ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM HOMES OP MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 38 DEVSEY HINES, A COLORED IAN DIED AT MOBLEY IWU. SUNDAY AFTERNOON CTJJgn AS A RESULT OF A BLOW ADMINIS TERED BY HOYT HOUiDAY WHICH KNOCKED HIM OVER ENBANKMENT PRELIMINARY TRIAL HELD YESTERDAY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ASA T. CRAWFORD PLACES HOLUDAY UNDER SI,OOO BOND FOR HIS APPEARANCE IN COURT About four o'clock Sudsy after noon Sheriff Koberson was —itifinl that a dead man had been foam! by the road urfo near the MoUe> Mill, aad the sheriff immediately went to investigate the matter. He had Dr. Hash It. York go alone also to nakf a aardical examination. Wbfu he readied the place ho (otuki the dead man to be Dempsey Husr.. a colored man His body was lying b> the at the but of a Ml ateu: fire feet high, Information was offer «l by some present at the scene Uu. lloy-t Hulltday had knocked the acgr backward off the dam and that hi. head had struck a lok killing him bu'. there had been no altercation be twscn Hines and Hulltday The shunt j want immediately to the how af Hulltday where he found him sitting ua the porch and arrested him, bring tag him to town placed him in th. count, jaiL Hulltday was given a pretiauanry beariag before Justice of the Fence Ana T. Crawford yesterday after aooa. C. K Swain, J. R. Crawford, Dr. H. It. York. John S. Cook and Jeaepr Hoilis were examined as Stag's wit ■r. Pwaia state. I that he with Hal May, Crawford and Dempaey Hine had been riding in his automobile that he was driving with Dtmpaej HUMS an the front seat beside him They were coming from the direction of Hamilton and wers approaching th. Mohley Mill when Hine* asked HaUt day for a dip of snuff aad HoOiday tald him that ho did Bet have aay as he had lost his sneff box, wherewpoi Hine* tokl Holliday he was a damn*>i Uar and that he Just did not wain him to have it. Then Holliday warned Hiaes not to call him a liar agaia a* that ,*>is "fighting piece" aad the ■pgr* had repeated his Matt si ml and laid him to get down on the r"—l asking Swaia to stop the car, thi Swain refused to do. Then Hines reach ad down aad turned off the switch aad cat out of the car before it stopped and whew Holliday rot oat after him he called him a'damned liar again. Tte» Holliday kit him a blew ia the far* which knocked him backward, his hee l hitting • leg when ha feß dswc thr embankment Swain added that he cranked ap and drew* haw rpee Holiday and Hines had steed fare te fore when the Hck was passed nnd that they had both been drinkiag Hr. J. R- Crawford was the next witness called and he snid that he ted been at Jaa Hollis' heme when C B. Swaia. Hoyt Holliday and Dii | u Hines, colored, cassa far a short visit and when they left they invited him - te go along with them aad ha had teU them that ha would go as far as the water mill and that he sat sn the hack seat af the Fold car with Mr. Holiday. And than he gave snhstan tteßy the same version af tee dis pute as had Mr. Swain. Bat that he did net leave the negro with Mama. HoOiday aad Swaia ha* had stayed with him until the frethemergad frose kte uaae sad sreatk aad asaaa*ted hire and ha want te a spot aaaiky phi«» they iUaaas with him a few mismti. and they fonnd tint Hinas had maiad a little bit and that hie hand hnd dip pad off the lag en which it was lyase when ha left and that he appeared te • he dead. Mr. Crawfoed stated that ha hnd seen Dr. Yak examine him aad Oat te ted uplainril te the doctor tew it eept n vary small state an the log where the hand had hit and an the evsand directly aaderaeath the head, te added and te also stated agate that fete fat Ma >i lIMII that Sheriff Biharesa aafc te found a small, naaatk didlM cat rfaahdik length ea the hack af the head at the hare af the M haw* He stated that te tad ah THE ENTERPRISE IJST OF WIN\KItS IN ENTEB PBISE"S MISSING WORD CONTEST MtenieM. Hard to*, of James, .B* Wins First Friar White J. H. Murß Of This Place t op* Setiaad tter After running for ten week the Misainr Word Contest came to a rloise with the L>w of The En terprise of June 13th. The contestants niL-t have enjoyed tl«e content, for there were few who did not continue until the end. The number trying for i the various prises was highly p!eas ■ in? and it is our sorrow that we aren't {able te forward to each and every • contender a prize, but it would be jalrnust impossible te do such a thing; jso we rherked up the labors of all are awanli-g the prises to those gaining the most points and showed no one any partiality wl.atsoevrr. We thiik. and basing our reason o». pare facts, the contest has been a snareas in most every way. We are sure the several hundred who tne»: for the prizes have readily seea tha: the advertisements a newspaper car ries contain valuable tews, even mom «o than the "news" itself, in man; cues. When you look through the list below and fad to see your name don't be disheartened but when, if we do. stage another content start with an even greater determination to win. The winners are as follows: First pnifi, Miaaie M. Haniisoi.. Jtmnilk. N. C; second prixe, Johi. H. Mixrile. Williamson. N C TW first prise ia a check of flfi.uO. thr second n a check far l&HO and thei. the ten next highest ere iJI e|ual, be ing checks of Ilftl denomination (checks all good, tool. The winners of thr SI.M checks are. Mary M. An drew*. Wdltamston, N. C; Mrv An rust us WiHiams, Robersnnviße, S. t" C. Virginia RareLßl, Rahersonriii*- NJCL; Cecil Taylor. Wdlianston. H. CL; Elbert Moore. Wdliamston. H. C; Mrs. Robert Hydenrcici. William* ton. N. C; Mrs. J. W. Cnaady. WB liamten, K. C_; Kmaia Daaiel. Oak City, N. C.; Mrs. Hmer Chersas WiUiamstar. N C.; Mrs. Theodore Boherson. Wnlicmstor., V C. THE GILL OF THE ETIBCOPAL CMCBCH TO HAVE WHITE SALE The Gill of the Kpixopnl ehurrh srdl serve ire erenas, cake and candy at Jim Leggetts old store, Thursday yght at eight o'clock lite public is cordially invited. Messrs. Sam Maagum and Hahert Melvin of Durham were visiters here adoday aad today. Mr. Maagum ni aae of the proprietors af the Dixie Warehensc last seasoa aad was one of the mart popular warehouse men that has tea te WiHiamstou for Mr. Crawford te the court. • Mr. Johi. S Cask also testified that ha had seea the man in tte saaae poaitten as tte others had ilimfiri. that the body was lying at tte font af tte in ill fciani saw Dr. Tack ■ate tte cxaaunatioa and beard Mr. Crawfard expiate tew tte accident occured as a resak of the trouble which ted Jaat teen told by Messrs. Swain nnd Oaarferd. He said that te had aaaa aa Hand te tte road at aay place. Joseph Hdb stated that Swaia. Hoßiday and tte aagr*. Hines, came te his house te get pop aad that they had atea invited haa te gn with them which te refaaed ta do and in a short whße Wnaia utmmd aad tell him that HolSday ted struck the negro red te believed ted Hied bias. He ,*aid that te want far Sheriff Baher no htead aa tte dre Sunday bat teaad aaree Maaday te tte saare flare > that te ted ixamiufl Sunday and ted net seen aay at aB. There was as After tte Stele's niton am ted teen A bead waTfcmd"fa tte sren af| tIBBBBi by Mr. Crewfard far the ap n. 0 * Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 24,1924. ! MESSRS. M. C SHARY. F. J. ISEIFERT AND CARROLL W. WILLIAMS HEKE SATURDAY •An Mmbtri mt the Editorial Staff of The XiMfartirtrs Rtcarl I Ml■! I. M. a star), F. J. Seifrrt and Carroll W. Williamt of Baltimore ■w» in town Katunlay for a few hours. Mr. Wiliaav » on the editor Ul staff of the Manufacturer's Keroni ami Messrs. Shary and Seifert are connected with the advertising de partment of the Record. They are (Mtinf information ami material for a special edition of the Manufacturer's Record to be issued in i a few month? which wDI be called "The i'-jutbern Division" ami they will feature "Fifty Year.-, of South ern Progress" under the division "A Glimpse of the Past, the Facts of the Present and a Forecast of the Future" Richard Hawthorne Edmund has been the prime factor in making the Record the useful agency that it ha* become in the promotion of the South. So editor or writer of any kind serir * to coanprenei.d more dear 1> the natural advantages that naturo has bestowed upon the Southland thai. Editor Edmoml. His paper is (footed in all parts of America as authority 011 the problems, advantages ami institu tions of the South. The "t*»ue of this special edition ol his magazine vail be of great value to the Southland as it will tell Un real facts in a plain ami forceful uaiioer ami that is the only kind of advertising we need, for we are mon bountifully Me-I titan we know. CHAMPION CABHA(>E (i ROW Eli Mr 1_ Phelps Hardison stands a' the head of the champion cabhagi growers of Martin county. Mr. Ilardkon brought a cabbage to town on June iDth that weighed six teen paaa la A large Lumber witness «-d the weighing of the cabbage. Ye the m* or one bringing in £. athfe weighing 1C pounds or ovei we waU give a two years subscript im to The laUrprM To the man bring lag in mm weighing II- puumls we will give a one years subscription to Th»- Enterprise. , Offer hohl* good any ila> this year. EPWORIH LEAGI'ERft 10 Gl\ K A i.'.r AXbSk IF A Ibe Lar-agiler* ol Uie Wil- Haanlt.ii Methodist church will give a JaiaieM Tea at the borate of Mrs. U. E. Warren on Weiiaexla) after ■ooa from 4 Is C. Kcfrt.»hanent» will be served £.A a silver offering will br taken. Special The public is rarlull) uivitod. MR. HARRY A. BIGGS AND MRS. WILLIAMS ENTERTAIN FRIENDS One of the moot enjoyable occas ions of the spring MKUI Mrasou in Williams ton occurred Thursday even ing when Mr. Harry A. Higg and Mrs Carrie Biggs W Jlams entertained a; Albemarle Bench. cumplimentar) to a number of their local friends. The heat and hnatesi offered to their truest* an evening of assorted pleas ures. The water was cool and refresh ing, and |nite a number of the party tried swiauninr, arhile the dancing with untie by the WOliaaaston orches tra proved a very popular attraction. A sumptuous midnight luncheon was served, consisting of fruit punch, assorted sandwiches, pickles, cheese and cake. ihise present were Dr. ami Mr*. J. II ft ■■ Ini. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Mar tm. Mr. ami Mrs. J. G. Codard. Dr. and Mrs. F. a Cone, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, Miss Carrie bell White. Mrs. Carrie Biggs Will lasts, Mr. Harry A. Big, *, Mr. Jack W. Biggs. Mr. E. & Peel. Mr. C. D. Cnrstarphen, Jr, Mr. Julius & Pari. •MRS. SALLIB RIGGS ILL Mrs. Sallie Biggs continues very 01 and little hope is entertained for he letovevy i there is a derided change in her cienditinu in a short whla. Mrs. Biggs is one of the most ty ami friends by the me aaxiemdy await al hope Hm her recovery. ■fr n " . trip to ~ • t ij.l yesterday. Mr tft Carleiphia Jr. notoml ite Wiehmgtaa B—day night I Messrs- Henry Carina and hn«h- Alan* Parker Garkin «.* KerfoM 4 ««s ruiUr hoe yesterday NORTH CAROUNA F LEADS IN TRUCK SHIPMENTS North Carolina leads all other states in truck shipments since June, t her track crops amounting to more e than those of Mors la ami California r combined. Our State shippeu •n Saturday 1 301 solid car loads of potatoes, bring f ing to the gruweis tl-Vt.uoo The ■ >ame day we shipped 21 car loads of m berries, sixty nine car loads of i ntcumbers and right car loads of f snap beans. * The prices on most truck crops ' have been poor. The late spring caus ' ed all section.- to plant at the same ' time, causing too great a production ' at one time. r I DELEGATES TO ASSEMBLY * I _____ ■ Misses Evelyn Harrison. Joaephina r S- *. s, Mary Clyde Leggett and Mr. .;>ant Carsterphen returned Satur * lay from Morehead City. N. C whera ' they served a> delegate* to the annual ' North Carolina Epworth league As 1 >embly. The assembly met in the Atlantic Hotel which was turnc-l o\er entirely 1 ;o the u e of the leaguer . The l>all " hull room «ra» eoasverte.! into an as ' »mUy ha!l in which the ilevotlonal ' were h4l. Classes were con ' Inctol throughout the lower floor of He building. The faculty, coasts!in- of -.. me of he ablest ministers and Christian A-urkers of the State, offered a course .f study especially adapted to tlx •leeds of Epworth leaguer s lite l«al lelegates took the Work .ffervtl ami re .-rived crrtiflcates the a of workcovercd. The standard of the Epworth league chapter will be greatl) rai-e.l by its splendid ion at the conference. Its former lea>ler, Mrs. 1. f*. I ark■ ii. has been appointed Junior Supt. of the North Carolina Confer nee. She is plemsantl> rememhervd n W'iOtamston as the wife of Rev I- C. I-arkin. i Mr. and Mrs. John McCall Return From Wedding Tour Mr ami Mrs. John Met all returned .es tenia) eevnine from a weabliag trip of three weeks duratiun •lunnr which time they have visited Northern .-Hies ami spent much time at Virginia • leach They were married in Wilmington, the home of Mrs. McCalloa June the .ifth at the resilience of her aunt. Mr.- E. A. Yeager The we-hliug was a very Sjuiet one with only the dose relative* of the contracting parties present. Mr. McCaR is the local manager of the lender store ami has been living in the city of the pa* few months .luring which time he has made many e«|uainlanc*s ami friends who will be interested to lean, of has marriage. They will be it home in the Ewrll l>ome on Smithwirk street, the Hon* formerly occupied by Mrs. Sue Eweil KliXINi; OFNbXJItO SAI) AFFAIR The unfortunate kdlinig of Dempsey llines, a negro, on Snnday by Hoyt llolliday, a white farmer, produces a -adness. perhaps e*«n greater than ihe simple kiUiag itself. The fact that three white anen wei» | i xtin-5 around on Sunday celebratinr .ml drinking liqaiof with a negro Is the tragedy of the affair. Three white men. all with gouU families go mat to rade, talk and drink with a negro who also has n family. As a result of the association of the four unmeasured and untold trouble has been wrought. Trouble to the ex lent that one man goes te bis grave ami another under a one thousand dol lar bond Yet. the greatest blow COOKS te the innocent women ami children who have to share the sorrow, and trou tales which reunited from improper ' Just another time when people fail r ed to think. Another reminder of how ' ewsy it is to get into trwvkle and how 1 hard it is to get out. Bat it the eon 1 tinned kdlrng keeps mm n pur with ' the present or increases ha the lenst 1 there will he bat few to think or U he reminded m Martin eonaty. » Messrs. Julius Inn*. Crack Taylor iumr» Edwin Kartell sad William H. I William* spent Ihe week-end ha Nor ' folk and Ocena View. •' Mr. aaad Mrs. R. L Shirley aaad chl t drew motored to Ma re head Gty yes terday. WhOe la More he v l they will i attend the Annual Stale Sen Side run vention held by the Baptists FORMER RECTOR TO PREACH HERE Will l*reach Both itiorn ingr and Evening At Episcopal Church I ________ In the absence of a minister in the I Parish, Rev. Morrison liethea, former I rector ami Arclulcacon of t'onvo- I cation of Raleigh, will preach here J both morning ami evening on the Iflfth Sumlay, June 29th. Mr. Bethea has visited the town >uite fre*|Uently since he has been making his home elsewhere, often be ine callisl to minister to the congre gation. ami his love for the people is still strong, as is that of the peo|>ie for hini. Ilis visit to the Parish at this time will he appreciated. an«l the public is conlialix inviu.l to hear him at both services. \ Mr. Bethea is an attractive >i»;iker, ami his sermons always bring a mes sage. refreshing ami wholesome. t«» his hearers. Members of other congre gations who do not have services on that day are especially invited to at teml. IS DROWNED IN \ TAR RIVER FRIDAY Tried to Swim Across the River With All His Clothes On Wilson, June '£t.- William Jack ■son Cockerel!, 22 years of age, port-nls are lea«l, was drowned in Tar River latt Friday afternM>n whib swimming with his uncle, whose naim *e di«l not learn. It is sail that they were up above Strickland's mill, where they were hsliing. and the young nian >iec»tei lie wanted to the river and at tempted to ywim the stream with ali clothe, on. The strong current rarned him under and lu.> b»l) was re coveml late Friday evening. Satuida\ morning roroner Pear son of thu county, accoii.wanied b> lieputy Sheriff Frank Barnes and l»r. Eric Bell, repaired to the plan made examination of the body ami . aioo to I lie conclusion there was m foiil play.—Tarboro Soutlierner. BARBER SHOP NEWS The men of Willianiston are com plaining that they cannot get a seat at the local liarber shop becaiu e tliere are always M. many friends of the op posite se« who have to le |»ri -ent their friend gets a "trim" or a "shingle" or a "hob". They admit that ■n tills day of ei|ual rights that tW iii this day ofeiiual rights that the women have a right to go to the bar bur shop ami that it is their hard lurk if they don't get tliere first. But hey do say she ought to leave her friemls at the drug store. "Andy Gump" says that he in get ling mighty tired of staying 11% town these hot days when he could le en joying himself in some cool shady > pot on the banks of the old mill poml fishing for those monster "chub " that he heard Dunning tell j-'siul just be cause lie is afraid to leave "Mln" that long for fear she would have one ~f those "boyih hobs" when he got back to town. One lady in town «ay* that .-lie never hail anyone to tell her that slie had pretty hair until she had tlie bulk nf, it "laid out" in the palm of her I .and. Ami she says that she would appreciate it if no one else would take the pains to tell her so again. If tnyone should ask my opinion I shoul.i ■ertainly feel like saying that it is one of the most uncalled for coinpli ■nerds that I ever heard of ai;y one giring another., As the fourth of July is s» near at hand we know that Williamston will i|| have plenty of women with beau tiful long tresses to take the part of the (Goddess of Liberty in case we should want to have a patriotic parade or anything of the kind It actually happened in one of our nearest neigh boring town during May that on Memorial Day the lady who was to pose as the Goihless of liberty sent word to the committee that she could M come to the exercise because *.ei cl itdren had been taken violently 3*. Those in charge pomlere I over Ihe rii nation ami "looked over" the c»p of pretty won>en ami dec»■ led thil •h. ae was no other one te take her place and finally they had te call her upand tell her they could Ami no one else with lung tresses ami ask her wh»t should they do. There was nothing left te do exept for the poor woman to leave her chil dren te the care of someone else while she went and helped in the patriotic pnrade. We decided te write shout this ex perience of oar neighbors an that we mirht at least persuade two of oar pecttiest yoang women te rave their • hair far sach urra«laaa I jTRANSI *ORTATION 5 OF SC HOOL CHIL DREN IN COUNTY i h In an article in this paper last week refere.ioe was made to the fact that th» cl.ief iiKe.»iiy ft r Kam» I.ile or other MHIH4> amo.tious to build up ? a classified high school was twofold, r via; niore :iunitier are :n|UipM an.», • imii* money tluin the county apt>n»pr-1 r iates will be needed. In this connec- j i tion the cost of transporting -chool I children is considerable. The present j I policy of tIK- lloai .1 of Kducation i i to prox !.i«- the truck when a sufficient • number of children, residing beyond • a radiu- of three milo- rf the school • can h,- jilolcfil to attend daily there 'by making *hr hauling cust a> chea|«u.- t the teachin-r cost would l>e in the dis • trict where they re.-ide_ There wen- eii;ht truck- operate., in alarlm count) during school ■ via •« transport children. Se\«n of tliem wore county owned aiul the c«> ' of operating of all was paid lor by the county for 4 lie constitutional tern. 1 of >ll months. When a 'ruck wa. operated for any additional term, the cost came from special tax of tlie district lieriving Uiu-fi p mm same. These eight truck- I traveled a total distance of it,OL 1 mile- during tlie term and the a\rr aire number of niil.v- traveled by a ■ truck durint; tin- I'-rm was 2.H79, The i»rm:e numlier of miles traveled per day l>> a ttuck was 1 J'.'J The tola' number of passengers hauled to a**' irom was 2V.I.HK. or an aver : a»;f of .TX The total upket-p and mail, tenance cost auioui.ted to luring I IK* term making an average >peratiti* cost for each trw-k each - »ionth of llt.M. Therefore, the ewst of hauling the average child each day I nn average di-tance of 1H.9 nnle-. wa rt little If* than seven ami one-half : cents A little school averaging la pupil . per day with a teacher |>aids!M> pet month has a |«er teaching cost po» pupil of This Ua |« r pupil |*i •lay instruction cost of thirty cent- I If the SCIMMJ were U high school «b --. partmeat. the instruction cost wouto I be rven liitrher than thirty cents. Th ,n-truct tonal cost at a certain high -clmol of this county during l*£J-£: was lfct*»een forty and fifty cents per ;«upiP>er day. In the school to which these children were transported the instructional cost and transportation cost are not this year half the in ■ motional cost alone of last year Trans portal ion is the means of growth • fficiency. ami economy when rightly handled. School booster: are u-int' it for it is cheaper than buying -hoe leather. MISS kkkjamin LEAVES | InR HER HOMK IN %RKANSA> Mr. and llrs. J S. V. Intley. Mrs. M 11. teatU, Messrs. John I- lla.—ell ami llarold Everett accompanied Miv> , >laaly.« Benjamin to Rocky Mount Sunday afternoon to take the Ira.l. ; ior lake Village, Arkansas. She made | the trip by the Southerii route, piiiie I byway of Atlanta. MiL Iteajaniin taught in the local SCIUM>|S and ma>.R • for her.-elf ail enviable reputation a/ . a teacher and site took an active m [ teres! in the religious ami social life of the town. She has made a lout of > friend.- in Williain.-toii who regret . (hat she will not spend tlie sumnie : here. While in Williamston she was the gue.t of tier sister, Mrs. I Whitley. * i,, I - Mr. ami Mrs. 11. M Stubbs ami 1 little son. Harry Jr. spent the week end in Wake Forest visiting Mr*. Stubbs' )iarents, Mr. ami Mrs. Karris. Miss l)au>y W)nm, Mr. R P. Pope with Mr. and Mrs. K. 1- Shirley are ; rpemling this week at Morelieaii City. | I Mr. Hamilton Hutchinson of Rale ■ igii iprnt several days of last week r visiting his cousin, Mrs. C. IS. Hasseß - and Mr. HasaelL t Mr. l"erlie Perry of Tartioro ami r Aho.-kie spent several days of last - week visiting hi- mother, Mrs. IJ-UIM > Perry in New Town. > Mr. Robert liogart of Washington t spent a part of last week here with I Mr*. Bogart at the home of her meth i er, Mr*. Sallie Biggs. Messrs. t'edric Ltary, G. C. Brit - t ton ami John White of Ahoskie of P Ahoskie were visitors in town Sua- I day. r Mrs. A. HasseU ami Mr*. J. L IVel r motored to Washington yestenlay to • carry Mis Ruth Peel to get the train r for Morebead City. Mrs. J. D- Wool aril eras called to t Norfolk last.week to attend the funet - al of her little neice. Miss MrVamara p who died aa Thursday morning. She r retamed today. Attorney Will Roger* of Ahoskie - was hi the dty yesterday iltwdhg ' »o r' Mrs R. J. M b visitmr at the r| haane at Mr. Heary D. Pad who b | very ■ fna a stroke of paralysis. WATCH THE LABEL ON YOIR PAPER. If CAKKIES THE DATE TOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 MR. H. WILVEK MIZELLE ( »l EDENTON IS SPENDING A PEW DAYS IIKICK ' lias No! Been la V. dliamston la T»e«tj »ii Years ilr. 11. ttilmer Mizell of l>ntoa is -petslir.-; s few .lays in V» illiam ston. I -I r Mi2ell says that he has not jbrett to V. liliam-ton in tWvMy-six j years. Uhen he lirst ;i;:{m>arlinl the j town he fecund so maay changes thai Had taken place that he lia.i to go down to far-tarjiic-t/- k iorc l«efore ie was sure when- ..c : va». |(>ne an vantage Mr. I Kar':C has given us hy Rot :>u "ding i- Mr Mixell ia- •>•»*.■! in the jewelry hu- trie. . ir, Iwrnhm !>ut has : eeei.tly -*'l'l **ut hi- He-ine-> a'rui i. n w gep eia: >ale, « 1 f«r (hikl cars. I't" i- a natiia of Jame-.v.!'e. his father, tie I te !l V. M ,-tl. was for many jear- ow ~f leaaling liiervhants of Ma-1* ec• y. LOCAIaS TO I'LAV WASHINGTON TK\M TO.^IORIiOW I lie li-al towt: lia-e Kill ie mi .rill U> I- it!le with ?r-e Mrk«| team of the Sunday Sr'-wl lew a. «" Was! in-! on iNn.>riM aftemaM.n Wa.-hin 'on Tt is umler t.--i that eh, M.I leai'tte oi \% a inni'tor ' c,»m i w es| of -eieril teams all'i uhen "he he !is pirkot from the lei' ue a real team it will lie. Many of the l'*:J fan- are planning to atte»>.i the anie. 'I he prx-haMe lineup f..r V* illtam loli b a* Kdlows: l.ritt. pitched; Jes-e ilarrrii U-hiint the bat; t'liarlr l -rni"-, Ist la-e; J. Purvis. 2nd Ua-a- ihirry lame- 3rd -aa-e. Julian llarr. l . s.v; i£id»t. Grimes. 1. f.; Ilowel! Tayiar. r f. I. Hat "hill, C. f. HAMILTON ITEMS MiScs Sat.ih Litig John on :,f Hal. lt> al- l Mi .- Il«-h n \li-, L o "sot !aml Nt-ck are the guest- of Mr-. K. M. l ong. Mrs. Mamie Newsome an t Sallie are -finding .-ome time with Mrs- J. A. l»a\enport. Mr. G. II (line- from Aho.-kie -pent the werk-emi here with frir->d. ami relatives. Mr t'arl Sal-bury i- visiting n-la tives in Scotland Neck- Mr. Kme-t llatrell of Oak City ami Mr. Julian Smith of Karn.v: le were n t»wn Sumlay ti-itiiig friemi . Mr, ami Mr-, J IJ Jone- of tlreens ->ro are viMttng relatives, hei.". Mrs. 1. P. Slaile Is visit in: friemls ■i Suffolk Mi-s Annie Mixell is vi-itint friends ii«l relatives I*re l»r I!. 1. lame left Suislay for New York to attend the l«eim«"r: ie c..n irntwa. Mr* M. B lto>le ami NsS K.ftiO Uaklu are 11- it in:- Mr- K. -A I'«UIK"II. in Morehead t ity. Mr and Mr*. J "h. K lim-n on an.l family motor's! to IJiv«-r»K* Park Sumlay. Mrs. I_ P. S|a«le is \ .'-it in friend", in Sulftdk. Mrs llarry Wablo i- ei,,lui>; time in Norfolk- Mrs. IS. I. IjrtiK ami M - J- B loman are spendinr -««tm time* in ifurria with Mrs. l-ons»"s «la>- 'liter. Ml l» Mattliew c. n. I'erktii-, I. K. Kverett, I" P. Peel ami J. It. Pun i> -pent S. :nlay at Kiver»ide Park. Ml-a Ij.u Miller of t«»l.. hor« is risitmg her »jster. Mis.- I3L M:lh-r. Misses Annie Mae l»avi . Irvne Bellamy ami Mr. Henry St ok motor ed to Knersnie Park Sumla . Mr. ami Mrs. W. B. Shel -I ami Mba Pat tie Sherrod spent ! wlay at I oleraln Mr. Robert lamg carried !>r. lam to Weldon to take the trail, ,'or New York Sumlay morning. SHERIPP ROBKRsitN AND HKPI TIES CAITI'Ri: STILL Sheriff Roberson and ie* Pre! ami Newton captured a it. per -till early ye>ierU_y morning in Pear Unas* township. The still had been in operation only a few hoar before the i Mrrrs ranched it. No lupinr or beer was found. Brwce Wyan of Trinity Col'.-ge spent yesterday moramg la tWciiy. Mrs. J«hn D. Biggs, Pr.. Wil lianw. Ruth Peel. Catherine Ha-.1. -a and Hon MM Stals left yestenlay far Mnilnl Qty > Miss Miriam CNitaey la attending the Baptist Semsde Cwr.uft- at ' Mare hea l City this wwafc LOST: THREE POUNRK WRING S IJ