THE ENTERPRISE r,- ' J rmr Ttofcj Friday by tbc EVT KUmiSF. PI-BUSHING co. WilliaHtN. North Carolina w. C MANNING. Editor W. C 11 AX KING, JK. Ttusines? Slinswr Subscription Pre* C Strictly Cash in Advanwi 1 year C months ■" 3 months ® Kntered at The IV'st Offirt at V il hmKtihi N..rth Carolina second - class matter, umler the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communication;. to The Entprpn-J 1 . William-tor., N. f TfESDAY. JI'LY IS. I*2l. I UK SPECIAL SESSION (By E. F. Glenn i It •» settle.! that '.he .xistinr Sep. - lature will consHle' in Sesr.on the r- I> -rt >f the State Snip ami Waterway Cummissitiii 1 his is wi. ,■ :.1..1 Common sen r f r pe«- fer,!y ohviuus nea .ns, am -rj. »:,,c! we menti. is 'ii-'v authorized a> • »|a ui! the '. "inmiisi i to nrik- s spicific -investigation and report to them. I: cm!.-? 1 tally th's report in ,k«*-} very plain stated recommendation coverm»* a m«>t important ami far i~ in»» internal mpmenrnt. No On.ral A semfcly has in tie pr.--t. or J will »*• calle>! on i-3 ti,e future to con sider • proposition''hat is of more uiiivcra' application .and benefit to all the pei.ple .f till flrf" State. Th fart i not •> apparent to peopl» in I tin Piedmont and Mountain See. tons j a.- is !i »e hHhvrry' >ft(m sine** th. I do i>>! visual wifrnray- to If f develop-! as they do the improve J. rua-i I hit pa « in front of thoii i honw trti' the in-wfi!■ ciift if «r. develop ar»t use tit-.* waterway-. )lorr\rf 'iie .tc%ci.pnient nixi UM 1 •' the-« upert. harbor.- and intend water ways hestowfs; u | «.n us Hy Divine Phrt rH-no 1 is a sarre-i tni.-t and oM, pation »e owe af our posterity. A Pr.-: i-it'fi! Ktfo>*-\*-lt ai! to the *iov ernars at trie f«n»en'!i'M t"..tiforence in \\a*hinytoti. 1». I' "Any rivht thinking father eam-e tlv k-sire- ami strurt to leave »o his -on both an cntarf.istkisi name ami a reasonable for the "st nipple of life So thi na'ton a> a whole should earnest ly tie-ire an«! strive to leave to the next the national honor un-tame>: &n>i tiie national n--..u»« > Mtexbau.-teii •if ttise natural r«* M>urre« the soil, the folcsts and the Water* a\ - cars not only be u-0.1 in ;uch manner a- to leave the un ilimirishet hut can lie actually un proved by »m> «-*• ' North 4 ar.4ma ha aw mile- of ocean front with ar; etn>rrii>u-- expanse uf na\ i»aWe sounds ba> - and rivers which afford greater opportunities for successful develop m nt of a -i -imi of waterways 'Jtan any nther -late osi the Atlantic Sfa boan! Trie Commission found that the use of these God-piven water way.- ha> beet, almu t neplipihle an.i tb-i* as to their usefuln.-> in buihl injf a k'eater ami richer, and mor* powerful state is concerned it wouKi have been almost as well for N'ort! Carolina to have been an inland state What the State 1 mipht hav" done :».• can still accomplish for it.-elf and foi posterity by the ilevelopnient an. WfP of her unsurpassed waterways car he best •ietermine-i by what ■tr.le* done ami are still doinr he fuwlamental purpu»e of all sjrs tm> ml Miwl trans po nation, whrU»i by turnpike, railway, navigable river: ar inland waterways is to affonl th cheapest aad eeeet eftewnt means o CMMdag with the seaboard in thi ttinpirt rf aad fregrhl DITES-SnilGS. D ViSISS Since waterway transport is cheaper arxi general I > naurh nwrr ( rapid than any form of land trans port such waterways Vmkl be .Se veloped am! used whenever availaWe ami prr.rtical. Necessarily tnone State? located on the cea enjoy very mark?-* ai(v:.ntaees over inlaixi states. The* | ail van t aires are womlerfulh enhanred j if thry also have inlamt waterway- . ami rivers su-eej." ible of practical u-»- in connection wit hthe sea. Sad. is j manifestly ami preemiwreth Nortl. Carolina's situatMir a- to transpor . ' tatior. possibilities. V»e have faile>t tc lienefit hy them as we should. Why? j Thi. has been due i» the econotnK system of the entire South After the ( panic of IMS the Southern State- al- j rait) eommitte.' to crttot, continued | to expand thLs rrr-at crop utilizing | their surplus sarmrs to l»uy n«.re slaves to ranse rm>re cotton True | i Louisana raise-t much »ucar at-" (t.iet j southern state- rais*«i c*»n> elerabl* i tobacco hut it re»|Uireii a devastating« I civil var to show the Sou*! that IK*- | • ever important o»ttor, may have leei. ami still is yet it is mrf Kir.r Thi war also • lemons! rated the «, • ( velopment of tt«c -outh re-ul - ii.p fr>-r this one crop -ystem to the nerlee:' of otlier e«|ual(> if not rm-re im|».rt-»i ! , indu: tries I nfortunatelv this csvsl • i war left the peojde of the S-tt'ierr 1 Stat.r so |»ur that until receht'-. ti -. 1 have leei, unahU to umlertak* a vHI • halan-e>l iiovelojwnent We car, urnierstar*: this hv i I'linipNe into t»«e pc-4 In tie «-ar!y :«art of last century aixt f«-r tei year i (after railroa-l- »ere krtowr to I* |»rs«- .irahl,' tlie wh4e Irer-! was t«»wa«>t i ■onstruetmr canal. TV -er brfr sy - i iii- n ore >levol.>|ir»t 111 !«» • rr-.n js i ! Win y I van m antbrarite c*«al t«. tl^"' ! I'-1 to oiKtiiT! tine iralmu.*' j villi t lie tlhio \ alley ai«-i Great lake J- i-'-ioii ami 13> to these ti». " « )?:«k *. wrh the M issUMUHii Kivr- ami", I . I * innutaries l>f owre 'here *e«- 4 I lUiny other canal ««•!. I. urtiv as tn •iilari.- to * he-*- or f« rne k«a! m j erest Of these -v-tem- "r«e ntus*. fur I rottt hmr in it- flt.rt- was t««e' ' r "" j i anal coniertini- New Vork t'sty its; 'lie llu-hsoi: Kitrr with lit'lflit*. N\ ' fj'i'un m IHIT ami n mpirte«l .li'lKiT-.l I ;; w:is l»uf four 'e l .Hep. It- fee*, . Kie a' tlie bottom. 4" fe»-t at *»- Op an«t lial- - !•••.*■ -M. re .il y Ins! ■:. - tits' tutcn it wa- hy far the .a. t important artifict t trsnsporta ion ii.ute m the I citf>l S'rste- It •rosi IVnnsjrK anta 2ii»l Maryland !» ii. true: similar hirhw ii t" enalJe' I . *liil.uiel|ihia am! | !«. com | J??- - -Z3SQZ r' OUR HHf • 8 • | | IS GOOD 1 i ■ i IPRINTING ' IS ' • r !P - * ! "i • , , J (Jet our iijrures on and stv of ' letter hea«ls, statements, envil»;|***, fold- u il era„ visiting cards, business can Is, pamp- $ litets. etc constantly carried in our stock j for your accomodation. Neat and Prompt Service Guaranteed. The Enterprise \ % . .- • ! pete in western traffic. It opened up 'tbe »itire middle west nnd the Great ' labs rcrML It developed efficient transportation on tho Great I-'ikei I" unifies! X. C State ami huilt up the port of New York until it ha- hecome t h* l htW't pt.rt in thv* world in ho J tnlumr ami value of trade It slaio .liaed fieiftM rates from its comple tion t .late Hefors* i*s compl -tioi. it 'r.o-t lion ami reiuire.l 20 days to a ton of freirht from New York to Buffalo, rfter eompletior. it 'con ten dollar- a ton ami eirh" day for the same -erv ica. j The third system of mnals naliipi tSe farmers of the w-st to float their - urplu- prialurt. to tlie S»uth xUtf they found a ready market for their 'flour, live -t«-k ami provision . For ■their manufacture! and importei 'ii«l tie South wort to the merchant 'of th.» north an.l ta-t Havine failei' i .to le\ -lop m-iuf:«-turi-if. bankint*. •eoinmprce ami .-hippinr the M-rh pai-i • ■ .iMite to farmers «.f tlie wrest, to i ithe merchants, manufacturer-. Ic.nk if*-, bribers ami -hip|>-rs of the «-n t. ■ tritpute will continue un'il w have a real ami complete vhw »f ' ur wromlerful assets ami :«ctu:Jly "le vel ip ."I *l.l U e tt-OIT! Tlie situation to-day is that our 'ffcis t f the farmers are ilis j --ti fi.-si. Ttey cannot proaluce rrasn la elie;i|J% a- in 'i»e ("ariailian North -1 «;st m»r can 'hey transport it for .export as cheaply This because it can. r-.o' »rt thnnirt tlie congested port* | «.f * 1 1- country To reme-lv thL- eon-1 «!i ion prevent this throuyrti -an:iia-iml tbe St, liiwreiiee \V» i \ -rk Stale hrs -|aent huiwinsl- of mil li.a»s of .lollar in eonvertine th.- Trio i ii*to a lan-e rrnal capable of car I v I? in* -elf |.r»)» Ihsi lorr''- through it am 4 to tiw l«!.' of 1.-ike Superior for t rim ar»l oilier t«> rearh and |«a « th'oujrt *.or |».rt All |n.r*.- are fun-l j»*-l- WI KI, a.M !arr» lv to the «-o.?t ioT trail fo.rfim- i'"«-I- ami e>|«iLiHt i ] urbifs nm- e .toi.av out North Atlant r 3 . l—rt- very frequently are Tn»* r?si)l! j jis ttut in cumbina*ion with New -y. N V. is >.«•» spendinr »lan,- «•* .*> j„ rxpeml Ihce p.rt 'acililie .He >ame th njr is takins.' place :■! all ■of th.- other North Atlantic |«.rt- In 1 ;nte of "hi- however Mont real am! it«e Si lawrenee kiver r>-ute is .ur e. -fully Compel mi- il. I hi- freat w.v I en • i IITH In (ie Snuth Atlantic ami Gu! f l"..rt> -itnilar conditions exi>t N«-w !a_. mi eipamioi ler poii j fd!:'e> tKat !ier .-vtv.rt trad' 1 is 1-iv.m.i In New York'.- ami more than I threr tinr a.- t'reat a- I'hiladephia' m pfiuniMs wmxAMgrow. HOOT CAMOUMA. p In addition (ht has improved her in : had waterways aad lias inaintaine«l t navigation on the Ohio, Mississippi • and Warrior Rivers in -pit* of the t traffic opposition of the railroads and » other opposing interests. Houston, Gatvrslor, Mobile, Tampa on the Gulf - ami Savannah, Jacksonville and Char - laston on the South Atlantic are • spending millions of dollars in port i> npcnsion and -n every case r is responding in satisfactory measure t to the increased facilities at the ' P° rts '/ In the past 15 to 2>i years North lj Carolina has established a splandid r school system. She has established P ' manufacturing on a firm foundation r capable of future expansion. She has r improve.! in agriculture until she is ,) j the top ani still advancing, she «j has done remarkahlj well In in • urancr-. she has laid the foundat ion , ]f«r kv(4o|>in;" our ser. food industry, 11 and ha> deniopfd a splendid highway i, system. But she has done little for . i !«r-r trade and commerce which » 'su(T«-r : nir from an unfair and unjust r freirht rate discrimination. This she r' has borne for mar y years at a corf . !«f to fifteen million dollars an jrsuallv. The way awl the only way to r ! .stahlish ,-nl safeguard our trad? ami Ifoinmirve aisiinst thus discrimination is ti. huil.i up a eo-o»dinatcd system of _ |l:nd and water transportation conneet r inn with shipping on the hi|»h seas jfrnm our own port:. .t|uipped with , nn-lern terminal fariilts j The ship and waterway eomniis* ion j rrport thst this is feasible and will j r |l>c effective; that the State shoulo UII- F '.iertake it at once; that this* con- I forms to itHalern practice at home and j ' I abroad; that a permanent Cnmmis-I j I jsio.i In- appointed to act for the 1 I j State in makin«r these improvements. -nd in these reeomni-»ndation.- these ■ experienced business f**|icr«s »e. - | unanimous- Iki we *bh to develop North Car»- jlina? Then let Us adopt this report _ and |»ro\ i.|e a coordinate sy cm «if t land an.! water t ran-initiation rmneet. j mr with the world's shippine at our j own seaboard with the spirit that , . built the Kr»e t an;.l We have equally r«l*n! reasons with e|ual or i»reatcr S>ffrajiTOflaS*g Harrison Bros. & Co's. .1 BIG JULY SALE! j 8 II U I Fff, j + lot oi lilies' Comfort slippers | One table of Ladies' and Children's plain to.-, one st rap. side priee .... $l5O I Oxfords. Those are the best values —m —— you have seen for the price, pr. —= 9oe SjH-cial Kit oi' Lv'ies* Linen Ure ses. rtijlti The I est bruvains of the season 3.75 One sjiecial lot of lxatent leather 1 Hi* 77^ ''ress Oxfords with one strap, pr. $ 5125 m'ir SfKvial assortment of Voile Dresses sjm] ' assorted eolors and si 7*s $ 11.52 One table of Valencine and torchon $ S- laces, on sale per yard _ 5c ijj jfr C.ood quality 72x90 sheets on sale at 98c 3 3 | L* One s()ecial lot of Ladies' Shirt waist 5%■ SiK-cial Jot of Silkatecn dresses, as . white and pongee, sale price BBc , h8 sorter!, strip and check, sale price .1 0 1KB• o .* , 0 . • , - - -One special lot of Indies' and ehH- | || of Meivs Summer Suits dreXsnngtiam 'resses - 98c $ that will surprise you, sale price $ 5.»>2 ; M ;n; , v 4 „ I 1 sjKiial lot of Indies' Hous*» dresses L ''Y'l. of \ ounu Men s SuiU». \ G They will surprise you when .you iiS Su »■ should see theni while our stock is I J . \ If zS complete in sizes, pale priee 1 SIO.BB | see theni, sale price $1.13 (JS i li ... ~~ ii Pt'j SI'KCIAL BAKGAINS ALL THROUGH THE STORE. BE SURE AND COME IN & | Ii SEE THEM. WE WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW THEM TO YOU EVEN IF YOU ARE | NOT READY TO BUY. !|| Harrison Brothers & Co. 1 I j WILLIAMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE j promise of somas as New York has enjoyed because we have a —ih more valuable int?rland to supfort ow de- j velopment. North Carolina lies la the best part of that vast coastal and Piedmont area stretching froas Mary land to Florida and thence to Texas. There is not in the entire world an area that has been so wonderfully blessed in fertility of soO, variety and healthfalness of Hi—tp, la variety, value and vohune of pndacts aad in potentialities of agriealtaral aad in dustrial rrowth. No section that is so self contained and independent of the ontsile for support, health and happi ! BARGAINS!! J 'IN USED CARS 1' ' I & n If you are in tlje market for a second hand car come to see me $ liefore buying-1 have many values to be seen in Buicks, Studebak- ; ii- \ | Ijjjj ers and FORDS. k>od ayments if desire". DONT WAIT. I B. R. Barnhill ! m 8 I . "The Ford Man" j i- | , | Williumston North Carolina | ness. Aad yet this Mdha is art | North Carolina ha* hat tw» ana a half million aad sfcoald haw a minimum of tea ■Blioa of praepenaa and contented citiaen*. To da thai we mast provide transportation tmSHm cheap enoarh far the* to caapk with others in the markets of tha world. The Commission paints the way to accomplish this ia ffafl menMrr- We are now bringing people into tW State attracted hy oar own adver tising of oar advantages. Other agencies believe ia car great advan tage* and are aiaa adwertisiag as. We oae it to these In, paopfc/Ao wish to heeanw North Car I ad as to pwtiiMj to pnaMC ifttahle i the transportation faeflitirs that oar physical advaatoges w« pa expert the Lord to help as. A* na see it the carrying ant of this ia ponawt program wi help oar Help oar graia and other prodneeti af the M*Me Wert by providing ad lilionil transportation facinic* far their export gtafa aad other poo tart t aad we can help oar New Tee* aad (ContiMaed aa Page Ponrl

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