THE ENTERPRISE* rcHimnw w. c marning. jk. —ws m;r. tT.iltj CM b **•»•) , UJ» mm* + Uw M Ofct •» wa MMtk •* FVIDAT. Jt'NE U. The ■** Jeewuu the rail »» seadia*: U4»» other «-f tk «ki rwarri to the rrat it Ut They i ydirt a t« u-«"C 11*> know «h» the si,, >i »f lle«rjr Cabot Larfffe t. a m! ■ trtiioi kii«tle hU in ■lyM - . j/msi a> qujrk a» a rfl ®a> wuaki -taH vlmm in * ,K!l1 a mm *> the piatfom arm j m. arJ the >«u»r i» a**r. tike a, tbiw lUe "slate #f iJfa»r-> wl »•* vL i !«. rt j[ r i, ■«•! «oli' l«fi? rejarl ni »• i-4jitetfi as the Oe**ia»J cor. TKlva. l~ut b W«ir irjrfU-l awl ,_i-| j R hi" •* '• 4al» as welt One ~( ib J «T ««1 sifntSrant In r«hn Hhn j*»« «*>« » «** actHr hr.aiy to Smatw IA-IT* a lt - !(„ hf wn> »t-«se. lie i>*> fallen •"««> a tatey- -f fat* prophet*. TomSaivyers C.n'?:SsilH an Unexplored m I abyrinths tiict'c ju . »... • r.~ T. . *.i s chatat H'IS ;#«• > -' f :rr - f -" • r.siVt*.. / y • . '.. i ; -■* . /r- W !■ ■ I " ~ * ' ~~ r ~ , -M I. J lU 1--- k.&t a- ■ ■ • Mi v I« " -» • ' - Tlr * t L t ■» * * m 1«•*. 'a •. u4 L» «.« - • • kal r.« •! J. rf* 1 t » I '- k lUI u> V-. ! . ;■ ft.- "i • >uk •> i»-% 4 s~ ; -t TW Mfa -* > •.' »■ &t lUu I. . Ilv rr. Tk» IrKt *» uU I* " iiilft fcf Tua f I- •»"' fa* uJ k» ;*« jl 1 ■ »l- » • k*;W ial • 1 rk 1 - » »fcm mi jwlif.: ib«» ' ■ =! t- m M in? **- ii —fc- * ■'■ SlaaMßsMa TV. L•« V.»t T* —' ■(■ ill • taJL llnf ft K- W «l • h|>imi kufcitf » :ti S i»-'t •Jaqar h its «" .1 ti4r, jJ- liv/ u (W kn n iK-- -I k *•&*' "' Hut Tn* Mil tk*t tk- k km a>« lk>i Li k-> f.-Ji- r ! jaat hvi« « w IVrJi« lit". «k I ■ •# BUt *( Ibr «-f >- Un Hut T«»'» »•'*' = jmm&ma*mm- Ux nK Bl ylakgi »■ - liipl kw bn MtW'rf •a J r Anb ta M 4 •' ny «» Mm pnaamf ««J wl ri»" aOI m tW rat* rtirk Iktmw tl . Wait af tkr Un i* ibw l«wtm | af f4>'l*£ "" «*■ ■ (■An. TW niuir* u ia tk» • i ■f ■ U Uf «c ckitk a a »X«r M pkaar pml a*J »• n4 k.» V r Aa towtfcr af An> »krin.j> «f Uul ikan trrr IM tW «w » ■Mmh a —a n »( f ril mtW r*4 Wat. * A ia ahan at ami a iaH f.r W far knm lahiUJ tkn«(i •a aw It li wmrfk aUr t» Wm tta faMr totrf tfa> iviMi ia IW ha a( Nail TWi -W«a» rial taafc ate* ia tkr aialiai i af IW taahM|aaac& J ■a W»a Iwn Wn af ftaa wM toW iM wttcs Mask j Oae rf the i—l hie JapeaMV P^BMB®- one i ■ |lli mi Ml n*» vast aaolhet; I •Ttil kmtblw* ■** j f-» 11 nnhtr aha an atrr'frwf is iMle that vffl he ..ISrfMtn to hath part*"- interest-- ad. We are nwfiiiliniy KiW thar 1 the little Japaaa* nation ami may vhip «Wm m a dnn mi: ifh: pr-»- i j liai' that we are rirhU bat if wrr are ia the ww.p the-.: the Jeeisioi: may he ie«ei »i TV !» ia> Un that we eouh bn riHwM theac mthou! their pr.. testis r has Hmt* aur aerltrenre are ha*e nitod to I«UE- After fellow • hippinr with ti*» f«r a*.te that, fifli year* w* term -anitßly awl «le r.Kaarf an vUM firfa-imv. *: haw built cp a whh the (title i. W and for » to *ay so I iKkVb'. "G» b*w "*1- 2aii kivt t!. cMinln * i» fwPia to ju*tifr a sor pr.»e for t>- 't'!•* rjrr Tix* re «.lt «r ka« s laanel. We arr t«> | lie lirnw a-»J Hirre.l are* thL- ill j .'other thac r»»l wll I; i» he:;er !»r v to listen to rr-ijin. trmlL as." .*>!«♦ a>«'| i»l be kirr\ee .iiit*- i ist of ainrty ai«"l w> iafsSw TV • itffW" lea ri-»-!nf »•• •*■ a-J h 11.\ AX>. *'* v j —»J! IJrtf l» P»> }- »i« !**•-* h! :• «•' „ f, rr Je!y I- «"Bt 'l 'i* f-31 Kii • U !-j* mat* a»j .* half million lol . M • i? ■=• • . - % » it >l:* . „i tk.- . . ;vl ;k »-. a. at _ jv ■ -,« a , i af it; a „ . , «• *• a r t-d %._i i - .-a i a- . , ■-•-?. S*J -.kra . . ! ■ i "» * . . * •'. "5 ;S "!• a?* i-" ... ■■ *-i i *• " |>fnrr nat - * • . ■ « .• j li- ii ww; .. , t in.:, r.-«!!-.s/ !k? - - f t i • i : i aai II M »i* „ s, -» • - •- t.-a f.d »tl». i F I C * f'lT I fil »'U tri.l4 (r>a >1 _ . 1-- U:J I: . . » »• V * i !»• ! ■* r.ali of k vP - vJ.- 1 'Sr ■ --- J % rt iialr a fek toikM Vi i a fl >» ■ ,ib|J aH* lol na iala «ark ■iki aM »f'» w aawWw. Il ratMittu a«fl« aja4iT4ai« mJ Kclet Ws«»Wt IU Wii •at* «f rfu a*4 ikiaa. a*i artra tU IW ai «f tk caw; a- | _ !lil k aaqcta g* kaa u4 kaa, am* • d fcaa. i«>a tk tatft. nHMm ' Rail ■alii r' T X« au "k»r*- tkr raw Tkat araa aa I ■ Jlr lMrf fl»pa(| s — l" ' "[ r tkr aaaJkkTlrfirtliil Pit. 1. tkat II 111 tkr Atha rillkn I , Lu» for licenses. Ji , Thin tax cm fate the atate aaadj] ; fiH atui t* to tnid ia4 ■» :>! j tain tkr highways af the rtjtf Whle'l 'the anount is mhi fly hnr a ix| 'pr fitaU* to pay it saw we cacrot j usr wMnnUtt nnlt we have go. ii • 1 | • Jl I nt ils ur«fi whirn u. drh*. I, | • —-J f I I St P.3CRIRE TO THE ENTEERTISE, !tkxacx> gasoline is THE ONLY j ' G ASOLINE WITH A NATION- j WIDE IM>TIKBmoN JHC aO I 1 . MOT ok OIL FOLLOWS TEXACO I j GASOLINE AND IS SfHJI WHEREVER THE GAS IS | SOLD. TEXACO GASOLINE AND MOTOR OIL ARE THE j . ONLY GAS AND OIL SOLD I I MiEK ONE NAMt | "| | j • '! Thwf are the fart* tKat rnfTHA(I) ' I ' i Women Enlist in National War Against Germ-carrying Flies; ' Provide o£"Swrtters^' I m Biu j fly swatted at this aisw - .ofstoHj. If yea mR at Ha of tha year prphoMy raU Kivt ..rid by awai saraiagly piwdfca Bum the fhmW of a yßr*sr »f ■ t»?l iatei w niiea of a tnagaf ißaail to Ij*«- cat its a!lat rd lillt coor jw ■« h«a. r* "»J aaf- Tha renins of Ft>h*a. the S» '»■ that Pate Ka» dt«J««d he AmU aalasa who will hr araa*.'l spared Like a shaded Caft- I late with the deadly rmw to de U> n yvm »*j choooo to tot tha pa atrny the parity of nift to! po'late'tuolar fellow sarolaa becasaae deaa and wholrwnr f.od, » craw!- ycaSe takia a fancy to.Ha. High tar abort tke upper wall «f your pur>s» ffcodd katar no »atol I Mtrhra today,, a haiaalna. «s»ly 1 u!:!y D»aT rwHisat* atMcna ) dcatiojud pMtk !»»~ai «« the Mat aasacftag Swat Mai! With cat strike joa ,(!>«-• Sara* om, awwt aIL i j will wipe oat pages and pages of Aaßlk-a ud » half fy »of tan Mstinj and the wiltonwa of ka ,d- ate being distribwted Jad ad aprtng will he ba the It*1 t* roaghoet the (nntiy hjr tho Met-; of btioa j ft-polius Life Insaraare Coanpaaqr swat every fly whether he «eau as a part of the health i a»patoa to ahar pnnaaias of a great career «f their welfare AlUa Maito ar aaL Talent takes strange realuatioa of the diiraaa danger twists aad the paay little fellow fwn flies Is caiduacad ia this » they gave ap fee dead as a hahy nual diaUtotha. A th in nagh aaay dtoalop iat. a Gbdarae f '** fly-awattiag rawpaiga at rassi was aaewdr ha his yowth— this aeaaaa af the war ii fiatortl aaahably. aad Sripia. aa a fkiM. ■by private aad paMlr health af». liad to hald oa tight to the raibagsjeae*. It has aan ttaaea the vatoe when the wind Mew now that it weaM have later. v #aat the fly iiiasyntlii of swa- Swat the Aal Owat then Hf, II I | Cooperative Agents ] If II o I r i !iis Bank elicits ♦J e I! . . *1 |i the nicmbers 01 t ? »e Cooperative / r cis i I j I Wen re fc»he Kq~. h(•. ■ »lin". ; I j Ain ieiiltiiral "re-"it ("or|X>raticr.. If in Need of Funds for Productive F =r poses, Call or lic Js I Get your C ooi*native Tobaeeo Checks eash | ed here I % T*"~ ,_ , .fr ; j Martin County Sav ings & Trust Co. ! WIIJJAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA > ■ — j ■, . " " . THE KXTERFfUSR. WILUAMSTOX. XORTM CAHUKA prodaets the a«J«wita*e ore* all tmm yetsuuv in the Ml AH ore* the «a- ItSre TBXACO adrc^fcfag if- inarhrir a^arfcta; aad al mrr the taainij te— |the Mhriri can |it TEXACO * drr*:** he* fart that the motori* ba» •" , T «* I to rfsfabff aa*? sis* ito lack for wben 1* n«t- t»5 or «! ISo vbcwm he see, U* TKXACO '■tar owU»«e a dealer'* ph«. he thiak |lta» aad o(L—TEXACO. i COASTAL HIGHWAY FHtRT • FA.-JT AlTOSIOBILi: TRAXSFOKI I ' _ I (Artv-« ' rwfr Cho-ra-: Krw s»- jlirjte-l j«Where the New Two Kaitoe Dollar Bridre is IVep~*ed» lAt Rnan". Near Eiinlie. N C. to E drafcoM. Krf 'w Cmmtly j COASTV TGHWAT RMtr> V. ft. r and M! I Wdanrtoa i-i Raleigh. N. C_ To Norfolk Va. Aad All Aftsag Raate of Rsieigli. FayettrrHa. Rocky Miast. CaliLliaaa. Wiboa. KiadM, Boa. CituniDf, TUr bora, trdiiaitoc. Waidasr, Kdsa- M. EHsaheth Qty. S-ffa*. Sarth M3I- and Norfolk. Va. T*i mi il' AR Tear SVhedale La. ITaapusa t. 10. IX. S aad S o'clock la. Flpsliaii ». 11. 1,4 and C o'deck 12 aad 1 o'clock tripa 'aot ran Scaday RAW Ow way *IAA; nand trip 24 hr* Siso 'arse Aatowobifc* f indading drrrerl 'Vt ray Si; round trip 24 hr- SZ ZSi Trucks according to she and load. Ffetaeeger fares Sr. T.lephaan 15* aad tH Edtatoa. N.C Yoar Car la la.m.d Whde la Traaait TO! IOW COASTAL H'GHWAT FERRY SIGNS" Pie wt-rifi's ied gasolirv an-t motor oa w TEXACO. ad* NOTICE OF SALE Under ao! by rirtae of at order 4 the Superior Coart of Martir. Coaa y. raarV in Ihe special proceedieg en -1 Ten PopA I Mia Gaaaga R. 11-ataa. of S : | trembles. g 2 "I had to ga to bed aad I ( stay aoaastlaaaa two wiaks sd X 5 a time." says Mn. Haatoa. S I Kr ... | V tto ?Mr(iwafli;fpa2 I |Bl i! r | le, sa she totd aa to get j m nat aac take It I aaat to i the slsie after It sad before X I had takea the toat hottls | «a 1 bttu to isaaa My 9 aUe tout less and I baaaa to f Bead h b«*tk I tosafoar bottles hi sB tortof tha hd | lea asoL'ks. CardJ artad as , I I ! ass tta ti't-rf. My jddsa X , ds at taoobia toe at aR aad • | aay ... are qsttl itfriw- I Z I know thai CaaW will half 8 I Others isfaisc ftwa tha 9 I asaas tmbh" I I Twa Carid O ! E-101 | MaaaswMMWMaaaaMMMo i ■ I garrison Urns. an it (fuinpauu I ■ ■ .... j Best Values Of I THE SEASON |]j Ii We have a special lot of Silkette Dresses and are the best 1 values seen so far, priced at . ss€§ Sj>ecial lot of Voile Di-esses. We would like for everybody to ! sen? t!iis lot 0j tITOOTL t v ink them eK rp at $9 75 but we IJ J 1r —:.x j. jtwmmr 1 j j srpinjr to sell ti.ein while tl-c-y i:i t for - _ 55.75 The best of in Tubf* ' \vses i! ft Mve !:een sell lll' | inpr for sl6 50, noiv goii\K for «• WH 1 i Ser-ir for thejatc st*styles h % . slip; - ;.i a.ul have new j j style to come in every week. £ I ■ . * -- ■ v c . . „ • • Harrison Bros. & Co. COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK WILUAMSrrON'B LARGEST DKPARTM ENT STORK y ' W tha aatrta af II i ii Omc da- Mi, f«» Tkey & Owing, Wr er vSI aa ffriwfcj Ihn Slat day *f Jaaa. MM k front mt thr eolho^je r offer far nle to Uw hi>it Udder far ask Ml 13 o'clock «, the faOaniag described veal cddi: t^wit: mghtriay at • rtoh aa Ceariag ihnat u Eaitawflr twit* 157 fed alaog A. U. Am» line to a ►toh, W. EL Tij.Miiin umw; them W. E. Inima and A. B. Ajm lire U a stoh at Ifanissa Stmt 100 fW. fact ilinr Haniaia Street ta a dab Streets, thence ahaat a northerly esssss SUGAR, Granulated, lb. 8c j ! IM> AIRIE ROSE BUTTER, Tub lb. 49c J, r Vc.y Best Quality 1-4 lb. p: ints, lb. 53c j I TATOES, New Fancy Stock, lb 4c j I). P. SLICED BACON, 1 I* IT. S. Inspected, C arton, 33c Tr" ar :.!l rate —Hifkor, Smokru aikl diced jart *» , ;.* ".ike "i. . II I*"« OK- :i" .«re Srti;»-. !h. | SARDINES, Domestic in oil, can 5c Then is aa 4iß>*Jt/ im identifyn*r the || mMOi and i-ir* «•* «"K' «f !» i L^n, j I I D- P Blrn.l. Th' f j Tr.e (VH 4nm ran 1 to the tahle, tl dH: i 1 ■ -he «J» atisfacti l • ( ii aw oat, radav; [j :k P. rt»PTEK Thr World's IVst Drt: k. I*. ■*!.-» «tr _ . JTf "I -voi-ix TASTE THE WRTCRRJICR IL J •• I 1 21 ia the A- B. A|aw M !h*. This the Mth day af Hay. U3t Wet* I rtd li rmioM Norfolk. Va. __ SSJO Wrightsvile j !teadi^7.3JJ # krta aa ask d??j la Itaat* h I'ailod States a J fiaada Stop Own a»- 1 la.od. FuJ 1-ott Ortaler Sd. J. W. ANDREWS. TkW ittd. j Atlantic Coast Lino I The Standard fsilnad af the Siath