iomnsns wax find oub COLUMNS A LATCMBI TO UM ■OMBB Of MAKILX COL" XT V VOLUME XXV"—NUMBER 52 GREAT MEETING HKIJI WHEN FARMERS OF THREE UitM AliiS MET AT ROAAOKfc FAIR GROUND iiERE LAST SATI KI>AV Mr. k. Gawd of £he Sears-Roebuck Agri culturai foundation and Other Notable flynkcrw Addreped the Meeting ♦ , Farmers of Martm, Beaafort and Bertie coontiu gathered at the Ilfaa-. roke fair groiuni> here SatanUv, where a real day cf umculim «ra»' enjoyed. The meeting*was sut «•!;. enjoyed and well itu tceo by farm-' ers but va» well t»> the business ma of tins sectioa also The Luli»s were also in attertuance bat sat as large a number of them as there should rave beea. The ueeting was n'lM t» trJrr by- Mr. T. Jones Taylor in a i.w of welcome to all. Mr. K J. Voit then introduced Mr. Sama-i K. Gaud, director of -the Sears-Reekack Agri cultural Foundation. ahsio sabject wan. "A three-way system of rowfK r ation—the joining of commence, labor and agriculture f.»r th- common j #v pei it v of all." This. Kr. Guard de clare, i was the sola . aiclun of the many rwtU which now ban both i-*- uustry and farming. Mr Guar' b touring is the Souto where he it mak ing a study of farm randgisni. He addressed a meeti->~ of EJfeco.nSe farmers at Rocky Hount U Thurs day before coming here Satur day. From here Mr Gtaard we t ia Duplin vrh» .e he *»vke • the fans era of that county at Keaiahrdle last evening. "Cuuf.raUvi mark tiv as develop ed by the farmers of Sort ■ Caro lina," Mr. Guard said m the tiars - of I is address, "to improve the distnba tion of tbetr cotton ud I nharc i is only the beginning of a aati nil movement of' com- -»juenee to ail groups of sacirty. It contemplates a speedy development of a larger phis sophy which will bring cuoper-u* i be tween classes ca well a. hfua in dividuals in thr nae croup The trend in this direction b plain!) evident. The d»i el,,pirent of the co operative forces alr»>ly at work for the rehabilitation of farmsng ill «v« America will kr ij a-ain Sle Golden Kra of the Grurk.- and the Era of Good Feeling b) 'his na tion under the skdlful - * n tratim of Praaident Jaan-s Monroe "Already wa ha* • farmer. in every (|UarU r of Ancrin rett.i* together ca the sound grot.;) tosii of 'da unto others as you would have other- do unto you" and marketing a Mfcs dollars' worth of stuff m aa oederfy non-speculative way. This caaperativi effort results in a ibartar. more direct road to market. It Migi the mrvßakte economic result of a higher peine to the fanaer-prodncer and a burr ml to the city-consumer far food which workers must hare This ts the tween the farmer and the taharar which politics nor greed caa diniaid "At the same time we see the third great group—Commerce—r a definite economic interest in the pn* perity of both agricaltate and Itkor la order to keep gem* a—— —ait deal with both the farmer and the worker. If the food that furnishes energy to ear society caala lahar leas •ad brings the farmer more, thr tap ing power of bath is iniiiasiil There fore. commerce seea a >U setfin terast !■ dmbyhf tafnad diatri bat mmi of staple farm esmmaditaea. playing U knpaitial part to to tog iing the new condfthni about- That wa bar* Sears-Roeback and rsmpnay. . the largest atare la the warid. inviting a faiai litlll aaa toaat Agri cultural Foundation. with avowed educational aad social parpssew. And Idea huJbydLhar e.ujwhaar It is all part of the drrrlipmewi af the ' dawn of the Iwialitlh reatmj Bra af Good Feeling." Mr. Gaard's speech was the maat ef af his actaal farm upmiiam. trou bles aad lasses, ha having actually plowed and hoed the cm m the Ohio valley He pictured the price af liiam aad other farm camsaadftim as a shin ting star. His upuksa with the wheat gnunc to the Car West was qrih imiad a brie jaa cither have wheat aad aa peiee ar pefae, and aa wheat. Misa Elizabeth Kelly. wb far a number af pears boa hear engaged ia waa to the patot aad aa trae to He that k held her "i 11 sp«R*emi. Miss Kefly b a natural speaker, an feeling af ■ J filly she ZZi Vtx ynd haw >, \'. ' ' ' ■ \ THE ENTERPRISE PAVING CONCERN J TO START WORK HERE ON N. C. 90 Ti .nitdluld camp a./. Jet: tors A Bethd-WJlL'w>:«n roa«i is its mach rt ry here to h>- jrin «j in th • : lr\- da;* Thi- c;:»|c.".« has bo r » j:iirp •«, the - W illuirsU- nH-for P pk.-t ye. r inii has |vi:!c>. csarrS frm.- iioth«i to about I rail- :u» s. of Ev i. The sea re it > jf - at -r a the jner -.t near Everctts :vU*" Iv I compafi) to move its plant where water is available. It L. Un- or connections will bo nuur will. the city pipe*. O-we the company pours from the tv' of Mai.' street to wnere the Greenville and old Evertts roa i brs* r uafbc will be hmd;re»: very little, for the ol>! Everett* roal will handle th traffic unt3 the stretch of new no» t poared. It is untlerstood tk;' *h» read work will rot interfere witi the Rojr-k" Fair here nest falL RASK BALL HERE TOMORROW Williamston will compete with Tar boro for ba.«e hall honors here to morrow at the fair ground- The teams are evenly matched ami a good game is expected by the fans Britt or*liiggins rill twirl for the I jo!>- The ram? will **art peomplly at four thirty. SEXATOK STI BBS HAS A NARROW ESCAPE FROM SERHII'S INJCRT Raleigh. Aog. II —Senator H m Stahbs. of Martin, scaped injury al together Ust nirht »K"e boker- on expected to see him rr and t > powder The sefi-tor urns lusuriat ; ng in 'w! of the Yaibotouxb when a womai driving aa aatcufWe aC«wv>! th. machine to jump . -to the • iiler .JV The auto kiocko.l I- m from bis chnii and gut him down under it. bat did rot hurt him. I.ARGE « KOWU EXPECTED \TO WITMBS MANNING TRIAL HERE TOMORROW The upon a Federal war rant again.-! W. J Manning uf KeOi.l chnrrinK him with vinlatin«r certain sectoa of Ike hul Code of the K«- vised Statues of the States, set for hearwg befnre L. R. (• ai- -toner W. C. Manning here to morrow (Au»'u-t 131 at two v'dwi promises o draw a gathenmg to the city. The Knterpriw hns received a of ii-*pi.iie» as to the time of ti* hearitijr an*! after inv*stio»* «r.i it was found that it wwabl l> ».-id at thr above staged time. Ihe Inoe upui which the late ie»t.- and upon which society dej-rf-t. He all hrriair *«ual whe* *« rnd bare amny alvantoee ■Ve witbaat cooperation. No l* r -" can have his uwimdual church, school, rtmd. town, eoanty or state. It takes people associated together for such iiMlgulinm af hies iing* and to iM«m the most perfect of snrfc Mis- Kelly described bow the Mtmol toft, tonkers. iarrchnnt>. meicbsniri. aad ia fad evert da af people ex cept the fanaot hav* or an tied and cooperated At the cbse of Mi— Kelly's speech dinner was spread in the "Mbit Md ing where all partook of *.he many gaad things tn eat In the af««r»i '.on. Mr. Oorgc A Nhi used, haui n>: of the Tri-State Tokacm Growers Aauocntior.. -poke He gavu a daacriptiua uf Kit raceat trip to the Old Cuaaty sbut he went to the iatoeat af the Tobacco Grow ers Assort-1 ion and where he visited Ike baycn af aar bright tsboroi The Aissriitisn erperts to come to claae cautnct aU the asers mi Ike .lihacri unleaa satisfactory arrange o«ml > Baak af C.Urkaru Short talks mere amde by Mr. R. P. Halt «f oßcky Mouat ate tali af Ike apeaiag markets to Saatk Caraliaa. aad kf lea. C. t Lae. a Baaafat grower, who .. his en thasmsm and gaad faith to the As 'll ; SUBSCRIBE TO THE EVTERPRISP |» ' -- Willianiston, Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday. August 12. 1924. r* " * - -r W ;> f * * ft Jkj -/Sliyiv V v&iuuAcvußnauf (XILLEGES ENDOUSti MRS. (iRAYS 4 RECITALS Jutio Ciilhrrib Ur»y. *j*r.-.ial»r, n:efr, tntfiUwr, naif a reciUj al vcr collar* Jtsly Jlti. 19".M tl«-r te-j rtal a c-niplelt -itrri-v. Niw hs'l j a fuil h sii >he hfll th- J :«« u! .-very RKwhrr of hr au-iKi>•■? from fc#r first appesraiMe to t.-ir !*st i, ippfir.i:' I take pvi: (iita.ore iri e h«*r &> ars cvrtllm cn trrtaiaer. K M»-a low*. Dmrtor Summer Trriii. !>«■ 'ir.a l>a. iier> lullfff. Cramrille, K. C. Jul> 10. !«1. To W)mii it may fonfwn: Vlr% iulu ( ulbrrlli (.ray. alor. >in(f»-r and rnlfrUiwr *»«■ a .M.rMfu! |,n.»r i^m In-fore our inn -rhool student.- ami friMnls. 'r«>m i.rmiviUr uii U'Mftay. July 11. Wf. All wlo. knni her wif lnJ in their f i lami ndati in of the ran.her* m ihl i *d '«• . »M» and rwonuneo-l her ;«• «tMr- .. a • imaii of fir* per>**.a!r , aio ' !er -« Mjrh fiav pru|Tim • K W l!rucknun, Itu aa.- Manager. Kurm.ii. I niw itr. )i*m rHIe. X. C. Jrfy 15. |y?4 I). I*. Store Served I'unch Yesterday j The tonßsitllM) of the > I tarl h> the man i-; of thr ye-.le.xlav aft- menu froi- ft j«.lil til «ra_ liijuyni V . > • dly of jvi t * ■M n of the =tt-re. 7ji Hex i a mmb.ik iy a «f •-rated frst' jt:w- ai.l i •leSrioii- -Irii.k when -ii!ut«l with sevefi pirt of ice ws.*er. UiUs U* Mfidi. Mi Moore atrvcJ the w.ll I—■ i D. I*. SjK.-i-e rake ar.) togrtV ei Uwy made a vnT iMii-liL'ul r* fr* June?.: a the Hot -lay MB. r.roKCK R. to RBI K CIVKS EXHIBIIION W ITH HIS Kill CATCH HOItsI Mr. O*orre R Roebuck »rave an m h'batiaa with hi* oiunthl Kor «■ at U - Kqanoke fair rmi»L. here last Sat oii'ay before the nwlii* of farmer- T thercd then to hear Mr. -Samuel I: ■ Caani and others apeak 1 Mr. Koebwrk ha> ai> usa-ual horac 1 ar.«4 hau> trained him to do almost " eTery tMnjr from wflJ wot burking ' to fnary wdrk. The horse tnob hi" to rot a >hort alij> of paper » from h*> mooth with an Australian ' la*h ami then kit** htm with an aa amwag MnMratr Mr. Roebuck stand* •a Kir head in th? caddie while the I h— w naar at full »peoi. If- nrin*i > Wpadf by one font mm the horar*! ' sUe which ihon that he h>> tir.a this trick much atbatioa and pear > The *- T rma I dtin: th-re Ins n -t-er • h»« a haiaL knew •« strni and IM Id ' *■ aIMH puce mt friprr if iU moKh and have same aa; rat it off with a ' »d load owkof Ush and that hfnemm with la:** tsJ rarisd ex -1 —~ *" ** IJU&E AUDIENCE HEARS SINGER FOR TREBLE Cl-TB The Mvni:>Z H«»U. Maryland ha- ifci foH«wwwr to mj Mrs Ju|>a Mr* U.iay will apptar at Itm o|--ra >*it I'rtiT i 'rht at * *• "The or*-"- " f tS «" TreWe Clef H»k MV-S tn* V *--C. A au,iit»ium 'if! i iyli' to with an apj»r-*»*t?T» * for lb* a|«*iralK* «f J«d^ »it:grr, impMotta'ur &nd e--tertajne»- "Julia Ctit-ntk U»> |tv««. Urx4f a i able .iib> r li.-r >*» «» nrfc ifcu! .-Jo'fol -'..1 sl» •** tu os«tJ an • in aai *k rec. «ttllrt |Hm!um wa» vormi iaJ . El Ike U-r> k»i !•**'♦ : •!tt , ior>.s s»--ni be- * u (ft» 'J* b»s»rt «.f h#-r . u>'» TV »f>rt of tb» y.!U> (Is nifcißfl k? Ikf I Pf* r* -tun»e.- the >»* 5« - *° (T aw -»H K'-l »> CMMIr ul !>■'•* 4 (i«i Fir :kr *«!sd rmp. !'>••*** n•* !*jre K* ««* lb* a e~>- 1 ;! llus i -t ?ir ! For *h« «n of -" Ifa «m ■>■»- «*«» VlM> (■■ \ ..I "i ». *"» —f t .mp n J -i >ik tt «h If.** K~f" kirt -- »• !?*■ W ■-' -*J > jl«-f »>mM by S4i» lira. * a !»rr lial ri - -njr> ar.j-i s*r hat I.b» !*i> ««ir ui.r jk ikf irrwr-" Mr. Purvis Hurt Wh-*r Pony Br**** to Run f pr'.iiMt ./.he ii nthi i»* . »>n »• ! »r a *«- I Sh .x>'nai|! •"* tlw «-f litU. ,Hi.:r .~tuiir rj a«t) »ith Mr J H i'uni* a»t tKr « h a out -f tbr ■ h. 'irtiNC -wt »»l »• 1 Imi - : i • jnawr - » » \r. «. '| "I wf Jaie" 4«k U the |» L) lik '•j nan jtil i.Mtr Hw.: bin k««r 'levrr. ifter 'b» rait hni? »if ami j i«• fia-i fallen to the |«iranl TV pjf f Ka> no* l«e ki|. m to r (-1 for >t»r! r»»i so! ak* the --tnne loose be bmae fri» Imed ja-d «U ) ".'|l Ml SOX OF VK- W. I_ T UU« SMHirSLI HI KT (raivr 'I Tajrb»». Mia of Mr a»i I- Taylor, •sra* rw. •.-■ «-r by a niUn this a:«i badly Th - greater portioa mi the Mi f ! *.- cut off the lack of kt> left arat. I {the rut r'>iiir ail Iht wjr to the bone ' There xrxt another had rat aoil i his |; r>rht arm and hit kr- za4 feet vet* r «ai-&. »re rely rat , | The boy was nUnr tohaero 'talks . jwhen the f*tt« starch a rt—> aad . threw bin in (net of the mmMm tjwhx* »•>. bare roa entirely »m t jhiaL i j Notwithstanding the aad i 'the paißfaice** of the nu, the little IfeQow stood op mil aalrr the ttrala and walked Mmal biin'ml yaidr he for* hi» father wa* able to retch hiaL i 'that he vfl e«t he >nnaialj m >l -j The larc* aad ir ace eajTtd Mr. Eae 1 jlil'i tthaM fm gMiha »f nd J b». r-rw. ~»Iujl LoAKCaESl 1 b'lilJa ! fcVERSEtN HERE CAPTtfRED SAT. — * Oiaars Active In The tYee t nion Section i'tohibitlou air?nt. Karri., as>iste! !>\ C. «. leaker ar*i twi- ao'i t- arsl iKpuly SIKT.iT I uther Peel. visite«l a vrnodrd h.l'.-iJe Satur»ia\ nio ?.;.ir whrir tiiey captured tho urord >ti". er-r: in >i.trt.r. > :t ha . _ j -sr.i'L- . «i[ iqtul nt sire ,hat o. J -» b.- ««coan lin r ,»r-! - it i j-l r". lii-im upon i »ioubio feor-r war- '• | t!r t !r|>hore wire- »n VI.. n strev: hi-l ! > b- raise,! rn anbr liu: it r ■ c- !•: ■_.ur.>>.--:o>l. X- !w e\ac: i l . j wa- ti. joe foot aad thr, v .nohe - in .' am: tiirve fevi ,i:«i six j t vhe higtv H-* :nuV i Hit ti>. (aiurilt of Iht ] stal! from :**• to Tfo-ol (,ins>.s nowrifr. >»rte * rj!"- a> th« • capacity of the -till w>- al>«( j srallt n.- and would ho'.i yj-t a ltti ; Se.-s U«ai: l-Hir harrei- of I l>e idho-rs tvuk (ihturi . «.f the -till r„. c .rr :*>i Hto tl*o t. urt h»>u-e wheie \ u- it or- drove .'own to view it .. ,-ttli wa- »p. mte>i unicr • t»e IM'.np system. u>ui: u wlen vo> H the prutrjs. Sevoral larco v_;- • Soon con ait.' »er." *".!!ol S t*i r ank'ualui£ !u or ni»h iva-. At the 'irne of th- ras* nj »»• at the >ti!l. It ha>i k*n run t i)>iai iiaciit ait'i tiro .>per_itor- were i-uay wlien the olhrers n>ach«d the plant IV still was licatol near a ] -» jni|i on the K«rers or Taylor land- It w- estimated that the -till wuul.l run uut hartel- of li*{iK>r •taily Tm idßorr> ha«i ca|dure>l thr* stills -,n Flub) in thr Free l'ni,»n di-trirt. TtjO e plirit.- wt-re jll rj-l»r«o lank k- ttl.- No >|iorat >r> wore thero as the\ use nlai» «r menial tole:'m;di\ or -omo othor -\ .Jem «f *.fin to -pread tho news alien trouldel begin-. At tho-o three -till• the dficrr- j •V-tfoy—l larro >|uarititi- uf heer anal! •I :h»tr hunt they foun»l wore two pa: nt- l atl'beon takon i.(l tSo fire cariie.l away PREMIUM LIST KOO: j REINCa I)LSTRIHI ? TEP TO MANY FAR^IERF] Poultry Department To I>e Amontc (He Rest l.i I lie States 11* p.-ruituni It-t fur tho :hir>l an l ual llw i.-'kr Fall ha> ju -t been corn l>n .* is liomr u«aik->l t« tho pro u! i«. Laud adjoin.: it..—ties "h 4 .i.iHii: in rx-r* •! artmets! lute torn imreo-u jau -»ie not t«> be osoel'od by any fair in the stato Tie livo >tock iii'l |Miltr. 'iopart no lit - rr*- lour enlarire»l with an io en a—- of Ul pei coat in promium- mor -o of last year lit i" ultr> Uiikibif fc boinr en r I arol In *wo und one half lino .•nnM :i -110 Ihf : ti>o i>.j| r> buik*tnr is "ui chirk-. Uut w!« - *. the kuliiiitr is rea*odie«i il> »:|n:iti o-rll to rai-0.1 to 15") ch*k oij,. Mi C W. Jacks is -upern t«-i»doi.t • * th. »> jI ry •iopnrtmont arol Mr J l!.*rry Vol ; ffrr «f I'hdaalelphia fc lire jodjr- ■ -r.-. Th t. Kuboi »«"!i and WalUr Hdibrr-tadt at- assistant rupfrat'sdtab For the sure* - - •■( thi- fop-rtment »*veral of the bu-1 .♦ .« Mr:» and firm 01" Williamston kai» cwi':ihited Wo print th list in or>h-r :iat those in terested may see the . itra. maul yoa. otlr.r I preen rum Thr list follow*: Tr«o WiHoao'Mi Chamio > of ( «s --nene. |1MB; Ihe Far :• -o> and Mer ctiant. Raiik. $19.00; V. an-l Mor toci. Proprietor-. The Eet-io-kr Wiji*- hnu*e. $!«• On; tlark-Benn. :• I»r-j- Corripan). !> 'i#. An-U r.«i, Cr**fuirl avl hum 1). So.Ub; 'V I>, Aahr Ic.- I'vasi KHor, (lit. ney Furniture. S&.00; HrouL. dry goods. sa.oo; Thr Eaterprur. Inree year- subscription. Aheyoanis. merchandise S, Collie % Poel. Texaco ks> RM; Manrolis Brathrrs and Brocks, dry roods. t7i»; R Orleans. V3JA. Stalls Garage. sS*; B. K Barnbai VU+. Hilars} Fdling SU'xa, $300! C O. Moore Cam pan>. S2.SO; H. T. Roherson. SS.On S. R Biggs Drag Ca, | VW». Gargaaas and compaay. 9Z.SO; F. K Hodges. tt«o. Harrisan Oil Co. UIO: R H. Harris. 250 Miss Mary "Haney" Rhea from the Castle aa the Cashie ia Wntor. and Ma Cacdia Beß aha af Wmdsor ate ■peadiag several days with Mus r «I'H. M. N». Msaager of the l-lt Pair warn m torn last meek JOHN VV. DAVIS FORMALLY NOTIFIED OF HIS NOMINATION AT HIS HOME IN CLARKSBURG, W. VA. LAST NIGHT i Made Speech of Aeeepianee Which Lasted For One hour And Three Minutes Speech Interrupted By Much Applause •MR. W. W. WILLIAMS ; DIES AT HIS HOME IN BEAR GRASS! 5 —. ■ i Mi UV. :l!aiiu of I tear ; t a". hi.4 home Saturday niutnri ! el-veil o'clock an illness ! . Krrk>. lie Lki hwi. sufTe."- j: •_ from a complication of .!i-»-t-e- ! '1- -jtrw Ti-ontl > but hjil no- be*-r- c*-:; > u» lu> room until recently. 1 He h.i'l :-lmost iw.kil the- full * x\ re of nun'v allots! tin*. I»in». al « InH»t went) year- of a*e "I oc!e i:iU> it.- he fi'iiiiiiarlv kav*r ! ! i mi i>n\i!iiuiA..U i »nil at . (f ar»i - ■ «a> a be!tr the i"'... e • i Baptist It- ua- an . ctiv.» mem ' j'er of tin- t'hairtabke Itrotherhood. a|' .'fraternal orcan.zatio':. for I' y«-ars, H>* kj_. a niai who !•>*) I' WithtMr~ an-l liini-elf |.>r«l by a j buir circle of frit-nil.. ami n-!a;n.'> j' About forty-five \ear - rseJ Miss I Vila lkiilr\ an.l she with five .buirlitiT ar.l on*' son surrive him The children are Mrs Sarah M r . \MiiUlur of (iiraiviCr; Mrs \ituisL I'uUock -,»f l(ober»onv:l!e. Mrs, M>rt!e iln.-ham of Washington. Mrv >l;v (lisp of Greenville and Miss Aui» IWI tt illiair- of Itear tin" in>i Mr Jame William- of Itelhaven. The fun. ml -ervK"e-- were hel-i Sun ui) afters.oon with Elder- It S. Hie an«l John NT Rogerson olliciatii r at the home ami the I'Kantilli l!r. .herh.wfl • ik:m- rhatK* «f the in was i:t. ilt at the Kail. \ Ka«—!v t'enietery. ( VISITS BIG FARM tMi.s* Marx Swiintell in Hertford I 4 ount > He rah 11, , laist Monday. August 4th, it »a- my I |'i* j -Lir to \is it !hr pearl virhaM and p.ultry lot .«r. "Pecan liioir Karm". en miles U-)uim Killian - on Tlii.- faini is owned by Mr a~» Mrs. (iiren of Martin count\ ar»l i> 1 >ll uatrsl on the concrete riul Mwir- i 1 Vtillum tun ai»l M j l.iiit-toii. N. I*. ' Mrs tin-en. although a strangei to iiw. chcvitullv >hu«e>l 11»- the »rchar.l | wiiicii had ri|ie fruit on thirteen iaiir» IjlmtU p«acli tne. to tV full capacity of the limh . I have a feeiihy tluft llw S iiel 11 ill -#et»'ii soui.l not rival this llrl—lr . le; \ lit if t a p!Ctule »l tot- >e -ie . jifcl titen Wr walked o»ei 'tl>e »i --. try yard I saw the birr>! poultry !ot I i>a>l ever «*n Ueti>n- 1)• I toeil- on this iarnt are U Kite li K ! . born arid Kliul' Islund Knl>. tlx j irtealt'i number brill' the latter They j were m several d.tfereni Ic j taoflt.- of the lo ali-1 I WU> UdUni to. , le; ri. that Mrs. t.reeu tia.l Ml th. 1 jot twenty one iniixired hir«t- Sh.- j loml many beautiful white l-*etoorri iatrln-il in May ai, I reU an. avera)e»-1 1 o! two liUf.-Ir.-i i-eip- .tally I IXNICM I the moult iii* ns>n wa - l> r».iiiui p Mr- Green inmr*! ni * the gra|> ' like- and flowert in tlie back yard.J I ai «• '.he I'amiriig iroui.i- that were climbing on a fence near the kitchen T'je-a- four.!- are half black awl half j yellow, lite grapes were pink a»l .le- I lien us An we returned to tl>e porcl. Mrs l.reen rave me a most «ele».' » ! irritation to have dinner with her ai»l s I esperience.l the wonls of U'ashin- tor. Irvinr. who vawl, "There is an etnina'ion from the heart in />T.u:re ho'pitality that U immtiiat>-ljr felt aiel puts the stranger at ease " So it was in this rase. It is alway- fine to see oM southern I hospital i'y in the homes of those wh» live b\ !h» side of the roa.l It is •hett.r '.:ll to kiaiw- c»untr\ homes of this ounty* are always e*ter: !ii.jr a> jftarW- ho-pitalitr as «h>eii it- neirh tboi countv. Mar l in. - . tLAMES' WEEKLY PRAYER MEETING TO' BE HELP EACH NIGHT AT S • Tine Ladies' Weekly I aiuo prayer meeting which has been held each • Taesday morning will be held each r iiifkt at 8 (.'dock in the Itulathea - room of the Kaptist church befiaaing • next Thursday night. ' All the ladies of the town are wrgeri '• to attend The meetings last only L thirty minutes. MRS. C. A MARTIN ( -AT WW The follow in ig bmtatioa hao keea e tin we J lofmb hi ton: Tharaday, eight-thirty o'clock e Mia. N. Cortex Green Cardo. WATCH THE LABEL ON TOIV PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATS UH U SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 At ills i..»n»e i«.w n. I Laek.-r.urK, W. \ Joiui tt. itails, who has !«TII a tK i: at jtiiiy of New V.-rk i.i) :or !.«• ;i. i xv. mi ..ears. «-t - foimr.lij r. > it;- - ai fits t:.>:mna l.o«i oy ti. l»-ni,Hrj.'f lu be t!.e:r e:;i:«i. :.-te f-tr th* I "re of tlie I n-U*.: State . last r.sght lii- of which •—-*e-. tor v iisii jfjj ;jn, mi'iute.s. v a- Co.-.-; •: tl\ ir;.-rrup:r i by the applause :h • th.-a.-ar: Is of ' : -tor - ;,p-' rone "iJk- a»- emhl "d lo i.t. i his ni.---ai;? Iksnnnu. -p' th'w ti a t.ibuty t.. r . p 'e. h- in * »-me, : -wn »;>. re tr . . -an he ;ia-i fe-ueh'. u' a-i. • . ', i ji - prmcipk* ar .l :-i-'al -of tK- 1 K m.nui.- p. rt ini the tliv tf:;«l V. V- • si; low WoUMI le . I ' \ t » . n - ■ j . . of th~ — TSe Ik- mrty :: vittki • * . * *.he rftr - of | I Isave "es - .t pi.' '--'T-t ;. r.w !- ars ;, y -sprtw-. e it" . - ; - : s first ut *.e»anc' m renM wi of ts-e policies ,i t'e r--t\ :-s .U-pte.! at the corsv -r" r.>' H tV:: -crt.. :» t l - rL-.rron ud |tr-aik.s| ».o, f.t oiroJact'Mi in which he ha.i eiv a the Jvu-t hi-tory •f lb". - ! i*,e. .iuiriii uhirh time h- ha.l -w|.| h-s » nie.. to his 'Vnl. l»u" n-»t hie soul He CO. tinue«i. ■" 1 ha\e nJ client bat •.hi- IVii>-M.,'.i pirty a.fl With its ■a|»".r: ami approval 1 . to letul •- to lie' - n - the problem- of she hour but tin- lipiirt 1 * - I.- I»: '-. it k U-- (\.i f.-i-.-ce of the (•.stpV in :h- k uWi i9ent AII the f« rce of .I. e. r'e't a."e fanrmK the c»«!s_of .ii-coi.: n i inerry lames. • l«>iicy of tin- pir'y .r lower .lur n \ ear . tj- not only I"" "he American pe-pir ,i; a state of for th- goier»ment !ut it ha humiliate*! u \fsi even aiUi all the .li-ruutioir •!' r-j;ar>l for ihi lav. ami th— Constitution a- a re-ult :Seir policy, are *er no re|,-«,tajscf B»| .to We i.ear any f-r.of r 'form 'n>ir. that party. "Aisl *»- -ee the Secrttary of the Nav> awl the Attorney (ieneral. who w« f* foretsi from th»,r»Viei of the l*r»-s>ient. charged r;t 'mjJ Is y--t m.1.1.; _ mi - ..-it tru:- we fan to remember the ;-vii.g vear» of I!#!. at-! !s»!* r-isi contrast the UiuMieiit of the tnen in j«..«er and the way tl.e ».-\er. hwm.l -a Ue„ han, 1 !.-I in i.■ >.-ars :ixe. | ! rh-re*- frtsu-l ars«f f.* a- the j"''' 4 •' of t£i. eoi .;i! toa of affair- I.' I JM-:t tit t i..» party t.a- the r«i*M to tie rein- «»f rovernment that ranr.v maintain the re-|*et of the 'prs,J. • i .ler four years of Krp» rule. .M-r rovenimeet l>.a reach..l the point 'vN r. it does not 't ie to -peak its * j niMel iie>ord tfse three i:«I|» limit j Aj»l upi-r. it- re*-..r i. I ! -t'sdl a-i. the to -a> h hetlier such pr;r oiple-s 11—' tolerate*! or not | "*l woulti buhl in a:i> pub lic . tScial who wchil.l Hut upho'-i the Con-titutK n of the I'mtjsl State- and II forre the laws of the t'.mntrr. I promi *. if elected t« the I'resi wi. in the of the thousana- of official - to e„rry i. the w—rk of the government, to : jxint M-ly those who are hont-.-t. coiopetent if»l faithful to the Constitailor." MISS EVELYN HKKKIMN ENTERTAINS WITH It! ilk P \RTY ibis mcfii a.»r at ber heme .en l.aiigfc ton -tr*t. Miss Evelyn 1 larn—»a en tertaine*! at a rook par.y fr.m t» thirty until twihe o'co-ck. . -inpli- Mi .-e.- Mary liar -J zj a Nan i* Kiinll jf li The front and Lack | arlo. - ere r*>l for plcyinc r -ik an I & ; vrtrc made inritiog by the us* ' f nvi-.-i-s ct :umiatr liusn A saL«d roar— was by Ce } our.e r-o-t. ?-. , The.-e playing were Mi.** Nacnie and Mary Hardy Morrill. Rn h aaJ ituKiret Manning. Lanik Hnmil. Tianraivt Jayatr of Wai.cngtos. Ar min.i Sawyer of Wind-or. Uarthn •ml Esther Hamwn. Carrie Lee IVcl tad Veima Harrison. 41 - » '■ LEFT FOR NET YORK __________ Mr. T. r. Harrison Ml Mondajr for New Tack whne h* wtf pmm «■ he Joined ky Mn. AuafUniM