-fes— - ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OLR COLUMNS A LATUUUEY TO 15W SOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 24 RED CROSS COMES TO THE AID OF UNFORTUNATE Fund for Sufferers Now Stands at About 00 The Awrioa Red Cross has had ilnp nAma dw the day after the teriMc tornado swspt certain sec tions mf the nlj. - Km Allia McNeill of Atlanta es USM tMpmo headquarters in MaaoMh where the wounded fciM been cuM for and the hungry fed. A large Majority of the assistance has been in the- farm labor to help rebuild the liwi and to clear away the trash from the fields so the crops nay he cultivated. It has been a daily accaietace to see people streaming j to the >mom laid waste by the storm with saw aad banner to help pro vide sample and temporary shelter for their neighbors. Women are see* with pillows, sheets doth tag. A esse for the children aad aaay things large and small to supply the iaune«iiate needs of the aafortuaate ones , Much of the better side of man has been seen in the sympathy and help j Jwiau nil along the line Sufficient ca>h has been donated to mart the need- in a reasonable way up to the present time. One thousand dollar.* were donated 'Tan It h]r visitors to the scene. The Red Croat at Bethel raised WH W in cash and matt of the town.- in this section hnve donate*' liberally in cash, making tfce fund to date about S6,UU» Injured in Hospitals There are four white people in the t;reenvdle hospital, tae with a broken hock, the others with broken luabs. Tier* is one colored man in the hospital with an ampu tated leg. Be-sale.. these there are a buut tea others with broken limbs or jority of thane who were wounded have recovered sufficiently to be up and moot of them at work The Red Cross realizing one of the greatest needs of the stricken district » to get bark to the inrm » ork In order that oops nay be produced, has seat 2S teats from Atlanta to he used by the farmer- who are not pre pared or not able to rebuild im mediately Hus will enable them to budd later whea not so badly strair ed with farm work. la Irrlirf over the list of donations we faded to discover Williams ton's I amount. It may be that we overlooked ■t. Correct»or. or action would help us to imderstand We feel sure mud help has been tendered by this im mediate section, however, in various i SThe IT » grade for lad) The s£.&• grade for lad The t&Ot irrade for ladi The 14.50 gra.ie for lad Big lot of Sandals at ISO nairs of ladies' C ».«» Special MM Children's Shaes. n.M Children'* Shoes, ft f-rt Oiildrfr'f Shoes. J SI 54 Chidren's Shoes. Men's Shoes in in hierh and low Mark, also pa Comh: The #».st grade far men. tQI The M M grade for men, g :—-^J Hn I MEN'S NEW SI A SA Men's SuiU, New Sprit Dr. T. Ryaa Boyd will leave tonight ■- for Winstea Salem where he will at toad the State Caaveatioa of Cbiro-1 praetors which wfll convene in the Robert E Lee bate! during the re Man. L P. Horn thai aad Miss Inez Bed of Plymouth passed through here jwtodaj eafoute to Windsor and liiii Mr*. W. B Watts for a short w«ak. Mrs. Dick Taylar aad Miss Fraaces Gargarw nsh/ttd to Washington Mr. aad Mia. W heeler Martin. Dr. mi Mrs. J. & Rhode*. Miss Carrie befl Whit*. Mr. aad Mia. L C. Eea- Dftt attcttM thl Rote Miite !|st m Withingtiß - "The Minister's WtfeT^^^Bocnett- p \ -than aay other uadij at the world, w _ pi rll Img to the preriilmt of the Laad Hi 11 I JIM . | THE ENTERPRISE REV. SAM SMALA. TO SPEAK AT BAPTIST CHURCH Famous Southerner and Is Connected With Anti Saloon League Rev. Dr. Sam m lil speak at the Wiiliamston >lemo.~xxl baptist I church. Sunday May 18, 8 p m. under |tr.e dinctMc of the Anti-Saloon League of America anl the Anti-Sa loon rf Votk 1 *~ l arrangements are in the hands of Rev. K S. Shirley. This famous Southerner is a cam with the Anti-Saloon League of America, and will spent his r»-;naii .ng years or the platform for that organization He has been hear*- in every state in the Cnion r.ai.\ times and ofun in the other lands of the earth. Few men in America have led as a long a career in the mavement for prohibi tion as he has Lad. IV«hap> no r.ian's name is mute permanently identified i witK this movement a- that of Sam 'Small. j For many years a part-* rof Sam [Jones. un«ier whom he was convertoi forty years, ago while filling the I place of a prominent editor and public official. Sam Small seer, became know n is a great evangelist u, tbe principal cities of the United States aid Canada His conversion led kim all the way into the fight arainst every evil, and his voice was lifted against the Imiuoi traffic in a day when >uch a protest was rot very popular even in the church. As a very young man he was ad mitted to the bar He then became private secretary to ez-I*re-ident An drew Johnson For many years he was an editor of Southern paper notably the Atlanta Con>titation. and is still a staff specialist of that rews paper l~r»ter appointment of President Hayes he sgrved as secretary to the American Commission in Pari* in and as a delegate to the li.tertiat:onal I Literary Congraws- Whi*e with the Cnited Stales Army in Cuba in IMS he was military supervisor of public instruction, and helped to recognize the pahlw arhools of the islaad. The word eloqueat is tbe weakest word that might be ««ed in desrrih ng bis platform abdity He seem* to grow stronger aad more convincing as an orator as the years r° on- He has a rare fund of humor, wit and sarcasm, and be is a strong aad con vincing protagonist of moral aad legal reform ami civic righteousness. His meetings are free and both women and men are invited He will speak at I*l ym.it t. Fridav evening -ALL A MIST ARE" TO BE GIVEN l»l RING HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL IYtNME.Vt KME.ST Closing tbe er.«t if a mart success ful scbaol year m Haadtou tbe Higt. School will imeßt Thursday. May 8 -All A Mistake-. The comedy will be staged with aa all Is nil cn_-t and indication* psmt to a mast sacressful event. The ezercfee* of the -chool will ha held neat Fridny at 1:30 p m JAMESVILLE SCHOOL CLOSES AFTER M CCKSBFIL TEAR ' ' The Jamesvtlle school is thm week holdinr its comsMcemst eltrri-i after completing a mat scaressfal year. Tbe program eatend- thro-.-gh out the week. THOUSANDS VISIT SCENES MADS Br TORNADO Sua Jay from early ■Minna* V" •«« evt r.iae people Herbert faara all diiac t*o«-s to see the bav.c wou- ht by tki terrific stern: of last WmwsLij aftei - aeon. Every raad was crowed with 'cars carrying tha u Lars* »f people to |anti from the storm itru.s l It is estimated that as many as jam* people vinted tbe storm beat Mia Laliah Rook Boyd of Ay.ien L visitinr he* aaal. Mi*. C R Flem "»»g Mis. C. J. Sawyer of Windsor and Mrs. I. M. Meekia of Qizaheth City were ia town Stobj Mrs- P. H. Brawn aad Mrs- Z. H Rase vbdted Mrs W. H Ldley at Jairw ■« ille !»«« week Masatra. Bdl Bailey aad Dick Leach of Washington were ia town Suaday. Mr and Mrs. Wfll Carr, Mrs. R. T. Smith of Wflson vrer - visitors here Sunday Mis* Mary White of Greeaviße speat the week-end with her mother. Mrs. Mollis White.. . Mr-. Ihsrward Gargaaus spent the week-jad in Rnjeign wrta her hushar.-i. Mr. T. C Cook jf Rocky Mount spent Sunday with bis famfly here. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. May 6, 1924. COUNTY ASSESSOR HOLDS MEETING AT COURT HOUSE Instructions Given to the List Takers of the Several Townships The County Assess**. Mr. Fiery reel he!.) a meetinc at the Cant House yesterday with the list taker* of the county for the iwipo-r of id struct in k them in taker the tu list. The following of the. several towrshipr» *«» Jamesville. John D. Ulty: Wdliawi- Joshua L Colt rain; Gnftc>. Joe Gray- Corey; Bear Grass. Nathan Rogers; Williamston. John K. IVr{. Cross Ro«l>. 1- A. Clark; RoberMKavallc. A. L Bellllower; - G. Taylor: Hamilton. W S. Rhodes;! ooosc Nest. J. F. Crt-p The law require- that all 1 of ever? kin.: shall h.* listed fAr taxe durin-r the roith of May. all persons subject ti pil Ui aa4 li«t during the month of May. M be sub ject to .louble tax. Every farmer is rh|Otni t# make a farm census return, include acres owned ami oiitivaM and the various crops planted The numbers of fnul trees* stock, poultry, teams, etc Also the uwwt of cortnierrlal tVitilfwr b«l Th~ ha-, of valuer to he on the personal property of taut- coun ty is as follows: Best mules. S2M>. aad .B»wr. with graaie; best horses 111* u>l trade downward; Beef cattle estimated at IO rent* per pound: bed eww» IM and graie downward: Hogs i cents per pound; grass, bay ard fodder. $1,541 per hundred: leaned hay Ti cents j»er hit ml re» I: I Va- aa»i «na>. f- *' fier bu-liel: peanuts •> cents per pt»and lint cotton, 2S ceets per pwi: corn, 111 im per bushel; aad laid. 1# verts per pound: buoxi of all knads. 'iii cents per p>and. au» in lib • . cod price less allowance foe w-ace MRS. MARY R HIES Mrs Mary L Saitfcra|4y4 at her home near JamesvSe IW a long arul painful - Mrs. SoOth. wick suffered consMeraMe pus from a cancer which ha.! been afertai> her for more than two years SKue kml been a confirmed invabJ far snaky months ller hu.-band, Sauthwixk. La. been dead abuut £ years. lea.vtar to the care of Mrs. Smtthwxk t»» dauch ters, Mr.-. S. J TetlertMU asd Miss Glennie Smithwick Mrs. Smithwick's two bi others. Me—r- Sam ami T. S. IL ile, still survive her She was 79 year.- »bt and a t«*a»ber of the primitive bapCzd cbcrrh at Skewarkee The utrnscd aril! take place this afterr.wc. at tbe faaniy burying trround near the «*t place. The funeral senws wdl be conducted by Elder Syheder Has>dt. ' ResoMior Inttidi'r d At Hertford Moetw" By Judrre P. Winsto" i RESOLVED: | lliat we eipres.- u-sr tlask> at>d gratification itm ■ tbe South Atlantic Coast Highway tA atst.a di rt_- to commit tiul abtfatul xs -ociatiofi to % tiasse in rasJk and -r.ipertar.ee cf I-srta Cudas ilyt way Hiujat Na. :0 mmm i ti i »t««i by our State lliflhwav C»ua» •ia r as a primary pro jack asd of iitwol need ard importance. I ... . ... V.'e tLs- :.'la.e r inn tj .lerd it - fortWr aid am! CHuanpatEt tn tbe rniii jdrtii t oi North Caniisa highway Psnjfrt No. 40, bat not at the eipn»e or detri ment of Project No. 3b by seducing its raak as a highway of ftiaan and nattuaal importance a- kAtUfuf de dared by tbe North Canduaa High way Cnunu -ioa aad to tbe con -t ruction of which apoa He faith of j such designated in— Ises. ton.- a zti citixrns have ■v.sale.t >u.- ard made invest mm Is aa the strength thereof. V. lina Highway Cnwsii to take im mediate and VKtnci step* fur «■»- pic-ting i.cd - hard swrffariac a sixteen foot real from the hsimUe actus» tbe i'joanoke River at Wtßandm to toe Virginia line: ard we irre tbe coan ties ami towns ilsu.r tbe route to make liberal cprdnbuiuj.j. an| sab »ci jplinsi to aid p tbe spaady com ptetian of that work | Miss CkrWtiae kot Lt* ! from Mid Tebarg whne -he bas been attend «chaal far tbe pmt* several Messrs. W. H. Goka, «Bba C J'arreil. James and W. C. Mauuf, Jr. motsred to Smiay. TOBACCO FARMERS VOTE THiS WEEK lU-OPS OF THE CARO LIN AS U'EASEi) WITH KKI 1 KNS ON FINAL STATEMENTS Ballots mailed to 96.0t>0 members ot the Tobacco Growers Cooperative .As sociation in 130 counties of North I Carolina, South Carolina ami Virginia will be counted in scores of court houses throughout the tobacco area this Saturday, May 10. The associated tobacco growers that day will name the men who >hoo-e their di rectors for the third season of cooper ative marketing, and the chairmen of the county associations of tobacco growers will certify the names of the electoral delegates to the Kaleif-h headquarters of the marketing as sociation when they complete the count of ballots next Sutuniay after- More than 343.1 >liO.Cot> p>unds of ' tobawii have been receive*! by the marketing association iltiring the fir-t twoyears of operation and the large majority of this weed has been sold ■iat prices which associated official- de clare are far higher than would have J been possible without the farmers' own organization for orderly selling. I Filial statements recentl> received .by thousands of associated farmers' in j South Carolina and bonier counties of North Carolina show that the associ ation received $66.93 for its l>est vrrappcrs; $69.16 for its best leaf; on its high grade cutter- ami SIBOO to SI9OO |ter hundred for its' be>t prinung and lug- delivered from tlw South Carolina belt in 1922. Ac cording to the association's final state ments received by mora than 10.1100 tsrrners of the South Cartdina laelt. the selling price for this tobacco ha averaged higher than the valuation placed upon it by the hankers who a»ade loans for payments to the co operative growers tn their Urst year?- •ieliveries. Member- from S..utH Caro lira are eery geaerally pleaseil with the result of their first year's market ing as received by them in checks from lieadquarter.- and tubulated on tbe Anal statements which show price* that are above the average prices re *W*V if jHowth Carolinians for their ouer a term of years. TJte sale of the few million pound cf old belt ami Kn.stern North Caro lina tuhacco.- from the crop of IKK which are now held by the as-sociation will be followed by a complete fnancial statement similar to those already re oeived by the Co-ops of the South Caro lina belt, according to James H. Crair treasurer of the tobacco association --S I) Frissel FINALS AT EVERKTTSCHOOL Han. Lindsay C. Warren Will Speak Friday Morning At The Schml (ommenrrneal 1 lie commencenieiit exercise.- will begin at the Kverett school on Thurs day evening of this week, when a idofraa will be rendereil om.-i tu.- •of song.-, lr!ll. an.! a minstrel. ThL proerani will In-gin at 8 o'clock. f>R Friday morning at II o'clock ther will be an ai'ire.-.- delivered by K ' laist ay Warren of Wa-shinriiri. C-. candidate for congress for this district. The addre.-.- will be follow . by a p cnic ami a hall game On Friday ni;dit at 8 o'clock the seo» r da.-.- exercises and commence aent address will be given and award ing of diplomas will take place. The public i> invited to attend these ex ercises. WARREN TO SEPAK AT EVERETT lion Lindsay C. Warren will de liver an addre.-.- at the srhool com mencement of the Everett .-chool al Everett next Friday mom-ng at II o'clock. Mr. and Mrs leak of Seaboard were in town ye.-tenlay morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harrry Walker of C res well were the guests of Mr.' ami Mrs. James G. Statoii on Sunday. Miss Essie Peel returned to Peters burg after visiting her mother. Mis. Mary E. Peel for a week. Mrs. E. T. Whitehead anal daughter Mrs. Richard House of Scotland Neck visited Mrs. C. M. Lanier last week. Dr. and Mrs. B. L Long of llami! ton were ia town yesterday. Mr. E. K. Riddle, superiateadeat of tbe Hamilton schools, was a visitor ia town yesterday afternoon Mr. C D. Anderson of Taibare spent Sunday afternoon here with Mrs. Anderson who is visitiag ber Mr. and Mia. J. H. Britt. COUNTY AGEN PS REPORT TO THE COM MISSION ERh Report Very Favorable In Every Respect Following is the report of County Agent. T. R Kiara-.ee. to the Countt Commissioners for tbe aurtk of Apru 1924. The rr|wrt is very faverahfe- in every respect and it is plea-ir-- to m-ie the activity of wr acer.t. TVe repeat f«l --lows: v 2! days >peat irs field «»:k -» days sprint in «-*ke w»-rL ! day arrual leave HV wit's fsrawrs vr tie county 2 cor.feren.es * it.- other , >uatf t rents. Conference- i ith 7 «pra!i-t- ft l letter- rrttc farm- twin'. II demonstratios.- visrted ~y~ mile- tn-.devi m count;. |*r forminc my dasie.- a- ewsety arer! I article- »'re-! fv K«ral paper 6 bullet ir - seat to famaers in cvun ty I."® hot- treated for faran-r- p county for Shis '*• >•'miKBMU ijrrtrc H-'t-i dvtng th«* month. This tw.ti I>r Sill>- fr.»*n thei State cuar .town for a few tlay - f'»r par|%»-;nst «-f trj. £h«* nton»H_ (V *((* * !»« 15 Th»> nw.ti l>i Sill>- fr.»u ihf «Nf«ii.»»we:'t «a- ai t>v .» Mais Slate IVjj-'rr-! \rmr »ic :#r i call rar-v fr-m another tun ,/ f«-w .ia\ - f.»r »lw -n «-f tram- lH» c-tv an.l it aa. fovnd 11-»t (In line wnt« a.-vtit t- m* :.*■ (mi of O • ir .j Co TH-it to t«» fwtita! .-W*a I *j. afiir a~l iKai with t*» c*.|,>re» have (ivaiird IJS } -or- for »- farm i*art« am rfaiptnrS r» dnn»r tlx ■ itk by tS~ fir* TV- —trrhrm L** ?*■* «ts>> »'"■ «" -&4 rt- cooinit* wrre «.»«!■ aUw? votfl to rrttuu: lunf. w*o f A*. mm J « a (urtlx oxen*. Si .r wanted to -r!l |>«!tri in car I uraac*. Th» «t «a- to hr !-vV>l ib intrton KMIAT DtK ITT\ The Vuut> Aicm-1 at Wa-h.nrl.rt- XillKlL BIMN i\KIINKSPW an.l ■»»> -rlf atir |» |uiik( to Lu-i ars olhet ci at V\i !. !,rl,w ««, t.v- jgih T . t ... .. ,v ««-*•> aifi p i«—- Mtwd n •>f this mortK «' . , ... I. u r lUI ilrbCK •! tlw t>ak I .t> ." L >3al will hf »r -». IWI . . . .. _ f» »Mrht. \| iv i. K * EAN, ® K % TV- . V.-»,«& -Soo' ***** - „; fS , a 5 Ja n, nil .» t ■»>.■ *t * Kmeajt*»l lirfcir V.rJsw Ua»' FIRt I AKTL\ n» piat mil i DESTROYS STABLER. On Tlinr> U. a : »M at v •Vkxt !l cUx ci«l U wr >uikU> Mlkinr. I««/ Wf.«fr l!w- ri ~ . , , . .. , M ' tkhgh* t»fva* %>f »b> jLt*t pm-t iVb f»4l »et«- i_ , 1M . , , ' onrs> *..11 b it**- j*aM in tIW Bfci l of l!* | »rd, ! liifc „, * « a . . . "«C *•" «!j lu t l o>r kit • £T «r> tKr &re Ml >««iM - xv . . A _ M TV sf. ait I r».t u tJi IB? a 6rr at iKe of Mr J , „ . . , , , Ir. XatwfL or* to tb.- C -i«e tlw br-l *«..s Thr .la «!_.#•■ »», .ro rnrat a , Im| ,^ r |K »Le are K . (hf . , ak „ |iw> -e bW a ».a t |.V *f tK **' C'"* I" fW'luJI) I Tl* fcr* MiKuatol Ik* tV tul *tw.„l rtnrt^. t.r) Uk a Itatk wktrfc >» prartjrall} c n fc» tkr 6., u;i||>n:|K |. mthlLs r 2T" T" fc 'i* "»« H»K «... NT* tI .M r«»f. J«MI, |ing county a -.-«t t - rue ;>e treat ment to hou's to cwtis! * .-le»a I have treated 1 Hi locs for C farm ers durine the moet^ Last week some few days were ae voted to cettuig farmer-' name> who wanted to -ell p-u!try m car t The ear- was to Kr !.o.M n Ma-« ington. ■ The County Am: at M a-hiutwr zn.l myself are pr*|nariac to U>.i aa i»ther car at Ua-hragtoo the .MOl •»f tH- morth »' May i. IWI Sunday morning, loax before th«- hr.-ak of .lay ami |»-t «V» folk in toe mal-t of tir>r smrdr t lutn 1* r- ? the (iff HI »«ii>M in t a fire at the s>aMe> of Mr J G. Maton. The .lam-i.ee *i- M irty rnd a tl.e are cnwp«&> .ucveedoi n. rot: ■>urrj>( the Uur before it ia.! ga«e too far Tl»e lire Micuatol from IV bat tor) in a track w I.IC* i» practically i iv-uiive-l by the Ha«»e- P* firir i u».te Ms way apua.d throurh thr roof. dicMly daa»a«.«bg tl* mall- It wa.- ( 4ii>: u«« a lie alarm wa ! rw>l in that tie tir Mi v 11 -_ch -oape that it «uhl IM V rwnr until a man clin>V 1 to t.-|> «.! tb. t .wer an>i Iwset it Ab4htr tefeci seen a our trr cvmp*«.y wat»» lack of trguuilMi- V b-it the CV rapt Si ? MOl> Is more •ire drills aid a better vudar or '.iti2a:on. o taat . !»is an en. rcerurv arise- that thiai ran h* "t irailt.l mure ~ e- kl i The local c teler of oamuert» i-M k-ep kelp tn b*.«il».c apt* - -HipuM U a M>r -late of :fbctea>ry. URLS HIKE TO RfißEß* «» v villi: S.%TI Kin) M«iß\ Only four members of the heal i.kf -chanl biking Hub -boae«t ap Satar ■lay moraine for the walk la Rob»rs«r> vdle. a dkdasee of li mflc The hike wa- -bedtd a few day - v el ore at -1 all the m fiubrrs aatacipale>i •oinc llu .i'i obi esan Luae -rept into the Ha'- ard a bat le fad- • to take Ihe »iL:l«ai l>*l twr»l;ii four. Mi -e- Fraaccs lb-nas laora Orlears, Patlie Ham- aud Margarer Manaing Tbe four soa4e it to Rot. er-or.vJie all right asas iHwud by motor early Satarday iften>wa Mrs. G- W. Haidisoa returned Sat urday night from Rwhmord and Petersburg after priulu t some time in a buspital in RirbeiMd as! visitme her sister, Mrs. F. L Mu-ra in IVter-burg Mr aad Mrs. Lrßcy Bell Mrs An ra Ift to aid little Fiance* I lit to of Tarburo vi-ited hirab at the Brilt hotel Samday Mrs- W. R Watt- nitaw I to Win dsor with Mrs W P. Hurathal last Satarday I Mews- John Henry Edwaid* and BS HaneU attend tbe Vkgaua borw Saturdny Tbey made the trip FPTY THOUSAND IK)LLAR FIRE IN WASHINGTON Atwater's Pharmacy Is Totally I>estrcyecl. Other Damage Akwt twelie-thirty fc.-t ftr. -cas jJiscvierev in th Bi- a-; huiti ag b WaJiiaft.tß ar>t t>-v er.t n •aiWir> wa- pfart*j' ! y con-si. *,l the Aaires \erj httle o-u.'.r v ls^,n . b» the >itv -!■» ki>. t* .iiaes rocfianl to the t >ce Nitl- mr T*e lower ft.or of the b-jiS. r - t w a by the At water ar*i al! the of tV -tore a | well a- the stock wa- a t—*a! !».. kahsevi at sl>.i«l> ar>* wa- t^-l» partially w*>! bv Iwwrance "IV eww Iks.t over the |*jrr-ar> ma T *~e«l h\ ih- Can«lwa Teiepf-»--«- ar •- Telerraah Co for -t-r.-ce of -up •*! Itt-I no .r -Lrarw T 5 -* » W Pf>* in *ls® >vy , r '** s«iil..ijsg «a> sJub.c: bi n!>- I" I** vi mi!S ,r-!» ; r.. raw* jrJ IV |. II S>r.ikjrl|'. «!sv e.|U pnfrat ir.( (r r» •bmarol to the antocrt af ilou «!"«*• with m-ura-see t . the • ■-., v "f #-*»• TV .lama ;r to the buijUiii- P'>'t»r i» f-limj'.wi to h«- a!»va 1 « USI ■HH To lb- tW« '■• a l-o I•• a-k-p. Vaku.c total ol Inr J . j-Ct of tie la-t lefi-Uisr. '"***• »; !• le ch»-«-«. h»e (want , corn »i .-r-ier. ar.t fir»- nrsb r of I+- liuarti of l>tucatM-ri frtxi. Iljt t.-, t-wa-hip- of l'«e . tt.«> >ea« -»««• u-i Ihr mn-I'J* «" •( 'mill I- 1 » ! • I i ifcr >»„*,!.» 31 f«. t. ' - .Ja. .*Jl* u»l Vk illuh- _S» i C:t -- -r» i lirai '>*», *»>! Uilluk »» ' i" (ilii I■.»•* !. cWi Eivt r I** I- «ftiillr 1M j|-. lUn.. ' t iM r. il m mc. in %rrtH\n.D T«» I IXi NEintEH '.IKV4 •»P Vlt V. U_ ItMM' 1 l> N _ .ie, Jr. la I**-;,. .y_«.i • •! t« fill it* . km «-f Mr V. »i I j«K-r m IKr Hmij «-f •'*«£.{> «nuu»u4t> » IV;U(«. M urrw. .£ !lw ««■- t-dl tiT* Uv« -rlffl Th> b U-| (M HM Y*r ttr «JKce ~T Vf aarnl " V -*1 rt While Hr Slktr jr t* i wll (Ua)i6i -I in lnkii>; u«l r» *(n*rt f(Mt h- .fclrt f.a ll* ofot frwi. a |>ml -f iMitt bt » «»•■ «** with a •(iulifica im, Inw--:. ud iMnnlt We *re -■« he »Ji «* •! m! *•*» la h*> f« r*ar>l)rf. MmiE TW Ku» HMM in mLjri i> I- ikf TomFu» Tnat. FiitsaiV -'-I »|}jrf tre fL'fcluf •J --s lie fWsrr V m>l iadi "4 a wiil kr «l m iW -I—>t wj»l i-~4 he tmkn mJjt i»> I l * at !'«iun .f the ti* tiurk or "ti udwrurit fei>M «t>r f«r IS' toirn Thi» u(m k» bees aa4t dncs *ar> **M)r iJ? the fact that other p rtoa. have mhi fit U m the place for outer pnfM> aa*i we hope tfcr v "nil take 4ae aitwr of the *Wie re amd ma* at* the pl*r* aitlk J. L HASSELL, Ma »«r. Tte sth 4a> of May I»1 Om.li Apib ri|iH WATCH IMF. LABEL ON YOU* PAI OL iT THE DATE VOIR SIBSCRJITIO*. tifiULa ESTABLISHti> 18i& COUNTY COM MISSIONERS MEET REGULAR SESSION Unusual Amount of Business Disposed of During- Meeting T l ' reiruiar monthly ■—|i»n ©f e of cummisMMKri for lt»r --1*" •«•>.?> w:s~ hfbi \ - --r*iay at tlx c»\n h.ii « With fat o«iry imi- Vr of the ipani present. H. C. G'fn .mvan. J «; ■»! ff |I I'a. nr.«rt»n. An an:our! of 3"* before the tfc»ani oiucb .lis- •* - ffc»se»t of itt r.ip.«! onltr. K J il. clerk of the .Sspfriw ' fcr Martin roaittr appairttd I IS. SU h*. Jr. of Hart: .itoft to fill ifrir .n the board esa*- -i »»> »:«■ i**ath . f Mr V. R. Taj'ier. Tfte pruri«ii„irN of t!w for -he >ia> ar.- a- follow.: («■»!' mou..|. K>ar»! r that the * ottor, I »rower- Avw atsoa f*a> a la* i-f •! n-nl- on cvitoa. i*rlftv%i thai the roai -afpv -- - -or s of I "f*l ar I'oint toff nw-ip tif ; to repair the an«l br* - of ♦ut township K. l*avi.- «f Ha milt' .» * .fcip *a - rrJea»e., I'nm. p-. iwss f *a\ ™ f ; >'o property triproperi; :-.-t --eJ. Hryan! !: Tay'or * tta! fur I** jnar I'oir t .« hip to fijl th*- \arnrsc- c;.L*- r k tV *th of N I' Tayl«t \ |k-titx>n> the v >{••?> of par- Hr «f »;ntfir> town-hip :■> the ? arm I-if* -ch«-«4 i-ktn ; f.»r ; |w al lai rlrtth»n lor :ka>: ia*z wa rraTite»! Or«ier«.i That .1 tl. Ban Jill *■! all St- toi'l- u-*.t in K uililsr - * in Coixtrsonvill-towr.-hip. W. I; Ha' 11! ft on Via authorized U SI tools n K'Hi-.li p u «ii i«i stjl n»» vat> in 'hi ; to-.- r»-hio "|1»- uoi> r«ni >ahl a!i*- •.» lie t'am-**! otta the oufilv fund * (' I'it i »;>•. "Rosa uyn*»t ..f poll tav Pirsi «n; rrttntleti in lat«- war !* ' t'.iprii w*\ a|>j« i" t#»l #i £-'*> at tSe CiuPtj I'.otw V" hotter n> : k rows. iwl. (« wii o".l ti :!> m»- a- h* iui tbi»»k •*r --ar> for IV Some. "• Mall- and Still- were rHr.\ .1 from tie payment of 11\ on I.~4» acres of '«■! impr«.!»-rl> lr.-ted in Pteplar IVtnt townoh i p Ordered that (' II l'ow?r !■» re 'eased from the payment of tax oft Sl.'iO pro|>ert> improp-rty !Ulol in W illian -ton township. l»«- l--s .-? jur.r- a set- i efar-hete » this l«a|» r wa, iiniwu to erve at '* itttl regular terra of .-j[>n»r ourt for Mai tin touki) trhwb will ae irkl in June. GET INTEREST!,!) IN SUMMER SCHOOL » .s.i «■ It* last article »«»ncxri .llthe Martin I ount> Summer Sefcool. Ine ,n ' « -! n llw -ante ha- b«h- i uutly fii-m "uL-iitf tie countv The ir.,jin faamln l> >tlil lack.! (c by four or five, aii I a- th«- tuw L- nutrtti f or:, tho.-e in Martin «>ho te ire to tak.- ailiaiitafe of a -chuul i:«Kt iheir' •l«—l -tiouhl enlist, —» tfiat i'ope «ia\ t«t- at>le to ft>rn>u!at- pla_' - 'u the >aiw. It will be rh»ap> r arm! si.-. . coa "• venient for the white Itacker- oi* tfce rami) wh«t «le-ire to ran e ifc? . cer tificate-. to attenii (hi- eft-m* v «*l in >wir naae to th* ('maty -.•kiu tefxieiit at once. Hit- threat tt hite City contain- ni.«re than M'a'. ti le tainlftCriit lamp- in l>MUl> i ■ >.tr* -Mfltv To authorize the rui;vae • r fty cent piece.- in (ontnKir. .rat U i n' ifae fannic on Stone Sl.u tan, u4 di »•* lotliry feVi (T Tfirifijjr, Trosl tient of the I f. t«t States, n aim mi t rat.i ti* wort '-.a» Ir.B» a Ml ha- ieen intrufuc f in tL: ; r.at^. STRAND T!!EA!RE H illiar .-tow. \. C. TOINGHT AND TOMORROW "DAUGHTERS OF TODAY - * Cmme oa the tfce "paity". Ta* Jan Hand's playing aal wiVI >.«!k m k>r ing iC- flmic Wine from strange g>a*i«i* -- m m , fiwa strange lips! W3d« flit ; ea4s aa dauagereus path- m jgm ma 4 par- MUt of thnOv. Sfcaw starts Ml p jl