■ ,u ADvamsopi wnx FIND OCR COLUMNS A UTCBIEY It) laM HOMES O* MARTIN COUXTT VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 28 JOSEPH COREY DIES AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING Buried in the Gray that He ;j Wore in the Wilderness After many aaonth- of safering Joseph Corey p*s»e>l away at kit hone Saturday. He vat 83 year* oM the 14th of last February and was horn in Griffins township where be lived all his life except for four years when he so journeyed into the Wilder nes* where he slept in the Umth» in Baud and water at aight and fowjjht for what was considered right in the day. Perhaps no man wore the Confed erate Gray with more honor than Jo-teph Corey for four years, and few own cherished its cause and the rw» lections thereof more warmly than te. He had so well preserved hii uni form of (U year* ago that it was used as his burial suit was al-o placed in his coffin. A large crowd assembled at tb home Sunday afternoon where (tartal services were conducted by * B Harrington. E C. Stone and A J Manning- After thr service-. the bod> was taken to the burying of hi* father at th; Claudius Roberson farm and buried Mr. Corey was the last of a lw family of children. His wife only reach ed the grave a few months aw He leaves si* children. L E. Corey ami Alex Corey of JamesviHe and D. * Corey of Boston. Mass.; Mrv * R Roebuck. WSKamstoc: Mrs. C R Perkinson of Baltimore and Jlri. C H. Moore ef (irahajs, Virginia. MR. AM) MRS M. J. DAIYS ENTERTAIN SENIOR OAS* Mr. aid Mrs. M J. Ihve gav th - Senior Class of the High Schosl a social evering Friday, May It Pink rce> masked in silver vases and bas kets artistically carried out the da»- co!or scheme in the receiving room- A lively cane. "Searching f*f. M*. College" started tho program of ac tivities. Miss Carrie Lew Peete nr presenting Big liluff College wo. first place and for her athletic fea: was awarded a oiall W_ H. S. pet nant. "Entrance to Big Bluff toller* marked the door ef the parlor To enter Big Bluff College the candidate - were to pass three entrance eianat lions. Miss Myrtle Wynne and Mr Bryant Carstarphen winning highest honors on histoesr'and public speakia ? a class of *24 leatfcerett hooklet containing class pin mi writ ten by the hostess The waling of these offorded whnlr naae amnseaaew* The students then exchanged partner - far the geography test. Miss Myrtl Wynne scared highest m the aft**. TI-* da«| 1 was presented to her. After the entrance tests the candi dates were received ia the *mmg raai i by Miss Hart iff rIL Here they faamJ their places, which were designated by tiny liflimn tied in atd rose and li ver ribbon, and each heniing the tained fort one* inHra I of a certifies tioa of yliiritiia far entrance la Big Bluff as expected. Fat's dames were then read. After nhiih nfiial ments. rnaaiitiag of old rose ud white it* cream and cakeicts match mg the paper aapkms were served 'AM this catering added mlwwl, a* dad the punch served at the i.gmsmg ef the evening. When the guests returned to lie parlor they found magazines, sexssae*. pencils, ribbon and all the necessary each ether. This task furnished u haur ef well earned fan. jari heforo saying "gaud night** tath senior drew the daaa. She was aet forgotten at refreshments were deliverad t* her by her daas males. NevurtheW her ■been re was fdt. Prsfemor Wolff off t£e HV> School was made an honor ary Maker of the daas for the eoen town shaaftd he proud ml her hays and Mnttir Perry. Carrie Lee FW, Pattie Harris. Myrtle Wynne. Venn. Wd- Frederick Hoyt. 1 r THE ENTERPRISE BLAKEST, DIRTIEST AND MOST BRUTAL CRIME IN HISTORY OF WILLIAMSON COMMITTED SATURDAY Smallwood Threatened Woman's Life and by Carefully Laid Plans Is Enabled To Escape Hands of Law The blackest, dirtiest and must bru tal nil ia the history of Wil IHmttsu was committed last Satur day aight when Lock Smallwood of Bertie corny assaulted Mrs Ainu Kellrj. wife of Carl Kelly, at her hoaae ia the apartrrwr.t over the F. K. Hodges store. Mrs. KeO; who work- in the Citv Frait Store an Main street went to her bom? about 11 odock where sh.' lay down on the bed to rest and rea.i She did no*. undrr> hat pulled a blanks over herself. In about a half hoar her husband ami Lock Snail wood who she had known for some turn ard who hail been a clo-e frieno of her Subar-i for several >«rs Sanlwixj was to spend the night. Ksasr the apartptent u-ually occupied by Mr Harrison a Plymouth contrac tor «hra in town and who is Mr Kelly's employer. Smallwood brought two friends to Wuliamston from Bertie county and asked Kelly if he would not take his car and carry them home which Kelly dad. Mrs Keil\ still reclinine arid mdisg just a- when her husband left. After Kelly had departed. Small •sol went to her bed and sat down oa thr side of the bed. He was told by Mrs- Kelly to ret avrzy which he re fnel to do. Af)er his refusing to get get ap whew Small wood caught her and forced her hack on the bed. chok kr l*r ard bruising her throat, her ana axl scratching her breast She ■I ii i— 1 so that it was heard by a aarwber of peaple. but she was so bad ly choked that J* could not continue to ificaa aad the hearer of the •r4 si ii aaa thought little or nothin? aaore about it until later. After accomplishing his purpose, he then told her that if she told it b* wool i kdl her. For some time she was heard begging and crying Those hear lag it however, thiukirg it was a dis turbance between she anl her hu.-ltaml. were slow to interfere Somet;me there after Sheriff Roherson :nd Chief of Palire J. O. Manning who had been away frees town came and listening ia hear-! Smallwood ray "If you tell •L. dsaaa you. I will kill you**. Then it was that the Chief went to the iluor and demanded entrance, gcinr in he expected to And Mr. and Mrs Kelly, but saw he was misUken when he found the ana to he l»ck Smallweod. Chief Maaaiag found Mrs K* ll> badly frightened deathly pale Saalwnd took the floor ami told far palace the trouble was that tier hus&nnd had gone off with his 4 Small - wcod's i car aad she was unea.- > aad aervous about it. WhJe Mrs. Kelly wis ia her frightened condition she dad aM Id it. rewrwbnir the threat *de by Small wood. Smallwood'- statement threw the officers off his track and they had no Hue to hoM When Mr. Kelly came hi* wife told b* *»t what had happened, but he fare Smaffwoad could be arrested, he had -kipped Muth sjmpalby is fdt for Mr.-. K Ky and Mrs. Kelly aaoved to William early m the year and sine* their arrival. Mr. Kelly ha.- worked with the Wgltamrtsa Turning and Plumbing company and Mrs. Ketl> has been em ployed at the CSty Fruit aad Vegetable store. Mrs. Kelly is oaly fifteen .years •Id. she being married aoou after she reached the age cf fourteen. To aaake *be crime aaore Jbrutai, Mr*. Kelly as ia a deterate state by several month- Smallwood is thought to have left far suaae northern point. Careful watch is being made by the offiria!- and k is hoped that they wil! him to quick justice. LOCAL TALENT TO STAGE PLAT AT CYTL HALL lOXIGHT v "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" a rsraedy. wfl he staged by local tales* in the City Hall tonight at « • dock. _. . \ Clean, wbili iaii entertainment ilug srath barrels of fun for those who mend. The paaweds wdl go to the filiia of the Baptist Aid S»- CMly and is befeg staged by Orcfa 4 and S of that Society. . STAR ATTRACTION AT S TRAND TOMORROW NIGHT aOncixa bar brew acrored by the aueuaacst of theatre and . Ml aUatk Lionel Barryasore is hi Willianiston, Maitin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, May 20,1924. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF • LOCAL SCHOOL ii . . I Csaaasencemyut Exercises of the j K'illianstoa Graded sod High School , w ill begia Friday night. May 23. A I very tnZerestsiar pewgram has been pUru t if.! it win be" of intere-t to , net) one. i On Fr»da> urt"t rt *> P. M the | ( I grammar rr»»> will present a play. •. I ncie Si aoi the- Sarj Ilean Club", jand an operetta The Fkiaer \imps . Surprtsuf. of certificates 'to the rrauanf grade -tisW-nt- wil! 1 1 j -iso !jk» ptanr a! that time. Mrs. Warm H Biacgs will gr.-e her , musieal recital Satar«lav nirht. From ' ail report- mei (■-«•! -election.- ail! be rendered as Mr- Biggs has been careful m -electing her number.-. Si .bi nrcrac at the Methodist 'church at II W o'clock. Processor H. t E Spencv. hea i «»f tfce Theobigical J IVpurtn#!': at Trrr.it » College will «lc- ' jltver the- bareahreite -ermon to the [senior das of the hir'" schotd Or. i Sperwe cunar i to us hicWv recommend- ' |e»l and is a very rooJ speaker I [ Oa Mooby aidt. Mr Shirlev. |»«-al ■ , | pastor of the Baptast church w ill le- : ! liver an at the High School 1 ! auditorium. , j IH. SAM SMALL AT BAPTIST t 111 U' II 1 l»r Sam Small the Aniciricau. • > j Ant I Salj»« Icmbt aaddiessed a large ! aaiiWaof at Ike lla|ata-t cburrh here U t Susby evesiutig at M o'clock. l»r. Small »at*«J the m»-t iiupoitaiit . day- u hastpry. c i ppmag iheu otTo ith . t"»e »:«e when Naiaon-wide Prohibiti.»n was BLidr paK-able. Out -aae his witu remark.- lie men . tmneii the ewe rreat |«rpo-e. "I'rohi ; bition. not for She old and fray haired like he w» . barf l*r»diibit*on for tlx- • sake of his children and our children i Ihe future rkueats of America " H»- avrntMei the fact that the trend of I ■ several cus-fw- aet - actions wa., to , seek light wises aaoS beMerajre-, an.l to this he aandr a wry - Inking ap|M-al to the members of »ll the chjrc e. t'i l help cwmbnl aa} saaeff Ihinr i I '* Saaekil has Ueti in tie jnkr ; : ab«t_ forty years aad ois speech wa- a Id krl*> the amuse I i ore. hue t>iwW the key note to our future aa«i the anext emer^tioii'.- future when ke said. "Proliibitkn. not i fcr the aM b* f« Ameiita's future chibirew." He »losvd mhat would i ■ ami could bappen to Aaserica by re- I ferrisr bncfc to taanrs and comlitions j before thr World War. u.-irtg the down I fall of the l>nsaa Umpire to illus- , trate hb pal In has sptech lie ,-tate.l | that the Almirhty k*d not -elected ; . America, yast for ■!- to live and die i ia but for a marh rrealer cau-e. and I to establish that nae a drunken ua | tioa was sot anedtd therefore Nation | I waie Prahabitiia, for America now and . forever. ] MISTAKE LEaDBs MAN THRO It; II lIMOW INSTTAII til ALLEY I Saturday aapht. a colored man wlmi ' bad pmked hn Koed oa the -treet in ' iront of Asdersom Crawford'* ►ton-, made a seriooo ma-take alien be push ed the clutch rathe i than the reverse rear wide hi* estgisie aa. running at a fast speed. The aana ia finaihel shopping and was attenptag to ~hark out"* but in | stead of doaag sa he aent forwani. I sending his car seer the sidewalk ami into the store am. to a. So far as the store was wnrrmnd. it withstool the shock Ut a >nat) he dollar plate glass waw»i w*> broken under the stram As aa explanation, the color e»l mt -ad he arms sin pi > wrong in | Lr.-trvtae hie feet and the Fonl. as a resalt. went the srrMg direction. I: »ARREN TO STEAK IN i » JAMES*ILLE FRIDAY NIGHT [ Hoc. Ltalar W irr.-a, candidate for I from the first congressional f district will speak ia the tchool audi- I'Ltnw in Jami ndh Friday night. -1 May tX. IttL On the following aight a I Mr. Wanes rpeik at the County iHeate El Crfisi tswadiip . !E«*r>onr "u cordially invited, and a mill mvitotion is irttnlml to Hat I I Ok Irday night May H. Mr. War-, ' at Renr Grass Sntnsday light. May SI. • 1 Mr. MJ. Ims fcft this i uiia i CHIEF JUSTICE CLARK DIES IN RALEIGH Went to the Supreme Court Beneh In 1889 Chief Justice Walter Clark of the North Carolina Supreme t.'ourt. died at his home in Raleigh yesterday of apoplexy. The Chief Justice was stricken ill at his residence at noor. Sunday and was unconscious all night. Justice Clark complained of hrir; unwell Sun.lay morr.in? but .iressel for church as *sual About ten o'clock ,he lay «lown an>i his ph\sician Or Huert Kaywooil was summoned. H.» was put to bed an.i ordered to be kept «|iii?t. Two hours later he suddenl; lapsed into unconsciousness. Throughout the present term of th- Supreme Court the Chief J us tire has worked very hard. It has been a crow-1 ed term and the entire member-h.p has been taxed as it ha.- not heen in years. He carried his full share of ih«- bunlen and ttiote closest to him cd that tlie stnm was beeii-.ninsr to weigh upon him. though he hir» -elf failel to note it would not «le-ist from the utmost endeavor. The Chief Justice would have heen 78 years old next August. He Ha been on the bench for .19 \ears. be ginning his service as a s uperior court judge in IBKS. In ISM# he went to the Supreme Court ami in l««t was made chief justice. In addition to his judi cial labor* he four*! time to do a great deal of wilting am! amun; his works i. the three volume translation of the Constant diary. Justice Clark was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Conferr als* armies at the age of 17, the *. oung est man ever to hear that rank Windsor School Closes Successful Session The graduating exercises of the \\ indsor High School were held May I:sth and 14th anl brought to a fit ting close a very successful y.-ar of one of the most progressive -rtu> ■' s> stents in the state. The Itarca laureate sermon was .le livered by the Rev. I>r W I». )!«> of Otapcl llill. Tlie "I'ar-on" ;irra"li ed one of the most powerful ,-ermoi.s ever heard in this vicinity. Ilis taik was redolent with philo«o|>- ical a-' vice and not only the graduates but also every memlier of the entire au dience was deeply moved b> his pro found words. Judge Francis D. Winston gave the iterary aihlress. The topic was "W.KKI row Wilson" ami never in lli J n« ! «.iy of the townsfolk did the "tlovem-r"" acquit himself better The inspiring topic seemed to lend itself with all its inspiration to the speaker, makinv him even more eloafuent than is his wont. The citizenry of llertie were loud in theii pruises acclaiming it an a masterpiece worthy to be place.l with the nation- best orations The diploma- were presented in a unique way, tlie mothers of the grad uates having the honor of giving the sheepskin. Those graduating were Misses Mary Ktheridge Rhea, Ku~enia Sessoms, Ksther Wake Galling, Mar> Rhodes Copeland, EUtsie Mizell. Flora Mitchell anal Kliiabeth Botnl Anang the remarkable achieve ment.- of the year a few tand out prominently. A class in Public Health was successfully conducted by the health officer, I>r J. K Smith. A class in Citixenship was conducted by Mr T. C. Taylor, Superintendent of the Windsor Public School* This clas_. filled a long felt want in the curri culum. Some of the activities of the class were as follows: A town clean up was conducted with otrvioady bene ficial results. A violin concert was sponsored and Miss Km die Rose Knox, North Carolina's most noted violinist was secured as soloist The class also had A. W. Mclean. J. W. Bailey and I. M Meekins to deliver addresses Thus the school has be come a real community center, the ideal toward which all educator* strive The people have been given an opportunity to hear the best speakers, musicians, and. thru the medium of readings by students and lectin el* b\ authorities, have become acquainted with the Shakesperian Tragedies So great has been the interest h this class in Citizenship that mquirie -have been received frmrn all parts of the state as to the method of CM dueting U. Much of the success of the ■rheol and iu activities has baen d» to the energy of the Superintendent Mr.-T. C Taylor a t fiwH of the . University mt North Caralina. After ja brilliant record at the Uaivertity. be took the impfdHi juitiaa as head of the local fhsnl system ar.l 'succeeded adnurahl*. ' 1 W ILL WATERS FIRES LOAD OF BUCK SHOT INTO HENRY BOWEN'S BODY [ AS RESULT OF FRIENDLY QUARREL ► Bowen Now In Washington Hospital Is Holding His Own, No Better, No Worse, According ' To Message At Three O'clock Today . COUNTY CAR PASS RESOLUTION OF RESPECT The Superior Court of Mar" it Couiity in al i> iDuunsiini. J C. C. i..tn. »»rc "•? nj. uj»\. Hnr j irg the sal r.ew- of the «sealh of the M-j*eii Chief Jc-ti*-' «.f the \wi i 1 t'arol na Suorertie 1.-a'i i t. until ten o'clock Tje»uy m«; ,i'i. T?ic Itar by usu.rik>a> vote in i»c"?ni. 1 t;v»«i of tno uu-tKieuL-heii -en kv- o« the neat juri>t to tie Stale and Nation. a»io|>te»i ti» following re-i luion-:- * WHEREAS, ileath ha- rb.nvsi th«- ' immortal remAii.- of Walter tlark. ' Chief Ju-lx>' of :be \.»rth 1 Surwemo Court. ha- scr\e«i h ; - f .-late ii- a c tu»c. iloiintirr ! is life ' aiMi labors to it., .-roral an>l spirituc' * ilnrlojilihitt, a.; a bra\e arst c.»tirac eou- -oi«iier. i> it.- t.n* of neoi a">: as 1 a rr.-at Juri-t whose naderfu! «leci.— ion.- will ever -tar. i a- a bulwark o f 1 piotection to the richt- and !sh.rtie ' ef a noble p. t |*c. and. \\ lll'Kl'AS, tiie \oiualde en see- of ' ('hie.' Justice t'ark wil! In- gr*-;it!> * missed by all lh.» ;ie«>ple of the Slate. ' Now. TI!EI!FFORE b- it resolve*! l>v ti:e I Martin County Itar that ev press s our deepest rexreC- in the love of one f of North Carolina's mo-l dL-tuieui~hi'l > citizens, aiki eMervi to his family, hi - friends ai.d his Stale our heartfelt ! .-vmpathy. Sijmetl - Member- of the Martii County Itar a-follows-- II M. Stubb-. A. I: IhinniM. I uke lamb. Clayton M.--nr. |t \ Cnlcher. 11 M Stuhb-. Elbert S Peel. Wheeler Martin. Ilurh G llorton. B. Ihike t CntcHer. Kobert L tVdmrn. J I*, r Smith. J. S. PeeL [ Infant (liild Dies The infint •taurhter ef Mr aid Mr-. Wabbletoii die>l Sa'.urdav n «•>rt in:- at Ihe homo of h- |aren!- on O arch tree! The death of the | u |iy * i one of the sa-hie-t (la*, ever or 1 cjrmi in \Vrlltam._r»| i}e far en Is have lh« -ympathy of tl«e mtire 1 .-onimurtily in their deep rrief at tiie " lo— e»f their cHil.! a>l; for the vay thr.t it died Sa'.ur.iay inurnu e. Mrs. U aiddeHon IhoUKht that the laliy was sleepli-.f " later than U U2.1. having ri-en early : ;hI b ft it in 2 •lirk--ie«l room while h~ dial her k,a>rl. L| work. an>l when sh* went to see what wa- the ";«.übic -h-- fouml tlwt it wa- •lend. Tie moth • r thoiirht that :t nsu-t have r.-l tan •iernealh the cover- d'.rmg the nieht -r d on acc-tunl of l*er ileafness -lie w..s unable to hear ii ery, ai l wa- J tranHe.l lo death I ihe funeral .-ervires were conduct led from tiie residence Sunday after jn. MI v. ilh Rev. K I- Shirley of tin j Mrmorutl Baptist Church oftcisluii ■a.,d 111- choir rei .Wnrtr >jecal niu-K {T ie wt- rment t«*ok place in the coun •i j at tiie home of its ;rjr.-l|urrnt> ■ PI PILS OF UM Al. SI lit Mil TAXEO HUH EXAMIN ATIONS i The pupj.- of Im loc-1 school art going through with their reeular niuJ enmiiiatkii- this week Some of the l-upil - are fortunate enoujrh to e jcape the agon> b> baviag kepS their |>early avenare above 90. We wish 'em 'all succesA rrraMlr-. übether they take the exams or cot. The cvneiaceneiil exercise.- sill b»- hebi in the .-chool audaorium iiext Friday aicht. The tenrhers have been •Irdling their pupd- for the |xa-t sev eral months for the occasion ami a very entertaining program is a--ured Picnic at Rea's liearh On Saturday at BUM- o'clock tiie sixth and seventh gr>le- of the local school with their teacher. Mb.- Glady.- Benjamia aud a few other frie-rds left ia cars far"" Rea's Btach whe.e they spe.it the day lv-p:te the (ollnesi of the weather they all en joyed the water a»l -peat naost of the day iwuninr A delightful lunch was carried which was enjoyed at mid day. r Other chape rone who accompanied the children were. Mrs- Carrie Birrs William-. Mrs. Jev.-» L Whitley. Miss Frances Thomas. Mrs- C B Has«ell. Mayor Jahn 1_ HasaeU and Mr. G W. Hard i»on. ' * Miuei Lncjlie HawO. Melhn W»mne il aad Harry A. Bigg* aat.tared to GrecuviHc Snsday. i Saturday flight about ten thirty «"-! clock, W iil \\ aters shot anj verv i !*r»uj|> wounded Henry Bovn in | tiie store of Keuh.n Speliar near the 1 Koaitoke river whari". Accoiuu.g ;> a - statement made by Waters to the | • Norfolk police the shootmig a ' ' culmination of a tr.p on Sj iur>ij\ af- I • teraoon when Will Waters. Dink Hani- j 1 is,n aiul Henry |t.>wen made a lr:;»' ',U. get whiskey ar..i upun returning became engaged in a frien.tly argu ment on :he wharf j.nd during the, 1 ciHitm' i I which Itoweo became ti:fari ' ated an«l sU|i|ml Water-. Hn mad i '! tied Waters aiti Iw went to his | heme ar..i got h;s gun and cam. u ,» town to get sheil.-. and then .ve. t uick trie hill" ai-.l found It. wen u. ' j !I« uhin ." ;>• !!ar > and shot him. • the number J Iniik h..»t toing in ■ ISoWeli's (»u>k rau-mc hint to have I several iHemorrhages. from 'which he Si l - * .M- "iiacii l«!i hs i t he \\ .1 - n.,; ' i\;wte.i t'» live for several hcjiv j Itower. was able to' walk most of the way to Itiirits I'n.i: store'where he! 5 1 was ••iven first ai.l by l»r. H 1: Vvrk | |and was then rushed to the Wa-hitig- J ' |lo« hospital where he was reported at j ' |3;«M o'clock today a- K»ttiitf aloiiic j ja> well i-. could be evpected. But as ' j being in a very critical >tate r j Waters spent the mcht in or near, " W dianiston. having evaded the ' r j-heritT ami the deputies that" night a | ' he was earlv next morning at j s j Speliar's store again I Hit he left sh»>rt | 1 ily after seven o'cl.n-k Sunday Hunting (for Norfolk by car with Willie Arm " a ri»!orcsl hoy hlio wi>tk> t! 'fur 'htm. driving. r ; U hen Waters wa arre>t*si in \.»r J • «!»lk | l«»risr (lulnncf tflfphuvif ine** | r j sages havin«r been sent th«»re. h,» «a> J r jarrr-«ie»l after his trr:\al or. | iCranby street I hf exonerate! tlw J buy and tol-i him to rairy hi- j jcar lurk liunir put is ui: : -r i ai.nl he a*l«le«l. "I «lont . think j I*ll have any more u>e for it x*»n". j Acrc*i«iinig to NurfJk paper*. Wilt I i> in a pitiful condition ar.«l (K«>\ i *t«at lie hrokt* i« w n w fien h«* jail j ; ■*! ami fell to the fl*v»r cryifip. Tt«r*l J !*•*- «ii«i I ever «lo a thinif? l.k** that ?"[ iml IK* l»a> want*-*! to k«t»|» in touch ! with \\ illtam>t«»n to fit*! t»al hot# » letting alum; atnl they >a\ I Ibe is much sjriev«*»l over the critical , rot*lit ion of hi- fr:«-n*l. i Shenli IColirrvoit Irft thi> nw-rnm*r for Notfolk where lie mill jjt-t Waters .•ml bnii»» him home for' tri »l. ar ► riving here t«>n»orr»* iHM>n 1 l»e 7am i ilie> t-f iM»th Waters ami |{c*vfii hav«- ► v i'lputliy oP'tl.rir fri«-it-! in th»- eominuiuty. t I m* a£«%l -f W at»*r> who lias hern in ill hraltl [ f i montiis. 8171'KKIOK (OtJkT IN SKSSION' f *. term of tl* Suprriu! | ! Court of Martin count) i--. being held >« ter.la> with Jifelge t". (' | 1.y0.i [lie -Vinjf anal will eolitunite the | reri.».iiii«-. i t tiie week- Nothmi; In.'. I civ:l cast., are to lie tiieii. ni »t of I tli*-i! Itemg «'f the ■•low tir«-~«.m-* kin.: | « that ilo I. »t appeal to the court j ai.il makinig it a little har-i j to liihl eniuglt l»v~tan«lers t«> nak u■, I t I J a JUr> i lie i xlefiitely l.u-y s-a too,! k >,-p f:i. HITS m the fiekl ai»l away I from tin- court h«.u-e r ' Bisliop Darst Here Yesterday p l.bhu|i 1 honias C. liar -t iiaih- a j 1 visit to tlie Cl.urch ot tl.« Atlxeiit | n >esterla> morning for the purpose of, baptizing David Collin, the little .WMI » of Mr. and Mrs. IV C. IJarnes of j 1 Murfree>boro. who were the guests of! Mr.-.. Irene Smith while in town. The ( baptismal service he 1.1 at 10:30 • ami at 11 o'clock, the Kite of Con j firnutiun was aalminiisterel to two | 1 caiHlslates. The Bishop maile a »hort - ( Js;«hiresj. to those confirmeal. and after tiie clos- of the service, he met the i y p Vestry and discussed with them the; calling of a permanent rector U> the f parish. After the noon hour, the Bishop mctoretl to, Washington to hoard the 3:2U train there- At the Sunday morning service at & the Church of the Advent. Maggie s Cray, the infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. % E. I Hum. wu baptize. I by the rector,' I, Rev. J. E. Warner. The night service '. was the last to be held by the lector, j who will leave in about a week fori his home in Nova Scotia. • Mr. Jim White of Washington spent Monday night in the city. WATCH THE LABEL OX TOU I'APEK. IT THE DATE \mu siKSißicnoN EXPIRES LIST Ai*LIbHEI) 1898 ! A. M. DUMAY ELECT ED DIRECrOR OF TOBACCO ASSN. Every C ounty in District Had Full Delegation Present - V V Dußiay • f Ha ' .rgXon, X. C-. one >,f the -!j.e". 'jaricrs was ■■•WI I'.'f.fr or" ! f TiUcmj Grow 'ers i'.-«.-«eru'.ive ASSOCIATION, u a iwet i mg of t ." .f~!y of j t'l- A - -.iat:or for the Ist District ; N'-rfi' ar-4—-s ne?e Sit!>m.iy, IMa> iTth at 11 e-'cii-ck. ~P"* !«! '.ric* i- •»„.««« >' M - ' r c—u: e-. Keaufor! w ,ih four Sevate-; IVr ». HerSfoH with iww j .••■leir-tt- r Se with, r.ir* .iele at.-- a-' V :rr>« t-»'. f.verv count; r % f a'l 'Wen!"* 'i rc-'iit a- - I' " M"»'r. ! . I at'- :e- V a>.r «>rrie> Snall ■ -.hn-t-.p \v || T>re Bath. 1 !' I ino-'?'. I"rret«f*>_ S H !en , kin*. |Nnrt»?.. H C Sr -wn. ,«* 1 T. rtVm. W TT rne. jT;:rt»".i. J J Ikiimv. 5! «-kv V ;-nt. 'f'sn IV •» .I' "!.iekv Moo - 1. CII Cor |.! air. Ilaf'e'. r... J.fcr I: j i'lfa I*. \' ;- v I e . Cotei.vne. , T 1 »■••• l:.ifr A. I Roebuck. K--Ker-«nvsl!e. C. * Rid»- J'tsH!. R ier-,i>iv «•». J \"l?sur W vnn. : Williamson. Ch* M l'e»l \V4li in-- ! t«»n Th* Pl,*! rr m L- ORI.1! UM tit /**- Mr J« hit It IjsfKTjor of ,w county 2. *" * j:rw_' ar«: A. of Vif r —t-v: «r-. The rhairmar. PU • a ..rt .alk the pur. —■ of tf»- mrefing hn.l the importance of -*W a? ;«0.l j men a- .!frect*»rs Mr C I* I of r ifrfi.mhe county then Mr A V. Imaiay ••f IVaufolt f»>a(i!» in run ■ i1.x.11 Af ter many -j4er .i>( tru!>ute were nai«l Mr Ihintav a- a Ixa- »sess rsinr:. jer, farmer, th* v.-te ma- ealb~' arsf Mr Ihiri •. wa- uur>n.ii.-!t . te>L \ resolution wa- |u ! I- a enani , J ritakus vote 'vprv -mi' the 'hank- arnl j:• J'l'reeiatior> of the Aisoci-itton t> Mr. iJ- \ t*«.*»!; tb» ret'iire •Ureetor, for i the «p|ef«lid rn.or he 1.. r*'» '»rsi ' the A - socat i"n .luring t'# !a-t two I vfar- ami the rKiir wa- iiirrt».| t«v I n Ttj|» 'ist a c>wnm;?tee t;- «lr-ift uch I*-' ">lutm W C Man'-w. C. A. I' , 'oit>tr>l a- sucK committee Ih»*re wa- a Sne -p.rr. ; a n i.iling It lie meeting an.i much mth-ju-m "* -how n annul? the .lelerat*- aixl v i-i --t t«rs. th«-r»- being a nturh Larger tium '■er of vho ran*- fr.. n every o-tnlj in j the •I>trict Mr. Ihinu. the newly t.Wteil ..,rec •or has teer o*t-- of tihe A ton's trMlge t -up},- .rt« i - ji,! .*-fr:«lers «- >ear> ard hi. contar: WIII large al.a'»s make- t-tsr. e u.i fittest for lite big p>i> io siiirli i, iu- he*n . 1 rte*i. » MRS. IHC-K El; MONDSON DEAD | At her k'unr ««. :le \ it Taylor i arm i>ear llat,iil r -> .Ms l.u k Ed | Rumlson away. >- n.Hy after J loon at four oVWk aft. r an attack I .l' |» llegia ahich : ol o.t'y ;ast ! ■>! f«r about.tua *e«k The 'ttvaed vi- a . lit. t cj Mr. j *i»l ill - Jui.n IwKrii a»j iaarrie.l Mr. |!'«t 1- l.tuMdiwi ear*. n her life, t he *j., a mrnhi of the l'rira:tiwe iupt ist t horrh at Sprii., Creen and IduniOK her ettti-e life s.te was a ie I voteil follower of the c.«*evi she jro j fc-joL Iter >ieath ts ui - aall > :al as 1 hf was the of tl.fJmi lall of wh.m survive He: atel naost of Ith- children are very ytung. !!rr life • wa- given to her chdore., a»j the ful | filling of the homely duties i-' l she 'will be greatly nLuoi as a lav mg mother and faithful vifr'- The funeral took ft.- at tl.. Jack J l-eggett place yesterday aftcmwi at I two-thirty o'clock with Elder U« & I Cowing of Bear Gnu t-.h altug i. 1 here was a large crow*! of -orrow-nv friemls ami aci)ninlaar'-s in atten , | dance. DI N BAR'S -CAXDY CilLS* AT STKAND THREE DAYS THIS WEEK ■Danhnr's can!) (,trt- vtll he the at ' traction at the St rami lliatrr lhe lat » ter port of this w««k. Tucr .by, Eri •lay ami Saturday t;,Stx Tf.is is ' fans wfll have a chance to vary their . theatre UM - The ccuatpcr.? i> *N .l posed of ten peufle and has itnun in many places this I«ISI—. J Mr. Mi Mk Jon- G. Oft td taw J children and Mas H3da Vask*t mS | Kinston spent ikwlay B td*n with