IpihSERS WILL FIND OUR A LATCHKEY TO UN HOM&9 ° r MARTIN COUNTY VOLUMIT 26 JAMESVMJR SCHOOL CLOSES A MOST SUC CESSFUL SESSION Rev Mr. Shirley Delivers Address To The Graduating Class The Jaaaerville school its best The dosing exercises he»an Sun day. May the fth and ended Friday night the *th. The hsrslnnrstr sermon was preacn ed by Professor W. L Straub of Kin- j it 3 p. in on Monday There | were crowded audiences Tuesday. Weneaday and Thursday nights to j hear the recitations, plays ami dia- i liHim given by the various classes •f the school. Friday morning the expression class of Miss Hairr entertained with recitations and readings that reflect ed much credit to the school and es pecially to Miss Hairr. The large class in expression all did well and Much speculation and many guesses as to who the prise winner would be was heard during the period when the judges were making up their verdict. The judges finally awarding the prize ta Miss Pauline Askew. At the noon hour apparently every ertiMfi in the Jamesville section arm ed a big basket and marched to a lour table where they spread a most ex cellent dinnner. consisting of nearly every thing good to aaL The crowd was large but the dinner was larger and Much was left Tlae grammar grades had their con teats which were of a high order. The prise in these grades wtnt to Miss Dorothy Carson. At night the graduating exercises were held when six pupils, two boys and four girls received di|>lomas Rev Mr. Shirley of Willi*m.-ton de-1 livered the address to the graduating! class. I For three years. Professor 11. L Eden| has led the people of Jamesville. not I only the youth but the older people as teacher, leader and friend H*| with bis splendid corps of teachers have put an inspiration in the James ville section which is bear ng much I good fruit far good and Is > *ading u| ] to a better school system. It is regretted that Profe tor Eder. and most of his teachers «HI not be with the Jamesville school the rum in* rear. • RELIEF FUNI) CON TINUES TO CROW! ——* The relief fund grows raps>'iy. Large I |uantiUes of food, clothing, I ouse fur niture aixl other things are beiny gathered from one end of the line to I the other aul turned ovei to the i various committees for distribution j while many are giving direct. Still there are a number of fam Uies crow.ied in small shacks or in small houses with other families he cause it has not been possible to pro vide better ipiarters and th helping hand cannot be withdrawn yet. In a recent issue we stated that William.-.ton was not on the list of donators of the Red Cmt. The report of the Secretary of the Red Cross did not show Will lams ton on its li»t and while its name failed to app ar on the last it should have appealed else where. for the people of this towr. did their share and then seme. The . are continuing a helping hr.nd. The store of Mr. B. S. Courtn 'y is the distributing point and mar.y, many loads of furniture and furnishing have been sent out to thui~' in nee-' While the exact amount of all thi is unknown, R will go up into thr thousands of dollars. TO TOE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF THE SECOKD '' SENATORIAL DISTRICT: * I aau a candidate for noaninatioa to the State Senate from the Second Senatrial District, subject to the Priaaary to be held June 7. If nominat ed and elected I shall strive to serve Eastern North Carolina, anal especial ly the Counties of our District, to the end that we naay receive benefits of legislation equal to thooe nni—d by frtinai of the especial ly Willi Itltltsu to highways. I respectfully solicit your support and as Hyde County has net been re " presented in the State gwsto for a number of years I feel that the voters wll recognise that it is entitled to ht npiaatnlsil in the next General Aa -4 CARROLL B SPENCER. Mr. Leßoy Anderson returned this morning to fhapwia after viaitin; his parents for several days. Mr. J. R- Parker of Norfolk is the guest mt his brother, Mr. W. H. Garkir at the Atlantic hotel. THE ENTERPRISE . JOSIAH WILLIAM BAILEY DEUVERS I ADDRESS AT COURT HOUSE HERE i SATURDAY TO LARGE AUDIENCE J Candidate's Trend of Speech was to Capitalize' Every Fault of His Own Party; He Stresses at Length the Tax Question and Freight Rates | Hon. Josiah W. Bailey. Democratic ; candidate for governor. .poke at the I court house Saturday. May It. Mr., ! Bailey arrived from Elizabeth City by > ! automobile just in time to uctt has i i appointment and he jhosred signs of | i fatigue. Hon H. W. Stnbhs mtroducrd Mr. j j Bailey in a very fittmg ud iliiput J manner. Mr. Bailey used moth of the , I first quarter is praismg Mr. Stuhbs I far his legislative achievement r. The candidate »a*d that he had many things to tell the people but tie , could not reach them all He paid a i tribute to the Confederate voMers ard to their heor sons who had crws-ed ! the waters to drfersi •cr o ;ry and ( our neighbors- Mr. Bailey complained d srrtaia, newspaper criticisms amn> him and : renounced them as false, yet he seem j led to yield to xiet extent to their I I force and pursurd the aosuse of mar- i' tyr all through has >peec>.. seeking s *> J beget sympnthy for hiabdf ard at j the same time attack the party off j which he claims to be one of LVI strongest members- \ The trend of has speech was tot capitalise every fault of has own par- I ty and attempt to parade it to da- I satisfy the miah of the pwple. It I has never been possible for aay pev I pie or party to do many things with- { I out committing some errors and is I J may be that the party that Mr Bailey I I seeks to champion ha- kmc mistakes I Vet who believes for a mvmst that I Josiah William Bailey could have, or I I would have -ione even as ■ .21 ? tVr I Mainly if the times he so land persastantly advocated before the Legislature of North Carols, had ' | hern done the tax Sitaatiuo would j have been worw. Mr. Bailey was the I only man that advocated placing th» j taxes on the lands of the State instead jof the corporation* UMr Bailey seem* t«- kaov if there ny «rMqr above xmlVr in aT | the worid that aggravates the I I pie it ks taxes ami he str* tnat I I that point because it take* sell He shoots «,at a lot of .-log thot I oe all know he e-asnot do. He [rates cheaper freight rates for North I Carolina, we all do. everybody except I the raili uoi- aai tneir Uw,eti. IM | Mr. Bailey help to get lowrr ulc by ■ oater line competition as advocated by [Governor Momsoo * How b you -Hi i |on that Mr. Radey ? A K a.a smk I you feel that you were filling an j honorable position, honorably pro cured by promti.ng lower freight J rates on foreign sbipwnts as rim | pared with Virgwm? Of course Mr. I Bailey knows that all interstate I freight rates are aaaale by the later- Istate Caaamerce C—■ mi udrr aa I act of Coagitss and that the Gaw lernor of North Caldim has no legal .status ia the case. We camrieail Mr. [Bailey's wishes a this mtb4 a»i , (stand with him m principle ■ Mr. Bailey ihoald go further, how I ever, aad tefl the petple that North ■ I Carolina has won Mr victories m Ifreight redactions m.thm the ps>l | tea years t.Haa every other state that I borders her bns WOOL He forgets to | say'that may feces** oil -se em-- I signed to North Carollu point* aol I reshipped chenper than the thrawgh ' j freights. J As to Mr. Baileys tas pi iilni. as Ihe now present* «. these ia aSlte > .'ground for impcosimfnt U «r«ft . I ing stock of foreign corporator N the I last seajioa of thr legislator* pa MI I [the art oa its own iaiative acd f I there appeared many r*d fiat __ I both for aad against it The act was '(passed because the Itftfane be- Jlieved it would produce as much re I venue far the state. Mr. Badey gives * * r tbase on the ether.. t No tax law will eier be popular.« - nor vrfl any tax law be right usti r all paaptity of all da— is taxed at f its true value, to the end that every r ans may bear aa ewaal share of the t Agaia Mr. Baity fails to aay what - he is going to do ahant —is. a county homes and the other thiag* | a our state is spanoormg far the ap-| e lift of its people. WM kt dewy tea, I now enjoying? Mr Bafley goes a step farther mil 'pie whs bnaw. It is a fact that' e Bafiey held the hart payhar ofce ■ a North Carolina far eight pan, that, the greatest port af the labors of the . oCce was the orsormg of his pay mad' r. Jast aa aaaa aa his fine of par was ~~ * * a Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, May 13.1924. STOCKHOLDERS i OF F. &M. BANK HAVE MEETINGi ! Large Increase in Yol | ume of Business Shown by Report f The Faiaaai i. aid Merchants Bank held its annual stock holders meet ;u»? FriJay. May 9th riKiv-t of the j ' stockhoidc r» be>ng pn cnt t The inaiioal report of the hank ' s'wred a very increase in. growth >ttc* the last annual nieet 'j«. Dd aaly ia deposits but in sur >pi« aast WjCih. Undnr Urclared I A 6 prr cent divident was tieclar [ed. tir balance of the earnings was amu to serplcs and anlivHleil 1 : T fee- Farmers and Merchants Bank j |ka> .owMtd in so roixlucting its | that A has riot had to dis-1 [trrss Ms cwitomeis. but has assisted I |=xd Mped them to oork out their J lioc-e-s re->altaa!g frxm "lnl times" in I IM> | He foil«wang hoard of directors {was efcrte:. Jdus D. Biggs. J. G. ICislird. F. I Bames. C. H. Carstar [phea, J lasts Ldley, Javau Rogers, B B Everett. R W. Salshury . K. G. Illamtsoa abi J«s4>na L Coltrain. T>>e fdkvng 4f>tvr- were electel, John D. Biers, presides*. C. D Car starphen. R W Salshury. R C liar Irr-on. vace-presNients. J I • WM>lari, Cashier; C |l Carstsrphen. Jr., as si Ur t casharr MISS MtIXLEV. RED t ROSS REMtESEXTATIVE FINISH * ' IXC I f REUKF WORK Mm Motley. Red Cross represen tative. sko has been duine tlie Ileal Crote *- vk fer the tornailo >uffen-rs Ka- ahout Wfiftdl the work in ' (Msdi a-ad she is au* for abaat six of thoe to ht helped to c-jn-e ia and get the thujgs provuled or theua They will do lier a gnat favor I by comine in toonorruw arol getting the things M de can finish tlte work. CHUiNE VISITED WILSON AND EIMaEttIMHE UIVNTIES A cycloue m anal Wil son conntie> Uis down many hou.-es ki»l Thmda) right. May *th. The .-torso lenud to form in the Saratoga sttM. of U il.von roun'y and •tnfl sortb eaisterly into bliricomle near hutap> aid sperHling itself Town Creek Church was partly de stroyed. many tohacro barns and out hs.*tßag» were blown .luvri, while tree* by the handled.- were twisted aa>l blown up Fortvutd) no oiae was hurt. roles he began to Mjueal arxl shout -—chine It hardly seem- possible that one wwaß do so. "Oh Consis -rary."" A.e Uerc rrotinl.- for Bailey's t. agaiast t'e Iteinocratic party ? How ohnut the machine he nwn taned? Who is the machine? Is it {osiile Ual all tlie propie against Bad ; are nkachire folks and not «itr sm rod as tW who are for l*efc. *» Mr. Bailey was not careful in bus mathaaoaUcU calculations as be iiiado grave error in stating i taai tha State taxes Idol inctea-cd 30 per c -wt a year for 11 years, which is an error, usisg his on &tatemei.t as a bash-. He tinea that the tax was $lO, ITIMII liallars eleven years ago and IKJr vjM th , year, which he calls aa earreaoe of AO per cent per year. Yet is the** had been aa annual in-1 crease of 30 per cent it would have cadr the —a—l this year more thpn t t_k* time to verify his figures he will . fi.id that thr aaaual increase has not >heea half of thirty per cent, ft is [same times very easy to talk big Ihean i and sway thousands, still it it better to verify before talking and j jet becaaie a aaa talks Hig figures is |aa good reason why people should go |mba a state of hysteria. [ It is aat (pule so easy to put things Ism ia the folks as it use to be. ! Everybody knows Mr. Bailey has held |dl(t more days than Mr. McLean and | Las imnid several times as r. jch j oat of the public treasury in salary . 'MR. SHAW MAKES j I ADDRESS AT THE METHODIST CHCRCH Church In the Midst of Campaign to Raise J Ten Millions Those who fiflfi to Iwar Mr. \\. T. Shaw at Ikt JlrthodL-l Charrh last SunJijr iMWing bumvi lmrin( j a fine address ■ the inlnr-l of on? j of the causes tlkt Iks (W4 to l*»r hearts of all HtUkkiuL-. that of tie Superannuate preacher Our church is now in the au.4 of a quiet caaptip! to raw ten mil | lion dollars as an endownmert fand. (the interest of Which will go to the support of the oU krukn down preach er* of our Churef S«r of the mo.-i heart reaching Icmn I have ever witnessed have keen at our annual conferences whea thee oU mrn came up too feeble aai worn b\ lone yrar- I of toil and self nrnSc* and the days !of their osefalaess. have pa***! ami they must staai a>tJe ai»i let the younger men take their places The must p> oat into the worU. with no home to fro to, they have all their lives lived in th* psrxxurr. have ha-i I their churches their a—he,. I love an>l provide the -cant necessities of life for UMA NOW. the) have no . church, no home no one to -serve and therefore no one Wte. them as their pastor, and with very few exceptions, no money upon which to live. They have all the year lived on a very small salary ar-t cociM save nothing, and in aunt ca«e> family to support The) are in nuny cases like cattle turned out to starve or live as best they can Their days of life and activity are pas«J No merchant can use them as eterk-. thai too weak ami fee We to plough, therefore a sad and dicary end face them. Many, many times have the. driver long distances to add joy arxl hap piness to the aunuirr feast as he sends the young couple rejoicing 01. their way with his pea) er- and hies* ings resting up-n their heads Man) rejoicing souls has he taken i«t« ll* membership »f the churches. IIUIII children has he christened and p.ayed for and helped by his father!> ex. inril an>l prayers. These have eone «u' in to the big norld to sneers, and hap piness ami wealth, while the 4-1 man who helped to lay the foundaliu n up on which the) have budded sits with a heavy heart in >»ne little arxl ( «»r ly furnished rot tare an some side street with barely bread enout 'i and none to .-pare Many have been the times that tin now forgotten man, the old pre.ii tier has been in the hoane and fraud to the great heavenly Father, watched i and hoped and helped lo >ur>e hark to strength again the sick only to «o out when health had retarne.l -to be forgotten until Mrkieu affair, came into that (Ante Many, man) time- ba be stood by aa«l watched ti.r la t breath leave suae member ai.l fd lowed with uar«.verrd heatd and around the open gra.e .poke vonli of , comfort an>l pointed out to the sor i rowing ones the rain-bow hidden un demeath the cloud Bat. now le ha no people that he ran call his own ami those that were occe his arxl who once loved him and sourht his pray . ers ami directions have another pas tor who is boa)ant and Ml of life and . hope ami the old nan has had to pas> . on ami make the led possible of his , lonely life of i«h»»» 1 These obi preachers? Mho are he) * : They are the men who. in days pass : ed. were the lenlinr spoils that «UM • ed the budding not only of a rreat and rich and wealthy chaich ho; who | had an etjaal if not a leading part in . molding public »piaima and shaping - plans of the building of our ereat I State ami Nation which nation ha . become one of. if not the mightiest i on earth In justice to them da we not owe - them suMthing ? Nat from the stand I point of charit) No. never Uw. not > our sense of pure justice tell t» that . they are due a .leeeat Irving the few - remaining years* at their earthly ex -6 J istence and when they are dead fire >! them a decent burial? I surely think t! it does and I believe every loyal Metho I dist ia WiUnart«n and Hamilton t charge will arts* and Ia me vice say s yea, nat only with their esieei bat ; with their hard earned money, pi o vide t far them The hope is that the above I mentioned fand wdl be ladhrii nt to i' provide them inmrtbiag like W per i .month, just hardy easagb to feed and I clothe them That surely ia a small ijamauat bat it wdl be a wonderful L | help to them and make it pnniible far i | them ta at least nat suffer. If you 1! read this article aad you agree with time, lei me sa, if yaa think they de f j serve eetkiag and yaa are aawilling Y ta coatrihate ta this nntagcr support r thea 1 want ywa ta aba tcfl a* of | ' K. DL DODD i" 'CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMITTEE STATES 1 HAT MR. I'UELE PROMISED TO MOVE FROM HASSELL IU iLDIN(> Members of The Committee Will Take It Cpon Themselves To (iet Mr. I'eele Oat I'rovided The Mayor Cannot (net Hir.. Out AI TOS CLASH OX JAMESVILLE ROAI) YESTERDAY Four Doctors Called To The Aid Of The Injured Yesterday afternoon. Mr. John X Hopkuis un.l »iff were dnvuur heme from Willianiston and when in sight of their hone met Mr ar.i Mr- Her bert 1-lley COMING fr*»m Jamesville. ami in a stiaiKht open roa>i. more ttac «Kle etn>ui;h for two. the cars c-ame came nearer an-1 rearer together as til they came together in a ru-Mr c cra.sh. >mashinc each other a- is" in a race of madness. In the crash Mrs. Hopkins who oa. .Irea.iy an invalid wa> •lashest arjir. l the v. inalshielal and was Kstli cut os «§er the :hr»ai. on the left cheek arms on the left side of her ttead She Iwst a |Uantity of blood an. l when physicians found her she wi- foun>i to l«e in a very weak state • Mrs. Ileihert l.dley wa> pauifidly hurt and lot a con iaierabh- urvost of Mood from cuts an*l suffered wet al bruises on the no>e an>l fare. Mi llo|iknu- es.-apesl unhurt aui Mr l.illey only suffers I minor Kru.-r- «n his face. All the Mouixtel were tak - to the home of Mr llopkln. where Raftsral ar.d surgical attention was i Hen by doctors Saunders. Warren. Yil as>l Smith wick Neither Mr. llopkln-. nor M I :Ury Could see any rraon why the acrilm ] should have occurred >«> they say The inalieations us shown by the po-ilwv of the two cars were that Mr !!->;• k.ri- was drivini; on the rigt.i sode «f th? road ami that Mr Ijlley cot a»o.o and bended him off, both rar* beif.jr on tl.«- riirht stile of the :usl tonarl Jamt-.svi!le whrn the c!a*h ! aj»|»*itel. although it apfarv>i Mi 1 -dl« ) luul ai»|>le rom on hi. .sir of the road to i» kt m a-t have b»-eii trouh'e ln )| r | diet*. .Iranis. pear. While the injurie> of Mrs il-|dui at»l Mrs. l.illey are nut vecy serious they are very pu*nfnl STATE COLLEGE SHIMMER SCHOOL Noted lYofessors To Teach at the Sum mer Session 'I he Mate College Keewa » • - tadeal in>orn>ati.n c*. a* t QIS« R> _r to e offered, inruthr- it Uw facs: y an I other infori ati>>r> aluot ;te !X1 Summer .vinwl, Jytir l»- Jot - A. I-k.: n.nif fn in the tribut->i AcconiiitK to liirevt-** T 1. Broon, -lu.l> of Ike txait :m iJi «-rve to Coli.-ct an imp.'> ion which mar>y |«»>|de rem to k_.r securel, i.aiirly that only al Courses will h. olfere»c T# -e courses inak - up only a roil n*rt of the Summer Sclvud n-uulsa Courses of College ,i>k « iil h' g.v ---n in practically ail >sljMt las.-kt during the regular se. »« wlri.rn the nainber of student- ITTI U.IS/ for fiich courses is ljf/>- ra. .r»t to ju>::fy the work. Tbeie courses are oprit to aay h«*h -CTW>. gra«tuate, or perssn of eqntal •I'aal.f.-aitor.s, and ma. court either toward college credit, or jtdiac credit on certificate. There will he general p.ofe-iuul CUUMS fcr teach ers, and in ad«lition .-peeial nrthdi courses for Hi/b Schal teachers aaod principals. Science teachers, teachers of industrial arts and (do cation, nrxi teachers of arnrvllaie: For the professional ooies ia science-teaching, the nam.' ckul a» very fortunate in seersrine l"r> frswr Carfield A. Rowden. of the I'oivers ity School. Cniversity of Ce'JMti, a main of large erpeiaem c in- reaeh-ng and supervising sriraee. in irla »ls he low colloge grade, as well as an author of hooks aa science for iccon dary schools Professor Edward W 80-hart, who nnes to the Collece from fharasro University to give the nsnei ■ In dustrial Education and late trial ? rt -1 has had a valuable experience ia tin field, as teacher aad inp« ni or ar some of the best ecpiipped hirh schwL ' of the country. espacsaßy a tha ' Wht Technical High Sdaaal. off One land, Ohio. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERTRISF Tin puti of Mr- J L ar- j tide e U* U~t bsar of The Kntfr pn*e mh.tr> >u>- iKi: laJ n.-t piwM>i to »w in a builomt cn 1 Wi-L&gctjc Stnrr? wrspMsl b» I" O M.—rr in; l Wk(ar>. .-i»i that "* h»i bo ustntKir of tnovir.sr. i> n«>T j •wl. a n>ukr and an Irs*, bat is a ' tow-down. ranraoe. dirty I* H? ru>ir ii* wiK ana in the i>nr»- fror of ij* OjiiKvr of l"o~nirrrf, that "!f r*t.t for him ar*i prfjur' for j ton a "-astabV place lr. th* o»d t". O I 1 N-wrr and Company hwilaiir r that he| Wjai-i r ai*t br in t?-e »av ■ a lur:mai¥ bu^!. . !>ut v .auhf > rwf is t»w bc-V - -» .ii - i '.v h. ' ■ a&» It? It* KaHn r to . - « >;ne rrrr a&*. (f* Haw 1: |!uilt i : iar _ - I Now. t! Mr IVfc l> not .frtlf rat. a»> hi- informant-, all . tf ■ linwi if ai4i it us(ftrr>loal. arc I Lr-vm anr Ix 4 roillraira m.«'js4 t«> •e »*vis*e Hon. a»i Maior c.af« not i (r Mr l"«rfV wl. t!-~*i «r tH- tn t -Xr -«r*si Kail takr s u| h ' ourselves I i to -*v that he dor- ■. t out Aial if i *r farJ its «ir attempt, then > c shall |ntaml) try to -or that M- Iv-lr 'aiakr- hi- ln:i> fr -m now on m V. :1 Jiaa-tae ie thr frmrlri hu-!».---o- an-' 'sao* Ibr l>|BM lie h.-- hrre toforw. a- »r ar* advi-*»i at*! Wi*vf m»lr hi- lnua -r!1in«; lii|a r '•••rr cj» Mam S:mt. u«iri tKr ran « ■ of a "Jrwrfrj . which in art r**r will he -l«'|*pnl O'MMITTEK OK t IIAMBKK OF COM V. F lit K 1 « \«r t IKE GIKLS ENJOY infltMntSJ-KMI A"! Mill 1 Several of the mrmbrr- of thr It \,k|> lur cu!> ftjvmi an afirnwun panic at thr I'jnkl .nnl Stat "I Mil! •la-t .-vatiuda) firiiii-» a?iai !■■■■>.' (inr m 1 u «rJ« -ml iwi ' 'kunl by a aoo-t airlyr*.'. ful m al. *1 rttiiklimr *«» Mi e V r* ' lr.np*t> l"i.tt»r |ji.v4i>l >ii fiinr Sykr-. f"l»r:-ti!« IV»vl. v t" ilrttrtt. (ilvlii. linijanyii f" 1W t: ilt.-l irlr l- ia -lr M- r- A r t l.a-Mll. Jr. C D « ar-Sarp:.. a. Jr . 'ta'.MMki T.fW. ' l-arlr U>l .in. Jr jtt-td H.fh i! uelex;ailis iicuM rai - i.ts IKK T *i«» Mi l I HKKI N'EXTSATI KADY MAY 17 . «rVal- 'tvu liar riot I • trict ,of the hAato |»i«»rr.- a—«- I j sill ill « WiCaa - -J i Ma f 17th at t 'ciir «. I-«V >r tin J > *-f «4rr.lai£ a it.lK '.of - .11.1 : ltd* Aufkwt. The dsstri -t i r.» Ipaa-nd of Ikr »»«!«*■ Ile-Vafot", j l>r» r. |j.ie». ■ I*. lini fir.l ini I Mxta*. fkr 'rm M-t'. .i «.«nl) , _re. S. T I vriHt. C. t r>i«f o% , * Ai; • M.T V» iu. iluu-. M IVrk «a>i A t -- I- Mr II V —kJb of l*inr Tip.-. N. ,- !« i ti«- (-nr-ri.t a«irwtor of tba.- . u _ -»r 7 Airaar*. Wdliau C- llarlrll. !»..>-i r it.* at akJ llaf irll k/t thl nw.r.i M. f«r Ukluoj alal other .\i lti*l r y -a ta. t Mr Utaaii IVrl wa- a >a.-. lor u> l t«.a> tola). Mr ka>■■! wta.tr of thr Uil « LaiaOta Ttli p>ii n» 4 it, r I—o *. tlr- o iriiifc/ g Mr- M k Pait-r aia-1 Mr- K. I* • ' ■■ ■ Muton-i to Wa.-ia.i>Ktoii tki> aftmwa k Mr aat Mr - Jala I. l:««lr n anal J -iakiMtr ia-itr>i fimal- i.a Kik) i Mwi t Surfaj c Mr- Ana lla« r a-t-'i S'unalay r m. Tarhn mNh Mr ainl Mrs! A. !• u M:rHJr - b Mr Z. H 1:..-* aill -jarraat .a.«nor -4 r*« m Kalrtrk ■% Mr aol Mr- T It. Hraiaalon -pri.t i- thr »r»k r»l u. Siom Hill vt-ita!.. fm4- ■ Mr M C "»>«o aftrr »jwi>>ii-i* ,4. ho hii#)n n » .Vr* Vork hi« r«- r tanH to hi* yoh on thr hifrh«~«v. (. Mr llrary laaoarl of thr I a aal Stataa Bill n» in torn th>- g m—aimg- y Mn J. D. VmM and Mr-, ilk m H. Haiiiiw atttbM thr rfh4 uu , MMtatat ia Kirrrtt- Fraiay Mn Dtmrt of the Chriiiiar m Vmm's Board of Missions is in to* i y. CWiataaa CVarrh She u thr the jrvr-t , a# thr Bntt hatri , jj Mr. aid Mn- Zmo Lyons, Mr. Harry r C nfMi aad Ed Br on n of Ayd^i u iM Mr. ami Mn- W. B Watt j. Dr. Eifliii> of Itorrh orivillr wa- Mr. Ilrrhrrt haarr af Wadiia /ti. WATCH THE LABEL ON YOU* I'AIEK. rr THE DATE VOl K SI BS Kll'. ION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 JAMIISVILLE TO HAVE A THREE ; DAY (HAITALQUA i To Beirin May 24 and \\ ill Offer Two l*ro- Daily j Pa.\-;.:r- C!usu»iua »i!l present ja thrw iiav. frs'.jval at Ja.Dr>ville : i be\rinnirtit May "i! an; en-iir.r the ■ ;rth 1 ! Tha-re will 6-' er.r-c-rt - Mil in the * aflrrmkHi anal evenir.ir ai>i will lr held in the Jsrr«riilf h:yh «i»ol au -1 .litorium Thr pr-«ifram fa>r tnr fir-t .lay con sist.- of a nialr nuartrt «-f Huston anal ' I'r Harrv H.b-thmar.. law\er. writer, anai lecturer The : iay"s pro jrran liia-'u 'r- the HerWr*. Spratrue | f»la>er> »it.i 11.-rarrt at. S an jail tar a>! of pr«fr- ...nai actors. ! Thr > « •!! prr-rnt a .-rr act co meaty Jtr the aftrrrrv.r ■ i»-jr! anal an ar tistic re\ival of Was' .;t**n Irvinn's nia-trrp>rc.-. K:p \. - U'inkie, the quaint o!i Amrnc; n » . -The sec on-i day lertur.-r. I»r .a r! 11. Mar tin. p«>pu!ar j:m >» -Si V n :n:nistrr of Wa-hinet«»«. I» t v. ill prrsent two forci-f-a! arwi ii;tr'-- ■•r:r locturr - The pr.-eram for tl • third atay is •luitr unu-uai an»i Ca.i - t_- of Edi'h Marshall l'u r k _ N.-vrCaampatiy a .« rea-linirs. -«.prar.«> an-i ortl*- >olos an*l Sauphone -rlfrtkvi-. SwJI handbelL anal fa.-rinatiriK mu>ac.il lyre. This Company l- from I!, ton arsal is well , know throughout titr country. The third .lay lerturrr. I»r AiWn M H\ie. . a trrat !«rtur. r aiio l»- -j» krn l>r • for* thou-anat- a»f » aOt.-uajua audirn ce* in e\er>. part «f !K» country will , -peak. Thr erttrrr comir-uiai -n araal near Janir-ville will ha..' iW ••pfwrtuiiity of attcruiinir a full ; r«— lay proeram of clrai: a'sl n tert.alii mrrit VK M. h. IN U lilXl Mr U h larkri liat an. auto.rv hile accialent r.i_iit while en ' r«»utr to tt a-hmirta i! Hie nir turnr>l w*er in a -titch hat Mr Parker was not 'reriamly but pa.:.fal!y hurt atxi ' haal t«« I* farrio! to th.- .va-' h.a-pdal »Krrr kr i- ij.-» oaiivalr. •- injr M«--sr«. 11..«.-!! ia,! Albert Wa.is w.arth «.f \. w IVni sprnl the week end in loan with *--!-.t>-.r-. Mr W C. Minr i !rft this m.'iii in»c for Norf.dk Mr abl Mr- I I. l-iwar.l- ami littlr sor -|n-nt S«i*u> with relatives in Kinston 1 Mr Jack Rrt.l of l iiikaiitl. t.a in tow n this morr.i- r Mr T t*. Cwk c.f l! rky M -ui.t -pent the werk-etrl l.«re »ith his fani ' fly Mr Charlr- I>ikc- vi-ited his maathrr • dunne thr werk end Mrs. /. 11. BCo-ap- ai.l M«-- Maiiraret Everett, -prnt thr wrrk rn-l in Kocky Mafunt with Mi—r- ||>ll-j an | llr.'h.i ■ Kate Ward Mev-rs C. A. Ilarri-on an.l iMnnis Taylor ma.tr a busier - tup io Nor f«Jk Fraiay rrturnir.ir Sunday night Mr an.l Mr- l^a : pl> Johfts.ni an.l littlr .lauirKter. Iraixr of Norfolk visited friends in W iliia-nston over ' H* wwk-rifci Mrs J. hnx n wa- form 1 rry Miss Iflattir hirhy a f \\ liliams tcn Mr Jordan Waral ina k* a laL-iness • trip to Norfolk Saturday. Mr an.l Mrs tljrde > atrr- of Ay drn -pel.t San-iay i:i tnra Vl* it in* i rrlatue- Miss Martha Itakln • pf Allien is Vf.-ituiK Mrs- A. J. Hua>kc at her • home in New Tow n Mr. an.l Mrs J. I_ \Yil2tains spent I Sun.la) with Mr atsl Mrs. L J." t'laapmar. ui tir.fion i ' o lIIK in: M«* KA'IIC Utl IJtS OF THE Stt lINU SEN A ! OKI AL . UhsTlUtT: . I hrre; auwiarr £;>. 'if a eavwii •latr for tie £k« a f S.atr .Staaur • I- ire the p. U. lv held on Jtuir Tth Ile>l 'Ui-; la.j:» |i ilertrd. to -taial k|>4. •.'* leißMtatic plat ' form a*l to virk fj» ihe best in terest a«f »lar s «:|!e af District and State A. J LiX JWa STKANI) THcATRE » i> Wfliac Uaa, X. C. c e t TONIGHT lad M.a u! ludT y . Srlaicfc S —WEDNESDAY— TV SfHkn" is By Rex Bctck i Sm darla IMp ,i*.

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