea lal—iei of tre prr-oa to whom you ->-* ec wj yoar Inter a> hav«ag had »r% a citer-itic* uji: yoo. I was a rw.ferrtire mh a >r iifcer of par - e- while I at City and _ -..a-.e. 3*vd n«T.sp«|(iK. *»iii a cam Vr «f other frien>i> - tre 1 left there "J of tSen has . .«*■ siestfj • me aty -ik-r. a: :rvat re -rr»-l to m your lette.-. " ti- wering your other |*-- t!«■.** tie. Mcljean wrote. ~l will -aj that I ■*' ' r# railiuad |u.- -e. k ha«* ver aad '■»» held none since I seiwl my con *-ti«s f pre-oleM ac-l et .al maa •eee of the Virrinia and ■ ardjea Southern Ka:ln«l «Sh -rt ir-sel the S r t ~f tie year." T>«- tw-V to, m Mr. "-ul- ' -m* c -Jr.ty. Swwrrrr, air in that tv ! > convent n a-»| ruirt k 1, the State ovent oa to "■ H»n— •J> .luminated by th* McLeaa folks fhi» ha.- her, ~pt*aree: for -artne u I la heeu pabfishc I m this nr re-pofoJence. Here is not a particle d A«h but that the . r.:he pragiam . -f ••overnor Morrison b* appew e»i by the coßveataoa. ' ■* tae rihjwv-., is ai( going to pet all the attent*,- of th; voters and a rather dear ird mt »W.» is the rrcie p«o«i Frank ( ik. f mnir , rinler. i» rettiae m his campaign for the niwimtiii of Imimmi; 4 lahr rud printing Ai frv. it feok -d very nmch as if Grisi 4U cat bar* i Saner. He was tk sti rof the »HnWd Grist M fre service en . ■ the legislature awl .he xlitiact ' id the service mm a ar -xit fete. They are not Bather t s-ta as if ther iie realniax. on Crist as their -zr far pditical katr this tiM. 'f Ik's be tit. Mgaain-jn » behmd '* ft* Democrat tml RepaUi **■* are gmag to Hare ex- soli-- - a. the tirhet thi faC Crist te the lone Democrat in the f.-U aev. o FOB SALE: 1-2 fTI HARMQOD P*lis *. JKtal hanhed faet. JCUCS fKEL, TttMmmm. R C S

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