ADVUIBEtS WILL FIND OCK ooLinms A unanr TO ISM flows OF MABTIX COl'\TT VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 45 EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN TO BEGIN AUGUST 21! Services Will Be Con darted In Tabernacle TV Imuii Ennjr(i.-4ir lif lie ia tt dam-' «-n will K fii That iliy. Aag« the iw*n:v-fr>t Tka frt mr sfl k npfwuii b. t :jc difrmt ticaawainalioa-- cf thr l >am ■MI win he fatU in a Übrmarlr The fr* in— wfMity is not rnrh kwn IM M is thoafhl to Ukr taw • f a HI) lUIC* CW>>H)!»l»Ml Mr. leiam • r who will c>4klik: "■# services Inam • with the rrpatai-.-c of Mi e rrHml pinckr, « Lt> pr.. the pLun gKpri in the plain Or:- k.a wsy. He Jms not use the cmart ar at a Kkl U.e down st«f tricks Iku f »nr r> il.'liM? u a»l do. lik ■rr:«p at I >!karw.. WetxWl, Spriof H«rr aad attar pbrr have rrt lead thr prakr af thaw tawns ■ n'ltA 1 Steal road has km accaaapli- Mr fasten. *k rhoir4-r o. !> Lr'.mri-faslr:. |a.ti, u a >«on - -.en. who iu> the |«-r.Tt of liMilft hit. li a mtj i.aul j.j.prr. He is .air—} - ft i h rf tally samssfil with k'- : t•> »» work u>l never, fail, to ret pro}* - 10 star in ail the sonr Hfrkts Thr committee in charrc of ».!if ■ulat has three jdare-. is * u to the larataaa of thr tent. hat a: litis tune it has nor deride.. ja>t w~>h I Mare will he rhaww. UMtll Kit \ItS LKAII Til WASHI TON t KaUtonal from i adr >i—a) The many years* howl over toud condition- hrtwert. Wash it. *..« a»l tirremille »iM saw be mi a«J k k ander stood thr la-t work of «-m I pMat the h-ard swfacnl hu?i.w-.. oat tk> m4KI -*lr of the river t» nob i«- j tke will hear no mor* thr » : ae | iaH, "Tan, I travelled alt tur way I iram limb, or froai Xa*hvffle Tna, o» from Rarhaaoad to Wash ma: I- -. in J my car aad the m« >'i» jw r-ar I ■all I dnrk that paece hrt tn Cimnik and * it is fkrkas to ferl 'ha' «ant* ;oa r—n drive jrowr car frun the ct.jk al •f Hnaful to the npavl of Pi-. ■ oa a mad with safety to yoarself :.M car. imikd uat trekle* S in er I tor. rat hapfoa to crave all the r. 3d ami 'ta he iat> yoo. With the euaaplctica of tha* Ui«- n die nci it mraa t at Ma>hkrUa ap to this tkne is I»r well rjrul for «n fair a- rgw- •arres* k r»- c?rnr«!. Tht> rov. lie the im that hare be* r bwilt. % ill pm«e a valuatdc feeder briarmr tr; .!* kte that'- her* gaiag elsewhere .-we to the fart that nak were ia -urh a it aimld km piti—i af Vlaaki:«c taa irft ija'i I from a>inr it. !t will he different snaa. Wadikctwt heiir the hijr*- town in thi» sM«». it aataraily follow. it k the proper *J.«(e Aad we bclkat thk city k to ewjay a rick brad hy the opeeiac of thk CM 1 ■ ille-Waafckrtiiß f.trh- Already we have a hard «rfsml hirhway all the way to aad to he riaaplrted to Wiadsar and then mm to Aalanler. South MiD> and thr Yinrkua line The ram! fmm fhaiaaiaky m towar-l A«nm » ur der way aad k will not he Ion? he fan Washkrtaa and Brlharer are Afl af which anitf a saaree of ititm to thr city which it ha* nerrr —jaynd before Work, as the readers mr? already aware, k kiag pashed oa th- hiphaay from (Twwiailv to Vaarehara. which mew mm af the ■MT wS ha oars. as.-are each aad etety one cr m*ajr here ta spend their dollars, made pas lk by oar inpini I raal' that they wfl receive the bed of t*ea»- waL We have at toaaa ta feel Mae am* l> pit lilt far 'he Vhaily Xew= "» 1 afl Irat the sflcety Vmmg Irs Jad la thk tw 'actka aar far— wfll h- able ta hnl their tab acre -a *he Wakkftaa am hit with very little traaMr aad ia record tkae .What was aare a haiaj far al day *B be If aoS thrfar. Wuhiagtaa (paad raadr w0! hr a bar 1 kaa ta the fawn at al aw_ af the year aad so a the wt aniil ahra mnl ia mm* ar leas . "'' "* ' ' SIWUItK TOTHF EJfTFRRPISF « THE ENTERPRISE I ■■■Hl J. C. Coston STILL & OPERATOR CAKiIITIN REAR (aRASS SECTION Oiik'Ci ifa\er Wins in A Free For All Chase Or. Aj-enr. 10l Win" i (i«r it. i!nr tins* im.i hip, fJkri -if»a hat *s3l mffc t*c uirn a.- i«i- > k- !«*- take il» fcrr rjki, o'.i h.r.-- -pa:kiiDi' cm. I j»u. ] Sfc* appntv' ff the •Ai: * ml kf»t. t !!s) wofiiip* of !n Ti hr 1h- ntn ••jrialiu* l> > xtt mn-n- : r..n> Ty «4»r» >• rr W: «(he* nil ami the et npiraJor? hf- Itan Irmlißt- IV pit'. ) aerrtf. lath* r I'fM, «ko n>j alUiti! in ioiv Hip bout.- *0 W; 1- ir I ' IH-- pu»i lltor A. S. H)!l.n tU i»j, a b» «aeil IB -tiiarp. rr-.r, % li'llr «j\ j 1M he " 'HI «' ll.» -Jkrr-T ISr t-1. i «.'» rU.r- a repot.l: ...r. for Im'h I j«M ->» i . .tHraK . "pi- MA" U, hoi [,»: sftfr hr nr r Hr It-iker a*t |Jri *fe« kf hi? cur «**r. he, tijt I* n« a ktav) -e; ne 1 wl t**at it he m 'il4r far turn ' lb r«* Nib c|> « r»i • u ;er." 4; (Jrf f-f 1*1; raR h» | ri- nib! »wr he 'u«uvJ IH.-I lite ! liJihCT' -r|n -j'.i ; ti. -fli u- a., rwlrti ' »« U Wi' a! the hey: i»Hi-iv «.f Ihj, *?•* 1''0! as »r t>l before. Mr. lU*f i* n for hi- r»hr»tfr ii>l >■ hr th««*fc: iiBM by rwß;»' i»i ,:s 1 little ir_l ke* *«e!-l nuk> mw ir» '♦».*«! iV -rvtA )«i •J it* he "bat *he imr «ii U r «r .-wiiiMf A' the rh- » *rn! «£ krt!> iterrr- '«4 v. »f* fflr -** wrhee :h> : ar-*i -v m-s-» Ml ,r a i»T» Wf >ri mr • ri>** -fmi Mr Bikr ski tilt fee itin '|#oi 1 wl «f» «ak whir'. 1 **■ r» bi 1 *iea fee iho «-ans» *p«t ami,took in* -le»!ir! frl! «f lie Ir t ttt> Win Ne ;i» > he ' '■xn-i that ike k»l fc»4 Ki lean hot he ha»» to for *iw t? n*» s_- a m-» !«r " •f pri>te. ami h- wi! f orvrae.! 1 WITH all *T- -t/» -»rti. (KIT 1 le-«_ r«:«" Si i*«rf hfMr'iV ami -h ej, ■il-'f i»JI he MM pr* Bp in 4e>pair i ■l' «a he Ml three hi" «"p lM mg'- Rm ihi> era-h nt j itwc fee K«4»4 mievi tixl •«» bis k>w grtßf op too. Both rmt « •»«! -tart ami «i :hry r~»r, thru tal! tiilei-i. «rer kr.niHr- -j*l thru rt* eat krar- the v *««t. Fii' l )'. the r Ti'** ef tinarr heran :« >pf»» » n re-arh u.i wber. Mr k~ker rKrheri 1 fct* nai. be faaw him to he Mr VbeVr IV-ik UeoJizuliMi rai* |o both *.f therr, thr.t they w re M ir. a bir «»»1- j with m .-a-vijErr fc. . i-ht rifrp mr ! HarUe beer> **at Mr. IVck fc**' tkat 'kr pi -T n'H. " iln»y 1 P«|>l" ami ".'.at thry were krt * farj frmm tk* fnl seen." «f tk*ir en- _ ifearw ami *h- two of tkew hrni "1»f «, that the otfe-r «Arer» were «p« tbrir tnj Mr Rak»r aJr-- th-t Mr Pr.k is kt «p>l is ,j m!ct of e- ienr« i» rawlur- Mr. I'e..k .wbrv« •k-' Mr. I laker wmM never fears fci« had be Mt been ae rii* M~vy boa's whwh barf rrafoallv ®ir»J ap with wa'er ami were mrk a. ayi Bun a to kii fnigiiu «"' b-» wii Mtapto birtf>ri>r ftrai Tbr at her mm was M eaorbt It. r thwkt by i|e nflkrrr. that he rk> 1 rand HH. TV- Hm ravvtei of an eneiler! " —>r it*. >b m berrel- of beer rmi abwt oae pIU of liijaiii zp waily rje. S- P-itw kw -at trieH ami ww bmi »rer «• the Federal Cant , for hi* '.pneaeuare at the Ortxher ; 'eraa to he hebi m Vad««t«i Mr. IVik say- that the mM* H-- ; was al tfer Ml «v thai be hal iewx hillihiijis ami «sw the ailf of the atari wewt fey to get- a irink W illiamson. Martin County, North/'arolina. Friday, July 18.1924 a dtmrnrnm. / if ) - ■ Sk I Me! \V. Leainan UR AL BOY SOR TS TO LEA\ tl FOI SILVER LAK£ 81 N. Will Lnjtiy a mo W nks Trip Near WiLstm ' The !• Ti.l h») n H j , ami ma rt mn-mn. J" _je k-i»-«ri;: Sar»ia>' aa**£u«_- j: ewe-,, 1 rl.wk li*r SHxer I_k«. >«ai *ii «, tc -pemi their tr,nuai acdiMi 'nw ' -e»«ul -ko listirf tiie Higa 1111 m ' **S ■ Ma- ." >tßv r liltt The -eout * -I! Btik>- ("*r .*"« | mnihr, r;ctny ia uhwu o.r- liu |K»\.« have Ui- jll «.,* j- , ir II! EARNEST A> TVJ THE-, W-R" . -IF; >aa er>j.>>ahle wMu..- r. il«. , 1..11e>. has rra«tr fwrpirat w- »Vi |i«y.» a-ife* inet are at in-e H..ia ■ av«.r»lier t-» him tke pec *- a» j.». I ttiere t»»!nc W.#mx ,jni ; 1 h-hin« to irnsß) It wiil hi if inie:—~: |» :V --faet that the h«»j» »f Ire sr-«.p -H-wi not ha\e to make a -pn«!«-! in or>ler to reuilsr ibe' p«- •' •- N»( tfai tKe tiri'si) »•*- 1«:t ' enwifk to take eure »f j-lt r\pN. WIIXJAMSTON 9: POWELLSYIU.K. 3 11»* f A (■■riknalfo ti: e !i>-o W >lui »• *« . ITvetest- ar»i t o.iJS* ,»r- j an arjrre. 'trf "r* ~ t3rj- .» I wii;. r'j',%--#f*rr >,»• j,- ( iHe rur i> u.j ■xt J IN a fai'LY R«- •* v-tmr- —(I*OI > 8 , _> J - :ar«»*pat»t. , ll'Jtsri. in. «h« sariew, OR. M>e rno«mi for tise « I-IIM-, •»•*» A»E*»»' T»-»| w-, seven* h. after the ho.ti- pi>'. • '*r i. >.i-»e -n ire Pofee.' t^.Te-. fr~*. "•* .kf ''..Her "Hie H iflcinidor. ; rwi, *k> Re rj. jh troab** iieverai 11ie»'. >■ „■ •'..••-i " ■ - '»w • "ie r»e*: awr- ek. *»■ % » ant* ftt.,( rveir>>■' ku--»%rK •,», the err- r> brt>w r - ■ Mt- T * P w>, of the -w>r T«-* k ! ti» ke-p ir- awl' vP "ae err* ami »he 'rw coHnsei, * t.%i* i * I -eore i- har'ii-r fair to- -air* o" e j pl-vrr- Th* oetr nw-eai"- e*e- 1, 7" -J Htere-are- the mwj - «a- wthrt-r *r-——— re~efe»i ftr-t , Ocrle ami f'uk fn'an i rt ti«e bat for WSnntM. e«rt |w»r --i-« *hree «»fe»i"i -«■» #«*•» trlpr lf 'he ntate: f\-ii|j la?tee is frw rur- ae-l -..r*.i on.- bipa«e£^ |fc»n"t a hmi >'ay'- work fie -aitjoo*",,. |F«.r Powett»viße Erii«i.» rnk ibiv |slB?le-. ami - r wrl i iaml j-insle. h»kei ke--! st %r*V ! Xeitber team ao- «o«l 'hrf t 'ine feature*. ' Our «n ' e>«l the wasat} wan li -?e»ip' »-"•* Ibfc initfj'ifi! of "Taiime « f>* |fch! o*»«rfet to ke 4»re " . Orlr a -«alt ciowvf wut arr.mwt, at; the n«e h is to br kamoj sSat Wal pen«|e win re*p>erl ke««er to tke effort* of the KM to —ooi* • 'ptert-.inmeat lie »oe [■Mafhp. The ho» eore Mbec l AB I II m t E limine, lb s*l II ii « Curiae, 3b ■_ 4 • ■*# • • ;lavitrr,n 3 • • 2 (I t ißesfii. c. 1*1(1 j Trhrte.2b.-p. . 4 * I 3 3 « John-tor,, cf s«*!{• Evans. If J_ 4 • S • • • Cuaia. if. 3 • 1 1 • • H«Pea*r . p -2k 4 I • • C * TMalf 23 1 l« ?l ii % 7 ' . f - *-I *■««« .«■ i R m a r Sssrb. ef. 4 | A P (» *• R haws, 2b. 4 I 3 f T « Jes* Harreil. e. 4 1 I T* S * n«ber .ai, 3k. 4 1 •XX • H- baH brew tbese W a dbart fkv RoANOKF FAIlv KACL; I'K4K;UAM IS ANNOI'NCi:i) 1 ounty liiir To ik 1 One OF tile Features On #rofc ram T UM i: ! L«H;KAM anmm \\"i M N hir IhiMß.' Onr..t. iur Smrtar) ' lor ur i.o.i'aak*' l~>r A vi*L l «>n . ' ti«e ttx ;>?>»£» «n f««r she -msja. hmar.l a tm * .ful !sir atai «.v --'(wisllt in the Mta ; d |ar.n»" t I>i. •)*'! thr fai' will t.rc m .nth «-ati'u-r *l_iß last. i*t\ in- a i«".»rr fav *.«;.ihlc tiw ;er «.-'h* r aiyl a 'birrer rn>«>L lh» h :::r * iil «»j-« t». t. Wi ;i>l jtii dmsfl Vtiit. ' -Jllli. L-)ir? f .ur /nil tvy.i. XII fntrj 'i- ncr> »ill jHum Vtd>f !4tH I! !' M. Ki*- — . ' «•>*:i- xi r-r S»plc.ii!» . 1-.. So l!:ir |1 Tt'C •»»" 1 t" ■ ; r«. i .n: Tor- U) IhliArr ."Id. , i2"i* f " rzr * i*ur "■ rsw ! :l 2:lh _• " - l*-jr f fi. 00 WidoMlit. tkliihr '.* ad t:M I are -_ .r IX.'-r !W - *22 Tr»»* i'jr c {'S*> 2 11 Tare l%ir*f«l» I | Thar*dj>. fVtJii . rd. |FIW K .r All Tr.d ami l'.»or l"ui c f :a«> |?-1- L* • Tr«' Pur e i."9« I'rdii. (Wldit r 'lib. «ct«. f-r »r« t- r - Pi.. * f 100 I if. r tr^t^is. .... ... . i'utr : i >»' ■ Mr. I ar i a: »!.j> w. Sse» to ' I list • * ii I* a r»ani > r wc+ in '' * • • i--». may i-'r:*!!.;?. • 1 '*i« *.!•". :.«! 'I h j'. . *dau . r»Ly niaii «i. •!-*? ,v rsi .r 1.- i n. . . ••iv : to « .1. Ti-». >ac* !■! «mi .*> u t, li.vt' ti'f j.*rt -f iJ.* I#.- ■ u. • \7t»U V it1.i.1.l l( hacks u im.i i ni: unforiiUutr kch I'^* I Itavi lirya>» «iu rrre.vo! • - - " t:.y aleii Sraatur llur- K. Wa Ur, i>ri»wnil of M«n I t- t.i, >i n. waml ;Kjt W *«.nl i u|*- :»rr iPxle-t ll LaFolletts. . * ht e\|iMni«>r ha.- attno, U Mrr . I—ta«« -1 U 1 hMi r- -iei.;M(!l lv -..a ' t3i .uualr wtto r.'prf :.Lis • i« fx .a f «f J. "P. M.rv.-ri »r«l ('.-m --, ' !*c i>!rrrr>i ,lo Davi. mvut , '» J OBWrrt it ujl tic M.«r;T.u j firia. *J4> •*■!» VHW 11 tli? faulitMiil j arwl •rwnfiu- u! the coun'.ry rt -.i. *»itn fi f «f ilr. Ibvk I he i ']« f in a* • ! " T *Till c thror> >! td than tiiat -app»rte>l Iby Cav. I 'ia uppart in the ]6iisate afi}" c„r«ii.tat«" rr • |nt ti>» r>«i «r «.f Uti-an." > W»j#e!*» he rirenm 'n "take s rumj,"" »• 1 Srioll or l.i FHk'tf. T tb I 3 10 I 1 'Bauiiii, I;. I 6 ti *! OO H. C rf I 1 I 0 0 1 ; ow- Hartf-H. i». 3 I 1 2 10 | ;#iap», 4*l 140 ! T«Ul> .;*• 51027 17 4 .SfcaaaaSry: hit. I .tali* k-r . >.uUn. White. Rober- I . Swtfe" hit*. Johayin, Smith »,i*w9We- 'pla;s: Seacaaai» to While to I 'if rmr; I! j »c»e» to fale ll.trrrll > oa hall : fMi Holk«ian. 1; off f'i-w, 3; off White, a Struck oat: . hy 11' IKm-j:. 1; by White. 4; hv «>«*, 7. Hiu: .-ff ll'dloman. £ in . - -" " '- p V'Ki»c. »in 2 inning*. ■ V- t «Tc"' >- f, r.- Latk* pt*ch (eft «w fcaseae- PsoweH*- 1 rll-, S; illom tnn. 4, I npiies 1 Rdk'aaß and Parrk Snw k ir.nir.« ; R H E » Olft lift OuO-1 10 5 1 T» 3f1x~9. IO 4 .1.. , - i A-SH EKIFF, J. C. CliAWFOki) I'ASSEI) INTO THE BEYOND THIS MOUNiNCi AFTER AN IL>.NESSOF MANY MONTHS i . uiiiincMii Citizen of i'ovn and County for Many i \ ears-H ill lie Huricd Tom. rrov. Afternoon At Thiee O'clock in liaptist Cemetery » orm iar Crawfocd •'*3) al in. I viir- !itt mrndtf ar! ; htee o ||« ha.! h*e m fa iir * | i Ith :.r Hh'rr ! -■ t vear- Mad;. '' - 1 *i >»! h.« ikali j c .td tk-j '•»!> >x-ltKsi to it- attiwtauoc -»d t,»- -|nrn jttvJi! iti'» .fee a.rt.> " I* f»r«. tl* iOW,i . l-ryt :> | ■i sf;!"' whicti is:» .1 ihttr-1 •> - .11. i.iMivc«t_ -.«■ „e dr» k. J . it*.* «! t* .I* h.l j 1...- Cutv" tlf ' i.*■ inn/. c:.u»nt.r tun to U. u>i nwm.ii. ut times, j|ii!uu-n fe »a .iNc tO llu oone ». fk! 1 fc* • motilh. acii jtv>i uit.l iWa tfts * ; "T* l V ha- h>n .«» (f Aivaru 4-. ! h«'i-w :it.! a'.h'.vl t» miik.>r r - Whmi 1..- k.:. -trkk it wits lis.* «fr | ht-tk- ?r.»r»t w> «rh he r--» ;. j rt'tfiTii. ill.* I-.-:t.lm .1 htH'i; I* £ c« 1 1" cnu.iiy. Jul. :i«- ti«rt^st.j' ei.-l. .« :i huiuirvtl ar.l -ivt* ir ,i Jame. 1 ar»l ,SiJli' Amt-w« I "r:B f«.r.t It, hi- joiiih Im> « ;t to lihrf -.. I' !ilt> # »*•» h-. worknl for several I >e.»r- »ti the -tor * •«! It-r.t...* Kip .-trier which h#- arw.i'*n-. r«.n.!uftr»l :: nt.-rc-it-nl.-- ham ■ '-i, hiaiirff. T.ikititr ..1 artrvr ptrt » 'h» hz. ,if-* .lti.l ll life of he :>v - f ed - cMnrmrr-.j ho hmnw v.rvl 1 l»>r ' »«. 1.1 > Ins > rtna pnoea-eu »-*j' ka "'' to Ihe Ca-anty Urtawraitf a it iiicKti for the ... hot of Steruf h-1 * u> nominate.! at tiiat t*antiah> Aim lie. with mser (aM«ttr> .j -.w! |»-.r J, .ur ttrilr ■ paiKjcrii . t.-- l uu'it) hi- buai> '.>r tV-ij ' >» • . V. uiniiiK ta »he . Imimi. A 1 U-i*n| itit.» iiio owl of tor wdkv weut|l ; 'imuutust u» 1 imr* a».t , i i-- ooubuul •f .01 |ii.u> .A.. aii -.."Ti11. Vountj~ ha.-~t tcr bm » it«i* t. n acii •tit-tr .-itl i. " 41 •«• ll»P c-i|rwu> «.f tbrJl 'or .-i\-iv 11 yeetr-. I, i- :rur tba* h - i»Mj ih*- ml iii'-t m-tdvut ku tbl w# aaj I in North Cualtaß hej •" ••Okv .turinr ttw*.• .u> J year- Ihe entire !| -.4 tec! li-t heat# "(••> #./•»>. l«i for tae 1 fin I * - -y_ wi.!t-h an arc rare of f"~'l -I i*mi t-ur'n >e. r. 1 U rial n(W t- -h»« tkai e Mi. t rawfoni fiirh frstr ;art. .. .moiu .li .ti'.l -.. t»—-- *.. i. tie b». -«a 1 rota: i- -!v. hi :.url. .Uit'i 1 »»; the |« ..f .iwtie- a- very 8 .lll.l,leixialde .tii-i b) hi- rrvorw a- j ia-t.ll ran he f-r.the *'«h: I* # oi" hi life. I.t ail me* he aa>| re>;»-eU>l as a oik-r- oife-rk« ant' •loii .; of the hytlk t or.trr la the tah of an.l ha utami a. uar o-al. 8 Ita. • • - ' miarketl of him a uw .ta>> Wfw> ue ; fi»l tlii.t t»\er 111 her U> hat 4rl he.1.1 litiii rui-e hi- voare in wra-N I* 1 aii. nieti.hrr ht.- family, ae.i -S_ jf »-e lia-l aia-j - .Int. aa ha " !».•.' "r for al. • mr- riee.l.ate h.aa "I»a. j ii another e\.-rajjo of ;kr wdbar of lii- ehar?rter. f«r a ko»t aoi r«nt 'll- ,ai it ion U the natwartl rrdmrr d j a i-reat herirt. It* IHSS tw HI ia 11 ail Alraja li. a liatenian of W illi -n:-t»e She aata * tlrf-ir five rhilalreii awrvrr*;- hia Tkj .•rr, Mr. 11-.r.-ki W. tOark mi M lia -en. Mr. KaaSaral (\ t iawfaM af > Hark liurv. W Va ami Vt-e- S t. ,:«lk and I «aie ud Kflaa rhaaaas ("rawfao all f «d!tiw t.m Tarn skiers. Hrx I Ulu> fc*e t.tak of Koher-o :lle at i Mr- Iki Vi.-lt of Tarlmro a.' -a ~a- ne ham lie was a memhe; o. /hr Ht «ojr (hhi Fellows ami W •»)%>.! *.f tkr| World fraternal M>tri . He w»- p alfiliatr.| with the Stoir a all ladre mi s Mwni «if Koher-aaav illr »l he wdl , hr Iturieii aith lla-nair haw r- by that ' l'al» a-i-i-Uai by aadt I iiiaihii The funeral eit are-- wiU he hrU at; the resialenrr toamarraaw at three a*- ■ eiork by Ker- K. I» fkmh! l-kM by. R-t. I_ C- lartia of Mirfrrr Wn Ve Si MISS ITTA M W TO SPK %K AT CHRISTIAN mi Rf H TOMT.HI . A J Mima Ktl.i NV-. rrt armed aaa>-ne ar; from Mesirn. will peak a* tbe|' Christian rharrh 'oeiett at *:IS. , Mki V unn k rrß kaan ia la-t ■ err. North ('arnliKi ami k a wry ia- _ trrr- t inr speaker. The pablar k tally invited ta Hear he r Mrs. V'anre and litthr darh ters of lirthrl are ekitiar irhtim' here this week. Mr Dick Oerry af Washk«taa K temleai the hal' 1 a aar heir Iffikndai Mmw. leamaa aad (aafaad flkra »ill of Frrrett- were here Vokrdat ton base ball raaae A.SIMJiMIN WOOTKN I in. j' r..ur. rk-n ha- W-k i.-._ ,»j ft er.t jr.i rrtitite ; " IS: W«4n ' . Uir narrimf «f H»t « •uurtlri i Mary Jane i - 'C. a Attaler on - 7-.* J j t. - Si:,, nih ihy of July j "*jr i:.ii,-a»u liinltni l-at-'-i>r an."| I«rulifi«r • -.viisr, Ahhucl S' « •>-«* i- the tiaghlrr of ■ h.-1' arte » ! _ V ««!o , tut mi i>ir m .-i I in;- lurri'K ivLnpirli ■J * ln>. I -■*>£« «a;.' - iu>k to U illar; lit? . ! *V>»- w»or. * ~.«i-fiel Woo on *a> a I j- - 3 «*e > - Nnn h Carolina »i>w he - ' v . . mar.htxal. 'rr*,;s! »■ 'r.i V\.ir «~.4' ' 'fcpif*. v.i:h 21 •»«.. ' *«p *u* «>-i horsHurk aocun la- to >frk I, . TW.r lot itirm t xmc 4e .,_al'y in Mik. :n TU-" vc! «s» VI m it~ tnfaiiry ir«i - - * »Kfli w : auhuiuL He - Vj. iitirlWl to Ink. - rvlvant.i-e ..*• i«c &!i 4-4 vypwamiir- (*'.»«■ j h'tm -** l htcw* >tw tf tha- l.u t r t • -•—wer - m AUtnnui at«l Mon* j"i» i mw-» nf wr« of fiillifu' 1 | «. »rSo ir!urijti"!\ cirr U|> iWir ' i*-A> «' • > »fc «. . ■le »> Saw*' ii-irm-l. his -er >i>l -*ut'i;r "iW at mihllr a»r« to E&3 *-slw Ui.'orl a v.-jh_- Ji»Uh. t'oj . Ik-.r«" 1 )*• bri.te 1 ttie e-t a-* tlti- h.i|>|>> uttH-n ar».| i> » «fc'i vc-y |»»|»uL;r in hri own . •.US*- Iw. tM l>«l>ana »tirrf she M- T-iar' 1 4 trf-r time .lurin-- the ijc.-S 'I »«-e 5« r. in the fiel>i of f«lu- IfllUfc !•'* iutaj«» 1- the rultiina' lot- of a s-»;-4*; vl,rt :*an >rar- M-arw kz tte 4.1 anti tvTliam r«4l«--'.- •"••i tbkjnu wh«-re her j a-*-rr»-r -** i Olhn were martini ■ tirt 1r »i- a |tr.tfi-s--«»r at Miiw* l»i-t ?t «V jDtl lh)> l>f ;» ■ ~ at Jfc.i-on t'«.J|ejrc "i Hjt j'tw*: i«"i mcmhrr «f a cvl «kl uml ml! iuwci family »f \«r h "taMau. Iff K at Ihr jtrr '-M * ate pi ir.*in« of Km|««r, \ irrmh. * ! .er* |»e- ■- mi praMml in it»i After an ntitfW jv.nrthrrw mf en l«n tour the* »-II miXf ll»ir iw-en- in Km|>ni. \ir I '»a llra'«r l Alakinul NW WILUAMSTON,7; WASHINGTON. 4 laitnu- the panv with ur.u ual •KftmuVMi arxl takitatr »»/ "fcear aapfaunent«" «-rmr» W till .01 - "!» «*e#eat*»l VVa4itii'tx: by a -e« rr |f 7 1m L Wr4nndiy af'Mwmi V. itr* Ka tiinrtMi fir I rna.U- tt .»[. !jiauMUiMr' al Wt UirKH- it r jcaw>t Mm- Itcjtl-, for tie lir-t iitao .f vtrw! la ir t iiaae Uut lhn.U:-l (M --; -f I*aul |W) "fdni t*i Mrurir. W iiluMi tii* t'«-k it> "us'-, a«xi sar twnol a«ay «i"l» m> j Mr. A* lir tratne *>-ir ..n ai»l thr «rw' 3nroa-inf life kcal- *»•! iu the erorvi tKir>l ami « -'.ln * tie' 'iitli |ti~Hol tlie score U|> i* a firm to zer«> omitT Wa.-hun.ton • -•> r lire at tie hat in the rem.t>i (■site *er total four u«l after*; i-l --!rt. m-»x* u tie act of #»ruii' 1 1 Vrre •» iriet - were re.jaire.l of the |rMM-» !• «4n the to the ;kcals tart yirlttisr, at«ml the .-Simf j uanlet »J h«t> I'aul Jt.hi, •!, f«r «he i|mj- a we*4 all tie way are! *a •*e»y e*«ift«e in the |tiiirlir»: IlU«ri the raw trx- marre.: by !«aki error-, it |ir«*e«l to I* a thriller Jil ,tmm* z*4 off i»-,l waatinit. «f •u. •rjuertr* varirty in mo-t every *H ndHK. —' „ • Sdbte by «i«r«: . w 1 bwi t l«i M» KM M I ft Jhan tM «tfl OH fcn 7 .. .1 ItllUHl 1 RING IN FI LL smvc in mirriN coi vrv / Ttkn* ranar fc- now the «pl«r of lb 4ai awl ntrht ton. The tary rakf hair ——i aa4 tobacco tn ripen i*tt rafoJly anl frMM fiutrt Mi r Kiiir the crap will he mre«l a# ffijiy m* my crap m «««»■ jwr» Mt rtf The nlirr ami satis /"«-T TCSAOfI Oudire «fl take yum wp the hfl in Mrll Try TEXACO. sdr. WATCH THE LABEL OX VOIR PAPER. IT Till: I»AT* vote si isst iumo\ i xnus ESTABLISH l-:i> 1898 school coMMivfEE I'LANS FOR EN SUIN(; IfcKM [Many hau-es Matle In The Faculty At 3 rwr,' s io»-t:n-r «t the »« illam - t »e- lirjitttj , v rf-«.i t •mi.rr tSee ir '■•'iffc *>so * it! iu 1:1 r.v »i»lrn! rlertiu!) of iV f:u~ul! - 1.-r the j * •■"iiti * !f m was .' -ittp^ii: -I it wa |a.inoanrrsi tha. w» 1a n l*rmri- I of lit"I, S h«.»! ■ ?-«! l^i..mmar ScK»4 nhilniw: ar.l rin 1 i tant I rriih-,*--! vim h.-a.l t.w» teart.uue |!«.nr» of :w .rwutur n Fmm-1. nere ! A 1 1"1 *»* V -• r Sjla>tiaß Wir. i"ortteriy of the, N--4lan>l jN*k V" .J. fht well |> i'|aami atkl s-fcly »■. for I'- in. I-I >• ii'emt.i tr a?r.l.-t»e Mr. I«ili-am I !;»k .«'Hi e. \ a I'-raiiao • T- •u t e ar»i al-o »»lrrrle«l ir |»k\ v.i! ?***i*iinr. «9 in ■ ;tr«ct in s.m nIS -*ra.«e ul'ieet *. i-»ist the l"rmc! t al an>l conch :i!hie A numU r of ihe teacher of la-* «-ar »■ :t re elect»l nml nho for Te-,-o- t t» ne It ' - K" • '•i* ' .t"il ll* a.lff Hrs. ! 1: e Mr 51 ir lee lla HI Mi. - t •! oi t. * iff: *. whs* - r e- , i i .1 >. t tKi hie ik« -«■ f. -tee t> !•- ;>V w,U return. »-►» . r-. • t' 1 -1 r Vatk fut .t ?»i=-r 'lr ttt »ill le •:,* ■■ in IVel wbn e *«.tk at IjM.'t 411 die. was eminently |4ea- tr. . I u acee|4r«l a tki-ition -»i !v liiJ- S.-H.1.4 ■ . \lt- ta I!. -e, It*, "tea-' "•Pen .» k -it'll ..m l.i .11 -SI.- for Ile im-. ~t v- . . iiiftl >■ of the t '..m oit"eetf« t 10 i . t . .| rwo tiart-. a- os- >Jt I is,--. T nh«. na- in ihe ljt..a .iilr Sprat la . *«Tir. an>' >. .. * • llw e Mary ! f*.«,, V. • Hmri? Schools ati! t s e e' *>ll !*■ 'p r'utye v f tlie Primary llr part ii-»-r. Evrh hAIs a eeriificaie jiai.>uLtrl) tttu to •-•■ I er» jre in itfi .k'tuii.-lhti Uut Mart l.i At>.ier -it. a ne. • rraiute »f til- en-it-.f*. t *«l if .'f fur onn a. ill i Vli>- i t 4ii"i MdiJurfc 1* th* j-»»e Wl-t.-e reeor.l- .1' Irniit't'- are |!c id. a til ror. j.'.-te ; |»e li-t of Grammar iii»b- In-lrartnr *n «-l*ort ha- lefti «, .> trttrt fitlei vhe fc.«tr IV |- -lit" -itl>iecl ■natter ih- t.- *e..,rli ~atl how tit te->elt iw.t-1 elferiivetv tne pirlirwlar .h wir.-i! «i sru t«,| 1 1 their i tial inee Tlw roimnf -e""l» 5 efTt! f.iir to lie -.fie .if irreat Mr John I awlev wa ui lonn ne «tay. M. -i Tim t ntiKjn-y ain.l t-.-*ee liarii of V\ --Mo. w ti 1 i it-r lute t\ t>tte «b> n*m»? Mi Itulii llamiHit n .il Une to MutTW to vi it Mr ami Mi .. S. S, I r« lire in tidiiiiAi ! mar Slit tacneva I»4 l-t Mrvin-r day lot hm-'.-n ah-n ,-i. a ill aa- ai (m*l- f..r -avtral -iay v Mr- J I aim nr»- I'tel aiel -l-Ux-h trr. Mil. ICu-h IV I hf ti*lay for >ulT--lk nhere tiaey ait *1 it Vlr- I'nl'- |ain 11 . Mi iifi Ir- i'ulWt for —me time Me l- ll.iiiiniut.i ' 1.-' . tu.ll lal tirfftrUl • -pW yt-'CT-T." in V> tlliam Mr, V ,«r«ra- I;. Jar ..11 ..{ I;. I.» oa * tile »a- here \A t-«l-ia Ml y. Mr. Malvm Ijei-r- o: tt.. .a, I»'te feOmtjr in tlie I- 'let of ha rt. a eu-ar irii, H«ni ILi.tH (V Mr- L'ti tt Itu-.i ?ol Irtth •k.uehSar. S;llar ntillm .!, tJ' ltav> » - t»ira.rr-a f'-r their in tea hisaar (■•r. Mr. t; llorta.. wall innrw fraaui I j:i>U anl m rth , rit. Saan •lay Mr. \lla-rt lli.lla.tay of Uebi n wa in town yestrnby Mi--ei White. Anne \on«B ami I art- >|aruill of tt u- -tr t re here »e-terati. tr Me -r>. llenry II iiai. ai> '• Jei-e I' .ier- of Wahin«ton era in town Anhexiir. atter>lan« the lol! ine. Mr. Harry VthhV -a M : n town Ttae "ay. _ ~ STRAND THEATRE WILLIAMSTON VOETII C.XIaUJMA '* _ • Mondy and Tnes 'r»y *THK LOVE Of? WOMEN"