THE ENTERP MfaM every ThAj »»J Knday by the ENTERPRISE PI BUSHING CO., WWumln, N«rtk Canliu ~~~ W.IST MANNING. Editor W. C. MANNING, JR.. Business Manager Subscription Price (Strictly Cash in Advance" 1 year 51.50 6 months -® S months -*- r Entered at the Post Offcce a: *O - North Carolina a.- -ecor*. class matter, under the act of Marc? 8, 1879. all communicat»or.> to Tt* Enterprise, Williamston, N. C. That Frank A Vanderlip, the great financier is about to break away fron j the old Republican ami >upf*»ri L* J Folletle and Wheeler seem.- certaii ! Kcconiing to reports curren* ir. »i>ii j ington. Mr. Vanderlip an assist art -erre tary of the treasury under a Keputni can President washed the scale- from ( hit eyes several month- ar» ar»i tw gan to investigate f«r hiir,- j self. The more he looke«: the arkerj things looked and he increases his ] energies and it was due t» his inrt- 1 tigatioii- that much of the dirt) »>-rk j of Daughter) was revealed It is further stated that it was his j' material that via.-, river Senator Wheeler which made htm farwa- as * an investigator. It is at leust significant to -ee a 1 man of great wealth, ore wl» h«- spent his life in th» midst of greal ' mcner centers come oul a*t lak sides with the p-H>pic. Certain!) tW-\ will tr> to destroy fcini Mid. hi- t. flue lie*- by discrediting hini Wt. b is a Democrat, in fart one *!.« i • for the people and i« t for -«-i' lone. Thi study of whether or not the children who live in- orphan hvim.i North Carolina are bitter ear -*1 for , and better educate.! than children ti Xbe average Carolina homean»i _ the average North Carolina schwd i> well worthy of tli* be-t »nk of ti* State 1 K'partment of \V -lf:(r. the State Health Depanmen'. Iocs! »-ealtti department.-, the I utxerruio-is Association, one or al l combined Should the questio i b« answ red in the affirmative. as it i»r»(uU> ».il «»• the que.-'ion Mould -ri—- are not the chiktre.i in • ur h*.me> and, public school.- entitle*! to a- *iwi care ami a.- rood education a- children in our orpheii homes ? This L- en. Ny answered in the affirmative TKHftt would be neces.-ar> to follow this up with another que.-tion whir* i> not nearly so easily an- were*!; if uc*, why not; what is lacking an*! what i» tU remedy for it? When it comes to lea«ier>. tley will be found in the group of yt-ung folks who held the service at tl* M« thodist church Sunday. The orphans of the Methodist Or phunage of Raleigh ?re to be coa gratulated, for the i.ncerl wa_- si right. A healthy ami satisfying condition considered from the standpoint o citiienahip in its brtufcr aspect;, 1 reflected ii tl.e r -port to th National Association of !ocal BuU«lir; and Loan Assoeia':*.-, ju»t held ii Cleveland by George R Wottn o Hickory, E. T. Taylor and L W Moor of Wilmington, itiaj Nortl Carolina Building atd Lean a tafe convention wh : ch reports diados aracts of about 240 Amriitw ii North Carolina of SS7JWO rT4jOO an CUMMER COLDS O nJtSSi vims to* representing a gain in a single 'of or 30 per cent over the previous year. » Tlw annuel report of tl«e Secretary jof the National Muilding and U»r Association League, also made public 'a* Cleveland. showed that the total j assets of the 10,774 Budding and J Associations in the Cnitcd State.- reactied th: vast sum of $3.- y40.03ti.580.00. It was further brought out tiiat the Build-ng -nd I-oan cause last y«ar aided mot than .'* l fam i ilies to finance the ; r home i North Carolina showing during the , Lact year a mo't gratifying uteres.-* ( The increase in Building and Loar At-1 sociation.- last year wris greater than :)>e total assets of all As-sociatior.« in j Norlli Carolina just ten years ago. j milking a 30 per c.*nt mcrea-e over | \ear. North Carolina Building ar.d lx»r Assocfction- liave level> pe.i not b> cnarice but genuine service to their • (communities. Any agency which a>l jtht mass?s >f jieople to > wn *heir owr (homes desrves a full measure of ,-uc t jeess and rhouid be fully suppo-te-i. 'for it thereby ai«is in upbuilding the jS'atr and-in raising the »»eneral level I -if scre?\. and the Building and r Ij>an A - .ociatiens of North Caridira •>rf a ssuming their re: I i»art in the ;.-veh pment of the State AGE LIMIT ON "VAMPS" | f'hieayti—"M> wife a vamp, that's i -ai,\ I hit hr" John Charneski. 7S, •-li Judire Trude. >ee h'r" ai>l :!.« Judge anil Mrs. Cherrie-ki app-ri She is 76 "Twenty dollar- fine" the J»*dge ! ; ni disgustedly. 1 'NORTH CAROLIN \ \S \ l»KBI Sv\KER %N|» IHMV » t»\T»n :«»\S « II WGE— W ith.n thw« ar.d one half year- j r tvl- has authorize.' th • -. ->«: r I f #»ir..!»iio.i*'o - talc bonds for rwa-i» building :;nd during til • -aiiw *:m --■*»-«" iias been psas.-ed a hil! : ct>.- f. I ?. I bond . >S ue of ; IINWL I«I U» jiui'hi a little railro:.d in \\ t'errt i ",.rtli Carolina. All of thi- (»>•• j.i,>ne without a-kir»g tl»' p-*,pfe to \. tr tM: it or w'i«*t#i**r llvev ♦»-—»r»«i t«. vi te upon it or not Yiie l.:-t*i latur.- did ii*l't in h»-th '>: uu-1 di -i-rve The prabe of tie ..f thr Stale for giv.uar »!»• (? commereial :alvaiitag» - *he> »»■; 111 no other may. It i- al ■ „>.- i'««niUMiifss to l-urel ;.-e i,i* worth the moil »y ami it .is al to go in debt for thill"-- wort! •- t'l. r the moii-y. c> rtc. "weds .."•j lallrwads ar?. 't i l-ai-d to find a p»rson-iis th* r k «*|e -lale V to «■![ rai-e up Ui*l lsa> anything against, our nm-i buiW v program. The nutomobdist pmise ' «j. m an i com pi-litis thai w- haven't >•«•* paved roa.l. . No great uiteefst liav'e oppose"l the issuing of the-e t amounting to' ' N'uw another question up li e St.-ite finds one of its mo t vain ■ t i,. ;i.--et- in its water courses wbrh A GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUtEKS 1 r- ;yn _ fit *"i»| , KKAOY-TO* i:.\K MUSICAL IXSTBI MKNTs # j.»ji fvr ***** ' Vkto, Uwiao. Mai ! {ij *ihl Children; I n>!*rm«-»r .j.Ju.. S*:inp f.-r °ii nj llu-ter) * \kjljis an»i GiuUr . V irtn>'-- u TO * ai>? Km*kl> uf y; jr *icra d**™ Shos for Mrr - l^a " > mtitt fiahes S i »JT, m,l ( hililmiu Men- ami Bwjs r IV3 Work Shoe> . >■*•* *• Tomr oni*r A full £ j I *f Ea*ct K raws B uf g DRESS U4M)US H tfts , STORTING CUUDS •'£ r- MJ In this ■lej.artnwti' ■* to»t H] th tip jili kirui.s of |>mr fowl* uJ Hat* kails. Bal». and CE BK Notions. ■«!» Mu'u>l Stadap. * ri/VTHI\(' FOK MEN AND BCT& READY Q in Ki v lADL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ffl -1 RUSS BROS. VARIETY STORE v 9 :_1 w asiiimiton, north Carolina^ I itkm l!*M K« »■ «m Kind Flaar LIE . Efectrir Unitar I* al IWi are worth huMiiexi.- of nuUaoOf of; Mhn to the people of the State, but 'al prr-ent arr practically out of use. i Tlae last legislature in it-- wiadom saw j 'fit to make use of this great wealth . itiJ appointed a coamuitiee of good! men to make full inv.-stijratxin of time natural ajvar tages and the inJusMe cost of redainung and mak in* l*«er-- usahie Ibe comanitte has found the nee«: I lo be ,tki: and the approximate cost j K i-ukl be which, would I jrn.: k - freigfct e*jaimeis available. Now the cr« come-- to let tae people • lute before any botw? are i--ued The, i jirdin ticn- are that th? po!itician j who passed the S' - fHOJIP" boret i--oe j |in the la-1 two lejri-lativr sewimu I | will fight the i>-ue If they do J iof o«ir-f. nw»-l pi-wpi* will have their for *je:ng ,-iaspiciou-- for iheir action" This is Use tiay in which the wop!* i-Koukt watr A as well as pray. Th*- voters shoufcr keep a daily watch on I | the tombira'HA lecaae politsctar s I n-iroank cwmb:*e: are peculiar beings | '»wi they iwi your attentk»r„ T>» ba-eball games as witnessed it, lie Sucal -treet- Sur l-> afternoon a»>»! ir wfeicb ix- floTt - arei HrJls art u-*-?. are real I > amu-ir,g. While c> m ire cor.teslcrts have played tr t:e Pi,n>r ieague?. the) tiav ? rela- trre- at resJ goo»! friends connected wtn the tearir- a. r **i apw. this fac* 1 r.w r «>f the anrap. Nt i> Uase-i. A*:d •i: - iLi. learn a gresxl d i' by !i.-*--n I> hut m, trfinitr coridusion csc be ' i _eh«e»i. fi,r there L r,o umpire to call d*ci»a v. So all we of having real .• j -tuff i- ar umpire SHOE REPAIRING •S» -J* tepa>rir.g iry -hop on the I'.lTJ'.w fva'. : one ery . ! i.!ii a ci rtiie a:.«J ui-ablt- * • C« lir' I ; -*i iWn *-t -work, bet iri pi«e> iijalc | p. the XI I RKI» HOI «.!_ :JI-T: >ii\|lAkHKKh 1\ \TY. .!.« I in uue AatwmuMlc Tire ar.'l :mi. - u *» 2 I - Finder w(J ve mm' lv .- i.i ■ -'li*Ur.4rfi. NIITIT K OF SALE Ladrr as*# b* virt««i- of power of .- i'r roi.UUio, in Two frtiii. .keds tf »n;- rtmatsii by ii J i>l •.>to 11 > iru-to »hic!: L vi i. ~-3>i :n tl«- ' See of tbt -1.. lleed- -f Martin County, it —C: —Vmr —rwonifi c I;. • i |L' of l;4i. I). >btni I!ln «i.i) of Apr I I**t. having wet ■aiir i tie pyra* »f thi uxlHito! lit ivn i. .. aiei th !,«IU I t>f -ae> i ote- lei m* ma le ■j^nnr.! oi. U i« ft.-« ;«•-«- in»- -awe. I w :i! « if. J |,.r -aie a! (übiir auc.k : f>*r ea- to K-> K.rU ' hsk-r 1 tk? Coart hous* {••••-r of tVwijr o:» die' ".sth " _y »f Aurw-t i«l it 12 o'clock M . | > f-dlowir e real esale to-wit. • at ar. iron :.ub in whil -1 j tker~> Ur; . >' V. V htlrker's cor.-er. •I k r : B 1 Uiii.kerf line a , Mujt u-u -e to C isp line to ar. ir.-;, -i.-b. licence a V. ~st mars' te ' a cut. ivti.i I . O-lwrn* ar*l Fulf; ni : - n i :er UIMK» " OAuraV" : ' t Northerly oni.-e t« s an irv« slob L. hna i-1 Hi*K>i,i?th'.- th»ne» with llig* -i.:-tb's lit* to on iron i stsh C- V. hi r - r.-rrier. the»»«-e villi Whit iket's !n, to the bagiii r.iiic. (Mlaiu'sg it' Mf>. n.->re o. h IrsaL in KMTnrasß. vnjjuanoii now CAROLINA. This the 12th day of Jul J IM4- ( L S. PEELE. TwtK. Hartii ami Pied, Attorney*. NORTH CAROLINA. MARTIN COUNTY. " IX SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK. Mrs. Margie Stub*. T»_ Stiibbt, l«friS S obls, Lm St-olt, EUa Sprogue. E-ioae Suhk. "A alter Smbbs and MatUe laiter. The defendants above caned will | take notice that an actiue ntitM a# j jbuvf ha.- been coiaanuM in the Superior Court of Martin Comly, : North Carolira, for the porpnpe of aliotinir •• the plaintiff her tw in jtbe land* of her deceased fcnthid. •ilarceltßS StubU-. the defendants be ■ ing heir*-at-law; and the defeudasft* I will further take noUrr 'hat they ar? mjoind to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at hi# o®« in \Vi'!.imston. X. C, or. the 36tfc day of u. the complaint or the phir.ti# will appl> to the court for the relief de manded •herein. ThL- the a day of JaJ>. 19*4 R. J PEEL. Clerk Soprrv-r Court 7-2S-4t « —————— ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having thi> day quaiihe>i a- admin istrator of the estate of W. F. Gar- KUi late of the County of Martin, wtto -lieti intestate. All person* boMicg rial re.- iti t-" .-aid estate are hereby aotitec to p.*» Mt&t aw for peyreert witfeit our year from *hi* date, or thi* notice will be pieaiei if? bar of their re covery. All person* indebted to .-m) e»tate will be retired U> nutke •nmeriiat* payment of .same. This 31»t day of July. 1>24 J S. GURCAN'US. Adminis trator of W. F. Cumr-t> BIABgttB SwMn mm] severe puis ■ Stomach. Bowel*, lull Imal Cramp. Colic. Dudnca * SO yoara In Equally vmluaMe at hew. whru travettng aal tor amsv geacaea by light or day. S44 J TO MAKE ROOM FOR | I OUR FALL STOCK | TO S rl That Will Now Soon Be Coming In, We Are |~ I Offering Some Of The Greatest Clean Up Bargains j | That You llavc Seen This Season. Our Buyers Will j 21 Six>ll Leave For The Northern Market. And We j II Have liOts Of (ioods Now On Hand That Must Be I t1 Moved And To Make Them Move Fast We Are ( I Giving Bargains That Will Sure Please You When I You Set Them. I II ■- Harrison Brothers & Co. II WIUJAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE CLEANING. DYEING A PRESSING I have opened up a pressing Utah In hmniT at any home on Sycamore Street and an in a position to da pressing, cleaning and dyeing and to repair d*4fcea at reasonable prices. Work called for and delivered. WILLIE THOMPSON. T-»lm ] OPENED FOR IV! We have just Received a car load of Wire Fencing:, Hay Wire | and Stretchers. Let us quote you our prices before you buy. 8 If it*s Enamel Ware, Perfection Oil Stoves or anything in the Hardware line we have it We are receiving a large supply of goods daily and in a very | short time we will be able to supply you with any quantity of 1 * | g any thing in the Hardware line. | 8 TO » i- I Hji g & 1 I Culpepper Hdw. Co. j M\IN STREET WILLI AMSTON, N. C. | zttf s ' ' 12 |j ; HASSEIJ. JUULDINC. tffl v; TO fi? CHI NOTICE By rhtue «T the psai li a tile retaiaing note is ir to ■( •It Fard toarhig car, ttw car kavriag keen taiwud—d to me, I will aeO the ■aid car to the highest kUder at the Court House door on Wednesday the i 20th day of August, 1924 at 12. IL, dehtodnea*. This Aagust Ist. IML E. C WYNN. WANTED: RBGULAR AND T*AN- See Mia. J. C. Crawford. Haugtoa Street-

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