GIFTS For The Graduate Why riot make the >rradiiatin:r jrirl ar:d :K)\' happy by jrivinjr them i r ifts they can '-emember in after years?— Nothinir coul« be more appropriate for this than some th»m* in the way of Jewelry. We have :: nice !itic of I >:airon!s Watches. Watd CI ain-. FYarls. Fountain IVn S-t:. lirooches ( art I Cases. an! n >\elties A visit ti» *»ur stoic •• ill make yoip- se lection easy. Mail ivceue prompt ait- .; J ion. We do all kin*t;f r**ijairinir. i W. C. Browning ■ W ASHING -TON NORTH C AkOLIN \ B. S. COURTNEY'S Bip-FURNITURE SALE! STARTS MAY 17th. And CLOSES JUNE Ist. We Are Going to Offer The Buying Public Furniture At Factory Cost C 'N * y I HAVE LAW. I SHIPMENTS OF FUPX'TURE COMING IX AT THIS TIME AND MUST MAKE ROOM FOR IT. I RATHER GIVE MY PATRONS AND. FRIEMDS. "f Hl* \!i\ ANTAGE OF THE ZJAVPIHCIS TH AN TO HAVE TO PACK AM) CROWD THE STOREROOM. FOR TEN YEARS 1 HAVE DEALT WITH '»!1K PEOPLE OF MARTIN' AND ADJOINING COUNTIES, I HOPE TO ENJOY THE SAME PLEASANT RELATIONS WITH THEM IN IHE FUTURE AS I HAVE IN THE PAST. I ASSURE VOU THAT I \SILL OFFER BARGAINS ON ALMOST ANY ITEM USED IN THE HOME FROM THE KITCHEN TO THE I ARLOR AT JUST AS LOW A FIGURE AS CAN BE HAD ANYWHERE FOR FURNITURE OF THE SAME HIGH QUALITY . ' ' __ . . WE BUY OUR GOODS DIRECT FROM THE MOST REPUTABLE MANUFACTURERS IN THE COUNTRY. DONT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE OUR STOCK AND SAVE MONEY. * , I "Trr IB* S. COURTNEY I : I - ' NOBTH CAROLINA. V-. • mT MR. COWING FAVORS A. K. ~A VEK> KOK SHERIFF ; jTO TiiK VOTERS OF MARTIN ill OOLNTY: >1 j i desire to nprrs Kjßßttt* a-- iras? ;|j a hearty accord with the cxad*iary i ||d Mr A r -IS. Ajw for ilertiT Hid? : 1 1him from a child 1 ur.'»sitat ! 1 i recommend him to the pe*»;."e i a dean man. # model ci'.'fß. ar J ! 1j i xemplarv Christian. mho has U> !r t j trie t of his county at heart art ; l| Ho loves hi* county better tkar. the | |; T ice to which he »-p : r»-, that he is j. "• s 'ru* to hi.- word, faithful to his tn»-~ »■ ; ' •■o lore, hnre-ty. truth and Godry E j ; iipiicil) belter than fi-t Jv rirff.. F; j v- honest, v>i •• I'icio-.'iy f I ua!ifie.j to iischar*e any doty than j: I I'he office to which he aspires BIT l ; I' njoir -jpon him. U ! r s cowi.v I | notice I J i wil! lie leiiftite>t to do your or (j i j' ifan brick anl cement work as*! • j; Iso your lathinr I rill he ope" for [I |» - ,raw!»!i on r.rwi after Ji.:* !t_ Hi ; j"; ~~ * «! I ICE i ; . i ;- - i Season Is Here [ j] I j I i] 4 V(»u should keep your refrigerator j i II; .... . ! : f|;! filled tor its most economical o|>eiation. - j fjljl ! We are prepared to supply your needs, {! [|j : j either in small or larger quantities- whole- j j iJll j . i ij ; sale oTretail \ou can save money by buy- j i ! i . i | j mtr at tne plant. liuy in larire quantities. | | I which i? more economical in the end. |j ! !! ' J - IF ITS K'F f»! >A i, SKK I*S Ii - i f ,f : , -! if- .he Wu : i MSLEY - LIH EY ICE CO. || \V!I 5 • iW. aOKTH CAROLINA }: - i I 1 THE EVTKHtISE. WILUA3ISTOX, SQBTH CABQLTSA. if >«B have ar.y of the above f j work to do 70a ray write or cail ; "to 23! .-oath Ptari slnrt, William-tor. Work oone in and cut cf town. : Geo. A. Rogers , LOST—SINUAI IN EYERETTS. Black and h fcft; siru-11 -hajrg-j bog. \ \imf, Harry. Fowler notify Thos. | • S Aj*ts Wffiaamstor. K. C. Reward. ;i ! I( ARO or THANKS "" We Kisft to thank the B2n> fritti- { . I w*io a?rvteii il- is an;, way in minis- j to our dsar rootner in .'.er lonr . . \rjd tec *.a' illness arn! death an-i for j *b? »a~y ki.i: word.- of coi io!enct. j Her Children, , I or;. A. Smitfiwifl, Mr. and Mr-. S. j J. Tetterton. Mr Leslie Fcwder returned Wednes day afternoon from coun ty wije»e he had beer in the interest Jof hi# insurance for several 4ars. ! i tUie' Ruth B»i!fv and May IVII W raijf of Everett were in towr. Wed • re-4)f afterooor ' 1 —__ * j;i Announcement IN 1 • i|. • n •• !_ . - in ' . j \ WE ARE NOW READY FOR BUSINESS IN THE OLD N. A. BURROUGHS STAND AND WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU AT ANY TIME. 1 M : i J H WEHAYESOMEOFTHEGREATEST BARGAINS EVER KNOWN IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE GIVING ANY $♦ WHERE FROM 35 TO 65 PER CENT DfSCOI'NT ON A 1.1, ii MERCHANDISE. I Come In And Be Convinced * Mobley & Browning EVERETTS, N. C. J. I>. MOBLEY 1 '