AJRDIG TOUR TOBACCO TO WIIXIAMSfON ZEIDMAN AND POLLIE SHOWS TO PLAT HERE OCTOBER »« The following is taken from the fwue (OUa) Dfefljr Nm and has to .da with the 7rfctmaa and PuHie *i which plajr here dnna( the m Rranhr Fair, October SO to 24 h. We km very May dippings deal ■B with these shows and all speak "»T highly «f them The Canton News has the following to say: "The lifted children of Cantor enjoyed a real day of happiness and !>'«■■» Friday afternoon. Thmch the caurtesy of the Zeid au and Pallis shows abant fifty mt those nnfortonate one* enjoyed an aftnaosn of jay at the big show at the fair ftiaandi which is exhibiting order the antpires of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Canton Kotary dab famished antomobdes to transport the kids to and flow the show grounds. Arriving at the show grounds the Retarians and their chcrges were tak en fti town by gener=J manager Jim aue Simpson and escorted from show to show and ride to ride. Thay registered their approval of ~ the. merry go round. the r. the whip, and they shoaled them selves bearn with laughter in the fan hsasn and on the Rocky Bond to Dahlia. The framed wild salami circus with the fighting lions and the trained harm Lady Fancheon, as well as the Raaasey troupe of acrobats gave a children. as also did Mabel Mack with her educated mules and wild »mt They were filled to the brim with amanmrnU from 2 until 4:30, and at intervals the ahnw amangemeat loaded them up with candy, cracker jack, lemonade, ice cream and sand wiches. The show executu - »rvve«l to b? itsl In ■tn The rh.ldreu * Howe-1 % their appreciation. Sunday morning Dm- >prcial train of thirty cars will pull out fur Akron where the organisation will exhibit this week." NORFOLK FAIR OPENS LAIMik DAI M*R "SIX RIG DAYS AND SIX kIG NIGHTS" (Special Dispatch from Norfolk I The Norfolk fair has be—e not only of Interstate »iw but of national impaiisnrr Tbis fart is showa by the of exhibit-* from the North nnd East, the South and even the far ' West, that have already been enter ed. New York mercantile house* have been acquiring space since early in the ip ug asd the industrial exhibits will include ptwtart' from Indiana and Mrhifu, aa well as the Empire state The agricultural and stork feature* ■f the fair, however, will not be over looked. The fair management ts offer ing not aaUy priaes far individual ex h "hat an but for the best farm and «tumtfy exhibits. Bays' and girls' ctuto are agam to the forefront in BBciißcy hold msmmcs and the finer arts, sack as decorating chiio and the Mta« of fancy articles, are given ■pi i iil pimaar this year The fair, which opens Labor Day. X. E Mssee. of Norfolk, is president; John L Gay, vies president, W. H. - - - - —-——— —— —— ■ ■ ■ ■ A ' A k M . WT" The Farmers & .Merchants Bank A />AAi| Km A LTI/ I . bank Seeking to do goo.! to I'atrons, ApiM-eei- ML mj I M fI W PMM 1 ates AlwaysAccomodat tM Wmfi A Others. ! fc t -- - . . . . - . . - --- ■ I others, advisory board. Manager J. N Montgomery an nounces "six big days and six big, nights." Besides the whMli. indnd ing a poultry and pec show fhat will surpass anything ever seen Sorth oi ' Philadelphia, thetv wfilea cararra!. kyeo air vaudeville, hone and aa*o rar ing, fireworks and a special I ahi- day Cfflibiitiaa in which the wriis «talr and local orgaaiaaUsws wil take Part. AUGUST CROP REPtiRT r The general crop r—i rttit-u> in i North Carolina Aagus Ist snow that t a fUhstaariil irrlmr took plue dar r i'« the month j4 Jafy. This is con f trar/ lo :'se emt ihan n by nast of >:a!e. TV? wenthrr Jur | ing the Ln r»nl cwfc La-t l-een I extremely h-»: and dry. T"| re Have been scatt .nsnat which 44m s«i > crops in kur at peesrr-; many . fanners report the ael of rjav The . month of Jst* a>l the fint of July r v-ere U2US3-::: airy asd crvps inr fl off at a disadv-iitr ge. Heavy mrw [ foodeti the suit mar_ r*pta~:iing was accessary. Soon after Jul* l&th . »hc w at her charged. azsl !•* nights I t - came **na ar.«i the days ruvj»m , I; hot so that at pcem m?ny report - condition apnasaihu-c a ml drought According to the summary of the ,iiV"O fanners repsrtaag to the State's I I t'rvp Report tag :W»vhe im to be , official estimates of the l ai!«l State , IVpartmeut of Agrirulturp. Ik? con , • rtioa of earn it. the state dedwni :r..ai M per cent July Ist to Ti per , cent August Ist; t«bnc«« from 77 tc. I 6H; sweet potatoes from *i to 75. t I eanuts from M to L-ae Kay from , tV to S7; wdJ hay from *9 to *7- . s-ifalfa from *J to W. §*. tu - ' IV cooiitwß of »Ti. wfcar* was ic [mrtnt Jul* Ist as M |#r rent of ' u mal, dropped to 15 pet cmt TVi* ' indicates a of • htshels far this sUtr This as (*« bushels less that the crof e -1 rcted July Ist. and haUi than the crop last 1 year This icdmtam- ia «t « lur |'> nripally to the (ewie tars •imru e •he (lr>t of July a»4 tbe rv«p has showa little iapMewsl saar* that : time. Fields are reported a> very , t 1 | ra>iy and the plant* are -oul an>* f r.rinr pnorly | The cua lit—a of tobacco declined during July from TI to fit Th«- a dwates aa average yathd of iIT puui»» p. r am and a prospective ' this year of about 29M*UimIi pound -1 This i- SSJMM ;«wn*» l*~ than ' was expected Jul* Is® and IH/WJII' ' ln> thaa the crop harcestr. 4 Inst year. Tbese estimaJes are n-rr , . putrd on a basas of *• per m-l n> j d action ia anear* last yeai | Tobbccv aw dim- eed conxdt ._bly by the eontmncd ram tal durw if I | past tvi week* the e*r. "srvriy h ' aixi dry days have ns*wu»l to de- j 1 din. The plaau 1* small «d he| • 'gmdity mi the Isaoas as reported as , light ard thin. M«ch of the crop has . ripened before the plaads fully m- I tared wbarh a» leirf" "■ ' yields. .J "ti' II IV aaali didhd M r •' *♦' 1 the M per cm 1— *1 1 d Idr Ist ; 'and this caadjtan of W per cent m . dirates a yield af *T> pud , per 'acre and the total pasdsitu for the I state af IRUM* paaads. This is 1 22.179JM1 pounds less than was pro duced last year. The following comment- from reporters which air* mo-; grreral I throughout tbe stale Tbe— giv» a gvod idea of caeditMns ~t . "Dry weather >!as: hay lures." "t'rop are :mpeuume now." 'taidfs, are about out." ""Ex.- ■ cesshre rain- helped bays and pas ■ tares." ~Cr»p> ane- grassy.*" "Farm labor .-finrf ar«i wag?s high." «»LD HICKORY CHIPS Running for office takes a ■«»-»»» out into the open—an.! often m leav-s him ther?. A little while ago h mini as if Mussolini, tlw itolar. Otir. wer- or his wuy to great:w.->. \ « he :> leir ( y on his way. . ?=r as me can leam. -v.-r» bmi* I **> iwt oil fee- from IVthrnt I • •sfcanaau an-! >rawl but c -U. «y %:ve« . rack the mor. n. So«r.. day the Cootidc; D-»e tie ke* wdl go >W*n ir. Ht-.ory i ; *3l f» «iown in N xtmbt-r John Philip n.q j says that the ( dry law ha- made it impiwitde J write comic operas like th«e of the g.*»? old •lay>_ Ma. ae itV Iwc.-UL-rf- a sober aalenrs won't starni for urh stuff tint Reusan—•"Aw. anat go»i [ i> per* * s »w» I little Tom ■ —""Now. T-moj." '. his teactw Seproachfu'ly. you wan; o I am ho*. ",t> rieure a*era*e»?" I Senator ! a Folk tt -» . *VheeU r 'if on the top 1 f a ma-.tr> . ard shows him a kingdom of *.ate> arvi says "All the>» w:D I irr I 1 JU if you will fall douti a:»i Uor>h : p with me " But th-* ~prom*>e«i laixi" ks £ fnortsri. :«• 04 iarld by Jot »V. S *a* 1 ar.«l I ..«* I nan. I H-rnwt lare a ian lif' T the fir.-t man.—>h. 1 do«. 1 k*« . Jt|lru his tuni l«vku>i frir»l if '» inr abb to r» fidiin; ui iwa! j- it.ng work." "V ha' anlenily * ■ wash f«-r. «r t Vlirtr " >lai bu>fi Butler • S -k- J i> r»»nc to |>ij> an '. | rut in *.he c_m|an. TW tbour*.: i -Uhrr to th* iwpr Vain hope. hpui't -lini.- hi 1 ->houlder> ait. rtdt arsi with.lra«s ber arm* from .'.ofocco Wdl, , at U» a ua* k end arar—igmwe it! Prune Minister McdlVmald of Great liritia; a > I n -Hwr llarr~t v France ga»! - for conference at t»reak "STAN DARD" GASOLINE Always th WL Jm ___ Bala nerd for easy start, flrxiblr pickup, ample pOWtt and long mileage. ■ >v Joohjor thepxmp yff\ in every town FLC ASOU W IS/ THCQFOM V I MADE IN THE ABOUNAS TOE ENTERPRISE. VILUAXBTOX. NORTH CAROLINA . NCLE WH3GILVS TUCKS " ll!; ' ' Takr- ilie clappers oat * Tkerc arc your f»-t and th? Loavion iiMr mitnr sM the presence of two «f the creates* , I i "jiJKniiies of history—ham ar».i ejctrs » ! Teias reports the appearance of park wAkab alone the tonlt- of j Turer Creek in Zapa'a «*mr;> l*j>» * hkiliMi -ftm> to have brn a w» «f twr in so«n~ piar>v r We trust the mMnder-Uf-nn* with 5 Jar*R *oct irstivy (hr entente cor ' ■»!• Fr.ihiN enjoys wit l - ihi* man t!>. YOB car.t use Eurvpns silk svrms t-> make the •ate. Tammzr.y now has a i.rw h>i». We (,ne Hun just ten days to out of »-ei> * ,:k W. K Hearst It eems much ea-er for -he Prince 1 t' V. .Ses to take a oIT a 1 r„n a .tive into miirimony " S»« tlapf* r M.-.kr iMioi i-i- a magatuK. V.« can't (•'! L T . fipfrr is in i:-titutaon of r »v_! v..iW* rer*»i and k.»:^ i-it has been nu.i»>! tone eno- •!■ I fum.-h (ondasiw .lata. f i«'» s .iara lai> man who. ml.ru »e --lertinx a lawn mower, mill pork -ut a a Keep. Americans are peo|Jc wK,, fori rath ■ "aiivf hey charge or* ..nether s® much. I»ad >« ever no *e the pr-~i >.r «ilh i hirft eurfkh'u «»n a t ck* i brjrm to fu to chui-i ; hi* wiwnjr-nur s '--itic -M h- rrIUC? wbT* -up,— «* r-il» wotke»i in shoe -t«»ne \> a -IUU, air VI. i tu iue )bili«Mi lay a M»ie. in t.j.ier to avsiue IK . lurk a fa r .-.art oat a hv4K >«a. uu*;: :> >«: ab».'. i.f ; >i twfore rrfi '-rui, an) kick a - l" . \ L jr. i. .v'!u.-.c ■ * : «• " x oasi: .1 J i_ 'n ' . Vl 1 . I—l 41 • I'*: -» ■ mi—» fat «Wt ace h. m ' ■ v " !*■ ! !•»• IM! nil j '-frt •» • Ki! 4. *wit - ii:» I . t i>cr*4 ».T «y I ITIBHH HKM. MK I* « " * * — -ml U(S Vara) |M in ,1 ha '«i W. - jnful ta ii 4 - -* i» l«r •• -r fort /„ i M all * wtma t I CX+mey • r. T* ',J» Ot u gs'ftst her husband (olr.f BsMr*. W ANTED A 1* FT. MODEL F BEN thall Peanut Pre-, 'it.-; le m 1 | roalKion ai. i .leap Xo jc!ik * utiiL J. S. : tley. I how I" I. | ; PATENTS Obta:-.- -i Send model or akftrh ami we will promptly setu > k ■- report. Our book or. PaVn.i s» i J Tra.;? mark- will he «ert !•» yea on i.'jue-t . I>. SWIFT and CO -iFATKXT LAWYERS— L MS Seventh St W isknflaa IM ■! O.er 31 Years" Experience | !\ B. CONE - Dentist >«!>« e Ovrr The Farmer- ar..l Mer chants liai k Hours M 2 aa>l I-i Oi,, • -..ne No. S», R*». phone No ISC !»»:. HAKLKS J. SAW YFK W imbw. N. r. FFICE YORK WILDING IVi. ;.-e limited to E>e, tar. \„ e and Throat from I to b I.i W i!liam. tor ever)" Friday afternoon jg " ', - ■ .-.. ~, I urin ffiHiPP i i lit An ! jjji '|" \ | i!ir prfii inn urH»ul Ibr *—* I)i] j»rji— llr. tj :u fef al. iwiij l .- iv El IKitjl rn (WiMM l iSl&^^^E|vLjl |» ■•fit- tt>rr»l lh» ',M IW Mtku)i4 ■H&w^K;-HBkD^3^^*BL. I- I -ir • «rjfr rI! «rr-w «ifc-*~B W I' k »B*-I«|- f ijr"' *uffl • *- J va-.tas r -urh a r.f rf.l»t 1 1 1 Opera House Wmston., N. C. | Friday Aug. 15, at 8:30 P. M. | | Adm: Adults .75 Children .35 j FOR HIGHEST PRICES. SELL YOT R TORACCO AT WMSTCW. NOTICE 1 will be to do > ur or jirary Wki arvs effweat uork a; -! I*3— > your ashiri; I » :"i be ope:; f. r er.eajrrirert or ar>! i.:',er Je ' * ! if it.; ©f the iKwt r to do }« Bay ®r> of ca!" to "I **.n!h Pearl sire**. VVJiam-tw Work lose in ar.l ,»ji of town tie»x A. Roger - |RE«;i l.\K COMMI \l( in OX OF SKEW \RKKE I.MIH.r. Ia No AI" art-t A. M every -ocwxi anl ' * J "' i j --Lay r.yths of each mor.lh- AU Master Mi—:- sjs ? »cv: >*ar>iir.e ar? o»:«it,lly .t.v»te»i NOTICE OF SALE The A«ini ni-Iral"! oj M's J !• Kani. w«JI or. iRf iis»r day -«f Attfv-'.. IJ.'I. at 3: i" , oVi«ck. I*. M . it. frve.t of the i• u: t iir.- loe C.*rp»- x;4at * .#cr at |-u(> i. aa"ior. t» the f.r ca h. the Wk«*.w p-r-orj! |t» prrsy lie.! -Irak rrsair- tatde-. -tive . ' etc. o«-liiatmf all the K»d- ar>l furniture -f J I*. War«l. •iecea«e»t J l» WAJ£IV Jl! Admini-trit.il i:\ti i roR - > Norict Havia thl» .£a> as omeru t» r of ths »-u;e of )ii>. 1! L Jam.. late of lie f«ont} of Marin. is h*n-!iy trivets to aii bolil ins» cia n» arai:..-l S)d to -jtiir f»>r pa> tsi op. cr Jtfvre the !M : .iay ~f Jut}. IXii. or tiii •"t*« wilt b* in t«ar of *.beir iwmt. All (*rj"R if -Mf! :« e>atf » ill c iriw '-nurf ;aJ ir-ake im • v—p i \ nrr" of sair# I T» i, ti«- if: l >l> of Ju'v. 1924- H»\\ Al:l» JAMES. cncutar. : WANTED— Klt.tl.AK \M» TRAN -1 sit H»jnkr-. j ,i if coro««iat»t»r- Kjt« - Kt. Srv \|r=. J l ( rj-for! ,• *8 %DMI\I>I K \TI»K"S XUTU'E I Hjv line tf .* >la* «j»_» S ifit>r ju- so - ' jmin s!n!i>r «•" t ? ctatr V Mt>. >a - 5; I*m?.a Waru. bif i-f I of 'lMntm, notice t- K« .-s-b;. jivw to u!l ■ j;» i oi . hoMic." H t'f-tav to |.rv f fjE* f»r j.i\ m- r.' f| o* t»r hf f***** > -"t *ti*. *if Amru-t. ' I'. **-•. «>r ihi* « "" *•» r4 a i««! jr. ,1- r of »*«vr r«*w i .11 prrx>rt. i~.:,Nt**i t.. aid ' *'H f»«w fonriF-i iM ?ukf ireir^ii »if payment of an* ; T'ti- t>- !-t .ta* «-f Au/ig-t I*M J IV « \RI». JK \ imr

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