ADTEKTISEKS WILL FIND on COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM ■TWKS OF MAKTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 34 EARL, TEEL, NEGRO, SERIOUSLY SHOT , BY BUCK OWENS Negro ATTEMPTED T° Run and Bowen Fired No. 6 Shot in Shoulder Ksri Ted. a SO year «U celled bowas sen«l> shot oo "* 11, . H.MItOB (Mil thU "MMS ft 8 o'clock by 0«W. a wkitt man- Teel. who woife with Mr- Leemaa Taylor. was leaJw* *»'•- frjm a p.. vit u.l js4 a> b' renched the lane of Mr Taylor, he wa» met by Oanf. wba |>ro«oW • raise a ami lliilrtrnr I lo shoot tfca tserra. Teel begged o*i» >*«** fci=t as.! 'nr.l to "Wipe behind the euvs hot ladag that he eould rot a.wil UI doinr so be raa ar-i wten he a«l was shot »" the hack Jhe w takiar etfect in the WO side * the hack joot wlrr the ahonldcr hla.le. The colored hoy tan a few rteps ami felL He was immediately taken up by those who wft»--sod the iari deal and ra»hcd to doctor* Samplers —i York at Williaaastoo where an that the gm was loaded with namler ( The hoi was scattered «*e» a place a little larger than a >awer. At time the doctors will not say definitely the probable oot come of the shootio£- However, they think Oweao aad'ha m aow ia jail awaitiar OMS and Teel both lived on the Taylor farm Owens has been Ihrinr ia Martia eoaaty oay a few rear*. nalt county The Teel boy rec*a«ly had »"» 1 —»-«- anctUf c«l»rei toy ia whack the ot.wr hoy wa« W. •" *»* Irj with a pi»t«»l- Teel w»t trie-l ie the reeoadet'a coart aad was ie!ea»ca •upon paymei.t of a small toe ami the costs of the action. ;RKAT INTEREST IN ELECTION The primary held last Saturday the potiticiaßs to their feet from uaten.l of the state to the other. ;reat interest was shown every where hot apaietne&s prevailed ia a majority of the precincts of the COM ty. Most of the state contests for the minor nJiro were sectional ami generally relleeted only the interest of o OF or at laa>t a few men. Sow naiiristet WMhX a sympo IMk vote, while ia other case.- they were the victims of fai as the evidence aow ■»' od>. it ten w to show that fnlitara «•* ««ed» a little cleaning TO THE CITIZENS OK MARTIN COUNTY I hereby take this to thank ny fellow ciliaeas aad ff*»* of tha Ilenaocralir party for their wry peaeroaa capport giwa me ia the recent Democratic primary. I feel that the friendship expressed piare» me an tee a doable tie to per form the doty of the Sheriff fMcently. honestly an-1 with fairness to a 9 men and in obedience to the law. I wish to renew my abearance that 1 will serve the people to the hr»t of my ability. I want to nr*e every Demsrrat to pa to the polls in the November elec tion and roll ap a great major ty. Again n-f yoa for all favor*. Yonrc to aim H. T. BOBERSON. Mr. aad Mr J. C. tiodard spent Salary aaaeniajr ia Xew Bera at t ndiar the Lyaar Wad * worth aaed- Mk Lph Cooke spent Satarday mrncß " I with ta thank the people of Wl btea a yoar aikL Very traly yoars. D. GEORGE. t „ _ CARD OF THAVKS We wiah to thaak one May frien* mrffeTimd We. - G. R. EDMOMDSON and CHILDREN Mr. I*. Gait leave® tmlilt f» MarMk alut ke wl apoad akoa MtSia&m . . - THE ENTERPRISE JESSE THOMAS • ] , WEDS FOR THIS, FIFRH TIME iaiflt Wife Died Only 8 ] Days Before He Ca tered Itin? Again Satanlay afternoon when aart of ] oar eitiioa i. were filed with the dec two spirit. William Jesse Thomas ami j Mrs. Mary Easily Ihvenpott of Crass | Road- winded their way into the Refr isttr of Deeds cCor ami x«knl for a ; irarrii if lio nse. Their wUh was grant - .J -S»-1 wh3e wakmr for the arrival , af lie*. E. IX DoU to perform th' , ijcrtJ rem i*c\. a v;mtn from Tat- - f liate-i prise "sUniewni the coujde Mr. ThoTii stated that he va- ( 3 year. oU at*! U-! this ras LL- Sf'.K rarrcf*. Whrt : -fcr-a haw lor-r his last wife had beer- «icad he rr|Jiv with ar.-mi r of eat!-: 'hy* Then !w *#• isked if he was JBW that his ht wife was {on! an I ami he said . that he was ev t an i Mrs. is 36 year* oil Har Ka ior-i pcKweil a divew at a raw! term of the siper»r court. The roople was aerooapai. >v! •»> a ' si* anrths oU bahy whirh was the bonr of the conleniion and the rraiuiil apun whim a diroice was vr-tnUd tie tormer hwtband The hah: ris h»* : by aa a*rwnpen»n parts vh ;, e th- crrmmiy wa> performed. MASSACHUSETTS WOMEN HKIJ'EI) OUSTING LOIK.C (VirjiM. iane 9.- -U t.ea Ooiitiiat 11. t>v aas elected (r»»>ir..-r » I llav acha>etts last fal. the naanarers of the IVanocralir against him wrote ant told him that he could thank the aanra voters foi his elee- V. hea G(-v«raor Co. today was eircteti of the Mi- achu ■etti •Mexataon to the natmnal conventwn. mjw of the «lei egatioa whlipeirl in hs» ear that he thank the wow.en again It i*at that tae women love Gav eraor Cox more, it i* that they love 'rait ir Henry Cabot lodge less. Ever iin safrace btramr aa issae, Codksh stale have been Jn.* m? away from the loyalty that is sapp • ed to be dae their etaest >lasr-san. The drift has earned them a lone way— so far that today wUe they were at a. they helped iaih Mr. l-odpe com pletely. so far as the jeneiit o»n --veatioa at canremed. They even refaied to let Kim have a place on the re«Jatapns committee laitroL they threw their >up|mr to Speaker Gdlett. The »mn have l( meiivherv in the Masanrhwetts dehfitioa —exactly IM half the total -aad they arw there oot entirely as u eijae>.«a of okl fashioned Bnt«a coartesy. They are a m! pa— ia the state. iie> have their »wa dn of what roo.-'.itute> t rood bfoblkan this year, their , >ln beiae; that it is one vho >uppurts i Preaideat Cool Wire oa ail amsioLv r That lets lolj-e oat. aid by the samt i token, the woaaea are now rnara r->i in keeper hka oal I T.e UxworWetU women. *no al - real/ have, aa evfoal representation . oa the central committee, are tak i ta«r a very active ;* rt in 1 «-C »r1 0 uhta.a e>aal reprv.-aalaU. H -r t!.' I KepdMaraa natiinal coaaauttee. Thr I Deamcratir party has triven thi. to the women, aad the krht for it ai k this lonieataia of the Kepah3ra»s is dminly earnest. Havinr easily lined ap their wa oealer of the rule* com ——— they are actively in S pkdiiar the committee mem bera from other 4ate drleraaans. FtKMEE GOTEIVOK IN \IG t MRS AT AHHEVIIJ.E HOME 1 fie Bad Ben ia Fai&ng Health far Several Years I'ast 1 Askvflc. N. C, Jane 9L— Western North Carolina laaiaht is aa moarn- for its departed leader. lacbr- Crair. former Italian of the state. ir the SWHM lim this afternoon at * rtktk WUoiaf aa Barn nf Only a few aaiaates before his death tke former aankarly loohd an thaae ahwat him aad near. Ha life Mad m aoftly aa tke k* marts aumhaJ ahove tke rashine ■I river, and a little later over the hit »! came f«mtly tke ulifistrokes of •r - fchT' Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, I'utvday .iune 10, METHODIST RE- j. YTVAL TO CON TINUE THRU WEEK | Next Sundy the Riles of Baptise Will I»c J Administered REVIVAL The Rerivil at the McthodUt chorrh is to enntinne this vwt Last nijtht markenl tS* h*».iiiu: of yraml week of l w jpleadil mtHir,; beins hy Re*. II D. IWd. The service L- nessi * was aeil at by local in spite of the fart that rain canv at an BupfHOpr iale time. The *m>n of la t Smaday eveninir ha.M >« the 3th >erse of the '->» d Kin-rs was ilastntoi by the Pastor it-hil* 1 ,hr sour I-- ■k: handlev* *«'H Vr part. Miss H «f«nfs aork with the Ch>: . riven Ss'anisv niHkt to an at ter".nd laree aa>l !jbo? cas hirhly i:«..Tfcatnl by a!l ♦has" in atter- br... > «-r work is of 'he \ sry highest t- >• sal the Wil liam 4on peorte sho-.'d take alrankuT jf thi- opportnniiy to he-ar her. At tie Sar.ib) eortat servw two infants vrere chrirta*«l ar»l u an noOMeme tt wa- read to the ef«l t'iat sirtven had jorne« by coafes en of Kaith an.l by letter. Of th..-e that mle the coafcssaaai. *«* joiieil the M-'-ho»iUt cttairh. wvra the lti|- tist rl urvh ami f.-ur tiy 1 nt charch. On nest Sunday nooraiac. iar«e IS. at the rerialar awninc serrir*-. the rites of Baptism will ha almirl-teietl to all thoise that have the con fession. and aill Up remix) into :he eharek The Mrtio'i»l cfcards is ai-v plan liint to have repeated the piay -Vision Heijrhts"*. It is beiae hy the Kpwor.h leatw aaol wil! he -hen Samtay iu«rM. hot the .late is sahj -rt to chance. Watch for farther r«M re in EridayV paper. WILIJAMSTON TEAM BATTLES WITfl CiRIMESLAND TEAM UM AL BAIJ. TC.IM SI KHJKS PR. H: \T AT THE HAXDS OP GKIMESI. \ND TEAM The \\ lilarstiM hoe hall team aas doahir«i tinted to the tane of siatecn to hv the* Ivad team at Crime-laot last FViday Ihe ranie was -i.* and l««tlrss with the exr. pt.axi of the base tEEnOf of tl»e nine, who ia the nine ia r*int's tallioi sixteen nans to the loc Js ei*ht Itritt the V>slliaaaston v.iirr was in effective at all stares of the rai.e The support he received was on a | ar with his pttchiatgr. When al hope «a p«te Jul a "Boy"* Barvn relapved l3nu ai«l fini h vd the rame rreditakly rfcLMAN CARRIES MARTIN IS * 815 M AJ O R I T V UMISAV C « AKKKV LKtOS All, tniiEi: CANDIDATES WITH A SAFE M U4MUII t».\ 14 BUJili Si trlla 'a istrs are i- 1-4 lows: Ear Covnam; A. Xf. Mrleaa _ ir.SH J. W. ISailey 7*! For Lieatmaat fmrm: T. C. Bowie «(» ir. R. EtjwU _ . __ 11*1 i.,K Lear _ v ._ i 191 State Aaditar: . I'lvter Ircrham t ITT; la>. P. Cook'-l 5« Itlaraey Crural: E F.tak Nask ..MS D. G. Bra-tilt ..... 01 r Oaries Bant 1_ 357 tVnmbaaanrr of AcriraMare: r. G Craham " 424 I T. B Parker IK F. P. latham _. t■ ' IIOIJ» I P BEHfTAITLAWT » AT St HTM DA IT* l.\ E Little Valley K T, Jane 9.—A , wr-ian taiiiw a imnß infaat la m J ai .» ami karidmr a itidwr will i the other, helped kaU ap a retfaaranl , at Swath Dayton. Accwaapaaied b] r two ma, the ■ ami «■ harked waitresses r ami pat rani aa a caanwr. The trio thrt B rifled the caak register and escaped ia r" — , Aa aerial camera ha* been develop ACCURATE STATE MI'INT OF VOTES CAST SATURDAY We. the Count \ Pranl of L3ector> I in arvi for the County of Martin. «ioj hereby certify the folio* :n to be a trne and accurate statement of the vote for the various Conrty and Leg islative arnl Township otßces cast at the democratic Prir.»jry Ml at the various precincts in the Cour.ty of Martin on Saturday. June 7. ly.'l Far Member ml thr lloaxe ot K. prr . oratat ives: Clayton Moore U/W Josepi* I- Holiday SOI For of Herds: Sylvester Peel ATS* J. Sam liflsiniifr iss. For Jadfc of the Krvordrr's t'oart: J. C. Smith IIS K. I- Cobata . _ inM For Sherafl: H. T. Kofaerson IS!7 A. B. Vyers .VII lor Coaaty aad W tiliaaas Toauhip: Jon. K. C. A. Askew _ »l L P. Ilollidny I.Bi For t'oaaty t'mou »»ncr; l.riha> aad Hear 4*ras* Toonshtps: 11. C. Cram ... 32 W. R HarriitiCton :il| We, therefore, declare- tl«e folU«in«; to be the tialy notnina!e>: I V;.~-rat .• v arxlfclates for the \vtcnthrr 1 «*vts*n to l«e heUt on the l-t I uv~~>lay after ihe lir.-t Mornlay its \.v«-mher. ':-2t. Far hemhrr of thr llu« of krpt. oratalivro: Clayton Moorv. Far UrghJtr al I Vr»-d~.. J. Sam (XMIICI r Ear Sherif: 11. T. Kobersou. • Far .lodge af ItecovdrrV Coart: J. C Smith. For Coaaty I'omos-.nit.: John \. iir.iry IGreer*. II M. BI'kBAS. Cham. C. It. FAG \.\. Sec. | WiUiamston Well Represented In Ashevillc A heville. June A—Williamston has lon «-ll rrpirsented in A.shevilie this werk. Mr John D. Presi •Vot of tlie Farmers aral Merehant - Itank. aecon>|k*ate>i by Mrs. Birr .-pent the work here attemlinr .the North Caroliata I tankers Conven tion. Others fiom who have also atteo iei she SUM' BID awet in - are Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Craw ford AIML ML-- Frances. Ilirr- U ilum Kenilwftrth Inn. the largest aioi newest hotel in this section, was the ! >»l|aarter.- for the :»n Miny -octal ami recreational features aere •-njoyeil for the 100 visitors at this hire me«tinr from North Carolina ami many other State*. The larve t social function wa> the laall >n Thnisiay eveninr riven by ihe hana-iraril i:i the lull r»om of tl«e Inr., which i- une of the hand.-om est in the South. A liuwlein. at the Hiltmore Fiie-t Coun.r> Cl»b aid a :qtf toamament ai re also t njoj jlil' aimnrol f-r the !«ar,k- • ~ji-i tii«-ii 1.-o!«e- T0 THE CITIZENS OF MARTIN COUNTY 1 -hwirv lo i '|-«ess lo yoa wmfll), ihe citizens of M «*"ia Coanty. my sireer* thank- and IW yuai loyal support and every kimUy set remfc-rol in my lehaif •laranr the |a.- litkal camjmii-R. winninr for i'*, on J. ne the 7th. llmwralir bomii a tion for KrttU r of Ihed. of Mamn Coaaty. It .-hall be m>, aim aad parpfase to f-aar>l well voar tnU aad an-1 my pl*.i-ure to aerve yoa when ever I aaay have an opportar.ity. Sincerely. J. SAM GETKINGEIL PIERCE-DAWSON James 11. iPeree and Miss XeHit . Dawson both of Bertie coanty stok over the Kaaiwke rrver bridye Sa'ar ifa>y :.fter«.o> » |-i«arel a i?*> riare lice ore from the Kerister ol Deed* and neat to the Methodi i par>oaare am! aere aaaraird by Bev E. D. Dodd .■ Vr Tke happy man thea with a »wee Jane bride terroaaeil tke Baanaln river bridge to their home la Berta eoaaty. T ' "* i PRAK OF AGfTATIO* IX JAPAN PASSEI ,r Tokio. Jane > Relief that th peak of the ajritatiaa la Japan arain* American eeartrieat af aa iaaaiinn P tw>a law harrier Japanese, had pa« »- sd. vraa tipnard k ad hfaai "k circles taday. The alia pfcaae of th M ifibtiui. r was awed, canrot cor -tkmc MM tkaa In ar tkaae weeka. I IKUKLUXKLAN „ PAYS A VISIT TO HAMILTON I |J. il Crisp Caiven Physi cal 1 reatnient and Mi.ral Lecture On Friiiay nit-ht about Itl o'clock. J. K Cii.- 1 of Hamilton while out in i the country at otic Courtney lira.-. • arll'v i.-.iuse t itnt woll. a ne«ro worn I «n». that the Ku Kluvi' Klan .. ;s i.iokinr for him. C'risp ini-l ucJ.v,."!: l.'i'po! in iiLs Ford a.ii,' dro\i t r li..n'f. h.>l!v |>ursurl l»\ "'M rv who after a not ciiasr ex , ler-i:!-. -i\ mill's, ru.i Vim to his hoi :.-1, w!*;«- they imm...lately fo''«iwe.i j- Crisp t.sik in . closet at fv! hon-e t"irr\ In - his shot rur. with hi... I. a» tiw* r.U! ko) crow.l sush.s! itl th, j r.s I* he ia- —si hi- -.tun an-l tir. •!. mis I ine his nc.-k however, lie u.i- tsuickU . o»erj>..»s.*r«sl as. l e:irri«N! iut of towjr' ai—ut two n.ih s a?-il five* a lit! !■- phy W Imalßic-al ss ! a ro d moral lecture. Whi'r the |«eoj»l-- of llsm*'ton i!«> not advocate takintr the !i« into thrii own haisis. yet when one of its ci!i7en- sloop so low that the law ■ aiinot reach him or dies n»t touch 4e>ir» I -pot. then its i.titen. a|- {•reciate relief fnmi-hnl hy the klan. is -uch conduct i-f this nalure is very ilein.l;nir ar.«l a |s>-.i nx-ml lesson for the youn- |evp!f It i-w >dii iall«. reeorniied hy the town [»i>|ile tl at Mr. Crisp is the f;-ste»l For.l driver in !r>e i-ourty at least those who saw him last Ft•.!."»> nii;ht thottrht so. I'HILATHEA CLASS TO STACE BABY SHOW TOMORROW Thr I'ii'latiiea Class of the Will ■.in. -ton 1.a;«1.-t I'huu i w ill, on •\eone.»ia> afternoon. :he llth iiay of June IV2I, oi. lin tir.t tl.»>r. or .-tore ; floor, of Mrs. J. C,. Slaton's Tar 11-s-1 Apartments, at Four u'elick. hi.l.i a Kahy show. , Itshi»- may he ehti-re.l U|HO ami in ■ I ailing three years old. I "rile* will he riven in»la:ife with announri nw-nt to l>e ni-i.le at the show. All mothers are invited ami re»|U« -t e«l by the l*hilathea Class to «'hter , their babies in this contest. An entrance fee of twenty five cents t will h? charreil for each bby. N" > iha rev will IK- m.01.' fur adini >«.n t-» motSiers that have Iwhio entered in the coatest . There will le an admission fi* of twenty-five ceait.-- charged for «|ee r tators. Kefre-hmenl - will l«e ser\«sl frei ( ilurinr the show to all who attn,i. j The puh'ic is conlially invileil tn aiteinl thi? show. l«on*t for-.-et t!w* .Ir.y and hour ati.l P place. Mrs. J,. G. Slaton's new build F in« ia fr-mt of the Atlantic Hotel. jfti-rwir.i at four o'rl.. k. 1 ,-|UiT INK! STAND" f'HANGES OM NEK SHIP TOUAV II *. Onr -i- wiui h:s tun the |»i|n l-r "ho? ilft? ..tarsi" l« l v.s-n ihe Atlantic hotel .ihl the Farmers ami Merchant - 'hank, ha.- .old out the establishment to J. 11,, Edwards will. Mr. Edward . r. tak-nr active chart'e t.-lav. f ' The bu.-iness has rrv.wn nuite ti-f r dar amler the manarement of Mr t 'ieotre wt.«. ha- ina!e many friemi r- sirice he ha.- i**n in town. * CONVENTION TICKETS BANGE „ FKOM flie TO TOUAY 0 _.Te» eland. June 9. Ticket S|ecula- ► t fairs were a ki.-ir tlift. to $S r O. for !- K.-|adJira - c.nvert «»n ttrkMs last niarht. hat ;.n%rtivi- hu. ei* were thAlinr out for loaer prirr-.-. At one 1.i.Ul 11.!**' was a-keil for use s« rj eant at am.-* litwl-;e, whirh rf-. uid (in the weiirer frve of the hall, ie Uk Mr. Mareellus Cooper of W'a-hing r tun was in town yesterday to hasiaess. Mr. H. C Janes of thU city -|«ent 1 Mom la) ia EvcretU. r " " Mr Jaanes GrMln left Sanday nirht ' ■ far Hflbboro where he wi'l assist in s taditinr tke hooks of Oranre county. * W. IL Dixoa af Wilaon is in town * this week -ellinr Bel Bird traps u catch the boll weeviL Mm Z. H. Rao* and MUses Ann; Harrison. Margaret Everett v»i Sallir P Harris will leave tomorrow for Rei.Ls he ville. N. C, where they will alter* at the Baraca-Fkilathca convention. Tha a-: meet inr will last far four day s, a-1 Messrs. jawri E. Harrell. Harak td Everett. C IL Flemmiar and H. B be Haßoaan will attend Hie State ct.i a- * ventioa of the Baraca-Philathea or L ' raaizatian at Rehfanrillr. N. C. I YOB ACCO GROWERS ItECOIVE SECOND PA 1 MEN! ON CROP 1 j About "25.000 Received By L,ul Hank to lie Distributed The nfi :bers i f th * Tnhacfw Grovr- i er> t Voperat-v •• itf ff ' reivinu a xv.'i.J |«yp)M! on thesr IST! lolum' cri This ;>«iv a no" i* *a>l i I' th," aiiw.n: «.f th.* .irst pnyrner?. . list- Martin i'«6»tv Savinr- -»•! jT.U-i (OIK|U!'.. ->f lit: city received • [: (1. > k ;'or a'.vi-i t.» tv iii> ~ ibsti.! IW t «»i« rauvo "am*. J, -.; I_ ;!«• « MV!H>IL he farn*'.- »• ••; j ifli-. «•:« ! tohaceo are mrlm The J \ 1- corn i.£ «' a liw*' when it t I N.» -ea-or of ' year t -«• • I . • issint' li'iiitt'uii) a.- the. ■ :tr. , a- r . v; * hce Ihe crops :in* j culliv; te.l |« ;,i in- n'Oi-mbwi tS;.t I! -* « !«im> a x ration Has rnv-i'v :' • rtl - j't for in. re 1.-lurt-i at-f U*' ; .r'l.or will farther a-hai* j 2 !,tt".' bUT 11 the -ui'imrr. 12 COTTON ASSOCI- j ATTONS HAVE MEM- ! ISERSHIP OF 250.702 Kaleii-h. Jure I!ep».rt-- rec* veal from the c>»>m>iati.e cvtlon icrn* »; ,tate- of the South «!»>• thai (he | ( 4al nK-nilx-r htj> of th-- t .o -oc;at iotis oil May 3! »a 25«*.7ft! Oklahoma lead- with it.- I ®. T« n- i is in sNiKiil place with 'i>-'i J i»ia has third place »illi ii» ' North Carolina re|«»rt- XxlWt Ourinc tlie month of Majr ">«HI iier- were a>U»i to the twelve late •s«wiatii'ns. Texas ih which i -' -te wide campiiini i- tit t« p -rt aiM* new iwiuHm" . North '"ar>-' na a-'dvd .'"7*: new nunshT* lurili" !l* ttaail't h. Ffi.iiT t \sr_s i)isrost:i> (If IN KMOKWKS IIH K. I IKK P. THIS MnliNi'x. II Calkins ol I.U|uor «i»n««! h. ] I'ailm lle.clop- V» TfMi The reeopler » court of Mar u. I county wa* kelal here i «b> >-* l ! t. Staith torttey lllhert S. I'cel 'I here was a full court and the eifht I ' ism-.s were aii-posed of follow- I State v* l>oa Ja.l.i- on. failure to I 1 ■!i|« rattle litis fa-' k: It in lW| r«»ur". f»r i-veial week*, each t it Continued «'Vet Toda) tit •*.- ] ended when a verdict «f im« *»:'!) j «a pronounced. Sulr v.- J. S. Ayer>, failure ■» .'t|» tattle, wrdat of not rui!t> •» l- ,m --• HOUIK-fll- J .State vs ITaUale Ixe, failure to *.»p I iutile, .iif.-n.1n.1 not vuiil > Slate vs J I! Havenport. fadi.r. l» !.ji rattle, im4 vu.ltv v, W II- Aiilbony. falcn l« •li,i rattle, iu>t guilty. : Safe V, \!nri> I.riJlilt, f.11>.»» s«i . cattle. This ra-e v> f»Mitn to T^e.•lav. Juse 21. State t ■ \er>la- ll»rt«"*». aatt-lluLlole white tiiuuk- »N"h »3 iti r r>iut..i uiltji attil « ote:«r« I t.» |til fir !va nmitth>. tri»mr the o*i4> «oiti»ii stiffs i to l.tre hint -.( 1 Stale Vs I lav *•—l \« '■ italef. a «' ill I Wtl!l '.-.oily *eaf»«ti ItefetaltMtt |-le.a! je«! r.«»t KUtly. After hearing tl*e te St ■im>ii , iiK* ca_-e a a ti«l.i sliU* 'to Tln ! .lay, 24. I Iturinr the hearitat; of the lla>w.«.i j Willi alter ca.«e ami while Jinn South . Iw.'i- seekinif to fit >1 a raa>e f.»r il# ' I trouble one «,f tlie witr.e rjin- «. -T in the open ami sa»! it Ka- .-ver • I valiuUr ot laj'JU owne.l by the th.-e*- ' |>itrtie in tk' row :kat tfcej M * iiiiui.Wlnl - One (urtv .vsrne.l tiie 4i f aiWI Whitaker «»n»l the>t u»rty •!•»! the work. They all Un»lil tine fU:tt ' jwhitly atel split tl«e li.|da>r ivto thtr.S h It row x if the hj-lit will hr. I n jV* t .i.'jlJe COVKKNHKNT Wil l. CUkSK IT> HIMIkS MiK THIS H.M tl. K YEAR M III' THIS MONTH '* \.'a-h. : ttj«it, June 9.—The ?mreni«Mil w ill ckfc-e it.- hook* for Ua> fend yeat II on June J#, with a rr|lv of l«iwi j %-'i 0,««M«IU utvl MBJDMJUDB, Dim ' | tor lainl, of the Mfit buna, Maj " informe.l I-resident CoUi^c. to I ____________ MKMBKKS OF SKEWARKRE u PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHCRtTI " TO BiUITIFY GBOI'Me = .. Ike Primitive Itaptul ckntk at Skc j j warkre it wms JmM to art apar [t Tue»lay. Ja«s ITtk «* tfci»M b] It H —tltn In I t> it all «%»t mm appearing M Ike trees af Ike danl ■ gnw« will be lata 4an ami te W.frai TIIK LA 1:1:1. O*. IONS PAPER. IT T!IK DATE \oi R si BSCRiinon : \PIKES ESTAiiUSHE!* 1898 MARTIN COUNTY SI MMER SCHOOL > OPENS HERE About .50 nunsi Indies From This and Other Counties Knru!ied° >B '" ! R - A Poj*. 'lirector -- -fir, pe-N-l the Mrt-n fooftty cn-mer sclhjo! ' et. i n the H ... -.-r± --K«.! buiMin- at S.«»t a }r _ ter\is\ if.'Runf. The t,j.| enrol!-: >er.t f..r iV ,l f } *" ~ l.•'ere heire l"*.. ' i ' i- ftpvtfti that ** '' th.-ir nam- a.i.le«| | 0 n-li a »t.- i in the re« few a>x « ' Jo» nof Ir»e State IV "1"", ' ' onrutiwd the *-.rk f-r I', • ML-. * T M. lie of \ !«; . J . M r. ~a_. o' " V •• trvc.-r IV,- «et th. r rl.. . x.-.; rrxlil Ue , I «r -thr ii-..( ( I T»a : - ■»« -er- ai-ie en ! r0.1e.): Mtve. .1V,.i,. ItMi,., • \ r . I '• ** i ; . vr . | lara f*»von. V. s»hir>e?,.„_ \ •- t.r.,-n. Williamson, \ c Mamie '■"nvley. Kirrm.TJe. \ , Marxiy. Kven-tt. v «- . ... •. ■ * «.rav - -e- tt »- h- l. l er.-.: \ t ; | « t. n. \ t ; V irTfr ,y. a Maa . r,, r ~ J r»v v,?|e. \ , . ta a ll»-ell. j-» V.lle. \ «•; fa' V. -U, lly hnoath. .V t" : ie M - re t hoc*. V « ; MAW lark-r. |:^ r -•mole. \ f : V, A«n,- j; |-..«H1 J a.«e v,IV. \ ni -j Powell. Aulan-ier. Vf ; far a- Sexton J atT-e>A ilie, V t\; V C T K,^e r | JtJie W i.HiiiElrtr. \ (' svulah T*tt rt..n, I tar.hrii.., N t" M.esre l A ater . Jai:ie-v ;i|e. \ (" « ,;*» \Jj,. * arrv n, «tw .w irnTy. \ i'. .Sakatß V. lliiM-r, Severn. \ | u ,Vv Ta> I «r. \ tllt.;m>- t .js. \, ; il IV4I, i-U vnuft. Kiw t .. V. I . ,C atisi'of Cancer an;i 1 real men I I )isor. ored l"i.ii i.ii l|.hia, Ju.-e j - Th X.mK I A titer tcan -ail l.*U> in ii.r'f n ,ih I be!«l I root p*ihl'eat>on f..i n ,;h> -in |s»«- intenM »-.f atraewre" *.hxt •."«e cau-e lof cancer ha_. Ikw .!. c»v. --. i; a I treatment f..r tt, nhath It., lin experimental -ta.-»--. *i- | - m .hriiiir | reniarkalje results. Hie *iis■**-. or t. |»r T. j I ;i..ver, la native of for utile. Va.ta.JLi. -alio, ac |c.m.l.-i - to tie article !a- « ' -Ni*imi I >cieiitilha!l\ tHat tl-e •!*.ea » iue ilto a tn r/o ..rtam-ra ;•! *2-. !w»s |. |cate«i tie r.ii'> ai» jronvj by the |""».Mi.-|u.-.vs- LtN.r J.T-, ,1-: kr. .w« as ilthe k «+i clticie* - it }«art a "V eau- I -alive f.ict..r l»r. '.lover *.,-_-i nm > I kartell hi- re-earcn v -rk in W V'ark |«:ty f..r futir ve—rs TO THE CM IZFNS j OF M ARTIN COCN-H' * I wi-»» lo to i.i > Ie« |» jj,iio-i..!tJti for Else very in-arty II n,»!» r»— si t.V .salt -Hi J J'iie 7th. I triJi further to -a> - hit l.s. your j frirtfl af'al -t.i'-i r.-a-b eve as ■ ever, >n ant eapocitv T...1 I ioay be Lhle lleru-", t«. «•« f..t the !-!-• a. 1 pralif \nVX7rra-t t» . eitaiag i jrfcetiiiii Faithfully ).a.r-. J JOSMI IIOUJIUY. 11 11 Mr, J. I_ C«dtrw"-» -.f J ■ v viße. rlrinile one wis in town V.—*l.; ..trad J in; to bttMie .- iwatters. 11 Mr. J. L of P-I4 was' II in toWa tevlrnia). . " « rl> Me-r- Henry tiatki ar- J' James j II llarrell spent Swmii) afie .ooa at ; I I'amlico Iteach. Mr. Bruce Wynne irti nana Is. Tria ily rollere ye-te'.lav aSere he wfll UtitA Ike summer -ebo L - | Mrs. I kiv .1 hik aa . t harie* B»)4, of kud " Ma at are ) visrtiair Mrs J. W. it irk tb week. Mr»- A. K. White k rkjt* krr *pareat£ in Waskmstaa lir iwi She ' wil atteml tke Baßwm lloJ- e weal * ltfißß mm ptat Tban lay aUr there. Mrs. Aaai Hamaaw -prat Sarfay y ia Tarkarw wrtk ker s-4rr. Mi*. A. n. MM. Margant Maaaiac Jfmt tke week end ia FHT Oaks, riotiac frmk 18 Mr. rim I Ibicalß ani Mia Laan rf OiteaN qnl Smmimj te Gil Mm. rt at«k«bd ■ Ptlbatxa - jjk'f Heem. »- Mr James C, Mav a w FaraviDe «Mlr iMwl - * Mr. -Onefc- X* r e W e- terwoon at flte Ml MM.

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