JftfEBXISEBS WILL FIND OUK a latchkey to ism OF MAKTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 29 SUMMM SCHOOL TO OPEN HERE MONDAY JUNE 9 . i Full Quota of Teachers and Over Has Been EnroDed *«s> ! The date for the opening of the County Summer School at Wfl liamston is Jane 9th- The full quota and over of teachers has been enrolled and prospect far' the iiimir- are splendid. Teachers from other counties have asked to enter, and Superintendent Pope will ■mfa all arrangements to open the school as scheduled. On necessary, however, will I be places for those who Are coming here. Inquiries hare been made about board, gad if there are families who doira to take boarders it will help greatly to inform SupC Pope a* early m panße. The session will held for six weeks, and the teachers would like to have pleasant quarters dhile in town. It means something to have iinahii of the teaching profes sion to one into the town, and the citiseas should interest themselves in to the comfort and pleasure of this high type of young vomanhm l. PHILATBEA CLASS ENTERTAIN S ■ % The Philathea Clafc» of the Memor ial Baptist Church entertained last Friday evening at the parsonage, the home of Rev and Mrs. R. 1- Shirley, honoring Mrs. A. V. Joywr, who has been teacher of the class for the past several years and who has done .-uch splendid work for them and. also. Mrs. R_ E. Scruggs who will leave oon to a«ke her home in Nashville and , Miss Frances Thomas of Richn.ond | who has been a menner of the * >ca! ( school faculty for the past session ami , who will leave this week. The guests were met at the .ioor by \ Mrs. Shirley and invited into the re rrptioa hall where they were reee.ved by the guests of honor and from tl.ere they were taken U> the dining r «ni where Mrs. Warren H. Biggs served j punch. After the arrival of all the guests , Mrs- Joyner was invited into the liv ing room where she found a shower ' of packages, a gift from each men-.ber j of the class in appreciation of her | faithful service to them as teacher of their das*. Dainty boxes of horte- | made sweets were presented to Mrs. Scruggs and Mis* Thomas. Pineapple salad with cream dress ing and mints were served. The wnole lower floor of the home which has been recently renovated was thrown open to the guests and it was attrac tively decorated for the occasion with • profusion of pink and white ruses. L J. SHIELDS OF HOBGOOD hlLI> HIMSII.K R J. Shirl Is for mary yaars the leading merchant in Hobgood, C.MU mittod suicide by shooting himself. Mr. Shields was about SS years fi and bad been very active in business and a eery hard worker, running farms, a large store and a hoteL About a year ago be lost his wife, since which time he seemed to Itave been downcast and in a melancholy mood. At the first of this year he turned all of his business over to his boys. He spent Sunday in Scotland J.'eck with friendr. apparently in bitter spirit than usual. Monday morning however, he seemed somewhat de pressed. In the early afternoon he v.-as missed and a search was made a&d his body was found in the old store which was recently occupied by him amd whack a now mm& by his hoys for a furniture storage house. He was lying down with his head an asme books dead, having shot himself through the head with a pistol. Mr. Shields had made a splendid nrreia financially The supposed reas on for the act being 01 health and ««er the death of h» wife. - Judge BNphia C Bragaw and Mr. Claude Can os of Washington were business visitors here yesterday. Mr. Jalius S. Peel metered to Kel fsed Monday. Mr. and Mis. J. G. Godard. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Manning and Mr. Miles H. Wolff ittislil the Shriners con Rsikj Mil yeaUiday. Messrs. J. G. Godard, John D. Biggs and Wheeler Martin wo* in James- Mr. A Ben Penny of Kalefeh is visits „ Mr. S. Alexander and Mr. Jack Peal mt Ptyaasatk visited fi lends fit town THE ENTERPRISE HOSTESSf TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB 1 ! On Wednesday afternoon from four I until six Mrs. S. R. Biggs. Jr. was j hostess to the Twentieth Century Club ! at her home on Watts street The at I tractive living and dining room of the home were opened together and white roses with yellow daises were used in the living room and pink roses in 'crystal bowls were used ia the din 'ing room. The program for the afternoon con sisted of two very interesting papers bearing on the general topic if study. "North Carqjina History ". The first one an essay oa the and Works j of Charles B. Aycock" was written I' and read by Mrs. B A. Critcher and was much enjoyed. The other one on. The Fruits of the Soil of North Carolina** was prepared by Mrs. W. k Parker anjl read by Miss Yella Andrews. A resume of Current Events was given by Mrs. Joseph H. Saunders A business session was held follow ing the conclusion of the program. An outine of the plans fo- the coming i year was maile and discussed in de tail and new ofirert were elected. Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Jr. was elected pres ident. Mrs. Warren H. Biggs, vice president. Miss Vella Andrews. Sec re- i tary. and Mrs. Clayton Moore, jj Treasurer. The program committee j nameii for the year was composed of . Mrs. Titus Critcher. Mrs. H. A. i Critcher ami Mrs. S. K Biggs. Jr.. i ami for the Book Committee were named Mrs. F. I*. Barnes. Mrs. H- M. Stubhs ami Mrs. J. W» Manning In the absence of the President. Mrs J. S. Rhodes, the vice-president. Mrs. ( Wheeler Martin. Jr.. presided at thi> meeting. , After the business session ended re freshments were enjoyed, an ir. course , with fancy cakes was served by the | hostess. The only, guest of the club | for the afternoon va> Mi« Charlotte j| WtNxi of Eienton. 1 IMB. AND MBS. OtTELWII VISIT FBIFNDS IN OOINTY ' Mr. ami Mrs. B F. Ospsland ami children are visiting friends in the county. Mrs. Copelaml who will be re membered as Miss Josie Nolan ami who left old Dymond City about .'St years ago and for «|Uite a number of ( years lived at Rich Square. N. C. ami married Mr. B. F. Copelaml of North hampton county. They now lave at Fairhope. Ala., but have ben at Guilford College, N*. C. for several months. They have five promising boys with time. They are Walter. Leslie. Howard Bevan and John. YOUNG WILLJAMSTON GIRL HONORED Miss Annie Crawford, the pretty young daughter of ex-sheriff ami Mrs. J. C. Crawford ami who is attending the North Carolina College for Wow men has been honored by being made one of the sponsors of the business manager of "the Trinity Chronicle" a weekly newspaper dedi cated to the promotion of Trinity Col lege. Her picture appeared in the May issue of the Chronicle beside that of Miss Elizabeth Kramer of Elizabeth City who was sponsor for the editor in-chief. LITTLE MISS WATTS t ELEBR AT ING BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Little Miss Gwendola Watts, -t tractive daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. W. B. Watts, is celebrating her fourth birthday anniversary by entertaining about forty of her little friends. Out door games wiU be enjoyed for an hour and then the liUie guests will | be served ice cream snd cake in the , dining room which will be effectively . decorated for the occasion Mr. Simon LSley motored to Wash ingtott last evening to visit his j brother who is ill ia s hospital then* Dr. J.'S. Rhodei attended the Shrine meeting yesterday. Fanners along the Roanoke river low grimiii are rejoicing at the run ner of the (weeding water.- at Wel •loa and up river points. A Hood now Too Id make it impin i ihli to make satisfactory crops this year. The Roanoke has had * swell for about three no at hi The kind of a freshet the old timber folk called a -starvatisa fn ih«f too deep to haul and toe shallow tea fis*t. Mr. Hugh B. Andersen left M. n day afternoon for Dann where he wBI he at the Young's hotel with hi* uncle Mr. C A Bskcr. Mr. Miles H. Wolff ettended a house party at Windsor Castle during the I Messrs. Frank aad Irving Margalis i and Stan H. HaneU spent Sunday in I Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May-23, 1924. Uurges Payment of :i License Tax « j Commissioner Doughtsw Calls Attest J tioa to Penalty Provissao Of Law ' Raleigh. N. C.—R. A Dsnghten [ Commissioner of Revenue hns ainiicd application blanks for licenses requir ed for practicing professions or en-1 gaging in businesses for which a. license is required under the provis-i* ions of the State Revenue Act to all 1 1 parties who secured licenses for the |' year ending May SI. 1924. This appti- ' cation calls attention to Sec torn >i rf"' the Revenue Act, providing for a pen alty for failure to secure license priori to June Ist or before engaging in the;' jhusiness made taxable umier the Re-1 venue Act. The penalty of the art n * reed.-- as follows: "Each person, firm or corporation; who engages in any business or prar ( tires any profession for which a lie- jj ehse is required by this act. except j where the amount of the tax is con- j ( tingent upon the amount of business j i transacted shall procure said license' annually in advance on or before the', thirty-first day of May. or before en- 3 j gaging in the business or practicing | the profession for wh'ch a tax is lev-*, ied by this act Any person, firm or' 'corporation who engages m any bwsi- • j ness or practices any profession for , (which a license is required by this act ■ |Wi*hout first having procured a license 1, therefore shall be guilty of a mtsJe 3 meanor. and upon ronrirtMi -Sail tw", fined or imprisone>i in the discretion of the court: Provided, the fine sh?B (, not be less than twenty per cent of the tax in addition to the tax ami the j cost." j, " 1 • Jovemor Doughton nllni attenlsnn J to the fact that the per_alty provided ' is mandatory Ln>l that he is • -iS>ol ] authority to relieve ar.y one from it j It is his desire that all person.. lnUe| for this tax shall make application! fore >ame promptly secure the brew.-* " ] prior to Jun" Ist arvl avo»l the nee j a essity of his having to levy any prn 1 altie&. !j fi lence in a man who wouM >So that-" j Aitainst Income Tax j I "I was in the legislatuie of WlS'.jl saiii Mi. Mi( oin. 'when Mr Itadey fought the income tax. toe ata.>aiv j 1 which hii* since relieved the land and]' personal property owners of over sl. j IIOIVNM) tax bunieii I heard Mr. Bailey I 1 make hi> famous. "Ho* ami Ham 1 speech, when he turr >1 to Mr. Max-]' well ami said: "If you want onr rr I' venue right hcdly. Xsse.;s the lainb «-f ( 1 North Carolina, acres of i' them, at their market value, as is yourl' constitutional duty, ami yw mill ret,' some revenue. All that you cee»» Why 2 1 Utn*t you do it ? Is it to sukr j' the* corporations shell out once ssore | "Mr. Ilailey sai.l that", .tevlared Mr ! "THK MINISTER'S HIITS NEW BONNET* WITNESSED K1 A PACKKD Al IMENO:] A large crowd. ie>p«te the nrle I ment weather, enjoyed the perform i ance of the "MmL-ter'» Wife's Newj ( Itonnet" which was rnr» j evening at the St ran. 1 theatre uosler j the auspices of Circles No. 4 ami of 1 the Memorial Bapti-t Churrh. umier I the direction of Mrs. Oscar Amtersocij ami Mrs. Chloe I^nier I Mrs. Roy Gurgar.u.. Mrs. Kojre. j Critcher aad Mt- Mar- fly Je) i.; tcißiieaat «ii»l t'-*.r 2 well, the musical numbers by Mr ] P. B. Cone. Mrs. L C. Bennett. Mi -I li-ra Orleans ami M. Maurice Watts! were- much enjoyetl by!)* andienre. I 1 ' ' }•'- v : - » . | ! i ! ■ • . i-. . • fi- ' r~'l COMMENCEMENT EXERICES TONIGHT ; AT LOCAL SCHOOL Grammar Grades Will ! Present Si and the Sunbeam Club 44 The commencement exercises l» local -chool tnight will bnn)( Ito a daw U»e 11S3-24 session. one of 'the -va iKtcssful in the history of 'the school. A very interesting; pn»- |hj> been ami win meet with ! Ugh approval. One of the mo-t highly j«*cieut Kiaduatini; Htwi. six girts ;a»d three boys, goes out from the •schoal this year. " I Tonight the pamnur gravies will present a play. "Uncle Si ami the Sunbeam Club" ami an c-peretta an der the direction of Mrs. Ha—ell TV certificates for the grammar grade paptU will be presented tonight, j A musical recital const, ting of many | rw 1 -dctwo.- will be remicred tonight | Mrs. Warm Hirr-. the mibir teach er. ha.- worked faithfully with her >duljrs ihtiir the year ami has se ! lected with the greatest care the num hers on the procrani. :o notliinr Jes thaa an excellent recital is expected. Piofessor H. K. S|»'v. hrnl of the .lenarttper.t at Trinity Cfcllf** "riil deliver the hacvalureate smM to ihe ~enk>r Sunday jmrroin- in the Methodist church at j II o'clock. I»r. Spruce is highly recom ,rj«-adfd as a eery go «l speaker. \evt Monday nifht. Mr. Shirley will ; .irlrefr an nldn- - ai the rhool an "iitnnam. I Senator Who Heard "Ham 44 Speech Says Mr. Bailey Repudiated Owon Doctrines. Henderson. X. C. May.— Anfn- W McLean. candidate for the •iemucrattr I rnaißitiini for cui ifin.r ha- not m tx-ned the name of hfc> primary .y ponent during his entire -peakin itinerary oier the State, nor did he in |bi» speech here tonight before a re presewtative crowd of Vance' n>ut\ I ciliww-. bat tonight for the first time a speaker from the same platform rant in the Raleigh lawyer's mar Former Senator R S McToin. who helped open the stump mreting. >a»l. , ~Jo-iah W. Iladey. who lays claim to to democratic party principles, ha* en tarred the democratic party more than all the repuhl trans put together Mr IRa3ey advocated the revaluation act. and ashed me to vote for it. which I did. Then in CO .lays' time Mr Kailet i turned right arouml and fought the bill whirh lie hail helped to ret thru I rauiat trust. n»r ran I hare an) con. j McCoin, "ami he also said in the -an> speech. "Why in North Caruluu ho£s are valued at less than I pa. for a Lam. goat>. jack.- ami lad) jacks, etc.. are very low «lown\" public doesn't know", •Wrlaret sli Mf'»iii, "nor do I know rha' If *»at with the money Mr Itaile) x> i tinted fio mthe corporation' to fight j the passage of the inr.ime tax am-r»l Cr lit I ii on the legi.-l.dive mnwitil t'' Uat coii-nleixd the i:urome tax law and was a member of the legi-latuir ln-L PLMOI this fine mrastire to re Itete the farmer". I* recall also**. sal.l Mr. Mri ua. "that Mr I'aaley supported the segie ifiliui niea - ore in «hk he arftanlo) taking all of the tax money pad in by railway ami other publar utilil) corporation* away from the route 'and gating it to the state, ami aL-o U ' lake tbe tax off of unanprui e-l Uul Jaixl leave lie bunlen on the CuHivatr-i Iai re- of trie little larmer. " M . friend from Mr. Mc Jsan, wl«o will soon speak to >ou~. 'J sir! Mr. • on., " voir.! ami wwrkd for (the adoption of the income tax law | ■turn relieved the farmer and lar -l I and per-onal property owner. He ha llways -toad four *«|uare for the hot mtere-t- of the people. I know y«ri • ill be gla-l to listen to him.*" lb concluding his remarks. Mr Mc Coin «•_■( the endorsement gi««n Car. delate McLean by the late Conpir . man (Taol* K itch in. recently nvle public by the distinguished -imaxM •talesman'* son. Mills Kitchin. and which was found in the late congress mi-.n"- own handwrfting among hi* pr*-~oeal effect- m hi- desk. The ee oor-e-mmt of Mr. Mclean by the bte c--. rre-.-m.-r. impres-ed many in the audience. Mr >orge I-ouis Mad re. Mr. Cooper P rry an ■ Pete Rascoe of Vim* >«r psJMd through here Sunday. *lr Frank Hitch of Kiientoa spent •he week-end in town. Mr? ftirk Taylor and little dngh- U r left today for Tarboro where they * all make their home in the future. A large number of the young peo ple enjoyed a hay ride to oar town h.4 evening. There am ahoat ltd) fixe of them. Mr. Harrison Endorses Mr. A. W. McLean i IVar Kd:tor- I am not a politician. 1 have never held public «6r« either elective or ap pointive. I have never asked anyone to vote for me for any oflkv, ami up to a few weeks ago I had never -o far as I can recall asked an > one to voto for any other person for puulic office I belong to no machine or faction. For over 14 years of m life I liv ed an Cumoerlami County. I went there in IM to accept my first po-ilion af ter leaving school, taring the hr-t years I spent ir. thai county I learned to know Mr Angus Wilton Mr I ear who ts now a camikiate for tiovernor of oXrth Carolina in the IVmocratic primary to he held on June 7th next. I am for Mr. McLe-ar* hecau-e he is ami has wvn L!I his life a te.il >lirt farmer His first work t> haul turpeatine to market on an ox cart and to pull a hell cord aero— a mule's I hack. 1 am for Mr Mrlear. becau-e he Is a plain every .lay bu-ine.-.- man. K«-a-i I a -ketch «»f b»s life to see Jiow much he has !«(* f..r his c«untv and section I am for Mr Mdr-in hecau-e he ■Joes thing-: he doe- rn»f dream them -all -iav loe ; Read a -ketch of hi.- life a»i -ee what he ha- to his credit. » am f.-r Mr Mcl esn hecau-e I he-1 lieve him to he the verj, hr-t i|Ualifie.l man sr \orth ("amlinx for lo vemor at this particular time. I am for Mr Mclean hecau-e his private life ami puMic recoral have been as clean as a Sound's tooth Marine known Mr. Mclean for over -*• yeurs I know you will mak* no mis take in votiEe for him fur Governor on June Tik I will thark you to let me know if I can count on you to vote ami work 'or Mr Mclean for (nnenwr v_ V««r friend. It C HARRISON \FTF*MMIV TK% IV HONOR t»F MISS tIITA MITCH ELI. %M» MRS. A. V. JOINKR Honoring Mi-s Mata Mitchell of Oxford ami Ml*. 'A. V Jovner who wiß sotm leave William-tor- ami mem her- of th- local school faculty. Mrs *>-«ar Amlerson gave- a verv >ielirht- W tea at her on Fist Mam -treet W«v!ne-da> af"e~R no The gwe- ts were -e—,H.- ■jl 'ir- >1 by the hostess ami her mother. Mr.-, i Wheeler Martin. Sr aid invited into JouUe parh-r- which were very lovely . an their .*es-oration of p.nk ai-l white A sala-t cour-e with ice.l tea was • .ervejl by Mr-- Amh-rscni ami Mi-> Nna I ptmi Th«>e beside- tlae honoree- »hn en P»yed tbe h»-pitalitv of the |».pular >oung ho-te-.- were. Mrs. R I- Shir i ley. Mrs M J Ila a i-. Mr-. It A Pope. . Mrs. W. || Harrell. Mis- \ina llarl hei.l. Mas- .1a.1) - llerijainin. Mi-s Frp~u.es Thomi-. Mis- llattie Hirowrr. Miss Nan, I ptori. Mr Ma. ' tin. Sr, Arthur Andrrton, Mrs A R IKuiinr Mrs. J I. Williams, Mrs. C. It Hasaell. aiel Mi - Kthel linAa I • ' UN ML «MHHESIR\ I'I.US AT R1..%"S RKAt H 1111 K>. '* 1 Lkr.dai night. Mrs. \\. I: Halls ( I ber iariiwfi \ d.ii -r.-n, Johnu e A. l>dpot. V. ilium rwl l-atn IU/ *■! jMuiejol to Itr. - lU-ach. ia ■ • «a-t 1 ar« abl be- no.tr to p!a> i">r a £ai4» givc-i b> tie- of ! the learh . { "l l. was the tir.-t a;ip-.raim- of tin local orcoe-Ir~ ai.>l they are at j :ti»otoi curli cr--!it I.MI b, th* I |*b.urmrr.i af/>i lie .lanc-r- of the * | ei*iji» The our'" ti_ aril play each jThors-fey . igfct at tbe l-eacb , I Mrs. I. J O-apman and on. Mr [||ja4 (la|Aiii of tinftotk |enl Xun . j«ta> here witr. Mr a»*l Mr- J I. Wil liams. Me?-rs. *1 II tiark-n -n-1 S. (all'i IVe-S atteardol rhurrh at IVar fln-s Saday and then m-t-mi to Washing i ? ton for tlae ereninr's service at St. I Peter's Church I Mr. Lyman lintt n-uiwt W «s!irf- - . day from Oak Ridge liirtitutr where f he attended school the past session Mr. Rdert L Coburn wdl leave f.-r t Horeta Saturday r.i; ht wh--re he wdl t attend to lejral basiie - iii J .ck -oi. vaße. Mr. Coburn will, be in Flora- a for ahat ten day.-. r Mr. J. *H. Cohu«a. or Maafkstone. r. Virginia, was a vn-itor in town this . t Profe -sor H. M. Ain-ier and family pi i inl through town t. day er,route to - "Aa-;. ,-et« * county whe -o they til! r rpal the summer rifhifi; relatives. Mr. Aiadey k the superintendent of - the Oak City schools. ■ Mr. A. F Stallmgs of Jame-rille f wm a pleasant caller at our tfice tc day- | . ONLY THREE NEW DIRECTORS ELECT ED TO ASSOCIATION * *> The final 4mien cf our •lirwt«>r for i ''J t as (onSrrftt at the annual meetini? of member- at Raleiefc on 1 uesaia). May 3lh rr-Ulfli in a rv nurluW- vote of ron&:.Hit.' in tw 'matuurrmtnt of the association *t*n |22 out of 25 d:r«li>r> w ("■ rrturr'.i to office- Only three char re- in the thrw Utr> re-ulle»S fr> m v.-t nt by the •iu!> "Kifl «»f our M.'i.ftfct memb-r- as mn:iarvl t»» five thanp-» in our The «mfmor> of North Carolina ami South CuollSl all neai»- p>'iitrl the puMir directors of the e -late-. namely IHner J. !>»&!- fT V're-nu (lamwe IVe for North ( ;'« In.a a*?«l E. r Kpp- fc*r Swi!h ("if" I lina. j Mth.-uith onS> three new directot from three -late- were electf-i for th.~ cvminut -erson «»ur in—iV?r- a -*^ii chose the -IIKT t\ (»' of fj-mrr-lc i l r-e-> man director who ■ leader-h/p hr- liri.uthl prx».-re- - a>l -ocre- • to our association tl'jrinc the |«a t two years. T*>e rew h;t—rtor- jP> ;•!! tobacco olanl'r> and n*r who have also -ncrnilel in hu-ines - ..r bankine In Yirrira tt K prom! n* et planter aril -t-ck firmer. t»» pm.>len! of the \merxan Nationa" Rank cf Ounville. .i! -•> prevalent in.| director of the Airricultural Credit • '"-(kiration of V ireinia sucreeds Frank O. MH'ormick a- director of the larjresl IUKKM crvwinic count \ of the- Sooth - hlt-ihania county. Mr tlardner wa- •«* of the "first men in Pittsylvania nxnlt t«» sien the ma: ketinc contract ami one of the very lew prominent men in the city of Danville to hack the cooperative mar* Valine movement from its berir.ni!;-* Mr. Mrt'■■rmick the retirinsr director whose ile*oted service to the assoc. it ion f..r tw.» years has emle tre i him to the membership of ki> district, states that Mr (ianlrer will Have the loyal -upffc.rt of the Cftfl memlxr- in htt-iltanb county. \ M Duma} of X C ucceed- J. V. r«M> of Pinetop another itrrolnl iivculton leader since its corporation. Mr l>ugiax is pre- latent of the Fir«t National Rank of Washinrton. N C. an em - prescient of the North I'unljm Hankers* As sociation. vire pre-»nlenl of the Amer lean Hanker"- Association and a to bacco planter in Iteaufort county. In We>tem North Carolina T T llaw kes ptominrnt farmer and mrrrt ant of Norlina (litle T llam- of Maplevdle a- director of I the a-social ion's cieiilh li>tnrl where Mr lla*kes Ha- |»en a constant • upi—rti r of lie cnoperati-.e move ment from it-s start in Nortti t'aroliu At the annual ineet.nr of tiae a - Kalli-ii mrmler- ami director- ir- KJnrh la-! Tue-«iav a rev lew of our -a-coml reason «howed an increase i I deliveries from Its million p'Uint- to more than IHn million pound- of to I kacco. irx a-lvaixr |ukl to our I namUrl.-. on ail rra-ie- at the tun -1 of >Mivery. a rain of ten thou-aiei I nb> n- U-r - jr 1 saS- - _ to date. of ncr. j liun half tl- -leliverh- oi l!«- I"--' • ! r pop HM.HW \k M MKI.Wt.II ■ u new hirhway Iratm; from Uu { lui.i*luii to the llalifav count > liie.j 11 i- r»-«-,-r»tl> bmi iiumbrroi and mark I je»! li\ far thv- entire r««a.i is in Martin r>mi,l> hut we umler-lari-1 tl|~t : umbri IJ-". will eventually extend to Halifax, the count) seat of Halifax. « »unt). | NUIKWj has cost our count,. Mrfiel.'.ilkjr less Kail Qvijlui ami ha l*-rlt one of the cuint)> lest l.vr-i no-nl - in year.-. I"a---ir; Ihtuarti a t«r» -ection of the nun ty ami irivinr llani ilton an uutlrl ha.- meant mudi to' • hit (own ami to tak *"ity t which the route faasseo. • .*.»iini» rH-- the- roa-! ami piiCn. • j th- numbers at man. point aloi.r the, 1 hisrhway makes travel very ea-> fori • the -Jransrei IH NBAICS « ANIIV (;IRLn FAIL T» APPEAK Actunlu [ t« an ?/renlient enter t-1 in to betweea, the manaren-ei ' of ' tl* Strs.rai theatr»- ami the mar as-er I »f the iJunlar Candy «iri* the run joa) ,aras to at the Straml ■ •last nirht. lanirt't ar.l tomorrow joirht bat -ice to j«»r ukaan rea , Jon the company failed to appear ij (The oswai pmrtaa was shown in I .spite of the fact that the company faikii to appear The mar-cement as (} sure- the BW* facs excellent pic . ! tare., nest week. Several of the pie i tares to be Un are nee playing in r ! Norfolk at the WelU theatre. I t . j f Mr. Lee Oena, MM the AT devil, - t* now with Jawt ui BeMower. baker —filwin, aaar Evctctt. WATCH THE LABKL ON TOL'2 PAPEK. rr THE UATK \OLB SLUSCIUMTON EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1896 Mc. G. TAYLOR WINS IN SUIT AGAINST J. A. EVERETT Two Weeks Term Re duced to One Week, Ends Today In-- most lnuTe-tinsr ca.se to rnmf before the special term of -upenor twine twin i.ere tills week wao 'be -uit of Mc G. Taylor vs James A_ Everett et aL-. The suit was brought to recover loss -u-taineil by plaintiff on account of ilefemlsnt's fa.lure to perform his contract. The r.is«- w a .s fought from every atsarle b> a la rue number of lawyers. After two .lay. of .-truKtiine the piamtitf won a veniict in full of his claim. The decision a.-s no surprise to those who hear'! the exse ami wai in accont with the ireneral expectations of the people. | rt* next case was Amtncan Wnole | -ale Corporation vs S. K. Drnc company This suit was bos..! on a ■(ilTereme of accounting, th * pbin tilT c!a:n !nir *hat a -pecific >tefi ar.te )nlaiice was iiue with the yfettf .int iIL-putins same. Th.? jt'ry fnanl that certain cre-!its shouM ie riven, an-1 mluce-' the plairtiJTs ciain t.» the si»m u.imitte.l .iue by the •ie V -.tant- Tl>» court which was to hbeen helif for two weeks an.f for 'he trial of civil cases only wii! c'os» today ar.l not rut! the full two «-eeks as was evi»"ctel. HASSELL SCHOOL CLOSED MAY 15 t>n litli of Ma. the Mime to a close. On Thursday niKhi. a very . tere-t iiijj was rei»ter.ii. ' % + After the program Mr. K A. Pope, the ("ouisfv Superinten-tent. tiiaate a ver\ interesting talk op. "WKat KouM we io lot ttie uplift of our ."hool" tin r rnlax the |«eopl.- of the com- I IUIIUV .assembleil at tk.> -chi« 1 i uihl 'Hi-' where there were r rita?i"ft>. «le s'lainaU.iii - ami -on if b. the |' 1 y-il of - sChoiil. ' 1 Mr Joiies Taylor ma-te a very in pre-sive talk on isiucat 'ip.. He .ielrver «s| tli.- Tth tr;n!e certificated, pr»- molinc the pupils of thai ?r>l* to the high SCIMKII. Th.- follow-in? priies were a wanted. Mi s Mamie Crisp ari l Mr Johnnie' '* lUwl- receiving prizes for having the be-t ave.aire in -;ielltntr for the year. Miss Elis Purvis received the next prue for having the hiirhe>t averute in the school. After the proirram. ilinner was -erv evl, which ever> one e:ijoy»d- Mrs- Knu'ht, the patron, who leaver the -chool. was conifra!ulate.l on the -nlemlkl work remlereil by her dmr iriar the |iast session. ININ \TIO\S COME JKOM FAK AW A V STATES The li*al relis-f cof- -llttee for the li-U'iio -ufTerers i.a- ixeixd iloia • t loiis from as far ai.i as Tew?. Mr. Th« •mas ) i*rrrti of lie:. *Teia* —e lit Ihi - iteck for j.i.«t. I°. rhap this «lo J lit ion iwine- furtlter than o.ae yet j rnei\ eil b> th.- relief cocimiltre It I si io% ■ us a mail v ho k '.iws bis inigh | bor. MK>. MAIM «. BAKMIILL^ IMES OK PNEI MOMA Mrs. Mary C. Ilainh !) of JaiunviHr ■lieil Thur-.tay frwi an attack of piieumoiiia la- tiliK -e» -rai liay s. Mrs. Itarriliill wa- . arl) etghtoae ycar.s olil, an ' the last of the hiklrew of the tale Elder Cl_jto« Moot* to pass away. She was the sister of Jame- Edwin Moore, prorainetct law Iyer of Willianiston. She first marriel K I ward tJngwr ami after his -leath she i—ninl Joel | Iti-.mhill who also dkd du.-iCf the epiiiemic of influenza zed Mrj.i Annie JC. Clasprow survives her. Mrs. Itsrnhill ha>i far mary years , been a member of the Priiaitiw Bap tist church at JaaotSle, ZKI her re mains will be la ill to rest cr.aier the shadow of the old church. The funeral services will be c— ducted by Elder Sjrlwster Hassefi and EWer W. B. Harrinrton. I MBS. S. a JENKINS DIES IN KOKEKSONYILIX Mrs. S. D. Jeaknis cf Eik-r- 'idled at her hniar TWnday. May It after »n illneaa lasting far »l«ual weeks. Mrs. W. H. HarreO ittmM the 1 funeral of Mrs. Mary f. BaiaUl afi a Notice tk» label mm ymm papered

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