ADVERTISERS WILL FIND Oil COLUMNS A LATCHKKT TO 15M HOMES OF MARTIN COL NT Y VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 36 EARL LATIMER FOUND GUILTY ASSAULT IN COUKI HERE TODAY AFTER SHORT CHARGE I* if JUDGE BOM), JURY TAKES CASE AND RETURNS VERDICT IN 15 MINUTES State vs Latimer for assadt spa* Mrs. J. F. Jackson, James MlitUe, 13 year old grandson of Mr. aiul Mrs. J. F. Jackson and Jackson three aad one-lialf year* old child of J. K Jackson and the one who was kidnap ed. was the next case tallei and it created much intere.-t in the court room as 1-atiiner is also charged «rkfc kidnapn. the little Jackson cnnl chibl which rase is now being tried. The first witness, called in the was Mr. J. S. Jackson, the son of Mr J. F. Jackson, an.l his testimony b(m»t inquiry was that his ilanghter. Lois went to live with her rrandianrnu in September 1 '.123. that he Kail worked ir Norfolk for ten year;; in a shoe storr and that ho was in Washington. X. C on May 31. 1924 an.l that he wa thr father of Ui« Jacksoii. The nest witness was Mrs. Jackson the plaintiff, herself and her testimony wa* explicit and convincing. She that she knew Earl lalimrr and tha* he came to her home May 30th whe* I«er husband was in the fiehb ahotit a quarter of a mile away from the kea« at about eight o'clock in the nwmini and that she and the two chiMree were the only one* at home She continued, saying that I-atimet stopped his car ami worked on H far some minutes ami then came a ami aske-1 for water, saw the littfc girl and picked her up ai»l ran U. the gate where he was met by a woman who got out of the car aad gavellie child to her while it w*» screaming ami trying to get away. H« then turned and ftreil at Iter (Mr» Jackson • and told her if she caun* any further he would kill her. She further tated that she ha.l not seen the woman in the car until she took tfci child at the gala. This completed lh» testimony of the chief witnes- of th plaint iff. James Mizdle, grand son of Mr ami Mrs. J. F. Jackson, was called am* he testified that he was at-the haunt of hi> grandfather on the 3®th of May and witnemeil what kis grand mother had told. Then. Mr. Jackson, husband of one of the plaintiffs, was put on the stand. He said, **l was working oa my farm, one fourth of a mile away from the house at eight o'clock ia Ik morning when James Micelle called me. ami said that somebody had cim» ami stolen Lois ami shot at ht- Grand ma. "I went to the house ami talked » few minutes to my wife ami left, fel lowing the car tracks for about on* half a mile ami found to nan ia a ditch hank ami the front wheel brake* al of this taking about twenty o» twenty five minutes from the thaaa that they had assaulted my wife amt rraiflrhildren." The State then rested its case after the testimony of Mr. Jackson. The defense took the case ami the first witness put on the »tami by them was the defemlaat. Earl I-at laser His testimony was, "I live ia PW! Lack. Virginia, ami I nam from my home on Tuesday A. M. in six aad one half hours ami reached the Jack mm home about four o'clock ia the afternoon." v I "Cora Jackson had been my wife aad then she married Mr. Jackson, ami, she is the mother of the child. Lam J ark son. whom we took after rtartaj ; the Jackson home about eight o'clock j ia the aa*rab« mm May 3*h. aad ritel was ia the car when I went ia ~tte| yard. I did not see the children natal I I was in the yard, bat before "toppiar l the car we had seen a chill ia the ynid but it had tamed ami meat hack When Jaaaes weat to the well far water for aae. 1 took up the child, Lais, aad carried her ami handed her to her mother/* iaquio" ofthe defease exceptiag that he added he was on the appssite side af the car from Mrs. J. F. Jjiii ahe a he fired the pistol TWO YEAR OLp CHILD DIES OF rouns Anna Elisabeth, the two year oU ddd af Mr. aad Mrs. A. E Miaaiag af JamesvUe. died Saaday after ae attack of eelitie. Jast a year ago Mr. ad Mrs. Maa- V aing had the misfortwae to laae a kiU from the «am* dmac The laaa .*mt the two childrea ia sack a short periad increase, the hanwur of Ra parents and friewd*. The m* ianal took place at the K. R. Maaaiag buryin- I."— L Mwlay The faawrel niie was THE ENTERPRISE * He was then cross examined by the 3 lawyer* for the State and to them he - that be had lived at I"ort * Lock three or four years, had married L Mrs. Jackson twelve years ago and ' they haJ one chSil and she had it now. 1 He stated that be did not know how 1 «Jg our she fcad gotten a divorce a act he thought it was about sever. * years age aid that he had been in haava, at the time. And lie said that f when he hau been gone al»ur -even years he arxi traveled and lived in ® ai*»e state and that to finalU dec ideal -o come turn* and mchoi Virginia three or foar year- ago. He further said that Mrs. Jackson .ame !» his hoim- reoer.tly ar.d toS! Jia w*»at she want.-d .(one ami that si» wife kiiew slat she ha.i a-k.d •im to do. to coioe to North Carolina •ml get her rhikl frotn the Jacksons. According to his statement, they -aiaae to North Carolina in a Podge ar acd when they reached llymoutl hey |«d up tbe ear curtain- so Mr. Wwadd isot recognize them aid .hen drove past the Jack am home sev -ral times o« Tuesday. Ikedne.-day and f>.ur*day w«l when they saw Mr. !ack»on in the flebi they went in. He ad that he went on one -sle ami he wuman on l!.e other. la answer ta counsel for the -tale a* to arhero lie spent the nigh: le taking tlie chd.i he said that 3r» Jackson •pent the night at Mrs. dear's and that he stayed on the road •fter going to a negro Biggs* to stay «• did But He denied that Mrs. Jack «L ■ffil Rriifc lam He An admitted tiiat he left hi.- iaoi. wife who ta mv Mrs Cora J ark I on ami Lbesr child «nd that he ile*- eitnl them Tha next witness cat lei was Aaron -Itggo. enlaced, who stated that he .ivml Me mile from Itanln- ami one | •alf aule fram J ante* \ tile ami that ae kuv lalism Thurxlay I'. M. Sheriff Head of Washington county, she ai rested Latimer, was called toj .ha stand He t«atifie»i that he h# oefendaat at the hotel at Mackcy « after raaac to bis room in the hotel | afcere he found with ho coal! aarf bat off lie sat-1 that l^tinter! -old him he was from Hon College | ad that he denied leint lie ina» th it! we was lomhmj* for until he was il»ul! ae half mde from Mac key .- when , *af«»«nl l«e was the man want I d Ikon «.dli»m ami A. K Ihanninrl pA» for the state ami 11. W StuUol aid W. L. Whitley for the >lefeaa>e I Jmi re Komi ma-ie a very -hod I •harm, giving the ca-e to the jury I at Kill TW jury, after •leliheratinc I .« oolr fifteen mic.ute- returraed a j verdict of guilty. ■ daapiag Case Arawtd Mark latereol The kadaapang case in which Earil la, I imr wa> charge,! with the ksl tapaac of the gramtchihl of Mr. ami Mrs. J. F. Jackson of Harden- aad lae daaghter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. Jacioa a few weeks, ago from the Soase of tha grandpa rents, was called thio afterxmoa and it was heard by people from all sectioaas of the county »*-' » ***■*' ■ lhalower eml lof the cwaaaty esperiadly. Mr. ami Mrs J. f*. Jack~on are j epurated, he sow lives in Washiag jtaa where he is employed in the A. I ami I'- store ami Mrs Jackson lives I m .Waft aad Since September llt» ■their aaly child, Lais, a little girl af j thiee mmd one half year* of age has | rriileil at the hoaw of her gramlpar ral. Mr. aaad Mrs. J. F. Jarksua. lEari I ■liaaer is a former hwshai-d af Mrs. Jackasa's and she said that he pcaaaimvl ta hefrierid her shooH , _ she ever aaeed him. He Haiais that she ' waaAed her little girl and asfad him j ta help her art the child back froaa its i g■ laaptii al i- and that was why hej r ami ta North Carolina with his farm- j ' er wife ami too the child as he did. j i* Oa this particular cijr*e, the jury aetaamu a verdict af not guilty. fllß. TEER. ROAD CONTRACTOR HERE lESTERUAV '| / . ' Mr. 2Mb Teer of Durham was m I I tan Maaday. Mr. Teer a baSdiag the I road fram the Washiagtoa uiaaaty Mr. Teer ia the moa who jerhap. gave the limed he ihe cm ever piiea ,'a North Carolina, when he fed the {great Saath American digaaatarin, thr North Carolina State Highway Cam ixaxial athna stalex ami Ihaarxada af l 1" * * **" " h M . MM. &.* - Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 17, 1924. LOCAL MANUFAC TURING CONCERN j r WELL ORGANIZED 1 To ilace Tra\ cling Sales men on Read At Early Date The Nassef Manufacturing com pany ha- now been in ofieration for s over two vreks ami is now runninie p at a little over half capacity. The 1 company still needs a goodly num ' her of operators althoucii tl.,- woik is ' getm.g well organised an«l nany - fini-.' .d garments are bring turnevl out r daily f Th? quarters are very attractive, i Tl»-- ,-ewins i.H»m is ver\ »e!l lighted, i has a larm number of «ii.,i.»ws aisl I is very conifortable during the hot i days. Tlx- work is not a; :.ll -tret: i u- u>. Htctt c;ty licinsr mil f-»r oper- I at.. - .- the l_ar«l machines. i It is irterestini; to see It «w quick ly a pair of overalls can IM, m ule with i the elortric driven It t- only ! a i:vaster of a few minute- vhen the [ cloth is placed uisler the iili. hine and ! when it is turred out ir- ■ '«e hape of i over a'l- '* he tnc>hed overall is well ma»le really a neat type of w»rk r mr trou-er.- of coca odor. This type » of overall is a l-ttle more expensive and murh mote -er\ioe.ih!e than the I average type. l| At the pre.-sei-.t the company has no 1 1rave! mi' salesman, but intemi- to I I (dace one on the road in a very feo Iday*. It is anier-iood that hi- terrl , I tor i. or that of the company. wi!l 11 he limiirl to t'arolinas ar.«l Yir- I riria. '"ie>e throe states fumL-hinr Is rea«ly r:.iLet for products. SPECIAL SESSION OF LECaISLATURK AUGUST THE 7TH Tl*? Counr il of State in se-.-ioii y*«- I tenbty a maiufii.>U> ap|»roval |of th? proposal. «f Governor Morit-iOt Ito call a spf-cia! >e«siaa of tlie legi>- Lttr • to ron-ider the rer>mmen>la- I I son* of the Ship and Water Traas ' I p«rtataun C»nmission. I Th? Governor will call the -e^sion Ito begin Acjrust 7th. Tli-re i> already -.. me ev sience of a fia h! ot this subject w;hich will. ■ very likely, reach lart'c- proportion 'j(■ fore the matter is er.ied. IMRS. LUCY SWINSON DIES IN NORFOLK i j Mr-. I ury Samson, one of the obi J e-t citizens of the Darden neclMn of • the county d-ed yestenlay in Norfolk. 'Virginia. Mrs. Sam.-on left her hoate ISatar>iay y«l vi-ile-l ber br-»ther. ei shenff ."ack on in l*l> mouth until I Sar.lay mien the went to Norfolk |to vi-it her four children who re-sle I there. On Momlay morning i-he suffer ed a •!coke of ap.plexy ami dietl a few mii.ute- afterward.-. The Utlf will be taken hack to Ithe obi honaostead near Dar>len- for lir.terme- t which mill take pl .ee to aiorrow. Uler W. It. Harrington, her 11 pastor, will conduct tl»e funetal *er rina. MAVOK HASSELL RECEIVES linilK MIUtIVIVG DELE GATKS T*» CONVENTION Mayor J. L Ha.-sell reeeive.l the ('»!■*-nr letter from "anlen, ;reen A ( —i-iiiaay of ?>»• York City welcoaninr the ddegralet from this section to the Ufrfialic r.Hi»enlK.n to be l>ehl in New York next week As there are amy peofje from this county aiming to attend the coi.veation we print the letter as follows: "O-i June 34th the National Drmo ciatar ("otv«uttoo will open in New York. IVuaihly you or at lea-t some of you. acquaintance* may be ha this city a: that time. i 'We vuh to take this opportunity of offering you the facilities of our other-; the use of our -teiaofrraphic furres ano every service in our power to render. It is gohag to be oar effort jto make ocr Southern friends entirely lat ha ■' and as closely in a Southern I atawo pi-err as possible aaad we extern! ev- ry hospitality in our power to offer aaad tna-t that you will avail yoaraelf of aay searbe that we can render. We l -ok fcrwanl to the plea-ure of a visit from you. Yours very truly. CARDEN. GREEN A CO. « Exchaage Place. New York City. Jwmm 14 lMi HON. L G. ALLSBROOKS VISITOR HERE YESTERDAY How. R G. ABshrooks who wraaJ ia this district as solicitor for mote tha* tea yean wax a haiaiai »■ visitor ■ T «*■ resterday. Mr. Alhroob j Wt quite natural excrpt he appears i yuMLii than when be was carrying |»he lui liaaawi drtirs of tbe solicitor ' kM'u . m-nakr . £:M i ,»p . . :IMI*ORTANT j. CHANGES ASKED BY EDITORS (Vi a-lungto(i Daily New-i At lie close of the State editors Convention at Morehea.l City last lriday night a series of resolution were submitted by J. A. t>shorne of the Daily News. Washington, chair man of the resolution committee, which commaad more than passinc attention, as it show- the state edi tor* are keejdtig tab on the Rrowtn ard .letelopeewat of thi.- «;reat state in mote way* than one. The principal resolution* endorsed by the vonwntion- were a- follow-: "Ke-olved by the North Carolina I "res- Association, in annual convcn tion a-semble«l; that it i- the sense of this hoiiy that the general assem bly of North Carolina at its next nrsular -e--K.n -houbl amei«i tlie state primary law to provsle that tlie primary elections I* heh« on the same a- the natn-nal aisi neral election.-. in-te.ul of on This chamre woubi en aide the returns to he ,n.»ie an-l a vohl so much aerko.,- on the Sab Uah" Other res>dutioa>s .nl»|itr>i *hv tlie j c.-nvention emlorse |»H Irrni ii:.! an! waterway .Sevelopnu-t t as a mea-ure of reli.-f ftom'.-. iii- freicht rates; eiulorsa the pn>p>-al for ar. ei .hi month- nimmum term in tlie -tate ami expre—e- tesrret that s. n>? 'e* .papers in the state habit iu.!!> teier to an.l -late offi cL,!s in terms of di-re-pevt Thi la:ter re-cdution call- attention to .'!■ n»ie of ethics a-h.ptrd |»>t year| b> . ihe press association, copie- of ■ lith are to tie print..! in car.i form aid distributed anaont: tlie members foe posting in their idficf- The resolutions .lealini; with |>ort terminals ami water*ays reatls: "IU- -olve.l. that the state' p»rt te:minal an.l ship twaamissoHß report a> pn-.-entrd L- one of Ihe nto-l far acacl.utg ar.l important movei-aent t-> In atauuarate>l in the .-tale for Mite year.- ami that it i- the sen-o of this My mat tbe state walor • ,)s houbl be Htdire.l to the full e»t evtent thereby relief K the reduction of freight rale> N to the entire state.** The »cbc«l term re-olutoMi says: "Ue-*dvel that this association is in favor of an en ht month- srho>d turn, ami that ay ooa as practicable the oral assembly pas.- a law to pot tins into effect." Another resolution rea,l-: "IU -olve»l that tlie reneral i.ein My al its next tegular -e -i,»n f>t -. a law prohihitinf the erection of pi icing of any advertisina; signs a hi..* any stale highway." JUDGE CONNOR ANOINTED TO SUPREME COURT Judge lieorge W Connor ha- been *{ |s,ii.le>l »fi the Supreme I ourt la--ach by t0.vr C1...1 Morrison. Tl* varawy raueil by Ile ap j |. .ntnient of 4udge Connor to the j.rr-me Court wa- filled by the ap poilment of M. V. liarnhiN of M'Hjn! to the Judee-hip in tl* ord district. CRKAT BALL GAME HERE TOMORROW j Wiliianastoi. u l«» be tie -eene oTI I ' I e -real hall rain? is gwing to be pl..yed between the re -alar local team and the baasine^- buy> ami men of the town. It is not km>wn •'cfinitely who will ie;ire-e«t the bia»u«». men hut it is kem; HHnoted that Gas Hal I uon. IV le Fowdt-n, I»r Cone. C. D. Car ktarphea. H I' Cunningham, ltill M .an:ng. Noah 'iodard, Joe Isdanl aid others will participate. Tlie game will .-tart at fowr thirty. Tie praeeols of the game will go to tbe local ball team. Your support will be appreciated. Turn out. help saip port the boys ami forget your trouble.-, that « if you have any. S-YATE MOLD WINDS YESTERDAY AT LOWEHT KATE OF INIERESI SINCE THE WOKLD WAR • .-'tale T rea-u re i l>n It I jcy sold SIOjKAjbW worth of road brimlr on Momlay of that The hsrnlr will bear iatereot at Ira than 4 1-2 per I rent aad this is tbe lowest rata of interest paid since the war. Mr. Lacy al>o borrowed S2JOOUfiUO for sixty days at tbe extreaely law rate r.f 2 1-2 per cent interest which if the lowest rate ever paid by tbe State tt North Carolina. Oar Hate is able la make as gaod rates as aay other state in tbe aaloa —• - I MRS. ROSE MADE I'KESIDENT OF ► STA'IE PHILATiIhAS l»araca-l k hi]a(hea Meet-! in« To Be Held In Raleigh Next Year ! MKS ROSK I'RESIDKVI THE I'lll At the 21th annual session of the state ISaraca-ll.ilalhea convention which liegan session at KeUI-ville last 1 "Hjur-day ami which came to a do-? on Sutuiay evenjng following the con serration service cumturtol by Ke*. John 1». Vi ilii:tm>, a prominent Wil lianiston ouinan, Mr.-. II Uo-e. »a --' made»nt of the I'hilathea- for ;l-e coming year. Mrs. IJo.r la- ser\isi a- pre-ident J of the HiiU.hra c!„-s of the \v t! I liam-ton Moi.ioii.J liaptL-t Church foil one year and ha.- taken a very acti*»| part in the work «f iter cLu- aiwi is. I I t!ie state w..ik, es|«fia!ly during tne post two years. It v.a- iju-te an hon«r Ilia! has Ix-en lie-tovral upon Mi- Ro-*- for tin* liaiaca I'lulathea m»>\ men! is a very vast oi.e in North Carolina ami many prominent peopi,- »ie eiigagtii in-carry ing on it.- work At llie consecration services on Sun •iay evening. Mrs. Uose ar.l Mr \V F. I'enney of llen.lersonville as I'hilathe.i ami I'ar.ic.i Association presnient-. t respectively places! en-Idem.- on tl* rostrum for the I'hilathea- aisl the llaracas wlien J. I. Currin Its I the nienHiruil meeting. lialeich was -electin by a inianimou • vole a- tlie conventiitii city for an,! at this meeting Mrs. Kose wtll al the l*hilaLJi i meet.u_*s. WILIJAMSTON DEFEATS CRIMES LAN l> TEAM V\ illiam-ton aiu»i a thousand drops of rain ar.d a hand iull of base hill fans laged a come luck Fri,la> u( leiiMsi.ii and defeated the Grime-land farr'iM cs to a ten to six count. Tin *a» the seeorul gante to l>e playe,! . la twn n tlie l.ical> ami the Griiik-.-l.irui boy.-, tlie first lieing piayel at Crime laml aisl Was lost by tbe local-. The Kanx' was |Jaye.| on a irwi-lt field making the game a bit -k>w. While there was no individual .-tar iiil. on either side Uiere was ci.nsi-t aney. With this victory in tl.e |«r ci ntai e columns. William.ton Iw>w slaiwl- uf the Mm da- ... Ilritt pitrbe I a very Consistent ,-ao»e for th * locals hut in the -ivth ai*t--« J the i ante wa- iee»l liewa.. relK-tcl by J«—e llarrell. The attemlance was pior due to tlsi' ■nrleiiient weatlier. Aufos Crash on Wash inulon-l Sis. ______ i Moi .lay, Mr. Fa-son l.illey wa- leav ing town, going out Wii-hutgtoft .t ie«-t Jusl liefore reaching Ihe t |!l.u; .lofi ..ireel jumtioii, lw» young • jlaalie. froni Wind-or came out of llaughton street and cut aero-.- al#»i, i-f Mr I.lib > Instead of dealing hir > tinek. a- Irf- eipedcil, tlie girl- placed their h-ft back wheel ju-t ahead «»f j his left front wheel, cau.-ing a con j Isiab ralde acciilent, however hurting | the cars only. Tho-e who Kaw tbe acci.b-nt at- } Itiihuteal it to the thoughtle...-ne> - of | I the yit**-ir l * ,l y •'rivi '" »***' -bmoghi J jtliat Mr.!ey was >• (m way re- j s|mii-ihle for tlie acchlent. " I IJI.MMIN KFLI.I.S NOW IM Pl* MHiIFFj I Smart Set Howard* Cigarette Haaok iag for New Fad of Takuag Sau> Uwkiii, June IC—Fashion's eteraaal swing arouml a circle Is .shown by the { new.- t fad of May fair boudoir, and | the smagt night dub. . It is >nuff tak-1 ** I TobacconL-ls report a falling off in | cigarette rales to Women and a definite J increase in the enn-urnption of -nuff. I The recent stati-ment of .lector-! that cigarette sanoki.'ig L respon.-iMe ■ for the prevalent throat troubles may g have given impetus to the new move- * merit Tlie two trades most concerned— the tobacconists and th* jewelers— have not been greatly affected by tbe new fashion. The tobacconists have -witched from cigarettes to Miaff and tbe jeweler has fornd a ready aale far jeweled snuff boxes. I Dr. D. T. Taylor of Waskingoa is] m town today where he ha* been I called as aartonexs in the W. H. Water* | Dr. J. P. Thigpen left Moatday for i I Wrb—w.l where be w»« recede medi- ! treatment for a few days. MAKTIN SUPERIOR COURT IN i SbSION HERE ALL THIS WEEK i .CASE in- SVATE AGALXSI W. H WATERS TO C OME l l TOMORROW ; WILL NOl UE iKIEDFOIt l&T DECREE Mi KDLIR If* June term of the Sup**rt(rr of Martin county i.. in -ion here this *«-. V with IU--.J o! t .VI toil pre I.iitis; ali«l Svlk' it« r «*»«iais i.illiuin af TarU>ri> pro-«■ - caUri.v I oil i.ira--court spirit --eCi>»-.t ia» kin.;,, :,i> ;,ie waitiiis* ami watch in*, ct.- -o to trie fact that court '--• on t• ;e calhsi. Tin- juror- for lh»- an Hdf iiU'»Uy fiirnwhi ami thc_> v.eie ai.&iot£. to j;e: on the jurj tisat «ui,. ~. . t!.r« u> li toe t|uirk«'-t. !*v a! of juror wcie :*ir\ v'« t back home to at tr>Mi :« ti *i lailiiiliK. I '»-• i;ru.,. j-r; »a- n..i.ui .uxi Juu I' ! iiey .- a -a. u 'ii as iiit-maii. Ju-F *•" .-or.i announces! lie wuulil R--; ; .:.i _ . .a.„e *.,. .he t'ri.ri.l *«. cv t:»- gesipcal iii of ti friinr- known a. common law rrinir> »a> too well eslalfii-iie.l in th«' numi of ti* jur.irv for i not to un.ier •tami «i«! Iho lav »a- violated Ami thai a li«>*kile* oi tin* xiolati r - of the things |*rvlitbitdi by legislative w Cita -.t roikl he rea«ll!\ a cert anas I b> c. n.riuiiicititiK with the solicitor M« ■ n.pha»ire«l the fact that no |>ui;t*h ?'wn coul.l In- mete*l out without a !earin»r before the I;I:IIII! jury an«l that a- n-emiwj- of the court they n«« it lo\ to cf that crmir is re- train oi At a that supposed criminal- shouhi n >t lv clpa»>i without court trial. 1 Ihe fir-t caa- to I** brought u»> wa that «f Safe against law rence W ot»l ar«l for transporting li«|Uor. This ca-e raim- fr»m tlx- Uecor.ler's Court on appeal by the • iefemlant. Itut, throuv• H» (ouii'vl, he withdrew the appral \IK K l'_ St 111 H.V.S A\|t I Will.\ I.KAMM. Mr. ami Mrs. IJ. I- Scr-iut;- am' I:: tie -on ami jaui'liter. Rov Jr. am! I;>r4»a) left thi. morning by motor i>.r Nashville wliere they * ill their home while Mr Scnifus cor struct - a rua.l from Nashville to Ca.- tal>« They came to Wjllianiston in Oct ,J*-r, 1922, since which time Mr ScrwgCs ha - -e«l the huihlimr «»f «lb«- \\'inl-4>r-WiJßam-ton riKul ami tie Hamilton llohi-00,1 roa*l Wlih ' they have :ua«h- their re>!l«nce in tt il .lumOoa they have jraine«l tl.e frh twl -hip «f all U«" peo|»!e of the town ami Iwlh .Mr. »n! Mrs-. SCWKK- will I.- rreatlr mi->nl hy their frieiuls a »11 chihlren who have lieen h>% evl ai»i a-liuire-1 l«v everyone I IHSON OWNERS TO II \VF 01-WiRTIMTY OK HKAKINO (LL KFCttltltS ISSI »:i> • "Ij.i 4is.ii the eltorts of Mr. 11. S. '(■wturi, lacal I-**i. on iealer. ai> liLM>n uwiM-rs in this section will fle al:«'nJr»i tlx- o|i|mrtumt y of l«-ar ■ r.jr all im |->lix>n n-creat ions is.-«*e« i month. Mr. Courtney wilh sev hjl >»-■ t-aiisoia«h a!ers ha.- torm**l u, ..t, cii'h. This dub Mill receive [each month hit the new recreation ji at the Kli.-on lalmratorie an-l I will l«- to keep the records j for -ne .lay HuritiK the ila> Mr ■ Miln»i will ii.vile all K.ii-am owner.- I ■to his stare •> that they niiirht hear Ithe ami if they sh"uM happen [ta a iwnnl an order for -a-iie ran he |J jci-I All onh-r- will he ship- I jtf«l out immediately afterwarl. ■ This Cllli will I* of much help t.. j tall |jli-ni owners in that the r*runL. I* ill he hroutrht to their 'loor. Here I t..fol* i| has heen iinpo.— ilJe for the Imailer "leahr" to |wrchase all the I new reeieatiori- ami this club will lie m,f value to hoth owner aiol ilealer. j Mr Courtney denim every K.lison I owner in this section to leave his lor her name with him so that he ran J inforr-: each memlier just what lay ■ the records mill lie here. I The 'eheme has not yet been trie»l • l>at it i* unilerstcMMl that it will lie put j into effect very shortly. P TO FRIKMIS WHO SI PPORT IIIM IN' I'KIMARV. JI NK 7TII 1 Mr. K»!?lor:- Fedinj; .leejJ > irratefui to my frenih who -o K*-nerously i>up|»rtel Me in the i piimary Juir. 7th, an*l knowing that it will be impossible for me t« personally tiiank each awl every l«ae, -mm A •> my le*ire, may I not leipre-s through the colunuts of yowr paper my appreciation. I -hall justify the cw fchnee itpinKii. ami trust that I may .be mt farther service to tha County ud State. I am, PatthfaHy yovrs. CLAYTON MOORE. ' ' ' '.Jt-* ' afi WATCH Tin: I.ABEL ON TOU2 PAPER. IT TIIE DAT* toiß sißMiumo?; txriitu _. i - —_j, ESTABLISH ED 18« '"and t* oriKinai -eiilence of siut» fine '' an-i taei.ty .ta>> in jail «":i- acri »iih ti* >aii sei.Ur.if ii. oo .K .a .i uii | til November ice lir.«l ih»s -: State v i 1.. i> t->in~...a -oii, .har»?e«l | with hoasehreakibK- This ha.: ' l**i: (Mit.iivM ior ju.ii;i a-nt from tiie . | March ti mi of >u|ei i. i t'ouit. The i ic.i-e »i. dupwoi oi by p»> m..!it «f i tw-t. IK MJ'.I; VS M. I ■•an IL, ahunaioi men: , jcapu. ir»i cont . uo.l . j Stat.* vs He*, r. •m-, ... r\ ins Icunce-aieal ~.. .tail with >lea.:>y wea|«-a. ho"'.. !h * .lays in |rir-t ca* 3J.-i four on the |> :t» . i oa.l State la i-iaf; Silvrrtitorn. mariu I f.taTtun»! li. »!-•» S.; v.i . in.;: (.lea.i _ I KUi'ty .. F JL II INI A 1.,1 II, P i' fu>!. . I State v. .Sal-hur>. forsrery IV . fermia _6 cyilt) ami wa- .*n - I 'ei fi . • H i. i :, r • . morn I i j>rl . t !«•(.. i rim f •«:>*• - V ater- for ti« L . He,.ry , I' I »itl !». «»ie»! in.h.1.,.k u i- ui».ter r -;«■»! t" J(t M«J:vit>r w ii! not try . ft.*- «-a «- l«r f:i-t .i*»j'r«- mur.ier i ill.' e\ ►wiici' a- ta. lieei* stalls! by t • \caf *H« -«>• the -h atuf is t li-.-t Water- am! lU.wen iia«l ha. ...rae . «u. .'r tr.-'itdp- h«rr hr' f . > rp thT- Tirni I (.iabout." "Water- rtnT h >n»e. Ki. t»n. Mcuiwi -}iei' a»«l , » eat r«ack to look for |tow«-n. :.iir.»r - Is m k n lleabtii Speller"- -tan- . «t>i; f - ir.i ite-. He i«i«slclely ..pen. ftf i vp»n |U>wef. tie loa.i -triku: * h>m i i i the hack aifl wi rt into lit»- ti:*i.l » , ,HH r I ea«—eeatir ■* *M iartrr. .TIKT.I I: I H.I -I \n»ir»> t.IVKN «« H \\ J Ml. . KRM ,1 I'rtslet «»-k-l»"jrVa. June It*. —C. i Coow.ty pha«ie>i KUilty lefore r ,'u.Sr.* h il I- ChichesUr in i'ar.- I r.« t'irruit -uil. at l!owiin« ' reen. t the !«>iirtnu~! charijiiisf hie with : INJUOR ARD ha ii;T .1 '.ill in hi- -ion. lie w:. -en r.-nce«l to $3«" fir«e ami sixty «'■> * j ii! C««iway was ie!ea-«sl on -Itt( , loml ut!?:! (h» Hrt.d«-i term o co.'rt I «he*i I - ;!til -#-?.lence w il! eirn f I' nwav i- a* ir»»niinent eiiir II of '"a r>-line c> unt\ ami ii. * tin m" er of 11,.> nMi.ily •lemorratic *. He. \ »a- a meu.her of the le"islati ,e for I nne term a« the .ieV.-ate from ,-iro line. »:i.\. Mii. mh»i» ins l:i s* s%Tl i:i»\\ |*ev I" 1' l»i«i«l of the Me l.o«li t • . tiurrh *u»l a nto.-t t»u-y .lay la ' S;it ui iay ll«- »a- rtilmr olf 'lie 1 h-jirw nuetinr »*. M m lay i rami: , .1 »a *..|»ie I«4I n'fivr up e ohi a: t-» ffiike it i --k hral.-l »«*» > en he wa- intriniiiiol t»ae to con-, o the . i. e very jur-ent h mess t Kac»« lim' >: «t- a call to .win * • !: ppi couph 2 in *e»ll« k. One c«- |de lie . rarrie.i luck to the Methoili t church I ami matimj I'-em then- Th. were i M -* li»ta Hari*r ar«l Mr. I- lie C. Jli!clrfil of lleaufart county Mrs. Milrhrtl. »> the of * ami r Vr-_ J \ Harper ami Mr. M: '*ll ii i tie -on -.f Mr ami Mr» X. K. i:tchell ■ famslse- re >le«ts of I aufoit • rounty. The ir-il o«;de wa> marrie ' in the ■ c« arthott-e hi ISeotiier! They . u. c-r M.- Kutl. >.-telle (Iray -I U.-. I.:vcrence J. !Jlev Mr-. I ill* the • ila'Jr'.let of Mi. ami Mr... J • • rJ> > of l"itt county arsl Mr. l.ille; is th^ ► -on of Mr. a»! Mr>. Gdtnfd 1 Iley of this county . \t:u CITY MCKNSK MAY HE i SK' L Ki:i» AT MAYOR'S I .T'U'K r , —— City licen-e for the year '.'fl* I can !»' -edithl at the oAce of the I Mayor Chance.- for licen e wi! lie 0.-ie •foliar. All cilitnu who own ear mat have a -pecial c.ty license o or be fore July l»t, 1924. I J. I. HAK Ml. - . i {', ' r, . Ij A HRIZK WINNER IN BABV SHOW II |n aw aramnt of the lw r I which took place last U'ednc .lay IN f 'the Tar Heel we ,thr. u*h an t'amr, bM to carry the nan..- of lit rjtle Mk ViHrinu WOliams, ajfhw. lof Mr. ami Mi*. W- It WBtt •*. «* » ilitii-i J_"- «n« priaa ie th> rreap If .two. dehiM ■ aai I with a r«U fJIW We Rtift fcl the little Ktrfh I w*s .mill hat it waa not jlaaM in f m. inwl a

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