/fcngRTISERS WILL FIND OUK COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV —NUMBER 46 PLAY GIVEN . IN HAMILTON LADY BECOMES SEAMSTRESS AND REFUSES TO PAYtiLL TO SEAMSTRESS The Purion play ww rww at Ham ilton on Thursd&y atglit of last week. It wis a very good picture and was at tended by quite a crowd. The picture was to have staHid at eight o'clock bat for some unforaeen trouble it was late in starting. The people ww having a little friendly chat when a seamstress of the town asked n lady frierd to pay her for some sewing which -he hail lnne for her sometime ago This sermfil tf have niHile hrr mad and she put up and wert out as though she wns goinf home, hut instM.! she just w.*nt Ml side nr.) pnl Itcr hushend. It senm* the did not hare the nerve to say the things he said ami she cant h* hl&m ed hecnu.ee she didn't. She did say however, that she never intend? t«- pay Ik: 1 bill because since sh*» hv learned to hj a sfanprrs herself she is not going to ask anyone else to sew for her, hut instead she is r» ing to sew for other people. Thjl If quite a bright ide*. She ourht to hl.tre thought of that b-fore.—Report-d HAMILTON LOCAL NEWS Mr. D. G. Matthews left Suntlay for Lynchburg, Va. Miss Ruth Matthew* of Win ton to visiting Mkses Helen and Ethel Dave* port. Misa Virginia Davis of Tarboro and Misses Margaret COM and llruce Tucker of Greenville are the gue*l» of Mrs. K. W. Salsbury. Mrs. Sal lie Rogers srvi Mrs. Mauale Newxome who have bc-n viiting Mr... J. A. Davenport left last Thursalay for their home in Win ton. Miss Ethel Davenport >pent «TM«I days lost week in Rol*^rx»nville. Mrs. W. A. Dixon of Sunhury spent .several days here last week visiting friends and relative*. Mr.Wada Everett of Hobguol spent the week end in town. Mr. W. A. Dixon of Sunbury spent Saturday night and Sunday in lown. Miss Puttie Sherrod is visiting fri.fi>l at Virginia Reach. Miss Helen Council la visiting rela tives at Oak City. Mr. ami Mrs. B. F. HugKr., -pent Saturday nght anal Sunday in Kins ton. Mr. 11. S. Johnson had the misfor tune to have his home destroyed by fire last Thursday night. Mr. ami Mrs L. C. larbin of Mur freesboro and Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Car starphon ami Mrs. Warren of William ston visited Mrs. Harry Waldo last Thursday afternorn. Mr. J. A. Davenport maale a busi ness trip to Norfolk Monday. Miss Dora Miier of Kiaston is visit ing her sister. Miss Ella Miller at Dr. B. L ling's Mrs. C. D. Carstarph-n ami Mis» Anna Crawford of Williamston were the guests of Mrs. Harry Waldo Fri day aftrrnoon. Mr. F.. N. Riildle of Oak City was in town yesterday on kwineu. ~ Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Davenport spent Thursday ami Friday of last we-k In R«>eky Mount Mr. H. S. Everett of Oak City was in town this morning. Mr. Court land Macon of Roberson ville is visiting friends in town. Dr. B. L Long of Hamilton was in town Monday attending to profession al business. Hon. H. Slubhn is in Washington this week on professional business. Messrs. R. F. Pope and Roger Critcher made a business trip to Wilson yesterday afternoon. Mr. Pnpe says while he was there he received Dr. and Mrs. B. L Long of Hamil were .the guests of Mrs. ling's neiee, Mrs. Hubert Morton yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Hines of Oak City was in town this morning attending court. Mr. Earl Wynn returned last night from Virginia Bench where he has been a guest of the Courtney Terrace cottage. Mrs. Myrtle Brown, Mies Esther Harrison and Messrs. Robert Roberson and Stanley tea— —tnmH to . Riverside Sunday. Messrs. Joe Everett, Lyman Britt and Julius Purvis mnde a business trip to Windsor jester dry. Mr. and Mrs. Cartes Green, Mrs. Charles James and sen. Mflton left yesterday for Wißeughby Bench where they will spend the next two weeks. Messrs. J. W. Right and sen, Boyd Bight made a business trip to Wash ington this Miming. Mr. Jehu Henry Edwards returned greater day from Virginia Beach. Watch the Label en jmmr paper. K ' •!!"' ' 1 r THE ENTERPRISE STATE COLLEGE OFFICIALS PROCLAIM MR. THEODORE ROBERSON STATE CHAM PION BREEDER OF ORPINGTON CHICKENS Mr. Roberson Says Display at Roanoke Fair This Fall Will Exceed Anything Yet Seen In Martin County LOUISBURG COL LEGE STAGES A > DRIVE FOR FUNDSI' !: The people of Franklin County |j have just subscribed SISO,«MiO to a|j fund to enlarge ami strengthen 1-ouis-1 burg College, which is a college fori ;Irls locate-1 at l.ouisburg, the county •eat of F rankling County. Eigh'een team- of four men or women each ( organised t«> solicit subscriptions and j these men :itid women callel syste- ' niatically ».n every white family i.i. tne county. It took three weeks t«» ■' .•onqdete the campaign, anil when they ' aen over tli.» top the whole county .hrew up its hat and shouted. l.ouishurg College is the thin! old est college in the state, having be.'ii founded in IMI2. Over !»,(>OO girls have b«n ealucated there. The recent action of the North Carolina College Associ ation raising the standards of the col lege of the state made it necessary to raise for new equipment. It is expected that the Methodists of the North Carolina Conference will subscribe the balance required. A. W. Mohn, the president of the college announced nt the close of the campaign that he beli>ved Franklin County hail established a record of generosity in this campaign that has never been equalled by any other rural county in the I'nited State!.. 'Hie $150,000 came from the rnnk nnd file of the people and was not contributed by a few individuals. The suhscrip ions ranged in sire from sl. to $lO,- «MM> , SII AVER TO SUCCEED HI LL AS CHAIRMAN Clem L Shaver who served as cam !.-iign manager for John W. Davis in the recent Democratic convention, haa l«rn selected to *ucc*d Hon. Conlell Hull of Tenn. as Chairman of the National Democratic Kxecutive Com mittee. Mr. Shaver comes from West Virginia and is a close friend of Mr Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Uodard, Mr. and , Mrs. Wheeler Martin ami Mr. and Mrs. , Oscar Anderson attended the show in Washington last evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning ami Mr. , J. G. Stston visited Mrs. Staton ir. , Washington Sunday. Messrs. Frank J. Margolis, Walter , Orleans and Sam Kane left SatunhQr j evening in Mr. Margolis' car for New , York They were accompanied from | llocky Mount to New York by Mr*. Sarah Margolis ami Mr. Max Margolis , Mr. and Mrs- W. C. Liverman, | Misses Minnie Robertson ami Jose phine Fykes ar.d little Billy Liverman ure spending ' l.e day at Colera'n Beach. Mrs. I£. K. Penning*on of Waales boro is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. I>. Woo lard. Mrs. J. W. Manning Miss Carri? Delia White and Messrs. W. H. Gurkin ami S. C. Peel attended the show in Washington last night. - - Messrs. Dan Parker and Taylor of the _J>tate Highway Commission, Kob ersonville were in town yesterday on business Mr. Raymond Taylor and Johnnie Philpott attended the show in Wash ington last night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hogart ami lit tle daughter, Sallic Sinallwood return ed to Washington Saturday afternoon after spending the past month liere with relatives. Mr. ami Mrs. Clark of lie!haven at temleal the funeral of Mr. Crawfonl which took place last Saturday. Mr. R- L Coburn has returne*! from Virginia Reach where he\has been ' spending the past week. Judge J. C. Smith of Rohersonville is in town today attending court. Mr. ami Mrs. Jno. T. Edmomlson ! carried their daughter. Miss Pattie to the Washington Hospital Saturday and r she was operated upon Monday for 1 -.ppendiri'.is. At this time she is ltd ' ing very well Mr. Walter Brown of Baltimore and •laughter Miss Margaret Brown of 1 New York are visiting Mr. Brown's brother, Mr. Robert Brown and sister | Mrs. C. O. Moore. , Miss Thelma Brown spent the weak end in Windsor as the guest of the , Misses Rheas at the Castle cn the . Cashie. Misses Carmen Hollo man, Helen 1 Holly, Bug Sutton, Ann Novell, Rosa lie Rhea and Mary E. "Honey" Rhea . of Windsor spent Bundny afternoon in WBUamston. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 22,1924. | Many of the State College officials have stated that Mr. Theodore Rob erson, who is the well-known br.—«ler of Orpington chickens of Martin Coun ty and in fact in Eastern Carolina, is |in their estimation the State champion | for the Orpington breed. I The official.- conshlered the display | of his choice bird- at the different fairs in North Carolina equal *o that found in any place in the country. l Aml Mr. ltohersori sir* that the poultry exhibit at the Itoam-ke Fair this year will exceed any in size ami | quality that has ever been seen in Eastern Carolina- Poultry men from sever-11 s'ates have already registereal their chickens, some of them being owners of the big gest poultry farms in the I'nited States. Every citizen is or should lie in terested in chicken raising, for the poultry production of the country ranks along with the cotton crop. It is expected tliat throngs of people from great distances will attend this session of tlie Roanoke Fair, their ■■win reason lacing to see the poultry exhibits, for, through the efforts of Mr. Roberson ami others of the coun ty, Martin has attained prominence in that field. The premiums offered by the Fair Association are much larger'than they h.'.ve ever been before ami individuals have also offered very attractive prem iums, besides those of the Associ ation Roht. N. I 'aire to Represent Public in Cotton Ass 4 n. Raleigh, July 151.—Former Congress man Robert N. Page of Aberdeen ha been appointed by Coventor Morrison as the member of the Board of IK ractors of the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Cooperative Association to represent the public. The bv-laws of the Association pr>» viale that the members of the associ ation shall dect annually ten directors each of them shall he growers of cot - ton ami that the Governor of the State shall appoint one director, not necessarially a grower of cotton, who shall represent the public at-large. Dr. 11. W. Kilgore was a public director! the association'- first year ami I*. B. Blaloek was appointed and servnd the second year. In view of the fact that he was the General Manager of the Association, Mr. Blaloek surre«f*d that some other man be appointed to represent the general public this year. Mr. Page, named by (o.'vernor Morrison is a successful banker ami business man, ami for years "lie re presentative of the seventh district in the I niied States Congress. Mr. Page i* not a member of the North Car-a lina Caaiton Growers' Caaoperutive As sociation. Hie appointment as a mem ber of the Board of Directors is not ..nly sjl is factory to the members ofl tltc boar-i ami the management but h> very gratifying. Members aaf the as sociation will receive the news of the appointment with e«|ual satisfaction. The high iTlaudinjt klM j ability of Mr. Page will also give the neral |*ih lie aalalitional caanfhlenee in the alreaaly strong directorate. iiL-.-et- Pattie Sm:th. ami Mr. Smith of Wimlsor spent Sumiay afternoon in our city. Mrs Whit Purvis ami Mr. Wdl Taylor returned Saturday evening from Norfolk ami Virginia Beach. Mr Krnest llrown of Atlanta is vl* it ing relatives here for several days. Mr. J. 1. .Davenport of Oak City attended Recorder's Court today. Mr. Pleny Peel was a visitor In town today. He has been down with the rheumatism for s«verbl wteks ami can only get ahaiut now ay the use of crutches Mr. W. T. Hunter has return**l to his home after spending the past sev eral months in South Carolina attend ing to business. Mr. Brace Whitley, the devil and •we of the kllmy boys for The En terprise, is enjoying a two week* Vaca tion at Silver lake. ' Have yon silted tho.4» rjdv - in Ik* back pasture? Farm animal- need salt to whet the appetite, help in di re tion anal to promote general gooat he -Jtb. say livestock wot kef s at Stete College. DOCKET OF THE RECORDER'S COURT I CROWDED TODAY Cases off Little Impor tance Came Before The Court The Recorder's Court which is con vening toalay with Judge J. C. Smith aaf Roberson ville si", ting on tlie b-nch ami Solicitor Klb--rt S. IVel prosecut ing Itaal a crowdeal docket. Tliere were ma important cases to lae heard ami in one instance the |»laintiff anal the alefenalant naalc into town all the way fnam Daralens on the kick seat of a Ford car with their hamis en twined. The first exse calkni was. State vs l*hilUp Boston, who was chargcal w| It .t vault with ale:>a|ly weapon. Itaaston (ateaaUsi guilty of the cliarge an.l jud-.: naent was suspemleal U|aa>n the attent taf the ao«t aaf tl>e action. St te vs J. W. Bei.net' was fa-» ti.:- at offence, assault with deaallv w *apatn. ami juilginent was also sus lirtbloi for him upon his payment of the Costs of act Wan. Tlj thinl ca e was State vs llei "v tTierry for the «nme offen.-e as th» first two ami he was fined sao and by the court. The case of State versus II C. Savage for resistinr an officer was ca-nt.i'iieii faar two weeks, upaan the re •jtt*; of the plaintiff's attorneys. N*:i!e vs Harry llynian was rev rte.l h.ck to the olal story of "carrying a ronee-led weapon" ami llvnian was fiiael S2S ami the costs State vs Eal Waist on was for the a.ffrnee of alrivinr a car while inUaxi cat~al ami he was fined sfio. ami costs ef acaion. The next ease als«a was against Fal Wal ton for assrul* with demlly wea is»n. -and in this instance lie war found cuilty hut suspemleal upam "the pay ment aaf the costs of action The third case against Walstaan was for earryinr concealed weapon ami in •his case he was nol prnsseal. In the next cas? the alrfenalant. Roht Mo>re with the Sts*" plaintiff for larceny ami receiving was faaund not -ulltv by the court. State vs C. B. Savage, tlyale Mnn ning aisl Herman I'ilant for the aaf fen.se of assrult * :■-« calleal next. All the alefendants ple.-wleal guilty ami C. B. Savage was reapiireal to pay one fourth of the nidi in this case and in the one of State vs Homer Prince, t'lyale Manning was reapiireal to pay aane-faturth of the cost* in both these case* ami s!!>. on the fine of Homer I'rinee. Herman I'iland was requireal to pav aane-fourth of all the costs and ?2T. aan i,e fine a.f Homer l*ritice. DI FFIE IIINICS DIED YESTERDAY Suffered From Cancer For Tim Years iKitbr lliae.- diral yeatoralay morn ing after a bang petiud of aufferiaK from cancer, which haal been troubl .n»- n.iai taar ten years or usire. Mr. lline-a ie- a-teat its ravages faar a lou;; -.me ami irally bad taupe* of rncovi ing but liar aIM-a.4 COaatinueal to aleva.ur bsm more rapially for some twaa yeat.i un.il finally is culnunatcat in aleath. la.r erwzl months Mr. Hines l.a.i k» n unabl-- 'aa get out any niaal has laa-eii lying in bcaj in a helpless Con dition In snch a caattdition death must have been ampteal with out a sting- Mr. HUMS was born in Ijetwair (CM ty February S, 1849. He moved to M. rtin r».unty :d> yetrs nga. where If le^-slcal. Always unas uiiiuag aiad liumbla i.l bis walk of life lie has won -.be admit at ion anal re-pect .af his neighbors. On no ocrasMan dal le ever frrt or com plain. He wa.- always cacis.-ientia.u. and arcomoafcting anal never were ' V: alutiC-- s> urgent that lie waaul« ' cast them asiale a.si give aial t ° ssck ami ibe helpless. - He was a member of tlie Christian ' «jirrh far more titan a ijuarter of a tOtury Mr. Hines nuirrieal Mis. Maria, Rogers 40 years ago. She died la #»»r» ago. One son, Mr. C. E, Hit*", anal one sister, Mrs. Elisabeth HeaJi survive him. He wiH he buried at toalay inj the family plot, Smithwick'.t "ruck The funrnJ service will be r.aoductcal by Rev. A. J. Manning. KMIE REPAIRING Sue repairing at my shop an the HamOtan rand, near cemetery. I am a rripplr and unable to collect -a»| .Ldrver work, but my prices make ■p the difference. AIFRED HOVXIES. SI'RSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISK Watch the Label on your paper. UMJAL TOBACCO MAKKKT TO OVEN I SKITKMBKK 3RI> WITH NEW CHAXtaCS MADE IN ALL FOI'K WAREHOUSES Warehousemen Have Assurance of the Tobacco Companies That an Increased Number of Buyers Will lie on the Market this Year ihe W iillia>nsta-n i.-bucra- market ' ] will open -an \% -s'lir-.a). Se|4embet j •iril, prtavi;la-al naa fuitlier husirs.ve-1 fp|»>ur. the l»iav Mareh«u-e a all tae tun | ttiis yea" lay ilevrs. 11. I_ ami W. J. laylor. lln huu-c i_a- an enviable rccurd. it beir.r ruby 'be - Messrs. ami Taybx tlac pa t ■ season V. ill. it., preset.; manager . the recorc will a-a-ntanur. r,o • Mr. Aieaaia a ai d Mr. Taylut ai* urtli' k■ lowii t».e fartrtaT ■ of il.i -«« a«,| they haxinv hed, ...niirrtw ri>k iW - W illiam-ta-a rtarket t..r t.-a • |aast several years 1 *1 he liouiaaake Vaaretaac-e Sf run year b\ Ma>>-r>. Vtalls ai -a )h>rtwif:4t«>• very |>n>> nfs-tw losu C men. Mr. \lorla>n wa- aane of ti*- pra> i prietor.- of the Raaamake la>* ami gainasl a straang frieioisbip amor - , the farmers throuchout this atri . other a- 'Unties. Mr. Watts, hi* partuer. has not lieen in the taabarrta la-iiiev> liefi.re hut his -aurcev- in oiher ba-i tiesx*- »ill guarantee hi- nwtw it. ' this his new fiebl. Wtwrs. Kicr ami Spain wdl ran tte Farmer- Warehou-e The-e yonnr men ha\e haal many years of exper ience in the taabctrco hu-ine--. grww ing up onthe t.reenvdle market ami while they have m*t been .s. tie Wd linntslon market henrtasfore. they are well known in tht. -eetion. The coaaperative warehouse will be under the supervision of Mr T. June- Taylor faarmeriy of Ka«her-ooi die ami Mr. Itaay (iureanu a>f this city wdl serve as l»~.kkas-|«-r Mi. Harry Mea alor su|tervises| this h«n-e la-t -eaaaaj hut resigneal that be might r*« with j the Dixie Wareha>u« Every thing is heir.gr n>a- ready for a gaa«al tailricm market "er.- The vvarehi.n enten have the aa.-ur.ner of the taalaaccaa companies that aa ia creaseil number aaf buyer- wdl br as sociate! with the nurkrt here thi staiion. Davis? Coolkfcre? Or La FolleUe? Some gu?s. it will he Ibti . other "oolhige ami -till aather- la F~llet' » who will lie living In Ihe Whit' ll.*a a this time next summer. Tlie situ.atb>n pre- ents nuuty angle .ml even gnoal figunrr- are -till gwe ■.»- ing. MR. JAMFS A. LEGCEIT MAS PI Rt HASED -Htrr INHT* STAND ON MAIN SIRI.KI Mr. Jame> A. lergett has purrkaseol the "llaaf I hag"* -taaal on Mam -trert. locateal between the Farmer» aol Met chan* I'ank ami the Atlanta- lla-tel. from Mr. Bruce blttanl, »i i—k cli-rge aaf it after Me>-r- t«e-a»j-e ami Thaamp--on la-ft saame tame aru Mr la-ggett ba- hm. m be cafe lausine-.: m William taaa ami ucaay p-- I ale will he }»laal to Uiw tlat be has gone into lau-ifae-.- in Millusa t.4, a pone int.-. hu iaaw again. - 1 - —— Mr Jmlir Karat.d 1 ti-riH SJn. I i.ka Sumlay after* «l Mr. Norman Ward anus a bo 4 of tlie local Boy Scent* la Sdin lahr Sumlay. Mr ami Mrs. C. IL • lark -J —• Millie, area mparaie>l by «e«ral «l| 'h* local scouts, \ i»itea| Silver laks Sna alay. Mr. Jaahrt P. IbsJker ramsi ~eve*al of tlie |taa> Sn.ut> to SJver lahr -"un •lay. Mes-rs t._ C. Hralt-a. Jobn W bite. Ceilric lerrt aart Morn- MNrkarH of A bo-kie \isitrd frirmt* brtr >' -a toy. 1 Mr. F. L. Robert ..a left tbn. moew ling for \iagra Fall-. New York and 11Quebec At Norfolk he td br u»n i panicat by his wife who wdl make the i trip with bim. 1 Messrs. John Pfcßpof. Lan Hv seR. . and Harrell WiUiams mit.rel to i Washington last night ta attend Mdt Tolbert's show, i Mr. S. C. IVel att 'alel the dww in Washington teat night. The curly lamb is the paying hnfc in North Car.lma Not only are the winters uMt?rat|y oil ta In* theaa come early but prices are Itm hfr In plentiful. I " * Kales on the Hendryon curb mirk t now amount to Mr MM each weak. About forty farmers a* elinr larly then now. "i ■mPSgSgajgjg KILLS ONE AND WOUNDS FOUR WITH ONK SHELL Si.. Ui«-t Wk. Jui\ JO Or>oai n»-n». kills- lu mrior. a «rf- n- ~ r«T»«v: >«* lri.ia\ vid map *« -! Il« life n »»| Knrr*: Km? j . » I?n * \ Kt *mi nr.ir K % r\ IHJP •m' "iir "A i- a H\p \Par «4*i rial. I'fila i. I roni Ihe htrhva\ i«rtii> fret fr%mm iKi* |M«rrh on *"* «** '!«' * v•' win' I u.'«!!■-%( hii.i h.H K. ipftr* -A i-.r- :«•!•* i»«* • CARD OF THANKS W.« oi l. t«. r\(» • •■«- >iar rr li-t'-k- to nrk a «l n«-n.Mr ah. kmilj li».u.-l>: ur lirol mini- S-wrsl l« tt •lurtnt- 'he Lair il!i,~ - ahi -hath ui .»ur iu-lrn-l father. J. ("uirfon!. TW fan i i_- of ruaiiort of mil nani In ml- lhr.«rh- I«-tat l!i - rommumty ai.u oManty; Ihr •\ni|**ihy «f ttM»-r lif l-r frarf»l- «tn i-i. i! l>f>l .ir (K«-.-h Ihr lunr jwalrio of llir ni:'iil> imraoltilrl) j |«rrr*»li?ir hi- ilralK. :-t»i who Irmi I." «i V u- »l «*»• ti>r ri-l taw, thr !■ -nulif ul H..rJ ik* iri . Mil*. \ ■ u; r.-—1 r-wi-.'.i11.M1 a:>i imp'.hi all !>#•« will Iw a anil', l' ti ll in >wr 1.-nl-nr A.l > thai -w«**l i» 4- |a 'riitil t.• ■ 1... i- v.fa» m»!n • i li iai art- ht B- hi-Mv 'ira ar l. nits, J « utAwntKik \\II rim HKEV I MISS HLKBLMLN IMI KI \I\S IT KIURSIIH; HITII IN AH VI4 > V liua M.itt. •■■! ► ftvlhf a (Mrtiir al Cnn-iiia in hener of 1-rr r.-i«iuri\. M-f- Mirrtrrl Itenn a»l Llirahr*h lira aril of lialiMuro UK (.UHtCK HI ul VT IIJ. rn»»L (if Mr. W I'Jwoit. »l» n> i..k«n uM nl\ >ll aklr in hi- -i..rr hirhi b-t wwfc. will Ir r'a-t to kru.w tiiat hr i. inr at I t* Iwinr ui; ;:j—u«tf Atn>ar llr ka« :ut Kmi aMr I u|* vrt hut it H that hr will hr shir t> hr ap a»t Mil in a vrr> Kofi w h ilr . i: -IK t HI K( HK-> fE.\saHt WOMEN'S WEIKINi; IPPABEL lU> r, Jal> 21. —Thr V «l|rai» tan |vairii jrjHi-l -hamrlr- nuiriß -!>•«" ir-ahol iai a cru-ur-hi|> u* it* l.i —■ ri.wrrhr- >urxL>> V iriUnrr tvurii, prrfrrahl> a»l ■llr arnl a«nra uf r. tiUi-ht>l "*ul {•■ iI KM. »rir |Jjml at Ihr .fc».r- uf all rh«rrkr> with or* Irr- lu irf* » a>l ■auitanrr to auMra iai|w«»t>rrl) .Irr Kl Snrral «• arrrr turar.l away h\ thr vifibait aw» n. it ana-, a*l. ant lufrr>( I* iitlnlhr IIM na ■« lir-- ir ami r-t -tjl,* hrforr Irinf aM»wr>t to al InJ au— SIIS I HIML IN STATE IS IMFI: AXING nsi Kilaiini-iMi, inly 21.- nauul «.f Wh I'anJuu, J»lrr * A. Ito-iaa. *M> i.ytx.i a work uf nuaihal Sa kim nan hrrr fur J»tr* 11. A liraJv. -aaal in ha- rharirr !• tfar V« 11-novrt craial jaury l-iw. hr jail, aw l tr ir-fKlrt. 4.-)r>l aikl enfurrr.l if Ik# ruataun ty i- to retain thr kani *•* hrar kl- .f rnliiatwa, ■hirk. Ihr -a»J for arr- ha-t Irra a •tnarrtr Irtam la* and urtlrr. ami m Jn-tH. ia a r i m—■ it i i- nia-Hil by thr •Irmv uf law rr.fmrr—rnl J»lr» llrvin pari tnU>r la JaJr* Cnly, who will r*4r tha- Ji-lnrl far thr wit MI Hr ail jalff Grady » an aMr. ayrntl. im partial Jwdrr aaJ hrM m kirk rr ,-ar>l a fcrmir hr -at in «mul Ifr J-« r iiliawitnl thr Vrw llanoarr ■ trrr ; n)in« I* kwrw «f raaaty hat injr pit* (flrirM •#- Srrrk and hr aba naaraM thr Vrw Haaam attorary*. EXI ELLENT PHTIBE AT XTIAN'P WEIL AND THITLS. TW ■■nit tarn* wfl haw thr ap- I partauty «f mHmm MIIIih ! IV PMW pnbtt thr pir t«r hirhly M'ltSnUBE TO THE RKTEKPRISC - ■-! I UM—— WATCH THE LABEL OX TOL K PAPER. II THE DATS VOITB SI CSCKJITMIN" EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 18i»8 VIRGINIA SKKKNAIJ KKS VISIT lIKKfel 1W S. IE. Hare* l»at Starr Srvaa aI Ma«r at Harh Lajayaarai lrdrrdai Altrraaaa aft« rx.Mi tin- S. U_ Hinfj ■i.Hf -- -re »i- tun»->l •nlu a mu ic .-ti»>lk> ui the ntbl'ia luihl wtwn ike !«•. -utl \ ii-i«!ia .--« r iiakr It n| a lit.iit niiiu!. owl!. Thr mu ir our! «ilii llf tl ttl all. f.»r ijie tulr »a- rn a.ir.l ai»i ".Ir- >kwi :imi w.iik "Ifr -.i ,i ■ ■!«.••• 1.-..i,i Uf all lla llKH.krt 1..1k . Jllit- 1.- ■-rui.i - aul «i«fc «k- ai-l ra |i »*«• ha 1 rm IS« «» rl. - -ri Im-Mt rrv.»m ■iVaLi! anU -«. i!ti «.ti-I.« it l>rrd' it rr|4. -«o-. Tl. - \ -—it c. >fruj.lrr > an> :ir «* IM|«_. ivin- *lot Tolhi-.T*. trni in* ''■ l an. !■ >i. \\ a-1 * ••"!«» ali tilt* « k MM'AL NIAVS OF l-.VKRKTrS Mr aivi Mr . I. A I Ink an>l Mr. aiki Mr t". It. tuk mut.irtil to \rw IV, it Mai-I i> Mi -im ill Mallrr are pin. !.«!? thi- arrk tr Kurv, V U Mr->r>- J. Jr. 11. r.: y |.iu.,r.| ..*.l Jr-v l! i?i. It arir u> t.-«.n :atu> i»> nqrhl. Mr— |l»ria -4allin- ' ■>> Janw-villc l |M-i>imr ttii- »rrk ui town ti-riii" irl ati«r^. Mr I". It. Kkklvt. Mr- tHlir kn-l. IhMaa SI all Mir ~ an-1 t'ura »a l«it Tarsaby r\r-un. in I'rar liriNS. Mr.'arsd Mr-. I' I: IMlak Mr -•n.l Mrs. IHI w hivl an.l Ur I'-na -I illiiir m>4uir>l to Wa-I.ii i t.-n V.«ii ■lay Mi - l.'alh |:uri..ii:'l |ri"t U.-Jiir.- lay iflrfii f.ir 1.. J.i l»>r> to m it •rlatiwr- . Mev-r- t*. It I Ink aril II irri krrl '■i»lMrr.| Una-til I Suii.i iv. Mr-L fsil i. (••li.liiu' thr *rrk in K-tkrl" «i-itini> hri pairntv Mr ami Mr- Willar llull.N k I (Hit or .1 t . IMM Twr «l ay af|rrr«ir Mi an.! Mr . J—ii. W...1 r-i ..f Wil I km4« («■ Swifclaa in town .sENSATHIX *l. KISE IN PKU'KS HIP «IltTt»N Nrw York. Jul* -11, Aiirr ■nr H' to immiil- liotn to|. prtrrs Mto-lri mluin' air -. I !•- KHL.I hr riMr turn. 1 far rlo iar ka ...il .inMat A* |>Miit aiKi-i 11* i—|> |*i k» ai.il 141 in llf |n»iit! ul - r, I.Mt.MI •far kral market tnlai •» Mil.!- • Hitl of thr rotmianrnl furrra I Vi.Jn akaarr.l tu *7 t.. aluir wlirl. lii-ur.' i art IM-r in-iia.- wa- |Mn-\mtr>i uii.fa-r llr rwh - uf llr r\rh:in*r kui mi' wa irry hrat y. Nrw Orlraru. Jala ?l -Fulknruir i iM—anainil of tfar foil iuaaritl l--p rrport •« rotulilHMi uf li«r ry.! ! I>M> rfruttiMi fuliarr- -a«n>l Wil l |«a»l - *MI thr rmrhanrr. ttrui«-r ail .m ikf la 3C4i ainl I Iprrii.ln tu % C*. a of alnMlt 4in a loir. TlM .■M>.lil wa uf ti with an r I laur l rioji uf rr than ahtari|utr>l. till I 111 I L SLUMLS IN (Hit PLEAIi U II.TI 111 laILUNa. r I July il. — Ihr l:.tr uf Kirkanl lirk ami \atfaan lr.»|-4>i, Jr krlai|n - a»l lay rr> uf lo \ raJ I lUnt I'nak . mt plaml t—la> tu tfar hand* uf MT nun Juhn I,", lav rrly. rhrrf jw ttrr of tfar i.aaiiul nail of I'nak riMint\ wfar.i thr. |il>>'r.| raihy § A|n«ar *r»ily ihr only Ifwr-t n matainr tu far ilrriilnl is \ huh-.' -hr» kaU kai.T or lar na|Mi •->. ->l fur a rrtaar w rtk.Mil |>arallrl in thi jari Hirtin. It.ihrrt E. rr«t». Slat- - '- a. at*.ar.. rr-ilrralr«i kt- intrmuM. of a-1 MI; tfar •Iratfi prnallv for tkr two rullr telfll. SIJIAND THEATRE W i:iiN ESItA V AMI THI BSOAV r inly 2M. 24tk_ NOBMA TALMAIM;i: L „ -THE. ETEBN AL FLAMK" H\ >- 4 with mijlfcit. Hist Tthnifi ka E S AND M