Tpea Mr. Dick Cherry of Washington was a hosinrss visitor in our city yester day. Mr. Cherry If a member of the firm of Cherry Furniture Company. c?* • • Mrs. Charles Hasael! and Miss Cillts left for their home at Washing ton, D. C. this moniitif; after relative- for two weeks. • • • Mrs. Haskc't of Kinston is here vi-itinsr l»er daughter, . Mrs. Hubert Morton ami Mr. Morton in the Tar Ilrel apartments. • • • Mr. Ed James of Kobersonville was i.rro yesterday. ■ 0\ in introducing: ourselves to stran/re people « in far-away states, in asking them to insure their lives with a North Carolina company, Out. if. vast satisfaction in pointing to "nr record in our Home State, where, among ne'e!>Hors and fr'end« we have been known intimately ;»wl 'sin >»r» -r has been watched closely, fn rn bh\h to d.ite We say tothem- "Ijook what we do in-Nor»h Carolina." "Jefferson Standard wro l ' - »no-> v v.-'V Carolinians over 517.000.000 of ;.>e .« than was written here hv any oth-r l,'f > !m-;tr ance Company in the world. "Jefferson Standard frsrrpnro in *v>-—» • North Carolina exceeds *Bl 00° . . 1 has been placed here by any other J-»f" r* I ance Company in the world. "There are over 000 .! ff, ~nn i \ policyholders in North Caro'irn ?lcn'\" In a short seventh >n c V- Jefferson !,if« 1 > ißff Insurance Compel" mStM Without the ee:;f : d« nee ••• 9 .feS port of the Old !'nm. s • could not have r- n'« -o r - •' -> this faith by inv«stincr vo'u hv SUindurl 1! I! AVI «•/• • .A' . J i rif if) S^iUttf 1 ' " x Cfeonabor** N(i it Oivr tt ill.' J //. rsf.fl Sit. ;«/.?.. !..:n -VIIRRASCN STMMKS I ' INSUR/\NCB CC".*s'.'iNY | Price. President OREEN.V 'O M,C. I •» wJ litiitiuniT >'ft c'tvr j2U.O(jJ, sty N .'t - / v*a ULiujf wiiirl/ • ( H. Marriott Britt, Agent Williamston North Carolina ■ - ... ■ ■ ■ , . . ■ —— ——-—* ———-—— ft A WH Y Farmcrs & Merchants Hank £Wdm ak Bt ■ VH £ ■ Em br.nk—Seeking do good L 1 I its Ratrons, W Bffi I Aecomoflat- i j Misses Mary Ktheridre Rhea ami j i Eloisr llndirers of Windsor we in - town yesterday. • • • Mr. Tyre Tayior of will ar rive to-morrow ant .-pent the day 1 here en route ' o his Home. He will b~ accompanied by Mr. 11. Miles Wolff. • • • Mr. W T. Want of Itockj Mount is in the city for a few days. i• • • Mr. J. A. WatSmKof llertie county ' was a bnsinesj visitors-re this work. »• • • Rpv and Mrs. 1_ C. I irkin arriv ' el yesterday from Murfrreshero to t J attend the conference at Holly • Springs today. While here they are the quests of Mr. ami Mrv- L. I!. Harr-son. • • • i .Mr. Ehar Manning of Griffin- was a business visitor here yesterday. -I ' Misses Kvelyn llarrisoi. and Jose-' • pbine Sykas who have hern twitißf in Murfrcesboro returned to their h me.s yestenlay. • • a Mrs. Sarah of New York, Mrs .A. I'.rook- and •lanrhterv. Fran ces and Dorothy ami Mr. M't M.irpoL arived Wednesday by motor o visit Mrs. M&rgolis's sons, Messrs. Fink ard Irvinp Marr-.lis. •• • ■ Mr. ami Mrs. Will Ellison ot haven spent Sunday iiere will, rela tives. • • • Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders ;ml ' sons, Buckie and Jack, returned yes tenlay from Beaufoit where they ' have been spending the past several. weeks. i TEXACO Gasoline will take you up! tlie hill .-ah-. > ■» : - -... ■ ... r 4 i . r ::c ~ s-\ i : 1 - miNTERKIII JTL JAMSItI) NORTH CABOUNA. "A WISE FATHER TELLS HIS SON" "'That fir if thr* years old, son an«l she's as (rood af. ever. "Any gooil car will take a lot of JBnjKjKut if >ou 1; keep it properly iulinoUs:. '"Ami labriea ion means: more than oil It mear.s; TKXACO Motor OH :o ray way of "Yoa cant (ro wrong with TEXACO in the crank See that you pot t.Sc Hear., dear, goloeu-coiored TEXA CO every time you iwe! a fill."— 1 EXACO. Mr. Hami'l Clark *if I'clhavcr rive.l yesterday to be with Mr Clark 1 whose father is seriously ill. • > * i -Mr. Howell Taylor left- ywtfnby If' f Norfolk U'hr-r- h will sp?wl a few |day>-. • • • Mr-. Ji. H. littie 'm.. Ken, Jr.. Mn IVliit P»>rvis mil l>tt|» -on. White. Jr.. Mr . K. IS. Crsrrfpt ! and Mr. JiAp Henry IMwrinls lr-ft y »ti>p|ay by n>*«tor for Virrmb l>-arh. They -ai-fll Ir '-uests of Courtney Tprw Cot 4 r™e. • • • Mr J«!:n V.\ ' rr>en v. jn ov. i, ! -tenlav. • • • • Mr. Pol, Everett vi' return this af- Umo»R * » m Okraroke where he:; ha« -Pfnoing t!;" 1 jwi two week . Me rs Hob Ihn.i. nr -M-h --(tui lU»b *r« Aikii> of Kolk r .oh were in ft* city yesterday. « .- • ilr. V.. IS. U.VK spent ye ioriL.v in Plymouth. • • • Ve r>. J,*- K vr»:\ o r son. lto\| llight. J cio; Oi.i a: ii«--berl I'e.-I mo or-il ». '■ I r«lne.niay evening. • • • • Mr. ;«n«l Mr- J St:'tot, motor?*! t«« \\ -ihinrton yestenlay. • • • • Mr. Irvtnif Smith of Kohersonvill*- i? town We>inesilny, • • • • !• Ilarr) A. P.iggs returr.e.l We»l --!;:> fioin Morehiviil Ci' v where he Uen peiniini' lie p;it twr wvfcs. • • • • Mi--v I'll!tie :"lie,r»i of 11 .trillion wr-% in town Moiwiay, shopping. • • » • Mr. Iton.l (.ilt.r i of U iinlMir was i visitor lierr yesterday aft rnuawj, • • • • Mi I iiiiisc 11.-irriM.n ieTt this nox-.n? K' i nihru';'e, Y > to vi-:t M s- I Kthrridge Mr-. Kil. Powell ami ilauchter, Miss Ki:-"-ri:; am! Ml.-s Tufk-r ef Orifton -•re vi itin" Mr-. Powell's sister. Mrs. \. T Perry ami her broilu r, Mi. M *». *Vn-,.:».!. l Mrs. Wil .n !i. vcek Misacs AOl en an.l t!la*ly Chart.-.. • • • • 'or M. \ :mi.l Frances Mewliorne of infi.-ii are visiting Mr. anil Mr*. J I . Williams. V SI ItSCUUtK TO THK ENTER PI; I.*" K r KXA('> (lu.-iili'V will t; koyiu ii|> Im' hill in hij'h. Try TKXACO. ilv. I OWL LAFFS R (Ob Wkk Letter) Well. M' huv, Kolks. Will Hays athl Jackie Coogan have managed ilia far to keep from beinsr shot at arty of Sollywood's little formal ocirl events. | I Car tn|i> maH" water proof by W. j 11. William . I" your car top leak- s.-* jW. II W li laias ho will make it water proof or >a» rhari;es will be mailc. U»ST: St.MKWHEKK IN COUNTY. One Pirest> re Automobile Tire anl j rim. six SO 3 1-2. Fimler will |Jx» i return to Sheriff Roheiron. Wkat'd We O* withmit Mary 7 , Mary bad a slender calf. It's hape was like a rail; Bu», aia-s! Wherever Mary went, i That calf was sure to trail. f It is possible awl ir. fact often hap- Ir pns that a man suffers all his life from some rnakuly ar.d yet knows ex i aclly what will (five relief to tho » o.iicr fellow. - 1 Stop! I've never heanl such pro -1 uriiar.tty since the «lay 1 was born. - V*lia: were you, a twin or a triplet? - -— —O -i — Vnotiier thintr for conKre.'.s to in vestiKa!e, thinks Henry Curki:i, ia " tskUier it is the niarrietl or the un- marrieii wjmen who start the crying at a weU«linK- -Q-O ► Tncre are some very remarkable in • fid prtnligic.- bu» we have never I-r»l of .-»ri> of them who wi.ulil r..v!i ".iK-ir oars voiu.uarily. -o-o-o—_ ITlit nan who most loudly cusses crookfil officials nn- t iul'oi'lv iloljfC. taxes- Years apt. spring brought park benchrs ami l ivers; now it briiir» flay light saving. o O-o The trouble with sletpintr late Sun ilay morninK. fimls D. Carstarplwn, I' you eat breakfast then havo :t . hi-nl Time getting hungry for ilin ner. mtal | 7 Frank J. Says:- J it' The (arjienters are banjdnjr away on the. ■: h«; ' !i 'if; new audition with promises that it will l> 7*l $f Ik' completed ii|»on hi rot urn— 1 uj jjL In the meantime to room for the j1 »|j| changes wo are lowering the figures, in ft; hi; some instances below coftt. to clear out odd 0; di' tlressies and suits and shoes -Come in and . fss( {W » w fool nt hor-.t ; n looking over thy? wonderful . - w fe values wo are ofV i in?r —\V»vrivo just; v hat |fi fed aii i prowino no more-than \vc ffi |e| «Vjvo y -i ffl /r#J « \JJJ , Miink .i; loaviii.' tor tho market : —■ —iffi u« , Bo Sunday moriiinj-v not oliiy to buy the Fall „ g (8 but will back a little surprise m ior the well-dressed women of this town s g and its surrounding 1 — jjj| Sflj J Margoiis Bros. & Brooks J i WUJJAMSTON, tfOßi H CAROLINA. ' I ' g'' v"' "'■» ' :: 'T Lots of men who claim to have came from fine families appear to be a! long way from home . Most of our efforts to be cute were failures .How did you get along with your efforts? A fricn.l in the opinion of most ! people, i# a who cusses 'he (same people that you do. -rO-O-O— . If you are not having a lot of fun • out of life you are missing something and you inivlit a.- wall lcuow St., NOTICE i I wish to take this opportunity of telling my customers that I will be ' from iny printing office for about two weeks beginning Monday, July '2l and that 1 have maie arrangement, witli The Enterprise Publishing Company ■ to handle all work needed or wanted by my patror.r while I am away. Thanking you for yjur past favor- SIMON lILLEY. ■ - - -- . o If It's Furniture ' 1 - ! • « j j Cash or Credit * • | Cherry Furniture Co. ! WASHINGTON, N. C. • # | ! Electric Klovator. Co nil Floor* 1 . J Five pay days hath Septanber, i April, July and December. The Virginia-Carolina ; Joint Stock Land Bank of Elizabeth City i 3 pre pare J to make consei-va ; tive loans on farm lands ! on the long teim plan. If interested, see — 1 ✓ Uo. \\ BIGGS ' Williamston, N. C. KKOI'I.Mt COMMUNICATION r| OF SKEWAItKEE LODGE J» No. 00 A. V. r.nd A. M. JEx\ every second and 1 i fourth Tuesday night of each montli. ! All Master Masons in good standing : JUT cordially invited.