THE ENTERPRISE f ||if PUBLISHING CO ' W. C MAJiWNa Uhr W. C MANNING, JK- - BUS- MGR. I tMr o— «-—» lymr- C months ® | S a*or,Vh« r —7, | * tha M Ofc* »tW 1 North Ca*wta» ma ~c»od- Tt'ESADY. MAY 3T. !«*• -1b what «! car. the Nat»or- O.uuir.l build a better rwso thiftj a Stat T" a eorwspowlwt asks It Ciiit But it does* It car huii I m> Ik". -«.r roa'i than any other cer.ir_l acth but it «>oe- buJ-t be«" r road.- it bul.i better aid krtt-- ,-iblic works. b«aM the -tar ira.- i f a National G. verr.mer.l art »:Ua!;;. higher ami warped by cwnsik ration of immediate t»pe-e than ai* tho e cf -m. Her ap|»r t"-* ie?T i Th" I nited States Govtr. nie'=t n:.- fwr naiy year fcllowe>t the able p.'iey of built: g any thin* to ia--t fur a long period of tir->e It*. jn.t,: building* are not to I t* replaced in ten or twenty >ear».l lut 6uilt to with.-tan-i the ■ lime for many hundreds of year j U her. the Panama Canal w u: j strutted. money not «t»f.te--- trej cauJ wa.- to he fur all time ar-s "j bmdl H —H a- ew^tur.. eoul • Mtlti it. N« lialf-r.earte* e "' , *a- ID U»e *ar The be-t we haJ j of money ai-i bran.- and rif'-rt we*» lttUi it. When the l'nite.l Stttes j me;.*, the building and man'-' nance of national highway.-. ■*- » ! build in the «*me »ay with ' gar,, to the future To® many n-a an- huitt to *sa> only v for tne iiwo ate prryi t: built lw !»*ht. -*» ,ha! traffic M«n rut- them to U*, crooke-!. so that they -a te lime «+,Je p*n«l«-ri'>g to l.*al preju>lK»> aram>t condemnation: huil*. "*'■ rv i..g gra.te-. to save con-tract* m Building the fiw -tar.d highe-t '>K of roa.t engineering under sfcand . i- or>e «f why good net- enthu-ia-t- with n »• are working for the day -►« real national high* ay- bextf. t.. fan due* go«i roat- everywhere \ (111 ID Mil 111 * V HoK"E s|1 " 1 «»he of th.- -ub tartial rrtuen- of Court v »a- in lowr •*»> V l4 " 1 aeek trxiti* to lir-ult lie eitlier ha-t to r«' to Wa-r or let hi- team ro Thi> mar, a>ke.l why * .iltam-t-i -1 ,„t hate (a haniware >tote Tl-e person to »h«m hi- did not have the 1M of the bavine>- men in town, an-i Mt aLwer corrertly. WBIo» ton continue to choke or -hall st h» ,riven a r«o.i *-* °* Ui o.«>e Slm a-imim-ter "".iope in tM bvMnfM lif#i iiuwr si MMKK St Html- HKRK U> a*Bskter *er> feet**-. at- la havin* a -ummer »thovl ir our " midst this summer Wf «k»B» lt * « tMchtrr who iw l® n>n * lxr* j ,-tiwlv ilurinf t* bol, >»Uf j The on* «y »* on *ho» -p-j iwc. l-t for li*ir wwk. *»• '*| sfcooid beeao** they »« wwrtoir for] Ikt uplift of ktmuitf as vril a* for. Ihimnlici t> to pro*W4e booniirg. plans for them. It is the hrt) of thr people of William»toß to takr U* Mart iMdMn of o«r nmmty into their boose*. Why? kccavr tkr ■i|ht, mm yoar ckU Mi to |W *3 W oil* than no pammtmi 1m yoor triollr MoOwr illlisil 1 I Hi ' " ' * *1 * 1 f FORD LOSES NISCLE SHOALS • After the govern-nent work in the dcrdopnent of the water power of i ti* Tennessee river, general!> caliee I jthe Mu-cle Shoal- project, was- ii- IcoctiniMvt after the war. Henry Forx! the great possibilities in thk> er?terj»n-e naif an offer for th proper*.! on a M year lease ba-e witn, l ... .jl I the p>wi ii inn that it shook! be tume»i j I I over to the government at any time if, , neeueo in ra_-e of war or -oen ar. I . ensergeney and further that a -üb»tar I rial ar-x.ur.t of r.itrogen >hoo!«i be » mar.ufarturei each year to be s».-e«: is ' commercial fertilizer at a Cw-t not to ,e»cee-. h per cent ahove the r«et cwt J I Font's b»ii .-eeme-i go»wt for a time.j' t«l verv ouickly a howi wa- heani. | ! 'i :?«e guano companies. ti>e .-ii*«try {»-w II er •jfvfkpm'! t« ar>»» .th. r interest- I _»e"le.: an-) ciilxl it Fon:".- monopoly. ' i*e> proce««!'* tu kill th» -chna; | i F;r>t. they set up a ne» h»ir--a- ar • • ;ne c«»ur>try with' aea:rsst tie Fon: offer 1 Her. they ' ■ gai. Ut -uhmit h:t- an-! wher. fo»-j' rre.-.- ««ul-t hearing, a new ">j s u'.' c*.»»ie up. This rwtma"! urt£.f" |*illv the whole is •! :t wa! fatwv ® i, was engaged m tiie Sr! L Fon* co;.filter t. ►•winr :j- p. rer th f>»r?ett r.g that the " jgr r.r :ta! ma- »orkinr on r lorJy a few year- ago "Newt i. Ih n:. *n fe remaire>l still r- ; ?;c>ri c*fifi't>*.« alt lough there uus be ja le-tt*-r f«irpi»-e that can le of j ■M . cle .-"h«ols thari to lea-e it to ] jF.,. s ; Vr F«nf nerertheJe-s rat »!«1 . 'that with all his shrew^- e .I. s ha- ] i (k*efi li'-RK'.l* rw aivi vuitarm>t I-;- * il'f piJitiran-. j, Mi;r « n\|\trssu»\ M \KFS I I F\\«>K\i:ir. Kt:niei Thie !a_-t -e- of the leg- 'ature I : *"« «i-»*e«l |s»-- what wa- } r-en! ti - - p jis i «4'.n I rsi -p>** . ••' " «*• ' rn * -' I . »*-i .iea-il) at'ack at !l* I-ev.- J : >■ profe.-.-ioi.a! |-!>tleans jki l'* 1 r ..I n.-i.i at!«W. B urtler * * *~e II « »i«-rs! A--*-mWv It was >.«il -e.l f' ' 3 t it Im rumb».iti n wa- so -titir t' it n.. legislation ter.-lir;g !•; hfcrt jl> rail road, evrn though ;t •!>»! r«lp ;t » wiplf, voul't k* pa-sol r • Vn . ti - e-ißiitiun c-r fror,*... -i » ■ :t*e »«••»ri».r ar;.| hi- pmpu-itM. fe? «. .« a o>mmis-(on t» Mt- S vesljgate the -itiutiun ai»( -ee b* r ,t*ere wa- i.-t a real r*ol for better I'v at'-r trar.-|»-rtjtion facilities •'« * *.. rnttr? thar itscL'.r.- cotid I I .i ll,»\ ali-conl:rued f.gkt i; j ' •»> in* -!«.r a !r • n*rh -«v—. ( f tr.e -ituattor. vi-itmg many I .o-'. evaroning tiie -'»ur..!-. mers. invk ?.!.! canal- la practixralEv j.ll |dit> f the -tate. Ihe committee recommetnis a co«e t Vie ->-tem of huats. terminal* ar«t I a rail roa»l front the iw«- re f lain to the sea. is i If the ncn,nter.:at»«« are pat •- ie! ' . practical etfeet It wJI mean the id saving of million- in actual rash t«- i»je [e |le of tr.e -tite. lt al-o iiß ie the buiktir.g up of la-tern Cane !-t * lo "■ Una more than any other thing *. There are about 2* counties in the •ate that woid-i be in direct to»c* - and a- many More jthat would receive direct benefit - froe water lines. f? How to Make Money! Mt f*CTI Illustration describes how to make KST—nK-PMd hrtUJ.M. ) LftHSEMMSIEPJUNT I is White Lad and Costly White ' * Zinc u> assure longest years of TiTT—gin.ii *i ■■« vear. as pwwa by SO years of utmoet satisfactory use. IIMT COST in form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Unseed Oil into each gallon, and so make I** gallons of Pare Paint for s£B2 per gallon. c Salsb jry, Johnson COL Inc., Hamilton, N. C. 4 4 "** • 'ut at io how the proposition will de- |i rHop now. ' r It » expected that the Governor *3 call as extra wssioa of the leg»-1 btuc to consider the report. It b a little hard to make any fore- { jC \BBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE. AD J SI cent*, per htioirei. Call, sr see Dr. J B. H. Knight. _ - ■ » ' COWS WANTED: I WANT TO BI Y I T*» Fir?t Gav Milk Cow,-.—Mrs. I FAMOIS SAYINGS BV |« FAMOIS MEN 1 i Gea. Ffaati- Maror.— Tf irk Goi, | I fir U. nr. hatr>: on m v heart atfi ' ! , ■ -iT. (ha! since I cam to man's estate. 1 t 1 bare never Jowe intentjocally ham ; 'to aajr. : ■ M > i 1 William Liov«: Garrison—l want to : i 1 S- I-i It Bp J j Imi-4 M Aicott—Thus far the I Lr: >i- le-! n# or.. Sarr.aeJ A am-—From the rising to : The Stir* sea_".i. might be over ' | j or tfce Roanoke. but we eor.tir.ue to han M ti»o«rt they be in nne-i farm I the Jttsf r of tie sun my His kitr •--m «,of Fl■ 'er Ame My hf>|* L in th ir«erey of Goi i !ip I» Arr»«iT—l »;n ready for •v-jils. whew it eor'je -vni( t. OF SALE" Ir 3*-r arxl by virtue o? ir. order of the I «urt of Mart:n County, r >ae in tie . v {ktcJ lS»» en- . t:t«*-S "Tl I;. M"f»-. Cnntcr of Juiik ; E. Jlwrf. iu-1 li B. Moore, •iuinfaui i for V. illaara "Kerry. MarUa 'rr.. hvei IVrce ;.oi Be-.~ie Pierre , le-r-B I ufy M".«.w. Lizzie Colfield and | katkaaJ. I' II Cu#icH, Jasper Cherry. J-* Cherry. Cure Cherry. Mir. Con , a;j' >.ft.*bai»t Irvt (WiflH-*. * h -n•.« «t a!-*, the under? irr. CMBus>hnrr of the Court will or K'XKat tre until «M(il -Say of J .r.e l'-JI. at tw*he lUi u'eluck Jl . , in * r* t? • »>* ".«rtini-f lK>.r of ilar : r. Cosjit t ie V. Ciiaia. M offer ' r i!*. it ; to thr kl?h. e-t W*r. fw cash. tlrf. following .ie seribe-4 kit. *'f t« w it:- FII! s T TRAtT IW-inr >»iat i ■ bsf ai>) !•: siiuau- or. li* -»uth >i>i» I- f fiilnar' Struct in the toxr of j E Jnr.M.l ill--. X. C, if"! hfiisr the l.aJie §»« •»• next t» ar: wljutrirr !*e k4 of B I. Smith. ar.! !*in» the •iiw !»>t of Uiri -V eribed in It IB ' *rjt • » ll* last V. si! wl Te?Umr:;t of II V. Si SI;A T Situate in t* - ■ Mhifl . N C. ;r.» Ba. i .i S n v u~, i b»—Mit'r.; V- ».V v - o ..f s: I Sn.t "-C- -i . *r-«". . «' iasr.:i!» *,'■ uMb —i-i Situ', !KT fr- I aiM :» «>* • to anl.i-i Siik', a-l ru: r.ic* mm k hrtxfra ;.r «!Wi line- t« tsr Sin* «»* ": •) A I►a:.rt!:i -. I TKAt T - IV -tnninr on F:r>; S«!i RaJnw! Street in the Town of K«httM«villr. N. C . at the S»uthwe t corner thereof at an lr»n Stake; run tiEf tJjetjre i»*Ti .sti'i Street l-S«J feet f.'» «rwfc» .. :.'>l haik between {parallel liße-'telhe line of The K. U rr»:vJse l.'?h! ar>i I'uwer t Vmpany. tVrffri-!n the K.vuv,jin.lJ.4 •ineol i-" Martlra IM!e Cherry ur>ier the VI above rffr/rM to in the fir-t WnpSjwr. Th:- Ma) 2i«l. I«rM A. B IH XXINtI. t'oouni -aoner S « tt xirno: OF new KI:«;ISTB \TION N'otwe is hereby men that a r w . Pfn-tratui havine beer by tW IVaH of. fount y «V«im*s>ioc*.er> «f Mart n Court y in the Fans l_jfe | ■ vhoiJ iHstrjrt fur the parp. ,• »fes- I till.' it the |ua!:f>»-.t electors resWlinjr » said Ihstrirt to register in or»ier to vote ie the Special Fleeter to le heM on Tne-dat Jul> . I"istr*rt. that I will be at Mill ie sah.l District between May 2M I*l arA Jure 21st 1924. Sundays ex for the purpose of reristrnnr . . all the apalifio) electors reskiictc in J«»J District. ' I Notice is further rrven that it b THE KVnBtFMSE. WimAMSTOX, NOiTH CAIOUNA, ——y far all those who desire to vote in said election to teprta be tween the above dates, as this a a I new registration ordered by the Board of Cownty C—i ria— of Martia County. W. T. EOBEBSON. Registrar MMt NCJTItE OF SALE Under and t-v virtue rf the author ity cji taiud k a certain deed of fur 't*i o; "I M Afci :r« : wife, Ma in* Stubh>. on the it# day of Jul 19IC. an of mwi in the public rejris try of Martin County in Book J-l at pare J43, to serae a certain note of even date therewith, and the condi tions therin cnetained not havmjr been complied with aid at the re«|ue»t of the parties htere-tfi the aMetsip*. trustee, will o*. Friday. May 16th, 11*24. at 12 ociock M. in front of the Cuut liosx L«oor in the Town of V. illublU s. N. C . offer for sale, at publir assetto 'tfc* hithest baWer for cash the foJ:"-* -ne ifccribfi j*o perty: Be ? a TO»t lot or. the Sot tk f-mk if *a.-- larUr aajwniftr J. B Speller, the aFrwrs Warehouse a» others are! oeccp.*»i by M. Stubhs and fanxily-. I This the my "av f ApriJ. I*^4. C- II- GODWIN. Tru tee Martin and P«e! AttyV mithi: i will be delirf.tei to -io your or •t ; nan tnck *t!ir.t woi k an*' a.'.-o your lathi: t I x.3 be open for meatenert ;« iiM x-.fter Jure Ist. if >mu iaie any of the abov* T_.,rfc to «t»> you iny vr.te or ea'l t>. *»| south IVjt.! .twt, W.litjnvstor Work "ioae ir. at •! out of to*i. >*• A Kojrer- NOTICE 111 >ALE I iyer li*. by virtue of the p>w«r •J. sd mtUiM-i a r. certain ■it"! of trust exerute>s to tr«e t-'Jersanwi tr-tstee Ly A J Mar.mnj; ji«! »-fe on the l#t «ba» of Mi.rvh. 1921. ar*l of rtcmrd in the pt-Wie reri-try of Mar tin County in IV-X *«-2 at |cre 30*. .ail deed of tni-t l a\ inr been riven to -eet'e -he fc rw f certain rtfe ~-.f run ■- te»i»r o^i^*ith.arii i-f««lt 1.-er ca-W in the pay of said .. .te- t'e -lipoid • -■»: «-tt;!-tJ r. -~ ;t tru-t «a* u.y t-ee-r. with. ar«' at (He f iV'lr-'Vr of rentes, the u>itf is rje*! trxi-tee will oes Satorlay. the I''K «ia> of J. ne. 19?4. st 12 «Vkck M m fn.r.t «f t!«e f»-!t !l -u-* 1W of Mafua C- etrtj, I * : iia-»or, N C ffer f " sale at !»-'• -jf q to the hirhe-t hv'.i r . z ra-fc, the f -11-'wr,f de-tn"le»! r> x! " titet FIIIST 7HACT Keeir.nir. on t*i* wa-l at th»> South Ea-t crrr- of Fow«sen. (Vsrfi. e? ai.- cwrrer; there* Ssi;li«»-t .var»i a Jraifht line to Mit t Site; tf-TX* fiahwestXir! a i,r, t Miia Ine to the ewrrer; •hene Sccths^tvanl aloetr th# Ire of la»ls ir Block f. of the J W Uatts !i».i I »"\ joe to a «liteh; therf rftfc •ai' •iitrh to tie corr*r of lot No -J n tie lire of I *4. No It: ther.£*e Ea>ts >jt i al-«t lie line of FartJ II t« •Hr |: ,»i; t»4fc- v rthwar»i aloa- T I aM Road to t'e beri'tirs. cor; ■aimrf 9 acre s «r> re or less. SECOND TRAtT Be«c Farms t SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I. H T. Robei-son. Sheriff of Martin County have this da.* levied on the following tracts 01 parcels of land and will sell the same ut public auction for cash, before the Court House Door of Martin County on June 2.1924 for the taxes due and unsaid for the year 1923. unless the taxes and coSi are paid on or before that t'ay. i This sth day of May. 1924. Jamcsvillc Township, White TAX COST TOTAL \\ j _\.L. t "•*» a-rrs t'orft b">' 5 l»-75 $!.M> 1I05» -• ST IHTL- bi»: 510 1-SP > J* K- » GaMi>i 1 U -Tl K>: _ It L -i- !»'• !'«" lV®»i _ 5-«0 !>• • j |" Spor k*: • tt* - > ®* I KaLv. E~t. » mm-~ re-s- _ _ 21*8 J. T Hm»a. 45 rrres reiteir* iT — 1* 1 ;; l; Hvd»ta> ami Biv». i" aw- «>» 1 IKJta& r lirl. 57 acns Har>iyji laml 141 73 IJ l * 14853 V B I'tflkbi. I !«•* _____ "5 f W * C" ia.7B l>* - ** . Jrn A ViiHl. 7 acr*> M irfl lan-* '4s lit J® E- A Marli IS acres ft .C. Hixrll k>i. W l® lit Jokewa a Jlmib. 57 acre e f H, TI . Kb.i . 10157 1W ltC..Xi «. E. M«Um. S arrr* rr>.-lfw -I ,y ® J* » |Vii»A.- R. li !brC* . 47 acre Am? land ,/ W# 1 , w ! II Wira. »• amr» Butler Pat-: » acre* Harrison laij-a f~ - »•« •*> »*• Jamcsvillc Townsliip, Colored Willie I» KMos. I wsiinw. It *«« Ordaa land. 44 Kirs 00l Bnsto« land 1 E. k»ft Bo to-_ a act** residence li-' '* !'■*• Hinkrtli Biwis 17 *ws resident* _ MAS 18© II * Man ITr — 1 miamce . - ?.» 1* MS I«a*s. » aw * R Janr>. 3* «ciw residence. bo! _— 11-28 '-JJ •*•} Em J«k»« Est-, 1 ttiiht* , f , . 701 »• "J Ken and EIK 50 acre* Gnfa Qlt Heath I®?* '■* tt7* r Vijutiu Land E#4_. 1 resident* W 1A» Fkm M EA. 1 wsifew lAS - 133 Wl & aim CarJa* land a 1831 IJO 2*71 W. M. C. Sjke~_ S acres mi\ wm* d &-« 1* 7:22 Alarr Sites It —» ■■ nad. 0 acres ■ciadtnrr , lalanc* ■- - -■ ~ *7.18 1*» 3M AIT Walker. I M ~ _ 7.11 Lt» tM Hemry *«*eo_ 4 act** W«d land __l-84 1J» 2M | * —— Williams Towrship, Colored IbrHprts Heir*. S8 anw re* Ores* _ liJO li® P«J!i A Catanr+ Hew>_ X* acre* (*?*»£*. bal 4*2 !» W htwa rntoi ft «cm reside*** 12.71 IH> Itil l aker Hathaway B(K X acres Sj\ - uuM _Mm Hardiwr. Hens. 18 acres Ila iia bod __ X3T IM ATI a Uamir Mwir. M> acre* w »■" tow - £4.88 1X» SUf i -2 and 3 on the Farm ia and near 1 WM—taa X. C that was fwwedj j 1 own»i by Marion Burroughs awd .1 1 known as the J. W. Watts Far* as. surveyed and platted by D. G. James , C E. which map or plat is of record. in the public registry of Martin Cim * ty ia Land Dxvisaoo Book No. 1 page ' 29 91-100 acres. THIRD TRACT: Being lato No. 3-4-5-« and 7 in Block C rf the J. W. * Watts Farm Division, which is of i record in the public registry of Mar- ] tin County in Land Division Book No. ' 1 at page 322. -4 This 14th day of May. 1924. ELBERT & PEEL, Trustee, i" Martin and Peel. Atty*s. MML j Keep Sinks, Drains and Pipes Clean r npRAPS and drain-pipe* X. M ill cloß- Ordinary soap i is practically useless to clean j , thetxx. The hot way r a little Red Seal Lye into the I sink. Its powerful cleansing qualifies quickly loosen the grease and dirt and the rmxc water washes away the wt mcnt. leaving the draiis-pape dean and sanitary. A can of Red Seal Lye awes many plumbing bills. BeSmrand Buy FMEfaUa. Will .cjLh erf IHM'SEIMMJ* HINTS Things (lur Reader* Waat to Kasu Ibd Sral Lye rlnw liak» t toaketa, ' |»ij and |ou with Itm time and 5 tiwable tkaa aav nther elraa»r. - t Bed Seal Lye i» a by heip «■ «*h | * »»s rlolio By •nftewiax tk* water | , tW 4m » kiwstd «itWml •»» rwh (* UiftfT bwfwarr. sr (VriMf* «T»m Mf».a atfowsd A'tH k «fn«d m/k i h «f lir4 Sal Ly*. 1 I- „ . . , ua. LW S-52 Inn Moore. 2 acres Jones Una , M . M im ,W. R. Sim Han, SO acres Sheppard land to# LW , Hi Williams Township, White CO. Godard. 2 acres residence _ 3X12 1 " 80 S4-9t Bear Grass Township, White Cnicttf and CriUher, 60 acres Will Enox land 12*> \j° JJg % J«naie Daixsopoit. 62 acres Moore land 34* jj* 805 JDOL IL Lcggett. 103 acres J. S. G. land __ M fifi ~ «j» ■» a 45 Isaac Mnell. 167 acres old residence rj ZT . 26.50 W. A. Roheraon. 43 acres residence 2*70 *0 s*. Bawls acres sheppard land |75 -80 v r K«jr»r>oii. 4 acres residence Z-S» 1-™ m ~~z Sank M- Wkitaker. €0 acres Whitaker land IM 17 45 Williamston Township, White Bern Andrews. 1 residence Watts Grove »75 j-jj° W. M Andrews. 1 lot : ; lka*. L Bollock. SO acres land 1 «£« «J» }JJ« Bijca Ballard. I residence , *! Geo. W. Coltrain. 1 residence 2« °° J-j* JH? R. A. Cntcher, 2 residence Watts St. 255-00 1.80 256.80 Cntcher and Cntcher. 2 lots Ray Sc. 1 lot Sew ; Road, 1 lot Church St.. 1 lot Hymao st !"fS " J Gormnus I* Factory, 1 lot jjjjj IE- M- Gondy. 1 lot Watts St. : 3.J5 >*«> 'Hutuob and Peel, 1-2 of lot —— -2"i| ,"2» 7« 18 Martin and Fowden, 5 lots Watts Grore : «4-38 and l"«H, 1 lot „ -80 I 80» Gilbert Peel. 1 lot Haurhton St. _ ILM 1-80 MJM J L Wjnn. 2 stores 180.20 18 ° .f*,! ■J. H Woelard, 7 acres residence 8.90 1-80 10..0 WOliamston Township, Colored IA. O. Brown. 1 residence 25.15 1.80 2S 9» v Hml- Brown, 1 lot »-®0 1 -® M 10 H ® >Tom Barley. Sr.. 1 lot ljH) 805 ] rtli Bell 1 lot . ... 4.40 1.80 6.20 iSarak CVrnmons I lot 2.50 1.80 4.30 Paul Clemmon>. 1 lot f ® Ecred Cms, 36 acres Crosa land - 25.00 1.80 26.80 Sjoka Edwards. 1 residence anl store . 31.25 IJO 33 » i Fidelity Mfr and Repair Co. 1 lot 1H.75 1.80 20.55 J. D. Gray, l lot 15-75 180 1..55 Zmnie Hvman, I lot K. R Street __ 7.00 1.80 8.80 arah J. Hvman. 1 lot 12-21 1.80 14.01 V. RHi man. 1 lot 2.50 180 4.30 i Wealthy H*>~ell. 1 lot Hemn llodfes, 28 acres resilience 13-25 1.80 15.05 ■ Lizue Hmr-. 1 I t 175 1.80 5.55 i Lhne Hawkins, 1 lot - , 125 1.80 3.05 f AaxJrew James, 1 lot adj. Speller . 10.75 1.80 12.55 ; Kobrrt Johnson, Sr., 1 lot -i ■» 6.90 180 8.70 ! Lanier and Reddick. 1 lot —... 1-90 1.80 3.70 i Hamah Lloyd. 1 lot _... 6.25 180 8.05 - rN«ak Mahry. 1 residence 14J0 1.80 16.30 | Geo H. Moore. 1 lot »4 1.80 2.74 I Jain Mill ikon. 1 lot fK«wllr} Thompson, 4o acres resilience 37-35 1.80 39.15 i Maloka Towell. 1 lot 12.50 1.80 14 30 1 Mde- Racers, 1 lot 0.25 1-80 11.10 . Stewart Rodjrers. 1 lot 8.75 180 10.55 1 [jane» Rodfers, 3 acres resilience 1 8.75 1.80 10.55 Jhm» Rhodes, 1 lot 5.00 1.80 6.80 1 ' Wfcwler Smith, 1 residence 7.00 1.80 8.80 Muuue Spnull, 1 lot 5.00 1.80 6.80 Ahe Spnull. 1 residence ZZ £jo TUT 19 J. B Speller. 4 lots 32.50 1.80 34.30 fSkenwd Slade, I residence , - 500 1 80 6>o ;JkM« Slade. 1 lot 625 1.80 8.05 I fGabral 1 resilience, bal. —: 825 1.80 10.05 iSam 11. Williams 1 residence 31.44 1.80 33.24 iwaiiamston Realty Improvement, 1 lot, J. R 5.65 1.80 7.4b { IVtDy Williams 2 acres residence 2.50 180 4.30 ißabrit Wifliams. 1 residence, bal. 4.95 1.80 6.76 Cross Roads Township, Colored [J. A- Andrews. 50 acres 11. R. Mizell land, 40 acres Swam land 1 4290 1.80 44.70 | Alice Johnson. 8 acres residence 6.20 Ijt 0 8.00 fJaurtt Lear), 8 acres residence _a 3.91 f J«~ Muell. 114 acres H. H- Mizell land 48.40 IJW 50 20 'Josephme Mooring. 2 acres resilience 5.00 1.80 6.80 'Henry Slade H«t, 70 acres Mayo and Kolford land 18.75 180 20.55 |Aicß>ti» TeH. 1 residence 310 1J«) 4.90 Robersonville Township, White i W R Knox. 44 acres Manninir laml. 42 acres Ben f bett land 20.60 1.80 22.40 JX_ T. Lrontt 174 acres Jolly land 104.15 '.BO 105.95 • ' Mr- HL. Powell. 12 1-2 acre* Bryant land. 1 re*. 68.48 180 70.28 WA. Rober>on. 1 residence 30.52 1.80 32.32 I Mr* B IL Itoss. 59 acres Biuitinß 'aal, bal 1666 1.80 18.46 JJ. C *ynn. 1 residence 29.92 1.80 31.72 Robersonville Township, Colored Oscar Andrews, 1 residence Parmele ; 4.50 1.80 6.30" Uak Brown. 1 re«*ienre I'armele ... 5.75 1.80 5.55 W. C. Chance. 37 Lots Parmele 34.92 I.BC 36.72 X. S Harrrave. 1 lot Parmele 4.50 1.80 6.30 Joka Ma>. 1 residence i'armele 5.00 1 80 6.80 , IScttw Rivers, 1 resalence Parmele 3.15 1.80 4.95 Salbe Ana »a>on, 1 resilience ft >6 I SO 2.66 Poplar Point Township, White Critcker and C rite her, 170 acres Bennett land. 240 acre? Me!von land 78.00 180 79J0 J. T. Hollts ; !lrv Kd. Est., 174 acres resilience 75.t»3 IJO 76.83 Poplar Point Township, Colored ■ CkaHie Tlaws. 123 acres resilience 53.75 1.80 55.55 I Wkttimaa S «de Kst., 1 residence , . JO 00 180 21 Hamilton Township, White J W. CYisj*. r jo acres Johnson la-nl 61'." 5 1.80 62 - r >s J mill site , - !- t '/• 1.80 +WO lome and Ika Jshtry, 349 acres f lemming land 143.75 1.80 145.55 K. M. TayW. 1 lot 6.25 IJO 805 ———- I ■ Hamilton Township, Colored * W. S CWny, IX2 acres Mary Ju» land 28.76 IJO 30.55 1 Wrfiiaaa Cherry. 132 ComcO land 31.06 180 32J5 > A=aje E. Eaton. 28 acres residence c waka Sybes. 1 lot ' 1.25 IJO 3.05 * Nathan Statoa. 1 lot 2-50 IJO 4JO - 1 Ckas H. Yoonc. 1 lot ... 6-75 180 7.55 Goose Nest Township, White i BS Bran. •» acres BHc«rs I—i , 4564 IJO 67.44 I K«r Cox. 17X acre* Wkitekarst land . ... 9206 IJO »3J5 ■ SL J-. Everett. 160 acres Norfleet i__ 75.00 IJO 76 80 K_ H Grtlk.tSOl acres wood land • 495.00 IJO 496 80 • 7 San Hart, » acres BUI Dawson land 22.50 IJO W. 30 . 5 W. C Hales. 108 acres Hyman land 85 76 IJO 87^6 « Joyner and Forkes. 265 acre* Draper land 97.50 IJO 99.^0 r. W and J K Lenett. 600 acres Hitch land 112.50 180 114J» p J E. Lenett. 71 acres Craft land 37.50 IJO 3SLTO W. T. Pierce. 125 acres Sallia Moore land _ 63 78 IJO 65.58 T. W-. Sl*. Est. 32 acres Tyler land __i 12.00 IJO 13J0 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stinett, 2 lots, 149 acres Ben . nett land 147J6 IJO 149.06 4 Tkoraas sad Anthony, 450 acres Crisp land. 500 acres Smith land. 234 acres Harris land 511.50 IJO 513^i» 6 T. W. WUMmt. 121 acres Norfleet land 22 50 IJO 24.30 5 il Bra*., 250 acres Moore land 9635 IJO MLIS Goose Nest Township, Colored 4 Jala BriJfm, 17 acres Wfllsams land l 600 IJO 7JO I,FW Ben. 162 acres WUliams land 83.56 1.80 85J6 5 Joe Baark, 1 Ut »J6 IJ6 1165 y "S E- Close, S acres Close land 1L67 IJO 13-27 S DmwU Close, & acres rerideara 33J1 180 - * Jaa DhM. 12 acres Cotton land 4 50 IJO 630 ,C C Grimes. 6 acres Close land *—l 640 IJO 7JO M V. T. Hymaa. 10 acres Joaes laad. 110 acres Dua- ' j poet land 139 J5 IJO 14135 IE Hymaa. 31 acres Hyraaa land 1650 IJO 1830 Jm Hooker. 6 acres reiideaee 300 IJO 4JO 10 Gh Parker. 1 ririlrere . ,~~7 10.75 IJO 12JB j r* K. A. Parvis. 1 lot 300 IJO ' 4JO -1 Cm Willi., 17 acres WKw 4JO IJO 6JO or. aw~ . s lots 4JO uo o* ( 77 ta 1 mliam CM AN 7JO I F W. Wifins, 1 Ckarck 7.11 fIJI AM U

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