VBTS HOSPITALS TO HAVE BUSINESS MANAGEBS Washington, D. C., May S—F»U«« ins an entirely new pot try, the Umitad States Veterans' Bureau will appoint as soon as they are available, business executives for approximately 5# vet erans' hospitals, it is stated ia aa an nouncement by the United States Civil Service Commission to-day. The Commission will receive appli cations for positions of business ex ecutive until May 21). The salaries range form $3,000 to $5,000 a year. The busines executive at a hospital will serve under the general direction of the medical officer in charge, and will relieve him of all details of business management. Applicants will be rated on their training, experience, and fitness, weighted at 80 per cent, and a dis cus., ion and plan of organization, weighted at 20 per cent. Full information and application blanks may be secured from the Unit ed States Civil Service Commission. Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the local board of civilserv.-e ex aminers at the post office or caatom house in any city. BEAR GRASS SCHOOL HONOR ROLL FOR SIXTH MONTH First Grade: Garland Bailey, Earl Bailey, J. C Rawls, Buoy Bailey. Mary Elizabeth Harrison. Second Grade: Ruth Hazel Rogers. Theresa Rogers, Ceorge Peele. Jr.. Worth Mobley, Cushing Bailey. Lester Terry, Delmus Rogers, Raymond Gur ganus, Craven Gurganus, Ralph Mob ley, Bob Price, Garland Cowan. C B. Gurganus. Third Grade: Taylor Malone. Roland Rogerson, Viola Harris, Evern Terry. Rogers Wilson, Ruth Roebuck. Ella M HoeH, Annie B. Cowan, Jermirah Ful fonl. FourA Grade: Francis IVele. Mil •'red Ay em, Irene Bailey, Maude luiley, Si lie Roebuck, Zelma Roebuck Wallace Co'van. fifth Grrde: Daisy Cowan, Be.'.v Lassiter, K ; c«s>e Lee Tav!or, Vara G. Rogers, 1. «sil Rogers, Panaie G* -- ganus, Jasper Cowan. Eighth Grade: Garland Whitley. Hildreth Mobley. Ninth Grade: Hubert Harris. First prizes were given to the fal lowing on the yearly honor, roll: Gar land Whitley, Hubert Harris. Mildred Aytr», Vara Green Rogers, Theresa It in dead certain that all thiags. will come to the other fellow if you sit down and wait. The bloodhound* want aat ia Jan uary to solve a Kanaii narder aya tery, ami with the snow and every thin* it was tough on the rahhata. after every meal ' I •alai'lart^ k aa*MM I •i* ■Mifcd aw avninp »# bout or ■Ace cml, j|—l and H MfNttUt darin* the km to select from. Ki BL pert V«tfanadup. Satis- V For Awnings. Awning Covers and Tents of fcall kinds. See Harrison Bros, and Co. Vtjlliamston, . North Carolina It AM* tm ali tt» cottoa plant* ia OH at Iks dnt etepa la faraiahiag Ika aU ia tbvaa«h infmttoa of th- aalC A. aaad atai M la aeceeaary •a (Mali Ika boat malts and It *wl* t> mart early a* aa to have ■ Una. aaadk aal vail act tied M at pleatta*. lfrpei tm say that the tapertaace mt a mB prepared afM had caa ku4lj be ornvMlaalai Alaa. aahfonkla weather (MUou ehortly Mwa planting often pranati phi a lag at that ttaae aad early prep •ratloa deea away with thia riak Plaatlac vhiwald be delay** uatll all hatir of treat la paat and the earth BiwUai aad a aaai ami Bariy be bene ta aU that It ia poaaibU la pleat too early aa that the pleat* iMaat at aaied daring the eartjr day* mt (Mr trntk Plant tf nIM. only aalirtil eeed mt aa early walaalat variety, aal el a Maple mm* leaa thaa 7/1 Inch Ia yew aartlrabr locality caa be ob state [*■*«> mt acrtcakare It b leflatelr pnna that tacreeeed yield? worth (Ma 111 to IN aa acre aaaj be eMalaed by aelected eeed Oaae baahel or Mr* alaall be plant ad to the acre. Cattaa rawa afeaaU be hna thre* *a tear feet apart, aeeentlar *a the NrtSMy mt the eel I. and specie* ia tk« row ah Ball be froaa eight tc twelve tachea with l>oa oae to three etalha «a the MB. Teat* aadar » rlean eaedMoaa have proved that thlefe spared cattaa aaalares earliei aad ylaMe aw paaada to the act* The lairlUgvat aae of t—i irtsl (ritlltaers Is aa Imparts at step la th* paefliahto pisjnrtlaa of cottoa. Prop •rty aaad II wtu both haaiea amtarlty Caataata and tMr percentages de pani aa lacal caMlttni The coaaty asant ar tha agrtrattaral college car mil) hhiaatlm aa this paint Only (ha wall dralaad. kitlk laads. an* whaa available, early sods snould b. aaad It wtu pay to prodace cot tot aaly aa lead that will pioduce. aadei afVbale to tha acra P—fbM ialtomailoa aa the subject af M town control amy be obtala ai MB toa aeaat agent, atate col at ■ ar the Natlana BEAVER DAM LOCAL NEWS Mr. H A Callipher went to WU liaawtan Saturday on bnsiness. Miss Bnrtie Malone af Bear Grass ■peat the week end with Miss Jessie Peel Messrs. Maya Hardisoa and W T Callipher aaataied to Williamston Sat arday aa bniin* Mrs. J. K Stiawtridgt and children mi Darkaa are tftadinf Mtmr tine arith fritaili aad relative* Mtun Ira (W and Bill* Calli- pher aaatared ta Greenville Saturday Mn. W. F. Allen entertained SHERIFF ROBERSON I TO RUN AGAIN TO THE lieiMM KATIC VOTERS Of I MARTIN COI'NTT: I take this method of anaawncitif myself a candidate kef are the Priauiry take held aa Jaae 7th, 1*24. far the ■awiaatiaa fcr the aAea af Sheriff af Martin Caawty. aad 1 dtiiit ta sin cerely thank the people far their Mast layal nppart in the paat aad ta as •ai* them if I am aemiaated snd elected agaia. that I HI give tkem H T. KOBKKSON CANDIDATE FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS Ta the IWmii lalw Vetera af Martin Cawaty: I take ttt* mms «f ani.ouacinir mymU m ruMrtr. ar •) soiiotrr fppirt. for Ik Ac of Rqprtj •f Bm*. ■■ljntl to action «f the DißiuatK Pnauy to he hdd June l«4 ** I km and mm Kegiater •* put three years and , number of friends Friday with a peanut popping Mr. r*wr Ckaaaaa —toeai to Ewctts Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emlirk Wynn of wu son spent Sunday with M» and Mrs. A. L Ray nor Mr. and Mrs. J. G bixon and hr I and Mrs. Sans Pejrram and .ibagh , tm. Misses Dorthv and Eunice of |i 1 Washington were the guests of Mr. Mixon's sister, Mrs. M. G. Feele Sun day. Miss Ruby Malone spent the week end with Miss Elizabeth Peele. Sir. M. R. Chambers of Tynor spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Peele I ! MEMBERS OK FARMERS MUTUAL ASS'S DAMAGED , BY STORM SHOUL GIVE NOTICE All members of the Farmers Mu tual Fire Insurance Association, (who suffered damages during the tornado of April the 30 will please (five immediate notice of your dam ages that same may be promptly ad justed. The members should re mem j ber that your company protect.- a gainst wind and lighting as well at . Are. I The five hundred Martin count> I farmers, your associates and mem ' hers of the company, will regard it a I privilege as well as a duty to assist you in the restoration of your prem ises. THE FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE ASSOCIATION W. C. Manning. DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER HUUmt. N. C OFEICE YORK BUILDING IVartice lim;t*«l to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat from 1 to t ' In Williamston every Kriday afternoon F. B. CONE —■*»» . v , Dentist Olfiff Over The Fanners aitil Mer chants Rank Hours 9-12 ami 1-5 Ofice Phone No. 9, Res. Phone No 156 I uke !-amb Robt. L Coburn LAMB * COHURN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next to Anderson Crawford Co. Telephone No. 74 .._ . dilatation. North Carolina DURNS rl Com >itk wet h*kk« arfi— mjf Uir.wud. mfttj CM* VICKS ▼ VAPORUB I • O—r If Jm.. UmmJ TRAFFIC aat om the kllhnyi over which mew *• Imy •»- create is a raad'a UMUIII; la ■ harhli kaath Tail; prrmaarnt highwaya have pwirf thai they art hath aaaat waahla and alaa aM—nly (haapHL And the OM aaaterial that mafcea thla paaahfc la Hallaai Cnacat, which, dcafitt wih >ai»al 4t fraiacta. Atiaa, throwgh li>ila>la| tha May Ha, M aan It la aajnnr i lac la aa il i Piwtlawd limiat ailwaMj cheaper today thaw thirty ;cara a#a. Awd kw ailartr b>t the hwlldiwg material dewier aa the awly Bwfc he- • [ATLASI I IPOOTUW ctMßnr-' Car Load CM SHINGLES, HULLS AND MEAL Tobacco Cloth and Wire Fencing: Cheap for the Cash. WINDOWS, DOORS, BUILDING IJME AND PIASTER. BL T RT OATS, Grown in Nevada. SEED POTATOES, Main Grown. C.D.Carstarphen& Co WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA THE ENTERPRISE. Second prim were fives to the fai r lialet who massed aariy aw day: Francis Pede. Bcttae Lassiter. Daisy Cowan. Nossie Lee Taylor. Zehsa Roe- , buck. Sallae Roeback. Rath Raehork.' Hildieth Mobley Stop—Come—Liitea. "The Mob ler's Wife's New Bennett. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cohni Xr> A. R. Dunning. Mrs. J. H Saam£er>. Mr. and lln. Elbert IVel alien«ea the Rose Maiden ia Wai>agt«« last niche NOTICE Taken up. two shoots a bent C mirth old. will weigh aboat 7» paomds Market -underkreT ia the rifM ear ami split in the left ear. Color, red and black spots. Owner rail for thraa Henry Wirdwh 4 2 J April 18. 1954. ROOMS FOR RENT Two rooms for rent Coed lot at»»a and well equipped for Egfcc hoaje keeping. Apply at bbrfnte Ar. FOR SALE: MAMMOTH YELLOW ' Soy Beans. Price S*SO per bwshei Joshua L Colt ram. R. F D 1 ! WANTED: TABLE BOARDERS IN Private family. Rate IT Hr per mtk Apply to Miss Mktae Hamrl! >«t N. Smithwick street, jaut two blacks' from post ofire 4 S> 4' LOST: H4M; BOt GHT FROM *IL son 11 v man. Plymouth. V C. Jaaa ar> 1924. Hog marked with V over left ami njjh ear. Wetfk ahaat one hundred and fifty pamli-. with Uacht •lark spots on it Very centle Manisa Little. VAua«ba NOTICE OF RESALE Notice ia hereby given that aaier ami by virtue of the power of sale contained in that mtan imi of (rnst I executed by C. O. ti—lard wi aafe. Ida Uodani. on March 3rd l*3t' to the undersigned Trustee, and of imul a Book A-2 at pare aM m Xajta Cow ty Registry to aecure the paamrMt of a certain bomi of (m dcate thraarte. the undersigned trustee M on the 24th day of March IXM at the Conrt llouse tloor of Martin Coatt* m Vi liamston. N. C. expose for sale the hereinafter diaaiibtd hot aal tl%bl having been rawed withm the taar prescribed by law. aaki a a aaaatner required by law, and oa lr» aa otdei of re-sale, the aatdersagaaed TntUr will on Monday. May 19. ISM. at 12 o'clock nooa, in front of the Conrt j House door of aMrtaa Coanty. at Wd II lams ton. N. f agaia offer the h» j hereinafter described to the bjgha it ' bidder for cash at paU*r wrtaa Rein* a boot uxi aw kalf •ft*'- a part of the Gwbnl Uwf ptarr. kr in* 1.15 yarW> oa tlwr WMBKIM mmd JamnrOlr aidr ai»l bt *f ha I where C. O. Cabni Mil hat. icm- IWHTI CAMLWA. *■» aid vhm he now lives. Tins the 3rd day of May 1924. R. G. HARRISON. Trustee. 5-6-2t -NOTICE OF SALE" » l'»fcT by virtue of an order of Ilhe Saaepraor Court of Martin County. "i"ii ■ the Special Proceedings en tilled ~H B. Moore. Executor of J w IE. Moore, and li. B. Moore. Guardian for William Cherry. Martha Delle j CVm, Ethel Pierce and Be»sie Pierre «*rs» Lacy Moore. Lizzie Cofßeld an.i ha hind. P. H. Cofliekl. Jasper Cherry. Joe Cherry. Carrie Cherry. Mary Con (Mn and husband Levi Conrteton. Jaaie Overton et als". the undersign ed Commissioner of the Court will on Moaday the ninth (9th) day of Jane IMI. at twelve (12» o'clock M.. in front of the Courthouse IWr of Mar ,tia Count > in Wflliamston. X. C.. offer for fair, at public auction, to the est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed lots of land to wit - i FIRST TRACTBeinv that certain hoaane and lot situate on the South side of Railroad Street in the town of Robersonvflle. X. C.. and beinr the jW premises next to ani adjoininr the let of R. L Smith, and beinr the same lot of land described in Item One l«f the la«t Will and Testament of James E. Moore. Deceased! SECOND TRACT:' Situate in the Town of Rnbersorvilte. N. C.. ami on .SoaOh Railroad Street. and tefinnit\( 'at the North-East corner of R. L SieitS on said Street, and running thence down said Street 187 feet aivt • inches to an Iron Stake. ard run ■ie( hack between parallel lines to the line of Mary A. Dunnine THIRD TRACT:- Berinnin* on First 1 Soaath Railroad Street in the Town of Rohersonville. N. C. at the Southwest dormer thereof at an Iron Stake: run ame thence down said Street 11( feet and five inches. ami back between parallel line> to the line of The Rob iriwillr 1 irht ami Power Company, excepting therefrom the house ami lot | devised to Martha LMIe Cherry under ship, by Mrv Came Narfieet far the ! the Will above referred to in the first • year 1922. • | description. ! oYa are berth? notified that I j This May 2nd. 1924. i boujrfct the above described land A. R. DL NXIXG. Commissioner. • property at a «suly advertised -hnift i*4L *ale for taxes oo the fourth day of [ —— Jure 1925. and the sheriff of Martin NOTICE County «safl to me a for j To R 11. Gatlin. an>* to ar.y and al! •»». »»• iclfss redemption of the persons fhimint under. through or >«* l certificate i» made on or before jby him. an»i to all other persons in- June 4th. 1934. I shall demand of the •te rested ui - Al acres of Gathn larel sheriff of Martin County a deed for i listed in township by K H laifcL Gatiin for taxes in the >ear 1922. ' This 4th .lay of April. 1>24. Ycu are hereby notified that 1 , W. W. GIUFFIV bought the above liecnM land at s tax sale for taxes at the court house ADMINISTRATOR'S MTHX door in Martin County Jane 19£! an.! j the shenff of sail county issued to m-- Havir-r this -ia> juaiified as almin a certificate of said sale, and unless L-trator of t«e r lite of Bennett Gray, redemption of the said certificate is ' "Seceas**!. Lite of Mart:- iVi-itr. North ma.ie on or before the 4th day of - '" »r*»iina_ this t to notrfiy ail persons Jur..». I shall •Semand a deed from Ravine cla-m- the estate of the sheriff of Martin county a deed t said decease*! to exhibit them to ths lard- | Bni!»r-:fTseii tr •"rstcber ar>i "rrtrber, Thi -the 4th -lay of April. 1924. Alt* v. * illiamsfec. N C. Ac or be * W. GRIFFIN fore the 12th da. of Apr!. ISS. or , this rotice -vill be piea»:e»! in bar of A l>M INI STRATI »R "S NOTICE 'heir r>*oirn AO per--.r,- ->:ebted to IHe e-tite will pcea e Tjk' im ,, . - . , , rv>l-ite settlement Havinr pia!ined: as administrator vf , , . .u ,-v , This the 12th -iav of IpHl. 3924. the estate of I ordelia Chance. .iecea-- . , ii. t*• _ t- . v- ALONZO GRA\. Admsni-trator of ed. late of Martin l ourtv. North I ar> .. _ ~ ... . ... . . l-ermett i.rav. iwiW Ima. this is to notify a'l persons hav- 4-15-lt ire claims against the estate of ai>t at City V v" or AI»MINISTR \ TOR'S N.mCE " before the 12 1 ?! day of Apn!. 1 ?2 . \ or this notice a ill hr pleaded in Vir' ~ . " ~ . , ... . ... . , . I Hav:r.r Shi- .taj as ad of their rrcwverv All per-orv- irtdeb . , . , .. ... , mi ttstrator •»! I'e estate of Minrlla» e>' to the estate «vill p exv make iib ... .. . . , ~ ~ Mubti., la:-- of tt . Martin mediate settlement . , .. ~ • -«jn!*. V.»rth av*h"a. ,v ~ here This the 12th .ia\ of April. 1921 . ~ . .. . . , . !**> riven to all partse- !a:ms I 1-. in MAN. Administrator of I or-j ..... . , , _ . . I =r*ir-t -»>! e-tate to present ! -a fur • elm I nance, •leceased. I . ... , . ... [ paymert or. or bet-re Apr* Slth. - lice wiil br pi- . led in bar of their rwvvery MITUt ; A!! person. to ~a> - -tale o I — J irr r«i» d v.• -tv frr. ard To Mrs |"arTie Norfleet arvf any.' -vak*- :nrvii_it. naymert »f -.e. ~ j and all other person- ciam;ns-. ursVrj This April 'l. 1924 jthrough or by her. or any «-ther per . MARTIV «"ONI TV SAVING-" *NI» j-on- interested in l>s acres of »;l I TRI ST COJII ANY. Admx « T A. i liams land listed ?n Goo>ene>t town-1 ; j V-4St Your kind of a store most convenient and interesting store in Richmond. More than forty departments, each one like a little sliop in itself. You can get right off the train, go directly to Miller & lU loads, s|K'iid the entire day there and get everything you want for yourself or home. A friendly, hospitable store, where you can always feel free to shop around to your heart's content. It is a great, handsome store, where there is plenty of room. and something to rest and delight the eye on every side. It is a pleasure to shop a.nid such beautiful surroundings. You are always certain that what you huy is just what it is represented to lie; that it is of sound quality, giving you full value for every |>cnny expended. You will never regret moiie\ s|>eiit at Miller & Khoads. You are not surrounded by messy, out-of-date "bargains" thrust obtrusively in your path on crowded counters. You are always sure of tlie best and the newest at a fair and price. You can shop in comfort. You may check your |>arcels, rest in a luxurious rest-room, write a letter, telephone, send a telegram, or get almost any kind of information at the Information Desk. At noontime you can lunch in one of three beautiful dining-rooms amid pleasant surroundings. You always receive a warm, friendly welcome and courteous attention. There is a splendid spirit of willingness among the employees and an enthu siastic desire to please. For all these reasons, you will enjoy sliopping at Miller & Ilhoads. Each time you will leave the store with a renewed sense of satisfaction and pleasure. 1/ y»m cmm'l get mkst ym mmmt iu ymr MM fjr. try

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