vrnures OF HialSC I.IK VAI . iv» £V£kBIT Us Tscshy ifleraoon strcral —ku oi the Hiking dob of the Wiußtso.: stuoti u^. 1 - the of Miss Frances Thonn hiked to Everett. They arrived in the »i«rt» city time raou th to pet a llbut mj> "dgpe" and to catch the evenmr train for hone. Those romc were. Tboiio>. \ eima Harrison. Frances Hoyt. Mai tie Lou Rogerson. Ellen Cower.. Mar gaiet Manning. Martha Let tie Jones. Sadie IVrr> ami Joephsne Sykw. MTS. Mark Raffir ami little «* Marrin Brit! Kaffir., ami Mrs Clyde Anderson of Tarhoro are visitinr their pcrents. Mr. ami Mrs. J H Br.tt "The Minister's Wife's New Itor.nftt Watch, for date. Mr ami Mrs J. * Watt-. Mn- 1 P. Hernial. Mrs tt B. Watts mo or ev« to Kohersonvillo yesterday. I WANTED l'| Sixty White | Women or Girls | a ..... l \~ Ih to o;>ear!c machine in the shirt fact": > t If j |jj the NassH Manufacturing Ompan; u j |[ . J !* Williams ton. N. ( . |: A modern and up-todate plant Attractive ; I • S surroundings. : I opportunity to make ?ood salary— ; Living (Quarters will !K- prr»vid«ti. Address "omnianications ] I The Nasscf Manufactur- jj ing Company i! PENDER YELLOW* FRONT-STORES IT>FFEE n*»r>- of 1; i O KFi: «efr sofci Afri ISC4 ti-n u m Ail.! I«a Vual!'.» oil! tell T> P. Cotf«*t\ 1 1»»- Sale l Pkjr. 35c *ibr »*• OH. "s il« 4 I Hrmk r, ,« vttf In\b! SW fatt> krjt-m !kit I 1 V e thf tif • —— " ' j v t p.jv Front CofTe*' ; .olden "lend Coffee 1 It- xaWd -»« I lb. 31 Hr-I o»f»r eier pu! ut a lu> V ortb f '" r the «*>**> F LOT R 12 lb ?4 !» lb. :»> 3b Wonder Self Risir.j* 47c 1-70 3.35 CHEESE. Rest American. lb. 3ic BLTTEK, Best Tub. !b. 49c BACON. D. .I*. sliced. 1 lb. carton 3Se Tiiis is the-hiirhe-t quality bacon ever of- j feiotl eft this market. VAV " Ai!P> >1 ai. Urc caa -* ' SYRL'P, tiolden i'roun j j No. 112 caa - 13c ' 1 5 lb. pail » lie | 10 in fAil ' j LARD, liest tub. lb , 16c I CAMPBELLS BEANS. Larjre can 10c CAMPBELLS SOL'PS, Larjre car. 10c SWIFTS PRE&II M HAMS. lb. 25c D. P. «ORAX SOAP, Larjre bai 5c OCTAGON SOAP, Four larjre bars for 25c D. P. CAKE, Pound 25c Kattw 2 inc 3 layer im Flan M JM tmrn Mt triad DP£dui«*m mawd a tN>:. the »«iur« teriL Mr M Mis- J- G- Godard. Mrs. » r Deenin*. Mrs. J- H Saunders. Mr. iad Mrv Elbert Pee! :U»e Kose Mawer. in Wasiungtor. »*-** ; mrhu C—r I T- "The Mint- ' ta-' V. ife's New BMML ! " 50u Houses Destroyed Many Injured in Stoi m K ontinued from Pajre 1 am: am>er which the tenant are sheltered ,'A \ J[n «. OrtMiMtn* t.r»e Aid ««ann»:Mn- Are prieur xcs fum»- to pwwide temporarj hH|» irr,- ar»: oothe tKr heipie o„t> to— SU»» jjartn C.iun'i Hoa" 1 Com —■ -rx\, «!.»' for emer*er-> u , u . br ua-n.'le« b> »»** Ke.! Cms*, ar-s oth«-r orracuatior,.- tt»at are er.- RASE. ir the IM* work K«rl Vmkl lo""* 1 * T»se Bo®r* "• A'rwrmar. of K«ck> THE tnij.-»nni. N0»1B CAIOUKA. Mount appropriate*) (500 for the use of Uie Martin county storm sufferers :a; their meeting held last nipnt I.Many Visitor* Visit Saeae* 'l Many thousand visitors fro.n miles away are visiting the scenes of the : storm. Cars constantly, coming from iiocky Mount, \\ iison, Rinston, Snow j hill, i&aieisrti. Fiymouth anl ull other 1 .-urrounduitr points have came in jswajy streams to see the scenes of, utter testruction. j TO i Hi. ri aui The Hegist ration Book, for Martin 1 1 nuiit v will be op?ne«i on -Saturua.*. i JU:.e Urd ami remaiit- open for tiinv { i j *-t.k for the registration of votes for j ifle pr.rjiury on June .tn, and al o the , 'Kt No .eniuer K.ectior. iou* ■ | should see it" you art registered, a.- ')kj cai.i.ot voir lor >our friei»i.- uti . | 'e-.• your are. The lollovrmg lamtii . ■ aie tne registrar.- : ;Jamesville 'township John l». Lille> IV. illant Township John X. H-jpkiiL , i (■nfiins Township Lptiraim I'ttkt ] liear tiras? 'fownstrtp ,V. iliiamslon i ownshif C V\ Keilh ' Ijoros. Koads j 5. Avers j j iioberr onville Township W W keel ||l*oii i'oint I'reciiict J. L. C room I 1 oplar I'um! Township \\ S White' Jiilamihon Township K A. Litmoiad.-on JjGoos. \« >: Township T. It IVery respectfully. !> lit KKAS. C,iiair»?«ar C. li. FA(i\ . s ere.ar>. :|j .'•iaflii Count > I loan i-f IJfftwL-. ; :i :i j M»'l ICF OF SPECIAL i Khii «»» J CO I KT [a in co.iip!ia:.ce with -tatuU- notice |jj i t.«-n l.y given that a two w-rk.- | i'TKil t'Tni of th.- Sup.-r.or Court lj«i" Martin County, for the trial of } civil actions. »i!I in- held at the court . »nj «• in V. •!,ian>-tont X. C.. begin j n ; . ::»-•» ' n GftKKX, CL'tinikUi I ount \ l*«>ar«i of ( ommLv^ioVier^. M K.MPFK -» OF FAK V KKS Ml Tl \l. ASS", I>AV U.KII j STURM SHOI L t.l\ F NOTlt K All members of th-.- i". r -*r> Mu tual Fir»* li Association. »'to -uffe ret I danuiKe.- •f u r ir..' tm , torna«i»t of April the :10 will piea e leive notice t-f >our -Lam ! 2 Sideache ■™ j ■ Backache ■ ■ "I W lieeu taking Car- ■ dul" -.ays Mrs Lillie RJMa. g of Lake Provider.fe. La "I ■ Cot down in buci henltL and n lost in we.vht u..tfl 1 only | weighed 120 poitnus 1 had ! ■ bad pains in my side* ami g| back n!.J my legs hurt me ■ until 1 couldn't walk. I | stayed in bed half the time. ■ I tried all kinds of medtriaa, g I tit It did id* no gwid. j ■ Finally 1 tried ■ iCARDUi: Tta Womaa's Tirit " I "It Mems like it did me good g| from th* verr first. After I ■ had taken hall a bottle I no ■ ticed an lir-provcment. I con- g tmued iu and 1 got bet ■ tf r and bettr.-. The pains in ■ my legs and sides tiisap ■ peared and J began to gam ■ in weight until now I weigh j ■ 155 j- u ntls and fed better | than 1 erer oM in my Ufe. I ■ am perfectly »ell and strong ■ 1 hava givet. -t to my girls. ■ too." ■ Cardul ha* relieved many ■ kinds of pains and distre«- ■ j ing symptoms caused by fn ™ male trouble. It should help I you. too, in the same way. ■ Why not give it n fur trial? I ■ ■■■■■■■'*' '! To The C City And I" I have arranged to ha»:ie ti j| i.indsey-Lilley Ice this reason ii wilt gu each momirrg • i>rpl Sut*: [• frigejatars and waiting oc t}» I*riceßi as 1000 pound ticket .W pDit!id ticket 20i> pouad ticket .300 |H>uiul block of Sold at my 100 ]>ounds BCO jKiuiiJ. block (The above prices ai Wagons will a! o go out in ti pieces of ice for water ami tea. (>ood JService w. s, I Phone 372 I • I' ■ . ■ . . ... ages that same may be promptly ad jiLcttd. The members should remem ber that your company protect.-, a gainst wind and lighting as well as fire. Tht fic hiudred Martin county farmers your associates and mem bers of the company, will regard it a privilege as well as a duty to assist yoo in the restoration of your prem .THE FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE ASSOCIATION. W. C. Manning. LOST: HOG WI GHT FROM WlL sou Hyraan. Plymouth, N. C. Janu- I ary 1524. Hog markeo with V over left and righ ear. Weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds, with lirht •lark spots on it. Very gentle. Manila Little, Williamst&Fi. ROOMS FOR RENT Two rooms for rent. Good locatior. aw! well cquip|irH for lieht house- I keeping. AppJy at Enterprise office. FOR SALE: MAMMOTH YELLOW ■ Soy Beans. Price 52.50 per bushel IJ-.-'ua L Coltrain. R. F. D. 4. FOR SALE: TOMATO PLANTS 2*r per invn. 3 doz o" c. 73c per 10ft i Kea.ly May Ist. Claude Lr-gKett. \» ,!liam.-U>ti. N. C. 4-28-1 j WANTED: TABLE HOARDERS IN I rivate famil> . I!at* per week. Apply to Miss Mittif Hurtfll, 3"S . X. Smithwtck street. ju.-t two blocks from post office 4 25 4 :j PROUP SpannodK Croup is fraqoaody U nliavod by one application cd— WICKS ▼ VAPORUB Ommtr mmwJwiwri» I FOR OS* IN TRACTOR FOR SALE that I have used one season, jruaran iwii to he in perfect mechankal con dition. Practicjiliy as jit**! a- new. I have rx> furtnrr i.c«i for it a'ul w.ll -II >t dirt cheap. J S. WHITLEY. Phone 171 U i|lum.ton. N. C 4-11-4t 666 |b> a procriplMMi for Mabru. t h.i»» I and le%er. Urngue or Uilwo lr»e* It ktik» the Kerns. NOlllE | I have this lay ■qualified as e*ecw "tor of the estate of W. J. Johrison !»alc of Oak City, Martin counly i All persons holding claim.- against j ,-aki r-utf will file same for payment or hrfore April 30. 1#25, or thb j notice will be pleaded in bar uf tl.err recovery. I All persons nmebu-d to -ai*l estate * will please make immediate payment, j Thi.- April »•, ISTJ4. T. H JOHNSON, t. I Kircutvr of W. J Johnson I | NOTICE OF SALE I I I ruler and by virtue of. the power j lof sale contained in that certa n deed ! lof!ru -1 made .i« ! execute*) bj I! A ■ Gray to the ui. Unsigned Trustee. an 3 oearintc ti>e >1 te of February tirui. IW. and of record in htmk A 2- at pace of the Martin County I'tblw Regu-try. said .feed of tru-t having been given to the pu;.rsnt of certaif notes of even date therewith, and the term.- arid conditions therein | conlaiueo not ha\ me been compiled j with. ani al the request of the holder I of said note?, the undersigned Trw-tce mill. or. Monday thf 2nd day of Jure 15»24. at 12 o'clock M . in front of the ICourthou-e IV-or of Martin County. I in the town of \\ illiamstou. N. C. »f --■ " '» itizens Of j J County the ei.lire lielivery of ice fcr th.- commencing May 1. IJT24. WagMM day for the purpo.-e of rv :eneral publk " . «Follows .. 3.50 f ice 1.50 Ice House - ---..1...$ .00 re same as factory) the afternoon with fish ard small f Is My Aim FAULK | Williamston. N. C' fer far ale. at | ifcßii auction, to the highest Win, far cash, the following described pspitj to-wit:— That certain tract of land situate in the t&wa of Robersonvßle. North C amiss. Beginning at a stake in Alice Grimes' carer off Lot So. 11. in the \ drvaaaaa af the S. C Grimes estate I runs thence K KF with Railroad | Street to toe ctaur of Onwes Street. ■ theace S 9 1-t W with Grimes Street 2M> feet fiuss the center of the rail road track; tint Sooth 86 W to Alice Grimes tot No. 11; thence N 9 1-2 East with Alice Grimes' line to the beginning, containing ONE-HALF J (1-21 ACRE lire or less, beiag lots Number* the S. C Giß» Estate Tht the 29th day of April 1924. CLAYTON MOORE. Trustee. 5-2 At [ FOR OVER 49 YEARS nIUIUTUU UHUKka«btn IHMlfc hum r»T ini i ill eon-: ■ea af aa Oataal wkick Qakklj . IMim to tocai tilllr.lln. the; j latcnal Mac. a Twit. vUcfc arts Pl»» Sur- SoM to as towtfWa. r. j ntatr * ca_ nw>. ohto I'ftWr aM by virtue of tne author ity coßtiint*! in a certain «leed of trttst tarjte-,. K Addte L Edwards ard kLitstosni E A. Edwards, on the ' Ist day of January 1913, and of re com a the (ratalic registry of Martin i Carat; in Rook D 1 pare 85 .to se cure certain nates of even date there with. aioS the condition* therein con *uim not having been complied with and at the r»«w-l of the parties in -••rented the wndersigned Trustee, will n Monday lie SSHh day of May 1924. a* 12 •dart M. iri front of the Court Honse Dwt»r of Martin County, at Wil Itawtae. North Carolina, offer for sale, at auction, to the high - est bwider. for cash, the following de scribed prtiperty. to-wit: I It beisar the old Free School I-ot in i the Tow*, of Williamston. N. C., and heiar ode l>alf an acre on the South ->*e of Mai® street and on the West t -i«le of the TtiiH street rtrxt to West of HawM« street, and being the -am- prcnases deeded to the public *rh«toi by S» Hester Hassell by dee-t of f*cor» l! Ie Ik« 4 G-ti at page 431. and heiia tfee -anac nemises now occupied *ry O K Cowing a?xl the -ame premis . tMf day iwdtl to Addie I. E«l --\»ardt* by C H ««iwin. Hu> \*» day of April 1924 A. R DI NNING. Trustee, itartia A IVH Atty's. 6-2-41. full's Pills || ACAINST AfIALAKIA J ■ ■■ M , , ifarmnti llroa. anil (Ttfinpaiiy j 25 Per dt Off Sale FOR TEN DAYS I Begenning May 2nd WE WILL GIVE 1-4 OFF ON ALL L ADIES AND CHIU)RENS COATS AND SUITS. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND SEE JUS! WHAT WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. •r* • . "" " ' ~~ . Harrison Bros. & Co. COME AND SEE IS ALUTE ASK WILLIAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTM KNT STORE, I, a FOR SALE: ONE PORD IWCS.j lUt 4 -22 1 j NOTICE OF SALS j Under and by virtue of the awtfcar | I :t> contained in a certain dead a# traat * xpnitfi by John Rakcnta aad air Sylvia Rohrrsoo, aa the 4th 4ajr tf January 1913 and af retard ■ the public reristry of Malta CIM»J A. Book D-l. pace 112. to seen* certain ■ notes of even date therewith, and the • conditions therein rui.taiacd IM bv- ( j ing been complied with and at the re- ' I quest of the parties interested the: •undersigned Tmtee aft aa Monday tthe 36th day of May 1924 offer far, I -ale. at 12 o'clock M., in front of l&e --i Court House Doer af Martin County, in WDliamston. North Carolina, at I public a act Km. to the highest bidder [for cash, the following deecrihed pro , i«ty : ' A house and lot on Main Street tm j the towr of WQliamstort adjoining J. 'i K Mobley. et als. , | Berinninr at J. R MobleyV western | i " Specials Roles Dale Peaches 1 25c Skinner Macaroni. Pkir. 10c Cancamps Soup, 2 for 25c t ' Chicken Soup. 2 for 25c Pink Salmon 18c or two cans for 35c J| Louisiana Coffee I 40c m 1 1 t Pur ire ground coffee, jrood. lb. 30c i No. 1 Mixed flour, 12 lb. 50c i No. 1 Mixed flour. 48 lb 98c 1 i Fresh Cheese lb. 25c Standard (las • 23c Fresh Bread, lies and Cakes Daily E. P. Bunch WIIJJAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ' - ' ' ======^M— (Main Street thirty five (St) pj*! jtteceahaat North Waat parallel wRh J. R MaMey*s liae seventy (70) yaada -J | theace about North East parallel with (Main Sine* to J R Mahlay* ! theace thirty five (35)* yards I Mobley*i line; thence along sahTJ. R lMohley's line seventy (TV) yards to liaia Street, containing sue half acre. This the Mb day of Aprfl. MM. J. S. RHODES, Trustee. Marts A M, Attvs. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hnhg this day qualified as adasm ssiratar of the estate af Jooeph Early, Accused, late of Martia County, North > Carolina, this is te aatifj all yttimu ' saving rlaiaa against the estate of deceased to wMh> then te the Tundersigaed oa or before the 29th day iof Aprfl. IMS, or this notice will be I pleaded in bar ef tLeir lasm). AD L persons indebted to the wtitf vrill idinn make immediate settleuwnt- Tbi» the 29th day of April, 1924. H A. EARLY. Administrator of Joseph Early, deceased. 4-29-4t

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