AIIfUIBBS WILL HMD OUK COLUMNS A uicnn TO ISM OP MAKTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMKR 39 TOBACCO GROWERS UPHOLD CONTRACT TV- MHOS of the «•" >.♦— * from the fecal de |M . j (hr Takacn Cifii" Ce ■fti ilwi Aanarintiae whirh 1 «l.» the ia ialiaa has ■* 82 per mt of Ihr axes that haw roar to the "■>■■■■ Coart of North Cam i. More than R3 per eeet of the cases contested before juries it the Camlmar and Virrinia. no eases laving jet reached the Supreme Court.- of Yirgiaia aad Sooth Ca»*> The ase*ialed ro»m kan Ukff. joipMl ia ITf cam aad hare re mrni permanent injanction.- a rata, h-vtrtg tKllol Ul ea»e* without trial apua the terra* of the aa»oc.- atioa which atlab the eelleetioa m liiiaifair' hnco. attorney-' fee* aad nut caati In ifiMUa« the ina-dad contract which 9&ju«o tnbarra fai*i» have ugaed to insure the orderly market ing of their n»f. the tobacco a«oc §lmi hi» Ml and aifftußif evw> laman ililr MM r at Wax uucot. itrtli '-i radiaiat of trade, ak. ■iM|innl fadwrw to secure if signup. fraud. mistake, de aial of ijgaaleu denial of owner ship of tahacro. wifo't tibarra. aaiaot SOB'S ulam. daughters tobacco Ja lj.iam~. lata aad BMt«a|tT. aad by iipiatr I ia the taaito of ikm stain has dmctheacd its legal p.- litioa durtog two rear* of aprratiau -The loyal ■ flrr is earittod t«- protection agamst the contract break er aad it is the present policy f md plaa of the a*Mcatwa to iaaare sac». protect ioa by liliplha wheww wnk hy Col W. T. Joyarr. resident attorney of the assoriatioa at h Balrigh headqaarters. Col. Joyarr farther declaied There arver ha heea aad aerer vfl he a trace will the naan who has joined the assoc. atiaa aad cuadiauae# to aaitot his to km outside of the aaaarialian" & D. IWIL AIIORt FABMEB IABES l(t BARBELS COBBLEBS TO AfBE TBIS SEASON Washiagtoa Italy Nemfcl Ena h the days of Jaaepb. wher the fertility of the sad of the raßry of the NBr excited the nodet an I alaintna of the thea kaowa world B roaM aot sarpass the pradactir*} of the hall af Aurora, N. C. Mr. L T. Hi oae of the kad tar ritiaras af that icrtiia. hat vested hat week fiaaa at arte If' hamh of prime Irish Cohhler pota loss of the very Canst tpaality A od oae hand So far as ia fcaawa this yield af try. This yUd at $X2b per barrel briar* BMLM per acre, MT eoant iag thr No. r s pri la re I hi this ere*. raLed this icaaaa fraaa this saaar farther feetdiaer*. H caa thaaa he readdy anea of what high rata* nth farm pruperty k WAB TAX ON TWnONC - MESSAGES TO BK DWCONTINLED The ftdual war tax on tdephnae This aaaaas that aB lili|» iat eaß* from IS ta 4k Mb wM he redaced ZZT ta wit aaid: "Pat. do you me that?" -To he «nr Maw' tepKed Pit ' "Aad where waald jot he today if Td ha rifiM aline." repfiad Pat. Mm ( plaa to W ilipKtm where she al ewtdr the W IMf hospital far a lad aparatira Iter «- I- • I HI »■ ■■Bhl WM tuy MHMM. IBAL tvVEUGa THE ENTERPRISE j25 TETHERS AT -1 ENDING SUMMER I SCHOOL HERE Number Composed En tirely by Young: Ladies The Martha caauty i —ll schaal aow a aaaaiaa is brug attrmtod hy fi teachers, aanrtly yoaat— ladies sev eral of ahoa hare not as yet had H prrieaea to the teachiaig profe*-ioaL Miss keflt of V it instrar tor ia the lusher endes while Miss lloorr is kdpjctsr hi the primary gtah-s SapL Pope is ms.rurtor ia schaal art bail and history The tosSractioa while not so thonmi-h in souse ca>c» a.* it riven' ia the college and aaiver*hy rummer wheels. H is ciriar suae ad-, .-aatajges. that he caa aot ret at the j .arger shoots- One rexrvtahle tl.iar L every leach er taknr the coarse is a woaaaa which [ means that oar tliirfrw are hemr ' '.aaichr eirittvii*-! > by sunrti The J' jrice.- paki teachers are too Uw to! 1 •astify a uaV teaching very ionr | When ww mewtion the am»itj of 1 aaea teachers one oaly refer to the) higher grades. How ridical«a> woaU it be for a man to attempt to teach 1 ia the priaaary rrades? He wowld be aboat iMrifat as ■ nae af the local feauaie polhiriani It is cwraDj |i conceded that a aamaa mke~ a tot ter teacher than a ana ia the lower Bat is it jast the right thmr U law to eula It the aarn eatirely? We are liable to develop a pet time-1 age! rather I baa a big. toad amaly rivßi aatina. iwrh as al people admire ami every aatioa and have to aukr it - Treat. Both hoy* ami giri> feel them- ( satom hampereu* whew they have to | -f a -ma. Is the stale laaag t> dat) towards . its fatare cttnen* arhen it employe i oaly ttone who caa work for a >oJI ware la act owt Ma son aad daarhtrri * for real ritiarmhip. Kl KLl'h ELAN AMI LEACI E OP SATMtXS STILL PI'ZZLE j PL (THiBV CIIMMITTEE New York. Jaae 27 —Ea hlo* Elra aad Learwe of Nalna oaiy » ambling Us-fc- hf«ic Itatform 4 —it-** Arncwltare rpl pniihlMi |d ak ■J ar«ed apa The EM Ehn plank as wcß a | wording af Lr*?we d Kalm. fdrah- 1 amy bring ta kar M>t *a *»~r of ciiavratioa. Jaae. M. Com of Uhau. the llrnao 1 cnuic —fthh for 'he pmkHaiy j ia 199) lm» heea foraaall) placed he fore the coa«catioa h) the Ohm drle 1 WIND XTOBM IND UtSSIMX ABLE DAMAGE IN PITT AND BE AI HHTT OH NTIES The triad stana pecterday did coa ciapa to the Hsaue irrtiia of Pin The Mb were M i a Ir I by the heavy rain fall aad daamge iua»M from the great straagth of the storm v. 1 — SI'NDAT SCHOOL HOW AT COLEBAIN BEACM The Sawday School dam af Mrs. W. C Li.naaa speat yeaterday at Cateato Beach tajajiag the bathmg Mimta E.dja Haaia aa. Emma Befl Ham. Martha Laggett. Meiba Wjwa. Miaaae IT UN . Myrt Wy* »3« gijii fhiilaipkra aad HAkie Mr. I iariman aad Mr*. Jaaar Imr fey aad little ma. Jtoa Jaaaar of Noe '**• ' * t LOCALS TO PLAT WASHING TON HEBE WEDNESDAY The hapa aajr they are aad worried t aeaday. far they made a ymtj amM- eml ' pkr af the Ma rhoaid sappart them Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, Juno 1924. WILLIAMSTON , CX>UI'LE M ARRI- ! ED IN NFCLW BERN I Marriage Comes as A Great Surprise To Friends New liern. K. C, June &—B. , IVicklic Pope and Miss Ibjsy Wynn, both of WOliaribtton. were , married here Monday night at £:4S , o'clock, the ceremony beinr perforns ed b; Uev. U. L. Shirley of William ston- Annoancemrat of tho weddinr will came as a surprise to friemt. of the cuu|4e since they Itad not been mfonaed of the approacliKir ntanri ar* ' Mr. Pope and MU> Wynne motor ed ta New Bern Morxl.-iy aftemonu | | | sapp> »l ta be hea>lel for Jlorrhea.l !Crt j to attend the KaptUt Seaside ■ awewddy. They stoppftl at the Ter lauaal hotel and began ; for the wehlmg. Rev. Mr. Shirley ami family were also registered at > the Termiaal en roa'.e to [City ami Mr. Shirley t:xk an active [ part hi the pteiiauaarU s and ther tied the knot | It was the plan of the couple to have only the minister ami the re 'paired witnesses present, hut C. K. Ta\ lar. proprietor of tto Kotel. got wtotl of what »as goinr on ami b> the the the license wa> -ecarfl an»t other -Mais arranged he luot a* —kit I tgaite a crom.l in tl«e loir! parlor. Priemli of Mr. Pope anil MK- W) ane had ■ am «spieioa that the> were slipping away, when the> left Momiay. The apparent air of unron cera aad ipirtaess caasol the re porter of The Katerpru* to tprdiuu 'cap id. aady to receive the itwjytr ami pk>ithe a>*arance that their *>easide trip had no .-dgnifiranre what ever except to attend the Church a»- >en.hlt ami enjoy a little whiff »f the sally tome at Moreheani City. [- Mr. Pope beei. in the mar lame ba*toess ia Wdlmm4oi for several pears. Since beinr here he has aamle a host of friends amoar the ; )»aag people of the towa. 1 Muk Wyaa is thf pu|>ular , pmlm 4er aad is not oal> the frieml [of everyooe by her reaial r'»»l nalare thai has also earne.l their frirndi-hip -hy the very satisfactory service re«i .derrtl in the po4 ofliee MB I- C. BENNETT ENTEBTAIKS Al tIKIIM.K Mr L. C. Uenuett a .few of Im Ultimate friend--, at brolge ,la l TharMtay eveniair at hi- home ta the Tar lleel apartment*. I Dr. J. S. Khules rereived a prize for high score and Mr. I- T. Fowden ncetnd the caasolation of llm; pres ent far makinr the lowest score. A f roar a fruit coarse was -erred at the raarloi-ma of the r»"" Several M ini aamber* were remlere>l hy Mr. L T. 1-c.wden and Dr. IVrry K Cowe while refreshaaent- were tome served. TWe present were Dr. Perry B. Cone Mr. Leslie T. Powdea. Ito. Ja-e> & j Bha let. Dr. Jo>cph llahbard Saamler - Mr. Cashiag Kirgs Mr. W. Joe Taytor. SEBVICES AT EPISCYIPAL Cfll BCTI SI NDAV. JI NK »TH. The Kevereml M K Bethca will preach at the KpMapal Church bath ■anraiair aad eveaiaig. Services at II A. M. ami « P. M. The paUtr is cordially iavited to hear him. MB. AND MBS. CABSON IN CIT* TtIDAV ■ 4 Mr. aart Mrs. O. G. Caraaa of Jim vlr aad little daughter were ia tow* a short wtofe Wednesday. Mr. Caraaa is A. d L. Agent at J a mingle aad 'he has iprat several «wki recently at Hot Spriagv, Arkansas where he has kept torn coaAaed to his room for several aiialhs. We are glad to state that he ia much improved since has trip He said that he left Mr. Boh Mohlry at the Spriags aad that to was rettmg ready ta come how ia , a few daps wih a party of friiai. i *** c—aiag F—l PIBriT COTTON BLASSOM I Mr. Bayaor reports the . faaai B in hia eottaa patch jedrr ' toa Wr kwni l.y, ia grttiag alowg aieely .CONVENTION SIDEU(;HTS The tog red faced Irish Tammanyites «ea .hli taaiatd to put Al Smith over with a boomerang. The eheerinr that raac throajrh the huikiing for an hour following the 'domination of Smith vffl, perhaps, make many think hi* his aoaamatiioa is rear, hut they most , remember the Champ Clark >lewton stratioa lasted for an Lour and nine teea muaates at the Baltimore ron veatioa ami he was not nominated. Prom al indications a lon nw ventisai is ia sirht ami it may la-1 through nest week. Certainly there is a great Crht on It looks like a police trick to let the Smith rabble All M.nii-on Scpiare harden aad then to .leny duly ap poiatekt visitors and new-|iaper men to approach. LOCALS WAIJXM* THEIR mVAT S I M'ashiartor Daily \ews» Wdliamstoo toot: luiseludi team aiol Uahiwt«a iom;. team fared each other for the ir*t time this season >esterday after*.,~ - on tiarler Ktekl By actual count there were pres •nt ami by artaal t.*um only I'. ;«sl the adaai*si«a fee to see the rame. The local* ciomtueiot their rival hy a- «wrr of S to S The battery for Washington «a Satchnell, ku -tor ami Whealtoti Por Willtam-ton. Kntt ami llarvell Washiactoa c*r:necte>l for 12 hit* and WiladM for 11. M illiam-t.oi r-ude owe more mi-take than did the locals. Wekster's hri-liiu' an.l lay lor'* ; itting for the «i*itors mere tori>tod featur*>- Me-sr l*t>el|K anil Arth > rtoa dad the honor- as umpires. It was a cimri> ctmte-ted rame 'krM'huat Mr. Ayers, Champion IViiaio (iniwer We inertly aanoance.l that Mr /lidp I lard of lirar tin. town hip arms Ike chumpiou aldure :'Tom er of the count % an>l pu*sihly of ■oaay —lias. He brourht one in weirhiag IS puund*. Now ISear l.ra- pre.ent.- another ••f it- farmers. Mr. Calvin Ayers. who. we thiak. m-1 he the el>am|>i»n po tato grower of the county Mr. Ayrr.- naesewl* a potaio weirhi:«; uuiirr>, .od a hdl that weirus a p«rak " We are fot 1 .tar one to heat chat record Ktmmler *(l hill , like i «dl soke ju-t one barrel Dt'KIIAM-OXPORI) ROAD The Sapreme eoart mu-t have been -i(ht ia its -ieri-ma aphohlinr Ja4p Sinclair ia de.-i*watiag the route of >ne liwrham Oxford n«al on a route tbrr than the «-ne •ie-irnat ->l in thr aaap adapted and pas*eal hy the legt>- Liara kaown as the State Hirhara) vet. The road in the original map pas. rd by the toa-n of Stem atxl the |dan tatioa of I dud t'ameron, the pio neer poi raad* man of the State The rowrt. homem chanre>l the cour f the rwad. Therefore the man wh has worked the mm t diligent for ■ stem of good rwad» ia the Stat* toe* aot gel me bim-eif While the reopie who UMT Caloael Cimrna ll mill that he lo*t bis case. IWjtrveiy the peaple kaow that tto r iltael -taadf far the Deaaocrary whkh say* the most rood for the ao>l iMpk DEATH OF INFANT e- ' So'arday idght at tee o'clock tto •icath aa>da > idted the hoar of Mr awl Mrs. C C Barley and took iwa) from their I i air their dear boby whirl was oaiy fear seeks old. The faaenJ seavke* were conduct cd by Oder B S. Couriag. After tha (■all il the Udy was taken to iti last re-tag place, ia the Mohle] remrtei y.—« ntiihuted. NiM» Frances (torgaaas aad Ge area C-oke aad Mr. aid Mrs. G. P Haß wdl spead Seaday at Cole rail Beach. Two mine I aaea woe af adtoi oa the earner Be— liag faaafly been caa trace my niati ma hack to a fam Oy ua(." "Chase tea heck to a family tree. "Xaw. aaa, trace 'ea trace tm ■ «rt mt? r *VB. they tart bat two ktod* a I thiav* dad Irve to tires. Birds am f aaiaii J !■' aad pa aim' atol (at m 'fedton aa yoa " ! A 'iTfcIMI*S TO »| BREAK JAIL • ' ! l*ris;»ner Forces Way [j Way Out oi Cell With rj (. hair—Some Jail! " j On Wednesday morning at «iay fcrrak I 1 i Mr. J.m Curganb* atiempted to break ! " I jail ami wooid have rruaplisM hi* 'task kai it m-t he*n for th> early ' j arrival of Mr. Herhrrt Want at the ittrr eml of the bcihi-. e where he was - t forcing an exit. Mr. U aril placed a t'piank u> the :df in which Mt. Car f, fcartu- eipttru to make his escape Jara' hrl>: it there Sheriff K«). j I | erson rai.v rani placed his pri-oner in j p a three Iwk eel!. f taurgara- will* rourvt- ami I i (other avaiSJde nK-;erk.l -u«h a are! ifraiki in a p:l f.-rm! the rivet- [which kei l the lack After hrt-ak>'g| j the cell ifcor he her an to |wk i Mf j t , through the re.-r sail vi> a stove! * poker. The wall r- vei> tlick in the! rear of ik* jail hut the con-tard work of the pi i-oeer a h«de tm* I enourh to put a tpiari r*-i in. ( j Kvery thiar was h readme-- fori .'a complete get a wax hut the noise o*| I| W * I I the pick rnealr»i the e.«»l work that _ | ara_- n-iii; or to Mr-. Roher-«»n who I nutle the report s EVERETTS ITEMS r [ Mis. I. B. Wyene of WQILim-ton !" was in town TSur -i visiting Mr- S. S. BaOey. Mr- Walter liailet i- ,-pervling a "ifew day* in Jaaae-viHe aith her hu r hartil Mrs. W L Stall- of Wniiam-t.M. j *pent Saohy in l«m Mr Harry llopki* an.l MU- Blanch Barnhdl were in to*a Friday. r tjuite a Midrr o. |«o|de fn-m i«er» allemletl the burtal of Mr aixi Mr Charlie lUdey". K>hi. Survtat after aoaa . Mt-.- Bhtb i:«rroorh- of B«cky r Mount l vi-itiKg ret; tive in f«-»n Mr-. l*Ollae James i* .-till «n the -irk lot. Mk»e« Sa-i* heel. An.;*- Harly and - U>ie IVel who are atter«iinr umnn-r f el— I at U .■ton were in towni it Toe lay afternooa. lattl- Ml— France B-*er> of l>ar r lira- is »i-Hmr rela! i»e.- in toon. S, Mr K A. I*hdl:p- of Chapel llill r- was in town Samlay afternoon s Miss Tdlie IVrrv of Will lain toi> i. .pent the week-eml .a town Mr tieolge llolljttay aent to l!ol» t erxmvdle Ttae-.tav loom tor e Mr-. Mayo IVel |ent M-i»iit wrlh' Mrs. Carl Bakri Mt— 1 aide) Taylor wa- in town Saahy afterwuoa Mi— leaa Hoßniay ami Mr (ieorre Holliday amlored to WUliam-ton Satarday. n Messrs. Vaa ami Koy Taylor nn4or e ed to Biversade Park Sureiay after e Mis«s Bulb Itailry and I ran Rav f. nor who are atteadmr -uani- r -choad i- in Oriental spead the seek end at hor Mr* llaw-oo Bige~ -per.' the week v- eml in t "ro— Cuah i- There are B. V P. C- lerrices at ►- the Bapti-t rtiuir* every Friday [. night. Everybody cordially im ite.l to r altrad l» . MBS. HEIFN BHilMls e FALLS AND BBEAkS HIP a l»r J. S Bhode> yesternlay ren-tveti .a telegram from Montgomery, Ala e t baaaa il atia> has mother. Mr*. Helen y i Rhode*, had fallen aad broken her 4 hip. There were no partarwlar* given anl he doe aot know how the accntont wcwrrM bat Mr» Bbode- i* a very iff* wiata aad she will aot recover eery qakkly from sack a misfortune. She is oaae of the oldest of the early e jiababataatr of WMaam-ton how living r ~[ami is a wtathrr of the CMiaty'i- na.-t * | piiimiaral criaea* aad -he has many ' friemt- to this jeetiaa who will be ( grieved ta toarw of the amsfortune. * Mr. A. B. Ims.-uag attendeil a J bar bee we ia today. Mr. Laab Hcndul of Flymaath was here for a short while thi* aaora [». Mimes EeVi Bhea. Mary Elheridr io Bhea aad Bhiic Bridger.- af Wiadsar wrre to laww tort • Mim Koetyn Warde} of Taihore is the haaie gaeat af Miss Thrlaai * Browa far a few days. Mioe Ebaheth Hariri aad The! lma Brown aaad Dr. T. Byaa Boyd at * I traded the li arr Brs's Beach iert " Mam "mmm MiClaatof of Baltimore 7 Wootod aad Mr. Woalard at thri* af " Ml " id TEXACO Canal tor afl give yoa aaarv to arifna* thaa the ar hairy pasaliae Try TETACO ' adv ihLEPHONE - OFFICIA Li» Xk riET IN WASHINGTON r Carolina i. and i. Co. j Open.. ise* Kxrhauitfe At Washington I Thursday I;* CuiWku »n.i |lnr«ni|ih t ontput . vpri»«i at* sew JbulMint; at W ■ .1. of uQ f«! klbu; . to all it . .-torliiwMrco, u:nvi«r> it., aM IJ nH>"i nlj .-{ |V SamlTt , rrn IVI ami tiuf ltie lrtr|>>unr i;>i 1 TrWsn|>. ( o»(ur.e— --,j Tre sfs 'qil.r - w' 4 lv .-..j, - jH-l'V h« }••-! erecte.l J- wae««f Ihr , Ij «I i CWi pirtf am! up |a late ijr | . bi .Ujir. it la:- the ir. t . -* ft-Jrrr: ycr* «f JK' _ ,T?«* »• ■!»■ •irufl |J-e hmii . fc iwwU of a hu k.t.r f »r . J tcb'pbofco- |Mrfn»> i««l USni rwr» . inrmi for :hf r|bip«tis , «•! a icaV: Jtvlansp I'.' >«.IVUuiJ i-ji c>>- • Iravtion. of" tt pil «.f t?-e m«4 j nu.rer t j%! U(> t.. .blf • i (*- am! arv • ia!ue»> it ! l*«v« •»":» »mi v ' fiv«* ti vtviikl ■ldilirv After iW i,w>l- •err -iwais its*. > the bttiklw; ihfi wr -r oTm; (-• Rhwnle I "ark. -«•*-•* hi ißtMivblr ami -**iw b\ h»*a Iti : Jut a® ea> luat riiU-M »:lS - t. am! >,«w M lifteai jiwt.f j»l t.4 _ 1.01. a jtrrai -torm cl«h k..i W«« liia. 11 bm* rafalh af|K«Mfc- Ml* ami >rtrttakir.lbe littir craft • apt IWIKm. it 1 to make Kaibix. iltt-Mftol to rNan '*»( snrril Inrar- fraaa I*-- J»n •bf curtain- of |W briiini »«f |ur*s ! #4 ami the -lawrm. er all faity. ill bu-»mf>l it rlf n the f-eir 4 ()t laml b'irr- TW ■u—l u. aiai a fn o' the mm »w aUr So take if' Hfr 1:. I l * rabin hat ■*»-( of (bar iwr b»i t" fjf» (he ram. abl lirb'w in the of*® Labi ma- SiaHi ai»l after the ram tlie |uit> a>lr «t --«a\ by auto- to Ily U-arli «Vrf a -amptui-u- >f«r»l .. 4 laibnv l!nin»*irk -tew. L* ml «rr»l »*• rumher- * ilk Ir —■ nu»b- aa.l bail! • . I rink- of al! k»l- aaailxl the rwe-t • "Die tinner ala ne- . ,e. r Mi wa- beb) m Ike |mri k « art ! I Mr Arrkie MrlWaHl *f .-Mlatol Xeek. I'ne-nteM 4 ike l aiWiu Trl ' an>l Tel IV. (fr»liM lie raß*«l 1a)ul 1". 11. Sterlmr «4 kba-butr- I tun to m ike a Irs r>wuk- •"-» whir? >"r» an>! aril rk>-M Mr Morran l!. >|«i, Maiurn «i the >••..( hem I>ll -> Oe Can* lwa» with be»b|U>ti 1 -»t I VkiMi-- *•«- I'" erteJ k Mr I'Mtf A. H4I 1 «-me.- 01 ar»i k> *»lr a '"••rt talk •« Ike *-i, 4 |k> * ifbpk.» bw-ue abl «■ null •• relation to the pn«rr.> l» Ike cut r try. Mr. »»r i» m» i be be-1 1 |a>-tr-l an.l k-.k-lHup Irb I k w am t*. ibe M«niry Iwbi a*»l bi arv-arr to men of nulkr c—p—fe» «a> «e» 1 in-pinnr Mr. J. I: IVrter. imeij Mjuucer j of tbe 11. ». THrfkw ■■(Mill ■nil >*aH|iar;er> at Ibkkrxta aa- |b «»l -ieakrr am* m ki> a-aal ««■. p» e auiiwt talk*"!: aUal Ibe i-b|iiMrf- bu ue u tba- «1m Iken Mr k I" Nattair 4 lie 1 "A .lltant .tu« Irlrl - —|-| - - »| ' bi» »aty *». (allral *§»-*. bt Jit. M. " lb.»etl ami ke - e«t»*.tn- ketaeen Ike 'I.M »r arol the law •*.. lien -»> |ei.>ii«r |||»|- tke«i ami Ibe alu ■! of ire -mall r.,«|aMr. I* kerf, ft*» s«b Ibe improirmri.l - ((al mi- arMM foe '' r>«l imn. Mr. *Mge A. W}ti. of llaiMto. ■ untHtji .SattniuM of Ue .Wk f er* I Sell; Mr. A. I*. IkLru. 4 VbaoJa , uiuittun, all*ne) -*-' director of tbe « aroluu ltfeflM* au lebyrafJ. r l'ii«|a>;, Mr U«M|r A. HoUrfin». 4 Tarkorv, Secretary «m I ica-wrr of tbe Cataliaa aM Mr Ante Mr j* I*o«ell of acuiaid Neck aM ak* bau ( for a to*ir lame Vt« 4 Ibe Carol ma C*. all ibi rt aM f u»tere>tm* ifrwbo «a tie labjtd of ro oferalM b> all en ai(«i le> foe ibe lest >er»«re foe ibe |ml l»r - - Ibane alUMiif Ibe aw I «j. froan ' a -tbtaMt «ere, J It Coaler, Hiilit xm. (iew|t A. M>ea>. ikaibct, Ci. C. Castbarat Mi Ma» CaatMne, Kale«k; J. H i lark. H ». Clark aM J. M IMb;. Kdkaiei; C A- Utm * 4m, nrepwiih«l. liwfr A H4i fneo, iMirtar) liraMun, C P- McCtaef, gcatral ■■aurr. V. F. " Maltbcvs plant a d T«M, 3 Amlit or aa.l V. C. Ibima. tribe . mimii 1 of ike Caniu lUtfkaat ami Trkfrafb Ci aft), V. B. ad t Owl llallti—. al Dr. Ha«b KrVaia ml TarWa; Artkir Milbwß. H«l * Henry T. Clnrk. fralhal Neck- «. H I iri|_ ■r f Tfi 1 rT ~ilamlir .■Mr. Mi Mr*. J. K. Bqi mi Fi)«ar P. Mors— M Cmw A WATCH lIIE LAWCI. ON fIX Z PAI'EM. r v iRCIES TIIK UAH IOIK SIBSCUITIOT; EXCISES i i ESTABLISHED lO ATTENTION CITY FATHER ! j Tonn-. ritifti am! imtivWlwals in these moiw. 1 imr- are very- aiuieas to , kave a»? ;S- :mpn,ifr -nts ami coo jit. Vtes: it i Try 00./ortahle to ; I«t* ic a itcn » h ;.'vnl trrrlj, !«aler. .«c-a*ragr. r-a-etrir I- -i ts. » .•*- i-ra* r?'nrrb 1 .. «ri [45, I boa, , .h |ci r, mmt . ! r- and ■ >tbef Hut ;«I! I: : mate"- tts ; | t%u.t tjul o-e- nr '"rri the ,s» •««--. Oi . M ]-!-«nes ami J--T.C nr 1-T- 'u:Vil. 0 j -r-a* t. th* rti -h f.i» il fa>k onakle j 11W opubr Ar i ». il L- :ha* »r n • loi iipr won - *br t"-f fit - t.- ami thr* City . f--r---* lr» -{v. where lie the j to.,- ■- cf n-of I f br-st f-—Jfr — ' - coWirir If toe bn»f' to *" ■'•'■■rtt a! "1- ri'rjt.l at the "ei*Sr . ur i . t_f B rk of !*nr Itnc* r- .;. 1.,, I.ts .;. he will V - mm, ; "miiiTrs -peak »■■*.--.!%' j-- all be '» abi* attractive with a little ai», * rot- I. !t an imie* to , '.ro- .-kirar;.- of t r If so. ■ rat mu-t »:uai~> ll i>>k I bat «r are? IWn- .. r .. r.umher of |Jot v.:_e - > ako I avr tr-"e far •w . '-ot ira v ar»- e>i by -rt.-.-n- r' ?>•» t -a. «• -ill «Vi- ng lit*-'". r> t an- n l ]-» i wbo k 3vf -o far'-- of »*-VS 'r V t* W!\ rM>! »-t"t«*r tbe i':t *■' —* to hai the •*« ffvl, y\ tb.vr.oi—l |y r|r»iol - 5 ,t •a- >-ar l.\ tl* lU.y S*oul> * r*>m -trp .Nunsl-I l«- built at the en fanrr on the highway, «« |e.|>!r (.«!>! -ot.-r ill from that ole Umev -|«ei!t iW tie t;> li«» ;i of lb? d*rr«l r»»t w.-_!.: Ir ii»- i* ve-ltie * for • i*ti. ir,: take away from tt-o town W mark «f ti»iifrn-KV ami ir lert f the finer tbinr» "f I fr V»n ami •""** buro-»i thrr* o--o» J,* I am! I 0%e.« in tbii n-:ni«nijt|; !Vv ! »l the ■an'alwa- 1 IIM h the l-. n t*i- •town, ami tbrir »«m»r\ -t> -il l le •eben-be.l bv Ibi- ami tbi* future 1 neruwi • Atle*.t«o«T City Father.-. ia.-«u IUL »\I:KS 1:1:11 »I; 1- \»:v. IMSEA>e -in ins m.'uro J. V l» \ 1 er> i»f * r- t -2- 2 «;-:tor «o «r '.tio M« r. nisi a ie« .lies r :i l is l birro ■rbL Atwiluit t. Mr. Aye- Ibi-. iei-e i- ia «- he travel- to a-. ,«r fui: • ■f brvn Mtei -|Ml' ami to Ifeet the -mall (uf Ir.iir- a- aril a> iC the U-n Irii* . bl» Ayet> tbMk- -b_s o».ji |rar w-«lt> rabnl ..Irevn I'll Ml (I Kl.tS HI. tl II ' 1 I -H> 1. Ilarruaa, K i..'arri lai»ri:aar. betma llam«, I'aite * lank, la».ra Urban-. l.'iM*i Man or. Mary Alar* I m .itr. C .rrie l lv—l. ami Mary bl*-l: --a Virif ws ami Me—r John l«4->, 101 l H .rrt-ixi. liryant ' ,i-lar|.'«i ami lao> ila -ell (« |uiii.l U Mr- A. K. Ihaniaine ami Mr Mnv.-. I sley a- iti |en«fc -jeut ilnlie-k.} a! i>a - IS* wh p* a«tS- A |»c;o -(inter wa- -enfti in lie aobik —i Sin- —a» a»i lull. U); al»l ';aa were lbl«ott; *e «ta). t Mr. aal Mi U, A . llaN on bft , .lii o- ri.ia -.r Moretx.ol t 11, ahrre y •> m4a4 I. i i n wae.c r ej wall ne • I tbe a t iol mi -iU r tluii Ma. lay .' 1 ? r-_ ic ip I I) jil—e- ka!e.HK !laa- «-» i. j i.ul'- , 10l at* uie been ailrt -V ■'* aeaiu > tkerr tf i meet Mi ami Mr t K. I'opr .ill re tora laala; lor an Morebea.l Ci r wber* lle> bare keen -praiunt. a ft, Maya. ( Mr k-Arrt UoKorl of W- nincM . hml ia-t nicbl bete with h finally 2 wbo are Ute at tbe teabaii of Mrs. * lUfart .- Mler. Kiv lUgj-i- Mbt I'arker of Tarboro - bo in*, bee* bor-anx Mr.-. Salle I. fr* left ' .b*» ■oatr.inn fee ler bjat Mr>. Vbieeler Marua. Mi » «»-c*r Aabtxa aoU Mr. N. S. t,ol. I motor oi to k ai.lia«tia >» -ter»la> * Mbo \e!la Amlrvw. rrtai M )e» teiMay froaa Gimvik wber. .-be al ■ umbcM tbe Vaeo; IVafir* C« aoi driuM bn ude awl - ot. Mr. >- aM Mn. W Z. kloTtaai it. se\eral '' oat * Mr. Los Rrjriar ami little oa *,-re h basMi» vuia>n bete tbii m -.tM*. >- ' Mr- CT. itabtr. aaJ llai lea t-re UanaaMt were sat« »■ tto r_ \ a * tea Mi Mr. Lflc* mt Milli rt. * * ■ipitiildliii mt tke pace* 4 » Ekun Oil MM W tbe Daily New*. * af the Heaafott Cmmutf t *4 ; A L ml ataay mi - " *- M. kql aaaatw mi ike t lt|' ■■■ aml't. D. KMmri Lawk mmd

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