■' - . ► ADTOmSEIS WILL FIND OUR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM HOMES OP MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 32 HON. LINDSAY WARREN SPOKE TO AN AUDIENCE OF 450 PEOPLE AT COURT HOUSE LAST NIGHT AO Sections of Martin Coaiuy Were Represented While Large Crowd of Supporters from Washington Motored Over to Hear Him Hoaday nifhi at tight o'clock at the cNithowsr, Hon. Lindsay C War ren spoke for an hoar and one half to a «ril filled boose, there being around 450 or SMO people present. Out of this ■umber were about one kuKltfti and fifty of Mr. Warren's friends from his home town who came with him. He was otroiiuroJ by Ma>or J no.! L Hat *4; and by H W. Stubhs. x.ho j spoke in very high terms of Mr. War- j, reti At the >tart Mr. Wanen stated that | he had not come to crack stale jokes { nor to nake a h.--hi ootid ing speech ■ nor to make a general review of the good works of the IVmocratic party. Bat sad ihat God had piw a Wash ington in a da) of peril, a Lincoln and a Robert E. Lee in the days of strife and division and a Woodrow • Wilson when all the war dogs of j Earope were barking and darkness ', hovered over the earth and that now I prospects were bright for a demo- ■ cratic victory. Some of the principal planks men- j tioned in his platform were: That he would do all that he could j for Eastern North Carolina ami he! was tired of hearing about the lost provinces of Western Carolina, but that he wanted something done for Hyde. Tyrrell. Washington and Mar tin counties. He advocated more state and fed eral money to be spent for roads. If he was nominated 1 and elected for Congress he was going to ally him self with the best agricultural in terests of the country and would vote for all the good and against all the had things for farmers. He was for the protection of game and lUh by legislation. He favored the soldier- bones and he said that be had the endorsement of the American Legion of both Washington and Keaafort counties. Mil W— — ol ii ii dated that he was the only candidate that had promised to give his fall time to the duties of the oflkr and bad promised not to come home to practice law. Tbeae were the things that Mr. War ren said he expected to do and to stand for if he was favored with nomination and election. It was • generally understood that Mr. Warrea would reply to an answer that Mr. W. T. Ward had ma.le to an attack that W. O. Saunders of Elizabeth City had made upon him and us which answer Ward had p»- UOned the political career of Warren. Mr. Warren's reply was written out and he read it from the manuscript. Each item was taken up separately aad the first was, "Can Mr. Warren deny that he was employed by the millionaire Duke. not as a lawyer but as a paid Inbhli .t ?" la answer. Mr. Warren made full denial of this charge stating that he was a lawyer far Mr. Duke and that he spate before a legislative com mittee for ha The lecand charge. "Can Mr. Warren deny that he did tecerie money for libhj inn far the mseiim picture trast la answer to this question. Mr. Warrea stated emphatically, "No". The third charge that be was cm ployed by the backs to lobby for them was also denied in his reply. He stated though, that he had been em ployed as attorney to have a typo graphical mwm corrected. Ta the charge that had been employed by them. he dated that he had not been them, he stated tha he had not been. IVe it»lesaem ia the Ward article that he had append the transporta tion bffi ha ■ arip* with reaerva The rpeecb mt Mr. Warren was very forceful and was wefl delivered. SITT. AND MRS. DAVIS , * LEFT YESTERDAY Mr. aad Nn M. J. Davis left yes terday aftemooa far Warrentoa. the htae of Mr. Davis, abut they wfll visit relative* for a month before go m* to Weak End to spend the re mninder of the I with Mrs. Davis' pan la Mr. and Mrs. Davis have many Triends who regret tJtot ■eat year aa Mr. Dm ha* been m ■ ths.lt for the past three jean aad has very ably aad riuiriiutiisilj per- Mr. aad Mrs. Davis greatly m the church life of the toura. jid church aad they hnve been very - a. ' - -3 THE ENTERPRISE COUNTY AGENTS RETORT FOR MAY The County Agents report for the i month of May follows and continues to show the real work and progress beinir naiie by the Agent. According to the report a car of poultry will be loaded at Wilu.i ton in the near | future. It is very piea-::.v; to note ! that Mtrtin cour.t; supplied ajOPO pour..i> •{ the pL-ul.ry loa.:o; and ship i ped front Washington to Northern 1 points. ! The report follows: 24 days spent in held w.-.rk. 3 days sper! in office work. 15! raifereiKY with farmers ii re gards to farming. I.V letters written. | 68 farm- visited. I 3 meetings held with ar, attendance of 2TTarmer>v. lW'hogs treateil this month m=k | ing a total of 1199 hogs treated for the months of April and May. j Advised 1C farmers in regards to : permanent pastures- Advised 34 farmers in regards to using fertilizers. Advised 37 farmers as to growing cotton unaler weevil conditions. A«hrised 8 farmers in regards to caring for orchard*. The County Agent of Reaufort coun ty* and 1 at Washington assisted the farmers to sell over two car lots of poultry which were loaded at Wash ington. the best information I have at present is that Martin furnished a bout 5/mn pourK of poultry. The pre vailing prices ar? 21 cents for hens. 10 cents for roosters and Xi to 40 cents for broilers per T*»urvi lam planning in the near future to load a Car at Williamston. I am also plan ning to sell off the surplu- hogs in the same manner when such occurs. 92S miles traveled in performing my duties in the couaty. • T. B. BRANDON. County Agent. SHERIFF ROBERSON INTEREERES WITH DAN CUPID'S PLAN Saturday afternoon, Mr. Cecil Hook er and Mtw Ann* leggeti tripped "o»n the hall of the Udliam.-ton court house to the time of a wedding march and into the Register of Deeds' office and demanded marriage license. They approached the Register of Deols in a very commanding manner, *a> ing "We want license, we want to get married and we are old enough". Miu Cooke, aa assistant to the Register of Deeds and a relative of the beautiful aouli-be bride, knew too wefl that Miss Leggett was only a child. While the cor.trover-y was being carried on. the sheriff was di rected to arrest and hold the couple antd they could be taken back to Plymouth, their home. Soon after the mother and undo of the girl arrived and took her home. The mother said her daughter was yet under 14 years of age. The young man was held. He said he had a pistol in his car and intended to use it. Examination revealed the presence of the pistol and he was re quired to put up bond for his appear ance before Judge Smith. TO THE CITIZENS OF MARTIN COUNTY It has reached my ears that the - Former Superintendent of Public In - struct ion of Martia County. Rev. Asa J. Manning, has been accused by par , ties in Martia County with being short ia bis accounts, and that Mr. Manning was unable to explain some of the accounts, which tend to show that be was personally advantaged by Ike method ia keeping the books of the Board af Education of Martin - County. There is nothing ia the re ■ part mt the Auditor that indicates this, I and the audit was not published be - came mt the fact that the Board of - Education frit that the expense of - publishing the same was not justi i M tj The aadk is m the office of the Board » of Education af Martia Coaaty and -!amy he men by any citiaea wha de > sires to do SOL I * His aafair to Mr. Manning to say - that he took one cent, or received one ! penny mt funds mt the County of i Martia other thaa his salary. L! Years respectfally. si CLAYTON MOORE, fi Couaty Attorney. jjune 3rd, UN. Willianision. Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 3, 1924. ROBERT E. LATIMERj] KIDNAPER, CAPTUR- j ED FRIDAY NIGHT lie Aided in Kidnaping Child at Request of , ! Former Wife i j Friday night at a late hour. Sheriff j Joe Rrid of Washington couaty cap- j ' lured Robert E. Latimer of Port Lock ; ■ Norfolk. Latimer is 2» years old and J has had fairly good opportunities at- j •tending E«on College !or two years. He ; married Cora Farr-- when be was 17. j g. owing cTtter he bccafre 3 rover. He claims that his wife. Cora Far-] r:.-, procured a divorr.'- en he was i. away. 1 hey had one chiM. now 12 I years old Some years tier she mar ■ | ric I Saaford Jackson trho lived with 11 her several years and i!*% had one j, child, the or* abducted iast week 1 | I l-it inter says that Mrs J.a.kson came to him Monday, which wasntbe first J, time they Had spoken in 9 years, ami ', asked hint to bring her North Caro lina to get the child serf init he felt j duty bound to help her. that they crossed the -OUR»: Tuesday I»L hung around the Jackson home until the abduction. He further states that they spent two night in a Wa-hinglor, hotel and a third night he carried her her to a farm hon*. «here she spent the ni ;ht while he surveyed the terri tory. trying to formulate a plan to get the child. I atLmer says he is an automobile salesira.n for L S. lias night ani is married but (Ml his wife •loes not know where he is and that he thinks it would rnjuirr ton much cheek to a-k her to tune u«l help hint out of his trouble. Latimer was given a hearing today before Judge J. C. Smith to answer the charge of kidnapung by force, assault with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed vtapuo. Notice of a charge ustder the Fed eral White Slave Act wa- aL-o given. The bond wa* fixed at s3jUno which he failed to give and was rvtnm.de. I to jail. I attmer say*, bo has no idea where the child an>i its mother are. MR; FEEL STATES his position Wdlamston. N. C. Jure i, 1924. Why I am asking the Democratic voters of Martin courtly for lie «ffir of Register of lke«d>. Ist. That there are msk very much neftW impr»vemer.t> whwh should b* ' nunto in the office of Register of ' Deed-*, and if I -boold be made llegl . ' ter of I>toL I, »«tL lite 4i;«p«rt of the county will mak-, • especially in the Cross Index. All those who have occasion to make at»- ■ stract- in other coor.tae» can «e tliat 1 we need mask rnpwsienU 2mt, Tlat it seemed to have fallen ! to my lot to be a public servant al ' most all my life, and at that class of ' work whirh has taken ne out before ' day, an.f after night, tbrough beat and ' cohi, through ram and - now. atterwl " ing court when >nkp»tianf, arxl final - f ly was pni>l by fiLsg my tirket for an ' account which can never be collected. syi \est>;r PEEL " SYLVESTER PEEL ENRAGED AT I'K«»PAGANDA I SED AGAINST ( HIM IN PIMJYWAL CAMPAIGN Sylvester PM Lpon being inter P viewe.l this snorning by The Enter prise correspondent viciously denounc es! the toctirw being used against him in his campaign for the Democratic nomination for Regiitor of Deeds for Martin County. f Many voters throughout the County are lead to believe that Sylvester Peel f «s seeking the office for the benefit of * his children, and doe i not especially • desire it for himself alone - - "In all cry thirty years of activity ? in the Democratic Pirty." quoted Mr r. Peel, "never before have I known e such a virion', hue, harmful and in v siduou* lie to he circulated m order V to defeat a candidate fur office. >f Mr Peel risg mat I that his chfl n dren all have hutinesis connections, more or lc», of their own, and they in no way have ever thought of such a thing as rmmmg the office. > f In all respect to the methods used ,f by that slimy, trade making political machine vrbich k said to exist in Mar tin County, Mr. Peel said that he could d see no necessity mt it stooping to sack infamy as the lie now being riuulsltd -I believe", he concluded, -that my y opponent is this campaign is abso * ■ iwore that sack a lie is be ,f Nf hrosdemt. and would object to it, as my dealings with him k|i ■ I ne of hit J Mr. Alen M. Warren mt Wilson Ir FARMERS IN THE LEGISLATURE The question of being representee in the legislature by farmers i> al ways occupying the minds of the people about election t.me eadh year. In this respect Martin Couaty has been blessed, as many will say. and perhaps, should say it- There have [been men of the type of Joseph B. I Coffield. 7ohn W. Mannirr. and Au j gustus Whitley", who were farmers land good ones, too. Tfcet were fine men and represented the county with honor. One lawyer, the Hon Harry W . I Stubbs, has serve*! Martir in th# I I-egislature until he almost became a ' fixture. A (rtan-v at the rttenther. froir Martin for Tfam past will show that i nearly all the have b»en farmers. Whether the farmer is bettor equipped for law makir r l>e a debatable que-tun. but IJO one has the time or inclination to discuss | Ihe ijuestion now. For the vast two | terms Martin has been represented by the Hon. Clayton Mwre. aiki there are none who can'truihfuDy -ai that he has not met the t- -tie- «r»sh honor. Very few men hav» r r into proaii nence more quk-kiy that ha~ Mr Moore, and his influence is felt annw his fellow member of the legislature Mr. Moore is a lawyer, and menaher of the firm of Durtninr. S««n> ai»i llorton. arul like his father, the late James Edwin M»«>re. i- a -launch democrat, firm in his convirtiocis. ar*l measures up to the full -t vSure of a Carolinian. He is horre-; ar»H frank, fights in the open and re-pecls his opponents. No man t> perfect. ar*l the friends of Mr. Moore are not claim iiiff perfection for Km. (mi feel that in this age when tra.;»cre is We key note of business and C"*rnr«e«t. it would be unwise Rot to return him to the legislature, when so nary, im |N>rtant measures are to brought u|i foi di>cusssion and passage. He ha evor.Wn the friend of the farmer, and his voice has been lifted to.- them wherever a mea-ure for Iteii relief has come liefore the l egi blurc. U"K»t we neel is not any -fwcial vocation or profession, but a man who ca* aad will stand for the advancement of the -vhole people, and stock a mara o Clay-' ton Mooro, who frc asking to be re turned to fVe legislature. Why not vote for him on June 7th? —A. DEMOCRAT. LOCALS I>EFEAT GRIFFINS TEAM Harrell and Jinrs Boys of W ffiiaui sion Vs. Eilley and Cuhm of t;rffim Townkip On Satuniay aftemoor. the Wdliam don base ball team journeyed out to Griffins township and rrnvd hurt- aAd words with the local boys of that community. Tlit re was no individual starring on either side with the exception of the pitchers and the catcher-. Lyman Itritt was credited with striking out twenty-three men. The duanwokd like unto the boys was very slow and as a result the game was not very sensa tional and,thrilling to the spectator* The attendance was wry guod The loie up for the was as follow-: Julian Hurr 1 ), Je.-sie Harrell, Hill llarrell. tt illan Clyde Hartell, H»wrli Taylor. Boyd Hight. Lyman Britt, Charles Jam*-.- ami Harry C. James. The score at the eod of the stood 3 to 1 in favor of the Wdliams ton boys. MRS. J. II RIM.I R.siiN BREAKS HEIR ARM FrieruLs of "l rs. J. E. Rmdgerson. I mother of Mr. Jno. L Rjdger»ou and an old resilient "f WHiim tiim will ' regret to know that she offered a fall last week, breaking her arm and pain fully but not sericud; hurtirg her head in the fall. She vai at the home i of her ilanghter, Mrs. Sawyer in Elizabeth City at the time of the ar • client. M. F. WOLFE LEFT THIS A. M. - Mr. Miles Wolff left this morning i for his home at Concord after spend ing the past year in WXsamston ai | principal of the Wfllsamdton High I school and as athletic director of th . school. Mr. Wolff has proven hm.e4! | a very proficient teacher and diractm , of school activities. He has ben wry [ Popular in the social and irlitiiii lift of the tow* and has a wide carle at r friends who regret bis depnrtore. ! BIRTHDAY PARTY POM r BENJAMIN E. MANNINC i Miss Daisy Vyur entertained a ■ honor of the fifth birthday mt be little nephew. IWuj»tia Everett Man nine, the yomrg son mt Mr. and Mn r John A. Mssema. loot Friday after mm from foM Mia aix o'clock. Th CHI'R(TI FEI)ER- A'i iUN HOLDS FINE MEETING UEiIK 15t; People of WashiniGr ion Attend The Service • The Washington Church Eederatior. held a fine meeting in the Methodist church here Sunuay afterru»>« at S' o'clock- There were aout l.V> of the good pevqde of Washington prr-e- t. Mr C. tl. Morri ■, presiilent of the Eeder atk>n. v;. in cliar.-e of the procram. Tie orvhestrc. toinposeil of young men. wa. sj4er..iu!. The leader, t'apt.j Z. M. p. it . ha- >-iver. the class h;e training. Mr. J. I". S|«arrt>w led the service ami tiok the 21th chapter of Luke a tbe hase of his talk Me tie subject so well that all ur>UrsTood ;t. His lescr:pti»>n of '.he e;trit n:oru:.r , visit to t»io S«»vi.»ur"s To:?tb. ar •! the I cerie of the angels wa- fti-re-ol in! such clearness that it v.as very i"» press he After Mr. Sparrow had tiui-hed mar•* of lie r»uriher present were call ed cp.n. who responded with fervent I ars! -psritual words, \mong the r.um ' ber wa.- I'r John W. William-, form j eriy of Everett. He. a- wrll as morel than a dozen other-. s|»»ke with I -urh -pirituai eanie.-tne>- tha! a .te--p impression w a.- nuoie on everyone j preent a- he gave testimony of the great li»ve the Father ard lis- j reign in the hearts and live- of men \ There s. nothing in tie t>-wn of. Washington mote lielpful to th- c«.m ' munity than its Church Fe»terat..>ii j witch is cmjK«-e>i «»f Chri-tian people with their selfishness remove»l. ju-t the kind of religion that help- ai>i W«---e- those who |»» se-- it jmi those j who liv«- under its influence l"hurcr. lines are eliminated in this ir«»»i work Whatever criticism.- may he ma!e aarain-t evangelistic eeting-. the mee; ing leld by Mr. Ilam in Washington hrocHit feJ and broaler vt-tvtts of ' the reliK ion of Chri--t to marty people in Washington arxl the community. We hope to have frequent vi-it fmm the Washington Federation ot tTiurche-. We need their prayers and their visitic MR. HOI.I.IDAY THANKS FRIENDS EOR THEIR SI ITnißr i I wi-h to thank my friend.- for tte mo-t hearty -tipport they h.i\e given me in my cat!«iwlacy for l: .- -entativ,* from Mart-.n county I liate asked my opponent to cor rect the absolutely untrue -tatfm»-nt that is being male conceminir my in I tentiori- for running for the Hour of Representatives. I ha\ - t>-l-l Mr Moore that I am rea«l> to htm before the entire people oft any oi all the issues before the people I am only a man arid I want to 4o I the manly thing and if my frseivt- slay r j with me I am over tne top with .la big majoiity oil Jut • the -«wei.tf. lAin I I will do all I can for tie roa>i project.- or anything else that th* (aeopie want their representative to s j ladte.- and gentlemen, llere is only p oie thing that I want to lu, tui is e ' to rer.ler service. 1 am rot a lawyer. I know, and I am glad that I am ,4 tad. for I think that -pcct*l profe ; sion Iva.- been repreentoi lor? e " enough. ' If lam selecte>l as your Represen tative, I hope to he able to rive > *>u the be-t service in every way. 1 am for all essential improvements an-l I certainly stand for the bigge-t return to (he people for all putdac money spent. 4 Again thanking you f-.r all pa-l II favors arwl promising faithful servin II to you if elected to the high rJSee »l ■ Representative in the legislature ol r I North 'arolina. e • Yours for the most faithful -errice n] JOSEPH L HOIJ.IIIAY. !- William-ton. N. C_, June 2. !WI. MR. SYLVESTER PEEL FI>R REf«ISTER OE DEED? g I think, from my intimate arquain I- tance with him for many years, tha * Mr Syhrester Peel is well qfualilted fo b Register of flee*!- He i- a very truth * ful. honest ami accurate war. an- If very kind and obliging, and I am -ar • r that, if and elected, h 7 would faithfully perform the dotie re of the office. I do not know anythin: *t against the qualifications of any othe candidate for this - SYLVESTER HASSEU. Williamston. K. C. June S. 1924 C in little guests were entertained with mm er door games during the afternoon the a- delicious refreshments, consisting a x. ice cream, cakes, candies and fruit r- "ere served by Miss Wynne ami Mr L _ FF E he Manning. iiOIJJDAV FOR KEI'RLSI^NTATIYE i !-. s c. ar,.i grr'.lti .»-n of Hjrtir. Co.. ' i *..kr plfa ur recvi.i:a. " rye to • you ml per-. r«i»r-:n{ !:'-«■ ean •iwiary »i Jm.- ~i 1_ lltditiay .»• nr -, ipn -cnUlivf of Matt:r o-unl). I have known Mr. Ilolthia; h-iw I»r or rif j !t*r. uir> an>i ihrim this lime I !a»e .-pent o»in>fc*raWe lime in hi- j (Kinpan\ ars! I Kitif i!n) - found j kim to he an rtfifieM - man i aii a hich ior.«si Christian tentle ! ir_»n M. l.olliiiay »i-" ar*i ra.-e> J j on 3 larin -till o*li> al>l li\oi; 1 ti viiw f:i;ni uf>.' which !«e slattfl j It - i. r.-z hi> ab iity an-! * i- r. tar ,».-r an*) la-itr - nui.. tti*| j- -' c" "•..irtii. «.-irlhinr»; him J f. r ( aoni> IVmonstrator until the, i*!a; «a» 1 "to not haie to c.."i >i»sr attention to t!w work he j .i-j v i«i)«* iimNi-triiar, for you all; k -» thf v. rk fcr .I*l ;> a:--; | jyoo only K.iv to I. ok * her trav. li, It' ti'Uih t in R. •! a:*y j I I nx-.i-.fi t«- - -r- rT*N '. «-f Suvur an: j • r-wine i- a ).\ir.z nv-r.u j ir.- it !.» a mar *h». iri hs- other] .«iutir> io |*rform for hi« monty. In work. Mr 11-Mrb) ta lalway> inv: a lea*U r. W!ifv ih|T that !h* >ucrr » of our future riwrjth'ii pta-pen-i-st very mur > upon the c-Juca tf!>a! ai. ant aire- we rive it He ev I r»r*-.—es an earne-t .le-tre to -ee a I I owi ivn-«Ji.ia!oi ! in every ii> ' 1 1r?c*. of thf county affcl «f el«1ol re ,»re « atative. pierce- himself !.> »-rk ito that effect. i In toad «i rl. Mr llo?i»iay"s op-j ■ lonfit- cLain* a>| tKe h"Hir ai-i I i it h.hiM Sunk frwaily to let llhem have it -incr that U If* only Ithii c they -ieeir. worth raratM-rii;); a- I a frrilr. to four year- in ■ ■Jhr.- I wi>l. to say in tilts. roßitfti"n that the { imimU nt ha emi ' 1 >•>»! « ik in Mart in county arxi le 11 servo mu-h cnxtt ai>i I want tlw ■ I |»T|ilt to fir cre»trt mkrr it i- tu.- Ibu* h»-fore >ou omkm. |.ins all tin licmlit. I invite * on. Mr voter to a.-!: i . ~~i r|> ur urn tuti r aha*, per c.-nt oi ■ [the m..i» . pent «i the state roatls m I Mart.n county Ka> been funji-hf»i by -lite State entirely abl how n.urli woik we have |a»i for. I After jou have heard IhM I ■(•je-tion- i 1 thi-.k you I will' believe me when I »s-urf you that, if the r»mmi«Mier- w JI put up money in the future as they have in the pa-t. J--e Holl*iay ran have mmr r roa-I- built in Martin county. too. rj 5..» rv|«ull> to the la-tie-, wouM I you like To help put in a man to r* pre -••• t Marlirt maitl, with ability enough to nuk' a »«nr>« in hi> un- I -fertakinjTs ar»-i a rrr»t-I so rlean th.-t . his o|.f«i«t.t- have to admit that hi r character i witK«t lelnih A mat r whom y.Mi (wj.| point your brother, n sister. «ki or liaarMrr to as a living , iw-M of O-.rrstian citneri-hap In rowlit-K-g, Mr Voter. I want to a-k y«.u «-re .|w tH>r. Ila- there fvir I f*»r. a lean in Martir o.u»ty th::t m-re for the malt or woman who I .dually r»»>M help that Mr Hoi If lay ? If you krx.w Mr. Ilollflay. ai.- wer thi- i»f-tinß. ar»t if you Won't kn>« I:m he - are to. out atwsul | Him r. r» to the pJ- on Satur-t.iy * laiol rive h:ia '.our \ote He leserr«-- ? ]:t. let'- rrake the oM hr»y fwl that r " we ap;»reriate what he has «sone f«.t * u- in the pa-t Yoor- truly. I.AVin M J—tn ■», X. C. R. K |». u PBEACHINC SERVIt ES AT KIIIIMCKS CROVI * IVfarhini en ict. will he t>ehi at ' Rvhlirk- llnne by Pa-tor R I. Shir ley at ''4 p m Mil >utxiay Thu ■ «nif» i> to take the pjare of the oirf * to rave been hehl la t Sumlay l»u1 hirh water prevent*-! the» pa-toi from rearhinr the rhurrh ii> time foi the service. Kvery b*»ly com sally- invit «•. e.l. TO THE MEN Wll WOMEN «H«l KILL PARTICIPATE IN THE I*:min R%ti« PRIM\R\ ji NE • We ..the neighbor a- -talent-. piayMate*. an 4 believers ii ■t our neiirhbor teacher an>l comra-t ar wi-h to coffimeoi Joseph L Holliday t b- you ar»! a-k your injiridtd -uppor >1 for him as a rar*i»>!ate for count; re rrprvnUtnr for Martia county. Wi he are «ili*r to lend bin to you iM sa; e* as we .io it that he is sober, dear «r *ble. a rood thinker, and sprakei er To say all. he is a full rautrj man ar> worthy of any trad piaceol upon hin Here is to kim nooiintwa and hop nr we have oaay more like him. _ H. f. IVeie. W. O. IVele. R. H Pfeek «t R- C. Rodpers. W. P. Hoodley. J. I - ■ - fn rrftf of its ML-srs Mary Clyde and Sae Ltfpt mlspt* yesterday ■ Hertford an WATCH THE LABEL ON lull PAPER. IT -ARRIKS THE DATS YOCR SI USCKIPTION" EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 MARTIN COUNTY'S OLDEST WHITE WOMAN DIES * /Si. I >efinite Circumstances IMace Her Asre At 113 Years Su a.! Jolley. Martin county".- ohi !.- t wt.iie vvom ir. :n>l iw>r-ap i"ie i.'. the State, .li.ti May "*. '. J honv or" Mr. Charlie Sexton, far jj-mesville- Mr.v J«>1! ■> : e>i at 11 Fr»isy j i.i -ht fri*m ' * sr* >(' t *>- sit jt'iii: in h«r i'tr..r wh.-rt--W .•»»•! She |ha«}.!roneil tier own «.-!• "rf- .'urirc the !«iay ami al.-o a few ,'"ce- for Jlr 1 Sert.rj. Mrs JolU-y wa-he»!. iri>r»>i. wa^keti t .irouixl the tort rvn >i» .. --rstewi -r cer. "Nt! house a. rk ar.-i k'itoi fce'.vefn t it " f.ir a rr (Kirt of fcer life. t"p jui.t.l about two y>>..r ~ o -he rut her lov.i v. «o«l ar, ! lilt t'...s »l. a Use j fori- -l ami ruttir ' th-- tree, h^'-elf. ller aee is not exactly k-own. J though she v. - .. k oM. ' Infinite rircim-tatifi fiio her J are "i the nei-hhiTh • ■' of t-home ! mentioned «l:»te It i- »•••*•. 5 -,.*n that .-he * .i- more tlutr: t£o \e -1. of 1 Mr.-. Joliey was one of sh*~ ««-■ e '«rr.«lalil» > nn-i reliuhle types .>'■ iu-r-- »?is, pri fei rinir to live al»v. Her !«>.!% was hurieo a! t»e hjty iitiT cruuml at the R ti Sevt«»n farm, sirar Jame-ville Saturita* Rev Saw yer. (la tor of the Baptist rm« 'i of j llymo«ith cnniiurtol the fu.-ieral PROMINENT WOMAN DIES AT HER IN JA.AIES\*ILLE Mrs. hui k L lln«c, a -sell k r.in t!ii ltc!ove>! c.tizen of i m.f -vslle t wn -hi;«. •!>*>! at her h.>ti.e Saturday •-vmiii't at S:£-> after an attj.k of t> l iiiii.l f« ver ami an j*ut( a'tack f hriisht'.i Mrs- itr«-m« sras . ju-t in tl.e prime of he- U'e ar.i in her t i 'K«'. a- n'"th' r itr-! —-.fe -he will 1 A fo rrwltv al'ii i» the tywP , always lived she wtll t»» in: e» hy a mle circle of frimt* I»e •wo:.-*«i r wits before her mar-iaire to Mr. I:.* m [i aUu! twenty five \ears :■ -■•. Mt-s Li Mamie Hantison. ; .htt>-">:e- if ri '' atvl Mary K*'/a M..n)i-si of art ~ Jamesville. She was nwr }«er of the fhri-tian chufrh."*heir;c a n»m municant of the church a! J. n--«ville ~ for many year-. k Tlie funeral -erv ice- were c>-r> jucte>«l from tlie re-hience h'y lirv. A J Jl.ui- I nine »f Williamston an»i '.W iß'emwet was niaile In the ol i far«ily trpwtery if the ItroWn family ar»l tS* j4«e a here she had alway - ma«ie her ln-me. \ 1.1 ri;e ciincourse of fraem«l- fr tr. all eciion- of the courty w* re i-. atlen • fanre at the funeral. r» T , liR. IIIGCS ENHORSES „ HON. CT.%%Ti»N MIMIRE " Hon "layton M-«>re. ' William-ton. N". C. L -I»»ar Sir: V I am iroine to r.»te for you as Mar *■ tin fi.unt r»|ir» ental te teau-r I ' Mirrc you can attl will S«" of the r irreate.-t jo-jiiif -ervice to thi- -«■- t?on of the State an-l Martir. t"oU"«tv *n particular in the Stale's rwotn Iwj.fciifMf program. Yoar- traly. JNO P It IOCS-. Williamston. X. C. K May JWh. !tr_M. Mr. Sl tUJ til WASHIKCTON" r ' OFFERS WII.IJALSTON \ITtMSTS PARKING SPACE The foilo*. intf fetter wais -ent to as II fr»tn Mr. T. Jarv is Sw-ar. nal -Late ,r i tlealer of Wi hirrtwi Mr Ssr* is ,r ' very con-.*ierate in chat to tbe Wi '' 1 1 lam-ton people parki * while visitine in Wi-hirxtop. Ibe Idler fol | lows; 1 Dear Sir: 1 hare notices I on several Mieasioßfi, ' when we H»l some ira-aa! lttractioa in Washiniftoo that the rwl people *• of Williamston are always good pa ,n trons of our City. Ooe of our p*«t ~ to cient parking space for tbe pcblir. I rt am writing this for Ike htnft of oar '> sister town. WILLIAMSO N". I 'uw '* space sufficient to take eai* of a Hoot . twenty cars which is a!wa- : open for "• the good town of WdHawa a aad its *- people. THERE WILL BE ABSO *• LUTELY NO CHARGE FOR PARK «- .ING SPACE for aay mmt 'nr your P- town. COME TO W ASHIXGTOK WE are always glad to «* yot If. Yours tn-ly. H. T. JAKYIS SItGG. Opposite City Hal. . . -t 4 Mr. a*d Mrs. Raanaae Hukmr oo «f

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