ADTEBTISEBS WILL RAVD OUB COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM ■HMM or MAKTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 50 ROANOKE FAIR TO BE BEST EVER Mr. E M. he, Manager of the to the effect that all asaaaiment ft» tnree far the Baenaki Fair to be held kn to OtHto aru rapidly taking fcm and wuj department wfll be in IMUMN far the big event. The ftre uoahs awl free attractions hare already been booked and every the drawing cards necessary far a great fair. Then will he exhAitioos of enriena kinds, including the elabor ate display of ftre works and the »- nal grand stand attractions. Mr. Foe has secured the aerricae of the Madi . son Sqnare Garden Band of New York and wishes to state that this featare alone will coat nore than all the free acts combined of last ynr. Without question the free attiaclons wfll be umch better than those of the The Zeadnmn and Pnltit shows that are now located in Punxsutawney. Pa. hare been booked by the management. These shows make np the greatest nMwijr in the states today and ex ceed that of any other show that has been here ir preceding years. It is a thirty car carnival with every thing in the show line. These shews carry positively nothing bet the beet and raahes every effort to have nethhig aMaw gambling on the midway. The program will be one of the saset elaborate ever praeentod in this aer Uon of the state, with a change of prrgiei etery day and night. Mr. Poe says. "Without a doubt in the world, the fair this year at the Boenake Fair Grounds wfll he th.» biggest and best ever bald in this ■act ion." MBS. Z. H. BOSK ENTEBTAIKS PHI LATH K A CLASS OF - THE BAPTIST CHI'BCII . The Phflathea CJa— of the ftlemori a! Baptist Cbnrch wa* •teiixh'.tuliv en teitained Friday nipM by Jlr*. 7L H.I Base at the Atlantic Hotel. The dfaung room and table were decorated tastefully with marigolds In bias bawls. The ana censisted of frsaea Mt salad, pickles, fried chic ken (country style), corn on the cob. English pens, fresh fried potatoes, to mutoe and lettnce salad, hot rolls, ice tea. home made cake and vaaPla ice Mrs. Wheeler Martin Jr. acted ea toast mistress and there were three toast* given, one to our state presi dent. Mrs. Z. H. Kooe by Miss Carrw Dele White, another to oar teacher, Mrs. B. L Shirley by Mre. Hagh G Horton. and a third to oar class by Mrs. B. L Shirley. The regular business was attradnd to at the conelasion of the dinner. Tbooe present were. Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Mrs. Sam Getainger. Mrs. Joe Owan. Mrs. Dick Taylor, Mrs. Kader Bagerssa. Mrs. Z. H. Bose. Mrs. Lee Brewer. Mrs. H. B. HoUomna. Mrs. Harry Meador, Mrs. Boger Critchr-, Mr*. Warren Biggs. Mrs. B- L Shirley, Mrs. John Ward. Mrs. Hagh Horton. Mrs. P. & Cane. Miss Carrie Dalle White and Mies Margaret Everett. MABGABET EVERETT. Sec*y. MABBIAGE OF INTEBEST la the preaenn* mt relatives and tot knelt friends, a quiet heme wed ding was solemn iaod this morning at ten thirty o'clock when Mrs. Eva Haasell Hackney heeaase the bride of Mr. Herbert Covington Bonner. Ike bride's only a'tendaat waa her flaaghtor Kins Eva HasaeU Hackney Mi the gresm was attended by Mr. Lindsay C Warren, who acted as beat •d by Bev. L D. Haymaa. took place at the home of the bride which was I with • t ,.fnri.n of Mr. and Mrs. Banner left far an ex- Only News. TTlAfalllß Hackney wedding wfll he af totM to the friends of Mrs. Hackney, who •» • Mania cauaty giri end nlee of Mr. Bonner who has Manny Mill, to Wflliamston. HABqjFT^CHAPTAPQPA the for the tilillf totanal of a ***** M a# - THE ENTERPRISE BAND OF SUGAR THIEVES CAUGHT SATURDAY NIGHT One Arrest Leads to Others; All Admit Their Guilt For several months the warehoase at the Williams ton wharf has been broken into now and then and qnanti of sugar s.olen. The police force waa bttiuetl for a time in that the) were no: able to get any due as to where the sugar was going. Recently, however, a little information leaked from the rubbers' combination which reveeled the whole scheme and a trap was set. Saturday night, Luther Peel the I Deputy Sheriff and two extra depotie»' went to the warehouse for the pur poee of waylaying the robbers. Tbo> j found that the warehouse had al- J ready been broken open, but no sugar was found by the robbers, so th* drayman was told not to go down as it would be useless. The oflkers thinking they had sufficient evidence to trap the rogues, they started to the home of Ben Biggs, a negro. At the home of Biggs they received a thread that led them to the home of John 1. Hyman, a negro thief with a reputation. The officer* rolled Hyman out of bed and began to quoation him and for two hoars he evaded their questions, but ftnaDy things became too hot for him and he came across with the whale story, tcfl tng how he had gone into the ware boose and stolen the sugar. This he did on several occasion.-: r.nd delivered it to Jesse Bogern a colored man on the Skewarkee road. Hyman was then placed in jafl sad the officers went for Rrgere who also came across and said that he was not alone, bat haul ed the goods with the car of Wdl MiUr and that Mills war. along, driv ing the car and acting as a co-pnrtner in the game. Bogota and Hymrn reported that the stolen goods were delivered to! Ben Biggs and Tom Mills and that they received four dollrrs a bag for Upon this evidence Mills was arrest ed aad he too came across with furth er evidence to convict an involved. Mflls was plseed in Jail with Hymen j and Bogers. Then the posse went after Ben Biggs who, at the time, was net at hooae. bet they panned him until they found him several miles down the Washington road, apparently peddl ing whisky; for he had a jug in his car which contained half a ration aad which Biggs declared to be the prop erty of one Woolard, a drunken negro who was riding with him. The lr»t statement was disputed by Wool.-ird This combination of thieve. hat been stealing for a long time, running sugar out to Ben Biggs' and several other men who manuftetare the sugar into liquor. The gang has had the fair awing, stealing, making and sell ing liquor and running rough shod over the country. The trial of the four men is before the court this afternoon and while it is not yet settled, it is though they i wfll be bound over to the next t .-ns of the Martin County Superior Court MBS. ANDEBSON AND MBS. HEYDENBEICH ENTEBTAIN Bobersonville, August 4. The' most enjoyable social event of the summer waa a bridge party given 1 at the home of Mrs. Ethanor Anderson [ Tuesday afternoon from 2 te ft by Mrs. B. F. Heydenreich and Mrs. An derson. Four tables of bridge were arrang ed en the porch which was decorated with lovely pink and white flowers. After several progression* had been ■i lie it was found that Miss Fannie B. Pope had high score, her sister. | Miss Elisabeth Pope had low score. First priae waa i. beautiful lining bridge cover. For consolation Miss E Pope wee a lovely set of three flew- The but nan assisted by Misses Alice Norman and Emily Bohersoa served two delicious coursaa. The Ant raueiatH of chocolate fudge, salted pmnwta, fhiftfH nlid in IcmWlcb, saltiaes. sandwiches, pickles aad ice toe. This waa followed by delirious poftdi iff cretin, SMI COCM ant rake Those enjoying the delightful affair were. Miaees Marjorie aad Mae Beß BernhOl, Geneva Jamis. Hirabilh Pep i. Jeeephtoe Robertson, Kathertoe McDonald. Fannie B. Pope. I Mien Einott, Haaei Everett, Mrs. B. I-1 Reggie. Mrs. D. B. Everett. Mrs. J.| A. Em«M. Mrs. Arther Johnson, Mia. Miaees Mary Hardy aad Nanni-' Merrill. Pattie Harris. Evelyn HnrrP aai and Kniant Manning are ipial be the afternoon in Windbar. * Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 5, 1924. EASTERN CO-OPS PLAN BIG RALLY National Leaders From J West to Speak Here Next Saturday Eastern North Carolina wfll have the best ippanunilj yet offered to the farsacre of this stale to learn the pi ogres* of cooperative marketing throughout the caire na'ion, when 1 Walton Feteet. Secretary of The Na tional Council of Farmers Coop*ra ' live Marketing Association*, and Suwd B_ Guard, of the Sean-Bee (j bock Agricultural Foundation, ad |ttteu» the mass meetings of Eastern itaidto tobacco aad cotton growers.) | which are scheduled for August Bth. | MB. 11th and 12th > The schedule «•( meetings in East- Jera North tars lms which is as fol lows wfll begm with the annual bas ket picaic at the State T.-st Farm in Flgerimhr county, between Bwky Mount and I "metope on Fnday August tth. Waltoa rHert. Secretary Nation al Couarfl of Farusers Cooperative . Markrtiag Atwcul—i. of 111 . wfll at the foßowirv-' places: Sssrthfieid. X C. Aarust 8. 2 p. m . Kjtataa. N. C. Aurust 9. 11 a. m , Gmmfle. N. C August 11. 10 a. m Wakelm SchocL Aa*ust It II a. n j Saamel B Guard. Director Sears Bin hark Agricußaral Foundation, of; Chicago. 18, wfll >pcak at the fol lowing places: Bock) Mount. August 8, 10 a m WdMimstoa. Aegasf ft. Ift a. as. a* Fair CM and. Beulavile. Aaeart 11. 8 p a la a lii Tim to th»- above speakers. Dr. B W KPeore. Dean of North Carolina Agricultural College, ami MAS Elizabeth Kelly, Ptesiden. of Nnrth CM ih f Terehers Association, with rnal messages of interest to farmer? and farm women will b* , present at wnnl of th* picnic cele toetima At a jeciad basket picnic on Aegust wk_ to WHtoastem, Mr. Guard wdl i ■ plain to Ea>4erß Carina farmers the progress made by a million organ aN farmers to Cooperative Mark-ting i Aimiilmt. haasflmg na«f different Ipnducts from the Western to the Eastern Coast. On August 11th Wr«- [m PHcrt. Secretary National Coun cil of Farmers Cooperative Market iag * iilism wfll he the principcd speaker Farmers and their wives iliull he purtmdaHy anxioas to hear Ik muaagei that wfll be brought by Mr. Guard ami Mr Peteet. both of w*»om are recogniaed authorities oa the >ubj>ct of Cooperative Market ■g. Firnm rwd their wives are arged t» knag their basket.-., thus do lag theu |«t to help aaake these all day cehh-atiear a complete success. S. D. FBISSELL Hardware Store to Open by 15th of Tftis Month Pre pa nl war are being made an.l pudnl fur the epentogj of the Calpepper Hardware Company j utn here en or about the IMb of j Mr. W. T. Cnipeppet .f ElixaUib City, part owner, wfll rjriwe ts-a»i 'row la aaiiil Mr. Brown in arrant .iag the stock. I The stack to be opened ep will be I sue of the most complete to he found anywhere in this leetisn and wfll seU at wholesale and retafl aad will sell Mr goods at prices to the reach of Mr. Brwwu bus been supervising the remfliag of the store, the Haasefl ITnaimg. far the past week aad has grea*ly impewaed the looks of the 'tratoc balk totide aad out. The opening day is aot known >i hiTi*j_ bat the large stock to bo placed wfll raqnke several days and ja»t as seen as k eaa be arranged, the iw wfll be opened to trade. The Calpepper Hardware Ca. of Elzzrhrtb City hao a strong repntn ttoa in that city and B is with plena are that we karu of that ftra and Mr. P. H Baoua of this city opening t store heae. M JOHN A MANNING WILL ENTEBT AIN FOB SISTEB Mrs. John A. Miuiiig baa issued hniitiiaa to ahoag thirty friends ta leave aut week far Sflver City. Hew f" r is viritmg Mr wad Mra A. j. IkT COMMISSIONERS K OF COUNTY IN • REGULAR SESSION i Tax Levy Postponed; A Proviso Jury Was Drawn COUNTY CU^IISSIONIIBS The Martin Chanty Beard of C>m aainioneri met to regular session yes terday to their mm at the court honor. The feßpurmg member? were present: H. C. Green. Chairman. ;. G. HarnhiH. T. B. Slad.>. Ji . W. B Harrington nnd C- A. Askew. There waa liMfte basinet to come before the Boned during the day aad all matters wore given careful con ? toleration. The bar-jew as of follows: Ordered by the Board that th; jr•-« laawp. now in the office cf the ter at Deeds, be given to Brodicfc~> Grovt Church. That Joseph T. Lte end wife be al ot vl the sum cf ia.ftO per month That the porperty of W. C. Whitley n Griffia's township >e rednce! Jilfl. I That Dr. Thigpe?>"s laixi in IVnbr 'Point he ledncid from |m»i to 15.- 'ent valuation. ! TS-it the lands of H. C. \ rmrn in ( 1 rnJtjn township be redar .! a, f,d I ws: Stalls land from to !'"••burn land from SO« to I'arpfoa lan-l from £*.ftn» to flWft I I' was ordered th=t the W4li.-m«- t«*n Telephone Companx be pr>»l the -um of S3OOL fw drmare> tU-nr by road farce en Hamilton. vdle and Washington nok That Wiadaer Abuohr, colored of Jrmeaiile be allowed 12 5t prr asonth That W. B Watts be released from payment of tan 1923. Ordered that Jaaw A Everett be pa al the sum of )4hi fur bmarrs Everett or Mohley Mill by State Highway. A prwvisa jury was drisrn to *rte in case the September term >f the Mertin County Sngerior Court ran be restored. This term ml court slipped •way from as dnrta* 'he last neajjuu of the I igntolnw and its restoration 1 s not yet certaia The Board of Comity Csaaminiiin t» deferred th- tax levy until the ftrst M sudsy ia September. This was done by reason of the heavy drmarnl by the school board which Tor rn increase of HOjOM over last jr.-ar. This tocrease was »nch a Jwck ta the board that deferred to think un til a later date. The school taier. hemg JlOt.til .ca a 1921. pC.A3r. -.\ to Itt aad *106.- 69a J? ia 19Z3 whale the scheo: board i una asking for lltiJM) ia 1924. this, increase wfll call for ia in rrase of cents on the fit* vale i-tmn over IS3. which sa> Oi «nb and a raise of 41 1-2 over I'jSt which v.»> cnl, 4C 1-2 for i:?at year. I. Tbf tocrease woadd seem U ir U aad ox third per ocst over 1922 and 4ft and two-thirds per c*nt or * 192 X HAMILTON NEWS ITEMS Miss Bath Matthews who has te'.a visiting Mu#e* Helen end BM Daaea port left yesterday for her home in tltiabn | Miss Kbarhe of Franklie tua is vbjtiag her mother. Mrs. M. L l eltomy here this week Mr. K W. Salsba-y is speading sev eral days at Myrtle Beach. S. C. Mr. aad Mrs. C SL Bichards rad Mao Margaret Ernefl sprat Snaday in Mim Delia Purvis has i«turned to her boose here after aa extended visit to New York Miss Irene Bellamy retaraed home Saturday night from BaHigh where she has heea visitmg her sister. Mrs. A. P. Cpchurrh. Jr. Mr. G. E. Htors of Ahoskie speat the week end here. Mr. aad Mrs. J. E Eilmsn li an motor ed to WWlrsassloa Sunday afteraooa Mr. aad Mrs. Lrßoy Krere.t aad Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Everett spent Sunday to Hertford. Messrs. D. G Matthews. J. A. Dnveu port aad F. L Cladrtaue spent yester day to Wflliamston atteadtog to hnsi- Mr. T. B Slade. Jr. spent Meaday to Mr. W. J. Starr mi Suubary speat the week end here srith fHeads. Mrs. Parks ei Tarhora speat the week end here with niuliiia Mr. E. E Inecoe i Milan to be oa the sack list. . Dr. B L Lsag speat yesterday af- METHODIST AID SOfIETT TO MATE A SILTEB TEA Ike Ladies Aid Sacfety of tke Mrtbadist ihunb wfll have a sflver ytm at the home mt Mrs. L B. Harri soa on Hangkton street Wednesday - .afteraooa hum 4 to ft. , JOINT PICNIC TO bE HELD FRIDAY | ISaptist, Episcopal and Christian S. S. To l*icnic at Riverside A j. int picnic of the Baptist. Epascw- I (al and Christian Sunday Schools a ill [ be hrU Frulay jl riverside Pa*k > Although the ilelhultt- t»ve rrrrj -y j held their picnic, it is hupe>l that a J large number of their pe«»p> sill g»t also. All the pupils of ,h» various •ciwsl are urce«i to meet at their r»—pectivel churehe> promptly at 101*.' o'clock I FrWlay n«»n.injc. Trans|KrU!vn wdl b» pr for every bjdy w'to has iu ' way. It is urge«i tl * .v>ryl>»i) t» , at their respective churches and pr> ; vnie ways for as many as possible , Everyhiwly w-.1l take dinner, (iiae and various dry land sports as well as water sports for all. An ibo> 4 IMV of ire cobi wili bt provided. " llenty of fun a .«l frvtic f-r both ■ (II ars young. IV> not miss this bit day. Come join the party for a happy holiday. MRS. JI UA GRAY IN SONG RECITAL OISTI ME SONG BEtTTAL GIVEN AT tX)LLEt;E WAS GBEATLV ENJOI El> (Greenvdle Ketlertori Both college ami town enjoyel greatly costume sonc recital riven M East Carolina Teachers College la - evening by Julia Culbreth Gray, if Washington City, an artist -tho has made a distinctive reputation as a stager of folk songs. Her prof ram. ex cept the first two numbers, was air voted to folk song - ami she*che>. tfc» second part entirely Afrw Am-ririn. The effective costumes ami the dramatic rendering added charm to the artist's interpretation. The beauty ami -f her rnier in the first two »«mr-. *"Yoi che Saepete" ami aria from M«tin'» opera. "Figaro" aa Se Sar a isb." ar Italian Waltz sane, by Ardm. mode her aadience wish she sroabl give a full pro* ram of »nch The Bassaan folk soars "LKb IhcUinc" ami "Jealoasy" vane with passion aad fervor. Ter strik ing costume was mode by a Rossi n rrfugre ami was that of MoMl Ku aia Shr next »ppeare-l as an obi fash-met girt ia Imp shirt ami trap feat and with a cxHprrtttsh air cave "Tit-for Tat." "Loyahy to Mea" ami "Eaty-Did." She to star another ;oag "if there be marh rlappinr - and there was murh clap pinr. so she gave a Carolina folk song composed by Eucene Putnam of Sncth C-indnu. "I'd Bether Have a lot-ng Ilia.*" ami th.-:i rn' • mrber encore "Her Dream." She anaoaared her program ami gave hits of apt and witty exptaaa itiana that gave a personal touch to ■|» rotiam ami c-strblashe>l a bead ••f mpothy between herself nad ler aadieacr. Mm Bertolet playol heaotifußy the accoaapaaimenU ami the ma>aral netting for all the numbers and up peered twice ea the program playiag artistically one of Chopin's Prrlmies. Hark, the Lark." aad Schwann'* "Prophet Biro." Julia Cnlbreth Gray wfll be ea thnstosticnlly welcome.! by a Greea vile aadience if she retara.- for aa ctfer engagement. Her pragram« are eatertaiaiag and distinctive aad her penaaalHy charming. Mrs. Gray comes to Wißiaaaatoa aad wfll give her recital to the Opera Hime. August iSth. Mr. Dsdd. wrko ha* known Mix. Gray for years. a_- - antes us that it w3l he t»l TW j profits, if any. will rt. into a puinpngl farvl for the Methodist Church fi I WOMAN'S MISSIONABV StMTETV OF %X HI BCH T«> MEET j The Woman's Mil iannry Society of the Christian church wfll meet next Moaday afternoon. Augnst II at i Jft o'clock with Mrs. R. J. Prelr. The anhjta.l for the afteranin wfll he -Stewards of the Grsce of God". Mrs. G. H. Hantaan wfll he leader. The program far the aflemaaa is QUl—Mimianary Scripture verse to laipiair. Buimtm Period; Dtntiau al Serriee; Missionary Topics: "The Inflow mt God's Grace"—Mra. B. J. Fade. "The Outflow mt a Faß Life"—Mr*. J. W. Anderson IhM Tbi Two Seno"—Maaa Eva Irene Fade; Offering; Benedto tion Psalm lft:l4. jSI'BSCBIBE TO THE ENTEBPBISE ROANOKE FAIR I BOOK READY FOR DISTRIBUTION |j Premiums Have Been Raised in the Various Departments "TV KoiTwb Fair of Williamstoii. lamnaannfs Ihe I>J4 promiuin buulc now r»ajy for .ibJribuli«.:i and they are ' |*«w to ar.-,.ar** that this year will i hw If* hr-! in the hi- tory of the Fair I-a rrm ny. I'iraun- have been raMil in the I |»>o"iry ai» Ire* stock .iepartment. lupttl IV» are positively the best in I the -late by any district fair. Farm ami fruit- will this year be -pwial attention and will be in by Mr Pace of Washington ■***' Mr T. B llraixion the Kami (Agent of Martin County. Es pec la Ily *>wi wtß be the county exhibit.- in Itbe farm .iepartment from the .-ever i*l ro " !,k - » the Knanoke section an.l bijcl, prrtnium. have been offer*.! by llw Aamil'iou to the Farm Agent* tfcis Jrfeitarat Hone Economics IVpartmert in charge of Miss Pauline Smith. Dis trict Supennterxien* of the State IV partwral i»l Miss Violet Alexandria of Vvlua(tan will again this year be ait ouLftaxhiine f-ature of the fair Your county home a pent will have an ■ this department an.l your be-t eff«ti ■ this line will help her "■ * large premium. la tbe Woman's Department the Indie* of tbe Methodist Church will bav» '»prn «• and they promise that it will surpass anything ever be fore plarM b-fore the people of this iccta—i Tbe eve-ate*! midway in the Statr t-» -b\ ha. beer. contracted for this 1 »•" THE ZIEDMA.N AND POIXIE |>HOMS a mammoth thirty car rami jval with every thine in the show line. | "'bis -bow prtvitivrli carries nothinr hut tbe hr«t in tbe -how line and aake- every effort to have nothing i »at dean amusement and does not al '•v aay ramMinr on its Midway. Mr. 1W Cannon one of the best known horsemen in the South ha -1 keen drsitaataj Racine Secretary' and k* ba» amnml a proeram of races leciMl to nine in the state, ten races wil he ran in the four .u.ys_ Th» thang 'hat the Association is the most pe«u of is the securing of tbe Madii Stfware Gar.len Kami of X** Voefc City. Thi» feature alone ■»»•* !hu was ever put in free I acts fcy fair in this section before, 'bil afternoon and nirht a concert ** riven in the gTand stand that win rank w«h aay that you hear in the rml parks of the bt»f cities. With tbe band arrangement.. has been male to have a lady soloist from on- of the grand opera companies an.l she will *«» bi tenral nam her- daily with the Free act*, the kind that have never been in Ibis section before. TV» Swan W»ol laancwr revue from the bi* ! "ne cimuts of the north, a whirl of * ii I»■ king girls in several number that are up to the minute Comedy acts by Karl an>l Mack. Starthnr. darbf u well as thritlinr maim of the f.ruijr Wilsons of cir cbs fame and others will be presented At waght you will have for your ulirtin—l the greatest program of imwtt ever in the State, chang erf aarbtly Oa Monday and Thursday nights the battle of Verdun will be pal ta. Over seventy thousand shots wdl be ind form the tanks ami other ■npednments of war. Tke Far this year will open on Mantay ajfbl October 2Uth ami con tmnt for fonr day* and will dose on Fraday anght, October 24th. A grea' show ti narbt* and four days. Mr. C- W Jaca- will have charge of the poultry depurtaaent ami Mr ju. M iakew wdl have charge of Ihr Sam >nd lire Stock Departments Tbe nuam. H . M Poe of Rocky M«art wil (lady give any inforuaa tM ywn desire and will mail prem iuaa 11 iki m the next few days to the peafir of this irctiaa. If you hap ten not to ret one and desire sane, notify Mr. IV, be will gladly send WEAVER—PERRY SataNay afternoon at the home of Bee. A. J. Maaainr. Miss Myrtle I Kmy km—me the wife of Mr. Jasper i Weaver. Mr. Manaiag ofKciating. Tke aaMiai was a complete sur prise to the flit all «f the contracting partita, mho had expected them to ■any m the early fsH of Mr. 1.1 ii Perry of Hamiltoa and a she kns aande her how with her aaat, ■ Mix J. r. Jaaca fur the. past seven yeari. aaaoe the death of her mathar. : ia> a cmTLaay friend. throughout WATCH THE LABEL ON' YOUR TAPES. IT CARRIES THE DATS VOIR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 OLD CIVIL WAR VETERAN DEAD [ I Washington I *r.ily News) Another of th» ftw surviving I tonfiterate soldiers passed away this morning wijec. William Charter Russ of thi» city >!* i she home «f his •laughter. Mrs. J. W. U\>olard, at 6:20 a. m. after ais illies:. of three weeks , j-t the ripe old are of SO years, r The late \* iHiam Ru.-j. wa.- bom . in lieaufort County. May 16. IM4. I At the as* of eighteen, short ■ ly after the Civil War broke "u: he etili-u-.i urwier Captain Reeves . of William-ton arw Colonel Stckoj. i He ha«i lis •ii-'u.ction of being i aaat mportrnt battles, of which th«.e at Gem.-sville Mills, ne-ir . Seven Pitse-s. Va.; Gettysburg; ChaneeOorsville Court House; ami i Sywtt--ylva"!sa Court H..u-e; w re the , ns»-t important Ihe latter or . K- K'IWT.: wa- th- li-r he t""k part in ! 14 bote Mt Ru - wa- taken prLs-fner afi Irttr carrk l to Klmin. , New ork. wher- 1> ■ was cor fir. 1 for .? month Or the -ieiiinjj of pe:tce Mr. Ru—- r^yr*v— i h.*nv ;;,p.i live.) op the farm up to .1- -ut t*u ye*.~s a(fo, wheti he c i»">- *» V\: ihinctoq t>« live with hi, chibsr?^. He was married to Mis- \';:ncy A. Warren of Pit' Countv. January (8, ISTTo ant i- »cri'ive.i b\ five chil»lr?n, follows: Mrs. J■•♦•7' Wool;lr.I. Mrs. I esse R Wnstard; W H Ru ; C. 1 W. Rus-; at»i J=n -- R Ru-s; :II of Washington His wife pre-.l xvascd h.m --veral year- ago fVath t.—k place, "-fter an ilHoss 'of three w?*k- at th" h .roe „f hLs I daughter Mrv. J. W. Woolanl on Fast .Vr»»l Strx-rt fr*.m wh.-n» the funeral will tak" place tomorrow, i Sunday, at 4 o'clock, p m In'erment "ill he m>i- in the f.vmily p'ot on * the old farm Tbe late Mr Russ was ■ for many year- a member of the . I"rimitive Rapti-t Cliurrh. lf k i;ig one of the obte-t netnli *r- of that ciiurch at Smifhwkk's t'nek It i* a matter f not- that of the ( hi* men wlnicb roropo-~*sl the coin . p«any with which Mr Ru-- was an . enti ted m>m!. r in t'e civil war. he was the only survivor M the time of I his death i The following are the pallbearers; I Active Eason I alley; Solomon Ev ( erett; K K tousins; A S. Jourdaii; t l». T- Ro- - i.n-1 J l». Paul. Honorary pail bearers— W. R. War , ren; F S. Freem. ti: Gso. W Free r n»an; S. F. Allirot; W. R lloyd; r FSemuig. tOl NT* U,K\F> RKPtiKT TO THE OH VrV 11»M MISSION FKS H»R MONTH OF Jl I.V 1 Following is tbe County Agent's re -1 |»»rt to the t'oUTity lUiar.l of t'om ' i*.i-. feftrr- for tbe month of July, * 'Si days spent in field work. I i days spent in oAice work. ' 241 conferences with farmers. 78 letters written. r »4 farm visits nu-le > Ml farm demonstrations visited, r 3 ave-ting- t*+S with -n atten.iance ' v>f 4i> people. ' SQi mile- traveled in perfi.rmanc? >f .tutars a» County Agent. . II farmer- a.—i.-te>t with their or r jfapNiK. ■ ' —~~— Kl bogs ircateii for 12 farmers. I 72 formers vi-ite>l in reiranls to weevil control work r OSu acres of cotton inspected and i afestrtim detrnaineol in or.ier that ■we w Dial i know-to poi.-s>n or not. r Sbowe>l aaoving picture- at two ■ school bouses, two reels poultry ami . one on weevil control work. So far as a whole over the county tbe weevil infestation has been light, i excepts in spot- about in fields. farmer- a»dvised as best methods i of feeling hogs. I* farmers advised in re"ards to cultivating cotton. 18 farmi is advised in regards to • of fertilizer - r T. B RRANDON, i County Agent. r MRS. F. L GLADSTONE ENTERTAINED LAST SATURDAY ' Hamilton. Aug. 4.—Mr*. F. L Clad - lone entertained last Saturday after , noon in kaaar of her niece. Miss Rati 1 I "arks Kitchen, of Scotland Keck. The cwlor aheut was lavender and old gaU and it was beautifully carried out. Two table* of rook were played. f after whack a iMifiaui course of ices ? and baa baas were served. r Thnae pwt in Mi-ses Kate Parks Kitchen. Martha Splabury. ' Maty Waldo. Myrtle Everett. Sarah I Moore Fiuaailiaa. Mildred Ever.Ht, ■ Flaana Dlampart and Evelyn Hines. r ***• * Ike county. I Tke P aiu f k a ymmg aaa af Mr. ■ md Mr*. W. R Weaver and he is a r - vary aaduatraaua ywuag farmer. They »»* at baane vU (he parenta of the