AOVBMSESS WILL FIND OUB, COLUMNS A LATCHXET TO IM HOMES OP JUSTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 20 MTHT IS IT THAT VISITORS TO I OUB TOWN HAVE TO (IAWL OVEB TBASH PILES TO ENTEK? to MM TkmcUm Offri With Old Tiw Cm. BoUin and CMS "Have Been" FMt The writer af this aride w out of torn far a few dajs awl ■" wW by a fin- «k» IM ■ a near-by • al jodded aal w»s tre street as peet tjr aa it wall aw is the qri« »j— Tbea he taid Me that Williams tea VM imnshud to have aae of the fßtticft'Mh thoroaghfares rf any ton ia) aheia comparing in si* to it. This made Me feel mr good for there ia nothing «ae lft-s to hear more thaa naKhiag goad of the old home ton. And when I n> coming hoaae on; the Coast Line twm the iiaitfa if, this friend af mr m tegrad to oar , ton, came into my mind aad I i thought whan 1 reached the switch I i would obaerre the town from that entrance to it. M, instead af look-. ing down Haia street I was aa wa-, pletHy taken ap by the hugeness of the aid trash pOe that I saw nothing ' rise. Hat it ever occurred to the town fathers that the aad af Mam atreet which nana Mo mr af the moat im portant af the State's highway* tenai nates m oae of the most unsightly j traah piles that can he found any ! where? We fed tare that it has notj for we kaow that H is their dr«vj to do anything that is for the good ol j the towwahd we kmrw that they have j not considered what an iapessim mast get when he parses that pile' and arrives right ia the middle of hfint" section about Ave seconds af- 1 terward if they are driving a car And there is not one single perm. in Willianfton who has driven aeras the river aitf wan* amend the bend of the fill ard when he tamed around , did not feel a thrill of |*ide for hav ing such a pretty drive way and ap proach into oar town from that end of Main street People from every where who have came into oar town from acrma the river say that Is one af the prettiest approaches to any town that they ever saw. Bat. we are attain aaaking a mistake of as tag th> first vacant lot at the end af the street for a trash heap. This is a very aeriaas mistake when aa acre of grouad coald he boaeht soaaewhere' close to taw* that is away from the raad and the trash coald be carried ia there aad hidden from riew. - A CITIZEN. ROT SCOFTS HIEE TO BIG MILL Ft Ml AFT EK NOON Troupe No. X of the local hoy scouts hihed to the Big HOI yesterday after noon. celebrating the taster holiday. Mr. William Cooke carried the nerve of tb. entire group when he plunged off the damn into the briny deep The others dared tat go so far ami compromised b> nding ap aad down the po.-td in a dag oat. The hoys re turned about sax ia the afternoon. Dr. P. b (one as in Raleigh today • attenaiiag the State bental Society. While there ha read a paper ia aaem ory of Dr. Manning formerly of Rob eraaavike. Dr. Cane will retara tomorrow Mr. Tom Coohr of Rocky Mount spent the week «ad here with his fam «L- Mr. Charles Biggs af Raleigh spent " the Easter holidays here with his math er. Mrs. S B. Biggs. Mr. Gariaad Anderson of Mildred spent the acek end here writh his par ents, Mr. aad Mrs. J„W. Anderson. Miaaea team aad Mianie Robertson af Grecavßle speat the Easter hol idays here with their mother, Mrs. J. L Robertson. Mrs. J. L Wflliams returned last night from Griftoa abut she vis ft ad her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. L J. Chap- Mrs E B. Moore of Washiagtoa aha has haea viritiag her brother. Dr. W. E Warren and Mrs. Wa-rea Mr. jal Mrs. C B Bmfaf return H—the week cad with Hr. aad Mrs. J. H. BritL Mr. E T. Batemaa a Norfolk la viotmg Mr. Bohert L Cohan far a fear days. lbs. A. V. Joyaer returned last Hmr. 1 A. V. Joyuer T Mr. Hairy (hhirftatel Mack - * THE ENTERPRISE "ROSE MAIDEN" WILL BE GIVEN IN WASHINGTON Local Talent Will Have Important Parts * The Roe- Maiden, the well kasca cantata hy Frederick H. Coves wfli he given at the Spring Festival which will tnkrpiare h Washmgtsa. May 1. anrier the auspices of the MrD*w«|l; Club. Mrs. McDowell, wife of the, famous modern cotapaser aad vrhose name the clubs be- is waa to have ap peared on the set aad night «* the festival but pa ing to ißnais --he hit to cancel her ngagemewt as she all be unable to leave California by that ; time- There will be fifty wke» ia the cac- Itata and the following well known singers of Washiagtoa aad Wilhaw-.- j ton wil have solo puts. Mr*. Hi t Switigky, Mr. SvwrWj. Eli I Brown. Mrs. Angas Cox. Mrs Dane , Carter. Mrs. Rd Maß»~m. Mrs. JaacM . S. Rhodes. Mrs. Eva Hacktei arxi R v Gardner. It is being ■sirw.oi b. Mrs : Mark Swineley who is one of Eaa* ! Carolina's most able maskiaa^ The cantata will he a treat to lover j of good masir. It n a story ef spew-.? . arith its bot-linr Powers aad green ! «w>dland and it is vrvatiojt* sd | ! uprightly suhhaed at liar* by the ad i j lovtiness of the sprinr time, j The (erformar* fl be weH word I 'the price of admrcian whirh is mr dollar for ad wits aad fifty cevrts for Hiildren. j The kwal aaeacher* of the MrIV. well i Club and thoAe who wil appear ia the Rose Maiden are. Mm J. H Saunders.. Miss Carrie IMI White. Mrs. J. S I Rhodes. Mrs. W. H. B* >. Mat Vefl- Andrews. Mrs. Wheeler Marti'.. Jr.! and Mrs. L C B nnctt TREMENDOUS POPL'LARfTV OF -BUIKSOM imr Mean, Shah Lif WarV Famaa Mast cal Comedy Breaks AH Ihnatii-- cal Becords ia the Sooth -.. . f Several n"-w page, of theatrical his- j tory have been writtew this sea. oa by - Blossom Tame", the famoas natial' comedy arhach ha» ton l«wu.r Ihr touatry aidn the duerti*> of Ik. Messrs. Shuhert asd ahi.h wJi play at the New Theatre. II arhiactan next kridv. Three time, it has ptavod the xu oa ia both Atlanta aad Bsraaia-hari. and return engagements have bceu made in scares or oth.-r cttae> of tor South -Bloujom Time's" pnalirity ha- been uapre«eiir?.ted aa wjtaer- the followiag aewspaprr craw r t-: Said Ralph T. hau a the Atlaat Constttutaoa "It L. hard to recall ha'* long it ia nay theatrical 11H it riamrat has scored such an ovaiahrlaaiag hit. in Atlanta as to make it aec.-soary j for the saaae aggregati* to ill three ! ♦operate aad dastiact rant *mat ia th : . city ha oae season. "Moo n Time", that aaap e. sapremr aad per fect m-steal Hiaaadj— Ima t light 'opera—came hack for its third visit of the >easaa Maaday night. It opeae. to a faU boaie aad it is a xar h-t there wB be few eacawt arata at aaj those who have aaea the show, As for it is the aai»«nal ramwral that there aner aw aajlhiag Be A" Hunter Bdl wrote as felon in the Atlanta J wall *Blr i am Time 1 ", with ita erif ft* odies ef Praaz Sehahert. is krk t the Atlanta Theatre for the third tone this seasaa. Sach pipa'ar dy i: au paraleled ia the hatarr af aaaarl shows playing here, bat is entirely de serving became of the aide -paead ap peal of the play. The raw endkat east as aeea aa the two gaciiaaa cc wil! take their sweethearts, wives aad milhu« a to me her aare its cwautructed love. It hao a wader appral thaa jrob ably aay other ahow of th a-aaan.. aad *are than anj Ikiag rhe. the ap- j MiTlahi Griaaes aad Btxle son of Mr Dick TayUr af MBdred speat the auk rad heve att his famdy ' Mr. Joe llipraaii af Waahiagtoa Mr. Amd Man. Thaa Ay-aw rialtod reL Mr. Jaha MeOaß wfl letaea tomrhl i , Mr. irtmailh Dar I .SCBSCSIBE TO THE EKTEBPRISE 1 • a Wiliianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 22,1924. BANK STATEMENTS SHOW INCREASE IN BUSINESS T e bank stateicents u Lawd by ih- nri-as bank of Martin county a very decided improvement -ver those af last year on March lift. Car of the local banks shews an in crease in deposits amounting to $U>- Cs. 74 over those of March 71. I 9£. ether statements show ecfaally as large an increase in depoaits. U hen you look into the state meats iss ed by the hank* and see the in crease and Jevelopmeat ia all hanking lines nothing more than ceatinued prosperity can he expected. Bat oace yeu see the reverse taking place aad shown by the statements, nothing hut a cessation of prosperity ran be ex-j pectcd. so once yoa ee the banks and continuing in grov-tk, all is 'ell and good. Mart ■ r county rwv has as si rone bonks as fooisi in bm»: any county that is located m an Agricultural section. And more, the banks are being led by competent men. for instance the North Carolina Association roan to Maitin to select its president. So it is on thru out the hankinjr reahn in this court \ that you v.ill fin.: men devoting their th«;r entire lives to the business. The six statements as published in thU |si per la *. week cannot be excel jled but by few when it corrte to the :auteial inrrease enjoyed by them in j*h- pc.-t few years. MORE MUSINGS BY UNCLE JOSH A farmer's life appeals to mr. but are apt to say ! The social problem seems to be the thine that Works the amy; | The serial problem, fiddlestick-. I I wouldn't give a Jo. j When eg*s are up to fifty cents let I --lal problem.- r» May Social butterflies be gay who how to fashions will. But when you* fortune P«e- away tha Social problem's al: Wholl care a snap arhen yau oae day go down a slippery plare. They'll simply wag «h«ir heads and I say "He -truck too hard a pare." Ooat loaf «b»ot and hope to make a million in -ome day. For if you've got your rrub to aake jo -t hark to what I say. I ioot want you to Dmier-tan.' the»e problems have no plare. For those who work apun the laad. for Ihif is not the case. Hot my plan, it Mem to ane a faith ful prosecution. Of work upon tbr farm you see -~iH bring the true -olutioa. For butter's up to forty fiv- and pork is tamity-twa. I tell you sure aa I'm alive, we've got the halice on yon. 1 You've eat to buy the things we raat* and this I'd have you know. ; That pretty aea some of thee days we're goinr to have the dough. For aw awe growing Cattoa. Corn. Pea Nats. Beets and Sqaa-di; With prices coming our way just watch your Fade Jarh —J. E. WARNKB. SMITH WICK SCHOOL Ttl CUISE Ibe Saaithwick school wtA was burned about a naoatb ago a/ad which Jnee that tiase has beta hebl ia the Manning school hoi>e, will close to ccmr. Mrs. Anna Harrwoa, Misses Evelyn aad Velma Harri-aa aad Margate! Manniag v.sited friends in Tarbor« Sunday. Mr. W. H. C rvtarphen of Trmaty College, Durham spent the Fatter halidaya here with his (arenU, Mr. aad Mrs. C. D. Ca.rfarphea He mtcracd yesterday to Durhaai. Hiss Thora. af the local schcc! faculty left Saturday for Richmond where ahe attended the wed.Mag of Mr. Frank Clad.'tone of Hamiltoc. was ia town yesterday for m fe~ hoars. | Mr. David Pobei imi of Crifcs was 2 - bksiieai visiter here yesterday af ternoon. Mr. Davrsoa Ld>y was ia town yes terday. Mr. aal Mr*. Z. H. Base aad seas. Hardy aad Tom aad Mn 11 C Chap w-n and little- daughter. Doris. Wait ed Mr. Paul Xay m Roanoke R. pd> Sunday. Lr. and MR. Wesley ABea aad lit tle saa af Golds bare vwaled Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Perry Suaday. Mla Ddphia fttMn aad Mr. J. W. Watts, Jr. aad little ma. Jiiiiaii. visited Mra. Watts aha ia eaavalaar »S from aa aprratiaa at the Park tcr %ahy. Mr. H. M WaW riailad frieah hi Mr. Jae Taylar am ia team far. a fear hauea tka ...niat ■>. ' WORK STARTED . ON PLYMOUTH l! ROAD TODAY, To Build Large Fill At t{ Sweeten Water Creek 'COMPLETION IN 1925 ; Road Will Hate a' 'ravel and Top Soil [- — Finish | Wort «■ tkt kidm) iwiir frx-ra t ' BlaifciK* to the coun- Ity line *a» nwlaprl yestmisy. The cWnnc ml |he right-of-way i j =■* mmwuctJ at Sf.xlm Water ifiwi The firrt work or. the fill was ijjUrtd this iwninf. J TV fill to he ha#. »J1 be ah.mll Iti* high w'.irt* it bonier.- the] cre*k. ul a rut «iU be through' the iliwn field fnai where the dirt | M r» toward having the fill The! i crt «tH he mad* a -team Ml arv! the dirt »31 tolcaJn! on track -' and hailed to the fill llr \ T T*er of (hriaa is the roittndor of j i ,K «" Vr. J. C. I*uire'l is foreman. Mr. Teet ha* t. I several |r. I i jects in this tUU ami Mn Puree" I has been forrom af s#reK" •rojects in! Sort hah mpton notr and know - the art of hwMiwit raaiv r sl*» is the last li: k in route Xo. ' which begins at Ralei-h. rvlrodinr through eastern WaL- n-urit\. south i • en. corner of Fraatyin. -Hitting Na>h j ami Kdgecnmhc and a dtstoare of a ' bout Si miles throa. » Martin on in to Uadiiagton cuuat t u>( Anally into ' Tyrrill to Cdniaha |av>injf thru the county seat of each county ex : cept Franklin Tho i- radrag of the entire road i mort completed and by the time this project is completed route Ml will b? flashed The part wi >t cf hrr is now I being hartUurfaced and mill be com pleted sfi the early fall The project jast c-tr.menred will be . daaJanl width and deration a fx! ha we a pawl top soil fini: h. Thahaaigaa wtf he of the rtaadard f»iin»:e type.' It is expected that the date of com pietioa will extend wefl into the year ' IS2S. I The Slate b represented by Mr J. C .1 jvcrtnaa who is d-rrctini. the work ■nder the iastnsrtioa of Mr. R R K°P* r. resident cueiaeer The wwrk being carried oa will not interfere with tralhc Corridor Through State of Virginia J. *l. Hooker Say* We Might Hajld !• W u4in rAmm I Reprinted Frwm ha pel Hill Weekly! To the Editor: Taa amy find ase far the following, extracted frwm a letter from Professor Ivey Levi*, of Charlottesville. 'e hi of Durham was a re crtt visitor in KrrKrmkd. The proprie tor c-f a range told hup. -| see yoa hare a North Carolina car license and 1 want to say I .foal want to heai 1 a wj-rd aboaat rotd* Yoa see those ' ears thte ((-dating to 3 or s«»— •hey are all tourist cars and the dm er of every daaaa uae told be about ads .a North Carolina I d«n*t build 1 *-"» saperrtsa them. I hare •""•fctar «• do with them So please talk raoh to me." cot star: a movement to ex tend the idea embodied in the bill that * " ** framed for intro ■ * mr *"• - legislature, in strwtin? the proper authorities to re naaest penakdui of the State of Vir e:nia to build w goad highway thru the State from Washington to the Xarth Caraiiaa border entirely at the ~x*~a» of the Caiwliaa taxpayers? Tikis bdl cwU be widened in scope to •dfer the services of the l*age Com *««» to Virginia That State would he saved the overhead, aad the Vir riaia road ought to take m little of the Commisrtan*. tuae that it might he prevailed upon to regard the extra wacfc as a matter of charity. J. M Booker Ad the Chamber of Commrece a hml the aew hardware stare, which *• «"« to locate here hi a very short . ta*e. Any of the members wril he glad; to give ywa mforwmtioa oa the sub ject % NOTICK Takea up, two ibaati a hoot f mouths *. «■ weigh about TS | |J, aad split ia the left ear. Color, lad aad Made spots. Owner call for thaaa. > Heary Wiabaib. 6-22-4 j Apri IS, UM V J i TEACHERSOF ! COUNTY TO HOLD LAST MEETING SAT. The white teachers of Martin cvur. Ity will hold their last meeting of the j present school year in the high school | next Saturday. April iS at; ■ ! P. M. ! The work covered at these meet ings has been very successful accord ■ tng to informatio-i given out through j the co'inty superintendent's olfice. The t average atten«iai*re has been very ! g-od throughout the year and the I .record will continue throughout next Saturday although several of the schools have closed. Williamston the teachers and wish them to continue their visits throughout the sammer and on into next year. i WILLIAMSTON ENTERTAINS (■OLD I*OINT ! First Bali (lame to K ej Played Here This Season On MoniLty afternoon the ba>e ball fcr,* ef Wulam lun witnessevi a hotly j j contested ball game between Goki IVint ami M The local lads displayed great -kill in retiring in onler. In no in tiwe were there any bone Head play's made in thi- pL il of the game. As a matter of fact Wil lunistjn shi>u!*l have had the game in a bag had it not keen for the miss- I ing of a ball by the stxr fie:d«-r. Krank Carstarplien. It seems that the white of Frank's eye was focused ui the o|> pusio direction from which the hail was coming .ami as a result a Golu Pointer crossed the rubber plate Tli. seemeil to kill the morale of the tt il liamston team ami twelve scores were made before Uiey cvaM dievk the on slaugtit of Ihe Uyt from the glitter ing citv. (>old I'oint. The -core'stood 12 to ! at the e::d of the gaute. \N itik just a little more ptactH> arxi the services of lawytf Oabcrn and I uipirt' Pete I'owden. WiUiamh»n has r.« thing more to expect than a great bull team. • Following is the Williamston line up, that of (loid Point cou!d not be obtained from one of the Williamstoa players as he hail not regaind his n rrial state of uuntl since the blow uj». so we are forced to amit jart of ocr local players and the entire visit in * team. Harrell, Julian, Hand!. J.. Harrell. IliD, L F.j Jamr , Cahries. I b.; Co l-urn, lawyer. 2 b.; Ban**, Francis, si ort; Carstarplien. "Ilarney ", c f. Misses Susie keel and lleulah Tet t rton passed through here this muni ii:« euroute to their »cho*J at Sandy Pldije after - peislinr the night in L erett with Miss l»eel'> pantU BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday afiernn-a from f«jr until six o'ckaCk at the !uine of her parents. Mr. ami Mrs- Herbert feanl. little Miss Huth V. ml wi- butass tuj about thirty-five of her little > 'a honor of her ninth birtlslay Cut door ganw - were enjoyed by the li tie f-dks until refreshmeots were s -rVed when they were inviteal inU (R» pretty dinine room. decoraUd with Ki- ter -.ugge-st k»i,> where they were ,-crved ice crear.> and cakes ami fruit j The little lad) wa.- recipient of many i p.itty and attractive gifts. I rderal Caart n Waahiagtaa Taday Feiivral court convenes in Wa -liini toa to lay. A few minor cases, mostly of a wet nature, aid fruai . ianui, county will be tried. LFARYK DAM LOCAL NKV.S Mr jciM Ktd n otores! to Rufonmi ' JW Wedncaatoy. Mr. Cus Keel went to Kveretts Wealnesday oa ba*iae^. Mr 11. A. Calliphe' weat to Uil !.;:ii)4an Thursday. Messrs. Ira Pead. Henry Allen ami 1 Mrs W. F. Allen went to Williams ton Tuesday shopping. 1 Mr Guthrie StrawbrWlse wer.t to Williamvtou Sat unlay on business. Mr. tennis Siap>u) ik4i>ih! to Williamston Wednes.lay. • irroogh* Srkaal dual WI laradi •/ i with an Faster egg hunt folio we. i by! j a picnic. " ROOMS FOB RENT Two ranmr far rewL Gaad location aad well equipped far light haaie kw|h| Apply at KaHerprise oSce FOR HALS: FORD TRCCK. Apply to Jardan Ward. WiUiam taa. N. C 4 -22 2 Watch the label mm your paper aad if it la ia arrears sead fa year re-' I i COLLISION OCCURS ON ROANOKE FILL SUNDAY Ford Roadster Demolish ed When it Attempts To Pass Coupe On Ssikla) aftrraooa. Messrs. Xoi man in.l Bill Ham>«r. wit lnvirf in a ForU crapr on tbe 631 btlian the two Koantkr br»!cv wt»rr they T'rf run mt« b> a f owl m»itrr •'riven b> TVi'M|mx- and ownr l by Mr. Garner H Sißf 0.1 *"ho wj, j »l-u in tfee nwbtn a* tfee time. The i Sit ipor rar ma* M wotx*>.i by eitl er of lh» Mr. Him«>. who were driving -lowty at tbe eitrmr right of the road ratal a few seconds bpf-ire they were bamspM The Sim p«a car *»- t«rt a: a fa.4 pare arxf W torn ilbm to juror-, but Mr. Harrison"- car ma- «lan»ajnce>» •»nlv Itbtly. There ««■» to be ij« e\- »n» » ( r the 'j-ri aer-t a- it bmiri*! in the iaytimr ccbs. !}»e «®rsver of the Simpson car n> intoxicated or hi- eye- out of fora- Mi. w-i-v the *i3y person hurt lib tip an>i ►*».; *-r* se verely pjt kibe «r««s "sbacJii when t'e ; colli-ien i«ran*»t He wa- carried to j Or. Sat!!h(ers wfco t-wk -everal -tilche in his face MR. SAM McCASKEY DIED SATURDAY ■ Mr. Sam McCa.~ke\ M on the T. | It. Stftde farm on IVfb, Point t«mn ship. Satiinia). April l» from an at tack of fwiinonii Mt Vktv wa shout year- of age Hi» wife die. I !a t year. He lew* '«r children. Sam Jr. Mk« Albe Mae Md°*slir\ of Poplar I'm '. u>.( Mrs T'wnu 1 uca- of Ply month Ihe burxal w»> at tbe Marrni W. Ci'Jrkin uar Jame>ville. IHL In %TiENi> COM MOTE mnrriM. t\«. %i i ITTV While Away ttril AMi i « (.row,' \«Se ml V C- Baabr. AwkulM ► Iti. John l». Hct> will Icavr Thai» •lay aftmwMi for (arrenkhui.> *h> r " he will PKv*t wtlS a (Xirwntf* who i- ro>iui>NtyH( to |rt a branch of the Fifth b-rnr IMnrt locat ed ui N»rth Krora Greens - Un. he w ill k«. to Ratlierfi-nlto:! where he b r">niaM to make an ad- , ■ires before Ci f Viae of tbe S' rtl I I'aroluia !u*W- Awaciaiipt • I MR. b \l» IJLLFt (KIN TIM ES % I.RV ILI Tbe Cuaiataaa of Mt ba.Jei lallej -tow- »rf) little diaaqee during tin |KL-t few >b> - He 4il c«ntaiw> ver> ill. bu: hope a* for hi recovery. MILL I.MIIKI tl\ JWIH (tMI Rl l LI H TOMORROW At the elSrtoo "• tbe comer o. . Main nd HatMu. -treHi, Mr- llarr> ' M Sttkb w ill ral'sUin tie 1 nviiln-11 CeatH) « lab t. n now afternoon front fowr aatd *ax o'clock o lle.ote- the ■ i ■> rr- Mo Stiabb will have .eteial v-viM gw>l- Tkb as the knl amtat! -ujcv the Irt trn jeanM anl a very interesting i proera'o ptfojxl STABLE HAM) HHH lb Ht»BSE> HI RNEI» Til HEATH l'.irKr«MKl. Apr# 21 —A >t-ct>le liukl «HS l(» horse-* !»• Iwnioi to death |:« >leath wa a fire *lo.e Jos- i.- e-ti , iiwled at three boailnl tboosabd doi - lan. f Tbe Mirii of tbe fire i» unknown bul a u IbwafM tbe Maw wa> tbe result of a careteu cigarette —afar. SEVERE EARTHQUAKE ■WIS MEXICO CaTY ' Meiai* tit j. Afri XI.—A revere bora. U4jag; for onr min otr ar.t 3C i«niindi. forked Mexico (Ky aa*l tbe ytatwa rrfiwi of Mexico after oae o'clock after jwct. SUfM material iamge was re | ported fiMt nniat pumt r afectcd by ■ the Here wa*. wo confirmation >« repNb tbat tbere bad ben no loss of life. Mr*. I- J. Cbipmaa , Mrs Gladys rVial» Jliw Carte Cfcif ii of Grif taa a*4 Mr* Gfee*e Toiwlinsoo of WiUa ruted Mr. aad Mix J. L. WU liau* Mia lay. Mr aal Mr>. Owar AaderM«. Mrs P. H Brwmw. Mr- MU Carvon. Miss arrie M lUr and Mew-re Stanley "ri i■ ■ i mmd iaku S M vfll attend Ml- (Men Mncbeil «T Kirston will arrfre inaigM I* >WI Mica Elisabeth WATCH THE LABEL ON TOl'3 PAPER. IT wtRRIES THE BATE TOI'R SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ' ESTABLISHED 1898 !two store strlctlre to BK Bl'll.T ON LO-f BETWEEN GARAGE AND STATOS BLDG | Contraction to Been Tbe Fifteenth Of Next Month; Will CaiTy General Merchandise ) Washington street sometimes called , W illiamston's " Re*l-headed Step ! ChiW" wil! farther strengthen its bob) on the business of the town when the store of B. F. Perry' ' s completed. ! Mr. Perry says construction will be ' Kin next month and will be two stories hi;rh and will have a 32 foot , front and a depth of 1»)0 feet. Mr. Perry was a successful merch , ant of Everett for a lonjf number of ] years, but 'recently sold his interest in ' hi.- -tore there to the Messrs. Taylor Brothers. Ht- will carry a line of ire.ieral merchandise and will cater to the all classes of trade. 1 The time of completion has not been determined, but according to Mr. Perry, work will be carried on at a rapid pace until the pn«J>:. ifinish es!. It seems n • longer tlutn y '.erxlay j that - ve i.t ani the anvil of t! • Cooke blacksmith stand am! whe C. O. Moore was tie only mere.- Nt on Washington .t.eet. Now. chei- up on the growth and you will find --al es tate offices, lawyers' offices, cafes, 'three grocery tores, two soda fmn -1 tain.-, two Kara ires, an und-r'aker's 'establishment, two Ailing -lations. doctors' oßices. and the opening up of ,an overall industry, all on Washing j ton street. Instruction in Life Saving at Chunn's I'ove The fir.-t Ked Cross life vv ng aid Institute ever held ir. tbe ou'.h will open at Chunn's Cove, rear A>be ville. June under the suoervi ion of l»avid .1 Yates. I»irector of l.i.'e sa*- in»» and a.d for the Southern IH vision of tbe Knl Cross. The :• -utute will continue for one week, closing - - June "2fi. This »ill uiark the first aitesnpt in the South to jive mass in truciioit in life saving, first aid. Cainw a;, •living, and camp water front (WuUtliioi. thougli similar institutes have been . conduc-ed fur some t.nie in otiier x-c --9 linha of the country. .Mt-iiiber-htp in tbe institute has been limited to less than a hundred, com pus >1 pri ( ici|ially of camp councilors, boy scout executives, teachers of First aid in industrial plants, ami Ite I Cross , chapter representatives of ..ret aid and life saving work. A certificate of j proficiency and a life saving n_.mii.-rs j card will be awarded by the Red Cross I to students pa>.-ing-the rev|uinl tests at the ct>m|iletioii of the course, and first aiil certificates will al-o be a wardeal to those who pa-- the first aid tests. •M THING SKA.St IN GIHTS OFF WITH AN EARLY ST %KT _____ .% The bathing season at the Big Mill was oj>ened >e-terday when Misses Benjamin ami Hiissell and Mr. Wil liam Cooke made tbe al plunge-. The w.-iter as reiwrteil wa- a bit cob! ■Hit did not trouble the -wiminers un til twenty minutes had passed. The "Old Swimming llole" has been a play ground ami bathing Te*ort for tbe people of \Villkani-U>n ami com munity for many years and it is with 'ie«t delight that we learn just how near tbe season is for returning to the mill fo rthe afternoon dire. FAIR VIEW NEWS ITEMS The many friends u€ Mr. E'i Rogers are gla t to know he is improving af ter being unable to walk for .everal ■lays. Mi«' Kionia ami Mary Jane Moore Mi. Willie Brown matured to Windsor Sunday. | Mr. K. tianlner is on the sick li»l this -.»*k. ' . Misses Llelsie Modlin and Mildred John on of . ; --nt Thursday night with Misses Ai.nie amt Lucy Moore. SuperinteiMlent Pope and J. A. Ed mund son are on a business trip to Raleigh this wwk Messrs. Johnnie Pbilpot and William ■ H. Williams attended the Ms son Stock Company show at Robe .soav3le last night.* ' Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Utnastn left yei.ter-lay by motor for RidJands to kttend the funeral of an ude cf Mrs. Harrison's who died tber.* Siana|. FOB SALE: TOMATO PI.ANIB,Mc per dozen, I dos. U> c. 70c per IMb Bendy May Ist. Clande Le«g««t. Williamston, N. C 4-£l-1 j j 1 1 ■ " ■ m ■■ ■ 1 ■" 1 FOB SALE: MAMMOTH i ELLOW Soy Beans. Price per bnihrl Joshua L. CoHvnin, P_ P. D. 4. Phone 1041 D. 4-tS ftp ••im