■——■ 1 • ■ THE ENTER HUSK! Publisher •very Tuesday » I Friday by the gNT»np«!if!r rrmis** - \*»lU»in»ton, North Cnrobo-i W. C. MANNING. Editor W. C. MANNING, JK BUS MGR. S*ib«« ripti*-T» Pric«- (Strictly Cash in Advaaee) $1.50 1 year - * 6 months - "®® 8 months 1 Entered at the Pout Office at Wil ■amston. North Carolina •« second lass matter. FRIDAY, MAY 16. 1924. A DEMOCRATIC POSSIBILITY 'Who -v 11 tie Democratic iVondnri tial candidate be? Distit.LJ - less cor tail. Is U-,e nt,.Hwer gi>'>n t*» "> a: que; 'on than to the question of Ui Rei'i Mican candidate. It is generally coii • led that Mr. McAdoo may go in to th? convention with forty-live or fift; per cent of the delegates in struct eth for him; But it is likewise con . .led that Mr. McAdoo has faded to capture the imagination either of his party or the country. Indeed. •»'> iou defection has occurred in quar ters where McAdoo support might have been reasonably expected. I h«' Democratic field is still an open one. The casual mention of Josephus Daniels, as a" possible candidate, lias sparked more public'ami partisan in terest than the political press re flect. Mr. Daniels, it is true, promptly announced that he was not a -candi date, and his state, North Carolina, did not name an;, delegtes fur him. Nevertheless hi name etHne-with the effect of light and hope to thousand of Democrat;', lie represents qualiti*' which are too in present politics. He stands for . oni" ot tin 1 best achievements in public life. In fact the naming of Dunul.. a i. v possibility threw on element into the situatioti v.hich i uiv yet have i?s*i» T "- , tant results. Every Presidential convention | oes through three stages. First .there i.- the complimentary introduction of various candidates, "fuvorite sons, "available timber," "receptive party wheel-horses," and all- the rest. I hat j over, the convention settles down into I its second stage, the fig 111 between candidates who really count. Ihe im politic thing about stlong convention candidates i. tin:', they evoke a.- strong opposition. When a convent ion readies' a deadlock tliroui li the do termination and strength of two can didates, it h-giia to slip into ii third Stage, the search for compi.. mise cund.da'e-. f>■ r "the d.nk ho. v. hose modesty h:'.- c;.atid n> on: ... lilul whose pa record render- h.ie acceptable to all lact. of: . It may be that ii the third stag, of the Deniociattc national come., the name of a nii'i like Josepiiu.- Ilaniels wjjl ionic with unifying po>\ er and carry off the nomination fa n the stronger conUnders. Spoal.' . generally, the Democrats could co: ceivably do much worse than nai • Mr. Daniels." Dehorn lmlependent. It is gratifying to sec the great leaders of our country getting to gether,. looking for some way to sup -.press the manufacture, selling and carrying of pistols. It is a great menace to the safety and peace of the people \yhen e\e>ry coward in the land has his pociiets stuffed with pistols. VFhere is much sign of someswetion The America* Bar Association recent ly gave the matter consideration Numerous bills are before Congress, dealing with the nuisance. American cowards murder more people with pistols every year than all of Kurope. The chief cause is, wc leave them so handy and in such abun dance. Cut out pistols and stop many murder*. / ' * What ia a Diplomat? Many defini tions of a diplomat have been given. Some have said a diplomat was one who could settle trouble now ajid fcaep it settled a long time. Others , 1 liave said a diplomat is one who can j stand before, your face, take for his own use the thing.; that rightly be long to you, smile himself and keep you smilinp all the time. The most recent definition is given in parable, thus, "If a gypsy horse trailer should get into high diploma tic circles, he would look buck upon ( his former life as one of honest toil." . It really looks as if mast of io«- . diplomats of today arc seeking to cheat ami rob each other. The diplomat who carries the larjr est stick and has the largest puise occupys the seat at the head of the table while the small fellow is found perched here and there on footstools and found in lowly places. Diplomacy i> good in principle but is, doubtless, pretty raw in practice. Hilly Sunday is more than a wonder For a man to travel and preach and plead with sinners the nation over and not lie absent from the pulpit in .'l2 i'eaJC. is rather remarkable. And then he d:d not give up. he was forced to stop on account of sickness. I'o! it »«•--. a- the game is being play id n, the sight of the American poo pie. is a sad exhibition of pe ly maul .•i!ne -.. A goo,l word now and _ is betti r than a million bad i i ol; S M.li: MHI d)l II i til.LONi So;, I tea n 1'i..0 >': >'' r bushel. Jo !.ua I oitrain. K I' 1 > -1 id I HI. I", !'! t Tl. • legist rat ion I!:. ■ I for Martin 'oui.ty will l;e ipeneil of tfril'ay. !nii :,rd as : iiinaif - ■ ■ t r three week- f. r the legetra i : of votes fol '•••• I'ianur;. ei. June ai'.-f"a!. o tne ... "i'!ar November ( lectioa. ou ii'iU. i . if you are nyi i'ored. as ■or cannot vote for y our'friends un- 0.... your are 'I he following named re the' registrar. 7ami-. vll lo Tov.T^frtp - Johtt D. I.illey \\ ill ams Township John X. Hopkins _jrrtt ns lownslpp Knh r: 1 ■ '•' t 'eelei '• at tira-. Town, hip J.ivia I; ,(cr . ltn..ton i'owi, hip C W . Keith r.ia.U J ■ Ay,,', lob.'r oi vill-' i' vvii '• •t. . I.i e ' M t'oif! ; • i i t. .i . • :•! ir I'o ft i'-iv nship \S i.iti nilton Township i'. A'. I . nil..nil. oi ioo.se Ne.»' Toui. I.iji T.J.'. .' : on \>r;. i. 'ectfu'ly, I. ,M. Ll IvlvAS, t iia4111...:. «' -II I ti \\. Stcnj-ii; . •'art a ' 'nuhty I!«. i: d of I!!. X'tMIMS'l K \ KlltS NO I Ml-: Having this i iay qualified a • ail . n i ; rate, T. A. of the estate of i h.ine \\ . Coltram, late of iVlai'.in • •■a' .in or before Apiil IMb. or iii'y, s'otice is hereby g.vei: to ! .. holding c'aifis a 'st s.id i state to present them fi'!' ']).Vy" 1 is noti- e will bo plead in bar of theii ■covery. All |II I - on. iiifle'ited to said estate lie ••-tjtie. teil to «.iiiie forward and • il: • immediate payment of same. V April Ml. PJIM MA\DA V I Mil I;Y. .'.linix. i' r A iii U\ Mi ll MS. It notes \«> I l«"K I ...via,: this day eualiiied a. adi.i:. »'.i::t..r of the e late «d Joseph Karly •h ei a -e.l. late of M.-.rtin County, N" rti .. ei.na. tiii- is to notify-nil |H»r.>ei... ii... . r claims against the estate of d i'e e.j to exhibit the.ni to the | •!.• i s • ;;:od on er if ; .1. V.i'J", oi th.is notic" w.i!! be r'. .1 d ir bar of t'.eir re. overy. Al! a. indebted to th.e c tate will >' "a ■ i.i :k- in n.i ! : te utttlenwt. Me ih.- L'!»tl. day \pril. 11(24. 1! A. I'AK'Y, Adininistralor o' lo Kail; , deceit -ed. r 4 29-4t NttIICKOFSAI.K l ade.- and by virtue of the author v c»i:taiiud in a certain deed of trust ■ A(."ute.i b> I J Milican on the,9th -lay of J. :.iar\ 1 anil of record in 'he public registry of Martin County in Hook C» 2, page 144.,t0 secure cer tain notes of e-en dale therewith, and the conditions therein contained not having been complied with and'at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday the 26th day of May 1924 at 12 o'- clock M. in front of the Court Mouse Door of Martin County in' Williams • ton. North Carolina, offer for sale, at . public auction, to the highest bidilef for cash, the following described pro perty, to-wit: * Beginning at comer, of Mrs/ Bettie Gi:rga,nus lot on Washington Road; thence Hloni? said road about . r >tl feet to corner of A, J Hritt lot about 210 feet to R. A. Lloyd lot; thence along R.-A. Uoytl lot about 50 feet to Mrs. liettie Gurganus lot; tnence along her lot 210 feet to tho beginning, coi.- > taining one-fourth acre moYe or less. This the 26th day of April, 1924. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee - s 5-2-*t i I - :• , NOTICE OF SALE I nder and by virtue of the power s of sale contained in that certain deed - of trust executed -o the undersigned trustee on the 7th day oi December, n Marin County Public Registry in jlnok H- 2. jiage 410. securing certain aonds of even date and tenor theie *" .vith, and the stipulations in said deed . ,f trust not hiving been complied vith and at the request of the holder " if said bonds, the undersigned trustee " vil 1 on the sth day of June, 3H24, at ~ 1 li.oo o'clock, noon, in front of the :ourt iiouse door of Martin County, 0 dfer at pubi c audio: to the hixh ■s-t bidder, for cah. the following lescribed lands: I'irst 1 ract—Beginning al a small p Tine on the Hamilton Road at the e southeast corner of !-».t No. !: thence 1 South 46 West 2H' poles to the ru» •t" i'» ards Swamp at the Southwest s corner of lot No. 1; thence down the ,-un of saiil Swamp to the corner of ot No. S; th«-iice North 46 West a >.'»ut 2'K) to a ps».-i * ft 1 '*7 t hap I Road; thence Noril IT West 30 i;,le up s: id r«.ao to a |>oint between he Hamilton airf Ia ? Cljap« f Roads; r i.eiice Northwardlj along the V* I iari.- line "J«i - the b?g nn: ig. . or'air ir■ • 6.1 ST.'-, more or le.- s. Si.on! Tra ' at a p.««t | ■ i t ; 1 C a|e,' Koa-' at 1 as! corner t.f v ... 2: thence So' th ti V. I- Dole !'| t .e run of ,V;ir Sv.ur;;;.; »?,•».« ' ,*1: tie vnr .l.l ei. ~ -. - (.* aid t Jo. epn 1,,f'■ I * rii.-! tie r, a 1,..,. tin- .-aid if.'ly lin ti *ia Log ' tiJ:;*! Road; 11' i 1 "iorth ap a 1 ail: yard; to h> 1.1 ■ Mi?,. . c«: .a 'or. a." acres .or- or 1. Tnis the 6i:. o;*y * ' .day, 11*24. o-9-it. NOi i( K «>i >ALK I'nder aiei by v.rtue of the author ly loiitai: ••. 1 a ceriai!; I *ei-ii of I irust e.M'C'ute.: «»> A* Spruill and •vife, oil the •' .'u'y l.l»17. nil of lecrd • 't - • » iv.'istr., 1 Mart;n ' 1 u.:.- . ' I at .age i 2. • 1..«■ of v. n datt ■ • !"i t e pu cha e • f I i'. !, an«l the c«»r - iti-.i. • therein -'•llitaim .1 • l!«'t !>;:\ .'.■ " I- 01 r«m.plied villi a' i at the rufary: u'-frit* jwrtH 1 ; ••'eiesti d the U: •.. t> trUstle. ..II no M'. lulaft, '•!:•) 2*»io. 1 '.12,. at o'clock *1 *-«. fr- r.t of tlie Coo.' Mouse I'i.or in the l.a.i, , f V ill:. ton. N . ' - > • '• • 1 ' t«cti»n. to 1 ■■.■•■'■ i-e. . ■■'• u-l he following dbcnWO j ;.i-- ' I'eiog lot N 7 1 I ink I. «f . . 'lfo'.vn Fie f v ' - ".m • aid ei.• - - ■ ' • üblic K I .an I Div . s N". ' at ; . . 71 to wh. ' • » b l-a.l fol ■ij more «le: «*. o'h ■■■ Thi- the -I'l -v .* in il. 1 J I I'OI'I . Tri'-te v 4 25 41 MiTlt Ii OF SALK Under arid by v ir! ne .if tlve p vwi r of sale 0 ' • i in tliat certain d-ed of trust 1 iu.ii ami e\ecute«l by I!. A. ' Cray to !. ■ i.iider i"ii»s! Trustee, arid (tearing the date of February 2nd, I92t>, and of record >n Itnok A-2- at page 4Ho of lite Martin County Public Registry, said .icoi of trust having been given to secure ti,e payment of celtuin ilot> of ev.-i: date therewith, and the te.-ii-.- ae. ' fee lnions therein •ontained (■■■' iiavioi been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes. »he ur.dersign«s| Trust«>e I will, on M the 2nd day of June 1924. a' 12 '• >■': M 1:1 front of th« Courthouse I'.. •• "! r« i. '..1 y. ■ll the tow 1 of V. ill Winston N. of fer for sr.'- a' public auction, to the highest bio .- for t J>!.. tiie following deserilied pr. perly 10-uil: - That certain tract of la id situate | in the tov. **>f lN>b«. .-01 vdle. North | , .;• '2 "J /J ' 1 1 "I i - Screen Doors 1 * ' .- . r . | -Wo inivo in stock a complete line of- I P » Screen Frames (knockdown), Screen Dooio jo p and £cret.i Wire. All sizes and widths ran*? | ".'I ' - $ r in?T from 21 to 40 inc-.rs. Hoih g*alvanizeu e i iviul black. | f C.D.Carstorphen& Co WILLIAMSTON, - NORTH CAROLINA t+f~ — . % •• ... ,j THE ENTERPRISE. ffIUiAIOTPK. KOCTB CAMUM. I Carolina, . r I Beginning at a -.lake in Alice I ! Grimes' comer of Let No. 11, in the I ' division of the S. C. Grimes estate > I runs thence N HS F with Railroad ' i Street to the center of linroes Street, 1 j tnence S 0 1-2 V." *:«.h Grime.- Street 1 i 20(1 feet from the renter of t!» rail road truck; th«:ice South 8a W to ' Alice Grimes lot No. II; thence N 1 9 1-2 East with Alice Grime.-' line to | r the beginning, containing OVE-HAL? j ? (i-2) ACRE more rr less, being lot ' Numbers 12 and 13 in the (livirien of tho S. C. Grimes Estate. '1 hi- the 29th day of April 1924. CLAYTON MOOItE, Trustee. ■ 5-2-4J ' NOTICE I have this day •. qualified as execu tor of the estate of W. J. Johnst-n, | ' | late of Oak City, Martin county. I : I All persons holding claims against j ! said estate will file .-am* Tor payment j | on or he fort April "0. 1 925, or this! . t.otice will !>e pltai«-! in bir of their 'recovery. 'j All persons inde'a'.vl to said e "trite 1 will please make it' meuiate payment. This April 3t>, 1924 T II JOHNSON. 1 i Executor of W. J. Johnson. j ' NOTICE «•', SALE i ndet and by v ri .e of the j.o»er of .-ale contained in a certain i«ed| of trust executed t' tt ur.'i?ri-i»,t.*«i | trustee by J. V. (light and wife,l Julia Might on the ;>»th oay of N'JT. I 1923 which said 'i of trast I.- ofl | record in tin 1 public r«-tri.-try of Mj; j i tin County in Book N-2 at (jar-e 4 54. j i said deed of trust ' av n v Utn | ito secure the payment >f a ccrt :r | note of even ilate aid t> n« r th«re-| j with anil default III:' :ir- been made :r j the payment of the -aid note a-d J stipulations contair e*l if the aid deed of tru-t not been c->.r>|-i t«i with and at the re« ue.-t »f the hoi "el •if the said note, the uiider-i"ned trrs tec wili on Friday the fit l day >? June 1924 at 12 o'clock M, in front of tie court house door in tl ~ town of \ >l - North ' atohra «»>r»>r for -ale to the highest bidder for «t public auction the Mlowrng .1* cr.V-i real estate, to-wit: This property being my one-t» :rrf ;r.>! . "i. i i n --'j . ; t" tlie to- j w "'house a:.l lot loratt ' •«, j V. illiatnsloii. Nort ' Carolina I ,ii | ( > t| l( . ->r»perty the l!..r| '.. i */»s; ! e SpeiW r I -r Vi ; house and lot i n«1 I' *u' 1 '• r I Si t e ! t-? v !, ,t 1 tirtw crcup; an.!, kwrni as the ff,• A arejif - V iIH; . .. II : ?V. #-.»h da*. ' Ma . 192; K! J'KBT S I'KIT Tn»-t*-* Mart'ii and I'eel. Atfys. 5-9 It j NOTICE OF S \l i: I a'!'! by virtue f l':~ •« :t' • . | "Tty contained in a certain rirv * r* t— executed by John Kober-on . Svlvia Ivolierson, op the !".:i day (' j I.ti-Uary 191.', ar.-i of roc'o..t I uhlie registry «»f Mart'n I'.hh Tv i Hook D-l, page 112. to secure cerfcur | ioii': of cieii date tiierewith a."*! : h« I condition- therein cor'ta rie l not !.:>*" j *i" I '« i coir.j>!ie«l with and at th »• * i.f the ie's" iritereste-; tl-. s.n i-r-i'.ri ed Tn s' -e will on Mondry ::«'th day of . lay 1924 tffrr 'de, a. 'll i'clock M. in of i*-. I'ouit lli'li-e Moor of Mart'!i (. 'F ,i V. iilianistoo. 'Vrth t"ar«Mlna. "at j YOU HAVE X f r.o Via f en si mich, Sfc-k iMliik. •r " °;uo down," yom wui ktl I Tutt's Pills • II wlut jroa n«a. TWt UtlknA II tiunuch kuU Bp ik tftum. pabllc auction, to the highest hiddei • for cash, the following described pro- | . I«rtjr: A house and lot on Main Street in the town of WOliamston adjoining J. 1 E. Mobley. et ak 1 'Beginning at J. R. Mobley's western comer or> Main Street; thence up Main Street thirty five 35» yards; ' Uience about North West parallel with J. R Mobley's line seventy (70' yards thence about North East parallel with Main Street to J. K_ Mobley's line; • 1-ence thirty five (35) yards to J. R. Mcbley*s line; thence along said J. R. Mobley's line seventy (701 yards to Main Street, containing one-half acre. This the 26th day of April, 1924. J. S. RHODES. Trustee. I Martin & Peel. Attys. NOTICE OF SALE I Under ana by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain deed of j trust executed by A'idie L Edwards ja:;d hife-band E. A. *'-dwards, on the ! Ist day of January 1913. and of re cord in the public registry of Martin County ir. Rook P-l page 85 .to se cure certain note of ?ven date there with. ar.d the conditions therein con tained not having been complied with awl at th* request of the parties in terested th* uixiersiirned Truste*. will Weak "1 Nervous 1 was weak and nenrou and run-down," writes Mrs. Edith Sellers, of 466 N Slat H SC. East St Louis. IIL "I | couldn't sleep nigkta. I was ao | restleos. I feit tired and not in condition to do my work. I would have such pains in { my stomach that I was afraid M I would get down in bed. . . jj My mother caw to se« ma j- and suggestad that I use GARDUII Ur Woaa's To* 5 • I felt better after my first H Lottie. I had a better appe- 8 i «■ tit*. It atned to strengthen I . i M ar.d baric f e up. lam so j H glad to rercmraend Cardul I : j for t hat it did for me. I I, I'-* havtst needed a r.y mediciaa Hi f- s r.. elt» k Caidui, and lam Q x j fee ing fine." 8 restlessness, | j| ; "eej lessnt^a —these symp- S | t as so often are the result B : L j ».f a weak, run-down coadl- | g | tii.3, and may develop more B | g | . tromiy if cot treated in ■ ■ " I ■ ill f you a** nervous and | u j i -.-down, or suffering from S I Vj I I J.me w i a.anly weakness, I a I take Car -uL SoJJ tuiywhei* - j E-Vtt 3 -« HMI I, I iinrrismt Urns, aui* (lutitiiauu Detour Sign! i For The Latest Styles j | In New Merchandise I•- \ - I II LOWER PRTCES, LARGER SELECT FROM ! DETOUR YOUR VISIT TO I Harrison Bros. & Co. COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK WILLI AMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE n i —• - * * ; r - * son Monday the 26th day of May 1924, at 12 o'clock M, ■ front mi the Cent House Door of Martin County. at WB itamston. North Carolina, offer for sale, at pnbiie a action, to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed property, to-wit: It being the old Free School Lot in the Town of WaUamctoa. V C, and being one half an acre on the Sooth side of Main stmt and oa the West side of the Third street next to West of Haujrhton street, and beinr the same premises deeded to the public school by Sylvester Haxsell by deed of. renin! in Book G-G at page 431, and' being the same premises now occupied by O- K. Cowine and the same pnab- ■ es, this day deeded to Addie L- Ed-1 wards by C H. Gudwin. This the 2Sth dar of April 1924. A. R. DI CING, Trustee Martin £ Peel, Attv's. S-2-lt NOTICE OF SALE Under arxl by virtue of the author- . ity contained in a certain Deed of j Trust executed by Willie Boston and ' wife Iceleno Boston rn the 14th day j of April 1919 and of record in the! 4 ; | To The Citizens Of City And County I have irijiiirn! to habile the entire delivery of ice for the IJbdsey-Lillev Ice Co. this- *kt:. ronmencui- Ma> 1. 19C4- Warors will go each roorr ibg except Sanday for the uurpt.se of tiling rel ; frirerators and waiting oa the genera! public. || IVices as Follows 1000 pound ticket L„_ $7.00 500 i>ound ticket '• 3.50 200 jjound ticket „ 1.50 300 jxnind block of ice 1.50 Sold at my Ice House 100 pounds : , $ .(JO .300 pound block 1 J 1.35 (The above prices are same as factory) Wagons will also go out in the afternoon with &>h abi small pieces of ice for water ar>i tea. (Jood Service is My Aim W. S. FAULK Phone 372 Williamston, N. C. a aeeaaaaa sooaaaa, - \ pUt registry of Moth Cilj ■ Book A-2 at page 124. to MR cer tain notes of even date Itoieailh. ami having been c> mptied with and at (he reqaest of the patties iirtmaUd the undersigned Trwstee. wfll mm "■ -nliy the 26th day of Maj. 1924. at 12 o'- clock M. m front of the Cowrt Howe Door of Martin Gouty to the Town of WiOiamFton. X. C. offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash die following property: Begining at the G P. Pine and ran , ning North 80 W. 44 petes, theaee N. E 59 poles to the pabiir road, thence alonr said mad a 0 L 3C poles, thence S. 18 west 49 pales to the begin , nine containing 1? acres more or less, i This th e24th day of April 1924. JOHN D. LILLEY. Trwstee. 4-2S-M 666 I ——— j is a |TMgi|tto far Malaria. CUs ' aad Fever. IV*ewe or Bilaas Fever, j It kills the germt. I 1 _ *•

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