ADVERTISERS WILL PDiD OUR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM HOMES OF MAOTX COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 27 HON. E. F. AYDLETT SPEAKS TO VOTERS OF THE COUNTY Receives Numerous Ap plauses at Farm Life and Bear Grass . Mr. E F. Aydlett of EUzabtth City. ctjMiidato f»r* from th ■fL ?t conptMioul iletnrt, spake at tht- Farm Life school in GnAa's township Wednesday night. ' There was a large cro«.i and the iwwifil numerous applauses throughout ku speech. There was a denaastntMO of much enthusiasm expressed when Mr. Rob! L Coburn. a local attorney, who in troduced him. reviewed the history of Mr. Aydlett'.- services- in behalf of the Democrat* Party, which began over forty years ago when he was a plow boy in Camdea County Mr. Aydlett was very frank in hl address. and assured his hearers that he did not iesire to take an} unfair advantage of his opponents to win the nomination He emphasucd the need of economy any honest) in our government affairs, and equal justice to all without discrimination to :tny section or class and (Mps him-«elf to procure that class of legislation if v'ected to cwnnss that mill t every interest in this district. Mr. Aydlett is, of coane, a '.ell known lawyer, but be «*> reared and lived on the farm until he was 24 years old ami knows from actual e*- perience about the candle-light '•** fast ami the fanner's 14 hours a day. Mr. E F- Aydlett spoke at Bear Grass last night to a audience. His speech was favorably reeei* ed, ami heartly apflalei Mr. Aydlett will speak at Uak City tonight at 8 o'clock and at Roherson ville tomorrow aftemnon at 3 o*cl«k. SUMMER SCHOOL IS ASSURFD The require.) number of tesM+en. for the Martin County Sunrr Sdiool has been secured, application* ha\ :nr. been Sled with Supt. It A. Pope It is expected that the session will be gin about the 'tcond week m Jii», but the exact date cannot be an nounced at the present. Teachers v.ho however w3l enter can begin to arrang for boarding places in Williams*on. where the school is to be heM The term is for six weeks, and the pros pects are fine for a swees-ful w .rk in the preparation of teachers for school room duties. A Smser in the County has sunt advarita *es for the teachers whose certificates are to be raised or nw aedi. ami »ith proper co-operatioe the nuinr t« rra will merit the approval of all on ce rned. J. A. TOLEY ELECTED LEADER OF TAMMAM HALL J. A. Toley has been elected Wad er to saeceed the Into Charles F. Murphy, who ruled it so succe-ssf jlly for many years. We know liUic of Mr." Foley, he seems however U# be very popular as be received prac tically a unanimous vote of the ex ecutive committee m the election. It would probably have been b« iter if Tammany had died with Mur;ifay, ami .!oubtle>o New York City w..u!d have profited even mare. TO LOAD CAR OF COt LTV Y The Coaaty Agent in Washia- ton is to load the secand car of pmltry on May the 2Mb, and any one u. this 4 County who has poultry to sell can sell the in there that day. The prevadmig price it, roo. ters 10 cents per pound, bens 2* cents per • pound. Braylers 42 cents acd fryers 2S cents per pound | Any aae TJesinag to sell poultry notify County Agent Washington or T. a Brandon, County Agnl W Oliam ston, N. C. Friends of Mrs. J. L Woolard are glad to know that sJhe is convalescing rapidly now aal she hopes to be out again ini a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brwua and Mrs K. B. Crawford wewtf to Jam* rille to visit Mrs. Ilcibcit Lflley *Vn» Mr. Pertie Perry mi Tarbora baa been in town this week visitiaig his mother, Mrs. N. T. Perry ami shaking hands with his maay friends Dr. and Mrs. G. C Godwia and little as. Graver, arrived yesterday Harry lamn speatt Tharsday after- Lan Hassefl and Dr. T. Ryu Boyd "IT • tba n at Sue's Beach last aagbt y He fa Illin t A tba Atlantic where ♦ b* tested -eA Omfmt ahray. art THE ENTERPRISE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS AT COURTHOUSE Consider Petition Call ing For Special Tax Election The County Board of Education met at Call of Chairman K. B. Crawford on the 15th of May for the purpose of considering a petition calling for Special Tax Election. The petitions** weie qualified voters of Spring Green District. This petition had been before the Hoard on last first Monday, but action was delayed until Thursday, the 15th for the purpose of hearing all parties concerned and canvassing the strength of the signers,, The pe titioners were asking that their chil dren be admitted to Gold Point Spec ial School Tax District on the same terms as the present |uirticiuators in the privilege of Gold Point School. It, however, appeareo that out of fear that the voters of one of the larger school units might, by out voting tltem, compel the (Nitrons of Spring Green to be annexed to their district, this petition was born. As soon as it was explained that each district has the determination of its destiny until the financing of the district becomes impossible, a second petition was pre sented asking for the withdrawal of the first. Then the representatives of the surrounding special tax districts re assured the patrons of Sprint? Green that no efforts at compulsion were in tended; rather that any or all of the children in Spring Green District were extended an invitation to enjoy the privileges of the larger schools at no cost to them. The patrons of Spring Green District thought this a splendid attitude, and expressed a desire to as sist in paying the way of any high school pupils sent u> adjoining dis tricts for the seventh and eighth month, and foresaw that the time would come when there woul-l lie a >ufScient number of high school , pu pil.-. going to adjoining special tax districts to warrant the holding of an election for special tax in Spring Green District. All parties seemed satisfied, arid after other routine busi ness was transacted, the meeting ad journed. A NOTE OF THANKS On behalf of the cyclone sufferers of Martin Coui.ty ami of the American Red Cross we extend to the people of William .ton and the adjacent com munity our hearty thanks for their generous contribution to our local re habilitation fund. rC-" The Willianiston g.ft is merged with gifts from other towns, individual contributions from citizens of the country, contributions front churches and clubs, and from the National Red Cross. This fund is taking on larger proportion- and we tru.-l will toon be adequate to meet the great needs in the wake of the storm. I'p to this date careful investiga tion shows that one hundred families have been affected by the disaster. Many of these have suffered a loss of all their belongings. With the assist ance of your gift the immediate need* such as food clothing, shelter and medical aid have been supplied and the Real Cross committee is now busy in its attempts to establish the farm ers on a more permanent ha si;;, in rr der that there may be as little check in the farm work as possible. We are glad to announce that by the noble generosity of our neighboring towns the suffering and inconvenience, caused by the storm disaster have been reduced. Again thanking you for your contri bution, we remain Very sincerely,l J." H. ROBEKSON, Jit, Chairman. Martin County Disaster Relief Com mittee Robersoaviile, N. C. May 14. 1!>24 VICTIMS OF AUTO CRASH ARE IMPROVING RAPIDLY Mrs. Herbert Lilley of Jamesville and Mrs. John N. Hopkins of Wil liams township arc both rapidly im proving from injuries received last week when their autos crashed to gether. The condition of both of these women were considered rather serious at first hot are both oat of any danger. Mr. Nello L. Teer of Durham, head of the construction company now building the road between Williams ton and Plymouth was in .town yes terday. Messrs. Louis Bennett, John Rodg erson, Hugh Hotfon, Perlie Perry and Julian Anderson attended the Norfolk Rocky Mount hall game in Rocky Mount yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Daniel of Oak City was in town yesterday. I Willianiston, Martin County, NDrth Carolina, Friday, May 16, 1924. IMR. PEEL REPLIES TO STATEMENT I IN PREV IOUS ISSUE Asks Committee That Names Be Pub lished Mr. Editor: Judging from the statement in your • last issu eof The Enterprise signed • by. The Committee uf The Chamber i of Commerce. It looks as if I have rubbed their fur the wrong way and i started them to howling. 1 want it understood now, that 1 am , willing and ready to stand with The Chamber of Commerce in any pro gressive movemnet they wish to make, and would gladly move my business! if they would get Pie a desirable place to move into. 1 have the highest regard and respect for the Chamber of Commerce as a whole. It is> composed of some of the very best character and most honorable citizens of our town. I be lieve they have mine and th« town's best interest at heart, but as all other organizations, there are a few. low down Contemptible Curs, who slip in and tr;> to corrupt the m rals and run the affairs under fictitious names for their own gain and glory. Now because « 1 am man enough to stand up for my rights and not !«* run over by a few of just such charac ters ns these and rail roaded out of my place without my consent, 1 am maliciously blackguarded 1 have the utmost contempt for them and will just consider the source, I don't think I have ever been accused of stealing, as doubtless some of them have, i Neither do I or. The Chandler of Commerce know the names of this Committee of The Chamber of Com merce, and if they are gentlemen or any better than they think me, they will publish their names in full in your paper, so we all may know who they are ami let the public • be the Judge. People who live in glass houses cannot throw stones. r'*" Yours truly, (Signed) J. J'EKL. Williainstoh, N. C. May 16, 1!»24. JAMES VlLLfs SCHOOL' WILL BE SCENE OF CHAUTAUQUA -RIP VAN WINKLE- WITH HER BERT SPRAGI'IC v 1" \an in tie." by Y ashing '-on Irving, is me of America's greatest classics. Two men have lieen respon sible for its unusual success as a . drama now known over the world for its great It . sons of truth and sobriety. These two men are Joesph Jefferson, the great actor who is long since dead, and Herbert Sprague, upon whose shoulilers t!ie mantle of Jef ferson has fallen. The people fef Jamesville and community are espec ially fortunate, therefore, in having Mr. Sprague and his company of play ers on the second afternoon and night of the Raddiffe Chautauqua this year, and to have an opportunity of seeing this famous American classic given under the direction of Mr Sprague himself. In the sfternooti, the Sprague I'lay ers will present a fascinating one act comedy called "The Duel." and which is full of intense dramatic situations. At night they will give the great *'»r "'I. ! nu'a, "Rip Van WiiiVJe," in wii.cli Sprague will take the part of "Rip" and Floy Mahan Sprague the part of his scolding wife, "Greth en." They will lie supported by Miss • Eunice Di'ier and Mr. John Stine, lioth of whom are splendid actors, ;.nl\tlie entire play of four acts will lie given from Joseph Jefferson's original manu script. The Chautauqua Committee is glad to welcome this imivoation on the Radcliffe Chautauqua programs, and hopes that everybody will avail him self of this opportunity to hear and see ari eminent artist and actor. Seas on tickets are now being offered for sale by the several guarantors, and every one is urged to purchase enough for himself and his family. Jamesville shows its progre.-si venes* in having the Radcliffg Chautauqua visit there this season and no doubt but the entire community will take ad vantage of the opportunity of seeing 1 the various programs offered. .The Chautauqua will lie in the Jamesville High School auditorium and two programs daily will be offered one at 3 in the afternoon and "the other at 8 p. m. Tickets on sale by the following guarantors, M. C. Jack son, 0. G. Carson. W. W. Walters, J. E. Smithwick, C. A. Askew, R. 0. Mar tin, J. F. Martin, Mrs. I- C. Pharo, E I! Ange, H L Davis, G. L Cooper, W. J. Holliday, Mrs W. H. Martin, A. J. Holliday and by an extra com' mittee of yonng ladies composed of Misses Leotine Davenport, Marie Hedrick, Opal Brown, Irene Tetter ton and Lovie Padgett. INTER-CLASS TRACK MEET HELD Seniors Nose Out Fresh ies By Lone Point When Frederick Hoyt, the last run ner in the relfcy race brushed by Ira Harrison and John Booker ami secur ed first place for his team in, this event, the Seniors grabbed the title of school champions from the Frosh who up to that time hail l>een lead ing in the inter-class track meet hoi,l at the local school grounds on Wed nesday afternoon. Intense interest had been manifest by the various classes of the school throughout the entire ! contest. The flnal score by classes was. Seniors 34, Freshmen 33, Sophomores 18, Juniors 16, The palm fop stellar individual work goes to Frederick Hoyt who was in strumental in «ecuring twenty-five of his class' thirty-four points. This versatile track artist took first place in the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard "Ttfish, the standing broad jump, the running broad jump and wound up the afternoon's entertainment by bring ing home the bacon in the relay race. The only othef entries in the meet from the senior class were, Pat tie Harris, Myrtle,, Wynne, and William Hodges. Before spraining her knee badly in the broad jump, Pattie Harris had added to her team's total by tak ing first place in the 50-yard dash. This injury, early in the meet, left the graduating class with only three en tries, making their victory all the more remarkable. What the Froshies lacked in speed and experience, they made up in sheer weight of numbers. They were en tered ill each event several times and were especially successful in the humorous contest. However thty had one strong man, Ira Harrison, who was second in individual scoring with a total of 15 1-2 points, '1 lie girls of the ninth grade W ere the leaders in bloomer events, taking IK out of a possible total of 33 points. The v#fy smalt attendance on the part of townspeople was decidedly diappoinfing to the entire school. However there were almut twenty win* felt like venturing out to see what their children were doing. The events were contested as fol lows: 100 yard dash (Boys)— Frederick lioyt (11);-Ira Harrison (8); John Booker (10). 50-yard dash (Girls) —i'attie Harris (11); Melissa Andrews (0); Myrtle Wynne (11). Shot But (Boys)-—Ira Harrison (8); Kli Itarnhill (H); James 11. Ward (8). Hall Throw (Jirls) —Vivian Taylor (Id); Kvelyn Harrison (9); I-ettie Jones (8). Kgg Race (Hoys)— Fred Taylor (101 Potato Kace (Girls) —Trulah Ward Page (9). Standing Broad Jump (lioys) Frederick Hoyt (11); William H Ige-i (11); Kli Bamhill (8); Ira Harrison (8). Standing liroad Jump (Girls) —Me- lissa Andrews (9); Kvelyn Harrison (9); Trulah I'age (9). Potato Kace (Boys)— John Wads worth (8). Running Broad Jump (Boys) Frederick Hoyt (11); Ira Harrison (8); John Wadsworth (8). Wheelbarrow Kace (Boys)-—Charles Beele and Henry Manning (8). 220-yard dash (Hoys)—Frederick Hoyt (11); James H. War I O); Ira Harrison (8). Sack Kace (Boys)--Fro I Taylor (10). Horseshoe Contest (Boys)— Tom Crawford am l Charles Be-'o i 8). Horseshoe Contest (GirU) - lai i. Orleans and Margaret Manning (10). Relay Race —Winning Team (Uth grade) composed of Frederick Hoyt, William Hodges, Myrtle Wynne and I'rulah Page. WHAT MR. GREEN SAYS AliOlT THE EM FKPRISE President of Bank of Winterville Keep:. I'osted on Martin's Doings By Reading Enterprise We print in part Mr. Green's letter The Enterprise, Williamston, N. C. 6 . (ientlemen: •**l enjoy reading your GOOI> paper ai.d it keeps me pouted, and by talking with some of tbe people who live in Martin County, I find I nm better ported on Mar tin County doings than some re siding in. the (»unty, and this goes to show thaf jour paper is giving the NEWS and in detail. Yours truly, J. E. GREEN. May 14, 1924. LOST—ONE TENNIS RACKET IN Town of Williamston on Watts St. or near by. Return to Enterprise and receive reward. Lost May 13. TUESDAY A BUSY ) DAY IN THE RE CORDERS COURT Women Fight Over Mem ber of Opposite Sex 1 The Recorders Court's regular sc. - | sion was held last Tuesday morning > with Judge Smith presiding and Mr. f Elbert S. Beel prosecuting. 1 The first cas? was the State vs Bud Manning for operating an auto while intoxicated. The )1.-»fend;:nt not b: t after the evidence was heard the court adjudged him guilW and he was fined $. c 0 ami the cost or " the action. ' The second case was the State vs Delha Green, lV.ttie Green, Alice Wig gins, lxiuvenia Wiggins and Tom ' Yout g for an art'ray. The women in the case were fighting over one certain member of the other sex and Tom Young was trying to part them. They were fined in proportion to their ac ' tivities in the art'ray. The Ihirtl case was F. M Johnson for failing to dip cattle. Braver for judgment was given and the case was continued until the first Tuesday in t . June. The next case was the State against Herbert Manning for carrying a con j coaled weapon. Manning plead not | guilty, but the court found that he j was and the judge Sentenced him to] ll.p roads for a term of three months, j sentence he appealed to' the Superior ('dirt and his bond was fixed at I The State's next case was against j Herbert Mooring for assault with dead I ly weapon. He also plead not guilt> j I and was found guilty and he was sen tenced to the roads for a term of five ' months to l»> used in Kdgecomlw county. In the civil coin t the case of ('. T I 'eel against Jesse Keel was passed upon. It was decided by the court that the plaintiff was entitled to the pos ' session of the property described in the proceedings and that the defend ant vacate the premises before Jan. I, 1924. The next case on the civil docket * was the Planters and Merchants Hank against 11. 11. Cowen and Leslie Fow J den for payment of a certain note. It was decreed by the court that the defendants pay the amount of the note ' and costs of action. The last case was that Anna Harris vs W. C. James for the procuring of tobacco sticks to tbe amount of $Jf». It was decreed by tbe court that Anna Harris was the rightful owner of the sticks. ! "The Minister's Wife's ( New Bonnet" Tuesday i "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" will be presented Tuesday night, May |2O at the City Hull. The proceeds of . the play will be given for the pro motion of the Williamston ISapti-l !Aid Society. The entire fu..t - ill le 1 iclected from local U.lcnt. I This movement i for a j-ood cause land should receive the patronage of the entire town ami r..nn:iui..>;,. I Don't forget.the dat and make your ; 1 ' J'OI RTNKY'S ItlG Ft'RNITI'RE TOMOHKOW [ 11. S. Courtney's big furniture ...tie i will begin tomorrow, May the 17th and; will end Saturday, May the 31st. This* will be a mammoth sale, the hirge»l ever conducted by Mr. Courtney and | i will give those desiring new summer j furniture a chance to get same at a t , greatly reduced price. 'I hey have lie- ' . come overstocked evffn in their new i quarters and want to make room for , (new goods so they have decided to I give their friends and customers i.oiiip real bargains in appreciation of their past patronage. The sale will begin promptly at 9. o'clock. ' Mrs. J. 11. Roliertson returned Wednesday from Robersouville where . she spent the past week. Mr. Hen Worsle,y of Oak City at tended the meeting of the Hoard of Education here yesterday. Prof. E. N. Riddle was here from Hamilton today on business. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Warner spent several days in Windsor this week, visiting friends. Mrs. Arthttr White and little daugh ter have returned from a visit to Beaufort County. Mr. A. 1,. Raynor and little son were in town yesterday morning for a short time. M rs. James G. Staton attended a j district meeting of the Fphcopal Church in Creswell Wednesday. While ' there she was the house-guest of Mr. . and Mrs. Harry G. Walker. Hon E. F. Aydlett was in town yes j terday morning. ■ - -V- , ' I PEANUT ASSOC IA TION HOLDS ITS ANNUAL MEETING | Same Policy as Followed ; Last Year to lie Fol , lowed this Year I Tiie annual meeting of the Peanut *.irowers Association of North Carolina anil Virginia was hel.l at Suffolk W eil nesday, May 14th. The meeting was well attended, an.l was, perhaps, the most satisfactory one the Association ever hell. The receipt of peanuts .luring last season was much smaller than for ' "Hny previous year, .yet the busines . of the Association is in Iwtter shaiie than it has evvr been. Ibis year's experience is conclusive proof that th» farmers can i.iill ami'sell -their ovvr. peanuts. It further presents i fact that cannot l>e denied that ti*e As scM'iati'Mi has established a good '>r'ci to the outside farmers for tn • The heavy strain thrown ..11 ,> , ...i ket last season which heM up umi. !it without a break was simply mar velous and showed that buyers can do if they will The same tenera! pol:c> will l> followeil during the r.'"j I season a was carried out in 192". Or. Clarence I'oe iiml Professor T E. I'roWn of Raleigh ami Mr Hutch ■ in son dean of the Department of Vgri I culture of Virginia, all, made »plciulin I addresses during the meeting J Ihe date of holding the anm.a' j meeting was changed from tin- sccono I Wednesday in May to the second Wed I nesday in August. IML SAM SMALL TO ; SPEAK SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHURCH Hear !>r. Sam \V. Miuill" at the Memorial l.aptid Church, Sundax May IS, S:On IV M. Subject—"America, the M«~es Na tion of the Age." Or. Sam \V Small, a- convert «■ Christianity in one of Snnie Jone meetings, was afterward a teamm;' 1 of this famous evangelist In additio. to his woik as Evangelist in v.hic'-. • field he was rcmarkabl) successful He has been editor of the Atlanta -Con stitution and has lieen for a iiuiitlw of years a noted and successful Chan tauipia lecturer. Williamston is fortunate to have s. versatile man as Or Small to spend : night here and address (lie people iii the interests of Civic Rigtlieousness. INI ANT OIKS AFTER A XllOItT II I NES' Walter Rudolph, the two monti olil son of Mr and Mrs. .1 Walte (iurgauus died yesterday afternoo, after a short illnesi. The burial was at the Swain Crav, Vard at Saints delight Church u Washington county this afternoon. i: VIM IST CHINCH NO I ES umlay school S»:-I.Y Morning worship 11 IHI ! IA . .li.i ; ..ervicc S CO. Mo; lon, !•«•/ wa.-> observ'-i in ilr ."•unlay School last Sunday v. ith a banner o,|Yi ing of (84141 for the (lap t. t llosp.tal at Winston-Salem. It *.;■> a p! ndid way to'' Hi.' day ;.nd pastor and people rejoic ■ the * iiering was so good. Sunday night a special Community !> .vice will lie held al the ilapti I j Church. The speaker. Or. Sam W. , Small is one of the outstanding ora tors of the day His lecture. "America, jibe Nation of the AM*" .will lb? a rha'lenge to the 4»>'&d ami In art lof everyone who is fortuifti-c eiioueli to bear him.' It I- SHIRI.EV, Pastor. METHODIST PARSONAGE BE|N« KKNO\ \TEO i The Methodi.,t parsonage is being ! renovated. The old porch has been ( torii away and a new one will l»e con structed and the IIOU.M- will BE paint ed in a short time. M'Cl.ariolte Wood of Kdenton is visiting her niece, Mrs. S. R. ltiggs Jr. and Mr. Biggs at their home on Watts street. Sir. and Mrs. O. K. Hardy of Haiti more and Asheville were the week-end guests of his brother, Mr. W. 11. Hardy and Mrs. Hardy at their home on Haughton street. Mr. George Roberson and children of Norfolk are visiting Mrs. liober ■on's sister, Mrs. J. W. Andrews and Mr. Andrews in New Town. Mrs. J. S. Rhodes ami Messrs. Jack Biggs and Julius Slade Peel attended the ball game in Wilson Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogurt anil little daughter. Miss Sallie Small wood Bogmrt of Washington visited Mrs. Sallie Biggs on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. E Warren and Miss Sophie Little left this afternoon for Rich mond to stay until Sunday. WATCH THE LA UK I. ON U>U:« * I'APER. :T KKIES TUE DATE VOIR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 r - ... - -» TOBACCO GROWERS i MEETING TO BE * J HELDTOMORROW i Delegates of Five Cojn i ties Will M eet at Court House at 12 O'clock t I A district meeting of the Tobacco II t!rnw?rs Association will be held at - j the court house Saturday at 12 o cloek. I The delegates recently elected to at y tend 'lie district n.celiac composed of jlhe counties of lieaufort, l!ert>e. Edge t | combe, Hertford and Martin will as rjsemhle at the court house in Wiliium . 'ston tomorrow for the purpose of I ,electing a director in the Tobacco ;t;ro.-.ers A i-ociation from the first i North Carolina District I lie dele ~i!e. . ho will elect have t hi- u chosen by th;» membership at i large. Member of tb" A.-Mei i .lion express ■ ii*•; by ballot bis j-i: nc.» t! " matter. There i> i>> >r..anizji .l party founded on m>re li;«»r - principles tl an the Tob.ieco \ -ociation TlCe '!:-ectors ;> :ir>* chosen to serve t>at i - year. Every *I• •t. , • of 'he bii.-ine>- • vt the V oc'ii'. i i under the-' lirect -U|S!i v i - o ■ ■:. , It is qtrte possible tjjitL th.'.e may I : »e -one int-Uicieiicy in such a i'r«»at "• ran zati> n. Any business of the laaenitudo of the Tobacco A . i .tion i , has possibly made a few i.i .»akes. ji'be Tobacco Association can possiMy ' , eonyratlilate itself on n'akinv a few i error as any gieat husipess \er or gunized in this country has doa\ MRS. IIARRI'iI! EN DORSFS A VIM ITT |j FOR CONFESS W > 111: in -*. li. N C Max t "'. I!'2I. lo tlu l.oitor i f l'iie Knterpr. .e | Oear Mr. Editor: I have read in your paper that Mr. I E. I''. Aydlett of Elizalk tb Cii°, is a jcandidate for tli • Oeiiu; i :.'.ie namina- Ition for Congress, in the .lui'o prini |m y. I do not know . atiythiti'* about [ politics, and am not writing this let ter,to influence an\ one isd til-allv. I . As a widowed mother I simpiv want to say that 1 have had my four sons tared for and educated for ten years in the Tliomasville Orphanage, at | I bomisville. North Carolina, which h not only received the h 'arty sup- I port and personal directi« i. of Mr. j Aydlette, but its very e\i. tence is I largely due to Mr. Aydlett. aa he j is the donor of o>ie of the baildings I of the Orphanage. Kor the above riason;, it will give me great plrisuie to -upj-ott M^. Aydlette. | " (Si ji.-d) MRS. liKTTIi: IU.OWN ! IIAItIMvI.E |MR. STALLS TO HANDLE («RA Y CAR i - Stall.*. Viai age miner tl.e mauagc- I "tin nt of Mr. Stalls' lM undergoing re | pairs, and wj 11 sooa i.e ready lo re I ceive a shipment of tiiay autiaeoblle:; ill! the near future. Mr. S tin Is has suc . ceeiled in a very attractive | show room for the car.-, t | While the Cray car is not widely i known in this immediate .(fctian, it lis understood to be favorably known I where it has been introduced: |a the !o|»eiiiiig up of tli's agency, Mr. Stalls :s tpvinging an entire!) i.«w car to ijiis ir.iim diate section aiai udging | from the appearance and tuld) con- I stiuction lie will have u leialy l>uy ( i..g public for this mnv Ca Mi. (I. It. Harrison i.iede a OJ mess trip to (Jreetiville Tues-day afternoon. Mrs. W It. Watts and little daughter Hivcen N|k'nt yesterday afternoon in »j-PI) inoutli Willi Mr sinT Mr.- !P. rlllornthal. -* STRAND THEATRE y Williai 'ston, N. CL , SATLKUAY llig Hoy Wdl.a.uit in "The I'nd of the Kope"* I Ist Episode, 2nd Serieit Hlood i MONDAY JAckie Ceng a n Li i "Loiib Live 'Ffty' Kin,; * I WEDNESDAY ~ "Enemies of V, wan ' I SPECIAL PRtMiRAU AT 3 I'. M. 1 MONDAY' I JACKIE OOOGAN in I Cf.CJ LIVE THE KINO' e Children 10 cents—Adults 25 cents* tt _____ . Show starts S.-M p .m.