CUE ENTERPRISE rwfcllrf l *verv T'i'*«d*y u>J Friday C VT»»' >U«:r JUL ISITING CO. North Cmvlfti W. C MANNING. ~ Miter W, C. MANNING, JR. ... BUS. MGR Subscript!** Price (Strictly Cash in Ad ranee) 1 year 11.50 C months 80 S months -45 Entered at the Post Office at Wil iamston. North Carolina ■* aecond- Us* matter. TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1924. A rumor has reached us that a will be built on the corner of Haughton and Rail Road streets. While we need an up-to-date hotel, we might select a better location. Why spoil a good looking pecan pas ture with a small town hotel ? That Williamston needs a good hotel all will agree, but why not lo cate it on the corner of Haughton ami Main street. We understand that a certain attractive home is for sale. Why can't the Building and Loan As sociation buy this home anil make sufficient additions to convert the home into a Southern Tourist Hotel? Those who have traveled vjouth will read idly see how such a horel could be established from an attractive Southern home. With a large back or side yard as this home has, a bridge could be placed between the present home and the hotel addition and make a very up-to-date modern Tourist Hotel. Now that summer is most here ai d the school terms nearing fcompleiion, it is with pleasant thoughts that the old swimming hole is called back 10 u.e. Away to one cornei**old (• will with his other close friends pa>s the summer and While, they sleep, the millions of pupils will go hero aid younder to seek pleasures 11 t.ieir own, in some way or another the teacher- will take a rest, 100. It will, no doubt, be easy sa ling for some, while for others it will l.ot lie so easy, but after all it is \ ira tion time and tho last day ten her calls the roll can't come too :.oon. TV a long while .>ve though' nu one careil to open a hardware .vto. •' in our city, hut from reliable sources we have learned that $I. r >,nH)( ) i.s pawing-to make its home here it fie form of a hardware store. \Ve are patiently awaiting its arrival, at I so be it that it fails to do 'so, wi are surely go in l / to ask somebody to tell us some reason why it did not come. The Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch of April 11 contains an article record ing the winning of the Highway Hat tie by the Coast cities of North aro lina. Will the Enterprise please (*• plain why the route includes Eliza *t beth City, Edenton and Hertford and not one word is said aliout Washing ton'and Williantstoii ? Please explain further just the lacking twenty-ieven miles if hard surface road which is to be c.mpleJVd by January 1, 1925. Are we to sit quietly and allow our prom., id high way to be calmnly given to another section of the State ? Why can't the Chamber of Com For Awnings, Awning Covers and Tents of all kinds. See Harrison Bros, and Co. Williamston, North Carolina merce get on the job and give us the J desired route? .The article referred to above was only a local article and was fathered by the hope for a road form Norfolk to Elizabeth City And pehaps 27 miles more hard surface will complete that link. A TRAVELER. The traveler need not fear N any change in route No. 30. The only thing that can happen would be to branch SO at Windsor arid run via Edenton, Hertford, Elizabeth City and on into Norfolk, providing, however, the Vir ginians would wake up and let us pu*s. —Ed itor. The Great Water Power Trust of America has not fully lost hope of breaking up the Ford proposal to de velop Muscle Shoals power through a 99 year lease, to manufacture nitrate for industrial purposes. In case of necsesity Mr. Ford has agreed to hold it in readiness for the Government. They continue to bob up here and there and try to muddy up the waters. In the mean time they are letting the property deteriate in value, perhaps, hoping at some time that Mr. Fori! will be out of the way and they will have more friends in Washington. Statistics of repairs, • asjline and oil consumption, depr.:\al:on and loads hauled, demonstr: ' that the average difference in co. ' . running a car or truck over good hard roads and poor roads is approximately 6 cents per mile . The average mileage of all cars and trucks in this country exceeds C,(HK) yearly. There are 1 1,0 0,00) cars and trucks running in the 1 nited States. A simple m 'tip'ication prov* that if :ill the roads i" the United States, •vere poor roads, making them all in to good road: would save more than tour billions every year, or more than live times as much is r>ent annually ■n this nation for good roads. Of course, all the roll Is are not poor road:, and more tlcii. 80 per cent ( ,f the travel of our v. hides is over the good roads and not poor ones. Hut if we had good lu: d.s vehicles would travel over them. Vehicles are now forced from the many poor to the few Rood road miles in order to avoid loss of lime and the tremendous cost of travel over poor road*. Any individual, asking himself whether his share of a new road tax will pay him, has only to figure the lumber of miles he will travel in a year over the good road and see what he, |>e>sonally, will save. Ibis com putation, of course, leaves out of cal culation any such factors as the sav ing he makes by the lowering of prices of goods he buys which travel the good road, and any increase in his assets due to the increase of land values on the good road, and any in crease in earniiiK capacity due to the time saved on good roads. With .figures so plain and savings so ob vious it is difficult to understand why anyone thinks that national highways, built and maintained by the National Government, will not more than pay for themselves in a very short period. TO TEST BIIAKES BY PORTABLE DEVIBK The Uureau of Standards of the — tf, — United States had perfected a new, portable, brake-testing device, which eliminates the personal equation in THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMBTON. NORTH CAKOUNA. testing brakes and does away with measured road stretches. The device consists essentially of a suspended weight which swings forward when the car slows down. It is oil-immers ed, to provide sufficiently slow motion to permit a record to be made by a pen on a moving sheet of Readings are direct, showing exactly how many feet are covered by the car between inital application of brakes and full stop. The device is said to eliminate the innacflracy of previous methods of measurement of brakes, caused by the personal equation or brain lag in the operator. Thus, in other methods of testing, an operator is toll! "apply your brakes." If he j take;; half a second to respond, and his car is traveling' at twenty miles an hour, the car moves fifteen feet between command and execution of it, which fifteen feet, of course, it count ed in measuring the distance cover ed in the stopping test. The new de vice, being automatic, is not subject Co that error. Why can't the Town donate that hole at the Kiver Hill for a swim ming pool ? Why can't we buy the lot on the rijrht side of the Hill for a play ground with a .dedginjc course? Why send your children to bother the neighbors in the afternoon by us ing the neighbors' sidewalks? Why not work for a Play Ground? Why not convert all the vacat lots into small play grounds? Why allow the children to tramp the streets and hear all kinds of talk. Farmers of Union county have planted between ten and fifteen* thou sand i.rres to lespcdeza this sprir.u qf correct JLubrication •*TI Quality oil* in three consistencies —correct for every type of motor. Consult the chart good dealer* display and ask for your oil by name. The name » Hszlß "STANDARD" *Polqr»ne Oils You Can Trust! /CALCIUM \ ARSENATE Kills 801 l Weevils Write today and get cur proposition for supplying your Calcium Arsenate at lowest prices. 801 l will prevent profitable cotton production if not controlled. - •• ACT TODAY! .AGENTS WANTED XASHCRAFT-WILKINSON COMPANY f ATLANTA, OA. X fTJ" How to Make Money! PAINT FACT* Illustration describes how to make M BEST-PURE-PAINT For $2.82 a Gallon L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT is White Lead and Costly White » Zinc to assure longest year* of Tb*T»r*tfaiß»y«da>n«u—«l wear, as proven by 50 yean of utmost satisfactory use. LIAIT COOT because in Semi-Paate form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and ao make 1H gallons of Pure Paint for $2.82 per gallon. QUARAMTE£-U~ myJkm—tof m*y ym »y. •***— Mr irtrfwOP tk» rmmminJwT cm k rMrMmMmsml SALSBURY JOlifT&uJfcO. INC. Hamilton Why wait tm6l dead to give the Town something ? Why not build a swimming pool and gire it your * • name? ■ k Are you a wide awake woman of tweny-one years older? Then join the Woman's Club. Why can't the Town have a clean up day? The streets are not attrac tive and the back lots are a disgrace. Where is the health officer? Why do we have to put up with mosquitoes these days? Twenty and thirty years a«o we never had one, only an occasional visitor who came on the train from other parts. WANTED I'very Property Owner to use L St M Semi Paste Paint and make his own Paint for $2.82 |>er gallon. .See our advertisement in this paper and note a gallon costs nothing if not satisfac tory. ADM INI STR ATOIt'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of M. P. Taylor, deceased, notice is hereby given Jo all persons holding claims against said estate to present then: for payment on or before April 7th, 1923 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All perfeoiu indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement of same. This the 7th day of April 1924. L. 0. TAYLOR, Adm. M P. Taylor. 4-8-Gw A I) MINI STRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of thj estate of R. W. Wynn, late of the Count yof Martin, Stat of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased ,to exhibit them to the undersigned at Witliamston, N. C. on or before the Bth day of April 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to sold estate will please make immediate payment. This the tßh day of April ISM. E. a WYNK. Administrator of R. W. Wynn. NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtae of an order of resale made by the Soerpior Court of Martin County in the Special Pro ceedings entitled, J. Frank Wearer and wife, Minnie Wearer, -ro- Walter Harrison, Allie Harrison and G. H. Harison, the undersigned Commission er, will on Monday the Till day of April 1924 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House Door in llartin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Bear Grass Township, Mar tin County, North Carolina, and do scribed as follows, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Martin County. North Carolina, containing 25 acres, more or less adjoining the lands of J. R. Harrisrn on the Easr, Redmond Harrison on the Sooth, Claude White hurst on the West and J. S. Feel on the North and more commonly known as the ReJmond Harrison Land. This the 22nd day of March 1924. WHEELER MARTIN, Commissioner 3-26-2t. NOTICE 0 FSALE Under and by virtue of the Su perior Court of Martin County made in an action entitled "The Federal land Bank of Columbia rs Julius S. Peel, et a!" the undersigned commis sioner will on the 7th day of May. 1824, at 12:00 o'clock. Noon, in front of the Court House Door of Martin County, offer for sale at public auction the following described land: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Williamston Township, Martin County North Caro lina, containing 331 acres, bounded on the North by the lands of A. Wil liams and J. H. Mixed, on the East by the lands of A. William* and J. N. Hopkins, on the South by the lands of J. N. Hopkins, Mrs. J. B. Hardiaon, the Redick Heirs and the and Jamesville Road and on the West by C. H. Godwin and J. H. MW! Aid being the same land heired by Julius S. Peel from his mother Lizzie Yarfdl Peel, having such metes. courses, hapes and distances as will »•-- -* ful 'y apiiear by reference to same made by S. S. Peel. Surv#-»«i. from a survey of the same ma le by J. H. Grimes, Surveyor, on the 5U- day I \ tailorini and jgood M I || Style pi ns nnk« fat/lmL Hie g Il ji \ srWrtioosformcti and youngitn. B I t / i n I ■■ ** * - ■ *»- p wpnng styles in 1/1 i 1 Harrison I I / m V\l Bros. &C«. J \ —A Williamston. N. G. of J™. I*l4. which Mil mmp a "*U iojuic of the smck>*M WJv fit * He with the Mml Laai Bud per seat of the ni>t W to kwc •f C*«lk good faith. Ten* of ale: mA, «ther This the 7th a> April MM. ■* ueiwril at the nie B. DUKE CRITCBEK. Cmmmt The reiii.niuon re—j-.w tk- right 444 J^r7 ( ; v ■ ;a ■ • , " N . " v t I Z' 5 ■jHft , " 'jV'L TWHN a HOvSL. INTC a H0 M " V,.S.COUW/Vf F -" •? r •» ~• •. /I ? v ru4£ --w sE. 55 C 45 -i C*. *** a- ,rc I V>i-» AHaTus sC . RanVls

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