THE ENTERPRISE t r- - V. C MANKIML v. c MANNING. JI. —res. MGR. (Strictly CM h Ail ■■ ■■) , - *l-M . * TI'ESDAY, Jl'l-V K l**t- The «mU' hattle araias? Lm are bemr ~ ***"" gil UrnN In our C«mnf first tlr have lm «« V\ iii.u. the very irm yrar- »"** ptuhibilioii ha- Um W«al«- IJrs*' MiUr- Hair lw« likf. u, t lit [javaKf of ar '** mrgamit U«- of «aar b»i the ei r-«* eteialt. aiurwiiiira! I» "M ' aaastru t tu i. Hut mm thii is »«i a 1., f i battle- Thf »«t fuiw »»» dMW n.ri tbinr in their pn«et *■• !•" \ «-i,t tiar eiifurfrnunt of pn«,it.i!*.'. . hunr.l iiifurmurt! vat Inr 'V tri.. f t». tu »mr»j i«rt 1 will iavc a cirt! Wurii«ir w the mm. lutMi of lltf «ori» T> are *1 u6>etviu»'tli- in**--- ttal a. ar. k«v »u» iV irf en?»>r*emr*i «W an>l slill fu-t> ■. the I M«i >'ai. Via* lk> liaa? >a*ftrr. a> thai frfaj. tail aaali "iaaa- mat M ta> r (lar preposterou rUi;n «•' !•* i*w Uan. KaiT vat aia> «.)».>? (jut * rufuKa-RKIII laa- (wl bait. **! fur ta.a-#a M-t ' «u -tirhiiMi 'tin i ui tt# !•« frfairf-. !lakH I (ami >-?, »>l JuatiJ fa -Ullan! 1 tae «»»! rt4a*|4r> lifwl* uosourmES V I h—y lb. VtSIIS WI'«H JU..CW »Ma 4, fc> _ _ ' ! I 1 ! iiarnmui Urns, j anil (Eiimiiatiy | JULY SALE!!| % j .Friday July 11, we ate going to start our July ('learance Sale. We ha\«* a large st«*-k 01 all kinds of goods-, so it is mi|M»ssible for us to mention them all anil the prices on them, hut we are going to give I ON ALL LADI ICS' AND CHILDKENS KKADY | 25 per I TO W KAK ANI) SUITERS, MEN'S AND ROYS | j (51. Off ( i ( ri;HlNi AND OXFORI>S. j j Now is >Olll o|>|iort unity lo get the greatest bargains ever offered. J Our buyers have jusi returns I from the Northern markets where | the> lumght some of the greatest bargains you have seen in a long time. The only way you can appreciate them is to come anil see them. , I i ■ ■ ■ " ' • Harrison Bros. & Co. | COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK ' X j ■ wuaiamston-s Lmi'Sfr i wimkt m knt stohk rrr- 1 * ? »bl«ia«lilr riwr that the naihrr •# ill iali i ander prohibit ion m far less ' tkaa miller the aid system, certainly L Im than half. One of the important ml re ■riu nder prohibition i* the lane* decrease in arrests for heinr drank. Fieht leading ritit? report a «*e rrrasa 1 of more than fifty thousand ia one rear, anal this in spite of the fact ® that dnuknlnrKs was more closely * watrheai than it was under the ohi * svrtem [_ Why do we anal «ur country nee»l I- the enforcement of the prohibition ameiialment ? We certain! v hare a many as four reason-: fir«» a P"? cal basis; second. a moral: third, = «e»- I- L| afM i fourth. econtimbie We V Irour -f pas tlie physical reason with " out nientHan. altliourh its tflfti am the | iaealtl: and strength of humanity is *I tn l.afii-er .iouhtrat by hottest imrsll it W( all kra.w we are safer >r f tlar liamt of si>ler tte If t!ae r hat*! of ilruiikrii «ain-. TJw M»ral lawil for proiuhita• i •"Mti" «hi rmler. Tin- uncial a:». eraaiaaamtr tint-fit pr.-aiurv' by pnd.s »"• ara- too |aiair. ana' tc*» weli knoati ta ra-t|Uira- argument. IVoplr • ta. itavc alas«-r\eat ttar situation k ill a-fln*t! if anyiititif- will pnaaturr p.nrr • y a:i( it.isery, luiuaar «ill ata» it ;*»lit«c;al i.:i j" for prohibition (a , >-■ in «* important than each .? t-»s a.jiwr and in ottie ways it i> n».r« ißipaartant It is tli«- chief '«'* liitaiirinr enfaarcemrnt AlnJ.. I«laa-*e rpa.aH! anil Irl- tia' hut.. ll!1l»1 4WI laaaaiv M .trxH r « tfhntl! |M , j ; s f.avern it Aiurrirun faalitio lir. lm. a t-t t«-r*Ni -lave of uh..h>>l f..r lull a c a. ti f y Ak-olaaal ii;i> ...icni uu- rr> » ilia, f «af taur (aa.'ir Mil! y ,t« t ,lk f I— .l It fritr. us Jauvrr Hw »*aire .af wliirfcry i» hpsr ; a. He manl aia( precinct nmtiij;- "fl U) ill aiaal thl.aUtrh |»l ltcal iMtla.*l rr**ater I.tioia It ka- m; . imsi all at force.-* in the rece?.t run,- It a-ritlaali lit \l'» \ rk .11.(1 11. . n aor ..." i| it in.ast per i-.tent lirt.: It ha- I ? faaUKht with I ..'I -a- ai»i ~f ruCI a K • - f I ill llniv be active, tl m not nni.b mmftr ta teach the phy-kal and BMnl effect af aleoMim hat X . an the saoal mmd political effect af Jaitag fna the small aamtn of 'people ia town M Friday the beache* 1 1 art have been more that, crowded. r far there were hardly enoael to pat J ' oat a kitcher. fire—there was no fire of coarse w we will Ka« ta. accept . • the estimate as a rwss. Fvert the | colorei people were few, anal thej haa , jAai.noi a bar day VOLI MES OF NEW LAWS j, "> aa min are a ui that thr country b heinv barah-ne«: ta ' .teatr. with u-rle> laws. Xo one «lr ' w that all alefttM metits of rwvert, I aa-rat la>« hnndreots of \«-- Xo one roaki posisibl;. 1 auufae tnat taxation is esortHtant ana-'' ■uan!u« kuruer every day !, I'rarucally every caiaaMate fa.r |hjl. , i !«r U&re areaoewe- extravagance II , liimaanl. ateraaraai- early reiref. ana- , prairrs l.ts *mrr- to a policy of rr- |( Jwtia4. Fvery elrctio?. is a papn»!| i tirtury for the force of economy an>-|i n-treactiiaetit j j \et. ua -ft'.f of it all. the puMa « -a-*- ract. -Uccer-linr h« |i pen.: iwir maanei that, it |a*e«ieces JI *r. create n».re >4hs>- aw- mmib.l! c»iar* 4::IkI- la, averaee «' J ■ >.'«• fara Lm ar r.u. l!> i air; le>- >' I'ae a'OJl.trt .*f |a : Iltta, :lj- Wilal«-lial - I I'aaf (inrJasaM. araal pctdfi)-ac\ • Kl. Mari! pa'ala .4*1.1 * k ca-t.i r t lar;r v«a»«->, .apum Jj I J - | I -iSr— t»j f (as-iJ. |a«rk m«!: ar« a .aral fl>l beUTst; alal .l.adrf i* ■ L- ail | irap.-ari.ahjc. -hV-- tir> dfa' :«ej ha- t t«. rr.e treat, we -i-aiij | fcaic na-re an. ina.r. r «al '%f urrjtr rotemment | J irfr--- tigr-. jKvpae >laoa uAaa i• ,n j lerest ai.i ulhcaa-nt enrrr) to a4.-cf lartter o«rns-.«ial ai-- lr? 1 ' —a 1: uticruL than tnc ;« ..pit aa ill b ive j '»■ fcia-l araal aill mr _ j I I rwm awl—rim wnxuuaron iwwi cabouka. ANOTHER WORLD ACOIMIUSH MEXT t j IheAHriaa Telephone and lUqtHfk j phatorraph-. by ariie. TKr tt in lilt in), and m» n ■), r iCipaiiit far thi> mvk was ewinwt rd k i kmr U~tan«r teltplwae fir emit ami av in bpmim lail\ Pir * jtaifj nccncd m New \ .rk aw* pn- ( pom ini— rliali I. ami iKklr aval- • ablr To the prrv 1 Hmr lonjr ail it br before the t«r of an ordinary trlrpiiow can »ee the party to whom HP is Uikuir * It -«a»b entirely inpw-iUr hut k tbr | lijrht of remit advances ir. awfa? i _ aton Biir rommi. :,>citop it doe.- 1 c '*■ oattidr thr uf prahahiiitv. j 1 MORK TAX PBHPI>:- it LESS TAX FRKK BONUS j" j Cookrss «l its next >e—m, r ,li [ro: -*lrr aa unri-inrr.t to 'lie fe-kr- i t r->« whw* [».ntjfs for tai iifir thr incnaar froir future iv*.- of j -late ami munri|ui katt h> the fni ■rr»l- wemiiH' It aLw nrwri* that -tales may tax the iio>n*-- fronv } future of rwrninft.i U.n.t- j •hat are owned withir. their l»>rirr- In j |4au> Kajrtish thi- mear» that • >"■ in- j ft.n* •ieri«->i tax-exefnp? bnbL> I of > Willi- Jax-free an in 'K j paM. woul- hereafter le sokjn; ti.' !autii« tr. If# ~iw nijrnrr a ir-| .• inr ejutot-. •«. a>-> otiwr j vii3t-«mr I BE WKIt |i\ \j IIK \l. NEWS | Viv- Kallar Saterwhrte lef* for her ; i»«if >ar Sataniay j M"->r>. 1 jr--?t-r abl i'ayw •«» ; 'j*rw.- tU us9> *. n >' * # ur-S -\ Mr HUise olLNiv ( j~-*eht *;l!t Mr Kmut IVrlt i J'r an*! Mr- Kinrr l iir «~n | ! !f..«rdy mot-wed f.. (nn>l|. 1 Mr M-iiira Rarer- *»f Pw Cns, , »i»" ht nntlii. Mr.- K II k'r ■ •UHtoin' In |autt«an. Jlxr to ~|«»i t i f>* «is*-s »'tl Mi aw! Mrs. J. F . « . 1 |Mr^sW>ire i Ml- Sallar Min >|Mt >way with Mi-- \ada IVed. Mfr-r.-. ti- It Siik|Mlll ai«l !». Ji Imotored to William tab Sat-, , ur»ia% | See ti«e \ urmui, at I Hi- S»ns»: , ItoeaUe Jul. !K and 17. __ . I-aa ' w«r. uvi r jtwh. _ |_»>i lr»ti) a •M-rke victory ri.! t»- il.. whit; "si; a ijuini ettizrr, he M(S tle Siaiaer Scl-tm lts!tr>i It* thr « ! -prtrr made 1i..:. Knanri.- D. feiM-n. at the Iwa-Uti -eiaMl auoi.-.riura tthilr "hr i.un..>r ' wa» elsewhere Use few reaper: n-.i j Ir »>l from ll* Jail's -(r*r»i (Li, j an;- Vf-rtr«i the j ta-arlars I» «■- that «fce Ju«l|>eV i -tppmi.'utrnt neve «i r—» winiy \ knows. jia>i ft»rtliaf :. -1-or. It» hear |iht imwfc. , The Cnari > Asem"? i*jMit tor > I "Jane t» tbf ('MT.IV CunmL- -tamer-' | I '. r4tiJ»\ l- \rry plfi- li>r Vthen auj attendance at XSa farwvrs i> miMiN 11 at hall weevil awtits oar aairfct I I. eifwrt a nrsrußs battle to he >lafi>l I;aruast the little K«t H i The rep art haw/ farther that a ' peneral :Mr«--l ir heiar aaanifcstwl 'ia thr %anoa> 4rfutataU aa thr farms of oar cvaaftjr. -The ia—ial af the w«tnj po-te4 to hr thr laost un • portam u>«r whilr the care of arch - ink, haiUii:* of poultry kaa>r>. the ■ afcf of wwal am art aqrirctal Vext faith ail hr aire or less >in*t«l to ami caatiul aaJ the faram will aavr m chaace to ac* thr |W-orfc ia pnwesL -—« Week tafe law lattlr effect aa the •Ms-rates at the eoavratioa. Tfcry «ioM ' r*ew woat te rrtwra kaae. TV} ■.* ill as a I—ttiag sftfl aai fa hacfc to the naMta to vale far 'Taaiilary- Srr thr \mrmitm at thr jtiaa! . Theatre My 1C aarf 17th. Daat aw thr Vnaaa at tb Straad Thcwtrr HOWS THIS? MMCTBaM CHAIR ELTAIBING 1 aia in a pociUm la hottaai a*l rhain and ft* than in aay way neces sary I also apholstrr old chairs. Grre aar a triaL W. R. Borers, MTavtiiar tor. rfiwK near Fprihr"? store) WD birttna. K. C AUMIMSTCATOirs MITICE llarai; this «iay |uaiifiei as Aif rimi-trator of the esbtf HT Jn-tpr Cowry, lata «f the of Martin, raatire is hereby kit« i» all persons HvMii r rlaims »;"»ir..' aiil estate to pmnt ame for parnmi on or before thr 3(h lay of Jsnr. IKi. or Uii nvtire will hr pleauMfi in har of their recwvrn All prr.wi- irrirhtnl t. -an estate will ranae for«..i.i ar.i! iniaeil late |.\ nirtit of same. Thi> 3Hh ifa» of June. 1924. MAKTIX 001 NTY SAVINGS AXD TWIST COM PANT, Adnimstrtotor cf Joseph Corey. El»E\Tt»\ MACKETS PEBKV FAST AI "TOMOBILE TRANSPORT Aero- Alheni-irle Socr.d in 1 hr I UONN'BCTS OIASTAL HIGH WAT ! #r In introducing ourselves to fitran 1 * people 4 in far-away states, in asking them to insure their lives with a North Carolina company, there i& vast satisfaction in pointing to our record in OIT Rome State, where, among neighbor* in 1 frVnds we have been known intimately am! HIT progress has been watched closely, from bir.h to date. We say to them —"Look what \v d«> in North Carolina." * + "Jefferson Standard wrote in 1923 on North Carolinians over $17,000,000 of insurance—more « than was written hoe by any other Life Insur ance Company in the world. "ieffenoa Standard insurance in force in North Carolina exceeds $81,000.1)00 —more than 1 has been placed here by any other Life Insur ance Company In the world. - L "There are over 38,000 Jefferson Standard policyholders in North Carolina alone." fltnhing In a short seventeen years, the Jefferson Standard Life has tsken its place right at the top with the best Life Insurance Companies in I _ America. H Without the confidence and sup port of the Old Home State, we could not have gone so fast nor w frr. We Aw oar appreciation of I Hits faith by inverting your money jaijgrty la North Carolina^which J L company. r -— , - r ,- | Whem Cmmiideria# Lift Imsmrmmr t>, talk A''i| TR, R"H U MV with the Jrffenom Standard mmm JEFFEKSON SDXNMRD LIFE B INSURANCE COMPINY Julian Price. Vreudent GREENSBORO. N C i*sM*u*ce /» /We* Over 52i5.000.000 (t ' . 9, • . - H. Marriott Britt Agent, v WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Elizabeth CSty mad Narfalfc, Va. nvm ml ml sz and m Billyh »l N C, to Narfolk. Va. Aad Other Tm Almik Bmlm rfle. Wow. Badk? Hit. Nnr Sen. WMfcinrton. WKonstM, Pljr- BMlk. Lnw 8 a. bl, 11 a. i^4pa Lt ,Virtj> 9 :30 a. m., 1, SJO pi ■. (Midday trips not rar. on Sndtyi) NEW LOW BATES Small AM—Me» (inHodm* driver) | DODGE BROS. I MOTOR CARS rilE RIDING IS KASY THE QUALITY IS RIC.HT THE PRICE IS LOW LCT US DEMONSTRATE THE NEW MOI >EL IKHKiE TO YOU John L Rodgerson \VI I .MANSION, NORTH CAR. ' '—- * -—* PNtOTiWtiVll ' Laift ArtimnMw ( Udi|UHi| H way; *rip «■ Pkmger fun Mt F«r I,i..itlw «» -FOLLOW EDKNTON-MACXSTS FEEKY ROAD tOGNST 1 * m BOOMS FOB BENT H " Tm mm for ivat. Gaad lucatina aad Ml trtui far bgfct >■■■■

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