! SM BEX CRAY Igc PrahcL- D. Winston in the VUHT Ldlrrr) call attention to the tint it of Itm J, a very respected old rolom! i, a small fanner who lived in the ■r Landinr neiidihorhood. rfinr the Civil war he was is t> federate navy and was aboard li - federate Ironclad. **T!>e A 1 arte". ' which fonyht the l>i*s y in the mouth of the r. She was called "The Ram" ana baiit at "Rainbow lUr.fc" near nyra in a cornfield in Halifax j it). ller hsililers covered her wita | •oa.i iroiL Her irip down the soke river strark terror to the forces of the Union amy whora» ion shot struck her ami stum i lolT. She cleaned the I'r.ion Fleet ot »f tlx* Roam.ke river ar.d irlinr.l jflymnmli. After her frrea: battle si el 'was tied up at I'Kuioath w! arf n.'i ■ a (ten of loirs built arour. t her f*-r' 1 protect ion. | liwtm- tlie nt:riu a small («t! wfcU f a fev. Union ailars - ipedo under her and she was b!. v Up. No one wa> al«enl; her «»®c- I! arrl men teinc ashore Itie I nion aSkcr »ho placet! the U - ipeda was Captain U'a. II IV-fajk> | Ren G lay served on "The AlhertaH j I ami was an interesting narrator rf i -1 14 lays afloat. Ca|4. I Sub Fi»m.r. «• of Norfolk. Vaii a candy drumnw-. a 1 » served o« the Bum Some years a -! *.• lie was in Windsor ami I acquaintance with his shipmate I«■ held Ren Gray in hirh c-teeei a- l I never came to Hiwlsvr without b»'- idp him up. Ren Grar dre* a C«nfe.fc>rate p» , | 'ion for his services as suih-i it. tl - ' navv. / So far as I knew he wa- our «. | r Coufealerate sailor from the i Hen Cray had ami deserved the r -1 pect of hi.- many friends. I held h' » in fool esteem. f | ■ ~ ~. i 1 Pitt Community Hospital | •B "MOi EL NI'KSES 1 HOME IN THETINiSS" fBl 55 1 GREENVILLE, N. C. | ray m Open for the reception of Patients, Class Nurses .find the Pub jju lie after June l f 1921. . t/ * \+ 4 r jrfj Modern Hospital construction- Mor'e 5 Nurses' Home. flJj Quiet location in College community. , v/: Sfc Capacity forty beds Private rooms with faith. Distinct Medical and Surgical Sen'ices. if ' *ffl * vo Physician? in attendance. r \ iV Complete Laboratory for quick service to Pocto?s. ? jgj Ambulance oj>f-rafce«i by hospital force any ' ,? sta»-jce A Suj>erintendent Nui-se, a Surgical Superintend CTir-Ntrrse. A Jm Nipht Superintendent Nurse -Tlirf -- 'rniduate a - yit'i e-j •yripnc\ A Graduate Nurses' Re ist» y I: *nt by the n) it* relent. £3 SPECIAL WEEK FOR TH f - RECEmON OF VISiTOttF jyNE23**l>-28TH »■ ■ ■ —■—•—■ • - - ■ ——■ ■ - ••• —— ——* ■ : —— A n A LTI/ ■ ■ Ml ■ WL N& bank to do jror i m M Sfflr^^k Mwk m\Jr LMA mm m and«Bfe«. COTTOX ASSOCIATION SEXOS ' -»U* SITKTi CERTIFICATES The Xffrth Carolina Cotton Growers 1 Cooperative Association t> now send ing out stock certificate* to all rrem hers fho delivered in IViL These cer-| ••Scales cov— the one |>er cert fts«d j Htj by the association as a rest* vc j, fcuL Tr • as.- - iat I««n is als-' forwarding; niftt . which cover the 6| I ,er cent interest due on the certifica- Jtc# i.* irdrbtedneßS. | ' know several editors who n.~ver • I have joine-l the chorus c»f critics who barb at The Congressional | These editors use it for newspajwr [ wrappers ' — : | It misrht l«e sail that Johhny A. t J Pfcil;-«-! ?■*.: in* v the picture sKow |b> : 'iiiii.- pvrJ on llass-eli, Jr. by f • aeat-rr his v.-a i in and Willb r i' . i llodee by blow ni' bis * ay: i (it -irrther may !e salo that Johnny s *■ |ja>s Mitte. !on l«>;.i; "h? drun >«ri Hon-es -i:' >-*»*" tl..- •;i>a'!'ht>r r *b tt-j- or. hestra I I; further said t ; :: Mis. V.". f SR. Watt* and > r "harmony chiU.rtn' j I»- rainiar fa*.«>r :nd !*-« .ii;inr /*"• '*•* i t ; i ali the while. The or* • e-tr- I > iftisrsffiy nij;.it t! ! • .i> i ; hearts and it i BIHII r.>!O>" the nui if -TBskers receive handsome pay. I DR. HOWARD SMITH j i Tlu' Kye-Siirht Specialist. of Monroe, N. C. i will lie here a. _ ain on Monday and . ■ kisses Fit toil to rt'ieve Your jvye Troubles at a Reasonable Prire. j Examination Fnv. BELL JEWKIIJY COMPANY Washington. Nmfh Caraltna HOT DOCS BY THr TOX TO FEED DEMOCRATS AT XKW YORK . New York. June.—The official cat- 1 erer of the democratic national con- I ventior to he held here Jwe 34, is , count ir.c on the "President makers" , two tons of ' !..» a '•by. ! Mrs. Mary L^n*inhere, the caterer's! ' w»fe. fcs.s it rJI figured out at iiteeo , : "i|of-s*' to tk- ;»»ur.d, two tor of the | Coney 1.-lan-* favors:.- v -I' a! ! n»- two a day to each pes ton a: the conver sion. Thirty thousand I'd's a day will he | accessary for the *.l IT-** .-|nd there i" he 'p!en!v of c tfs? >he promises, have alread; o..Jr*cs' five tons." , ..He sjii.:. X"» To forrct t!.- ; >i;.-tar>i. she will Itave E>t' -alions a yen hanl l XOITTH CAROI.IXA MARTIN CO!"XTY 1\ THE SI*I ERIOR COI RT RE | FORE THE CLERK In I!tr natter of M. F- Hatlon. admin tstralri\ of the islile of J. I'. Rut ler. decea-ed. E*-Parte. i r and by vi.-iLc of an onicr of |the in «he Ss»-.-.al lYoeee. entitled "In ' th» nvatter of M F. 1 j ittc.n. adminis i ,f; tn\ of he estate J. I'. butler, i !»-«•-iseo". V v-I'arte." the m>«iersisrn»>i | ; vmr L-sjoner mill on Monday the -!~t j l.fey i'* -*u'y. 1924 o*'er for sale to j t "w hi->.>er for cash at puidie, •*- ront of I*>e courthouse! ,{*»r : .e llie town * * Williamston. ( Xo-t K at I? o'c'ock M. the | f.iR-winr le-ci ibe l rea *,»s!ate. t.»-, !wit ;To sr.vt your money an! to ;>.* vour car. u-e nrtlv TVWCO. THE EIiTEBFSISV, WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. The brick store boiklinjr in the town * of North ('imliha. saw | be in? on Water Street awl beinir the! hrvk -u.re Kiitlire that So j J. r. Butler at the time of his' •leath. This the 19th «lav of .'une. 1924. «HH:II:R MARTIN, C*MW Mart in r»n«l IV**!. attorrr-ys. ear- 4t. • I , NOTICE .. AR ;«er-ons an- heiebj" !).-' tu ji,.- 3 vt j'i-iai; to haul, !irt ;e r--t or. the trees an>l to ilomn im-b on the sr»un.ls of Skrwarkoe Oifh. Any j*rs«>r ■lninr so will he to the f«.llet evtc;' Hy I lav. 1 TliL: M 4>l in rmsffrfno' of i June 7. 1924. SYLVESTER HASSEI l_ M.Nlemtnr. JOHN II V17.E1.L. tlrrk INVITATION NOTICE OF SALE CnJer an-i l»* virtue of an enter of the Soperor f'nurt of Marti-' 'un- I ty. ntii!.' in .-jxvial procoe-Hr- en- , titksl "U>qr"b K.ws dwßistntrix of thr * f /Almu* Cowire >'e 1c -e.!. vrtsu* Tiney S. I'owin. Sei' I :tt I S.J. " the L3>Srni|rdrl eomniis-ioii |er » ii -i Snt.:»»iay the 21st «fc-> of I June. I'.JI in 'mnt of i!ie to.FIII »J J* [doer ir. ti.s> t»* n .»f V.llianiMvi. r.oith .>il. ? '.»r .-ale to !,t -iie-t b»Mer for f i-* at 52 o'ekek Mi, iiw ..In ' ■!" j-.*xvi rtn! e-;jt»c IVi im st a stoU on Cowinrr St-eeA. 11. Vyer* c.>ii,rr: I' .thou' ja F;.-t»..i««ii> our: " 1 T»7 .V-" :%!««:.s A I!. A)rt> line to a W H R.»« ervon corner; tKer»c" aiot *v Rdi ntan at*! A. 41. Ayers in • 1 * 1 >trl- at llarr: .on StlW". HW» Tv-ki' sK.-i. a Westerly I !"■ , feet " |t.«rri.-on Street to 3 •.!•»• the r*- tfr of ilarri-on aisl Co*.r>* Ir-eni'* aUvil a northerly f. ur i- .Ai fert *lim- Cowing »e« . .'•■ a -toi. tie hepimanc. It heir '.* ' " | iin She A IS. \>e-* IJ:-I ThL- he 2!*s" .lay «.f May. i!» « El BEET S. "EEI, Comioi- Martin ai-l I evl. ii .vs. rru. .-Mi: IKII i:t>oi» MIMH t'ow Fnr-fc See or C"atl Joe Taytor ViTItT I loitftil any ami all per on- t«. Inn . r -Helser ray Hny !»• t 4 «tter hrwirr. who is only I* year.- •»!•* ll*- 9 TO ALL EDISON ji ill OWNERS! ! '1! i ;! I |{ » \\«* are i h'ased l' l '.ii'iiutir'C;' ilii'i tl.iu I I! tlu- efforts several Kdi£»n deal-is in t!,H j 111 .section an Kdison ( luh lias I* -en foiir-ed. This club will afford all hdison o\\ nets j —' j the o|»|M>rt unity of hearing all new m-ords ! * I isue«i oiu-e each monlh. j I ! 1 l\\ Send vour name i«» Me or !*»ve your as!- r 11 * i 4 ! dress with il When in William, ton and w* j ff I " I II will notilv you of U.h* date a ;»!u|»:n-nt ar- . Mj I * " s|| rives. We are allowed to keep llie sample ! • ! j ivcords for one day only, so don't faii io |] 'I j send us your adduw in order thai we may j j |j| * / • | '! inform you in tune. pi • |j iGISHSi - - - ———— fr ;left home May 28. !924. |s HOWARD OI TTERRRIDCE. i ; , LOST: HOG BO It; HI FROM Wll.- j on Hyman. llvmu'Jth. N. C. Jars-j I ary l._'l. !!?j r.v.rkf*! with V c.\« r j : !-?ft an>i risi. eur. Uei 'iw s-wa! or* , hutfclrei? a:vi tir-V pounds. r-'H lift; j U' k --pot» o:. .t, V ,'ry itnlK. Msn*!n ' iitie. W illantttoii. |i KOOKS r V:r.onut for rent. TV«I !«citiw : ar • i.r'l o;*jti>!«ei for ':* * • •ux- j, fce at l>.!frp .-t' i-fic W WTED: TABLK IHI.'UiIKKS «\ l'ri\ute family. Kate j -r weet j A|», to Miss M.tti- ! • :«k ;tw;. jc.;! ! '•*!. ! from post off Wo. 4 - , tuiiE ui.r'.iniNC I an in a p>v.i!. •« to K>tt«»r- a I i rhair> am 1 fix ther: •. B*> way tm- j' N.ir; I nl-o upf «•! Ur -»:•! chn r» ii ve j; me a trisl. W. 11. rers V tor. >t reel ( rear S|- !lar*s • or*** Wi* \ jliamston. N •' I __ | jW *\T ! or ««n' nto Ulf ' | I or«lei> *«*f [-spi' -f iTJarai tee-l ho- j, ier. ft»r rI r wo.*r?i rf t'cin n j, Elimin; • »-»; :•!- Sa'>r\ 57.'- 'a ful* tir.v*. >'! "4* ,-n l.»uf -iv.r» t.«»e I |!e itsti: ul Sarins: !ir* International Sto«k.ei: M>l!s. 7 0 I I»K. « II \KI.R> J. SAW > EE Wi*vf-t»r. I . ILEFICH V 11.I 1 . 51 'I !»NT". IVjr'av *. l">e. Ei-. No«e i an*! T'iro..* from I to C ft ill .'i" '. !■ (vesi I'ri.ir * .'"•■•n V. \I. COM: Pentist . Cl>, . Tt.' F. r. Mer fh.-.! s n.n i Hour - !•• I ' an.i I .'* *'! r it e *!'. l"t ore No I I si*' II t «*•►'■"' I \MB f: t t»|tl I:n VlTni;\i:\: VT t \w L'ttt j!i*\t t«» Amir raafor.! ( j T' l' |»ho- 1 \«» 71 V illian-'on. \«HSh « ai.J.nj Mil! i: I w fit iMuklol to y..ur »-i .iii >r\ Ut iek an>! rrnral work ai>i j al>.i vour lalhinu. I >vs!l "> n f*r J • ii* :«cement on art*! after J.i»e ''-j * I »r.| if you have any of the ahom v«»rk to lo you may write or call to 221 Kiuth I'eatl street, Williamson. Work inno in ai.«l oat of tom. Geo. A. Rogers. -Ntnio: OK ICK-SALE- Soliw >s heicb) rum inat bv *ir of an nwr of th» St:i»'Hor Coofi ' J1.1.I1! ('«> .. i vj.ie ... :' •» S|>*ariai I'i.tftiint- f iiitle.J **H. .I -.re. Ks i.-.-.i r of Ja: * il M«.i. ; I H. 1..' M,«..f. tjuar-i-.iv •r Willi, r. )ur. a IVi;, t": * "tv, . 1 iit I Ivrr. , 1 "-t - ■ - . * « . . 'C ■ • .»•*..» I« . 5 -~>v !i. ( i, J.i-js»V: a-.. Joe t: hc. r>. Marv * t *. r.r. i • 1 ! -*Ti i iUSjcie'M'j „ru otlu'ii- , > KTm4 J .1 rr-jsi'f. 1! -T —»« 'i-. '-^R reports! b* tiM 1 * inis.'ioii'T *>fu I «»»aN>. ti.e iv* •n 1 cmnito>M>tir.' I* fl »rr \*4 -Hi.lv lhe Mth .Jay of July* I ! i'2l rt l J 11,' '-•* . .n . r the ' * «my ».« *, . of Mi' 11 » :iIL j W r. \ * . -1 •: in -! r «*r ' r - ' aJ a'n*tH»r. U* lhe fc'-h t bt*S- 1 j 'Urr f*»r o>l.. f 1 «• :r. : «!■-. *ril** ; » I 1 wit : l *'u. 1 TUA4 1 '.' .a i |i " !«■* «i tie >« U* *■(« lls;!rxS'! Street in li«e t«»*** of Rt*4>-; \ i' iijMi tr*«rt: l*f t » a :• .♦ t«» a*l ah*'it ». * n»c .«. «* ? I- I . « Tut!., l«*"*tv- th* > iff •••! -*e«4*r *!»... 5 i- "4. »? «' «vf •h * t Uifl arso of Jnn»*>. ! 1 \l *»io. SttX'Xli TIJVtT- S'luate if- • •. , 11 *»" Iw Vr^^.xijli 4 , .i j-t ® tit« % -*r " IIh«\ O !?* ■** j |. , - «.*. ' J; ;■'»,» ,j v , IV . I*" ir» r >!-.Ve. : » rur - !}•• » r«» • « | s " ' ; •'' •• »■•■! • a J ->■>, |f».„ I • - rara'lil f. to »• ! •' M " - ■' " iWcck Vr, ' *\curs»o,}s I No;-folk. \ a 5.;n , »1-»»11 s\ 1i« * reach lin Ikk« I - Mill K- ra-ti IVmL*« aw 1 J.-Mlatda* l aii.J to V.tl.u.-hl j I olito SM£'. ' HV* rd !?•«» Suf 1- or *alf da;l> to if* I w»i«V s and I jn.ulj. Sl«»p (hiT% .»! .if. I im.il l»m«l 0 tol>r .111. '■ v. WIU-fV.S rici-t r j U iluw !.«r„ \ ( |.» ; ('>;» ! !.i»i« k ' T>-- «l l!a i.f |ko 11 Cooperative Agents I i i ! ! hi.- Hank «»!it iI I UK». r 'is .!! i i i I t 'i«' CI Soi ( «»»»!({?:•'••» I- | I ti j I • 5V*. «•:,!«-.\ ' si• In ii! » ' t i«>*•; ;• i I 1 i! A V'l icultliral T" I*T -s ji i « N-UD -»• i» I;. ! 'I I I If in Neecl of Funds j i ♦ i for Productive Pu - ! i r | poses, Ca 11 or see Us j ij ! i ll your O»|H ralivr i nicurol lit*k-si"i "i- j i ■ 1 i ii! norv j , j | Martin County Sav- j ings & Trust Co. wilmamkton. Noirni cakoi Jl v | II ~ ■ : I. h»3se and lot xnijaming the one oe cQpi»i by J. EL Moore awl wife at the time of hi* oeato. THIRD TfiACT: Dejfin.'.irr. cn First Scats RaircoH Sirret U1 tJ* to*rn of R'Vroi;T3i?. N. C-, #t the ?«B!hwe« comer tiatreof at un jv« t-'ke; nuwißg ilf*r Strr-et • »r. '-f\ a- • fire irse*.- 3^ TCtsreei pof*3d lii-os «*■ ; I:~e ri the r.cbrr->a. flje IJ ; -1- j • »»* r,.F-l-0"-.y. "1 Uw'r'ml ith.- L>i » S.H 1.5t .V-.Lrt '•« M «J«a . rviJe Chrrn _.-wVr the U.!» u« e ' WvfAr»* ' - .. . 5 f , •" 71 - r * . 7hi s»>e : _"tn -iaj of June ' * H. NMVG Co c «i , tor. 6-iMt WNDIGESTION 4 fcffwjrftopamamfaim U«ot«» (fw> |u» d.«xnn ■*t after meal*, fw-1 faing blat i»l owtipMirc with CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS -— 1 r'" ■■•*—lafciT id) IDa i r y ] Supplies * , *r>c n j ' " - - t % l!!S | \?j;u li.«iiu*« np w* * ]i. k f *.* i« l» s j ...» .- I I (H'itTS ii t. liiin-.s 9 . :t . j* :J. n v- *m~w | i) Russ Bros. H | STt' '» - \V-. /iijiiL>ton, N ( . •» . J b'MC*UW#« UM

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