ADVERTISERS WILL FIND ODI COLUMNS A UTOXST TO ISO* HOURS OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 40 RECORDER'S COURT IN SESSION TODAY Only Pour Cases Come Before Court The regular session of the Record er*s court convene*! at the usual hour this morning with Judge Smith of Robarsonville uml Solicitor Perl at their respective stations. Very few cases were disposal of with the exception of a few involving the dipping of cattle. The cases lispose«l of are as fol lows: State TI Haywood Mhitaker, charg ed with assault with deadly weapon. A judgment of guilty was rendered and prayer for judgment was con tinued. . State vs Lrcman Bennett, avsult with deadly weapon. Called I »ut fail ed to answer. State vs W. W. Griffin, failin ' to dip cattle. Found not guilty. State vs John E. Moore, failin » to dip cattle. Nol pros The Recorder's court has proven itself to be a splendid institution for Martin county. Today's session seem ed to display a small amount of child ish misumlerstanding when lawyers, clerk am! court became just a hit argumentative. Nothing wrong, no criticism, only a few points off v-hen it comes to dignity. HONOR ROLL FOR MACEDONIA BIBLE SCHOOL Following is the honor roll for the Macedonia Itible school for the i;aar ter, ending June 29th. The school tuts an enrollment of 95 pupils. Itible class—Joe Holliday, U-a. Iter; Myrtie Iteecliam, Klla Revels, Sy.lnoy llnvlum, Clauile L. Hadley, Slade leek) lntermeliate class —R. 1. IVrry, truflter, Jennie (irey Beecham, Nich olas Beecham. Junior class - Amanita IVrry, teach er; ly«le Revels, Arthur Revels,, Sauutlers Revels, Carl lee Beecha.n. Little Beginners class —Myrtle Heel, teacher; Sydney Beecham, A. T. Marie I'eele, Mary Frances Hadley, Minnie Rogers, Timecinia Cowing, Clayton Revels, Reha Williams, Callie Mae Cherry. Class No. 6—Oscar I'eele, tea. her; Clarence Revels, Reha Revels, Mary Revels. MI'ITKE PEELE, Bac.Treik. Mr. Bob Hogg art I of Rocky Mount .•pent Sunday ia town. Mr. Herbert Pope of Rohersonville was a visitor to our city Sumlay. Masters. Tom and llardy Ros.- at tended the Sea Side Assembly at Mot* head City last week. Mr. and Mrs. i. L Williams motor el to Robersonviile Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Chappell of Hert ford was ia towa Sunday vitating friends. Mass Annie Crawford pent the last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. F. Ileydenrairh in Koberaonville. Sha returned home Friday awning. Misses Carrie Lee Peal. Carrie IMI Manning. I'attie Edmoudson ami Min nie Roberston and Mr. John Browning alienated the Christian Cnion at Bath Sunday. * Mr. am! Mrs. Marriott Britt and Mr an*l Mrs. Hugh G. Horton motored to Riverside Sunday. I>r. Speight Anderson and Mr. Sam Anderson visited their brother in law ami sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Har rison, Sum lay. Mr. S. A. Lambert of the Universal Picture Corporation of Charlotte was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. ami Mrs. Z. H. Rose returned Monday from Morehead City where they attended the convention there. Mr. Alfred Simmons of GreenvOl* was ia town Sanday. Mr. E. F. Whitley of kelford spent the week-end with bis family here. Mr. O. C. Miller of Greenville wai a guest at the Atlantic hotel Sim day. Mr. Dnrward Gurganus spent Sun day here with Us family. Mtssc., I'attie Harris* and Margarel Manning left this morning for Rich mond where tLcy will spend aom time with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Law • cnee. » Mrs. R. F. Heydeoreich left thfa Morning for Stanton, Va. where sha will vWt Mr. Heydewreach's mothei for sent tfcne. Mr. L. A. Cent of Rocky Mount wm a visiter here May. Messrs. V. C. Manning. Jr. am James Manning Mpgnt the week em in Fatmoih visiting friends. Mr. Robert Bogart of Washmgtm ■4 H ml the week-end here with Mrs Bogart. -1 Mr. Sam Kane of New York i MII *f- r this week with Mr. Frank i —MasanMfr *» r fc THE ENTERPRISE REV. W. R. BURREL j MAKES ORATION AT ORPHANAtJiS : Was For Several Years Pastor of A Local j CHURCH The Orphan's I iicnd ami Masork Jt.urr d ot June ?7lli gives in full the the oration of Rev. W". R. Hurrell, which he made on St. John's Day at the Masonic Orphanage, Oxford. Mr. I turret I was for several yean; pastor of the William-don Memorial Baptist church ami is now pastor of the Monroe church. We are printing in part the speech taken from the Orphan's Friend. I "Masonry concerns itself with two I great principles in the world; the principle of Life ami the principle of Light. Of these 1 wish to speak brief ly today. With life itself, of course, *e have little to do. The Supreme 1 Architect of the Universe has kept His own Idessed* counsels in respect 1 to this matter. The wondrous mys tery of life is the mystery of God i Himself, for lite Word declares lhat ' in him was Life and the Life was the Light of men. 1 call your attention to the fact. , however, that while we may have little knowledge of- life ami little to do with ' its various, manifestations, we still i have very much to do with its con tinuance am! well-being. There is stdl a vast difference lietween life and living, ami the sum of that difference is the sum of the response to the needs am! possibilities of life as made by | iho»e who, like ourselves, are pro umatdy concerned with its develop ment am! enrichment. From time immemorial, among all peoples, are cults, all kinds of Inen | ami types of philosophies. , (>ur great ! order has concerned itself with life. From the crule animism of the semi savage to the refine.l phallic wor.hip of the ancients we find our hrethern concerned with various phases of the -ante great business—seek in v to un •ierstand, develop and enlarge life, in the limitations of their knowledge of fering divine honors to manifesta tions of life ami oftentimes confusing the mechanics of life with the thing ' itself—such as the worship of the so ' called phallic symbols in India, Af ' rtca ami other regions— yet always movinig on ami struggling often ' through tho thick darkness toward what seemed light to them. It is the supreme privilege of our noble order to assist men in the great adventure of life, to deepen its cur I rents, enrich its possibilities, direct its enthusiasms ami guile it in its strug » gles. to smooth the pathway for tired I feet and to point the way toward its - utmost of fulfillment. Therefore, I there can he no greater care of Ma sons than that of young life, more - especially of life bereft of its natural protectors ami guides. To relieve the - wialow, to nourish the orphan, ought r to be one of our chiefest concerns, for thereby we are following closest in I the footsteps of our Sublime Patrons . ami earning for ourselves the large.-', i fullne s of our own lives. With what joy, then, do we meet today within | these precinct.; dedicated to this very . purpose? What more grateful, not r only to our own eyes, but to I those' sumblime characters to whom this day is dedicated* Surely we . have not toiled in vain in the quar , dies of life when we can look nut ami aee the -e living stones being so hean , tifully wrought ami fitted into the r living temples that are growing into t beany all about us! But inasmuch as it is not all of j life to live nor all all of death to l% B there is another great task awaiting us. Life was never intended to be j mere existence, however beuatiful e that existence may be. There is al ways the larger purpose to be ful m filled. Therefore, the next great con IrifautioiLs that we must make is the |t ilium min alien of an adequate light te our fellow pilgrims, many of whom . now walk In darkness and doubt. * i- To free the mind from the shackles lie superstition, to remove tlie fatal j. handicap ot ignorance, to open up the illimitable ranges of knowledge and 4 culture and so unfold the infinite possi i_ bilities of life is a truly Masonic taik. m What capacities for service, for f _ truth, for beauty lie enshrined in the atimis of even the humblest of our fellow beings, as Gray says: e "Full many • Jay of purest ray The dark uafathomed vaes of m Full many a loner is bora to htnsh 4 And'mate it* sweetness en -the desert air." m All about as are— t • hearts once pregnant with cel estial fire Hands, that the rod of empire | mfeht sway*d, (Continued on Last Page) Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 1,1924. CONVENTION HAPPENINGS! Monday morning when tiie great Democratic convention finally got down to business and things begun jto happen, from the first ballot oil the campaign managers all claimed lhat they were happening just as each had expected them to hap|ien, hut it was plain to everybody that some were not satisfied as to the outcome. One of the minor sensations of the convention came after the announce ment of the first ballot when W. J. ltryan got the unanimous consent to present a resolution in memory of the late President, Warren U. Hard ing, who died in office Mr. Bryan j moved the adoption of the resolution |Whkh was done by a ri. ing vote. "75ne other sensation came at t|ie end of the sixth ballot when Senator l*at Harrison of Mississippi lead a press dUpsttch, dated in Washington saying that Harry F. Sinclair, Alliert B. Fall, E. 1., lioheny and his son had 1,11 hecn indicted in s'iinecti»n with tlie oil thievery. Entertains For Miss MeCloskey Mrs. ticorge 11. Harrison entertain ed a |»arty of young |ieo|>le at River side I'ark, near Washington, yester day afternoon in honor of Miss Rose MeCloskey of Baltimore, who is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. ,1. I> Woolard. Those vtlm were her guests besides Mu... McCl»key were, Mrs. A. R. Dun ning. Mrs. li. W. Hardy, Mrs. C. .\. Harrison, Mrs. J 1.. Williams, Mis.-es l.ila Wynne, Sarah llarrell, Louise Harrison and Velnia Harrison ami Mr. ami Mrs J It. Woolard and Mi. (>. 11. Harrison Jr. TWO WAYS John I* Rockfeller has recently tciven In tlie University of Chicnj o a big gift ef money. There is some doubt however, as to who iifsirves t».e credit for this gift 3omo li ink port of the crndit for tiiia a ttl other gift* should lie i-iven to those who buy his product* ami I!VJS in directly give his gifts. Mr. Kinkt'eller might even have made the ;irire- of his products cheaper and have let the users of his products have mjrtywi the benefits of his beneficence. lie diil not do .-ti however and now iie is riving his surplus as he deems liest. ORPHANS KKIKND RKPHESKNTATIX K IIKKK Mis.- hate llouks ol Itunn, represent ing tlie tirphans Friend was in town Jtuiolay taking subscript ions to that gotxt pa|>er. The thildren of the or phanage do most of the work on the paper. Not only do they make it a good source of income but they also learn the printing trade as well. PIIILATEAS TO MKKT WITH MRS. II VRItIHON The Philatliea class of the Bap tist church and the Philatliea of the Christian church will meet wall Mrs. Anna Harrison, Thursday even in, July :nl at H.'OU. MARGARET EVERETT, Secy. BEAVER DAM LOCAL ITEMM Mr». W. 11. Rogers spent Thursday Willi Mrs. Eli Ray. ' Messrs. Henry Allen aiid W. F. Al len went to Saturday. Mr. ami Mrs A. L Raynor and Mr. ami Mrs. Sylvester Raynor attended the show in Williamston Friday night. Messrs. W. A. Burroughs, Ira Peed, Lester Rogers, Sylvester Raynor and Haywood Rogers motored to Hay-side Saturday fishing. Mr. H A. Culiipher went to Wil l ..mston Saturday on business. Messrs. Guthrie Strawbridge, F. C. Bennett motored to Williamston Snt i nlay. Mr. ami Mrs. Eli Ray went to Wil ' I lam- ton Friday, sliopping. ! Mr. ami Mrs. Sylvester Raynor, Mr. ' ami Mrs. Haywood Rogers ami Mr. Ira Feed motored to Roper ami Rea's beach Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. M. G. I'eele ami family spent Friday at a picnit near Wash ington. Messrs. Mintra Rogers of Bear r awl Mr. Lester Rogers motored to Roper and Rea's beach Sunday. r Mrs. Eli Ray and Mrs. S. C. Ray spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W. * H. Rogers. Mrs. Dewey Copeland of Elixaheth 'City spent the week-end with hei mother, Mrs. G. B. Simpson. Mr Elmer Chesson ami children motored to Everett* Sunday after noon. e I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett nm\ ■Mr. Bill Bennett spent Sunday wftl I friends near Robersonville. SEVERE STORM \\ - VISITS OHIO Property Damage Eesti mated as lieing Around 40 Million The storm which went through Ohio 011 Sal unlay night was perhaps one of the worst that ever struck that sec tion of the country, a section of our country that is accustomed to having IMKI ones, too. More than one hunilrel people were ' killed ami five hundred were injurei. The property lamage is enormous anil is estimate.l by conservatives as being 1 around s4»M**>.oOO. Snmnaii ot lijnuer The casualties and damage done by 1 the tornailo as it twisted its way a ■ cross northern Ohio last Saturday i itii;ht are: At Lorain: Fifty-nine dead, proh ably several hundred injured an I I property damage ;:ii.>unt in" be .veeii $2. r .,O»*».INNi and *.!o,mn.i>oo inflicted. At Sandusky Si* lead. probably !i> injured ami property damage he- Iweeli $1,500,000 and sJ.liO»l.(;o> At Cleveland: Seven dead with small property damage At Mantua: Three re|iorted dead. At Akron: One dead; property | damage estimated at from to $1,000,000. At Youngstowi:: One dead. At Itav Village: Apartment house said to have collapsed, burying two. At Alliance: One hundred iso i lated in flooded lioiue.-, re-cued by . police. , - i Nenr Weymouth: Two chiblren • drowned in flooded creek: three . wiiithcd off bridge in automobile but . rescued. * ' At Cedar Point: Si* cot til "es blown down; no casualties. Military on |iutrol duty at Lorain and Sandusky, altlixufb martial law has not been declared Stale health lioards takes action In preevnt disease by supervising water supply at lorain ami Sandusky. Wibl report;! of looting Saturday night at prove untrue. Many miraculous escapes reported by eye-witnesses at both Uirain and Sandusky. Tornado jumps almost 35 miles from Sandusky to Ijirain with vir tually no damage in lietween. Mlt. AND MRS. J. 11. ROGERSON OF ARKANSAS VISITINC. Mlt. AMI MRS. J. HURT. MOIII.KY Mr ami Mrs. J. 11. ltogrrson of (iurdon, Arkansas are the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. J. It. Muhley on West Main street, arriving in Williamston ( on Saturday evening. Mr Itoger.son left Martin county forty three years ago ami went to Seattle, Washington where lie lived for four years, leaving there and going to ' Little Itock, Arkansas where he mar ried. He and his family now live in (iurdon, Arkansas, a rail road center , on the Missouri-Pacific railroad Mr. liogerson has served that road as on gineer for twenty-seven years and at j. the present is vice-chairman of the I Brotherhood of Ijocomotive Engineers ' of Arkansas. He is not only popular ami well thought of by his brother hood but also rank- well in his com pany. HAMILTON ITKMS V Misses I'auline and lionise Johnson - have returned from Sharpsburg where they have been visiting relative.-. I)r. II L returned Sunday I from New where he attended the Democratic convention. I, Mr. ami Mr>.' C. O. Calhoun of >1 Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr. e and Mrs. H. S. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury * motored to Williamston Sunday after noon. •• Mis Kflie Waldo and Mrs. M. B. " IJoyle returned Friday from More head City. I- Mr. W. J. Starr of Sunbury was in town Sunday, r. Mr. ami Mrs. J. K. Edmondson r. motored to Tarboro yesterday after- H noon. Mr. Dennis Inscoe of Raleigh was y in town a short whi!e Sunday visiting i- his father who is very ill. Mr. Rrne.-t Ham-ell and Miss Helen is Davenport motored to William.ton o Sunday afternoon. Dr. ami Mrs. W. B. Sherrod of Scot y land Neck spent Sunday with Mr. ami I. Mrs B. B. Sherrod. Misses Maggie Belle ami Annie h Jones and Ruth Pippen spent Sunday •r afternoon at Rivers ile Park. Mr. Ernest Harrell nLOik City ami n Mr. Elmer Edmondson * Has sell were r- visitors in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davenport, Mrs. id Maude Newsome and Mr. Earte AIII h good attended the Episcopal services • in Wfllhunstan Sunday. CHANGES IN I'. O. . ki ha;. i»Ki v r. :Several chaise- in the Rural De partment of the Williiutston post ollice go into elTect today. One of changes was brougbt about by a recent visit of Mr. l*rice. |*>inu ter. to Washington. This change the distance of Route No I! four an? two-tenths mile.-. Tho other chang> was when James K Harrell, who "ob served on Route for trirc year and three months, goes on N". 1 \!r M l>. Watts g>e to No. t in Mr. liar rel's place, lie havinsr -erved on No 1 for the |«i--t trn months. All the cairicr> hold No. 4 u horr* a.; it is noted for the wort n«ad- » the county. Marriage licenses For Month of June The marriage license, ivsiioi foi the month of June «|U.:I LA nuiiitx" to of the preceding nivalis spite of the increasing warm weather It is the usual custom for inarrv Ml to decrease in the summer muntit which can l»* attributed |t» Conditions and the wrather Hut t»«i month has been an esception with Itegi -ter brown. If one will examine the register'* IwHiks very closely lie will find that a large |ier, cent of tho Iweii-es w is uoil to Bertie couples. Following i- the list of lices* -e --issued for the no.nth of June: V. bile \\. Jesse Thomas h'l Mary Kniily Duvenport 'l6; J.»ine • 11 I'iercv 44 Nollie llawson IK; I i>lw l MnrMl. 23—Ida Harper Ih; Lawrence J I d ley 26 Itulb L-telle Gray .*•. l-.nwr Daniel, 22 Ro a Bryant. Is; Archie J hnson 28—Fo>retice«»>i, J«. James L Rolier-oa it Mii-.-n- Sparks 22; Bruce 1.. '\ ««k. 21 —l!e--w Wilson Jones. IK. t'adorrd Jaine tleter 4 -—I. He . :e •54; Henry Mi«>rr 24 Alvaiiia llollo inan 21; William Thomas l:tai.-l 3ft lweiMl Slaile ll»; llenr;. Mai.-hall -I l'orlie Harris 20; Raker W ilium V. - Kllicrlu Wiggin- I" Mlt. MOBLEY RETI'RNS KR4IM HUT UPRIMiS Mr. J. It Mobley return«-»t l«-»n«e Sat urday evening f#.m Hot Springs- Ark where he -|>ent several w«-k--. lll frieml.s are glail t« see him an #i> im proved condition Mi. Mobley !>•- '" tl * taking a trealmeid t«r II»HIIIU;» m>u We Mr. Harry in town visiting fr»-ml- Mr. Harry A. Big"- with a p«■ I «•! friends from Wa-i.ii.gtoi. n1 t« Pamlico lieach Sin«Li wd >i»n- t'* day. Misses IHi rot by Wm«ten ami H»i ence Ellington of kin-ti-n are ll« house-guests of Mis.- tleneva Ci*»k at her home on Hast Main »trc«(. Arch lteacim M»rriaMi L llilliw of Raleigh was t'ie • ami Mr-. J. II SAUMTM wbte he was in the city this week-eM »l( ami Mrs. M.ileum Bwgart ol liayton, Fla. pautsfd throtigh het» yesterday to route to N«»rfolk t« s|ieml some time. Mr. Charie.- Biggs of Ralevl. >peM the week-rml liere with bo- n>4tn Mrs. Biggs, who continue very dl as her home On Smithwick »lree M Mr-. C l» C«rstarpjm|w*l Mrs. rs. \\ UliM and Sutton CarAarpben mut«re»l to Ily mouth Sumlay to vi-it Mr ami Mr- L P. Hornthal. Mr. ami Mr-. Frank am. lit tle daughter, Marjorie ttw»l -d RocV} Mount were the week er-l guests of Mr. Fiigan's so-ter. Mr-. S. It Hie?> Dr. ami Mrs. John D. Birg*. Mr ami Mrs. lirover iianli-Mi. ML>a*> Katberioe Hariiison, France- Killunt ■ Dora Mae Stalls ami Ruth IVel ir turned yesterday from Morel ea.l Citj './ here they s|>ent llie ML-'. w»ek 1 'i hey nuole the trip home ttin.ueb (lit country. 1 Miss Mary Whste of Crcer.vilk " spent the week-end here with l«ei mother, ,Mrs. M.dlie Wlato i Mr. I-ewi- Manning ma>le a hu ines' f trip to Greenville yester.tav- Mr. ami Mrs. lien R Everett ami » children of Palmyra were visitors ii 1 town Saturday evening. | Mr. ami Mrs CL B. Sicelo#, Mr. W ■ L Briley, Mr R. J. Pre! I Mfes En I Peel motored to Riverside Park. Swi day. S Messrs. W. H. Carstarpfc— ami IJM f Has.sell and Sutton Carstarphen motoi e.l to Wind or last night to mee • Messrs. C. D. Car-tarphen and Johi * L. Hassell who have been attending the convention at New York T> ' Mr. Ben IMK Rhe of Wimmgim - is here at the bed side of his father i ■ Mr. Peter Rim, who is |mMf B a the home of Mr. Marshal Wi«aa NORTH CAROLINA VOTES SOLID IX)H MMDOO, Twentieth Ballot (iivesl McAdoo One ASoro \ ote l han 2nd '1 I -A I It'i i«c;hiaiiguug uter t lit- piank, j ih !«• li> llA' Vial'tui It licxe Liu. iiu.uu | >" l«."-3Ui vt.tiij tic.\.....» 11. tHO ii'Uil \ti.ll {J 1i J title. I .... .■ .1.1. tviln _'l| vote, .i raiiii.iiales ill . lie i:icc In, >.tc a- it via., ta-t by states! nu« t.-.i Ui.iot IN .summarized a.-1 I ; Aiuiuiia, oi cnur a-, m*r 24 .o I i..»t i «n.tti, anil Aruona |a.v«L |.kiluibd. iiaie Iters tu her fa write »»ii. .Sciatui Joseph T. KOIMII «II. .> i,! ail. California s _l» went «TKI I«. MCAIUKI. 1 itfcl Smith i ulrti ItNora-iti Knui her 12 in Uovermir ucet. MOOIIH i favorite SON candi .late, t'litiouslt '.lie hi si liallot wa.- ' i\ anion,; . favorite sons. Con ttc.iau: i.ate ei);i.t to (.niiimi i.r.-« i, o! "\evv Hampshire. aid -ix 1 i«»« t.overnor Smith, of New \ orh, IhttM- weie lir.«t Snutli vole- im>l .ii the convention. „ IWanarr'ii M\ vutts went -olio i. -1 former Senaloi William Saul-bui y Florjila IMVC her twelve t > MeAil. •• and the birthplace of Mr- V.loo Rate him her solid. Idaho Rnve lier to alrAiioc ;•!.« Illinois cave Small la, Cut ill. Silier 10. Jolm Vt. |>a\is I. tiovei not- Iti'.eliir .'!, Senator llarri-in . J. 12. I'liarles \V. liitan 2. Ino -t tvere I hi- lut vote., ca-f oi : : il/er. tm, KiUhie ami I lav is. Indiana cate •>)!• .olnl for ' MI. lou.« .Ment sol ill uiiilcr the bait Mile, 2o for Xli'Alloti 1 hen Kansas (rave her 2** for 1•"t - ert;or Jonathan M. Ifcivi.-. Kentucky's 2i went alone for Me XlllW v* Ixwiniaiia't Jii went >«litl tor tor I'at Harrison, of Mississippi. an • other eoni|ilim-iit for the teni|» i ,i . .hairnian. ► Maine t*ave fi 1-2 for I mlerveo-l. t 1-2 for Smith HIIII 2 for Mr Ailoo. I » Maryland I'anli M For Smith Maryland'* IK went solid for l!nr •*rnor IMrliie ad then ,v eletjk r.ille.i for the :xi of Massarhu.**-tt- Se.ia h 'or Walsfi cast them as follow- i ne f,, r Itrown of New Hampshire; i :ie i, half for Harrison, I I 2 for Mr \iio- ii and Ti for (iovertior Smith Michigan's vote was eiven 01, | a - VIM-1111, for Senator Kern*. 21 > j voles m all. Minnesota cave 2 to. Ritchie, I for I'M, I for I'ryan, 2 for I'mlprtnivt, | - f«»r Itohinson. I for John W havis, • for McAdoo ami 10 for Smith Mm. Mr Adoo Keep* Tulle > Ihirnif the ballot inc Mrs Mr \.(oo -at in a box, busy with paper ano I«-ncil, keepmc an account of I lie iMlluiuig. 11M bos occupied formerly by Mrs. Smith »u empty. It •»« obvious, of r.'iir**, that bere was gain* to be no nomination * * (be ballot, and that the co.i venlion was coin.' t trough a th.ik n .town |>r.tce>s, |iiyii. ; ri...i|'liments to fatorite MIIIS, an I |ir diahi iullill'i " «■««' pledges, hut i|ii:i:«n trouioi lor the real busiues, I I colli. 1 There was a noticeable i.U-eiM e of r - he feelinc of lensil\ that soeielii.tes ' |«-rv.ttle- a convent • 111 .u. liir laallotini; i-cb un lcr a 1 \. ' Missi*sip|ii ciiine next and c«ive hei ' total of 2*l to I'at llarri.soi!. Missouri, under the unit rule, pave liei Ui for McAdoo and|ih IS .tban'iMiii, of (lily, |iruni|it!v ItaiUiice l Ilia accuracy of that Vine, 1 i«l •ieniandeil a poll of the itele-a --e . ln»n. which was ordered 1 ■ J nen the.vice chairman a krsl that :he riu.Ui r lie pa.s.sel for the mo !S loent, ami the clerk went on to Moo tana, which gave 7 to McAdoo anil : 10 Smith. \et«n>ska'ii l« were divided, one f for McAdoo ami 15 for 'liarle:. \t. !!r>m \e vat la's si* were cast for Mc A-ioo anil New Hampshire'* eij-ht were cast sol n I for her coverrmr, , Fre»l 11. lirowu New Jersey's '£H, of course, went j solfcl far Silxer ami the Ms from a New Mexico went solid for McAdoo New VOl k Sal id For Smitb f New York's Ml went »oli>i far Gov _ eraor S/ nth, but the woman who n ( cast litem spoke so low that the cunveulkiti dil not knuw how they bail been cast until the reading clerk >r announceil it. Then the Smith peo pie on. the.,floor ami in the *rai n levies let out a roar. At that point iovernor .Smitb was six vatas be himl McAdoo in the total. m •_ It wan noted that in the Nebraska r role Senator Hitchcock broke awaj jilfww Governor Rryan. Then Nnrt* WATtH THK LAREL OX YOU® CAPER, rr CRIES THE DAYS IMtR SIRSTRIPTIOX EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1896 UK'ALS TO MFILT \VASHIN;TOX\ TOMORROW I (Game Called at 4:SO At Fair *r:>unds tin fi!i*M'.iy . 1 tast ~,vn k the NV )|liamstwn Wl r.- .m susr . tetl V* j a--i»ini»r..rf rtii> !. i,.fr K feat .at Jthe ha«-.i -.f !>:■• \V 1 !iin:ioi> (eriaU. [T. ii 'i r>-tv the ho! lean will play I a haici >n it. V, Jlc.n- In-, at the (fair irroui .1 . Or ; 11 - a.»on the I locals wiil altetn|4 to rv-«er e the or>ier of thin«*~s T*r Ter.rr is heinir j strengthen.-*: aiui a !n«i rime is ex hecloi! k Ihe Ioc.«! !»•; - reeii your upftort, Tl.oy bate .-(i nct-.»unt even t houch i! a , mall - r-.e C ne out in.l iret The .•;>! - nll t. 4 r- j •ci|>tly at '••ur-lhirtt Itritt *'li !a» be aMe ro twirl \\e»!iie-l ?. •-s a i»rain- IN! ankle rw". He \\ tshinr !en-\Viliamston rame la t \\ edne •lay. Grimes of will take ■rs 14;1.V irs the It-v » : t»e Wne jj f..r Wil llaM.ti. Marrell. cateiier; I Crimes, •itrh'r, J:'m*.. first ,s . «s-sonas, et ol i '.v.. I "t. . 51. -i.- rt stop; hhw'lmii. I ■u.i Iti-. I.teiti!. richt lielo. ;-!•>- !■ OS I I "H'H-" 1' iriihlll. ieft Iteiti I"«>r |»Ht Nr .IUU. Mi luir lairvis ttill '• hehi in n-rv v.h ie An.ier son am' Ja»oe * ill act a a iieril .lib .|it>ile !• \Kn Uil I. SPI \»« StniK IIML \L Id M FTIKL Mr- I II S.tu?i**er - a*, t'ul.lren. Cm hie UM J a k l ik. .. \! U iieeier Martin .1.1 ! tt!e -t.i . W t--ler, Jr., Mr I I: t'm »• ind ctnl «a*. >.>. rah l- r« enuiii 1 ar.i left Ihi m>rn rii- ■'>.! I>. ah'r' «is-rv iin y will |k thy- i*\l rot.i.; 1, Ihiv 1 v ere ac compcinet a far .. \\ 1 1 1 h> l»r S .uit-."r .1.1 l'«ii- -•! 1 "r Mar- II 1 U't will U- to t. t. toe I v .at: * I.hi e MR. r. F. II\I:I:ISII\ I\ II \I.TIM4kKF THIS \t FF.k Mr T. F llarri-or- lei ye lertlay afternoon for IValtiin..r,- t- en he wil* hut mitl summer Tin-k f • tl«» firm •I ll.irti'fi Pr..titer ute: 1 '••mpaay. Mi llatri >ti make > 'ri|« to the N»rt item fit ir eteit f.-v at. k aml keeps up with the m-• iel in tlie • ready to wear li-r l»th men ami woinen a- well a- 1 «-enenil line of** that will . t >ee| every ' nee.l of the it era.-e jxr- «r. lie was ac comiKii.teti- a far a. I'nli ivaa by his • lauehter. Mis- Martha II rrion ami Mr ICill llarnm. ' RFf'FVT IIF *V\ Rin IIU4I K'»RM WOR*-. Ine recent heavy niw hare WUIP I it pretty bard far f-irm •*. I" lias t tieeii too wet t«» |J..« and he •.■ eather has }»i-t leer, fi'-e for t* * I- ra- > to , I'm* Mi • i.,ur can ; fair .:uess i. t.t win ihrr cittf. will e «.l or , had b> ti l .-toer It ran ■ . .-hii the lir-t -ti> «-f July. Tbey a •• ayin? in r hi. rriN4i. i*iett 1 )rrnrr ly, t'a! we ha.l Ini touch iuu in Jo 1 to expect . end crops ~f either m' .Hi or com this yer»r. Mr ami Mrs J. L te«l ird. ami son . . Joseph, thud, Mrs. J. TV ixaMR and llr ami Mr-. Janie S. Ihrsles anal •sn. Jane. Junior, -pet.* Sunday at t "olerain IVacl. Mc—-r s. Charles llam aixl lam lieit of Wa-hi net on sprt t the week -1 end in town tiHuir fhi.tU. Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur \ iltiaius ami - ilauichter. Mis.- Lmi»? 01 Wm h.mrton : vUiteal Mrs Saliie Bier', Sunday. Mr IVte Fowtlen , esterday la r Plymouth on business. Mrs. Francis D. Winston of Wmd o>r was in town yesterday morning for s 1 short while. t Mr. James Glena -pe the ictk end m Hynmi.-i. Messrs. Frank J. Mar.-. .U a. l Sam 1 bane ami Mrs. Natkxn OHnma and n daughter. Miss La arc Ori.M« matar > .>.l to Waraiw Sum lav o vi-it Mr. Hariris' mother of New York »* ii - visitinit her so* Mr. Ma- Marj-olis k 0 that place. f Mr. J. 11. D. Peel wa a husiaeas V v oat or in town jestenh; k Mr*. Gam* Ri*srs Wf'tr-w-s. MB. >- I_ C. Itennett. Mr. ami Mrs. Ffeft I- Feel ami Messrs. WOsaa G l imb and '« Julias S. M spewt the ■ » *- Kwnts of tka Pamlico b>Hat Phmliea beach. 1 m 'i-M * | jr Canlatpbea, Jalian li«A Rfl Har- j k rtlvl Fraaci* Rarap spwt Mi ' m