ADTEKTLS£KS WILL FIND OUR COLUMNS A UTOUfiT TO ISM HOMES OP MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 31 EIGHT CASES DIS POSED OF IN RE CORDER'S COURT Deadly Weapons Send Several On Sum mer Vacations The Recorder's Court of Martin ramty was held Tuesday with Judge J. C Smith presiding and attorney E. 5 Peele There was a full nwt aad the eight cases that were disposed af were as follow- Stale n J. R. Crisp for operating an auio while intoxicated. He plead guilty and was lined fifty dollars and costs. State vs Curtis Rhodes for operat ing an aula while drank. He was ad judged rrcflty by the Court aad was sentenced to jail far fear months with leave of the County commi. inner* to hue him out for the payment of SSO and costs. State vs Earl Teei He wi charged with a-sault with deadly weapon. IV* feudal: t fumd gcilty aad fined $5 and roots State vs Earl Ted. the second charge against him was that he had carried a concealed weapn. He was found guilty of this charge and sen tenced to jal for six months with leave of rommii liourri to hire him oat for IS* aad casts- State vs Art bar Morgan, carrying concealed niapsa He was found guilty and sentenced to jail for three mnathr with leave giien to the com mi nianrrr to hire him out for SSO and casta. State vs lie Partington. charged with carrying a concealed weapon hat was found aot guilty by the Court. State vs Otssir Morgan Morgan was also charged with carrying a conceal ed weapon, but the defendant being ander age. the caae was removed to the Juvenile court. State vs Wheeler Brawn and Henry Lewis was another case when the le fendaats mere carrying concealed weapons bat both were adjudged to be not ruilty by the Court. The pm ihmiat meted oat by Smith was rather hoai > la Tuesday's court, bat when a man is so coward ly that he gues around with a pistol in his poihel aad ahui a man Is niiainal enough* to drive a car when mtorirate i. the law shsald be severe ly administered. Aad the Judge is right in protecting the people with the strong arm of the law. m THE VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY; We. the voters of Griffa's township knowing Mr. Joseph L. Moltaday aa the highest type of cftmen. as a pro gressive and lucre j iful farmer and a self-made maa do taihia him as a candidate far the House of Represen tative*. There is paahnhly aa other man in thr county who knew ■ better the needs of the county than does Mr. Ineph 1_ HoUiday. His work as coun bome and will continue to bear much frmt ' Mr. Holfiday. if elected, we believe, wl give the unr valuable service as a upMseataliM ia the legislature (Signed! Ale— Rehersen. George W. Smith. James R. Carey. John R. Csßrsin. Mrs. George W. Smith. Mrs. Ismei a Caeey, J. J. Rohersan. J. P. David M. Rohersan. A. C Rihtrnn. Heary Robe»ma. Back Uob etsan. Harmoa Rnbeiaiu. Mrs Harm aa Riberi in. Mrs. Iraddla Hardison. Jae Caeey. C C. Coltrain. Mrs. C C alt rain. Mrs. B. F. Rshenon. Ben P. m+mrnm k Wkmm a Wtkmamy L a Riberi in. w T. Raherson. Mrs. Edward Caeey. Mr. aad Mrs. A. Anderson. Mrs. Oscar Andersan arrived Wednesday Mrs- JL G_ Gadard. Mrs. P. B. Cane. Mrs. Carrie Rigts Williams. Mrs. Oncnr Anders in aad Messrs. M a Wolff nad J. S. PM motored to Edea House Tim .lay afternoon. Mr. L. a Wyan aiiirnd hat even ing frons Daham where he hns been madjny school at Trinity college. euuim al the Atlantic Christina 6 M speat atari days in Hyde Uartto Cbaaly Savh«s aad Traat enm paay. wi leave next week for Ashe "nr. m lfay« THE ENTERPRISE VIRGINIA JACKSON KIDNAFPEI) i HIS MORNING AT THE HOME OF iikAND PARENT, J. F.JACKSON, NEAR DARDEN Molher of Child 2s!h>ws Herself Unwci thy to Rear It And It is 'it.ought That She With a Man Are the Kidnappers K. Virginia Jacksoa. the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jack son of Dardena. was hlmppml this morning at eight o'clock, near the home of Mr. Jackson. Sheriff ICobrrsou ami h» deputies were immediately nolinr • and they ruslusi off at an early l*w in pur suant of the ktur ipperk It is reported that a I.tan atil wounc were in the comnuntiy for some time Iswking over the situaticm and they are .-uspectcd as being the kidnappers. The child it the *a|gfcter or San ford Jackson and wife wfca parted more than a year a#a TV grand par ents t.K»k pos.-es.sioa of the child and have cared for it aacr the parting of the child's purertto. Tike mother of the chiLi kaj dwni her. erwortfcy for a au to live with and unfit to niv her owx chd>i This is the principal icuiuu for the break in the family It is now the opinion that the moth er of the child is the woaaa who has been in the neighborhood for some time in search of her dnagbter. The last report beard from thr child and the kidnapers, is that the -ar in which they were traveling was ditched within a few mile-* of tardeas and the occupants who were rinble to con tinue the run took to the woods where they are expected to he caught x>n BfPFAM—HOIICES Mr ami Mrs TKrdden* Richard Hodpo 1 invite yoa to be preseat at the marriage of their daavhter Mary Eras tiao to Mr. John Sayles huffum on Thursday morning the tavlfth of at half after ame o'clock Old Ford Chrartian Charch Waahingtoa. North ( udwa The above >nn nunnminl odl be read with much intern* by friend* of both Miss Hod re* aal Mr. Baffam in Miss Hodges has ended her sister Mrs. Arthur White ami her aaat. Mr- A. J. Manning for several years and has made quite a aamher of friends in Williamston. Mr. Buffum wa aa eajwer with the State highway c* munssa lierv for several msnthi MRS. ANGE OF SEAR JAMES-"' VILLE DIED TEs-fKIUiAI Mrs. Liuie Ange af Piplir Chapel near JamewiOe. dand Tlawhf. She had sufferea! for same taar *."h heart diseaiw which Caaßy ——*- -* ia •icath. Mrs. Ange was 3d years old and leaves her harahu.l. Mr. S. J. Ange ar.d three children She wl be buried this afternooa at the famdy burying grouml at Iflrunt Ange's residence. The fm.eral wiR be car-ilhcted by A. J Manaiag. MR. J. ARTHI'R WINN SI P . PORTS MR. J. L MOLUDAT FOR THE LGCLsLtTI Iti: t am glad to know that Mr. Joseph L. HoUiday m a ranHlati far the legislature. Peraonaßy. 1 know that he is well qunlified far the office and I think are need such a ma to repre sent our county a the next legislature. 1 know and athera kaoor Mr. Holliday is a real dirt farmer and a Chriftiaa gent It ami and 1 woaJd be glad to *e him uprtmat oar n unity ia the next lenalataA aad I thaak aa ear can, make a mistake m apf mil «r Mr. HoUiday. J. ART HI R WVW Williamstoa. K. C "MINISTER'S WHITS .NEW RONKKT AT FARM LIFE The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" will Le prmenli d Friday. Jane Cth at the Farm Life ITrhaal m Grißtos town ship. Thr yum h af the play will, be used far thr paudim af the WBliaaasten hptet Ail Society , Thr play wl begin promptly at •:ISI Ike cast wfl he selected from seated ia the Mae style as ' This play fc far a good caaar and ihiuld receive the patraaage of the puplr Dbut forget the date and LOOT—BRIM BUN MT MOUSE AND Mrs. Oaytaa Memili hp Baaghtoa grosgram edge aad black nag iaj Williams lon. Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May 30. 1924. CHRISTIAN FEDER ATION TO HOLD SERVICES HERE ! Services At Throe O'- clock In The Mctlio dist Church | The Christian FoWralu* of the j town of Washington wul hold a mirt ing at the Wilianslm Methodist | church Sunday. June Ist at 3 o'clock The Federation is a rroop of charvh ft-rker; in which r»m church is represented ami they mj.i a mkiv , c:.ftini; cither in their on tan or aarar nfijSborinit twit !t » mly ; an >MJtjfn>vth of the Ham nmt jir.j ami is composed of ; . pie. many | of whom i ever knew cvaU do, [any thine in the farm of religious' work They were awakened by the in fluence of this great meeting. We re- j joice at their coming. Rook Party Honoring: Miss Benjamin Mrs. W. K. V. arret is enlertauiini this afternoon at I*l home on Haugh ton street honoring Mis (3aJ;> Bra ' janiin. who will leave in another week for her home in Arkansas after ipend j in*; the winter'her? with her sister. Mrs. Jesse W. Whitley a.-»J Mr. Wfeit |lev and teaching in th. 1 (raM »h»ul. | Miss l>npnnn has taken an active ii.terest in the church auJ atrial life 'of the town ami she has 9 large 1 an ■>d«r of frienals who regret exceeding ly that she will not be here a rain nest winter. | Mrs. ttWnV home will Iv- •Wwnt ed Tor ihe nmLiun w>th loafk k! pink rambler rones and other May flowers. Tab!es will be arranged for rook in the reception hall anl living rxxm and to those high «w»| ami to the honor** -ttrartive gifts will be pre: ented by :he hoje ■> Miss Sophie little wiß -erve punch an ! mints during the aArna»« Those who will attend are. Miss Benjamin. Mrs. Jesse Whitley, Mr.- .W, B. Watts. Mrs. J. I. Will-an*. Mrs. C. K. Hassdl, Mrs. I.uke L..«b, Mr. It l» t'ritcher. Mrs A R liwmaing. Mr* Marriott Itritt. Mr-. Elbert IVd. Mrs. ti. W. Hardison, Mmr Netle W»hk. Salie Harris. Anna IVpe. Mr- K 11. Dudd. Mrs. M. J. Dark, and Mtss Mary Clyde l>eggette IO *1 UK CITIZENS MARTIN COCXTY: I was glal when I saw the mmmt of J. I. Ilollflay offered as a »ad»latr to rrjirr»»nt Martin t'ownly in the aeil legislature. The ppih have been asking for a man of hit type for many years to represent at. Come on all ye citarcns Be on hard at the primary June TUI ami lets place hint over the top J. HKNKY WVNN. Cross Uoad* Township. FRED LATHAM FOR COMMISSHINER OF AUUCI L. I RI: One of the Mart Important State Mm This office is |Uile iacmt from mart state i>» 1 in that k hai noth ing to do with the payment of tains and the ainilt of the state. The func tion of this offbce or the rinniriiin of agriculture as to help fdb pre pare to pay taxes ami In make a liv ing. The offhee nay ant rppear to he so very important hat it as anl es pecially to the farmer. It happens that we have a man for this office in the pen— of FM lath am of Beaufort county. A who from all visible paiats, wiff CO the bill. He is a farmer' from the little thine* to the big. He hns faim I all his life, continues la farm and know not only the farm but the needs and necessi ties of the farm and its accupaata. No one has ever hai aa opportun ity to say that Fred lat ham vn not as straight as aa arrow aad worthy of the support of aay ami aff voters. Mi 1 . 1. J. T. Pride. Bah Lrggett, laha Edaaandaaa, I— E. HarrrlL. John Want, al with the I anl past dk* aad Captiia T>or*as went to Apden this m>r-i : ng to atkai a meet- Mr. T. Jones Tayiar af ■,1,..., vffle la in ton today to CANDIDATE WHO LEADS IN 1 PRIMARY DIvCLARED ELECTED Ato-eement Only Holds As to Mr. Aydlett And Mr. Warren In a three corner debate between Mr. Mann. Mr. Warren and Mr. Ayd lett in Dare county it was agrees! that the candidate who leads in the first primary should be -lee la red nomi nated. This agrvement only holds as to Mr. Aydlett ard Mr. Warren. Aydlett Heal«|aarters al Kluabeth City are jabdant over this arrangement. They •state that in view of the admitted ■ overwhelming strength of Mr. Aydlett across the Sound ami his constantly in creausing strength in Washington an.l Martin and Pitt Counties together with the fart that Mr. Mann will carry the lower end of Beaufort County in sures Mr. Aydlett's lead ami there fore nomination in the first primary. This news will he very cratifying to Mr. Aydlett's supporter- in this county and all admirers of a n-_an who ha comlacted a campaign free from mu.l slinging and persona'ities. The >ime has come when we need such men in Congress and not professional lobby ist. ami political mudslingers Mr. Jackson Killed When He Attempts To Ciet Off Truck Mr. T. J. Jackson, a farmer of lleaufort county, living near Washing , tun. was instantly killed Wednesday night when he attempted to get on the running board of the track in which be was riding The truck wa.-. driven by the .-on of Mr. Jack-on who wa working with his father al the time of the accident. Mr. Jackson, thinking the gasoline *as leaking, got out or the running board to examine liie car, falling a- ' I- -" attempted to do tt, He f~ led in J the attempt ami his head hit the laavement which crushed his skull Mr. Jackson was one of the leading farmers of Beaufort county ami a *ery reliable ami dependable person. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY GIVE KECEPTIth.N IN HONtIK OF MR. AND MRS. J. E. WARNER liev. ami Mrs. J. E. Warner who are sovn to leave for Ij.eir heme in Nova Scotia were the guests of lawor 1 at a delightful rer-ptMHi given by tiie Womaiis Auxiliary of St Martin's Hhioh, Hamilton, on Satarday even ing from 8 30 to 10:30 at the home of Mrs. J. A. Itavenport. The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Itavenpon ami directed to tk? rear of the hall where lelir.ous ' fruit punch was served by Misses. Annie Mar Davis :nd Ethel Daven port. They were then directed to the > reception room where they were re- [ errved by Misaes Kfl&e W'ablo who ia-' Rev. ami Mrs. J. K. Warner. From troduced them to the guests of honor bare they were invited into the dining room by Mrs. F. I. Gladstone where they were served cream, cake and mints by Mi*»es Evelyn Lawrence. Itallie Pender Ijiwrence ami Frances llavenp »rt. With the lovely decoiations of daises fern-, and potted plants, and the .-oft rlimmrr of candle light und the beaa tifal gowns of the guests, quite a lovely picture was portrayed During the evening a •leughtful program wa- rendered by Mr. and Mrs. J,.n.-s of Wilmington. N. C.. j famous vocalist.-, of the slate ami Miss j Norma I lines who rendered many | beautiful instrumental solos. Mr.. Warner entertained tte gueati far a | short while by some of bis illustrated Scotch and Irish songs. The guest coasL-ted of all the mem-1 hers of the Episcopal church ami all. the ifirrrs and Sunday school teach ers of the other churches in the com- , munity. The people of St. Martin's regret very much to discontinue the pleas ant monthly visits they have had with Mr. aad Mrs. Warner aad daea R a great hlmiinr and p»i»Rege to have had Mr. aad Mrs Warner far a short stay with them. Mr. John E. (iriflfe of the Sauth wick CTeek section waa a caller in] our afice yesterday. Mr. P. L (Gladstone of Hamilton waa ia town yesterday I waking after business asatten. Miss Martha Andersen miicd from Grccwb am yesterday where she was graduated from the Crecarhoro Col W*e Mrs. J. W. Hight. Mrs. Joha Rod gn««a aad Mr. Boyd Hight mat a red to Rocky Moaat thia aaamiag. Mum. Jesse HarreU aad Boyd Hight have haea nmpaiguiag far R- L Cafcara this awk. MIL W. T. WARD OF WILLIAIUSTON ANSWERS W. O. SAUNDERS OF TIIE > ELIZABETH CITY INDEPENDENT i (Vmes As A Reply To Charge Mack- By Sam ders Agiinst Mr. Ward In A Recent Issue ()F The Elizabeth City Independent jHON. LINDSAY WARREN TO SPEAK IN COUNTY Will Speak In William ston Next Monday Night Hon t.indsay C. Warrvn. cai .i .iat - for Congre.- from the Fsrst Congres sional Histrirt. will -|>eak in the scho-d auditorium at k.-:ers.«:v die. Friday 1.1/ht. May S» 0.. the I.hlow ing night. May 31. be wdS speak in the school hou-e al I—-ar Grass. On Monday ntght. June iriJ. Mr V>arrcn %> ill speak in William-ton. In speeches Mr. Warrcu * >*l pre sent briefiy fir Use last tin..- his claim for >upport fr. ni the voters ef the 'district. He is a i.u»! speaker and all arv asked, ir.ribdinc la.!«e-. to come out ami hecr bim Mrs. Hassell Hostess At her beautiful ami rapaciou- rc-i jiieiK-e m Maui street. Mrs. C. It. er.t. rtianl a ft * of iier frier.ds at braige on Wednesday frx ui three-thirty to six it. honor ef Mrs AI :fr Bn-kiR. who is th. guest of Mrs. Jam* - Grist Statwn. The house was a bower of flowers. Before the gan-e begar. arsl is n-nrlasion the gue.-ts were -lelightfully e:!ter twined by Mis.- tda.!>- IVnjamin and piano -election- by Mrs- W It Watt.- A •delicious -atad with !emon a.le wa- tie first courv served ~rvl the sWikl aw- old fa.-hio-ed strr.wberry -h.»rt cake. ! Th iw enjoying Mrs. lias c T l\ '»o* pita!. I y were. Mrs. Aliee lto>well. Mrs. llri-t Staton. Miss Gladys llen i mir. Mrs. I.uke lamli. Mr- S. K Biggs. Jr.. Mrs. Warren Biggs. Mrs Hurras t'ritcher. Mrs. Wheeler Mar tin Jr . Mrs. Willie WatLv. Ml »BLE V—H A RRISI IN Mr. Leonard Mobley ami Miss lion m»y Mae Harrison were «|uietly mar ric«l at the home of Elder Sylve ter Ha-sell Wedre. >lay ev« nine. Mr. Mobley is the oidy sun of Mrs la-na C. Mobley ami is a prosperxius young farmer living near Bear Grass. Miss llarrt-on is tbe •laughter of Mr j ami Mrs. Henry D. Hamsun of Hear .Glass. She is attractive ami very . popular among her friend.-. jLOCAL PIhST OFFICE OBSKKIES HOUDkV TODAY Th.' local post olSce is d«-e. twlay due to the Ilecorataon day tMdiday. Mr. Je.-se T. Price. Wdlianiston post master ami -everal of hi- clerk- ami ri ral carriers are in Ayden today where they are a meeting of tlie Association of Postal Employees of the counties of Beaufort. Pitt. Ijt noir. Green ami Martin , The Pitt county members will give a picnic to all the aarmb-r- ami their families. Several speeches will lie de Ihrered on the best way- to improve the usefulness of tbe postal service. MR. in R. PERKINS DIES AT HOME IN STOKES I Mr. D. R Perkins of stokes dm I 1 yesterday froaa a stroke of paralysis | Mr. Stoke- farmed for a number of ' years in the Stokes community. He 1 fore goieg to Stokes he lived in Rob [ ersoaville where he ran a hotel anl dealt ia live stock. He naarried Miss l»«lli Coitrain of ' Jamesvdle. who witn two children ! survive him He wdl be bur*d near kit home today. Mrs G. C Godwin. Mrs W H Biggs. Mrs. R A. Cntrher and Mr Julius Purvis spent yesterday after nooa and evening at Rae's Beach. Miss Mary Taylor of Bear Grass spent this week with her brother. Mi ' Denais Tayiar aad Mrs. Taylor. | Mr. Gcnrge Morton Roberson re I tarwed to bis ha me ia Norfolk this Maa Helen Suuauer of AalarsVr is visitiag relatives ia town this week. Mm Harrdl retained to her home ia Ahaakie this mnrainr after visiting Mr. ami Mrs. John Thigpen for sever al days. . A Mia- John Thigpen. and Misses Sumner aad HarreU vmited Mr. and Mrs. L C Larkia a Murfreesboro this week. Remimhii Evrrybady Übn Texaco. Remimhn Evrryhady Übn Texaco. W". O. Sswhlm, Mum «f TV In •lependent. t ' Kliiaheth City, X. C- Dear Sit:- ' — t hi a r oent tsue of y»»cr p.prr J, an article. h*a»tv»t irn-'; I - ir«ts l. ars Hflp Hint", sf vhifl* mi nw wj-i used. i . P«MK*y prompts tnr U» Ijkj.-Jiir lor stooping to answer thk> -iefama jtory a. »u!e ami an an>!irr i> nu-u --' .only because your |upri ma; fall in '!•>' t'* l"3nJ? of l(h»* Ithtf lu kmw the policy of your pifrr !' 1 -IK >itiprv, "iMble thai ikw •vhvh rit»-4s utiiln Keptiid»rar and has lieen the RhtutSpßftv of 1 Kadii-ali-m. should hatf |h* rlTn.ntrn to print an attack of or* wh.. has 1 fought in the front raaL of ■bworiarv for over forty yea"s imt «a« fiti tim in the times when fightine courage an.l manhood rather tbn a poisonous pen. The people of Mart j I County will tell you that I wa* IScht ixr to upiwli! the IV[tktjl y Party , i an»l White Suptpury while a certain young piditiral trailer of tKi- County, j who art* as your reporter aikl is too r cowardly to i*n kt> article. was still , a helpless hahe in h.i rr>(k . It is my un>|uestiooahle lifft to L support my friend. Sir Aydk-U. for , the nomination He is the strongest . ai..l best man and will nkl«(btf>i!i , make the ablest Representative For 7 wbal reason. Mr. Kditor >h«ul.t your; I venomous hatre>l of Mr. AAIIHI he visited upon his frietkU. «K> have in no way injured you* • It might not be anuss to remits! you here that I «U> nut support ««u* eai»lilate. the Honorable Irndsay Warren, because he has dc-vrloprd i« , to a eery formidable nrh man's 4111 - rorporatmn paid legislative lobbyist "an Mr. Warren deny (hat hi,- was l. employed by the niluaairr I Kike of - the Southern Power Company, not as a lawyer, but as a pakl lobbyist to lobby for a bill in the kcbUtarr m •lering null ami tokl the Southern Power Company's contract to supply power to North Carolina lodustne tbereby enabling the Southern Power «"ompariy to rharge a higher rate for power and that the f»»n >i|f w» of his lobbying is that the pmrr |efle of the state have to pay nufe for power than the nwt of prodacttoa wwv 1 " tales T r fan Mr Warren -leny Hat he a~ y repte.l large .«■> of hmk y from 11*- Mnvine Picture Trust to lobby again t a hill providing for a state censor-j ship of moving picture- aaal that be 1 I cause »f this |a»l lubbyme the cilj-lnrn of North Carolina are >abjrcteat to f seeing obscene. immoral Afxl disgrace ful pictures flat are .trharred by - cen-orship in other States; that I despite the fact that this hill involve.! y the greatest moral tv-ae that our f legislature has had to face in a » derail.- ami was support**! by tle - stiyn-est moral forces in the State, the powerful lobby girdling the Hou~e r anl Senate killed this hall designed r to (Tutr,l the high >tao«iards and - i>lral« taught in oar jchails and f churches ? fan Mr Warren deny that he has served as a profes. minal lobby 1 1 for the banks of the they " have wa..ted special legislation to re -1 dure their taxes, while the laves of , the farmers and other cwastituctris f whom he represented ia Legislature j - have been steadily nrwunt* Can Mr. Warrea bay that he wis' I the paid lobb)t»t of the bote*- «.f thr •State against a ball «i»sign*si 1 f tect the l>eal h of the I ravelin* paid*-- * II Can Mr. Warrea dray that be was r the bitterest and nar it eaeeaeprumuang foe of a bdl designed to create a State-owned ship and water trans - I. portation system? Wbea fighting Uiu '. bjl ilkl be not k—w tX the freight - rates in North Carrlwa hare been in creased over a huami tal fifty per s cent .n the last five yecr> and that the .HruvLs have p«»i:i—nl far a farther inrrca.« of forty per ceat in Kastern - North Carolina ? IM he not know that a die First Coaagw 1 iianl Dvtnrt in primarily agricultural aad that it is s iiKe.inarji for oar hard-worked farm ers to obtain »ae irlie." from these e disastrous freight rate*? bad he aid ir know that although the farmer* of the First District pa Quince aw per acre than the fai nn» of any other « section of the coaaty. their aw|h I of profit froaa the sale of their pew o dure is less thaa that mt faiarn of Mrtiaai where the freight rate* are . leas exorbitant; that their fcitliaers II coat them mare iai that they have to WATCH THE I.ABKI. ON VUl'3 PAPER. IT JURIES THE DATS WHi: SUBSCRIPTION EXi'tBCS ESTABLISHED 1898 BANK OF HAMILTON HAS ITS ANN ALL MEETING MONDAY Bank Pays 15 Per Cent l>ivident; 10 Per (Ynt To Surplus Fund I AfU'r a period of eighteen y vr- of j successful operation, the of j Hamilton held it-- eighteenth rrmaal (stockholders meeting la. t Moi.»iy_ 1>! - bank rloitfil a very sue. is-a-l I y c-t. paymir a I s jer rem d.\ Jrr«i ( ami carri I I'l |ie.- «.-» tto thy swr pJ-.-s fu:».i I's iiiK a aiKslanliai stin lis ffie"fl"iKMvidwt pmfit account - Ine fir ta h«er «■ this bar k vis | jH A. Cgxl'wno is now locate- iri e l«2?:k at t':ty. I It? 191J F i liai *:p was electe! i a n--r. n 1 i,-"i |«.itii . i*e rw»w K4iis |Mr 11. W. .-. I-bi'* \ l pre.sufet.t. I»r. ■!" I Io; . (ir -jlent "Hi- bait v:.s •. t ip-ul .-fr! a. ■ ; '.i . It h.' ! it.«v doubl. i its >c.!>.ii—l l-y .. stiwk t'rviiiend. * .lkmi' j reset ! i'apit.'.l s!iM*i'(l' with a , t ►vrjvu- fa>.! of i-0> i»> iMAKKIAIaK IJCENSK J Vim MONTH OF M VV —■ White I!. Kverett li»— Roland i ing It*: John I Webb Pai-nie C» j Jenkins 11. rl-ert lianinrr |H-- 1 ' M:»mie Miiell It*, tlllle k.» ! » Anna j Howard IS: Major IXmiel I'orev *t fVMHiie May IVrry 21: I'-arl h ar I I r.-tt 21 Naomi Uryan 21,; Je-s.- Whit ' j ley 22 Sudie Kv.*rett IS; WiMiac. I ronanl MoMey 21 Fannie M- - Har rison lt: William C. llj'Ui ;V --'ll Wise Powell 2X 4 .dor. d j llaleiitli Hopkins 21- l.illia>- IVel 1 ! Ih; I afayette H..J>kirs- \^"Cy I Mevunder '.'.6: Samuel Salisbury S 1 Annie Mabry l!l>; Ananias llyaar X' —Alice Spruill 2"; Carr Tret 21 ICosa She|iar»l IK; Sylvester !"'»anl I- Ktta H.ittiOi .V 2. i; ' TOI» \V. MA Y 3»TH I KI llfRV 1 " m AS l>Kt I>K ATMkN IHY ri *j |iecoralM-n day generally calf-d -n ' ' tlie Kastern |n.rtioii of the l e'tnl j State- Memorial day is set apa»* for 1 mmmemnralin* the .-ervice- or thr» stdiliers siml sailors wb.. lost t!eir 'live-s in the Civil war. M:»y .'lth is the day gs-nerally cTe brated as Ikecwration day atvl a I .'al holiday. AH imblic offtc.-.s will ch-se. i Jtanks and many l«i-iiies> k»use- will I Hose also. (f, * Speerlie. .ire made ami tally f processions to the -t>blirr» g«ave> 'where t;arl..i«i of llowers are Linyol '1 « tlie graves of the .lea l In thi» j respect it is very lilting in that Bow ters are very abundant at this t.oe of the year. ' Kerneinlier Kvery l»»l> l ikes Tetam 'pay for the higlaer freirht rate; that everything they buy fr> in the i.aer- I {chant rust m«»re .-ince the merv'sact I Has to pay the hnrher freight rates ? > Can Mr Warren deny that he. along ' with the railn-ads. k fr.tnl tie ladl • (that would have brocgh: rel*-f to the ' i farmer ami auul*i have rerm»v»sl the I I greatest ob-tarle to th«- «nrvl'. jral I i aid imlustria! of Easiern 1 j North Carolina ? j In faee cf Ihir.K. jour iri*rt ler upiicid; a proved jk-iitwal tr.der jaiKl denoui ce- iik on th* groum «.hat jl make my living au>ing i stock and am an ardent stpporioof 1 Mr. Aydleit, a man who wwald -v.ver I betray the i«tere»; of the propt he would represent. Is not a piiical trailer far more daiis-io«ts tl—. 1 a ("mule trailer"" ? It is the pa«iol trade..s, who through r*eed arJ cor rupt on. have involved our Cjan :. ia jthe "Teapat Dome** a [fair rai sa ' 1 orgy of .miwlal and betrayal C-a: -ill iever be mirrh our Country's itn.i Tlie author of the -aiae art if. - "-e profane aad prejiaiire-i to the «.eat 1 of belittling members ••{ the It- K : d ' Church for voting for Mr. Ajrvß-- * benevolent Christian gentleman -ho ha- always been interested ia ri -ch work and who. because of hie ;V • :n of the orphans of this State. ' the respect of every eitixea wl ' »er • Baptist or not Mast Baptists. W »* ' they are Baptists, he denied the -ht ' to vote? b not a man wh apK44s the Christiaa Krligioa brst qas!:fitd to uphold the standards of oar G rera r As a matter of roanmiwi jactW V-J --r ly favor mt by pahlfaHsg my a- w r to the attack on aw hi vaar mt " If 1 yoa will aat do so. I tHH po 'he ' regular price for a cataaa rf s'ia Toil* truly. W. T. VAPa ' wgiamatoa. N. C

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