AIWUIBBB WILL FIND OU* lluWiS A LATGBXBT TO ISM ■OMRS OF MiITIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 19 FARM LIFE SCHOOL CLOSES AFTER A SUCCESSFUL YEAR Rig Picnic and Several Speeches FeataresOf Hie Day The riming ■iwriin at the Fhna Life School were held Tuesday, April U. The day was ideal fur gaud feel- j iag aad every one acted his part ia making a real day of pleasure. The rtpwted speaker was not pres ent so Dr. John D. Biggs. R. A. Pope. - W. C Manning and J. L Holliday fill ad the vacancy, each making a sheet speech. After the exercises had he-! gwa. Dr. Grifin, a candidate for can-.. gfess came ia and make a short talk.! Dr. GriMa did not make a political I speech. However he made a very good | talk aad contributed some very good j advice to the people. "" • J Each of the former talks was in' lefeiete to the need of the school: work of the present day. After the talks were made, dinner | " lf was announced. The people of the' neighborhsod literally covered the; several long tables which had keen halt ia advance. There was aa a bun-. daare of food of every kind aad eaery owe ate until they could hold as more, j aad ast ewe half of the dehciaus food j hed been caaaaand. After dinner the large crowd again j returned to the school building to hear | the il>clsmsti»m They were gi«ea j hy five girls and by two boys aad {hey i mere all ably recited hut the julger awarded the pete to Mha Alma Mi-j The stadeat body, the trustees aadj fihaili of Professor and Mrs. Cain W. Smith presented them with s crys tal fruit bowl as a token of their ap peedaOi for their an tiring efforts to nmhe the schssl a auecaoe. duiiag the time th_t Mr. Smith had been super- * The announcement that the Agricul-' taral department would bare to be' daaeaataaaed was indeed a disappoint-1 meat to the boys and girls who have) tahea the course during the past two! year*. The average attendance ha* | not been of those ia that department i not been large enough the' part year to bring the school ap to. state reqeireaaents. The transports taoa of pUpds from nearby schools ia the coouneaity this part year has cut the average of high school papfls KIMTUB LEAVES TOWN TO « SEAMS A ROEBt Ch It is snnsuared that Nerris City. IL wdl aooa he without a asu.papir. For a long time a number of pram merit citizens of Eldorado have beea tijiag to get a aew paper started ia Fldiraila. foelmg that the tooa ia large easagh to sappart two papers, aad have iaduced Ralph Clippaiger. with pledges of liberal patroaage. to more hia Nereis City plant, the Rdfeerd to Eldorado, which he will do ia the near, future aad publish a daily paper. The meichants at Norris City bare beea .Inepiag for seese time, payiag iagly content to lot Sean A Rsshurk raßy cut iate the reveaae rt*the pah • rher aad coatrftutel largely to the Mr. fHppiagn readily accepted the A m aipapti la a town is just aa schools aad charehes. aad to Irt it die or move away from lack of support ia the nor at advertising a towa caa receive- Ridgewav ««.) News. Miss Aaaie Laaiae Crawford arriv - ed hoaae last evening from North Chr olma College. Gmini b«.o. to spead the Eaater holidays with her parents. Mr. aad Mrs. J. C Crawford at their haaae mm street. She made the trip from Darhaai with a party of Mia. Charles Baajm. Joha Laaaa Pkrey aad Capehart Nichols of fa km. Rifkmial aad wdl aooa he atte STRAND THEATRE MONDAY—TUESDAY -ZAZA " WEDNESDAY •% DATJT" . Shaw Starts Ml P. M. Sharp THE ENTERPRISE SHORT SESSION ' RECORDER'S COURT TUESDAY Cases of Minor Impor tance Disposed Of I The Recorders court of the Tuesday aatin created very little sensation. ( there beiag no cases of importance. Jaigt Smith of RoberaonviUe presid ed and Elbert S. Peel prosecuted. The following cases were heard and dirpoeed of daring the session that lasted only through the morning: State vs Will Purvis. Resisting an sheer. He was found guilty and i sentence to Jul for three days and, State vs Lawrence Woo lard Maaa- I factoring liquor. Woo lard was found guilty and sentenced to Jail for twenty days aad fined SIOO.OO and coot and required to pay jail fees. He appeal led to the Superior court. Slate vs Charles Rhodes. Operating I auto while under the influence of alco -1 hot. He was found guilty and sentenc [ ed to jail for one month and the Coun ty Commissioners were given leave to lure him out for the cost and for the | payment to L T. Taylor of the sum flliO for damage to his car. | State vs Sed Williams. Trespass. He I was adjudged not guilty. | State vs Jim Baker. Assault in two |ca*es. He was found not guilty in one lease aad guilty in the other. Judg | meat was suspended upon the pay i meat of the cost. ; State vs Kader Brown. Larceny. The ,Court found him not gukly. State vs Kader Brown. Carrying I concealed weapon. In this case the I Court decided he was aot guilty. I LOCAL HAPPENINGS OF WILLIAMSTON Miss Ethel Harris spent >esterda> I m Rack) Mount. Mr. J. W. Watts. Jr., returned Wed | aeaday night from Rocky Mount where j he was with Mrs. Watts when she un jder went an operation at Park View 1 hoipdsl Her friends will be glad to ] know that she is getting along very nicety. * Mr. Whit Smith of Greenville wa* ia town Wedaesday. Miss Minnie Orleans of New York wfll arrive this afternoon to spend the Eaater holidays with her parents. Mr. aad Mrs. Nathan Orleans at their hoaae aa upper Main street. She was ■art ia Rocky Mount by Mrs. Walter Orteaas aad Miss Martha Simmons Miaelle.. Mrs. Kanford Brown of Jamesville was a shopper in town yestenlay. Mr. Boone Grant of Weldon was in town Thursday on business. ' Mrs. W. F. Jernigan, Mrs. Dirk Taylor. Mr*. Walter Orleans and Mianas Martha Simmons Mixelle and Fiaarta Gurgaaus motored to Wash "fen! WSBailey ami Dick Leach mi Waddaftm were here_ yesterday. Mr. Al Clapp of Richmond arrived lart eight to visit friends in the city laaiiifc the week-end. Mr. J. L Kirkland of Raleigh was ia towa yesterday attending to busi- Mr. Hugh B. Anderson of Dunn is ia towa Aitiag his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Anderson for the Easter holi days. Mrs. Hugh Horton and Wis; Carrie DeU White are visiting in Washin*;- tea this aflernoon- Mr aad Mrs. H. M. Stubhs and lit tle aaa, Warry. Jr., left yesterday for fiinstsa to visit Mr. apd Mrs. Sam D. Scott uatil Saturday whea they wfll go to Wake Forest to visit Mrs. Stahks' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Mrs. C V. Godwin arrived home lart eight from Wasliingtrti City ■but she has been several weeks fol lawiag aa aperation at a Washington hiapilal. visiting Commander and Mrs. D. C Godwin. Mr. Sytverter Peel was ia town yesterday far a few hours. Messrs. W. & Crawford, A. R. Dun aiag. J. H. Pureis, W. M. Perry. Van TayW. J. G. Staton, K. B. Crawford visited Gapohart's fishery mm* Edea toa Wedaesday. Mr aad Mrs. 8. R. Biggs aad chO drea kit yesterday foe Eden ton where Mrs. Biggs and her little soa aad daughter wfl visit her sister, Mrs. Rodham far several woeka. Mr. Biggs retaraed today. Miss Martha Harriaaa arrived lart night from Atlantic Chriatiaa Col lega, Wilaoa. to spead the Easter holidays with her pareats, Mr. aad Mn. T. F. Harrison. * Mr -Mmd Mrs. Robert Bogart aad little laughtei. Miss Sallie Samß wuad Bogart, of- Washingtaa wB apead Saaday here with Mm S. R. Biggs. Sr. Mr. aad Mrs. Harold W. Cl«rk e t • aad Mrv J. C CrawfeH ' f , Willianiston. Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 18,1924. H&"*' *•• i3BP ■fc.. i*. T ■ ■ Iwy- i v . y.t t ' s „ , « I L jm ' |s9Kg mp Him HHHHkM_ HOIL A. W. MrLru, Candidate for nomination for Governor of North Caro lina. who submits his fate to the will of his fellow Demcorats in North Caro lina who will j-vmWf at their respective voting places on June 7. Rook and Bridge Party Mrs. Arthi. Amkr.Hin. at her |>rett> home on Haugl.ton street. was ho.»tcss last evening eight until eleven at a bridge and rook party. There fo "r takle> arranpni for bridge and one for rook, all of litem in the large itvinc room which wa- charm ing in its decoration, wistaria in pro fusion and hue* bowls of >|» ing vio lets being used. Mints were found on each table that were enjoyed during the rames ami then a tempting salad course with black coffee was served. Attractive Eastor favors in little white rabbit* were foaml on each plate. Those invited to enjoy Mrs. Ander son's husp-talit> were. Mrs Louis Beinrtt. Mrs. Roy Gurgaiius. Mrs. A. T. Crawford. Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs. John L Rodtrerson. Mrs. Mark B Dawes, of Richmond. Sirs. Elbert Peel. Mr- John 11. Biggs. Mrs P. B Cone. Mrs. W. 11. Biggs. Mr,. J. G. Godanl, Jr., Miss. Anna Pope. Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Jr.. Mrs. W. J. Hodges. Mrs. John A. Manning. Mrs. R. A. Critcher. Miss l*aisy Wynne. Mrs. B. W. Handy, Mr>. C A. Har rison. Mrs. G. H. Harri-on. Mr- J. D. Woolard. I.r>. A. R. Dunning. Mrs. Carrie Bigg* Williams. Mr,. 1. II Harrison. Miss Carrie IMI White, Mrs. J. W. Manning. A CALL Til THE MIvTHO IMST OF MARTIN COI NTY When I was a boy. laic one after noon 1 hear*! a ili.-trfN.-mc Toke rail ing f ran Orally from the lirettion of a !lurid) towi'l :rii liary tevtne that male up from *ur home the fie!i I run tu my *!der bother »Vl !• !if llou . I way and while parniw a nthbit box Of mine he had Mtknl it was tlown and, he had ipened it ml in when a bi* black mink sailed out. Xy brother, in >eif defense, caught the m.nk and about Um- ante time tW mink (.Hfiit him. la thL- terrible fright fell backward- into a !eep mrfie, m a bed of vines ami briars and there Itotml him. He had the mink and the mink had him. In my excite stent I arked what he wanted. He said "I want help. yo» foal, cant you vee ?" Now what I am after in plain words is for every Methodist to go to church like I west to the help of that brother of mine. I, as your pastor. Just now am in aboat as bad a fix as the bant iter aa.-. I am hHjjie** unle. * yen LJp. I ran do k.t little if you do not do your port. How do you think I feel to go to service ami you not there, the faithful few scattered about over the budding, with the majority af he Micben rdiisf, arleep. or some other place? What I am asking is that you trail me just like you would have me treat yea if you were in my place and I in jocn. Our Church in Wgiamrt— i_- making a real effort to eoaae into the dau that it ought to he h, every Member's help is desper ately needed, it uay he but littli vou caa da, hat that little L needed as ■art as thane who'can do much. Can !• say with St. Paal "For aae to Irie b Christ"? You aay it, then haw daea H Maad when you aay it? In ymr flaw ewery Saaday. to pray, sing par ar whatever is yaw duty, please. —IE. D. DODb. " * . —» ■ I ! .SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE Advertising Records j In a recent issue of the Gazette of Red Lake Falls, Minn . it carried an article saying that for 19 years they had an advertiser who never missed a single week in carrying a good live ly advertisement. They claim no other paper in Am erica can boast of running an adver tisement of one concern in every paper for 19 years. The Knterprise can say that for live years it has carried an adver tisement in every issue for one of the leadings firms in this >ertiea of the | state, Harrison Rrothers'and Company The Gazette only publishes one paper per week, while The Knterprise pub lisheK twice every week, so after all the -alette has piily nine years more ( consecutive ads to its credit than The | Knterprise. , The greatest feature in advertising , is that good advisers are good basi- | ness |>eople. . What is better known than a Ford? | Yet, Mr. Ford advertises more than, or as much as any concern in America. | Mr. Edison advertises, the Standard Oil Company advertises anal so does ( California. I If your business is not good, try advertising. t SERVICES AT METHODIST CHI'KCH; EASTER PROGRAM " Morning service 11 A. M. I Prelude I Voluntary -"Crown Him King" , Hymn—"llail the Day that Sees Him Rise." " I Prayer Anthem —"Morning of lleauty." Psalms Gloria Patri Scripture Reading Solo—"The Palms." Offertory, Solo—"Calvary." Hymn—"Crown the Saviour King ■ of Kings." Sermon —"He is Risen." j Hymn—"Hail Thou Once Despised \ Jesus." Morning Service II A. M. Kvenißß Service I P. M. Prelude Voluntary—"L'nfold Ye Portals". Hymn—"O worship the King." ' Prayer Anthem—"He ,1s Calling You." Offertory— i! Polo—"The Risen l»rd". Hymn— "Love Divine". Sermon—Subject, "Immortality". J Hymn—"Grant us Thy Peace." Come, bring an Faster offering, re joice and worship with us. . * —& D. DODD, PMtot SANDY RIDGE Mrs. J. R. Jones spent Sunday with i her mother, Mrs. N. S. Cherry. Mm. Sadie Davis and children of Jarnesville spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Robersoa. Miss Mary Andrews e 4 Bethel spent Saturday night with Miss Gladys Roherson. Mrs. Lyiia Thompson, Misses Eunice and Catherine Thomps— spent part of the week visiting veahivea. j 'Messrs. Johnnie Alfred and "Speck" visited the city of and other wester point* today, namely. Everett* and Garden Terrace. I FOB BENT: 1* BOOM HOUSE ON •West Main street. Far particulars aae Wheeler Maitfca. Ik % NASSEL MANU FACTURING CO. TO LOCATE HERE Installation of Plant To Begin First of • Next Week TO MAKE OVERALLS Plant Equipped With; 128 Machines; Will Make Shirts Also The Sl>*l Manufacturing Com- j pany which has formerly operated in j the city of New iiera will begin oper- [ at ion- in Williamston in a very short time. The company manufactures overalls and a certain line of shirts ami when going at full capacity they have US machines running but they will not run at the maximum capacity at first. I bat according to a statement nuule b> I Mr. Nassel. the senior member of the | j company, they will begin operation « 'with sixty machines ami add on ad ditional ones as labor l>ecomes avail able. They will employ as machine I operators about sixty white girl - anal [the weekly pay rOol at the bfiorninr will be as muvh as sl,lt>o.tio. inrreas- I ing as the plant enlarges. The machinery is being parktil in Xew Bern tolay and Mr. Nassel. Sr. will arrive here Monday to begin the installation of the plant. The llat iron building, formerly occupied by the Carrow-Crawford Co.; will be used for the factory. The two Mr. Nassels ami the other members of the company come to with fine recontmemla tions from the secretary of the New Bern Chamber of Commerce and who is one of the best secretaries of any chamber of commerce of Eastern Caro lirau-The secretary also heartily com mends the business record of the Nas sH Manufacturing Company while it operated the City of Xew Itern. Williamston welcomes an industry of this kind and it will give the com pany its hearty support in its pro motion. LOCAL IIK.II SCHOOL BASktiT BALL PLAYKRS AWAKIKII HNiH SCHOOL MONOGRAMS llanl work and practice a.- .-\,er; enrtil by the local high school basket ball players during the pa.-t sex m were not forgotten as shown by the awarding of monograms to the mem bers of the two teams by Mr. Miles •Wolff, athletic director, in chapel la*t Tuesday morning. Most of the members of both the boys' ami girl*' teams won letten with tlx- exception of one or two who failed to get to play in • nought games to provide them with a letter. The giving of monograms is -ome 'What unusual in the school, only sach occasion being witnessed in the sprinr 1921. The recent affair arouse*! Di id) interest ami f«tt an unusual occurence was indeed a success. All future teams, it Ls understood, will be awarded monograms at the end of each season. IXISCALLV GOOD I'KIM.K \M AT STRAND UK ST NEXT WEEK The program as booked by th. Management of the Stranl Theatre is an exceptionally good v one. "Zaza* which wax to have been shown mik ago but due to a fire in Char lo'.ta the picture never rrarliol bete ard due to effort* on the manager'.- Jvirt it w!l be shown Monday and Tuesday night of next week. This |.\-*ure seems to be a real 11 raWing r. rd as shown by records of other theatre* that have shown it. In Chapel HOI it was held aver two days and met with every one's approval. For Wednesday night the program is as good if not better tKan that of Mon day and Tuesday. At one place it was day ami Tuesday. At a small North Carolina town it was held over three days ami was seen more than once hjr a goodly number. * For two nights of real ami) attend the Strand Theatre Monday or Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Caftt- Stoddard ia Too a Wedaeada* CafL Geo. J. Stuahlard of the State Automobile was ia town Wednesday watching the passing car> sad he foaml a large number with no license tag, and when he fiaa I them he proceeded to take the driv en into custody. EPWORTH LEAGI'E OF METHO DIST CHCRCH TO HOLD SERVICE The Epworth Uagne or the M. E. charch will hold sanriae service Eaa- I tor Sunday at the Methodist charch. I The pablic is cordially invited to ■Mead 7~' * Banriat. at S:M A. M. W. V. KEKKKLL. EORMKK MARTIN COI XTY MAN INKS IX WAKE COl NT® Li»«J * ilk Mr. J. IK Ho»e« in Bear Gru* Tnukiy bark In IM2 Mr W'_ V. Kerrell. former resaleni « of thi» county died at his home in Wake county recently, from heart I trouble. Mr. Eertell «ftit to be»l in ' seeminifly icood health hut awoke short ly before midnight and complained of a pain near the heart It was only ' a few minutes afterward before he died. JJr Kerrell lived on the farm of | Mr. J. l» I to* en in Hear Grass town * ship for several years and while there \ he Miss I let tie Taylor. laut;h- j ter of the late Henry Taylor of this | coui:"N He. shortly after his marriage. I moveii to the old home place six mite * this side of Raleiith on the main high way. • He was W year- of ani highly respected B\ all who knew hint- He is survued by his wife and ten children who now live oat the ok! Eeirell Home. The children are: Madge I ranees, talenn. Craven. Leonard. Haze!. Charte . Marearvt. Lois E*iith. and Willie Gre\ Kerrell. LATE BI'LI.ETIN I»ESt KIKES MILL WEEVIL «ONTKM. FOB NORTH CABOLINA Raleieh. April, 14.—The Marrh. Itulletin of the state department of Agriculture describes in detail the habits of and control measure? for the hoi I weevil according to findings by investigations of the Experiment Stat t ion stall. The work reported on in this I Millet in was done at the field station of the division of Homology at Aberdeen and is the first actual re | suit given of experimental work uifctrr j North Carolina conditions. Other re I porta have been issued from time to time giving results „f field demon 't rations testing out method- aim rated by the government and other agencies This new bulletin gives the results of scientific study maile up un til the present time. The bulletin describes the habit ami ileveiopmetit of boll weevil iinlrr North Carolina con>lrtions ;t*lls about whea the first weevils appear in the spring how the new ones tlevelop ui the s«|uares «I,en egg laying begin? .-ummer >lev elopment and gives in de tail control measures Ir-tnl out un •ler actual 6cld conditions. The antliors find that a single ap plication of a sweetened puiMianl mixture mak- when s«|uares begin to form will kill some of the overwinter ing weevils. This mixture is appifc~>> ui the hot I. using about one gall>,n of the mixture per acre. H wa.s fouici that this application wouhl apparent ly delay the arrival of heavy mfe-sta tMMi later. Tlae Klorida method ha possibilities but dhl not show up as a go-Hi control measure unler the lesl nuule at Abenteen. The iiu.-t poioa methoil was highly profitable anal -houhl by all means be used following ihe application of the pre >|uare poisoning with sweetened nuxture- This dust poison is applied when the i.frstatiori reaches ten per rent. Ttie bulletin gives valuable mlorma (ion about tl.r life history of the boll «-evil under North Carolina con litions atxl will be sent free to citi zens of the State makuig a rr«|Ur -I for same A card to the Editor, Agrv u!tural Extension Service. Kaleigh. a ill tiring > our copy EASTEB SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL ( HI K« N Holy Communion M:0)l A. M ( Church school 9:46 A. M. Holy Communion and sermon 11 '*» A. M ' Evening Prayer 7:46 P. 'A . There will be special Easter music Everybody welcome. 1 J. E. WARNER. Priest V - IjfM'AL SCHOOL TO , HOLD FIELD DAV MEET Acnnlug to Mr. Miles H. Wolff, athletic director of the local school, there will be a track meet held in about two weeks. The boys and girt* ate practicing daily for the event ami it promise to be one of much interest. The I*W yard flashes are be toy knocked of to a harry and the record so far for the is around 33 feet. There wil he ether similar feats staged during the meet. ATTENDED STATE CONVENTION Messrs. L. a Rase. R. a Hantoa. W. T. Ward. Sheriff H. T. Rilwim. C D Cartsarphen. C D Cari torpkea. Jr. Lake Lamb. W. C Manning. A J. Manning. Elbert S. Peel. R- T. Cahara Clayton Moore. Dr. Jaka a Bin> at tended the State Democratic Caave*- tian which waa haM in Ralci|(k |ldai WATCH TOE LABEL ON YOC3 PAPEB. n -vRBIES THE DATS TGL'R SCBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 WEDNESDAY A GREAT DAY FOR COLORED SCHOOLS All Parts of The County Were Well Repre sented «i> x rrn! day in the nLstory of she teSonni people of Mar t»n fowl; The (•iamd schools of the fniii* owiil} heW a commencement tn which ntfcuira hundred colored h«»l rkikm [artifipitfit Erwn «aHj nsre'ie when the Coast lane traiß annwi at 7:Sg until the aftrtiMwi! iniK. they arrived almost fnnt.ri>« l » and at 1(1 •'clock a spec ;al tun atmM bringine the children :'ri>«r Etifirti. K.4«rr-«-n.i il>. Hamilton rii-jrll. Oak (Tit an-i I'armele ami [the other a tin salt of tlie upper end of the «vur-t> - It ttaii i*ws to h.>kl the e»rti*i if !' court hou* hut one :hir>! of tk» parade wh*.-jj wj.; com wm>l >f all J** owroJ school. of the . rat «c*>ool iiavtßf it stan • fani l*raw-r M»rf rt and dre uti in anfons.-. '*) reached the mur house ami m. the ktikiiiu' it war com pletely funwd. It wa? then decided :«» tak* lb* crowd (. the \ards ; r-d the , exerct«*s »r«* held from the hark •trfK of the ««I1 hvu« The KM- iw p»ersm corm. ted of ■Xljf. wialche- ami nt n.-rous ■•ther rirtrf*- The entire fuoram was mmM wrt «ith credit to tioth the (hiUm and t> the teacher- TV rruawuir era- ie certificates v.-erw ire-er I#>S fc- Saajrcrinteixlent K. A. IWf « V J. Davis pre | errted tie ftiirs t» O. Muige, a.-sistant •limtor of r*i» education in the j State wearhf ui addre.s.- which was lis i l«w> to unii enjoyed bv alt the tartre fr»w>i The iftmM. ocoirratu consi.-tcd of the exhibits of the ichoot- at the graded school building, relay ucrv ia-Wall and other tunics . tn the obi|«-. TV t>> off with little r irM'm*» I for urh a huge crowd, the uuil rsr--rra']vr sarin? that there vere at ln>l Imntt - Ate hundred chil ••m aaj a thaa» m 4 adults in atten t'awr TV «as led by the ool c rul bo»i J i.imiviilr which proved ltdf cr* litaUr J-KCSTIiJj: .-'TMMIL 1(1 LIVE BRUTAL VT KABM I.IFK After utiij with hiyh approval rreat w«kk mi JuMmtjJie the npiVMtM da- of t!>f fcrrfc h»l Midtf tv direction i f Miss ">n. Itairr »-B cut* tht-.r > -cital at lain 1 if' iicj Ssluday evening, Apru 15th at n „VV.«k After with tach success in the innimi- t»»t it «a- lircdctl to give !h* iMital (k-ahrrr and Karm Life vi. fort abate eawJigh to be selected. it >) staled fci !(». *■ who attended M Jaar>riHe to he or*- of the best en lmaiuru»i> «wrj by local talee.l m tike litik city of Jamesville. rW»w» the rf«n ».f the da.-.- direc tor. Mi- Ha*rr, mun*u3tk piaver- have tvea ■Ar-eh.ipt 1 thofte rh> nakr #«1 to altriui may rest a»- -tared ilat their efforts udl tie fully im l iirt.;atnl C. It » tkSI AirHEN HONORED AT STATE CONVENTION «f Mr C. l». ( ur-urphni, Mart it MM.t)'« clever lrrasu.t r, will be rLui :• kr*w |}>at the St tr Con trdM rlnrtej (ma as (in- tential rVirtw Ivf IV lirst ' •- sional >:t-trart TV dat*e» of the office are tea-: tie itlr 4 the district for a p-r* "jV« : j.* lie natioeai convention an»t to «aV !•* »*wS« foe !»em-v --rrvi m twt maut" of the d: rtict. Ih H T. Bi », Mr. IC. Newton ail Mr al.t I!. Sterol, of Enfield pa-mi UiMtfc hri* V.VdanJay en iwir to thr Cmi.At f.sliery where they will enjai aui uutuT for several Mo-t Haiti!) cuui, folks know "larir Jack' -Sherrod and (hey are al ■>)-> ilthi. ito tee kin. His happy sable aaJ ceaual per o-ality kiaa a mj wlwat vioior. Mr. W. IS. Walts i pei l . ncral hours in I—a yt itridLay Mr. 11l I E G.-dk c,'!l arr.'re to i MUM frwaa Chapel Hal to s-'.nrnd the Übhp with lit aMhrr. .. Mr. Br*ee Tjaae ct thir'ain ar ii»*d kit nifht to the Midan here with kac inkers. liii. L U. T|m ■e*»*. F. .VinJ and Joe ihnd, B.kSTEB FUOWIkIiS S* paar htn «tes to Clark-

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