ADYEBTISEBS WILL FIND OKI COLUMNS A LATCHKBT TO ISM ■OMSK OF MARDI COUNT T VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 42 HON. FRANCIS D. WINSTON DELIVERS SPLENDID ADDRESS TO MARTIN COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL HERE Teachers of Xlae School Rendered a Very Interest ing: Program Relating To Independence Day at School Auditorium Friday The teachers of the Martin County sunnier school gm a very interesting program at the school aailitorium July 4th, followed by a splendid ad dress by that willing worker and al ways ready patriot, Francis D. Wins ton of Bertta. Mrs. C. T. Roberson at the program rnmmittoo had a well arranged pro gram as follows: Scripture reading by Supt. Pope; Prayer by Her. E. D. Dodd. Miss Dixon at thn piano led many patriotic songs in which nil Joined in singing. Miss Elsie Green rend a historical sketch of ladepen edenc Day. Tha Declaration of Inde pendmct was read by Iflsa Darenporr. Miss Hodges rend a paper on the flair and its meaning. Judge Winston was then and he mad* one of the best speeches in his entire history. He presented it as a lesson in history. The Fourth of Jaly was thn *tt»*.* of tha speech, which day he said was now the only universal day, universal ly celebrated in America as political freedom day. tTntO the Civil nar it was more cherished in the South thai in any other section of tha country In the days of strife lulnow .he North and South the eelefacattau of the day was neglected for a time Now. however, it is again universal :n every state. In describing America ami its dis covery by civilisation after it had worn-kaelf down in the world, he call ed H Rod's last stand for the earthly freedom of man. Discoveries are generally made in ■ivest of g-dd. Man, in seeking the things he most desires may find he things he most needs even tl««;'" iuite different from what he expect* Seven Presidents of the fatted States warn deaignated aa the Presi dents of freedom. They arete as fol lows: Washington, not a lawyer, not an ndwntad man. wily a surveyor gave us freedom from kings end for ever insured us ngainst kingly rain. Jefferson gam us freedom from priests, guaranteeing to all religion* bodies freedom for all than ta come. Monroe gave na freedom from con quest, when he wrote tha famou* document now culled the Monroe Dec trine, which says the Western phere shall remain free from the con quest of greed by foreigners. Jackson gave as freedom of the sens, when he laid down ta England the doctrine that no roan try may take any citizen from America a ships re gardless of where found. Lincoln gave freedom ta the slaves The doctrine that ail awn are nwlnl equal. Cleveland gave ui freedom of trade. A doctrine that ta his day had not ex *>t*d between many wHwm kr-oeevalt gave as freed em of Navi gation whereby a new principle and new opportanitiea were giten ta the World's cmumcrca- Wilson gave nae freedom from war. . The wir dogs of the world are still growling, yet war donn mar rapid*) vanishing and covenants and reason are dwtiaad to settle dttfuwaees- A historical sketch ef Wflaoa was giv en by Mr. Winston, showiag his train ing for lemienhip for a greater free dom and how he sought ta obtain • broader horisoa, a, wider vision for human freedom and fauama goad. The work cboaen by Wflaoa was teaching, going from on* stage of the profession to another aatfl he be came Pi evident ef Pitaiutea lldma in the tiwt ridden state ef New J cure W ilsoa's Democracy bad made aacb aa impression an the penpla of that callir r him to the Governorship. In this office was |pl seen thn real po- I'tieal power ef Weodraw WBsea. He found n Democratic Ban and a Mn peblicaa Senate, yet he farced re form* through which had hate with- M'l : t jll previous tinea He gate tion act, i unapt petite act, public utilities, direct eleetisna. Up to this oMnenefthe state H The ef Weed row Wflesn aa G'«trar of New Jersey wan tha haw of the i naatij'n call to Ite in in MIS to ser.a as Pruilil ef the laitad 3fale«. the aa* Id's greatest at lien President we w wdl kaowa that they aeed an review. In the bnaißum at the Vgrnnt World War WWaam'a mastery w*s the adadnietratisa at the auHd. But for his greatest work, he had been preserved t» go to Fnripi «ad there sit sunwaaded by htegs aad princes. Preside ate and pntaatatea yielded to him nad a limae was farm- N.• ' THE ENTERPRISE r COTTON CROP REPORT FOR ! MONTH OF JUNE (Ry Frank Parker) The North Carolina cotton crop has i improved 2 per cent during the post . month. The June 25th condition of ; 73 per cent indicates a yield of 249 . pounds of lint per acre for this state. I The planted acreage is estimate*! at I acres, resulting from an ( i per cent increase in the acreage over - that standing a year ago. The present crop condition is 7 per rent less than . last year's June 25th con.lit ion The r ten year average is 78 per cent. Ac centing to these figures, the pros pec I tive production is indicated at about KMUfcm hales It will lie rrmemhered that the 1923 cotton crop gave North Carolina a irjik of second in the cotton produc tion of the I'nited States with 1.0211.- 000 bales produced at an average of 290 pounds of lint per care. It is well known that the cotton growing condi tions during the past season were al most ideal. July resulted in a record letting of bolls, which, by virtue of Irter conditions were enable.l to de vleop ahead of the disastrous holl ] weevil damages during bite August J ami September. I'ndcr boll weevil con ditions, it is the early crop that is a good on.i. . j The conditions this year show the j crop to he 11 to 12 days late, plant a »mall, tendency to grasainess and with the frequent rains washing out fer til iters. The best cotton condition* are fount I in the inner central Coastal Melt, extending through the mnin part of thp Piedmont counties. The northern part of the licit ami the Coastal counties haw experienced un favorable cotton conditions, due to the continued rainfall and Into, cool weather. The soils are, therefore, cool and plant* small ami the Adds grassy in these araars. The stands are gen erally irregular which will prohnMy resnlt in one of the largest abundon ment years the state has known if the net weather continues. The boll weevil is later than usual, hut may he in keeping with the crop. The general feeling is that we will ex perionce heavy holl weevil damages this year. Certainly, it will he impos sihle to make nearly as good a crop as was male last year. The I'nited States cotton has im proved 6J per cent during the past month. Thn acreage is 4.4 prr rent | more than a year ago. A crop of 12, 144/ tOO bales is forecasted, based on a June 25th condition of 71.2 per cent crap. The acreage this year is estimated at 40,403*00 acres North Carolina's acreage is seventh among U»e states. J Thn changes in cotton acreage* by rtates are as follows, being computed with last year: Virginia 125 per cent. North Carolina 108, South Carolina I®. Georgia 98, Florida £5, Alabama 100, Mississippi #5, louisiana 106. Texas I OK, Arkansns 9ft, Tennessee 91, 1 Missouri 115, Oklahoma 108, Cnli- ' f-irnia 113, Arixona 138, New Mexiro ' 3BH, nil other states 257 ami the I'- nited States 104.4 per cent. The canditiuu of the crop on June 1 25th WW as follows: Virginia Cl per ' cent; North Carolina 73; South Caia- 1 linn 09; Gnorgia 76; Florida 7t; Ala- ' hams 70; Mississippi 74; laataiaan 1 18; Ttxa 70; Arkansas (8; Tenawnw ' •7; Missouri 00; Uklahonm 7S; Cali 1 forain 90; Arixona M; New Main M; al others 72 and the Cnited States 4 71.2 par cent. * . I MBS. JAMES GKIST ' STATQN AT HOME , , 1 Mrs. Jasaas Grist Statan has is- ' wad invitations to n card pnrt, for " ta musw (Wedneaday) morning at 10£0 o'clock. Mr*, fltatoa ta enter- ' tuning in hoaor of her house ga«sta. 1 Mies gfbeksh Laws am at White Sloan, 1 Virginia and Miss Snsan Grice nf 1 Htaaboth City. 1 i ur 'tL : 1 | Csmmininarri held at the Mayor's Ola am the 7tiu, day at Jaly, I waa , aedarad to collect nH tiatotanitag ' r town at aaw in order to mahr my » seltlrmwt wih the town ef Williams- ' f tea. N. C. ( L Al purxwr owing tews to the I town at Wlhuastou will take dw | | net lee nad pay their taxes «Nw w , | 1 wfll be tewpeltail to advertise all j i law ant paid by Aagast Ist JT. a MANNING. Tax Ceilectar. Htf 7th. 1924. , p Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 8,1924. EVANGELISTIC MEETING TO BE HELD HERE SOON M. G. Leaman of Wash ington City Is To Conduct Services Williamston is preparing for an e vangdistie meeting to be held about the middle of August in one of the tobacco warehouses. M. G. leaman of Washington, D. C. has been called to conduct the meet ing. Mr. Leaman has held many very good meetings nt several places in North Carolina. In the list are Hrl haven. Nashville. Wen.tell and other places. He had womlerful success in every town, leaving tlie people in a more spiritunl ami Christian mood. A similiar meeting has been endors ed not only by the church members of the town hut by the people at larga A general committee of sixteen four from each of the church organi xations of the town, will make the necessary arrangements for thn meet ing. It. Duke Critcher is chairman. J. E Pope, secretary; H. M. Stubhs. treas. W. C. Manning, chairman publicity committee. Mr. J. C. Cast on will he with Mr. leaman as song leatler. He is highly recommemled as a song lea»ler ami a very food organizer. IN WINDSOR, FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 11TH. Windsor is soon to lie fortunate in having the opportunity of hearing Julia Culbreth Gray, singer, imperson ator ami entertainer, of Washington. I>. C., in her itelightful costume re cital. She stands in tlie fore front of her chosen art. her specialty, in whk-n khe is a conceited authority, heingl Afr-American Folk Songs. Folk Songs are the true classier of the people. Such music is the early ami spontan eons uprising of artistic |mwer in a nation ami the grooml on which all national masic is built. Three Washington, D. C. papers, the IW, Kvening Star, ami Times, -peak m glowing terms of Julia Culbreth Gray aa a singer, as well a* a dra matic impersonator. She has appear ed many times in Washington City, as well as in this ami other states, win ning the hearts of every audience with her heautiful voice ami lovely personality. She uses live different co-tumes to suit lier different group* of songs, lire Russian peasant cos tume was male for her by a Itussian peasant girl Mrs. Gra- met in Wash, ington. Seats on sale at the Windsor I (tarmac) IKD (MASS KFNDKKS AID TU TOKNAIM) VItTIMS Atlanta, June 7.—|. r ,T ileaal, 1.310 in jureal, people homeless, ami a property lamage of over l2ii.lMi.noli I in the SonUi is the toll taken by thro tornadoes ami n cloudburst in two months, according to a statement ta wed today by the American Ked Cn> > This constitutes one of tlie most .le stractive series of storms the South has experienced in many years. Ked Crows officials declare. A relief fund of npproximately ta now being administer I ad for thn wffnrnrs in over eighteen Southern communities by Reil Cross norhers. Hemes are being rebuilt, crops replanted nnd pictures of rain and desolation trnnsforme»l attain in to wwea nf normnl life nnd prosperi ty. To local relief efforts the Ked Cross contributed funds ad trained work era, giving communities the benefit of Its experience in over 400 other dis asters. "All that relief can do ta at moot little," suid Jweph Logan, Southern Bad Cross manager. "Following these disasters the Ked Crass tries to help these people to help themselves, and the eoaragenns spirit in which they have turned to the task of re building their homes nnd replanting their rained crops ta a credit ta the KVTFJtTAINED AT MIDGK THIS MORNING Mrs. C B. Hnssell eatertaiaed at three tables of bridge this morning complimenting the bonne gaest at Mra James G. Statan, Misses Sasaa Grice of Elisabeth City aad Miss Beheknh Lewron ef White fltotw, Va aad Mrs. Charles Humll of Washawton, D. C TV loiilj home ta nlways a charm lag bwkgi jwnl for nav affair aad it attract iveti-ss was sddid to by the profase aw of lowers cad phwta ="rved at the coadnsion at the bvMge DEICDE DATES TO I OPEN AUCTION I WAREHOUSES - September 2nd Date of Opening for Eastern Carolina Rocky Mount, July i—Dates for I the opening of the auction tobacco ' markets for North Carolina. South Carolina and Georgia have been de . li-nsiaed by the Totncrw Association - of the Catted States in session at : White Salpbnr Springs, according to i a telegram mdtnl bete from W. E - Fennrr. loer I warrh.-ucnan ami r president of til Eastern Carolina i Warehoaemen's avsociation. who is \ in attendance the session. Mr. Feaner's ?letegvam gives the opening ihler as follo4[s: South Caro ' lina. Aagast 5; Georgia. Aneast «: > Eastern Caroliw. September 1; miil dle belt. September 3: obi Ht. Orto i her 1. Mr. Fenner will raslf official report ' as to the date upon his return, which 'is npectnl tomorrow It is explain ed by tobacco awn hct» that in the event weather conditioi.- retard the crop, the itates fixeil by the n,-oci "tion may be nwvc.l up to meet the circumstances. At a -ul.-ewuent meet ing of the WMrtwu omT'. associa tion here some time an> a date sev i ml weeks earlier wi>> ro-»mnw-niel. but on account of the crop the chani-e to Sept. 2 as openir.r -late for the Hastem Carolina market was de cnleil upon at the White Sulphur Springs meeting. REPLY TO **COM MITNm'MISTAKE" GRIFFINS TDWVSHIP VI ITEM %N --SMERS ARTICLE RKI.ATINO TO DEFEAT OF S4 HINIL TAX The reply fallow>- "In reply to the rommunit) mistake of GriOin towuahip where by a special tthool tax was defeated. "I donl feal as it ta a bad mistake. liowever. but 1 beg to say that we in -oy good school naif intend to have a good school, but not a l*ublic waste like it has been, ahea men get in harniiny with earh other ami respect tie others fellow opinion then we will I»ave a good M-huul. bat as long a we cate nothing for the other fellows opinion- ami leave (Hit the gnat word of Ui onto other as you woubl have litem to do onto >ua we will lack war. I ami never much "It »ays this neighborehoml wa> "ood hoaest worhrra. I think is In •lee>t is Irue.. f»r in lookinr over the adv of Keal Estate fer Taxes I saw that every man in Crdßn town Ship luul Paid his Tins, ami I think the mu~t be good withers to support their FamUvs ami pi) their Taxes At the present rates, i -ays we like the obi way of Education we dont like the old way. bat we .loot like the way nf Torn and a Public waste of money ami time like it has been. "It stated that the Ikrvil can be re .(MMtsible for such. I dont know a bout it hut I know the IV* il is dappinr us in the Face through l*ubliration ami damier every! ime he get the chance ami when help t* needed we or soon look for. If IVople Woald Iw 'top ami Keawtve Rean- iu there Kye before I'irking thr Mote oat of the Mro Eyes we aould have much better than*, ami • lire everybody a chance of his owa OptOML "it says we rant have a xhool above the Primary grades, dont be too nervoar n honi it me or mrn n naff to look oat for tar sehonl ami have a school Run by Mm People and mat by n few nt their own ways, what aa want is men who can ami wOl Ran oar school aad give n statement of what ta being line, ohm ever the Hasine«s ears school is Ran by Peoples say so. we wW bare more a loinnoi nlire a l in mt al aad a great school. "I can say and feel glad that when ever oar men of GriAa Town ship is rail an for n just caase la belpt they all ways ga over the Top. aad if oar a Mwdwn would stop and look bark nnd see whd Rridre carried them safe a nam they waatd haw a naff to da nad would he better off. Thank rw. Your- truly. . Rote bv J. B. COI.TBAIN." PROFESSOR POPE TO mXIN'tT SERVICES Dae *a (be ah mo mt thn Pa' tor. F_ b. Dood. Professor R A. Phpe • wil rmlart thn iiiw nt thn Wed nasday evening prayer swilw at the I Methodist church Mr. W. T. Mw >!dows will make a talk daring the nerv tm COUNTY COM MISSIONERS MET I HERE YESTERDAY ' Many Corrections Made In The 1923 Tax lists The Count > Board of Commissioner, met at the court Momiay. July the seventh ss their mrular moot hi > session All the member- nerr pre ent Chairnuin 11. C. Green. J. G. IsarnhilU of Roherxoiv .tic; T. R Slalr. Jr. of W. It. Harrington. of t;rdßn ami C. A. A-krw of James ville. The |>rocee>linc~ of the meetin:- •lealt l-ri rly with r»rTectH«ns t«» The tax li-t. exempting tl»-c ahose pr*.pcr ty l_ol been improperly listed from the pnymrnt of the taxes up«. sime. It was or\iere»£ that A. S. Itobcr son be re tea from tie ictynient of taxes to the amount of ll( 10 or property impr«|erly li-t«Ni in I Vc-t township for ,thv nsr IJ2S S. C. Kav was released from the payment of taxe- nr. a t»vn lot val acsl at *!« si«» in W Uliam~t.>n. ame lieinr IL-te.l by em»r.' F. I. Ijisani- was appointe*! Coroner from this .late until the first Monday in IWrmher. ty.'l (•. It. Ilolling-worth was rrlej r. from the payment of taxes on M*"' worth of property improperly lcstel in Williamston. lb wa* .in'eml that the Cottoi> C««oprr-itive h* releae«l from the pnyment of KK.J» in taxe- «n property improperly lift ed in I9£t Mr. J. G. Itarnhill wa» appointed to nmlit the books of the Hoard of Edu cation. Mr. StuM»- I ilh'v wa retmhure»i with for a exffin that he hail parrha e.l for IVmper limes Mes rs. I er.-rtt am! I*u«al were re leased from the payment on JJKttt' worth of hees improperly liste«l ir Williamston township Iturrell Whitley was rele.» r>l from the payment nf doe tax in Hamilton town hip I'pon motion of C. A Ashew. which was -eromieil by W. R. Harrington, it was agreed to pny the firm nf Itailey ami Itarnhill of Kverett the -um of lISM. for •la mare- ikme by the hirh way to their property in Everett. V C. ami. also to pay J* ISarnhill the -um of ISO#, for >lamare- to " hi property by the said hirhway in tlie vime town. The en!-re I'.onl vntp.l ir tlie affirmative for thi~ motion The meeting then a*ljH>lirn >1 ur.til lb • first Momlay in Aurw-t CALVIN (YKM IIK.'E, JR. DIES IN HOSPITAI VVa>hinet.»n. July 7. Calvin Cool bice, Jr.. -o-i of the I're-hlent. d«e«l • oriight at Walter Ra-el hospital of Iduad poi-oninc The end came nfti r lb* boy ha*l hatlletl with tlie ulnot-t bf n*-ry ami furtituile for fin .lavs agam I a di: e-se whirh had r -rk si his halt with pain ami -appeal the re.-rvr »*ren«th i.f hi- frail rnn-lhutiun. Presblent ami Mrs- Cooltd-e. wh«« had maintai ned ronst.-rt Mril at the hospital were at hi bedside, hopeful ami rherimc nnd romfortinr th. ir son la the last. Three slaking *pells Sumlay night hrsuiHil him ta the puist of d.*alh A slight rally Moada- gxi.e lirht hope, hat saen then tier I* hegu; fa lose ground nnd i* -ere ralinl again. A sinking .-pell. th> fM.rih he h> uff« ml in 24 hour-, broaght death Natwithstaadiag the use of oxygen aad other restorative the courage whirl: bad withstood cri. is after crisis ami had beaten death off re pctr-Hy, was unable to meet thn final attack The colbpse began al C:3O o'clock and he gradually ruA into eternity. He died at WM o'ctock The brnthi John wa not at thr I hnbide. He wa> to be jo dm by th:- P»evident aad Mrs. Coolbfge at a«e, however, as they arranged to leav« wiahonl delay for the White House NOIICB City I icnaw Plates for Aulas and Tracks fur year l*2S ran he ■btiiar l at tha Mayor's Office. All motor vehirhs withia the Town nf WiHtamcton. X. C, not npiippi I with a city licence by July. IKb, wfll 1 not be iHowr I to «fiini> oa the dreets of N. C, nad , say ow violating this ordiaaace wfll t be fined tea dsltnrs aad casts in thn . liicirtisn of the coart t Ry order of the Board of Town . Commir .ioner i- G. H HARRISON. Qaak. Jaly 7th. UN. T McADOO FALLS BELOW SMITH WHILE RALSTON REACHES 99 1-2; DANIELS RECEIVES 19 1-2 IN 89TH BALLOT 1 McAdoo Hope Smashed When I>ele*atc Hedges Are Released; Virginia Hoes To (.lass When Other Strength (ioes to Him COl-NTY AGENTS RETORT FOR MONTH OF JI NE 19 lily; -pent in fiei«t «rt C -lav -pent in ofarr work. 14C f.-.rmcr. conferenoe. with firm rr 67 lesifr rntli L 4:1 farms visiini. 1! hoi! *mii iivvlii';". hrLi vit) tii attendance of |«-«>p|e. W iraiHtii in the o»ur I\ in raerformr.nee of tlutie-. 7 articles «ri:int. 120 Kh I 'ralfv! f,.r hue rhnle'u K movine picture 4,.»- hrki in ih.' -•vunly - «»* hu |.k'tun' oit horn 1,. •'n-t p»:-»i. i!* wmil. Otic on how to] tell a hHi ! is a i*m»| b>rr from •Mir that i r««( a r»»i layer One' reel «-n ki« to r >n!n i p-uhrr [ i We la-! a I.atlnkiimv of 7121 IX«>|l|l> • J •I! farmer isl j, how •»» | Iri l the *«•> >1 •T? farmer- a>lvinl as h.>« to u r j •*" f ilfium .lust to |K>L-.m ?he umil. fanner- in fmiinr n.T'' alaixv-i rations ■I farmer - a>lvi-«il it! rei*ar>l- f■- aenaanenl posture. "» farmer. a>ltir>l m ijrnrl • arias' for poultry. 4 farmer; a - -«-te.f in Hl>im- their wool. AiKhnl 1 farmer- in reea r.i„ | n rnwinr pecan > If farmer- :i.i\ i«l n rrnnl. to| the u-e of fertiliser, AHvi»l S farmer- in rr;nM t>. huihlinr -anitary poultry hou-e --r. farmer- in rr.'anK t. enriw for orHianl: Nevt m-U'th will Ir • ie\ole>i to wrevil Control Work •fu-iim- rott«r to fWilnJ tin- nyiiU. I e\|ert to Ka.r •t mou-t ration» k>rat*il over the nun ty «> that a i-reater nuniher of farm fr - rr,r ' "■ iHf w.H r-'inr •«. WKra ■"*>' "r>e want, in formation in imr>i wee»il n«irul work he tttre to rail •n r«W r..»iity a rent T. I: ItKA\IN)\. | County | t'er.t MItS. M. f . .f AMES DIED YESTERDAY Mr- M l_ J.:me- |u--c«l Iron, thi life into ileal h at her h»me in t'lerKl. Jul*. 7th. 7:.Tti I*. 1! |hr ervt wa- ev preteil a -he k«l heen utTerm.- cancer for five month. an.! it h»l iH'iiN for -ettral tun?, that Ike e«nl waa near. In her .Icath cmie.l thei career of on; of our n«JJe t women ' She w*» hone I. faithful ami •le|rbt thle | .''he wn horn Ma) I*. Ml near KrfrHts a Mater of the l.itr A. I*. 1 Ilarutiill On iuiae 57, I -ft", -he nurr^l kmel-rk lame. »l» ■li'nl «rrral year • «•»- : Mr- Jam* k-avr six cfcthlreiL. }j; j lame- of Ifoher on\ ■lie. v\ A. Jaw \\ illi im lon, Cornr-liu- J;nr «.f Ij.IHI Mr- Mary I. Everett. Mr- i 11. 11. I Daniel aol Vrv. I*attie I aulk j m>l of K>rirtl -. Iler threi- rhihlrea j Ur - Hu»lie Iturioueh, (iiilrMi an»l f 'hurrh James all her thej r«rt ? She leave- 2i rratnl rhihlren ar» | •tine rreal rraml children. Mi- James wa- a faithful nemlri 1 »f the I'limitlte liupti-t church at I tear Gra.-s for alnrut thirty rear . The funeral wa- hel«l at the faaiii nmetery at Everett- with IWer J. N. Hct-rruxi ami It S I of Kar (inus iJtrial irtr MRS. IM'NNTNG ENTERTAINS 1141 MISSES CHICK AND LAWSON Mr* A. K Ihinninr entertained with !«• lahle?- of briilrr la t rven ■r honoring Mrs. J. C. SUImN haatse (■Mil, Mis«es lawful and (irirr at her home am Mara street The Inriar room ami ma-ir rail of the lovely home were thrown ta*eth l a»l «w • mdc more altrartive by ik-'tv at |«antitir!t of a—ii ®aw er* . After the gaaM* were over a nM with inwt.ii In ■ ami lea was aiiii. TW who ea)>H Mrs O—amg'» Sa.spatalit\ henlei the |»it* ml hmmmwmrm, Mr*. J. L VSKuw, Mn. r G. Cadani, Mr* Ray Gwffww. Mr and Mr* IJhert IWI. Mr. ami Mr* J O. Waafaud. Mr. ud Mn. J. G. Sta ton. Iter E_ n. IWdd awl halj an oat of town aall Friday afUtai— risilaHr Mr. naddV akr. Mt*. H. L (Ma m Sfrimm KCaiki wife's pamb. _ ? t. WATCH TUP LABEL ON TOL2 PAW*. IT utCBIES THE HATE lOFR SUBSCRIPTION- EXPIRES EST ARLISH El> 1898 . Convention adjoruned at , 2 o'clock to-day until ' 9 o'clock tonight with indications of a Hnd slide to Ralslon. The last ballot before ad -1 >»urnmonl gave Me \ Adoo .*sll. Smith 355 I and I'alston !%. The «I(, lv!!.i! wr.s r>. follow;;: Mr \-Urn. :l - !J. Smith .'ViK; J. W. 11>*» i ti. I »„i, j*.,. l!.i:ln ffil-J; IllaS-'on I l;.i.uijni jit |*; Kr!*- 2 li: \> I J i -J; IHi ens ' IV l-i I | M \-h«. t'crtliet !■- e vlkti I I k'llrttinr !• . feline IN low .L- - . [Nmit«_ j Tt* aiKii.e in ;h.*.» Mh th? jllr Ailnu a'u Smith .(i-iei--*!•*- in* pre j|Qi:nr to r° t«» raher ran-iwiafe-. Th.» 1 Smith fom-s. I«.*e\sr. are h.|.fir.f on [with nv r- i -t«-r,nuvi wi, a- tl«>> are lhe:i=r lurk>- on In the pilfers of tlit- \r» Voik n-itntt. i lij.l J«»n ia» ram ai thin |4are law i« a favorite mith many I J.>- H » iHriel- ,|i|r- ir«ii in the j miiiEiisr *»«••, |he v«t' Utliot wa- I a-t. i«r iwivinr I'J I n.le l j \\ het; ijWr Irer vlh *e*,' to the | aii»-rt of lib-. \ irrilua sht« her !.-■ Mr to him Tae r*HT3\ •n% nu> !** r»n Ito m k> a !»tnijiiti.i l«-f .re nvtny '•t*ys^ [ Jamesville Team Defeats IJlley's llall j The Jjinr luk lit 4 l«al! 'f *a ilr liru'r*; 'Jcjl „f Ijllrj". Ii ill July Ith, s 1.. . I'l 1' - I -'le Huh iJajW an e\- 1 t»l iri'li «he* e«-Minis «.f the sm4m* trinini' w^ien I I Jane-ville' st'.r Wl; la k--r fuiohi- ; n( an ea-jr out 1 'iurkir. f,. r I itejr" li Sona-I | rare form an-i u-eil l,|, run- lo an I >.l\ antaj-e in pinrhes. A* -i whole he pttele.l a .erv -.». | -aim | Tk>r >«i«» for l.jile\ llaH ;»~re a- f.Jloe I* I ,||ey, 1; J,, II: V Carey. 1; J l illey. I; li/Gur k,n. I. i THo e mtpf for were. 11l Garkit.. I; IV Wjter-, 1. 1. Sjke . • •! lUifc*.. 2. \l ll«4li>iay, I; I. i Brown. I I nt|«>f. J Martin j r . MRS. C. R II ASNKU. I. \1 IK TAINS WITH |t\\t E 1 Mr t. I:.«-ll enlerta i>eil ilie I>mu»«sj»'» oci I Sftt of the town wi-h a |. lar>« la-t rvi-tiiiir at '«er h.-ote on I Mamt «sreet f.oni tie Imv of nine till melve, Itoaorini' I ranre IVr V-. of l".k«-> i|k I '*■ in i i» wa.- u il for ii trie j tn- a»t ri tki anri *.he mn ? ruirn f ak.-ij lie 4riMßi.|J.iynl, ,'i.tnt itie lof -ummrr li.-avr wre |ii»nl at jt.;>t»iel4. An we tw.r «.> -erveal af r-r iku* I .-te h >1 !«■•. cajoyeal unt>l a l ite l»«r In I urule 11... -ell M ll>. |V\ >me u>i li..tire- William IW wb for llr» i veti nif were j Ui v- Wnoin :-r.-l I k»r« 1 ,r- I 11.ui.-toooori r k;ii- '.on. Mi.-4-1 .Maty H I anal l!u tl« liia-a of WimL or - J Mis#- (tana Co.k, Myrt W>un-» IMhe llassell, lU-i.ti-r iirganus l«me Anilf' ..11, TVMnu . limn, M -Hu Wy# i- ami l ianres H'iW a*d Mrs W. 11. Watts ami ("Karle Saayer. linn - (.ill-am, Willie t«ree«-r>, Willu.ui. I . *ell of Wialrvr ami Julia . l*arvLs ! aa Has -HL I.) mar I'.nll, lonaaie itulpMt. i> -llian Motive-, Itryant ami I-ill Car -1 t. rjken. Iruk Cai-uryhtn aad Jan. ' l_ IL. O. •*"" T , . SI G%■ ENTERS Ilk THE TON INTO aiimßN MtaiVSHINE C I iiilii. S . C, - aal dMna *f the mgS aaark«4 have ' a real arnam far the makers af mrnmmMm, arcwrdiar to Kthart KirEaey. CaiteJ Stales aankal far > the wmtmm Mrkt af South Carw - law. Hia Jaaialiiliaa iarfwi* that f mt the stale kaoaa eaaaaaonly as the s -laark Caraer" whkh had a wpata tlaa far pwadarkaK *pml * com"" hi 1 klitlih tfiUs laac before the Val iaar*teat part ia th mawa a lamer the price af theae taphi the . harher the pn*> af the aaaafae-

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