AovKsnsns WILL FIND OCI COLUMNS A LATCHXBT TO 15W ff*»— at or KAETIN CXHJKTT VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 53 RECORDER'S COURT DOCKET HAS FEW CASES iMt Tnntej-. ■ r rftwv kuck ami Sdidto Pfed puicac, Mi en-ay m the eowt while .fwrrk miamm CHK AETT ia order. Ifc caaea to oat More the jeait State vs Wfll Borers, apevattag aa fouad Mt gaflty. State vs HCKT Bed. an ifalaiiet If*- Ben pleaded gaflty at a fm ioar wmmmkm mt tkenvtud una eady heard far Ji Igaial at thk MMM. He vtaa fined SIO*. and cost far the State va W. W. CHAB. hiniliiiat a md to the Superior court w*h deadly weapon Haywood Vhita Wr aad Walter Ayer*. Defeadaats Mkitaker aad A yen plead* J potty Dffa a deal: WSiaai pleaded rat gaiky After the heaiiug of tha hi «ke caae. Williams aaa »J judged Pity »ad fined HUN aid all the «*» ia the cw* aad i to It haue perfectly for thraa year*. Aa to Whkeher and A yen. jadgment was Improvements on Wash ington St Go Forward Improvement* on Wash ngtou Mmt mr * ia pruceaa. la the post year 'v» ap !■ toll killing sta'iona h—« teen elected aad are lotne koaaea aad it ia art keen long «iar* w iTKam mm.'* Inytst grocery -tire has heea tfc# aad started operation on tha atreet. At the present tiaae. Mr. R P- if bnilding a doable fraat W4 TO» a which he wdl cany a ft H Kae mt merchandise and he hopes to opea kit store for ha linear hy r iptimhu the fifteeatk W. M aad Jno M Bowes have aa •'Hal mm the ground ta Serin work mm thir aew store whirh will be Is rat ad mm the spot foiaa iIT acre pied hy the T. CL Cooke ahop J- G. Statea ia aaiae farther re pairs oa the flat iron haudm - whirh ia aaad hy the Naaaef Maaafectariar electric elevator aad aaakag other ia the naaiag of their pleat which has heea tliael dowa far nar tne ia order that the work ai»k' he Caiah ed hy the Arat of Septeaaher srfcea oper MISS LLCILLE iil HOSTESS AT BOOK PARTI yesterday awwa( at a card ar*l F-I hcaar mt har houoe pat. Mia Mai garut Joyaer of Wlaiafton. A wi-' ety mt aumnaer loaui decorate*! C*r j hsaae aad three tables ware arraaged far bridge. .J A debcieae frait aalad warn aervad at sLLwe'aad MWY ladj MUMM of Comer Taylar Gettaw Alaag Naroty lAtft r nil Taylar. aaa mt Mr. aad Mrs. V. L. Taylar aad who aaa parted. The hjak« were vuey paaa- M aad he Mkn II My hat alto dwa hare Wmm. W » 111 Mil I. Uu War THE ENTERPRISE MR.COSTON LN THE CITY READ! FOR > REVIVAL OPENING Wnrk On Tabernacle c Has Started; Opens Sunday, August 24 "i Mr. Cortea has arrived in the city fna baa haaac at Hendersonvilk I where he speat hi* vacation wr.h hi* -fanafly. I I Mr. Costea wa* ia oar o&' thii 1 aamag aad he report* a very tar ceraful aeetiac at Lmiower. Alabama 'jwhidk was the last meeetuig befor* .the evangelistic party took their an ' | aai I varatiaa There were no htd - drad aad lamtj conversions a.d they - kft fedetatiaaw to keep ilnr* th.- in toast that had been awakened during > the Meetieg when th- leader* had left ' teaa. Aad a number of of p-ofie said 1 that It aa* the (rrwlMt ever held in - the state of Alabama, considering the baked tar which was given it- TV t teat that was aced was e-tir-ly toi SUMII for the great crowd* that g--h ' «ted each eight for the mrin*. The anetiag at I'tdowcr closed on the right of the sixth of thin mxi'h i aad Mr. I eourar left ianae lately for I Atlanta where he was join.'d by Mn. 1 eaaaaa aad after spending atmal days there they came to Xonbcai CSty where they hare been taking a mac* needed rest ever since Mr. and Mr*. Leaaan will arrive litre in tbr next few days. " Work on the tabernacle on the Saaader* lot on . Main and Watt* ""ft* is now ia process and -tru-rture ■9 he ready for '.he opcni-ig serv ices Stola) . A ago-*. 24 CHORISTER J. C COSTIIN WISHES Tt» MEET SINGERS MONDAY NIGHT M«a ti) night at 8 p m. at the Bap tat Ckauli. I want to meet all per soas over fifteen years of age. who caa cany a tane Not oaly thane who sag regularly in Ik various choirs of the town, had all who will try to sing. We want to aakc tha campaign the greatest revival that Wflliam-to- has every had ia the history of tbr town far oar Lard aad Saviaar Christ aad ae caa do this with year coopcr ataaaa. May I depend oa yoa Monday aaght at 8 p. a J. C COSTON MBS. LA WHENCE PEEL EN TEHTAINEO HMt MISS CLARK Wednesday evemag fraa eight shifty aatd twelve o'clock at her home aa Chaai b street. Mrs. Lawrence ftd was ha«Wi to a ttamber of frwadi. —pMialaig her haate gaest. Ma* Imlia Clark of who was a i fsesner mrmtor of the faralt) of the i local achuols. I Tablet for bridge were placed ia the I -it which was aade more at tractive by the aae af a prafasion of t . iUta (flew ia crystal vase* Mrs. L Roy Gargaf.u- nmir high |*eaae ia the games at bridge and she I ens grvea a dainty handkerchief and jthe haa— was presented with aa jaad wafer* were arved by the hostess •'taahd by Mrs. Joak W. Manning Meaning. Mrs. Carrie Biggs WBfaaa. Mrs G H Haiiiaan. Miss Anaa Pope. Mrs. A R IMnaiag, Mrs. Boy Gar gaaas. Mrs. L. C Beaactt, Mra. A HsaaeH. Mra. Harriett Britt, Mra. C A Harriaaa and Hrs Elbert PeeL At How Froa Haopital Man Hide Wynae. who toa heea to ML Vincent's Hospital for aeveral aaafca aad who anderweat a ma jar •paeatiso whle Ae was there, haa re taraod to her bav here. Her fneah wM he glad to knew that she is get tmg alang aicely at this tiaae. CARM OT THANKS ane mt oar frieada aad aeigbk iTT^ «—t Waaaa mi ear kaad. We wh* to thank alao Dr. H. Uy May Gad ilnwu away * ' _ apaa tha in taae mt aaad. MRS. J. E. GURGANU& jaad hkaaafl have the j week for a trip thresh the vaßey mt ; Virginia nivi vak to hat Royal Mr. Tumk Ctoalaipkia speat Wad jmtoj ialljaMft la haatoaaa 1 R toe yaehaidkl |T i L Taylar aad Httle Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. August 15,1924. PROBABLE DELAY INROAD WORK AT ; R. R. UNDERPASS g The machinery and crpi|a» rut U baik! the concrete rand, beginning at the ead of Main street, was braagbt down yesterday from near Everett* and erork is now ir> pracaoa. We had f kopeo! that the work wrald go forward prcmptly ami withoat farther hin drance* bat it row looks a if ucr delay may oecar ahen the en ii ipa at the Atlantic Coast Lin* rad read i# reached. It is rumors! that J»f are gone aoi the plan. arr no; l ai i far th- work at the arii«qa*L Some etfi mated that the en-ineer wed one nil lior stake* in em ling and -*omg the F bridge work on the road. It is hoped •hat the engineer* win be i ble to | |4ocare a sofltr er.t umVr rf vU, tional stakes to gH the mirrpav f mpleted by Chri*tma& HOHGtMIO WOMAN Bl R> T^ Tl» DEATH NEAR GOL'tSBItRO 'deceased Lived la Marta Coaaty Maay Years Before Nnnc r —_ taoldsboro. Aug. 14.—One of the | rust horrible 7ccid*ate Jut ha* Lap | i-ered in this **ctioa in anni tears I *—* recordeal early T-iertfj- E..- P " E - J when a Ford car tarned »tri »r> ibr r highway six nule* from this city, aae of its nrrapant*. a woman, being bare f to death before the car ---** he i righted Hie occupants of the car. Mr t Mrs Ben Harnett. Mr* Annie Bailey snd Mr*. Sarah Shirley. aO of HoK-f-ml were ot. their war *« i Hoi. camo meeting at Falcon. Mrs. Burnett had called her bas band's a'tention to the obi Coaaty , Home whirh they wrre patunr and while he was looking away from the mad the car swerved and before he eaald prevent it. ran into a ditch and tarned over. It bant into hae» ' *»d before Mra. Burnett coold be te ' move.l from underneath it he was r burned to death. Kooe of the other* ■ere injured The tody was and prepared for the piaraty ' back home. Mr. Burnett lived in Martin Coaa -1 tjr not of her lifr. but movrd jas* aios> the Halifax Coaaty I ae a few ' years ago FIBE COHPANY ANSWERS CALL THIS MORNING The local Are company aaad- recon* •»«e ia answering a call tk . -uthem end of the town th* mra l 11The Are was conAaal to th roof | r a •null tenant home aad va* em raiahed a boat the time thk era aaa> umed. Hr. John H. Bow a wdl erect at a \ery early date a tww-story bnck baibliag a Washington street betweet the Ford and Stalk garages. The ■a ia ba lding will he divided iate two sections. «-ach ectton ba« . 2 : > crate fr^aL Work on the haiklLg will l>.n tie ir*t of September rad will to nan lifted aharthly theraaftor. TV brick are hea-g tooled to the site ani every Uucg ir being pat ia rejlii»*» f*_ the ht-gianng of the rtractar." CHR REN STEW ' 1 1 Masara. Robert and Harold Everett entertained about forty af their frieada at the Mohley Mdl Maatoy stew aaa caokad at the tabarra karw> Sandaichea, slangh aad other gut 1 thing* were served. -t. Mr. Boy tiargaaa haa Rtnmn from Norfolk aad ffaltimnrc wher -r he spent the past two weeks. Mr. Jack Laag mt Fimdh panand throagh here yesterday aad »j-u a few hoars with frieada. Miaoes Naaaie aad Mardy Hardy HarriH wfll leave Soaday t for Ruky Meant nheie they wfll visit frieada far a few days before goto w U their home ia Richlaa Ii Mnun. A Hararll. Jr . Rayaaaad Taylar. J. W Warts. Jr, Mai Panto. Jr. aad daade Leggett utaanad Wed aesday fraa Nags Head wbeve they speat aeveral weeks. They npntade ligbtfal trip. Miaaea Biddie Haudl aad Maa An viaktog her for aaae time left Wad raaday aft era., a for VMar aad to jpead Kaneek j far Rocky Miaat to rkat friend* he-|i FOUNDs—I have to mw paaaraaioa I, maUBk MLr •- - I FIRE DESTROYS ROBERSON VILLE UGHT PLANT $25,000 Loss Partly Cov ered By Insurance The Roheraonville electric light plant aas completely destroyoi by fire yes terday afternoon at 2:30 p m. Hie are was detected by one of the em Hojeea hat too late to check it a* Came* spread so rapidl\ effort- t«. check them were useless. The fire wa> first discovered around one of t':e make stacks an.i the baikling. mac. .« ety aad all equipment were entirely in a very few minutes. The plant wa» valued at S26j)UO with SMMO maarance to cover. The corpor owning and operating the plant wa> composed of Hessrs. W. L Koh craoa. B. F. Cobarn an.i Willie Tav lat. The town is now in darkness and plans for lighting it hav? not yet been agreed (.poo. The comj«a:iy may rr haaH or the y may >ei| tj the fown. It is reported that ttvr> m v -\-itd tho paaer line from Kverett*. a i- - tance of Ave mile* ami buy curr* >it from the local plant, or it may he that they will bay their power from Greeft vfle The fire is a great handicap to the ■"."•e • 1 -K* of the to* n as the water pica*, nw under construction. Wa* to Lave been operate.! by the electric plant It is hoped by official* that this handicap wdl be overcome in pknty of tine so as not to interferel •fh the operation of the water plant. MIMS ELIZABETH BCRRAS -AT HOME- FttK lltll SE GI'ESTS At her home on West M=in stre-t yesterday afternoon. Mss Uizabe'h Barra* gave a lovHy "at home" party. Ucaring her gaests. Misses Ninon »ad Mary Hiubeth tiorham and Mi- a llnabrth Thigpen of Ta-boro. The beats were f:m fear until sis. The home was decorated for the oc rasion eith bt autiful lluwers In the reception hall and living room bare of gloden glow w-r» iueil aifl n 'be •tunng rocm a color cheme of green and white was carried oat with nkite «ixlangf-..> abl snow un ths ami I*ll Foe the table d coration. a ba ket of hydrrngra- was a*ed ia the center with white candles in candlesticks burning n the cor "t> of the table. | Mra Hugh Iturras. mother of the s. giettnl th" »- >'("• guests and Miss Cook rrv-d punch In the rwrin - line r r» M m Burrav Gorittia ami ami Mi.-*. Manvtt Brit* and tSr*' w»»e CSTPI dm.— i. in v; Hons c»!er*_ la tto dining room. Mis*e.s R!izabetk Cnrranw*. Susie Jaate.- a d Ndba **"yaae -erv-d an ice coarse after nhich 'be guests wer? invited ta riet ia atiractive nook where M: " t w ja». a* a gypcy fortune - r. ad their palms. The callin* dr«ng th- aftem- a -ete. Mrs I. L Wynne. Hr*. J«e "***' — r. Hr* Z. H. Ri.-e, Hiss Mary 'wt Mr*. L H. taurganu*. Mrs. B W. Hardy. Mrs. C B. HasaeH. Mrs. T. Cow per, Mra. Frank Hitch. Mra. H. Cudwiii, Mr* A. T. Crawford. Louise Harrison. Mia* Sank Harrefl. Mi*" Eva P«el. Miaa Funk- Mian', of Hymaalh. ML* Margaret Erervtt, Mrs. Carrir Williams. Mrs L C. Bennet*. Mrs. O-car An derion. Mra. Whfeler Mart a. Mn. E f Cunningham. Mrs J G. Godnrd. Mrs M. O. Watt... Mra. J. W Moo ag. Mra. K. B. Crawford. Mra. G H. Haniioa. Miaa Veils Aradrewa, Mrs A. R I Horn ing. Mr?. Limb, Mi** Eva Wyr-ne. Mia* SaAie 11 irris, Mr* I. H Saanderx. Mrs. Hagh G. Hartm. Mra. Maurice Moore. Mr*. Clayton Moore. Mrs. W. E. Warren. Mra Eli Gait nam. Hrs. Kaaaie Caratarpken M-v W A. Janes. Hrs C. D. Carata phen. Mra. F. B. Cone, Mra Elbert Pe»l LITTLE CHILD DIES Little Henry Thoaaas Bennett, son dMr ad Mra. W. J. Bennett died * the hoare of ha paruaU oa the Me- Gaskry rand July 25. The child had never been during ita life and it dM fraa a complication of die j The funeral took plnce the fallow •he old' Altshreeks raitiij . ? Mr. and Mra. W. G. GaAher aad Mr. aad Mra. 1. D. Weefard left yesterday maraiag for Bait im ire where they wfll visit Mia. Vaduft pueatSL Mr. Woolard wfl ratura Tuaadny and Mra. Woolard wfll apead | ME. MI 1111 Riddirk returned ta . " " "V ■ ■ ♦ EX-SOLDIER GIVES REASONS FOR LEGION I*OST HERE Why we should have an American Lcgw-a, Po*t_ The writer at various times during the pa>t two or thre? years has been asked by peopie in other and nearby town* whether or uot Williamston had an American legioit Post. Thes* in quirers have always been surprised 'hen an wered in the negative. Prac tically every town of any importance in the State ha* an active post which is doing much in the life of the com munity. Thr question naturally arises! :r. this cociiectiori "Why shouM Wil liaaartor have an Ansericrn legion P»«d?- IVsibly the mot; thing in the ninning of the "threat War" wa* the spint of team work, the spirit .if comradeship that wa* ieveloped in the yt-uthful citizen army that America *o hnstdy placet! upon the Western Fiont That spirit *ii>t more than any other one '.Kn« to pierce the Himlen imrg lin? ami place the American Flag upon German soiL Such a thing so useful in times of such *tress can ami should be utdized in the problem* tnar Anarnran cities are facing to day. Wdliamuon needs to develop a little of that spirit in her midst. The American legion Po»t gathers the young men oho served in the zrmy to gether ami tenches them again the * sloe of team work. The soldiers of I*l*. the legionaire* of to-day will he the men upon whom will fall the task of running the nation in a few years' ami the »pirit that enabled them to carry on should he utilized now ami at that time The writer writing above ha* os -uresi us a series of article* relative •o establishing an American legion Po*t in our city ami the ne*t * ill ly pear in Tuesday's |iaper—Kdi or. MISS KIHTH B %MEY HON4IB til "EST AT I'tKll Mrs*. X. forte* Cn-e;) entrrttinnl at -aids 111 evenint' ::t l»er h.>nr on Km M: ir.t street in honor of her cbarnaing House gue. t. ML*.* K>lith llam*y of Ksrhaaoml DuaUe zinnia* in pidtery howl* u~ed in the livirtg rooms ami reception ball, ami* an attractive back groui>d for the Iwvali |urtt. Rrhlge sin! rook were la>tl. |Jave>l ml Mrs. K Garganu* ma.i» Hil. "O'l" le («►■,*• aixi was given a br»lge score Ml ami Mrs. Ilurh Hor ton. arho m.jle the most i>. rook wa* giv*n r hi ml maa'e |»»w.ler P«f The guest of faonor was pre*ept-1 el »i.h a very pretty pier* of lingers The hostess. as*iste>l by Mi.s i P o t ami Mr- the r Anderson. *err ed an ice course which was nu»t- at green mint.-s. Thor*e present were. Mrs K F IV|> Mrs J. G (odanl. Mr*. Clayton Moore. Mr* Boy tiurganus, Mr*. Jae W Manning. Mrs. K. It. Crawford Mr*. T«tu- ritrhei. Mr*. li. T. Cowper of llaleigh. Mis* Vt-lla Ar.- dreo - Mr.-. G. H. Harrison. Mrs E P. • -i i ingham. Mr*. J. L V illiant*. life-- Uixabeth Hurra*. Marion aud Marj Kluabeth tiorham. Llizabetb Margaret Everett. Clyde llaull, Mary Cook. Lyda (*ook. ami S sa I pUo. and Mrs. Oscar Amle' •on. Mrs Übert Peel. Mr*. Hariott Britt. lit*. B L. I iaduaaood of Nor f dk. Mrs. C B. Ma-sell Mrs Hugh G. Horton aad Mrs. "harks Mobley. BA\k t»F OAK CITY HAS MOVED INTO NEW Ql AKTEKN The l; kof Oak City lu.s moved ia ta. new |Uarters aral i MIS • • cuping the Hair.! tore wb ch is «-dy a few k*n from the hark bu lding which wa* recently destroy 1 by fire. Th* -.auk stood Ilk? boa* perfectly J al - ;tnd docurwttU of were \u perfec* onkr ohej tsiken out. For .i. - fs-. t f-w days the iMriilr of the bank have been very ba*y getting Axed at their new place and they have already tan bed that work and are all aettkd and the hank ia fuarftwning aa usual TARMORO SLFFERS DEFEAT AT LOCAL NINE'S DIAMOND The local ka*e kali defeated Ih "■ aat Tarhoro here at the fair grcutxla hy a * to i scare. The early pert of ihe game una liatless urkh nany costly errors an.l poor irlliag. bat later they settled dean a earnest asd a good gaaae wa wßaeaaad bythe ipectatan. Baggias aad King were uaikle to tairl eßectrvdy aa the Md wee wet. ! lag for the lacvU had trouble in kd iog the plate bat at a rtaje mt th? gaaae aae ke iu danger. King pitched a good gaaae bat aaa given very peer W. J. MANNING CASE HEARD BY LARGE CROWD Case (ioes to Federal Court in Raleigh In November TV ca-e of the I nit*>i SUt*> vs. W. J. Manning of Btihr). chanting Kim witlt ntoitirc from prrsjtb mhnr he *i« an officer of th * I I mt-nl S'atK. n> trmi hen tt'olms- I •Jay aft-moon at tmo o'Hufk in the I court kriorr W C. Harming. a I S_ Conßb.-M»I Whffl ftiort flpfwu th? h«a>/ ari. full of 'pKtet«r> from this ar«i a-i cmuilvs arxi esepruliy from llethfl. ihe Imw «f defendant. I The rour- »»• oprt, m by R Vk Ward. 'I. S Marshall of Raleigh Th** pn err. meet *». rjpmnicd b> Willie (> I!nrrv Asndaat Pistnrt Attorney of ai»i 1_ J. lan:for>i of Wa "'Enjtton. !• t". Thr Un! «a repre-ente.? by Martin jt.! Peel of this city The (mnrnml pi ace. 1 upon th' standi -even Th» .iefens-* save no IMniMny in the hearing The irct witness. * K P ak-. -.tat ed that he «i> t,. -ell a gal l«* »f b»|n»r ky a certain p't o-i ai>.! aft-r lk» ulf of the liquor he vimi»l w $15«10O as "h«vh moneyl'—ak that he pu**i the am>mnt to R- T Jenkins of Pitt cow-ity who tavc him a receipt for the SISOOO Mr l' r »k further stated that h- went to the hoot" of M J Manning it Iterhel and conferred with him relative to the matter .-n.f that W J. Manning -tat '■l tkuat he recited the but rrf u-»»i to gi»e a receipt for -jiw. I poi ow» eun>inalh« Mr r.-k --a:d .ka fc* wa. caught .-t j- -till a few .lais later arst that he tjvp hi- J >."■«» >■ given him by kk" T *o A. S. Ham» .• r*l th ..ther rfltcer. ■■•w.' caught hun at the still -Iw» Ly» L'U i be » ent to I .rer'tviti.' an.l gar - « » a-.-rit a*fvfjv :t v v r-nr the whole nailer. Tfie se vere •jiauitr by Mr Martin, tie .(» f. fcdant's at~orr-y. In! Peak- to ai mrt that he wa.- pruoiuol immunity from psi ibkni nt if he wouM niak alklti it - J J Roger-, the -ecor»i wit-f», c the nul-w eof Peaks in •V paynw-ml of th- f|."4lia> ■* S Harrs- of Vaskville. \ (", |h» "bird -tated that h- was in 'he porti that racrbt IVak. ;t th -I 11. »«'! lh:.l |Vjk. eave n•! «-e thV Ve k»l alresult |ovj h»- ti*e. ?r ,| h •w M -hi»«k "be, (ik) any right, to trferfere I"-ab a-k d tic t -he* •>""» with lm wbere he pr.«lu-».! th - it-sued kj Jenkin- Thi- re 'elM Wis tn*>l «|»| to llairi- b\ IVak- th the wit dav llirri- -aw l*«»ki n r* ill- whe.e h- malr >lklait hrfore 1.l agent lair f»r>i I Mim-«uwMlMi .t wa- fouiwl that he ki4 nudnw of im m ami > to uub aJRIi-vit- Frank \el won of Pinrrle a»l that • J Masamtg fufearf a -mall |«antity • f whkky n a tnii'irti.« with hi.- fs'ner aikl that Mr threat led kn u4 lins li 1 to go to Brthl Ike wit day an-I give bond I pw« m» eumulM \rlsun stat ed thai M BMg) was deman>led nor a bond tint Fred Paw ell of Pai mi Ir rtalnl thai k - heard a wmwUm al night ami »■> 1 1 oi ym* of the per-ata- to be ( W J. Manaig hut cowM not testify | that it wa> kin. acJ failing to identi fy the voire a» that of Manning the , wilatto Was withdrawn I. J I ankfotd. fecial agent for the 'llpji'.seal of Justice, was Ihe neii nlieu airl ke stated that he wa* d ; f«rted to Greewvilie where be, • M ikknb from * F Peaks. J. I Hoger, aad olherk He al-o stated 'hat ke I ie |WMt of immunity to an/ «e bo* did tell Peaks that his ■k|a:tn.u ww«M aot bother him On | crsnen—ali— he stated that whet. , kg iiak (iiKsiiHe. ke isob saw M. K. BUsst. attorwey, who kad form- ( erty keen rnanft with the Depart ment of Jwttire He further testifcd that Mr. Hli—l kad rim him the t fiwiiiu of ki* «Ace mi of rauteiy . a mi that II i ■■ kad also given him . pii htiiui m Martin and Pitt , counties. Mr. Laagfucd further stat- i ed tknt kg wh only inlgi—tad in the , mutters nsirrtcd witk «. J. Man- , ■he a* the Pi|iilni 1 of Jnrlifg i kad |inn kin no orders to iwrcsti- | rate or cum* other prim. He al an stated tknt he knd —■ Ir three or jfonr trips In Cmwit, Bethel and hlft Mi i > fat the telTrf I : J> . ... . , . WATCH THE LABEL ON YOL'K PAPER. CT CARRIES THE DATS lOIR SI"KM Kl PTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 GOVERNMENT AGENTS LOCATE UQL OR STILL tiwerumeirt ffiviai - vtarae active Wn!iie»j.. au«i fouiMl a -till oa *he I !;•!.•! of 1 „.c.. a I* j red man wno lives .-eveii "nil.- of Wil iaiiv-tor The still, a -mail copper outfit wi- fuur-i uimii 300 yards from Kk hou.-e hi j.|. i* near several .-nvali ki?> celer. I After tarthing tiw yuxj they t"un«i -traiih! j-aUi- leading from his back '!»r through hi- tcH Ui -everal -tan i - * here a -tril ha>i le.n open Sol at -ome previous time. Ho kad driven trn»ush hi. co't-xi the still •» a.- t-> elitnirate ar.y .• i piewm. Tl.e officer- -letecie.! !h6 t>ior of a sldl ar -a.-l the **a-h Utt*- ar>i pn>- cw»if. fc t-ie souice which tiu* the m»>l* ..*• After " j'liy.i! . !•») fotin>i an old wash pi.t br«k(i up ?r.d further in ve. tiifitK.n W-i! them to r -move the lloor buck of the fun ace. where they foui •> a - lent chamber ami a furnace buiit. u|Mn which the stfll at at some pivvious time Much r-vidence of >iead • h|ii rs wen Ihuikl. The U>mb ui which the kill bfH-r: uperjlol was a ■leep a.- a man'- tenrta and fivp ,-utfi ciei.t rwm fur ail !«*-,»ry opera tion.-. I.JU > wa.- ati -ttsl aw.! t kt-n before t ommiv hwr Manning ■!>» place»l him utMier bu >l for hi- spp>. ranee in the Fftieni t-rtir- i-» kka-hingtun next (Vlubrr Tuesday Niijht I >anee a Sueeess w ill>am-toi witrje-sg-i the irsct re -|iectai4e .ia.w >ere Tue-.laV nigh' it his experience.! :r» several nuotAv At the begittnißj of the -lance. Mayor Has-ell nus-te a -h..rt talk, giving the tule- an.i regulatsor; - which Kad to he with by ail furtgipaaU ..n.i '»r..i warmer-, lie gate notice to 'he effect that all cells and been cleaned, arwi clean I -si Tin«»n ha«l been i't"\ (rf iw if, water -r electric light- w .ul'i } fc » permitted. _ The Mayor's t :1k wa- very appropri ate at si> it dkl much goo.l Several dreamy an-' ie. p eyes .•pen*.! 3i»l ikf »a;se-» wert rf into tfie - nv:*ll hour .»f n»ir|ui». The wi he- of »he Mayor a>-i ..t| - r ciliiefu wfrt rv--pt-ctr.! t«» evtent that «!i or!.r!> w wit-ses ed on "tie [arc- *1". r T', ;»-ak w-U for ' U ill tarn.- ton arV.' . ver \ one referred o tf : e affair a- !eni|f ucce -fuL ItIRTHHAY PkKTk Mr> W C Il\ r m »f: imitcsl about fort> of the fra-n-is if Her little -on. Ittllie. to celebrate his eighth birthday *ri'h him ye-terday aftetniuß aryl a very enjoyable -ift.rr."--!. Wi -per tby the little folk-. They nva.ii- the little ftllow very Kappy by prr- iiting him with inany birthlay gifts Aft-r games were played for two h.rtirs. Mrs. I ivermat; a-.-itfl by, Mrs. J I' Tr.igpen -erved ice rrran cooes .Ukl ller-hey bars tc the Mr. ai Mr* Warr_ n H will re'um tonight from They th r trip by motor. Mr aiwl Mrs. J. tt Hopk>n.s and lit tle •laughter were in town ie^terday. Miss France- Morr lef. yesterday allerno»n for her h. i:*r ir tiskhkM* alter i L-iting Iter aunt, Mrs. f. R Cine and I>r Co»e aud M.-s Thetea I." row n for some tame. Mr. Ola Tucker of tjr--r.ville was n the city Wediies«tay for a short while. Mr A. * McN'air of was in the city yesterday on i rofesios al kiOMM. . i Mi ae» Eva and Fr-jAi (>t!ews aid Mr Jack Orleans of Win-ton who have been vLsitiag their uacte, Mr M. Orleans for a fee; days, with Mr. Solly Orleans and Mrs. Walter Or leans motored to Wdson Tu miajr and v Muted friends until yesteniay. Cone and Sr. Cone and Mrsa Tkdna was a business vis.tor lure yester day. times as they walk. ■ ky each other and one time in a garage. He did not say who sent the Honey, and further stated that he did not know for whet parpooe. bat said that the aaMh were asaaly S2SuOO with the euaytki of one or two time . With th* cna eraainetioa cwafroa'iag him ha al uaest loot his and when a wriU by the defense which he had signed . early m the year, he kitiet very o»- tiuas r ire ruing hie speech. kat this Pruhvhle caate | *i tummtrn 1 ill— the District Federal Conn at

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