B= === THE ENTERPRISE Published every Taeaday Fri*»J by the KNIERPRISE PUBLISHING CX>- Williamston, North Carolina I W. C. MANNING, Editor \V. C. -MANNING, JR.. Business Manager Subscription Price (Strictly Cash in Advancei 1 year - - » ™ 6 months 3 months Entered at the Post Office at Wil liamson. North Carolina as second class matter, uniier the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to Th Enterprise, Williamston, N. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST .*>. 1524. The opening-up of a hardware store in our city supplies a inissin;* link in the business chain of AMlliam ston an ! narrows i|*e gap in tho business unit of Martin count). With an up to the minute hardware store, selling everything ami at a price wi'hin the reach of all, W illtamston should feel fortunate at d five its unfailing support to such a business. REAL DEMOCRATIC INDI STRY Employes of the telephone industry now number over In li*2-i the c mpany had H81.145# stockholder-, about one-sixth of whom were em ployes cf the Hell ,'ystem. Adding the number of employ? l of the lU'll Svstvm who ar;- not stock holders to the total number .f st-rck holders, we find an army of »:•: person* dir ctly interested in the tele phone industry One hundred thousand additional employes of the Hell Sys tem are now paying for stock on th« installment basis. Tin- company has a larger numl*r ot stockholder- than-any other organi zation in the country and represent real "democracy" in jm-iustr^^ T WATION AMI TAX EXEMPT INCOME REPOR'I The Federal Trade Commission re ceritly submitted to the Senate a re port of taxation nnd tax-exempt in come. The report show the ;■mount of tax exempt securities now outstanding; estimates the amounts held by cor *■ porations and individuals and the taxes which might lie cuHettol fron-. them, if they were taxable; shows the ir.crcsises of indebtedness, national, state and local, ami the purposes for which incurred; gives the aggregate tax burdens, national. =tate anr local: and consolers where the heaviest bur dens lie. The total umount of tax-exempt se curities outstanding on iJecember 31, 192*2. was about s32,ooo.(H*i,ooii ami consists of nearly Jl2. ( ioo.Wi | i,'> | o of wholly tax-free and over I'JO.m* 1 .- (•00.(MM) of siirtaxable securities. Of the wholly tax-free obligations, J2.- 294,000,JKi were federal and were state and local Toe general taxpayer must make up s to 'he government the amount- which . t it loses through inability to tax the income from these billions and future issues of tax-exempt bonds. BURLINGTON MAN PROVIDES AID EOR DESTITUTE PEOPLE .4i- (Burlington News) The sight of a man, his wife, ami five tiny tots apparently in the worsl circumstance-, was too much for W. H. Morton, a cotton mill man here, who followed air impulse to approach the family moving east along th« tracks of the Southern Railway. In the arms of both the father and WISG^- VISISS Omm IT Mil Ii Hi ■ ' tmm » mother huddled little bits of human-1 ity too fragile to trudge their way. j Clinging to the other arm of each were other little folk*, travel-worn J and hungry- Mr. Morton was told by the hw bar.d that he had l?ft Siler City in search for work. He expected to fir.d it in the textile mills here, bu: found them in roost part idle, with a great . surplus of labor waiting for the ful! time resupmfion of their means «* j livelihood. To the ijuestion. "Where are you , I going?" 'he man replied: "To Dur ham.** And the trip was to ».e mx» ie over the weary stretch of cross ties j that are almost in countless thoo ( sands lietween here and there lie viewed the look of "lost hope" on •he faces, then asked. "Have you had anything to eat?" They had not. Soon the unfortunate family wa rded in a cafe for the first meal »' a long ilav. According to informa tion gat here. I from a source otr,?r than Mr M >rton, he Mien loaded their in his car and carried thc»m to Hills boro. There he gave the story to the chief of |>oiice. who asstffred him he would find them lodging for the night, and would see to it thct they would hot have to walk on their jour i.ey to Ihirham. Although the teeth of poverty ha-, gnawed to the core, this man. with a loyal wife, did not -eek out the great motor traffic lanes, where a life nigh* ea.-ily have been had. Some park that few go on foot, where the mis ry of each step might b" endured as their own. the pangs of hunger -üb .•'ued, ami the whines of littl« > tots .-uffied out by the breeze. According to this man, many tex •lie ojierutives are up against it S'.-w of them, he stateil, ha*e lai- | : side avings 'hat balance the -caU- j ■ I months with their earning |»>*f r I partially or wholly cut off. News item- in the big Ame r war i ' a.lie- state that I're-ident « 'oofMge.- et torn cat is gone, that he d-diber t.-ly and perhaps foolishly v..>lk»" .w;.s from the White 1I ouse. th« ••crld*> headquarters for gMid times And vet Tom could stand it !. f.ger. It IS not stated in the news itein uhy Tom left such elegant apart • lit- to mingle in society of lower . -/re'- It may U' that the White ■ ;'oU»e fooils were too rich, or »here ..as too much hand shaking, »r it i «ay l»- that Tom wa> getting too ii any |«>litical secrets or periiaps the • faithful old cat cojild not stand th* .nines- of his g«MHI master when th.' • i-mes of Ihivjs liryan w'err met 'to ned. It i-,"ih o |h»— ■ ible that Old To— r U;-vk the end of his reign at the W hit.- p lliou.se and lie thougnt it wise to leave -■♦ m fieuce in August raU-er tliat. k {•wept out to meet the wintry brw-xe of Marci. the 4th. _| Kather than say, foolish cat ir ma> Ibe better to say wise old Tom. I The meeting at the Roanoke fair I) Gtounds here next Saturday one A GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS | iHj " M k •;,- ■ -h KK \DY-TO-WEAB Ml SH'AL INSTUI SEVTS. i) «• J/; CM r I»re>-«■> for 1-a.i**. M»-e> Violin*. ;»i?ar». Ha !( > - Ha: $ anl Children; I n>kr*»ar ami AituLtnc-. firings for jfl 'tH Hosiery. - V ISIIE.- ami Guitar.-. Victrola- U :n; - ~ ani Kewm- SHOES •■■ K fj; >*! jUj Press Shoes for Men. Lw*> I'KTI KK KKAVKS f)W ami Chiklicn; Men* ami Boys LYQ Work shoes. - MADE to >«•t»r onier. A full jf Inr of Ea.H Kranx-s £jrj IT G DRESS GOODS .' ~"FFL f . ffl In this department we ha*e STORTING GOODS M all kimLs of piece *w*U ami lUx Balls. Hat*-. Glove*, ami JU *' jSjjj Notion.-. Mitt*. Sub and Stocking *!M n/VTHINCi MEN- AND BOYS, BEADY 91 K " MAPE. SI'ITS HADE TO OBDEB. -J RUSS BROS. VARIETY STORE 1 , .G WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA J W La«n Beat BMB mm SmaJ Flow Ifß —' Hwllh BIWIm li di ■of (fremt importance to every ma,.., woman and child. The meeting has to J '.io with the interests ar/l the future J | of the people in this section and there fore should be well attended. The speakers are making only four stops in this great State; so the people of tsis section should feel honored and nake the most of the meeting. The catching of a bunch of sugar j thieve* is of not s® much impf rtar.c* J as rbe exarr.pk- it gives. No matter what method- one may u-». if his 'actions be sneakictg. be is sure to be caught. It may require a long time or [he may be caught in the fir-t >te|t, but to go on an ! an and not be caught I ft no nK»re. Ju-t four nx.re week- before the farmer will ki«w what to expect for las days of toil in the f-eld. - j %DMIMSTKATOB*S NOTICE Having this .lay qualified a- a-imin- L-tra".»r of il«e estate of V\. I. Gur- \ gariu lat* -f the County of Martin, who «!te«i in*estate. All persons i .dding claim- again t sai-i estat# are hereby riotifieii to pre seit -ame for payment within one jfc.r fr«-m this "late, or Ibis notice will lie pleaaieoi in bar *f their re covery. All pers«.r. - ireiebtni to -aid estate will be re«|uire*i to make imme«liate oo- rment of same. This 31>t day. of July. l«rJ4. J. S. Gl KG AN US. Admini trator of W. F. Gurganus. 8-l-«t NOTK E OF SALE T- - Administrator of *!'-! J O. Want. >iecei«.s«»l. will on tli. l*dh «tay «.f Augu-t. 1924. at 1:3" ■•'iNck. P. M . in front of the Gur ganus ir*- Company's |Jai.t offer at puMir iW k-i. to the higbe-t bi«i-ier for ca-h. tl* following p-r-onal pro perty: IV,I stea*is. chairs, taldes. stove-, etc cwn-titutmg ail tl^ 1 hou.-eK«J*i go.-is ar>! furniture of the -ahi Mr-. J. D Ward. «ieceaj*«t J. D. WARD. JR. Administrator. "77- rear Are yu seif-ctuscious about th* impression yu make on people? PERSONAL appcaranct hat a h-r to di> ntk the way you U Ouckes count. '4 tdwac Bit uJ! there is uoe llhn| su many pofw ooilwi ii ikwne that at WjaJi the* at orktr funds . •* (Artlm -li/ urtk r K eirr i.Jj v how rw. touvil, watch iatkn pntra'i imk whea k o> Ar n talking It the r.-.th an sot well kpt thtv at vmm bctutw a hafcdnv A large tube at latcnoe T..«k Paste n «lt Z : cents, at your dri*- fat's— Smmt Imv. V. S .4. i SAVES BABIES, kdo. grown ups, comforts elderly people. 4 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY TtLt ■ • Uric ißMttatd Ne»e» fads. W INTKII KM; LAR AND TR %NS it Itxarmers. ti»»i rooms and ac o-nx-iatk-ii- Kate- rva-onable. See * Mr» T W Thomas. |>bone 66 K t THE KXrarKISE. wnXIAMSTOK. wow CABOLPIA. If PATENTS g • I flhtiint I Send Model or sketch and ■* »il pwpUf send yon a report. Our book tm and Trade-mark- wiD be «nt la yon on rtqai t, I). SWIFT and Ca —PATENT LAWYERS— -34" Seventh St HukaztM, D C Over 34 Year*' Experience P. B. CONE Dentist , 'iiikt Over The farmers and Mfr rhui'o Bask Hours >-12 am 1-5 . ■ Jt.oof No. 9, Ke> Phone No 154 EX E* T"TOR*S NOTICE HavLig this day uiilified n «fca " Ur of the of llrs. 31. L James. la,e of the count; of Jtani#, notice i- Vr«-by gives to all pen-on# Koll init th'Bt agaiiL-t Ftid to sent -ame for fatßMi or; or before the inf day «»f July, IXS. or this nolice * II be plea ' : in bar of their recovery. All irsdet-led '■ said estate will come forward raw: make im irr.iate payment of an*. 1 his the 18th day of July. 1924. EDWAkD JAMES. tifcutor SHOE REI'WRING Shoe rrpainnr at my .-hop on the Hamilton road, near cemetery. I am a cripple a;-' vraMe to cdlfrt ami -HKer work, hot my |irK» mak- •ip the di:T«-retvce- ALFKED HOI«ES. A PPI.H "AT ION FOR PARDON OK JOSEPH U-AMHk UARimSO.V Application will be made to th- Ip.verwr of Ncrll Carolina for the pr.rdon of Joseph IrawiT llanliMin. co.i\ icted at the SeplrnA-.r, !»3h T' rm •if (tx> Super* r Court of Mnrtin County for the rr.r* of raunitr and • to im|>ri-»«cmetit in th* S ilf Penitentiar> for s term of *•>» -five years- Ail «- wU •#(•!* the (trsrt jr,r «f -aM pordor. are invito! to for jr.»r>l iheir protest to tie (kiv«»r without "Way. the 10th day -if June. 1924 ————— ' KG pile of Tobacco lor small or too large for The Williamston Market where liitrli prices, fai' treatment am! courteous are supi-eme. ■ 1 oass^as^^ TO MAKE ROOM FOR | OUR FALL STOCK I S I i That Will Now Soon Be Coming In, We Are j - Offering Some Of The Greatest Clean Up Bargains | 5» * I S That You Have Seen This Season. Our Buyers Will ;} 11 Soon Leave For The Northern Market. And We g 3 W 'II. ! Have lx>ts Of Goods Now On Hand That Must Be i |j| Moved And To Make Them Move Fast We Are ! 11 Giving Bargains That Will Sure Please You When You See Them. ffl SIM '■ - 16 ' II Harrison Brothers & Co. 11 L. " || WnJJAMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STOKE j I ML CHABLES JL SA W lE* » Wmh«. K- C. OFFICE YOKE BUILDING Practice limited to Eye. Ear, Name and Throat from 1 U 1 la WBlia—torn every Friday afternoon LOST: SOMEWHERE IN COCNTT. One Firestcne Automobile Tire and rim. sis 30 3 1-2- Finder will plssae return to -Sherif Rokcnnn. -STBKTLY FANCT SELECTED I Kusfbloom Brand' Peaches. Crate —six basket*— «J« F. O. B. Ship ment «lay order received to any ad dresK. Send remrttacce with order Add express if desire prepaid. _ ROM bloom Orchard ('». Aberdeen. X. c. ' LADIES WORE AT HOME, easy sewing on your machine- Whole or part time. Highest possMr prices [■ jrf. For full information address L - !«nes. Box 2. Olney, 111 ! NOTICE I wfli te delighted to do your or f dinary br;ck and cement work and $ >lm) your lathing- I will be open for r engagement on a.»! after June 1A and if you have any of the above f work to do you may write or call . tc, 221 south Pearl street, Williamtston. V >rk .tone in ard out of town. Ceo. A. Rogers NOTICE O. T. Newton say* hi wiH have a i full line of fresh meal- in his market and Satunlay and each -lay • t' -Tiafter and will «eU for cash on") CLEANING. DYEING * PRESSING I Have opened up a pres.-ing estah- I -h'rt»*nt at my home on Sycamore ;•(»•? ami am in a position to do * .-?».> i>2. cleaning an>l oyetnic aoi '* »■ irpiir rlo*he- at reasonable prices. V .fc called for anil «telhrered- WILLJE THOMPSON e 7 2Klm n NOTICE OE SALE u I r..ier a:«i by virtue of the power f .{ .-ale nnU rol in that certain ..f tru-t executed the undersig?»ed or the 13»h day « f December. 192#, b\ W. O. Andrew* and wife. I ula An r lien, ar.d of record in Martin Com ty Public Registry ■" Book A-2, page ■*•34, securing certain bonds cf even Hall's Catarrh Medicine Tbo** an in m "rmm §■■* ka vill rut ' kUrri liulfcf thum mwh Mfe ifcir vUa ihtf trr tm ml ,eVth ' Tltl* ?a«i pcot «a Oat vMi '.ivrti fta a kr *; 45* as* it m *rw» zt§ Wt ra-srt-.tloeai roaiKi'«a ii;ixh r%t%«i:iiv m niri%K is | , Tfa»r>? ! ral tai te -a! *»f ***« *»-*« »Ma Of Cn»tr»st txxsr f rf r«ara 4 bt 4!! Cmc ■ •#. dt r- r.v#» date aad later therewith, and the i*i| ■lull m Mid deed of trust not fc..ht hem i amplhiil with and at the ' n i|mal rf the wuai of said bonds the aricnigHd wil ■ the Bth day at A«M, 19M, at the Onrt Ho*se door 1 of Martin Cowty, at 12300 o'clock. Xooa. offer at paUie auction to the " highest bidder, for cash, the following described real prepnty: the hour and lot in Watts Grvn m the Ton of WOUamston and ; formerly tccafM by W. O, Andrewi . and wife. adjoining Basey Cleary 00 ! o«ss side asrd Koy Griftn on three sides This the 10th day of .ruiy, 1924. R DUKE CRTTCHER, Trustee. -11-4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hatmf this day qualified as Ad > asmirtrator of the lltnti of Joseph , Corey, late of the county of Martin | . notice is hereby giren to all person t-Li- c «hi— against said estate to . present same for payment on or before ' the 39th day of June. 1925. or this notice wiD he pleaded in bar of their 1 wtiwwy I AH penoas indebted to said estate ' will come forward and make im?ned , iate pa> mrat of same. > This >*h day of June. 1924. I MARTIN" COUNTY SAVINGS | . AND TRUST COMPANY. Vimini«tr»tor of Joseph Corey. . j NOTICE City License Plate* for Autos ami 1 Trurfc for irar ISft can be obtained 1 a the Mayor's Office. AU motor Tvhldts within the Town of WSUamston. V C, not eipuppoi - ith » city Iknif % Jaly. 15th.. will ' J". be allow*.] to operate on the . jf N. C-, ami * ey w riobiiir this ordinance will ' be fit#l tea MUn and costs In the of the coart_ Ty c.der «.( the Board of Town ots.au- >i»nera. . G. H HARRISON. Clerk. July 7th, 19)24. The Virprinia-Carolina r Joint Stock Land Bank 1 of Elizabeth City is pre . pared to make conserva ■ tive loans on farm lands t on the long term plan. 1 If interested see— JNO. D. BIGGS Willianiston. N. C. NOTICE Co—t 1 isaers held at the Mayor's Office « the 7th, dar of July. I was ordered to collect all outstanding ta v> at oare in order to make my pN- C 'to tfc. • notice aad pay their turn at onee as ! I wfll ba naiprßrl to advertise a■' taxes not paid by Aagait M. J. O. MANNING. Tax CaOecter. Jaly 7th, 1924. ROOMS FOB BENT Two 11 ■■ 1 far reaL Goad Uratioo and well I|i »1 I far l«ht house keeping. Apply at Enterprise office. CHAIR REPAIRING I am in a parifsai to battel a*l chain aad fta them ■ any way neces sary. I also aphalater dl chain. Grre aae a triaL W. R. Racers. WaJiin*- ton street near SpeOar's stare) Wil s wawtiß, N. C. I I —— REGULAR COMMUNICATION > OF SKEWARREE LODGE ; m Na 90 A. F. and A. M every second and fa«th Tuesday night of eaeh month AD Master Manor in pad standing | ar? coidiaUy invited. I__ Car tops- made water proof by W. 11. Wdliam-. If yoar car top leaks sae !» . II KJIOB? he will make it water pnwf or •» ffcwprf will be maJr. | FOR FIJORAL DESIGNS AND CUT Flower*, grre your orders to Mrs. Nannie MOM. 212 Washington SL I WANTED:—Mea or womea to take ( orders for gaaaine guaranteed bos I iery for men. womea aad children. I 'Eliminate darning. Salary |7S a week fan time. aa hour spare Ume. j Beautiful Spring fct 1' Internal—l Stecktog Mfla. 41 Nocristown. Pa. WANTED: REGULAR AND TRAN saeat boarders Good rooms arvl i! See Mrs. J. C Crawford. Haarttw . | Street. WANTED: TABLE BOARDERS IN Private family. Rate *7JOO per week j Apply to Mis. Mittie Harrell. 306 I K. Smithwick street. Just two blocks | from pot* cftor 425 4 ; FOR SALE: IOBD SEDAN. In Use I day*. Cheap for cash. Good reas '! on for se!!iac *G. Prele. CSty. 4t ' 1 eke Laob Robt. L Coburn LAMB * CORUBN 1 ATTORNUYS-AT-LAW 1 Office nest to Avltrsm Crawford Co :! _ Td.|l ■■■ No- 74 WB staa. Noeth Car alms

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