THE ENTERPRISE' M IW> ri i u w MAmuM Hmrik W. C MANNING. Ufar W. C MANNING, JK. —BUS MCt. j Sobacrrpttao Price (Strictly Cash ia Advance) SIJSOI I yew * C month- . * , months £nießd st the Port Oftc# at WB- t r —North Car-»uia •« aecear in matter. TUESDAY. APRIL 22. 1924. Martin county now bids farewell U> school- tu- far a.- agriculture is for- ceraed With the ending of the >es*r at tne Farm Life school in (.rifin > township am-K-ultural clashes ro When the Oak Crty school.- close an other agricultural school will g»- 1 .?e two a* i hafib ac ->i la . been th-.- V- t c •«...> aiad it is not far frwttTsTn ami -ham* to see them stopped. The two :chooL :jve beer a credit not only to the inv rwdsate community in which they a' , heated but a credit to the County. | V e a"*' u :abl- it -ay ju-t what the* an i reasons arc for th.- w-• - c*»ctinuaTiCe of the school.-. ta- !t ». ( k--m.ure-! Jiiat the regulatior-s of tfc - j >iate Board of Education are 100 j hurdcn-omu ami too strict for th* ; -cho.4> U fu or with w.»rk Just a mit:ute in regard to .rules tiere are none too strict »ben it ~-•»*> u> education and to the welfare of t*»c child a.- well as of the ti#ni mmuty. The curse .of the srhwJ- kt \orth Carol jr.a today us that there are too few rules- ar.d one- of a lerient nature So it is that the rul- I regariiig agricultural school* be Innpi up to am: not try . ar.d have the r I ciwifw. Ea_-trr call- f»r .-traw hat.- arvt everything. and though we hate to •! _- ; as our |M»rket- to purcha-e one, it al" right. but »e can't i'*•»* r >tari'. is wnen it is hot. e*ce».>;r,g the fir.-t of April why ' not wet r .-traw hat- then" It mu-t be thai tre f.r.-t of April is kr.->wn a.- "Apr I j F.aui'* I 'ay" THE LAST DA OK St HIHtL IV you .-tan«J on the platform in i; lit tie cou: .lr\ ,-ciiool hou.-e and roaktf ; A oar hr-t attempt at ".-peukir j p***-.-' by -taniinering >»ut: ""Yoo'd .-caree evpec? one of my a To appear inJuMk nn the ~-tar* " or, "Jli! . t:-he.- u a br vk Ia3»j> catch "em with a hook * ' It wa.- tne last day of school ais»i ! father- ami f rrend.- had cor af j lo Ijear the ami recttatior u which the U-ari er Lad so cm> fu- j I tiaaM ti-e children .-a -*erv v .«• j -I-' t-«e \o»ri>--t av ( made yt>ur . ( a wjli. iff tui.r el a. ,-ic luilf 103t.« ' line* trial mu-t beginner- u-e%i . the "Speak.r., " was o\er mrux yo.r | tolti the irootlb;. ■? | aiei wcr t home for the lun* sairmer j vacatior. The last day of >chuo( tele bralioT. is a gooii ol.i American ■»-' ithlUor. that ought not to be abwn rcM-; It wa> an expre>sion of ;•»! w>H and otifKborliness, a CMKiaaHt For Awnings, Awnin? Covers and Tents of >ll kinds. See Harrison Bras, and Co. WiUiamston, North Carolina / . % • • ICBthHMC —th wkfle. or COBTK it ' i-mm i« i ■ lial different now. iKmf mf h aUer folk care to aay tint it can be made better.) It is so csn t* hsp into the auto and ran to the tchaolboiise for that last f after-—'»» Sri Mcd work is different: 1 the i kMi i ■ Lave aore poems, games, | ilalil 1 —i ii and drawins to show thrtr eltrr- aad they meet grown folk , am eaaarally. The teacher is not BEdn- the ftraie of making a show tine of a hat car. have a school "at homt~ dsr. Whether you are a patron , o r a I'M r»»e school, by all means try j to ke«-p op the ohL fine custom of a j-UiS ax of ichoolf" HHEKE no VOl BELONG I —— , TVs* are lurre classes of people bom cwnsviity and every' body fit- Bb- one of tiiem Tkuer* are tho>» who go through life wstr a »nutmiAki unconcern that is ever raffled Tliey are serene on all tecausr they never r sr.# trpwtik U. botiwr themselve • -It air ti»at is going on around Pe» pi* of this class never do any ai m the world and in raro 1 e _>ei »-i«i enough to lo a ticie rw«! l>ierybKi> lie them, bjt tßiev 'in*T iwnnanii a lot of re t -aect asms admiratior. f It** 'anr is a necon. , -i--' which w - are is ttje maj-r " who do ■ --v .ulr to >iay what they think— • * tike a fSiod on .-ue.-iions of im- I .f• 'ta.r «r» i-f'-er t»>ey fit the fact- and i f. isnc It e«a*r ««nk. Hit., lave convic j lots, as*? lirt io not hesitate to give pra*-» m*tm it is due. n-«r heap on o mbc »»«: it is §e.-erved. They are t-» c»«.-tn»rtr»e citizens who though ►. . a —a.* .-«««e1 me.- make enemies are rr. for w+iatever is , TUkie \s»i faallt. ■* have the third class - '.rwe cttr'wT.*' «x«spla!nerf- and kickers, « I tpfk 1' m«ments are when tire* are «*eri«lairunr ahout .•«oriH»~ . *i HWWthißg arwi whose whole , "if* t» ne.-trwm». I s.? «•*- f«tt'Tiale thin; about the..-. '»• irjrt the; iff ttxtp do*" *~:ct te to ( liian tbey are to ,-ociety. TW* ge? au- ®r' a hearing as tiwy «•* hut they are annoying, to say tft* lea * till Vim MUSPU'IK AN IHEIHAN INSTIH TION j . .' rtl" «* |ti-h*fie ays. "Eaii of five f. i»it» •ew - t.- i.a.- a milii-n or '«.!»•» rjiraiatiw*! t**au.-»e all parts of f . j I r-ar* SxkA to fans for news, while |li :to tumtAry only one daily circu . lat> - a enllMC. becau-e A men ! - f»t t»>e teau ocwsjiaper is one in -- j i» :4 iit»ri»oo»t Tial L- good I ' s AmMetin" 11* iu» .-aid on | | raa-.j that sol brpr a- is* t uMcd States could ever' ' kaie l«t* -u«-> iliiMil aith all its ue«- a eiw im(4 and comer full) in |lWi«i a itoii, -late and national |,ne-l>Mti rHJHOI the UjWHi country j.r.uij -■«-* ueekiy paper- which ftv 1 jtfvtmatkiii to rural | imawWUw «. all subjects. t Aur'xi'i x«aitry newspapers ar ' the sif«y«an of its democratic in ( THE ENTEBPKISE. WILLI A M3TON. NOCTH CAMUWA. _ ' LOCAL CM AMBER OF | COMMERCE IN ACTION! It is more than pleading to the citizens of the town to note the *- 1 tion of the local chamber of commerce. In the past two weeks several meet ings have been held, important ones too, and the effect derived will he i • fat reachin in the development oi « ur toro and community. Mr. Hurh G. Horton is to be congratulated for i.:.4 interest in the organization and should be en the support of every person i in the town. Speak for the welfare of our towi. i by speaking through the Chamt»er of Commerce. Support the Chamber of C-nimerce with both deed and word. ■ 1 I BASEBALL SITUATION BK . - C OMING A PROBLEM IN N. C. 1 I Caroliiia's victory over the Trinity ( I Blr.e Devils last Saturday in the first I game of lfc» sea.-on betv/een the twi teams develops circumstances almost r as hafflin;' as the testimony in the oil scandal. The season is not over yet, I and probably, sOmetitin ; will happen to help the situation as far as dope .' is concerned. ' i I !! SALE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR TAXES • I r~ !STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MARTIN COUNTY— I have this !::> on tlie followinr article* «>f real ar.d personal > ) -I't.perty for the Taxes uue the Town of W Ulism-Uiti, N. C. for the year i IS»2>, 1 i>2l, and IS#22. ami will sell before the Town H?!!, WiHiamston, N. C. 'on the lay of May, 1924 the properifeJ)e'»«r iescribed for the unpa.d - luxes and cost.-, unless same are pa»l on or before that date. H. M BI'RRAS. ' ■ To* n lax Collector, j This 7th April, 15»24. AMI COST T- TAL - G. \V. Coltrain, 1 town lut, II I), and G. A. feel s2**l |I.W» *28.21 ■ Mrs. Annie B. Dunn. I town lot, res , 61.59 l.tiO 63.3 V P J S. Peel, 1 town lot, W. T. Ward 18.09 180 22.8«» ,|W. H. I>'j.'>?ett. 1 town lot, res. BO.OO 180 81>0 I Martin & Fowden, 3 tov.'n iota - C:t,ve 115.08 l.fO 116 88 f Martin, 1 town lot, residence 104-59 1.80 1«i6.3y i "1. I». Ifcel, 3 town lots, res and stores— ll»l.Hi l.fO 103.76 'l Leslie Fowden, 1 town lot. res. 120.01 !SO ' Jl.Bl . COLORED iA. O. Brown, ' town 'ot re.-. 1V1»1 I W 1.1.-j * . I'icwn and Siade, I town lot. .• riant 16.K0 1.80 18.6J f£lhis pump Sar in j c lhis sign v pp onthelfpad IjgpSTAN D A R D" ■ m\/$K m IgfeßsVaperfect r Tomb Stones 1 1 1 ' I nS Hl- IJt See lr.e before placing your order for a Tomb stone or Monument. I can save you i money, I sell the very best marble, Vermont or (leonria marble. - •OH-—-.. I , The prices are right, and freight paid. * * . . ... Jv' '-w; *.- ■» j "See any change in me?" "No why?" i "Because I've just swallowed a cent." Are you an active boy or girl from six to sixty? Then work for a swim ming pooL 4 TOR SALE: TOMATO PLANTS, Stone and Sparks Eariiana, 20 cents per do*. 75 cents per 100. Pimento pepper, 25 cents per dor. plants, also extra early edipse beet plants, 1 15 cents per dox. 65 cents per ICO. Claude Leggett, Wflliamston, N. C. * ' , - 4-15 2t CANDIDATE FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the Democratic Voters of Martin County: ' I take thb means of anrouncing myself a candidate, and soliciting your support. for the office of Regss*er of Deeds, subject to action of the Dcntocra ir Prisurj' to be held June 7th. 1924. I have served as Deputy Register of Deeds for the past three year* and trust that my serv ices, as such, war rants 'he support and confidence of he voters of Martin County. J SAM GETSINGER. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havii: » qu-aJififd as admsnistrator of he erta*e of Ccrdella Chance, deceas ed, late of Martin County, North Cart, j lina. this is to -notify a'V persons hav-, ins claims arainst the estate of said decease! to exhibit them to the un- designed at Oak City, N. C, on or before the 12th day of April, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to the estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 12th day of April, 1924. J. B. HYMAN, Administrator of Cor delia Chance, deceased. 4-15-41 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Bennett Gray, (phased, late of Martin County, North Mfiina, this is to notifiy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or C rite her and Criteher, Attys., Wflliamston, -N. C oti or be fore the 12th day of April, IMS, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 12th day of April, 1924. ALONZO GRAY, Administrator of Bennett Gray, deceased. 4-15-4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Marcellus Stubbs, late of Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, notice is here by given to all parties holding claims against said estate to present them for payment pn or before April 14th, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and niaks immediate payment of same. This April 14, 1924. MARTIN CONI'TY SAVINGS AND TRCST COMPANY, Admx. C. T. A. 4-15-6t NOTICE OF SALE Under and l.y virtue of the author ity contained in a certain deed of tru>t Hall's Catarru ,Jedicine Those who are In * "run-down" condi tion will notice that Cat_rrh bothers much more than when they are in food health. This fart proves that whit* Catarrh !• a local disease. It Is irreatlf Influenced by constitutions! conditions HALL'S CATARRH NKIiIrINR Is ) Combined Treatment, both local and in ternal. and has been successful In th« treatment of Catarrh for over forty yeara. Bold by all drantiu. F. t. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio, r- ' . ■ . WRIGLEYS After Every Meal ITs the longest-lasting confection yon can buy —and ira a help to di gestion and n cleanser lor^the' mouth Mil i I * * i ; 1 IThe Lowest Priced Two-Passenger Car The Ford Runabout is the uaoat economical car lor personal ft , transportation known. , Priced lower than any other motor car, its rraintraance and running expenaaa are in kiepin| with iu preset, t Sow oast. To salesnMn and others who average a high daily mileage in Iff business, the Runabout has a special appeal both for its j V operating economy and its convenience in making city and suburban calk. See Nearest Ford Authorized Dealer I ,j| ~ ~ . : ' . ; ' . - - T- " exercised !I S'ubU.! W«i wife, M»»- gie Stubbs, on the sth day of Jul* 1916, an of record in the public regis try tf Martin County in Book J-l at page 343, to secure a certain note of even date therewith, and the condi tions therin contained not having been complied with and at the request of the parties interested the undersigned ■ trustee, will on Friday, May 16th, 1924, at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House Door in the Town of HOME- I How modi will you pay far safslj, far pmuaesoi, for comfort? Portland Cement, the BMtwU making this possible, ■ la the cheapest of all products uadw fining a com pletc process of A permanent, Ire-safe home CM he bnOt for from « 2% to B% more than one of impermanent materials. I The protection of your investment, the safety of your I loved ones, can be assured for a ridiculously small ■ outlay. And such a home Is warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and more sanitary Che year 'round. " H ' Ask your building material dealer for facts and |K figures on such construction. Your contractor will |\ also tell you that It to more rapid, aa wall as safer, L 1 > _ than temporary building. ■ : I ATLAS I I : 1 IPQUTUMDCEMBUr" 1 I \ Car Load Of J ! SHINGLES, j HULLS I AND MEAL . I Tobacco Cloth and Wire Fencing Cheap for I the Cash. 1 WINDOWS, DOORS, BUILDING LIME V 1 AND PLASTER. I BURT-OATS, Grown in Nevada. SEED POTATOES, Main Grown. C.D.Carstarphen & Co l 1 " , i WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA ii .' WBHs—tow, N. C_ offer for qffe « ■ public auction, to the *Uer ■ for cash the following described pro- I petty: lieLig a Tewn let on the South side of Washington Street, adjoining J. B. Speller, the aFrmers Warehouse and others and occupied by M. Stubbs and family. ■ This the 14th day cf April, 1924. * JH\ CH. GODWIN, Trustee. . ■ ' Martin and Peel, Atty'a. K