ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OI K COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM BOMBS OP MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 37 JURY RETURNS VERDICT OF GUILTY OF MURDER Dl 2ND. DE GREE IN W.H. WATERS CASE JUDGE BONI) SENTENCES WATERS TO NOT OVER 15 YEARS AND NOT LESS THAN TEN YEARS IN STATE PRISON. ), JURY RETURNS VERDICT IN 90 MINUTES Deputy Sheriff Peel Takes Waters to Italeigrh Today Where He Will Start to Serve His Sentence The caw of State versus W. H. Waters ■ai ralol for trial Wednesday norn- Big. Ike State was represented by Ua i.riliam. solicitor ami kobert 1. CIUI ii. private prosecution. The de frilmt was irpnnented by Hon 11. S. War. I of WathiiiKton, Slubbs and St abba, aal Dwrninr. Moore ami Hor toa af this city. Only a few were roA>UMi in picking a jury, as the *tata was not asking for a verdi.-t of aaarder in the first degree. The first Witness examined «ra»|i Kf bin Speller, an are.l colonel mar., at whose store the shooting occured Speller said that between 9 ami 10 o'clock P. M ob the l?th day of May- Ram was in his store with IKak Ha nil son That both gentlem.-, were fartar the counter with their tat) to the front door. That after liowen had barn there a short while a (run fired- That Kowea turneal and oii, "Lord, somebody has shot me." Speller stated that he did not see the wMnl ami that Rowen went out ami walked off up town. That aft*r the shaating he went to the door ami saw Will Waters with a jnHfc- Th:tt Water* went toward)' the river ami that he did aat see Waters a rain un -13 SmJar morn In ir. when he raw to his place ami asked what the sharHT said -• Oa crass-exaauaatiaß Speller stated that Waters did not appear natural that he thoaght that Waters was C. F. Speller stated that he thought that the Jwotiar took place about 10-.3* oa the night of May 17th. That Ram had been standing up facing the malrr for some minutes with h's hand ta his pockets. That Rowen h:d law I aside when smblenly a gun fir f.L That Bana't right shaubler drop ped aad that It—m went out ami meat ap tan. That the witness went oat aad Water* was standing there with ht» gua. That witaess asked Waters why he was shooting among a eiawd of aea and Waters said th..t Rowen ta! treated him like a damned lrel aad that he had treated Rawen like a gentleman. On croas emamsaatian witness stated th:.t Waters did Bat look fooHsh. that he raaid ast say that Waters was drui.k aad that he never knew that Waters was ttajM ta fits. Hill>ard William* testified that lives near Speller's Mare and on tie night of the hoauride ha was going ta Speller's stare ta buy some cigar*. That jast as he was approaching 115, •tare he saw Waters pick ap dlKlSd fit* tata the store. That ha did md aw Waters whea he first approached the state. Oa civas-examination wit ness stated that he was scared, that he saw Bathing especially strange a baat Waters. That witness immed'- ateiy left without going into store ard he saw Dauta going ap town. Dr. Rase Tayloe, of Washington, taatifii I that he had practiced medi ctae far aaaay years. That early May 18th Hcsry Rowen was taken ta his hospital That apaa examination be foaad that he had baea shot with a gaa through tha right thaaldci Made. 111 am twa ribs lata aad the shot had psurl tteaagh the right lan* tear tag op a paction at that as large as Ma haad He aaid that Rowen was ia a dying caaditian whea he reached the I npilal emased from the lass of blood hat ha icmcd aad lived unto the tar aad pneumonia act ta which ill jag ad at uy time aad he sal-" that W9 Waters shat htas ar had hha •tat, he brag maiirlaai ap to the last. Dr. Tayloe aaid that the shot were Ha. S hack Ad After the lailiatay of Dr. Tayloe The lifialaal, Waters, was aled ta the staad by his attorneys. He Anted that l» was fartp-ihtee years d«rad that he Bvad ia WflHams taa far lUrty years, was aat married. Bee* with Us sister. Mrs. Kahersaa al sptr aeer the river ta the I'm ' tea Is ija 11 lie aaid that he oae haaac aa the 17th of May had Weal THE ENTERPRISE drinking for twa ar three s«ks ami had been in the habit of drinking since the age of nine, ami that he had epiieptar fit* ami aoald nut know what happening aatil aftera-ard wfcefl ever* thing wuahl r»a» ta him. He said that he hmi amir had any trouble with liuwcti brlurr that .lay of the shooting, tte sajd that lae drove to NarioU. Sumiay May 16c IMb, an*! took a few Or inks oa the way. taking the last one on the ferry from Ports mouth to Norfolk, ami that he car ried liajwor with bun. He was then cross-evaminco by the Solicitor. He u»l to him that he knew Theodare Kabtrwc ami tliat what he dad came to him* or four day* later. "I went to Carstar phen's store aad bought .-helk. hai already gotten my gar. I was mad with ltowen bttaiM >t had hit me side of the Mai ami «a> out ol m; head a» a result of the hit side of the head." Mrs. I_ C. Kobersun. tie neat wit ness. stated that she was the sister of Mater* ami two >aar» older than he. that he was to epdeptir lit.> ami did But iiave a normal miml. Mrs. Woodhoase. aavther *fc-ler of the tlefemiaat. itabd that die wa teu years older than he was ami that, he had been »akjwt to epileptic fits from the time that he was six months obi. Mr* Mattie Walker testified that ->ha is WiH'* yaiwgrd sister, that she' now lives ia Norfolk ami that she »aw bim Moaday afternoon ami that' he was nat anmsl. Mr. Walker. !>rother inlaw of Waters dated that he first saw Waters Mom lay anniiii; in jail, he •lid not then diselo** bis trouble ami he did nat shaw aeorn sign of drink tag. ■ 1- T. Fowdea st ated Hat he iiad known Waters stare he was a boy ami that in his youager days be was con sidercd a weakling ami that when they were bay* be woahl haal wood with Mr. Rober-oa's steers ami that Will woahl cuaae ami take them away from hint Joha I- Rogersan stated that Waters awes a mate far a Ford car ta the Peoples Rank ami that he made an asaally frespaent inqairies aboat naie. cominr each day ta find out the a aaount of it aad whea it was dar. The next waters* called was W. T. Ward ami he said that he had knowa Waters far thirty years ami did nat ira ilw aanaal aad be had never seea bim take "a3rink hat he had seea him when he tbaarht that he was drinking J. W. Watte was thea called aad he saal that be had kaawn Waters all his life am. always thought that he had a face screw ta his auad, ami that he dhl aat can iter him aorasal. Jonah Williams, cadsred. testified next aad he stated thai he knew Waters well, that he caaae to has hou»e Sam lay mocwiag aloae aad he wasslruisk thea aad aat ta his right mind and that he stayed half aa boar. S. J. Pam-her state.) that he had komro Waters all hi* life and (hat he had never had aay sense when drunk aad had seea him bite steers. The State thea put on farther testtamay aad Theadare l*«-ber-on was qjti to tW Mr. Rabermsa states! that Water* bought shells from him arouml nine o'clock ahaat aae half hour before the shanttag teak plant. He said that he did aat a* aaythtag wraag with hiaa, aad that Waters stayed ta the ate** ahaat a sataate aad a half. He said that Waters gat aa ****** »l James H. Water, a Nafdk police aaa. aaid that he arrested Waters Samlay May the Ifith ahaat P. M aa Graaky stmt ta Narfuft. He iwutistd tastractiaas at aiae o'clock ta be aa the la.kaat far him aad that whea he aaw Waters he i tappe I hha aad carried him ta the pafire statiaa 'wherr he pnlf ■■ f I him aad he said thai ka gave his aaaar aa wa» Waters (Caalfeaed aa Page Faun Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 20,1924. VISITORS RALLY TO DEFEAT LOCAI.S IN TENTH INNING i Williamston IJoys Show , Marked Improve ment i K»hrrM>oviilr ikfutnl the local,- by a scor* of 7 to 4. The (ame was stubbornly fought Ihrwuh out showing that thr boys meai. husi t Ilntt. on thr moond for Wil- I lianUon, iMnnol in hi- a-aal way ar~l boiiM have p.tchr*i his tc.un to TiciJty Kau he haa pw.l -upport. The hoys an- pbyiat fiorp'.ioiially well cx-n-Wirrti-.r the airw-ui : of prartice they are ;»!4e to give to the name A few i: ron>Ltfnrr> rrnwlihl ami W3lbim-t*>n will have a r««l lall ' Irani The k.llrrie« for both '.nms did the outstanding honor work of the rame. The line op for follows: Rohersun- I ville. S. Koherson. catcher; Johr-son. , pitcher: Parker. firs! ha«: James ( second has#; Mckin. >K ri stop; Wis Koherson. third l*>r. Kterett. rirht , IHI; Smith, renter fiHI. (»r me-. left Mil. Willcamstoe—J. Ibrrrfl, catcher; Kritt. pitcher; Cnarles Jane*, first base; J. Hirris -eeoml Kae; Julian Harrell. short stop; H. Jame>. third ha.«: Anderson. rich! field; Rantes. \ center Srl.l; Taylor, left Mil; 1:31 Harrell relieved lbrw> in the seventh ; binlnr I Impire, Kowilm. CONTEST WINNERS TO BE ANNOUNCED i IN NEXT ISSUC TV winners in the contest jast heU by The EaUtpTM will le aiinoavnl | | in our nest Tuesday'* The con test was over last Friday ami all the ' answers were not in until Tuesday. «• ( - It W£s to check them up , In time to he announced m this issue. The contest maiucer state-* that , the number of contestant, wet* HI " . many hat he would he obliged to work am time fct order tVat the name* of the winners might he announced rest . Tuesday. This gues to ■ how that the , mi-sine word pare ha- been of great ii interest to our readers. Several of the contestants told us that they had r greatly profited by the pare even tho , they fail to receive a prize, for they , rot real p!ea ure nut of leading the I advertisement- of the mm n hant> who are UUiR* for the trade B. Y. P. U. MEETS 1 IN EVERETTS Tt* Everett* R. Y. I*. I*, meet - every I Fralay night at eifht o'clock. Every member is urged to be present at these meeting* and bring a friend. The prorram for tonight, June 2Mb is a doctrinal Iron which urfll be of murh benefit to all who atleol ' ENTERTAIN HiR S«»IJTTOK AMI MRS. INIVALU CILI.IIM " ( Mr. ami Mr- M. M Stubi. enter I Uißol at broigv at t?-e»r burnt m tf«e r rectory on Wednesday etc-nii.*- from ( uisht-thirt) until tlnta o'clock, tnn r tag Solicitor and Mrs. Donxbl Gdliam of Tarboro. The reception ball and living room I it re open to the frur.-b ainl l y>lru , giaii in prolusion were used for dec- I oral in* the rooms. For wifcmr b*h scare R. I Rimes, Jr. wa* preheated a leather . score ami Mrs CiUiam at- honorre . wa-- xivea two roe.; of cards. ficticious pooch ami lemonade wre j nerved by the hostess while the (W»!> phfol and at the conrlcth.n I of the fame she Miiri a tiutpliag I frail salad. . Tho.-* attending beside the truest* of honor mr Mr. aad Mm A. H Dm r ning. Mrs. F. L*. Barnes Mrs. Jesse Whitley, Miu fdadys Benjamin. Mr* S. K. lUkp. Jr. Mrs. J. & Rhodes. Mrs C. H. tiodwin. Mrs. J. H. -Sana •ler*. Mr*. P. It Case and Mr. John L 1 FRANK C. CARPENTER. DEAD Frank C. Coipentrr. perhaps the ' worbi'- pealed traveler, died Wed ' nesday morning m Naakin. China. He i> known h tiu) earner at 1 the earth where peiple are able to • read. He traveled in every known ■ character and opportunities of tiuj ■ land. Hie books and letter* have done f more to briar- to the maud a 11enter ' '■■ireptiau of the truth a* the proper • than those of any utter person in I the world. I * tar. mm only TEXACO. > mi LOCAL TAX FOR SCHOOLS The qualified voter- of Farm Ijfe School District are soon to vote a local tax to -upfUement funis ap ports.ied by the County Hoard of Induration for the of a six months school in the District, Not any more reason w.nild there be in voting against this levy of twenty five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property then there would be in a husband's purrha.-« of a hat at the ten rent store for a wife who desired a Sunday hat. All types of schools are or have been good for their purpose ami day. The six months school is food, it wa.- satis factory in its .lay for most people; it is the most expensive luxury on ( the educational market today The next least expensive luxury is a six month* school with a local tax to se cure select teachers, mure equipment of the necessary sort, and to operate without burdening a few benevolent pc»* ~ ms to furnish all the things nee e- ary hot not furnished by the flat six months of the county. Two-thirds of the children of Martin county enjoy the privileges of an eight months school the abid ed benefit derive*! frvn. having a -pecial tax with which to purchase -ame. Of course this type is to he preferre*! i I n-ler ihe present system I lie first a»l second types ca'ino! le rla-sifie*l for high school ».>.k, at any rate six nonth of high schoij «i»rk in such chools is not nti«riiiel as a gr:ol«' of work when tearher- a|»ply to the -ertifiratiou •lefmrtment for rertiH r»tes on bast- of «ame. Nor «lo the pnslurts of such schools fare better in apfilying far entrance to colleges It H hope*! that with aildit ional tax Farm life School may take one step nearer to having it- high -rhool work recrgnised. IJkewi-e by means of this 'pcci»l tax it is evperted to secure a Principal who can in a measure solve -nme of the |-r«Mrm> of rla--ifiratien arwl grading in a wa'y that five -rhool years of six months each may he recognized as the equivalent of four I -rhool year* iif'«i|(ht months each I The pn-lurt of u six months school over a period of eleven gTa>le> has -ixty-six months of preparation while the giaaiuale of an eight month s huj oter a period of eleven years ha. et|.-M eight nunl. 1 !- of preper ation. All other things being equal •he Ihtl-imi of Teacher Certification ami the MmL-.-ioU couinu.te*- of our hest college- say the >tu*b-rit with eighty -eu;M months of |«r»-niralK»|. will he certificated or admitt»l ami the slmient of sixty-six month- pre paratsua mu-l stand an examination for a certificate or admi-siwn liefore a High School can lie ac credited these are -ome of the condi tioas to be met: 1. Tl* school lei in nubl be eight —lk i Ihr teachers iuu-1 l»4il high -rhoil certihaliui of A and l> class. 1 A >et of u.ap- alei|uata- ainl pre -rihil to mra-t tic nee*l- of high -ckool stioieia- mu-t lie parchx-cd. 4. A library of thiee Ituiolreil vol ume-with raid i»lex arsi -fo-ek -client. IiJT mean- of *hict> Use aid pre-er atM of l«oki- are iiuurni a: Ttae j.erage itaily atteiwlance nu-t he enough to ju-tify three teach ers in the high -ct.oj -le part merit Now if (he pal run- of Farm Ijfe School cannot >ce their way clear at •his time to purchase the best type of school |»--itale t tie re are .-ome ; act- about the election ais I type of -chool that will he available by me.iii of it whirh hare been requested. Wilt the committee be obliged to -un a -chool for more than six month -f the special tax carries? No. they hate pri oil cd la consult lie patron ■ihaut the length of term.' Who will determine the rate of -|KCta) tax to he levied ar.nually ? The rommittee on advice from the peofie ran reque-t the County Com inis oner» to lr\y a rata le-s than t aer.t, hve cents but not to exceed tweaty-five cent or: the one hundred -iottar- idiutiM of property within •be district We do not know the committee ail he unresponsive, but in they were, how could s majority of the i-nph make a school committee re -poasive to Ihr will of the patrons of the rhailT When a district rates a special tax. the Koard of Krfncatioa act lax oa a mandate from an election or a majority petition, may appoint not to exceed five members. Ry Ids piniiiisn of the law the will of the Majority is ImW: When is transportation of school cbßdren inuviied in Martin County ? And for haw long* When if 11l mt ehddre a. not less than twenty, justi fies a pgr capita per day haulage east m the local school aearest nben they | (Comtbmed oa P»*» F«or| • ' • T. . 14 ■•. L f - • 4 SNAKE BITE KILLS HORSEi Ve-ter*lay afternoon. Mr. ' Mi M jr.nmg wa- riding hts h-.r -f in { the *i**U driving cattle, wher -i»ler J ly he heard a ratt!e-nakr "sing" ap i patently ah»ut the l-r^-e' 4 feet. The h»»rse jampti hack immediately, show inr signs of pain arst, raps'ly irrew worse until he- !ie*l in alwa! ten or twelve minute- afterward. TV bashes wene thick up to knee high arui Mr. diii nut -ee i the -nake. I-si! say- it must hate heen a large one iolrirc fri.m the "sing ing - of hi rattles. When a search yj- IT. tue fur the reptile he was gore. The hor-e was hi" I err or, the le» near the ankle. TW horse was a very fw one an.l *.is only abut ter tears oM. Rattle sitakrs are scry numrrou in I that sertwn of the c*»urly. mth Is near the upper part of Sweeten water 1 creek. * J MRS. J. I>. WARD DIiCS IN ROCKY MOUNT Body Buried at the I >avis Cemeter> Wednesday At her Inn*" tr. K*«ky M«»unt. where she with lei fanuiy nnvr-i from W dliam-t.K. t.nly two months ago. Mr- John I' Marti die*! Tue ■kiy afterr—n a! fnur oVlnek from heart failure folh>«.ng an attack of acute imtigestion vlivh -he luml suf frre>l that morninc. In early maidenhood she was mar ricd to John l». Ward, and since their marriage untd a short while ago she ha- made her trolrw in M illiant-ton Mr. Hani die>l at tbr home here a bout two year- ago ami they are sur vived by eight chd-ifen. some of them of very tersler -years arsl they hate the sympathy of the entire com munity in their I*- The children are. J. I*. Jr.. Norman. Wbreler. Ft an. arsl Mt—e-s Stella. Kuby, 1 ucille ami Mary. Mrs. Want is also,-urv:ved by three sisters ami one brother. Mrs. Anunda Cannadt. Mrs. Fannie Pago, ami Miss Maggie tiurganu- ami Mr James tiwrganu- She was a member of the Men*-rial lUpti-1 church, hat ing jurnol the rhurrh in early life. ISefote leating Itocky M«oi.t a -hort ami -mjJe fum-ral service wa- held in the l»»me by >Se l"r»—byteria i minister oh • will, hi.- wife ha>i k>oll> mini-terenl to th family m tnine- of -«rkne-s. Ito t bft KuL> Moui.t on the naoroiiit; trun Meilne- lay roaching William-ton al nuort ami the body was then taken to the family reaetery al the David t iurranw- home where lie irderment took place. Rev. K l_ Shirley of the Kajrfist Church c»mlartrd the s*r vires al the grave whore a larre crowd was in attendance for Ihe last -ad rites. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Mn.-ljy N h-4 » 4-i. Morning wor-l.ip 11 '*» livening «ertire Services ■ ill be hei-l at J.Mi p m ' at ltigg> srhmd bare. Reports of the , recei t Harare - l"hilatiea cociveatmr. wdl le made alur ■ Ing the etas- -r»->ai of the e two splemlol orxaaixaliun-. Sumlay moro ing. TV |o-t»r is very antiou.- to have a good repre-e-i.ljlu-i of the i church ami Sua-lay -clxJ at the Ka|> list Samaoer w* a ich content next week al Moreae-a-i City. A -plen diil program. g»—l b4r! vo.nola tions at a very rea-onalde rate, -urf lolhiar ami «4her recreations prwmi-e, to make H a delightful trip R. L SHIKIT.Y. FaUor. MRS. C\RRIE Rlii> WII.U IM*. HtISTFSS I. ; _______ Mrs. Carrie kigg> William- enter , tained at tnw I abb - of bridge at the . lovely old R%r> home in New Town . on Tarsday eveni» from nine until . eleven thirty. .Shalrd lights and sum r user flower- made tbr hoaor even , pr -ttier than nsnzl. » Those who were |«vilest t-. enjoy I her hospitality were. Mr. and Mrs. I Oscar Amler* »m. Mr. aad Mrs. Elbrrt I Peel Mr. and Mix J. C Godanl. Mr. . aad Mrs. Joba W. Mar.ning ami Mr . Julia- S. Peel A salad coarse with sandwirhes ami r mw. ' I Misses PUtb Hams. Curie lee r Peel, Emßy Waad Radham aad Messrs . Caylotd Han i—a arl Wis Baoker matarrd to Wimdaor Iteday aight _ 1 —— -V-: -.-v: —~ — 'RURAL ROUTE NO. 2 IS EXTENDED j , ; Mr. Trice Secures Ex tension of iioute V.'hile In Uashing ton T l'r* raiM j 'l* i.rpuWrj* nxnrnlsac L-!' mr>'k. where he t.sik a :-mi 5,.4 at ill tl*{ •hit hn*s«*. *•" "»*»t i>. rr. ilui hr .Ihi j not foryet h:> )Uit:a r.faly friet*. I .j for he : »-.»t tc* (ociMku to i - *FO hf i', jriM ma;l ! S'T l«rr.:i Sve 'jin,!#. j n 1 llear tin-, jr.! frwi Ilitau, town- J •Jiip- TL>vv ti>n i-..f.»np have rw»t lu>. !(■' i • fimnc of run, ma 1 wfriw. TV [ rr.«! r-.-a r. nuniU-r 1*.., |«tl! !* mmM frws mr t*e J s I ll'ee| u the kw. Furr rr (Wl. J I! |» IWI. V I» Aver-. '• f* !W>*k aib-l Tlii-*4 the 4 *> tntle. wWh l- r..* :r. J» ;ai s 3e- l..ntr an.i infffom ir c the jijn of r.irrarr :'r.—i $I_5T«l «9 tA lk . I*r >f3i Tfce ir»>rrt m..-1 i& ia\mr ;;si|« t«, rarr? the mart W It* nlr nf tmt; Mirtir, c«Htr:\ (uiilm- The only m|3>ir«ni ihr caterl. It!* fit op mail h> \f. an Ike rirkl of the rw>l. ra'M tWw w» v in,j |,ij« tkr.r 'a»K on tinem Mr. IVk* 1. alni. «e the *4, when it n>mr» !•> -m ils tl* it if I better mail firilit*- u. ij. iiilxTjorK ßE-ELECTED AS MANAGER IXMH'S. lultit'k, )B>r t»_—i.i|>ir>Mic com iw uiwn of U* lu of the •VvMtfu'.Mt 11* l-w. r-J of lhmiM> 01 IN? North ( ruliiu «;rower ! 1 «wi«Tj.iVf V»u«oi.n at tVir an ] i.ual T- Ml f rißtnl I . IS. ISUIw I. KiUltH 01 A K. !(•>: ,~>rtitUr> I rri-iuft l»r It U ki Korr. Uji, if of tr.«- • Sul ' , «i> eWttxl t to nrm>l VV 1| uf ,-4Bi!li6rJ!. Mr. Sdutrr. -kdiarvl, «* jctvuii! ..f ill InllK. to ,«nr Ivam is I'n .let.l of the- AtxrulM It* pre-ent Uol'l n«-i t- ui \. A. IW, Uetlu*. ok Taylor. Wliilikrr-; JiAeT TW*. I- A. S|(T«K. J. r |"ark rr. i.ut.neii; I•, |; \\ Kdr«r' K tt 1 kri-t.n,. MiMiv-la r; l»r t; M l"at.-. l:.«Lufci. % Utljrl. «rn, lUf«r>l; wl) l_ |. k«4.:n—,i V* »k .hviu. "Ifc* vol) ir* n*«tl*r- of tl* i*ar>i irr l*r k.««»-»«-. Mr-ir>. Taylor. Tkunr an»l I" ikrr The- l iTrt if I Moni(t>r c-0r..;.- «■' I- l» u jmtf (>■(... It u Chrirtiaa. a-*l U \ ''•"V. Meifcuw. turr-srwr vMli tl* iwre-j-lrnt an»l t»prr-almt Woiii-iii Attorney (.'eneral 11 lames Political Pulls tta hk.r!M. Jut* IT l-.-M*- at_«» pulitirtan> jf n~|M iljr f,. r m.. t p»oS enforce— m tr-«Ur>. \|r ■ Halm' tt -krr tt lib fcra- i«. av-bUnt attorney smml of tl* I nited State* l"kl Ikr "'Ulf lt>ur:, rt t i»»r r.-n.m.Mre in Urtr ki«rt of k.wy «•—tin*mn/ t»lai Senator* jh.l narrrvam them »akr r-.f..rrvm« n loir.) t.y m rcL.un.tUr for i- of wM-key |*rwtif- t» |*r « ah,, hr.iabl »o( knr thm M.I f«* ap I—ii-Snwnt of a . Jij rko »" ""»•*» or BMfcks* Hrs. Hult ail •- : L_l. __T—» SMOKERS INST AM Ell OX U \IIJtO (I* I (IK WOMEN ' N*ar». Ju* IflL -Eqsal rifkl- f«r I *i«rt twk a* »«iwr >lry forvani '»l»r >■*• tkr |liMt> fVstral Radvay aUarWJ U it> St. | M i Ch *ar» 4aylkrW a I Tl)[ a»>l -MiAwr rar far ■—l ■_ TWr | "*y umlw Ikrir b m ;|£,?Si2- - r "^ : r v - ' t • I,■ ~ , i -v * I I u % -7T— ~ * .. v WATCH THE I ABEL OS TOt 2 PAPER. 17 _%UKIi_S THE DATB* tori: si bm Kinio*. antn ESTABLISHED 1896 SI I'ERIOR CX>L T RT ! AIUOI'RNSAFTER i 4 HAY SESSION 1 Bunk Owen's Case C "on (iumd to ! % ft-mber T.-ni ! T* r Jiiti.- -if l". M rt* rt«n jty Sopt-«-f r r«.- rt cr* u 2 Ha* j n>lrr>Li) aiUrtkaiiL VvthiK l*at rriniaai fix- car.* wti. : nwit j for trial viSb ikr of oat* j .livorre C3-r. l»r. (Tu-'c T. ' .*4m*ck j\W>«s M .r 1 - KdHbiL i»s aakt a 4j- I vi-'.x- *i. :tse'~! on .t«t«ry ' rrowiMt. T' •» -a£* 1 ;n* ! i ;.-k n- wms o>i timsfii to tfc - r» \! «f n«t t« await' lk.- :*iv yar*wt of the wourt.! of thr »r—Tv. TrH w%■ Owens ! r *N »'* I v *hvA .s' wh«* **■ «tPI mUr to ;Urr«i rout. T ? next rrs«!ir Um #' the Sw t*ri.,r ruart w j** r • V - .3 tr* .«r --ooi Mo-vLm r I -*r-.TT • -»r fV .V|4em. !*•• lew! ¥a elim ki a ircmt «r' of tHe l«—-i>latsre v, IIAS WLNIISTORM \Vn.f r «.s S.y a » «ly » i ; -■ 1> !i wi>- » af tfriKMn. T .»• .u;a i-m- i.-- frwaa tne w«- t ami mitrroi oter tW ton. !4o«:r>r tr* r*j..t odf tk.- patit 4ar ii>! U|> routing -nrnl tree- j« n_ Mary «»f the itrwt. wnr kr ' the tr**- ar,,t air>in% - sere hy linLs . j«l dygau; aavd> by the win.-. KkITIKT H OMENS MI>SMiN %K% limi-S tt>N\ ENTION AT 11 \miTllN (OHAT I The Atriul Couay Cumnerji* of - tke \Voisv— \| «*jrv ■ tie> «.!- !*+t *lk sk* lofliil • hurrh at ll im i:.* to'ii Mrs,.. J,„ |i l!> -r . ranty pre *le«!. I »f*>! to I |4ari for tke fwrfir - M- |; L Shirley at.l other t«4 pu in •♦*■ p»MMI Tkii-r attemiins Ike r>> ivrtiM from the rkarrk were tt'-.bMl J l». A. T rnwfarJ. IV S. j«'ourt:*y, k I Shirley. I iirrwe j I'eef. (• \\ Hil'N i*. ttw» r Mar ' j tin. Sr. II I Me, t t-.F 1" % I* r» 1 ' W I Tayt.r. W J !!..(-• titkar J 'r«ler «.n :in>l M» *'irrw K«wj I Willtaro ■ 111 1111 t Illy.lV-, ti! «i \KIIN t 1 Nl% f -1 1 »r..i to e\|*e .* m. jutm- it_aA- Ito the |e |'l' trf Sljr!a l> .«s(y fo.*" ti* (iota ..I o t -t> rt _**>*,*, 1 ny in J* ti«i.l |4>nor . My -irfea. *v> ki r a mall ina»..ritt a.-= 1 %*->, 0/ tl* fart tlat I wa.- not fal«frd ! L tl* i*r».tial Wf if'Tt* or •« anjr m ;he |r»i4r o: the luaii ai.i tbi I ha«l «mil> a tew Jay- m wfcart *0 rak . i*f«»re tl* ptimr>. I *V«I »a! |l»e t umter of istr- I >,» .o* ikinr I -tuukj ki/>! ■§>%■* nSe. It ■ will I* a ririt piea to . > to e*- my H -em» l«.»l«le »j every wai I jp»->AC ran Very .wrmrly » »r•. KoKEKT I- itNH KV i:iKTHI»\T I'IKII M« IITTLE Miss II ;KIM»\ At tkrir I-,«fwe -fl Ibiifkt j -tree*. Mr.- C. \. Ilafti.-M etter a t.ait fa jr little frirer! J k ft ila a_. hler. Mi-.- I!li*»-a* —»e. M k.».r of t(* liolr r.rf* m t. I^rtk » .lay. ' Oat'leor fanes WW pL.) I f.-r an kowr and Ifcen trft«ta(*s? -*M* of ire cream. eaJte-i. f»-»"•- a I cunliK wrre II I>* far lof Sea.r w-a the re ripieet of pt>T frHl' rift "»■ *»r r Vt of fra-ikk I „ 1 CAKEIES PKESONEK TO I ALI I«.H P " ' Mr. I.ul!*r IVel left iki r Tlirnai ti Ikr cwaaCrj •» M. H- J Water tn RalrtA fta* Tk -er» e % trna m the p-wuew« f J aal *" lev- than ten ytar ,h ™ l fifteen yew- They were nr.- by Messrs J. O. Maamr L Ifc-lewee. Aim tcaammx TV- h«s zmd the Ait- V»l 'eet tn h:rk (ay« 0«» I pjaJesifl Irsrhwr the pßtty little a chance «T thr Mr. , » 1 1 "■ jw . ,t ~ ,-Dn jraa h*T