ADromsas WILL FIND OUB UUtLUKS A LATCHKEY TO ISM HOMR.V OP XAKYIN COUNTY VOLUME \W—NUMBER 3F COOLIDGE NOMI NATED AT G.O.F. CONVENTION AD But 44 Voles Were Cast for President Coobdge Caha Caali Iff- was i.«Mi*t«d pat rinl at tkc tepuMlnri twivm Imm acmblnl at IVr»U«J, Wednes day ifli i—na The ale legates from nni >UU m Iht um except « ia iM am cast far CidMp- The Yii iir : - veto going to Bohert *». La Follctte , ' Mack Cnnlaltti fltixnan «- shown Or. Lot) Itartoo of Mas*. plac ed hi, name brfurr the c*anreot:on Un» lan-Is. blast.,. sho*iag. singii.? wt whittling t!* spirit of thr (war. H..«nrf there was the dclail-rii ihi'l of a th«wt peesenl. The sdntc of the La Foirt deleea Iml After leaking »naad for a 1- ng tune the Bepahl.ean convention R —■—• (W G. (Hell ind Maria» |b«v for vice-president. tiencrul |l iar - pkktl much prwiiwrf* miativ irwarn hi, activities a> head af the rnaanti"' — that has sulnnil nl a plan af rrpwalMt for warm? nation and stand*. high as a far se«e- The platform presented hy the La Follrtte kranrh of the party wa. mi ana the Ceolidge platform ml *nr m ilk a whwf- The plat farm a«ht well he dr>mhf.l as a long writ tea artirie. consisting of »«4«. phrase* and sentence,, boast tag llnat what the Republican a.l - has done ami of what it is going ta da. The W »iia af pablir ceremony in IMrraanl is —ptaawi Finaarr ani taxation came in as one rmt wale plank, so wale all may tax. tti sig.«aii Hiaa af the fierulivf ile laitbißt as promise*! litia lan af ctvil aerrire to em hnn fast, aoeaaad ami thiol past —- let. aad Mml pJuhtMi agents u A plaak favonag the payment of f«n«a Mb is incorporated The fom(i racialism plank stand* foe ian kind of a plan n*v.iiiiwml-H hy Prevalent Cooladga. hut not the plan proposed hy W9m? the afncritanl plank is a womler fal lalali' to the farmer. DouMle*., mat thing* are promised therein are aat irteaM ta he kept Yet there are am) gaad feature, mentioned thereto The High Way plank is only a - pie Igr to coatiaae the governmental pdar) of raad budding. The I ihr plank is in line with , merry and jasure. The Caret—aal Coatrwl plank is —ir more thaa a reiteralioo of the party's fomcrf policy on plank. Wall, that is lot The Merchant Manae plaak is » iah Is are a rcceaamea Istaoa that the gmmwmml owned he put in rood order aad then aid out. The Water Way. Hood Contra! au. i Mater l*Mtr plaak »t naaarn is n trainr of water ways and Baad con trol aatm hast is a bit weak on the idbjert of water power. The World War rets plaak is crown ed with garland* aad Sewer, Some thing iaiif to aa O. Keh. The Gauenatm plaak recommends a aarmanal to The* Knwirll. A plaak af Edaratioa aad Relief was mertoL This recommendation was made ia regard to a cabinet post I ahrrsal miiMiiatina ie imaaeikl ed wl pledged ia a plaak ia the platform ia war time if necessary. Phdipine plaak ia against granting ■lalaiamliss af the arid and semi arid bad af the West is recommend . ad- More ffying markiari is advocated The Army and Karj plaak pledged the bepaf of them ap to dale and la a standard af affh ii ai j. BKLMAVEN CMAMBEB OF qma- MEMY AUA.HCKS MEETING OF FAKMQbi AND BL XUiBM MEN qart of that .action for Thursday night " Jane 12. with the ferial object ia new of having the aad par er ef the Kaith Carolina Cotton Grow to lili.ii the alleia aad roe, THE ENTERPRISE UUVIVAL AT METHO DIST CHURCH TO CLOSE TONIGHT i Rev. Carolyn Hoslords Sermon Tonight Con eludes Revival Tlie revival meeting now being held at the Methodist church will dose to night after k>ting for nw>l two weeks. ~ . The meeting has been cvalactnl by the local |osUr, E. D. lasdd. assisted by llks C.r.lya Huaford. The results of the aetUng are aat to be known and are far from what has been hop ed for .ays the |»4w. IM from all obst-rvutioßs af the chauk attendance anal tin' general interest which ha* been .shown by the local people, it -eents to have bm a »am>.> in every rr*prt. .Much lasting an>l permanent «.-! lias been derived from this meet ing arl it is kuj»>i a continued in Irrfit will live in the hearts of the young people of this community. Ilios MosforU preaclaeo to a large imlieiwe but nit'ht. She cho-e as her teat. ~l\»roe iiftto lie all ye that UVr and are lieav> bunlenol ~ Miss ilosford nui-le a very interesting taik and one that wa. oppreciatol hy the 'ludiettce very murh Miss Husford will >main over until Satunlay which will ter;iiit her the >|H»'rtanit> to |>itarii >f.-nn tonrght.This servaee will con -lu-ie the mcetin- an>i a large crow.l Is expected. Itre-ular services will be con>lurU«i by the pa>tor Sunalay, at whirl, time 'he candidates for kapti m will be I laap'ised ami recei%el into the rhurrh Sunday nHrht at the regol.i | M ur for senrices, tlie Kpworth Incur wilt present the play "Vision Heights". SUMMER SCHOOL s PUPILS EARNEST IN THEIR WORK Professional and Busi ness Men To Make Talks The summer achoul which is now laeing heltl here is progressing nicely. The teacher, are showing an interest that will ultimately in better elementary school, in the rural and isolates! communities. They are deal ing with their «ork in earnest ami much good is expected to be .|erive»l I'riMH this summer school. Chapel exercise* are being hel.t each morninr at 1U 30 It is the de sire of those in authority to have ome of the local professn nal an>l liusiness men to ro out ami deliver a talk or an a>biress on the particular field in whirh they are working, either ;irife„K>nal or lo'iimw Mr. Oa>t«n Moore will talk on the profession of law. its likes and disllbes. advantage, anal dLsaalvaatages. Or. Joha l>. Riggs ill make a talk oa the sahject of thrift. These ial • .uodar talk, ail be given darin« two weeks of the •chool and it should he by 1 the local people as well as by the teachers. Kev. Ifc.ld a talk We.i ' nesday morning on the aunistery. He pointesl out the hardships and the difficulties floated hy the preorhrr 1 but at the iame time be gave the aewthetir aad the feeliag of satisfac ' tioa that is only derived and experi enced by those that made a sacriAce I KKKE MOVING IKTL-US r TO BE SHOWN 1 Free moving pictures dealing with Ijoll weevil aal contra! wark and poultry culling will be shown ia the " various parts of the cwaaty next week. 1 here are two reels of pacture.- deal f is* with sml control while a third deals with poultry calling These are questions of vital importance to the farmers of oar coonty aad each show - ! ing sbsul I have a fall attendance. Kveryona is invited aad it is free to all The place and date for the various 1 places where the pictaies will he 1 shows follows: Hamilton. Jane ICth. • p aa.; Oak City. June 17th. 8 p ax; RakersMi ville, Jane 18.1 p at; Farm IJfe. Jaae ' mh. 8 p aa.; Jameavdle. Jaae JUth. I 8 p. as. r Ma W. W UIXEY IS r MI'CH IMraOVRO H Friends af Mr. W. W. 1-dtey throagh t out the cuaatry are glad to know that b he is imprawiag fast aad that he will «. be able to return to bia haaar ha « very K short while. t. Mrs. Floaaie Watts aad her mahca i- tra played their regalar massesl ca ts rageaaeat at Bea's Beach bat aight. % large usad were aa sttradsare. aad ' m k.'' Willianislon, Martin County, North Carolina, i-'-i'iay. 1 io. 1921 SCHOOLS OF COUNTS' J HIRING TEACHERS j FOR 1924-25 SESSION' J. S. Seymour To Head Hie Wiliiamston Schools The schools of Martin county are rapidly and hiring all 1 toarhers for the coming IX£lse» aioa. A great deal of interest is bo ' ing manifested by the committees of the various schools, t hances in many 1 place., are being made while »>uaa of 1 of the teachers wdl be askcu to re- ' turn to their foimer positions ia the 1 county. 1 Professor J. S. Stynwur will net in the capacity of prinri|ul an the local 1 High ,ciwi>i for the next session. Mr. 1 Seymour is a graduate of the Ini versity ol South Carol ii a. where he is I atla-nding summer >cho.-l at the pre. i -nt time. In connect mm. with Mr Seymour, it may also be mrationrs! - that he is an athlete a>f State repute, ami is interested in tlae upl-uikling of athletics in any school wi:h which he L. c.mnecl. ■ This phiof bis «iuali I hcalions ,ba>uld bo especially interest ing to the local praptc as they are in terrsted in athletic amusements as in . most all towns. Mr. C. O Small, formally of IVairr ami Siler City, will art as principal of the Janu-sville graaird ami high schawls. At time it is not alefinite ly known who will ?.vUt Mr. Small. K. I. I>eak. a former teachet aisi citizen at Seal»*ar\l. X. C, wdl act as princi|>al of the koberxMiville scliuols. , Ihese men are hirhly ree»naeisl a>i aisi it is hopeal that a Mrfffs.fu! school year will ensue as the result of their effort, and work. Superinten lent I'ote is making ir • ffa.rt to plate within everv in I the county an athletic dirrrior. Tiie iirector. if jataceal. of course is to as sist the regular princ.pal in the tearh ing aaf all hih schoal subject. As the re.ult of sarh an arrange aaent a two folai'rood will be alerived from the regular leaclwr. Professor 11 S. BiiUle. f»rmerll> with the Hamilton arhaoN wdl assist Prof Ainsley at the Oak City kigb sckol BABY SHOW HELM BY PHILATHEAS Tlie Hhilatlie-a ( of tho Mentor lal llapti.t church tnalt-r the alirection of a coiiii.nttae ra>iupu-e.l «.f Mrs. O. S. Airier on. Mrs. Hugh (>. Morton Jinal Mrs Janae. A. bahy ,h .w in une of the stores in the Tar Heel apartment, on Wednesday afternoa»n fraam four untd six o'clock H.ere were about one humlietil local waamen present anal a goodly number of lnhie. wer» entered. There wen three classes for enrtanre. infants up to one year ma-le the Ir t class; chil •lrra from one ta twu year* of age. the second dass aad children from two to three years of a*e maalc the thml class The jualees of the hahae, were Mrs. James I ■ Staton. Nr> K 11. Ouald anal Mrs. B I- Shirley. They riaiiacl that they haal a difficult task -a selecting the prize winners as all the bahie and little folks were ve pretty anal sweet. The prnea were awa -ed to the folio win: Fint Graap: First prixe, Xaney l:iggs; Seconal ■ar.xe, Aitliur anal Martin Anderson: Third prize, Martha Khodes Ward. Second Oraap: 2 Firse prize. Julia Watts. Seroad prize, katheria Mortaa; Third prize. Gwrenahdyn On home. Third Graap: First prise. Reginald Mann ing. Sec and prize, Hhert IVel; 'I bird prise. Neal Cunningham. _ . GaW rings and pins and attractive ball - were giwea as prizes Saad wirht-s with tea were served to al.' thos > present by Misiea • t — ; *le Ifaaoell Frances Williams and Mel ha Wynne There were several attractive float,, but the aae af the twms, little Marin and Arthur Anderson we» es pecially attractive. To the Voters of Martin County I take this met hi I af thaakiaif lie p««p«e /or their i«pl ia tar pn-i --ary held last Satarday. Jane 7th. Even tha my vat ewas sural! except ia iry haaae towmship which I carried a have 1 M per cent aad I appreciate the fart 1 that I gat aaat latna aa every ton a ' ship aad I think na kaa of the voters f«r net ia tha primary aa it was free far aff- Again tbaakiag pea with heat re ' K»d* to aff. A- a ATEK& I ■ ' u Mr. JaUaa FWris aad Lyaaaa Britt - ** U WjaAaar hat aight h«h aa a Ut SUPERIOR COURT 1 CONVENES MONDAY 3 Outstanding Cases To Come Before The J Court SI I'KKIOK COI'RT The June term of the Martin court ly Superior Court wdl convene here ( Monaiay. the ICth with Jlfclge W. M. , llonal. of Edenton, pre*a.iinj; I'nfortunately there will he -*ver- t al serious cases before the court this ( term. The case of State acain>t W. | H. Waters fair hoaairhle an>l the ksl | naping case being anwHig the nu-1 ( nut 1 1 Indian , | In the case «af the assault of liunk , t>wnens on the hctto Teel. will perhaps | have to be continued to a later term , .af court as Ted is na.t .lea.t nor is be out of danger of aleath For tba! reason the court will have to await | aievehapments of the case before it I •V ill l-e able to proceed. LYONS ■ W AOS WOK 111 I New IVrn Juuriu!» A afuiet but pretty marriare wi olemitzed at 1 o'clock Scituralay af :ertMMKi at the First I're.hytenar •hurch. when Miss Mary IVeMe, Wads worth hern me the brsle «.f Mr I. Cot'.-ien 1.y0n,, of Cha|a>l Hill. \ C. The church altar before wharh the mptial vows werw spoken wa, artist ically airangeal in white an-1 rreer arith aleep banks of palm- aia-l Uar.ier. af saauthern smilax. inter jar r -as I will, baskets of liaises and tall stand, of 'iafhted catholral can-lie. Just before the ceremony Mrs. Hor are Hill, accompanied by the chanrh •rganist. Miss I aura Ives, sang "He ■aase" by C»y ll'Haralel.t When .he ..trains of wealalinc mu,ic began the ushers first caar l.awn the aides I*r. Harvey II Hab »aarth. raausia of the briile. arwl Mr Alla-ri WaaL.worth. hruther «sf the arale. Mrs James « Watts. Jr . of Wil ■ uun>taan, sister of the brale. wa. a •uaid of wearing a gray aisl due georgette dnrwa. trioiow.l with ■ryslal head* anal a black picture bat anal carrying an arm bouqurt of pad iwra anal weet peas. The bride entereal ua the arm of her arother, Mr llouell Waal.worth, who ;avc her in matrimony. She Wore a very becoming brick clonal travelmr Ire,, with hat ami accessories to match and carried an arm bumiuet of a>rade"s rosea ale I lillie. of the valley. Ilr. J. N H. Sumnaeretl. pa>ta>r of Ibr first I're-I.y terian rhurrh. performr.| he rinr reremaaoy. -luring whirh 'Schubert's Serenade" was softly lalay-eal on the organ. Mr. Thuan C. ' Was best man. Immealiately after the rerewauuy a very small anal apiiet reception was *iven at the Country Huh in honor of the weakling party, only a few rrl atives anal maa,t intimate friend, he ng invited, however, on account ot ecent bereavement., in the family of -he briile The couple left on the af .eraoon train for a wedding trip to A.heville anal other pa.inL, ia the «nt -rn part of the state. Thr brale ia a 'laughter af the late ■ dr. anal Mrs Albert E Waal>worth. ad | ■aear New llera. She has always been' •ell known la New Hern ami ha, al- * rap had mat) fraeml, here, hemg ad. ! mired for her ability aad hetauty as * aeell a- her personality. She ia a graaluate of William ami Mary t ollege at WHiaaaakarg. Va, ami hao taught for three years, ilwring the Inst year •he held a position in the history de '■artment of the New Hern high «rh*oi t Mr. I.yoas is a .-«n of Mrs. tirace M. Harris, of laa» Aageles. Califorwaa Oligiaallj from Hrookiy, N. V , then fruaa Virginia, he is now making kl. 11 aae ia tlUpel Hill, where he it aa instructor in the French department ■d the I of North Caralina. He. too. ia a graduate of Wdlaam ami Mary College and aa aliimnai af the I *ai versity of l"ari», at Sartonne, France. Despite ha youth, he is al ready recognized as a professor of ability and aarrit at the state aaiver sity. He, too. has maay friend* in North Carolina. Among tha oat af towa gwests ia the city for thr nnldiag were Mrs. J. W. Watts, Jr., Mrs. Hatter, Mia* Url phia l> eld» i and Mr. aad Mrs. Joe Godard. of WUaantaa; Maa Vir gmm Harris, of Lai Angeles, (al : Miss ChariaUa Shipmaa M WBhams hats. Va.; Mlm Hattia Baß. af U eigh; Mrs. W. W. Cato, af Birlwtal. Va.; Mr. aad Mrs Ed Wa haifft, HoweM Wadaaaath. Albert Wadinwrth aad Ma Wadaaaath af aar Na Kerw- Miaaea Lydm Cooke. Biddae 111 nB. '"arstarphea. I jaaaa Britt, Jalias KLANSAIEN TAKE i I'ART IN BRASWKLL WOMAN AFFAIR Second Time the Klans men Have lUvn Active Near Hamilton The Tewr. V.mhii.' -lunm of llamil lUD. mlauu; tw ukw! 01 Mirt moral- i •n 3nil uwu»i IW town. ho.l |aprr> I isstaevt (m l>a-«el! on (he riurw of po-irtb:**. which Ci-* came up \V run->*b> u-r.l hrfoir G. H_ l*p*l!. Slwi>tn((, *t»i after hrarmr tSr nalnw hvcirl the *»nui otrt to !.«■ M.wr«* tourt The ■lrfat; terdl wx irc '.•■« n at the (ibw am! I s * fji'unc to cvf U«i. «>■ forma:>W to the court* jail at Vf :l;u»i4or. (Vfßii ll~W I ap \\ km a'w: t«« r»! «* half miles froni Haniiitva at |!i»tler"-- !-'i.lf- Mr. IWI. the •w-puty Uwr*'. was hailcst Joan by a ftv*.i of k!anntsi »itli drawn f*-r.4»rr-. ■k nui.i nr thr |rfw>(i ft. WktV thr was >wliiui>:irl ai»i o*«)>•«ri»>l. >rt he nuk* every effort to pn>«»rer safely to \\ illuh lit. Wtrr fniinp The pri-onrr «a- from hi- car. ami nrtw>l to the woods an.l after imrn uir tie u-ual p»-t-ira! treatment KfuiiW (kuvtrr> of this kind wa> • anw«l to leave Martin county, never to a|f*ror here arair.. This i- the secon.' time the klan> men hate been active in and atour>.i llamillpn. inJ tk; §• »ple of the com nmml\ that it u ill tot he nece-- ary aram. I«t stirh character- at>- not an a—c; to at.» .omiiiunil > TOB A(XX) (i ROWERS ENJOY MORE PAY Divide $1,2uj,000 I'ay mcnt by Tobacco Association Tokkn (jm*r» of laiMrii North lanJiu who are roenafcer- of the ■•oyrralne auikHUif asportation la t J one 14 began dividing tl«r miliii* two hundred dollar - iJ tie iwnnl cash Hf—t «u-lr b» the tatanv a jwuton mi all HK3 de ImnM from the I-a-tern belt. I'a> nrat • b> the Tubwrtw (in»wrr> ( A .-out»-a hart now he c lie m »wh a Butter of course that I> Mm of dnrkluir m»re than a mil I«a dollar-. caawl little riiilt uiriil aib«ir the la-Inn ro ifK , Krai •atbfactMi ua-'evident, bom ( ever. a; »--n the *i_ar-.ued famv. . m lt> narknl the- aMViatMiS Xt mar krt, in the lad ar-l imjutrv at var na> tMfrnlne renter- ilerelupisl the fact that eighty out of every hundred farmer- were lakux* Iwmr dear ■ i »f) a»i that t*lr a|tfMoiiHial(-ly 3> per cent of the check- awaitinjr tie farmer- *f the a -actalM were eti «amletnl by rea-on of debts or loai.- K«eo most of tko-e farmer «K. meet «Jd aoort-ajre- with tbi oeek - pa>mmt are out of .let* and l.axe r re-all. improved then credit, mt cwlu; to the -tatraeiit- of local merchant - ami banker- Tbou-anda «.f other- hate dear ra-h in kairl f»r tl»«- |lr-t time in >ears. with ahrch to 'pu> the work a their I >2l rn>|» i Number - of a—-cvalmo member - j .bare a]read > nminl more motxv I from two pal mrl» through their ( own omaiatin than their tenant - received ahf rtbr for their entire •leiiierre- to the aurtion floors, accord ! —(arte aril made by the a- tinted farmer- at i delivery | aint • of the a—orLalKoi this : «.eek Tku week's payment brinr> the present receipts of the Ej»>m (aru laa reap to Ti per rent of the ko a her, laloatm oa their l«t «ie Inenes. amHiac to Kalrrrh head ■(Barter* of the tdam uucialmi I*a>ment- irrriied by blnUaal this oeek. rakrf from MHO down to •n »H ian uate in accordance wMb the miM I ami qaal*) of tr-harco •iHtver ed by the members at the cooper al.t e miiriat paint* last fall. A man?- the aaembers of the tobacco avsuri ataoo who.e payment- show r«—i pr»fci tbia week, are Oorre 11 Ham aad O. 8s Tew *f Gobl.bnra who re curW a chtrk far IJZM7 thn week orbarh knati, their pre-ent receipts on fowr acre* of ti birr i to exactly S9KV.4I with the certainty of eajoy mr ia«>krt iwbitintiil payaaent mawta ahrt the ohacco loopi atirr has com pitted fea oki of the IKS roup P. H. Karnes of the a-mcmlroa who de Inend at La Graa«e. mennl s»ir. ft am faaar acres in the Int two pay- Mb by the ai.acmtiaa and H E. Ha af Stwa sprmr* ban maa», i served fMM m turn payments oa his it> an* trap b au—djag la the ■anari atiaa ihiki wharh abita maay similar lucaada IT j* ' the Gad. &IH Mm* ■■■■ abb MHI^ iSfMON I\ HARRISON I DiES AT HIS HOME NEAR BEAK (iRASS (Massed In World War I Developed Into I'neumonia Mr Sinn.ii I*. Hart ton of Itear «iras>. Workl V»ar trinsn. !»: je- » teniay afternoon after a !««; illne-- : Mr. tUrrisMi • « .t'. year- .4.1 ami 1 was the mw of Mr. an-1 Mrv Rrakm j Harrison. lie wa - b>wkkiv|k-r for Ihf j V. illCuuprraer for a ►ov.-al yi'a:v After lea voir this p>> | Nils..a lie entered tl.e aut.-m •tule b«a>i « !H - in lii.' tirm of Stalls an>i lltni«n j in the early j*»rt of the Woril War 11 !«' went to France ainl «hilr Ifwir h;» was by a mt»!e an*! aa- al-o i •• >ol. \ er> soon liwmftrr lu |1 .iindlu i> .1 triors! a:sl he ha> bn t; I ill ihc san.ilorium a. (Hmr. \ I". mo * i of '.he tint.- -nice the rl«»>» of the war i !V-,iairmi' of re--amine health. be I r;:i it hat •«» last fall ainl tu. beer. ' he.v -.iaw, where lie >-ra.luall\ err* « v-er-f untrl death fiik.ilI > Hn«Ni « !iita yesterday afternoon. l Mr. Hantaan wa- a meml*-r of t*;e StrMrkra L»li;r of S|ix>n- "ui Vl'li I liam-loti and wa- a man of tine char aftfr i TV funeral tas held at !»e residence ' at ill roe o'clock thi> aflem«.w by Fl ' tier- It s. CMTMK and 4 |_ 1 Interment took place at the family bury in* pr round aith a maonx cfirmjtijr. DEI'I IT Y HALTX LOSES I'RISONEK. THEN SELI.S Ot T I'eel Follows Vounir At torney's Example and Throws Hands t'p llie K k k rakl UVlre»ia\ n:rht ■n which a nearro IOHUI> KI. ukri from Itepaty Nhertrf I .talker l"eel ar».'» llui'ht ti. Ilorloii re-ulle.l in the iNMifl •'«K >"f four hole-- in the top „1 MierifT Iti4erx>n'> car. The >lk|Hal \ was com i it f to Killuabtun with one Courtney lira.-well. a ar Ct.nipaiiM-d by llutrh ll> it we. > utiu, local «ttome). Ilortwn Ir|xr i,tr>l |IM lira-well hern, in a trial Muir tw Magistrate of the loan of Hamilton She vac ltoon.l over to the -u per lot court SIHI apon failure to pive Im .i (Wa* »—-ante hr..u»:ht to Willum ton VAI Itutler'- lirkl-.v they ■ ere hd-. u| l.» the K." K. K. At tba> |>.n,t tlte lonian was laken front line uAn-r .»i»l ler attorney ami taken, to p*rt .lireli n to both ll»rton abl IVel a* they were in sirhl of W tllaatn-t-n h f"ie :iii\ di-cu -.-ion of the milter wa> niale Accorlini' to the »ln>rt. IVel foieot *hi4 everything except stop wbt n l.alte-l ami ro mhen >imu|hl for U|«a stopping he failed la rai-e ♦ii- haiel liut on k»>kinr aiuual ar-*l eetur Illiitim'. reachinr for the -k v. be followed -lilt l'uit e|iieiilly. ttir four hole- ill ttie top of the SheritT . car MWV HOUSTON VIMHiKS IOIKK lESTHIIIAV Amoi.;' the a tat t > Luietalua imUh to I4ir to*ll >r>lrnll) trlr j l»i. 11. M S. fai—, Frank M«d, • Julian Wool, Mr. llerv yman aal 111 '■Kl!i. Nuruuii, lit. an*! Mr- It K. I fettle a 1.. I chiMrea ami Ni-e Alare , MoMey Phww, lleica Hailkaai aatl ; Ste«eio«a. They raw through H illiam.ton en K'Ute to Wa>hinKtoa. They me (fl» kiatinjc lite formal opeaiar of the • loastal llirharay Kerry arru>- the lower t 'huwaa raver a hack t> only 15 mile- from Miulwi. fiarmr a? aitkia rui mile- of l>le*t«a. Thi» ferry n-lta-ei the |e>.|Je on Ike north ale of the w«i>l from their »hut-ia rvailitaoa aad pati them ill touch ait It 1U ap|>er part of the •late. I MU. K .AKKi:.N KAIHIXSC, AI'CKIK lA'llttN OF Sl llllkl . Mr. Kilitar:- , May I eiprexi throaark y«ar |o|Mr . my ileep apprectaUue of the aaarai . Went support amnM M ia Ike re , cent priatarf. Mere ward* are aa . »ln|Wle to praperly eapma ay rratitair. No aaa eiall kave awe . loyal or tr-. cr frieak, ami I aUi tkaan ,' to fed tks.t I aba kave tke virtae of . • loyalty. The ridary it aat pew iaal. ' All credit blup la tke kaa In 1 1 af , nijcht ia My kekalf. That I My ■ a . umII IIHIII jaatify Ike faitk aai raa r Mtage mt aj ftluk ia Hy ragle L witk. UNDSAY a VAUKN. Mr. Jack Bia> aak a Awt trip WATCH HIE LABEL OX TDVZ I'AI'EK. rr .AKKIES THE HATE \()l li SUBSCRIPTION EXriSU ESTABLISHED IS'jß DEATH OF MR. SAMUEL HAT TON ELLISON Body Buried in Oakdale Cemetery Here Yes terday Afternoon The iealh of Samuel Hatton f jiisoo ~ccurre>l at his home on YanXorUwi Street. WashinKton. WeJaMat 14 o'clock a. m. A rUing early au wa> his custom, he was (trepanr? to t" to «ork when he was stricken with apoplexy") falling sr: the l«tr r«»-m Hi- .iaarl trr atul the only other oc cujvirt tf tile home. Kcannt him fall, rushes! to hi* ai.l an«i -IBTOSV-I in (itacine ti' a chair. Xett:ht»rs rime in aivl nte»iica! atter.tKW wa.s -e --rurtvl ver\ t;tt»ck!>. I«!t n»» ''•■ l* 'or ha> recovery was niferrti. ar>.! a 'ew lumrs later he "fell >leep. hav Hi" never for a siiii'le tru»ment cxut^ciousite.s>. For several vear- he had not keen flnm; h-jt thf-u.» if-' weariness ikfasini'sl hy fihittr »treturth. he faithfully [wrfornwl his •iutie- at the'ic I'iwa-t I it.e -11 twn. »l»ere he hatl !n'" f-*e tears, aroi was resr:>r»ie»E a- '-r* of the he-t men at »..rk in the -v ten He was born in \\ i!liam-t->n Jane 6th. IMi... ami »as the -.MI .-F late James II anl Itelle Hit-* \' ter he reache«l his majority. he '..e! for ~>niet inte in Norfolk. ar»-i ' tie' "U!T«-i Miss Mar:a t'tark ttt i.te|l. lof T irimni, :m>! for a number of icvr ■na-le his hmite in K>«~k> M--un;. cum mi; from there to re-hie in hi- l«>ne town. Hi re were U>rn to him aik-i hi- wife two chiltlreri. lawrre Wetllell aii«l James Henry, tie Utt*er «lv?n»r in infancy Several years a«- o I a ill" was taken from the family circle, ss tie ma.le hi.s home in Wa-htne'. '. \ I'. Hi- tlaui-hter ami t\ o krt>'W % Me--rs. W. A. F»: on. i.f IVlhav. . ami John It Kllison. of Sul'.-'k \ v . ami three sister*. Mrs. J I. K.Je«t -4«n. of William-ton. Mrs. I'elM lintmi «.f Ihirni an«l Mrs II II IV|«* of IU« TMinville, survive him. . Frteioi- here aiul eUjmltere leuea . Iter tlie tiecea-e»l as a sw,.! «-!•«. i faithful ami tie voted father val nusltaml ami one who live>l the »(4e !ife antoiit; his lovetl one- al h»ae He hat I for \ears Iteen a e»»mmu,-i icant of I tie K|>i-ct|(al church. an>l -tartar (he years of his life in Willniit IVB was treasurer of the Vestry of the t'hurch of the Ailvent Vest en lay afterioton. the fureral enires were hel.! here at 'ik-tale Cemetery, ami tlie interment «i ia lie family |>lot be-nle the aife aHu-e love lie ha.l mi --eti thmuvh year Itev Ste|»lien liartlner. rector ->f St. I'eter's "l urch at %a-hmrton. i—l-t --.I by Kev. F. IV lh«M. [.« !■-» the Melbotlist church here. rea«l the -e-r vice for the ile.ol, ami member ..f the i:pisco|>al Choir sane "In tke ll -ar of Triid". "Nearer Ms I oal To Thee~ ilk I -Thy Will lie Done"* Intini; ami >ympalhrtir frirmis -ittl relative- hot sent I*.toilful Ikoral (•teces, an.l tin -e were btl ■« the tr«-.-hly ma le IIIOUIHI. « V|»re- tve of . Itt.uc t for Itoth llie ileati aat tue VIIII;. A ;>uii'lter of f■ at-l- 'run tVashiniftoii at' .'it- e«l the iles-re. lewis ai*t Wetitlrll, ais! lit- - I aula HeiH.- 1 !, ■•{ M-. a-»l UIS. V.. A. FLLI-on aiel M *1 ar> tint: Klli-or. Mr. am' Mi- I!. If l'o|e ami Misses Flu.iUiS an I F-: a** I'ope, Mr. Henry Ii at ton. Jarem 11. . Itarh-- ami liulin UttlutaMi, MRS I telle (iotlartl an I Arthur h Jl.ia> IV-ep sympitky b> felt for the tburk ter who is alone to ak. tke love ami attention of the falheeahik life last*. -TMK iIiMMII NUV* II Slraarf Tkeatre Vett IMa) aad Tarawa, N«kt» "The Common law" witk I -raae iGriffith ami Contra) TVarle wall be •Ji wn at the Straml Tkeatre krre ted Momlay ami Tite*>lay aickb. Seluaick'f pirtariaataoa «t bbeit W. t haniber-' novel kaa mark tke ' -ante entertainment value as ka- kwa witlley awmliteil to tke lank. The love affair betweea tke aitait, aa af oae of tke first families af New York, and his mot lei ia aßariagly p« slej. , witk aa uinkiiaiunt af ca-te « flirt ta atltl la ita aateasjty It kax uAee appeal seeats «.9th CariaM GriMitk aaJ Caaa .y Talk ia tke ckiaf ralta aarf Bryal W a-*n barn Bhtt Deiter an.l llarry Myewa ia tke irappiHiag caat. MIL «L B. CIAWPORIi CONYALEST I NC Mrs. K. B. CmfriL «i* tal» aat aa ipmlin at tke Vakar i pravaac rapMly aad ek> »V Ntara ta kev kaaaa P*a»- ' ■* *

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