THE ENTERPRISE] k> th» EVTIXPKISE PIBUSHINC (ft WiUianslM. NaHh tar«li*a V*. a MANNING. Editor Vk C MANNING, JE Basins M»nurr 7" ! I'rK* 15't nelly Cut in A.hnance « 1 wcr - - C *,»--nths - 3 TT..*lt bs _ - •jrere.! at the Ptest Oflw* at »i i Icj- 'mi. Kurt! C-»ro'i*ta i da; wUfr, liixirr the art uf Mwrt 3, IK»- A,Uics all l~rt i •■nr. W*l t unt'tor- V C. rum w Ji Li IK i*:i AKOI Ml VOI K KI.RIIM TO ttrr to wti i: tiu vi. " i Arm'.wt your Hb ■* t,. ret to y»w Aanli - I'Tety Trie trutf » i.e» « try I*. it-Mi the en-i of Mair -tree- w»*- y«e b*nve tiie den, ,t»wr.„ •»'•«* •" i> rwx-» an to r> "u: by aM make a dHoor of about a re .*■ throu*-! hnr} sand, a. p>»rt»>ft «>f e* way, to rear* the en-of wif ****** tbot This rot,tit»* ka.« n —•-.i'..- : f,.r :.b*ul six monlh- af»r i-ii' -.'a* t.!w- il ha- beer. lirtnßXTli-'| to the t«u i!,e-. of VV - • I nf«i| V three it* ;le from here will T ~ *■!*•» •* re rather that. I* SMWse: by «4e9«uririir to rr-.jci. t«rre T!# Sialf ".**• *r,>- e • 1 aiaay* very u ifaftur tlw t..!*»*• • of * «V»«lr» I- (a ;iMC art. mini' :f «" f i«n fattier- pres. tl «-tr tiw*.. j •* believe thev woU)-: ~**•.J#*si«e "f» i !«r pits, m fwiw to tne flaw *v *' l '.t* rail. a-: • Jtir it k..rt» . p; ■ ■ iMe Tbey will have u> -ra.* lb ruj j sninai! !»•(»« it *> * " t vi i* v. »uii m' n nt, e\fa f jpetj-# ti' the («Mak«M f»* «t 5* have * "rk «io?.e rn>* A fw.i c trll o* *"fk - after-«*»a at the tk-.O '*'*• -■ V* a: *.i*=3*io . i-te* VV lit.* rt- ** V t-e.-*- *»* v i-rje i.uifin-i te- "i erf .»i We- wsibv rifle's* * *e%- f--.( *- . » r• V. i!!aw ■-* - m-J-f *»f trie ! 1 arolai J *- * ball i- .mm . tttere ». r« m-•»•- tiuir ' «•*• ■« '.>« :.*. fan- r t TW —«* ' mi - '*•-■ fan® have ro«e »«nf V. nr. * To w. rk »»•-•• m I fiii Hy sutite have i. sr.t »'• " ■ I. tie s.tlklnr>i t!ieri' «*k*i * •*' I ltd rraj.:tX\ tit.ire i .the *Jt J v k *i- *he onii it- r' r ** '■ ' Umii Jftirirc 're sfate re* la 1 #e te .*:•> it * ••ul • k» Bf^-re M. a-atJ. f«T tiJ bu„t)lk it * 4 ?*«• fatu- w»s» to; v ; .-e- (fort th t k f-r a W'rt a- ,re tryirr to k-- p i* i* ft. u, a ball i*un*. but m--»K «ss r* !,' that a f--* ICO t.» »«k *•» U»e», by all niea" . at>i ti* bJ j-.Hf« fei i-ive t- jriU bemr tevi b-ivt-l. ?w lii « upp.-rt Tl# rk i»g of tl* Mirt ' • - Swiiarr SrbvJ Bi rk , b" » a iM»t arw -fal '' »»»a| TVse p«i|Ml taw bf*« eiiHMt durinr all the airm aal «i --£■ i(fiUe day*, rivinir noumt •» »i. J-hi I Ail tK ir -t ■»««■- «a IBs Mkv isi»i*bt r» «' an twrt «ltar i>- j.-yr.,- h>iifs,vtar» b#w> ,1 yut ii( mn. n> the acbacl, ai* btybl (h nnl with tbe r- >uh- of twir « wxkf train it. r and mm ban* mei |V' »Hifß For Sale: Fo K\vcet-Picklii;pr an i » anninjr. $2 i>er bu. James Maninsr, Te No. 182. COUR STOMACH •3 mragpr cmamSSSmjuw* TABLETS _ ter : | t*ii ■ r ' tar fact that they a* earry tV !»*>«'*. c-mtiuae for a b.?.~ f f*!*M Yoa krn-ir M-rt'.t can y «b*r »>'> r*rk w my hirfc wbc* it ount- to ltv of -rb«4s ami tb»«i:-o I tin- -rbool faiW t« rrre nil the I iabjKl-' taof t by larce t =amme» I * I it ar*i Ms *■'!' e*«j la Iter way ir- bc'terme the -eh«d- j .of cur maty. We rame?tly hope 5 that ti* -rbo>-J will be l>el.: acair. BHt | war at*i that all it> pu|«i- mi* year Wjl! b«ate>s in *-He -c»Mrf>l- rn.t of ( hiw ir. of JLftu. j » Vesr "•'■ !* I"' cirst of the farn-- er. sr »*r*»l their L*»rM Ir. '•3(l «fjy 41 » fm i ee:.! of liic filW. »*nr»r>« t-neir iami. arel wit* tnr 1: - ere-a-e- 31. f« reeU- urr -luripr " l ' ■*" "j foar pan. « if •* v I I fr-.-« jr.r -** wr- where !«»•*«- ' ( balf of ilie f-iu*r have heei *>-ree-' j f# tbe fart«>- ••*" irtieln. we are !»l | warbair point w h«-rv l»«» f..r*e ■ r, ail! te n«er»' -erf- are s »ill '' i ftctid- of tbe n- r*raj-e bark i- T» 4 - n-utii--ii r"«!Utr« • tw ; - ".err i'«». of s'.utr mtf atwl «r>.tp.»i. ( W> m«r tl***; that, it re«tu r» tr..* j ;g* farr*ier- take 3 ltr» f*«■»*> I il»-r n' -f-r:-.*. \tt — J- M I'c f *"*'""" •*\ \ \ll«i\ \l I OVMIi'l I.: t Is-- V h!"irti 1 utile to "»*» »■ | I .. member 1-f "'e I ..laetit t. e | 4 Mr4ber Akl of tb V.-.'prt.ii l~—t | e*»«rf« -f .'"tl I W"rk • I'IXSIMIST %\l» Mil V M'Vi i t*f a IW-?mL-l' A tJift- .j * 4»*-i m.i*i if. a :urk rovnt b»>k 1. ■ _ t-i j k ra- thnt . 1: ' !»l II Ml«»\ IHIMI inu l*\S4.| 111 \\t 1 ; I l\ (Witi ortrm 'i) -Jt j .a - jfn lo teiit A r».'4t>tj •W-«eiilM-» •-«>*•- I !>n'|«>Tjr'. ea*e of -i*.- " j .fje-jif-T-wi'it a»»if terie!»! ebd-lr A- 1 ,s.»Sit!il!«* of Ihi kir«l 1- a iee-' -ity • ef««tne javrt Je rour* a »k. »- ' 1 t« lie I "•**!«» ■-r« • • rJ»" - | ;\- Harr i\ ru:/» 01 > \* 11 ro ' • m hi 'Ni I tli« -jd* tlirln ol U i.i-I -b v»!. \ M i**rr A :«wU" -**»e .**tr s"«• lb* * t - I * ! j'r 1«-iir.ii«r 1 .--i|»» 1 ■ 5 -f fS..t>* tie Amere . * is «»-' \ -i'l. I. »»• ■■Eler. -! - ! 1 A?* -. s~' J:* ".'i" " JF~ k)UiS HiBBK - « M I I is GOOD •» IP RINT IN G J -if " ' -i ilff* " rw ah "St '• til WG . I i r - (i*t 0111 liinires on ami •«-* o? " * J v; loiter hea«ls, slatenv nts*. em. M* crs. visiting canis. luisiness cants ff # hlcl& etc constantlv earrioil in «»nr stock £ "1® " tl "".fi for vour accomodation. -M H *3 K Neat ami l*fx»mi»t Serxie*' ? i| : || i |, !te«> , . 9 j| 1 1 The Enterprise I L 9 '' '■• ':■" ■ -V • 3 M~* s pnie- to tbe t amher of fifty, i- *- |-«i fact, to tbe teachers jf Use I - J 1 i;-*i .-nale- T-ariif- Q *" "• I tne rmb" of IJS9 f«p*lr«i. Tfe • •r !y ija'i' >* tb? ; - I ** '■ shixibi he t-o a '? 3. ' .«r »f "be 1 - »i;fr f ** J I nrti.' n it. tdki-.j! r »a.-.-e a, li-i » ,|Gdwc:Saa» ar»l aib >. et/e' *# a -1 »i.E'.ritaDfi, l»aiitf>. p j*W«y. «*»• . | eju, etc. ,A e-mmt.te' aa._e's- «»? - i-ta?- ' were arrirft! at bv yry* r • iii? exatcpJei- rf -r «-e :** « v k , -awrrt 0., be -tre f.- tf w w. tk rwemi r.rt> ire i»f b»sltk e-twrr.S »■-» n.So he -ea ee tt» eanw > t».% of rrf y *i.l »f f « «•* •»* -• —i • .nt. tne '• art ;• ■ -f tehi bak-i* - *• ' . 'he (i ll trr: in i»r r—-r*t_ t«je -*»• of stanUaml •« feel.-. »-.f T*w ( »• «." -s innt w*: a. Srm ' V. k « »ty. June J_ !581, anr- iir-t: to. f.'tr mm- was '■ 34i«s S&r*H «»f 122 \«rt*. -erry sk, Wia»- ■'•■Silftf. ami tie 1-, at ifci- timf al ' |('.4umbi_. I t rver ity a oic t*w iriwhr * r i ' i O-' -■* rt h a rc»'* i»l ' I c««i rejc' irr nerlti- ** «rat - - »• - -cbmie. A jrw«* iea*-e»- ■;..k *ll - heal* ?- e- ««tate-». K. : b vitr r O" % :r-itie> { « 1 • 1 in i» vim k I t.» l-.ek: tj*-!-! » lfa»—r* » larlte Ifuttei n I I V j*i» a *?«— v t*=. -*r t/ai e»*" *"w - ■ v " maai* m . :-v. |r« "** i-or" S, I* '. *-* l- a * -r- —r * sg ". . •»■*■ i» lt»I. a 'mi IV *s? j a I ' r .' t ! 1 -a -: I*.. -~ ;*■•■•*: » : . -a» : a IVt r- 1 -^* !\ * _ r .1 » -s r i- ,l«w>t *• f re j.-rV-ur *'!' ; ie >w ;■ i" | ft >'tf »- v k.«l j "T ;>•* : -jsctrt-." - a ifte '^|»' T! \\>•'' -» ~« * : J ! : »k. - ! t i ,j« „ " i . 1-. il \A* I - ' i , - Take | for the liver il".*" ** i. IfcMdg* pock- I the prntrnsiL wiuiAgron worn caroudca. "And how much of this aiMu* ® yam s^BV **Tw*he quarts," echoed the ownrr of the defunct boss* Tk jnn capitalize*! ".he cow ■ a twhr-wart-i-iiajr lesit. IHi. CHARLES J. RAW it* VMnr. X. C. OFFICE YORK BUILDING Practice limited to Eye, Ear. N'«« and Throat from 1 to 8. Ir. WUliamston erery Friday afwrow* Trvact. Ga.*4inr *Ui take you the hi}, in hijrh. Try TEXACO. P. B. CONE Dentist 'WW Owt The Farratrs *w! Mer chants Back Hoar? 9-12 and 1-5° '•fire I*h»ne No. S, Res. I*hone No I-** NtmCE OF SALE Inder ami by virt* of the p»*« I .f sale c*»nta«re«i in that certain Jkil ] «.f *ru-t execute-! to the w the l»h day of December. I»2». Change of Life "Whan du|« of life beg* B f* —J* Udkw. off liwir. Mo., "I ' (offend m with «iianlf yi rt ■!.— I mffend a ««•» *eal W pain In my back aa4 . I rides. My limbs woold u—| 1 dkWt feel Hke doing my work, and tbin are ao riany J I bum for • woman to take on * a farm IWM ««T aaaloue 4 I to g* L better. A irual me- * CUM; I lie VMM's Trie j ■i to is: and I bpa using * I i I certainly lmpru. ' i I * J | thrush change if life with- J I oat any trouble- If» highly | • | DKucmeai Catdal* j At the age of CO to jl y$ ewry woman t-' , s*s m I throurh a critical froe, wtJth A I is tzlkd the CLmz-g* of L»fe- * I At this time, gnat chaag-* k tiike place in h?r *;•». *. 0 nosing rarie i; painful and i symptom*. ] I If y«Hi are Hfrtadsfej to 1 periol, or are already wffer- 1 T«g from any of iU timiblM A or eyrc-ptooka, ti« Caidui. It , I «fc«-jid help you, as it Laa i 1 helped other* | I Sold all druggists. I anCTWMOf JgarO ! Harrison Bros. & Go's. J ! BIG JULY SALE! " - ffl * I ;•• ■ BK pv tlf* # One M*vi:.i • ••- »i" lilies" Comfort sli|>|ien> » One table of ladies" /|" 1 ' S - * 1504 Oxfords. These are the best values fit *1.».*•,»! - iK iJnen se.i. i "7 r fil . . : ; •-r. a ,rfUi,is«ison _S 475 i One special lot of ]>atent wither '" ' ' I i-esi Ox for; Is with one strap, pr. $ 2.Z5 •i.-i .i s . -.• Voile !)i*: sse.- ! ~ T ~ !£ si,Us; IV si/.s s £52 One table of Valencine and twehon fip' _i laces* on sale i>er yard —■ •* g • I|H- 4 :ofM» inialitv 72x90 sheets on sale at £Be ~ .. B — One sj>ecial lot of lilies* Shirt waist & - f Sl>ceial lot oi i-Mkateen dresses. as- in white and iM>n*ree. sale price BBc M S, lie:*. stripand check, sale price _$ 5 {g i ; ; One sqieein! lot of Ladies* and cbil £v; Sjiccin! lot ol Mens bummer Suit* I dronV gingham Presses _— 98e :2c That you. sale i>rice $ «».k- | . rfc ** 7 7 . I 1 s|xvi;d lot of I adier,' drosses > ijs SjHi ial lot of V6ungr Men's Suits. You a nnv will surprise you when ypu ' ? ® ' sboul-! S".»e them while our stock is I ». " Q jn Sgi comnlete in sizes. c ale.i»rice »HU» I see them, sale pnee _ S 1.13 . 8 I ffi " H §"'£ SI .:r| f \l,|l\pr MNSAIJ, THROUGH THE STORK. BK SURE AND OOMK IN* j| II ;i K TI!! "I. Wi; « H.f. BEGLADTO SHOW THEM TO YOU EVEN IF YOK ARE 8 |;|| Km UJVJ>Y TO BUY. ' .1 Harrison Brothers & Co. | p Wll .1 JAMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE | J| ' # 4 . ' , - * . - - * ~ ——— - f - «-■ t hr V.". O. Andrews and wife, lnh An- ■ Iwi. and rf incnrrf ia Martin Caoat-. tj i*ubi> Registry in Book A-2. page: iron*; certain bonds of e*en | date and tenor therewith, and the supulatiog£ said deed of trust no* j r_avinj» been complied with and at the! of the owner of .-aid bond.- the will the Bth day of AsguA. \¥ll, at the Court Iliu-e door r-f Martin Cvui.ty, at 12iO o'clock., S'ane, offer at public auctior. to the? highent bidder, for raj-h. the following ■ie-Wiibed read property: Betsg the house and lot in W*t» fliiwe m the Town of Williamston and formerly occupied by W. O. Andrews tnl Trife. aljaniiii! Bosey fVary on ie* and Roy Griffin on three sides TSL- the l#th .lay of July, 1934. K DI KE CRITCHER. Trustee. 7-11-di 1 BARGAINS!! IN USED CARS I if. 11 Joll are in Ihe market f.-r a second hand ear come to see me j| IS before buvinir. I have many values to be seen in Buicks, Studebak- j| !p Hi | vis and POKDS. Cood ayments if desire 1 . I)ONT WAIT, t j| I B. R. Bamhill J S: §8 I " The Ford Man" J i 015 /**hß E * ffi f - - . . —i -- : gj ' | Williamston S-j North Carolina * 4 , ffl ! WANTED: RBGCLAR AND T*AN- ( I J dnl hoarders. Good 1 } See Mrs. J. C Crawford. Hauj-to- SbecL j —+— BOOMS FOR RENT ( • I Two nam for rent. Good hxotian , .awl w-D etpuppeol for Krht bowse- , | keeyinr. Apply at Enterprise office. MANTE!» —RBGIT-AR AND TRAN-j sit - and at- i mwin - Ra'es Reasonable See Mr. J- C. Crawfonl- phone 48 , i orders foe c»mine ruaranteed hot iery for men. man and children. ! 3iminate darmmr Salary ITS a week ,fmß time. fIM an hoar spare bae. laUrutnaal Stackiag Mfla " , CHAIR RLT AIRING 1 am ia a posiu* to bottom a 9 chain and ftx them «a aay way aeees aary. I also upholder old chaw*. Gwe me a trmL W. R. Raff"*. HaAmg toa street( near «toee> Wd iamston, N. C HOW'S THIS? I UUI CATUU —a— y— arnwdmfcrMiim** imt CUutk or Iliiinim mama W | CMarrk. _____ CATMMM nrmnwejo*^ zrzLE'tssz.' -a n •a£?T'cratr«g*

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