ADramSKXS WILL FIND OIJB OOLUWiS A UTCHKSf TO ISM PQHS OP MARTIN tOUXTT VOLUME XXV— NUMBER 54 RECORDER'S COLKi* IN SESSION HERE HKRK TODAY Small Docket Before the Recorder Tlus Morning I The Martin County Recorder's court was tatted this morning with Judge J. d Saaith of RobersooviUe, fmidiag, and Attorney Wheeler Martin prose eating in U>e absence of E. S. iVH •ho was called away a few days ago. The docket, though ..mail in qou tky had some important eases tad which were continued to fatarr ses sions of the court. TV> following cases were called: State T3 Haywood Gainst. The d»- \ fcndant, Gainor. was charged with as sault with deadly weapon and war found guilty by the court. He received a jail sentence of 30 days, fined f2S uO and was nqoiml to pay SIOOO doe tar's bQI for Henry Spruill acd dl the cast of the actios. The next case on the docket wmi *hat of Henry Ruker. coined whs was charged with attempted rape. A probable cause of guilt was rhosrn tad defendant was bound oier to the Superior court under a S2OO bond The third case and one of great in terest was that of State against Wm Sykes. he being charged with as saah. This case was cscrtimed until Tuesday of next week with Svkrs airder a S6OO. bond. Martin County a Great Home For The Rattler In the southeastern part of the coun ty one finds lance areas of thirk un dergrowth which, from all indications, contain many large rattle snakes. Six weeks age a namber of stock men were riding through their ranch aad the herae ef Mr Ben M'—Hg was bitten by one of these reptiles, the horse dying a few rainates afterward. About two weeks am the same parties were again traveling the ranrh and at the same place a male which Mr A. E- Meaning was ridiag jumped «verj ■ huge rattle saake. Mr. Manaaig dis-1 moented aad iaaemdiateD kifict the! snake Last week while hsatiag cat Ue in the same territory another saake was killed. This one bad IS rat tles. Mr. G. A. Baynor killed a eery large snake about sae mie from the ethers Just a short while age and it is thought that this snafc- killed the hone mt Mr. as that WM a print of a horse's hoof ea the body of the make. Hue dass ef make steam to thrive ia the Midst of a fine glaring sertisa for cattle. It is known that they will aot bite cattle bat are sure to bite and kill horses and dog* if ran ia can tact with. The rattle snake b eery virion* aad dangerous when aroused, but gen , errOy he is eery peaceful amend men.' that is, when he is unmolested WILLIAMSTON JIMOR mom LEACt'E - —r~: *—- ——■# On Jely 21st the Jniw Epwortk j League was organised by the Junior Superintendent, Mrs. L C- Larkia The followiag ulun were elerted. Evelyn Harrison, assistant aapeiia tend tat. Mary Carstarphea. president. Jalia Ward, vice president, Margate* L Mfw, secretary aad treasurer. HibMa Liverman. correspondent secre tary. After having fear meetiags. we have Although small m aember aad have est begaa ts ds much, we bave tH deUimination ts askt 'nek tun her a "Loyal Epasrth Lsageer." Hibbte Liin—. Car. Sac. Eidpa Harrison, Asst. Snpt. iKllj MISSGKAN WATTS CKLEHL4TES MEB rOUm BKTWDAT Little Miss Geaa Watts received one hundred mt her little hank at a party la boner ef her fourth birthday at tfce home of her parents en West] Main street, yesterday afteraeau from 4b( played, iifmbmiali in mi llm of *3- 11 LOST: A GOLD WATCH. DOM7MU Chunb Sunday. Aag. IT. Wskh a bont afae mt SOc piece. Notify Mrs EH WUK BNto S sr I li|lioi MUt and receive reward 9-19t THE ENTERPRISE OFFICERS DESTROY 83 BBLS. tti&R {LiQt OK uLiLciLS Uk>L Luiu O. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOE-MAKING El'M I Thursday, revenue, officers. A S. j Harris and C W. Baker of Nashville. W tv Kf tJy and T. M. Hiliibortxc ef Salisbury, with depntry sher'ff Lu ther Peel and J. R. Ikxiing, rakleJ FVeea I'r.ion aad Gawk. The day's work netted them three rJUs and JK fearrvls of beer, all of whichrfpas four-.! at thirteen different places- Tkr officer* saw no one at or Ct;. try of the places of operation This pedicular section ha.; the r tat-of of being able to *r«l a nut? ,of working of the approach of orhcer* ••uicker than any other place in th* county aad usually when the note is funded every thing into hfber talisn. The still- uere all -mall copper ket tles. each holding about ore barrel SEMI-MONTHLY FARM NOTES August Ist to 15th. Weather. Aagust has been hut an-1 dry ia North Carsliaa since the first of the sasutb aad crops are now -bow ing the aeed of rain ia several sec tions. Welcomed rains occurred in many eastern counties on the 13th The northern central counties report the weather as favorable since the haavy rains early ia July. The central sr Piedmont territory has hern far more favorably weathered t!iis ye?r than the eastern counties. Crops improved ore* the state a. a •hole during Aagust. Houever. tK» excessive rains washed out mar! fer tiHty aad left cropa rrmasy on tnjm* I firm After the beating rain- of Jaly. the sods were left in a condi tion to he easily affected by the la'er dry weather In the main, the condi tisn of the ni is good. However, the dry and hot weather ha* bcked -oH* •a some areas, making them dMfirult t» flaw. Fields are generally dean ami [the aojmky mt crops are wefl-cvlthnt jed. The attitude of the fanner een» (a be aae of optimism Maay report.- from the southeastern counties indi cate that crops are m poor shape and the prospects disc out »ring This is particularly true on light, sandy sod- j where the pkuits are generallv small and fruhfal Cotton. It is evident that the boll weevd is doiag little damsge at this l hle except ia three general Ural it ie* These are a Scotland-Robeson conn •■es, Edegcoaffie-Halifax aad Chow «n While they are present m mo»t areas the are aat as active as was expeeted Lower Halifax has over lOrt dusting machine* in operation and are ex pects- to rounteraet mart of the boll ■weevil damages Cotton has improved jfver the state as a whole Plants are !*hewiag better color and fru ; *'»>!n»~« (The bottom crop is reported as qui*' 'hart. Many section hav» sported heavy shedding, especial \ where eon daisns ere dry | Tnbncca. Moat of the tnhocea cran '*» harvested ia the ear*em rouatie and is anderway ia the Old Belt. The ctaiHiant are only fair, with light weight as a rele The color a general ly reed The Jane aad Jaly raias wash ed out muck mt the fertiliser, leaving the textare thin Mare wax is on the kave> than was at first exports* Much premature ripeaiag has been ex perienced. Local rennets of firing, hnd stands aad poor color been re reived, as u-ual Mar . —-tjaus have rtpaited henry skeddirg especially Caen. There is peHup the aat* variable car 1 it ion in the corn crop than has existed for m-*nv years ir North Garalir: f'h-r* the h*avy ■■ aanatraa, the earn ia very peer " Htkt aafe, wide It is fair to quite ••ad an stiff lands. Maay iaterwr counties bave very gaad earn prns |The abik is far a fair ts pod yield | Hands are genu ally regular jp stands cad have good color aad sin. fallow^ Tbry we paggiag aicely The Is considerably Deficient pint faad by knduege aaay affact the fianl yields. Farm Lnbar. As eapsesaed at tk> Teat Farm mm the 14th. the farmers aae to the paiat mt depending ed hired help caanat he piiiaii I- la sthm onk, they are adaptiag tkeas * - r- Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina. Tuesday. Aujoist 19, 1924. AMENDMENTS TO J CONSTITUTION CONSIDERED | ■ Boat Bill to be Voted On In November Election Three amendments to the Slate Con sl itution are :w» being considered in :he St; tr Lrprfatc* for - übmi.-; ion to the veters in the Novenber election. The first is to * a sinking fun! for all bon>! issue- with full puami. tee acain- usirg same for other pur poses. The -ecead is t* the judicial . inacSuneiy of The Stat;'. t.skir.R tli? big . - ('h:®? hsv ;-.f otl.OllO popula , tion or mo-ci. oe: of :V judicial cir , cuit- anl niaki"- * imiepen.lent dis trict.- of them. These dist.icts will Krie a locs' judge, a-ho shall have the seme poaer as the Supreme court I iw'a-. TV third is to ktwr-'.i e »iir pe «* | ■eembr *-.f l'-e letU"'urt fmm i 1 '"-C to $l rt dO o»r day. TV- bnat b-!l will !«■ |vi -s«*l in :J fotst atwniU:!»»r it to the voleo- r |set.|4- if. Nowrabfr »hic'» is of c a:. • - j pie r i: i;e. the fricts ret..' 1 to tne bfll • Hw b.ll to j the j>r.y f - ani 'mi of lh- - was i. Ir.. uiatU by Mir. I'atl.T.-on who does not ' trtani at the n it re; >.on. A similar ume>>lment was pn-.-oi in the l!i21 session and k ughterrd by the people I- the g- neml eUction of 1922. A large cumber of bills of an in «'i-firs V nrsture have |.as*e»|. kik>l ivm! to c*»rr*ct errors nui.'e in the last assembly aere s 'so |>asv ed. NORTH CAROLINA NOW FIFTH IN FEDERAL TAXES Green»horo. Aug 18.- The Stair of North Carolina with a U.tal of ap ptcxiacalely fI.tMHIOM) collected in ' fenirral 'axes for the year ending June 1 "V. 1924. has passed Ohio and now •auks bftti in the entire United Slates acraeduig to a statement maie h -re vrsterda> by 4 .illiain Grissom, of Kaleigb. internal revenue collector for the stair. Mr Ctbaon said that lie obtained bis figures frvm David 11. Blair, in ternal revenue commissioner, who is noa- in V r -tun Salem Ne. h t arolina had previoii. ly ' >IM ixth among the states. high •• •una far the year just pas .1 pusi her abend of Ohio and li.'.x fifth -uitM. The states are now iri this order: First, Vew York; second, I'ennsyl ' vaaia; third, Illiaets; fourth, Michigan fifth. North Carolina, sixth. Ohio. I Furthermore said Mr. (iruiom, at I the rate at which federal taxes are ' MOW coming in it appears that North «"arolina during the present yt-al v. ,i! urpass the above figures. "Ami il I they wooM only quit making autuino b>le» ia Michigan we would gu aln :.! of that state." Mr. Grissom added. Ihe federal taxes include uiU'Tiial revenue taxes on tobacco, incon , frati i 'htse and other taxes Of the approxi ciately f irkjtluOjMU collected la t year m North Caruliaa about ciime from the tobacco taxes. HAMILTON' ITEMS Miss Margaret Calhoun of Ko ic 1 Mount is the guest of Misses Paulini end 14«o'»e J« hn-on ' Mrs J. W. Ila ten port, Mr. David ' Davenport and Misses Vivian and Uaiw Davenport of Kocky Mount ♦pent Saaday ia townvisitingrelativ-i-s. > spent Saaday in (own visiting rel atives. r Misses Norma and Kvelyn Ht!i» >!ent several days last week in Leea. . \tsitmg relatives. Mrs. Jesne Everette ia visiting rel . stives Whitakers. Mr. W J. Starr of Sun bury spent the week end here visiting friends. Mr. W. It. Edmondson of Norfolk visited relatives here last week. MB* Irene lie! Limy is vistlng rela- Ihe ic Ahaskie. 4 ' Mrs. A. F. L'prkerrh. Sr., and Mrs. Jr.. of Raleigh are [ millet the tatter's mother, Mrs. M. | L Many here this enrk Mr. G. E. I lines of Ahoskie spent the auk end here with friends and Mrs. a. F. Meyers, little Miss Dolly Myers and Mr. Boacot iJowns spent yeseetday ia Kelfard visiting relative: I ' Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Davenport and r aa Clayton. Htx Lacy Coaaeffl aad - Mr. Karl* AKguod sport Saaday af - Mr. V. J. Bench aad Miss Maggie » Baaek spent lad week in Greensboro ****** their afatar, Mrs. J. B. Jmmm. TABERNACLE TO BE COMPLETED ! > BY FRIDAY NIGH 11 Kev. Mr. Leaman W ill Arrive Latter Part Of This Week Rev. G. C. Baumgartel. of Yoakum. i Texas has arrived in town and lir-f al i ready beitun the erecting of iht taber nacle for the meeiirg Co soon begin 1 here. Mr. Baumjfartel sa> s that th. tabernacle wfll be c inpleted by Fti ilay nigh». The .stating capacity of ihe -truc lure will be 2500 end a choir plat form that will seat -f# sir.gers will be constructed. Mr. Ctwtcr. the chor ister, wants all sint -rs who come in.o . thr meeting from the court rt to fe-l at home ami sit in the ehoi- a Sopg as there is a vacant seat to be had. I This meeting is not only for ocr town, but It is for a'l who will con - m :uid join us. ) Kev. ;uul Mrs. teaman v\ ~rri\ > jl.ere Friday or Saturday ANo Mi-s IW.-ell v!u is to preside p« th - ■■ and who U a wonder a~ t->- pir>-.. a ; II arrive either Friday or Saturday Mrs. Ler.ii'jn will have charge of t' ycurg girls while the m k It progress M rs. teaman i- a • | l°ul voun.' ih ople's wort »r . »d >h . • ti'v-- l.j' to direct th«- * ow:»g lif into the spiritual awsketi-i, tliat I'elp them to realise that serving God is the happiest thing that has evei come into their lives. If the yoan* jvcple fail to get the training under Mis. l.eaman they will r*pnt it. This is a great enterprise that w (■ antr.ow encaging in ind it means t> build up th." spiritual at in-- phere of (he churches as well « the (n«avtil. RED CROSS ROLL CALL NOV. 11-27 th The eighth annual Re I Crass toll call for this year fa schedule*! »o beg:n , November II anal extern! to November 27th. ! To some extent the people hate , lost interest in the Ked t ru-s orgai-. , uiioii since the war rlaknl It is true that there ere not so marts opportune , lies for service as there wu during r the war. Yet here is w.»k to be don.- . some where and at all times- and this fact should not be ignored. Only a I few months ago the Ked Cross came to the aid of Martin county people when a tornado swept this and adjoin in;; counties. A number of our peo ]«!•• are living in t-nts supjda ' by the threat organisation. A large runiber of | people w> re f•>«) and cloth.s' . ■»! medi cal assistance was adm i ■ -t*-r *d in many eases by the Itisl Cr. • . Tl.i. ' brings us to realise the rtunce of such an organisation and that it is our duty to help it. 1 There have been -ulfervrs in the remotest parts of the earth ai*l or no I occasion were they forgotten by I Ked Cross. The great Chinese disaster thu ■ h'ch 5l»,llOO pe-api-. . •■re ilnan si - ill r million or uwrr ki". Sinarl-s-. will find the K*-d Cro-s >he a; e:icy af relief. It i.s very important that all pen pit- w!io can li.y by in the -,i rr hwi of mercy and service at !k4 on* dol lar to be used in 'his ereat work. SIX MEN ARRESTED ON FLOGGING HARGF Wilson, Aug. 17. llermai I'eele. toe Bissett, Felon l' rry, white men, ■ ri'l three negroes. v.i.ooe nan.e - roukl iot lie learned, will be given a pre liminary hearing be' .e Justice of | the Peace Jules K. Hardy w. August I :'9, in connection with the Hoggin* I of Percy I .isles, Oldftehb U wnship fi.i mer on last Tuexiay n.ght, ac . .••tiling t.. Sheriff O. A. Glovt-r. The three white nwn have been . flowed bonds of (51410 eacl . while .lie lie r ,roi.> have been released under smaller bonds, pending the preiinu . nary hearing. Herman Peele was the last of the six men to be ai tested. I he having been taken into custody Friday. One of the in g rota was also , arte*ted Friday - 1 ENTERTAINS WITH PICNIC Miss Elizabeth Burras is en*erain ing her house &us»ta. Misses Gotham Mid Thigpen, and several frieuis with a picnic at Riverside this fcfter toon Messrs. Brown awl Cut hretl of Gran ville are visitors in town bxfay. 4-..- . —..1 rj Mr.and lfrs. Aaa Johnson motored 11 to Greenville yesterday. I Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Richards spent I Sunday in Washington with Mr. and ItMnk €. G. Rue- Miss Margaret Ewdl spent several ( days last week h TBI try visting lei t dives. , >, Mr. and Mrs. P. L Slithery and fam lily fi—M to Washington yesterday. j " Sy. ..." * MARTIN COUNTY ! iJLI). AND LOAN I OPENS 15 SERIES Association Has Been a (ireat Asset To This Community The kanin County ituilumK ai>) Ua'i Associalioit will open its sub scriptum !xx>k- f»r the sale of stock in the fif'.eenth series Satuniay. Sepiem t-ei 6th. Till- associate a ha succeeded well since its organ; iatH»n arsi Has hel h-. -.lrvis to save systematically an., ha- it pesstble fur many to own their homes. *'«> o" Iter* would have beer to do so. For a >rood an! safe investment, without taxes and with th" best of real estate security, the huildint? ai.! loan association leads them all. 1 he significant jmrt the kuildinK and loan associalitm piays is ill the huihi ini: of home*. This results in the irrowth and bt-autifymc of any town. K\er> citii" '. >hou!d take out a few in tne which in -les a savings account and the prac * se of thrift. Heretofore the associa n ha- been subscribed to by the i«r busirse - men i.f the town. The . urpose of the association is to afford I . sneans for the small man to build d save without beinK taxed for any lietiiii'f amount -Nt- tlie 'secretary or the pie -taient aid let them explain to you the terms an>! advantages in sub scrihinK to the :t et of the buih.uig an-1 lua.i im. It is needle.vs to tell of the thing the Martiii County Building aad Ixun AssoriatKtn has accanipl-died, f r -l ev sfieak for thenw lv - SATI KDAY A DAY OF CUTTING AMONG COLORKi) iuiuiiut .*imi Id W a geii>->si ft».hln>. day .• moltir *! -doietl j> , pit of he rjtmy. Saturday about S o'clock. Fiaiik rut Joe iki*is to the extent that tus / uit»tifir> dropiMsi fioni his bell) and luui to lie held i.i tact by M dkiii . l»r Klh-I«- gave tin. wouiwleal ni.ti. semporar;- atte»lioii and sent him to W a~'i>ngtoii nh rv la is Kportol to be improving at lit* Washinvtuti >■- } iU-1 Griffin claims th it Wdkats culled him a- *lo to tonver-e with him about business affairs, but on ih- contrary, he asked him about certain things In had said about him. Griffin claims thai he denied the - tpience lie «a struck twiee r. ' kii x. W tH I'.rs K— Wilkin-. 'I- ei reported that ui r.l tijkav. m!k.. was t;«*t ting up fioni the grouml. In the afternoon of the same d;.\ Hayuood Gaynor. a I? year olu culoi ed boy livinr near Robersonviile, htd arother m-groVs throat Th« a ran from one etr to il"- other, rut ins; a deep rash 1,1 some places. Th-- eat was !•• with a i«.ket k'life *Ui>nor i- miw in jail awaiting tli" i:,ve'i.ruf of the r»conk-r"s court Giyi:. r claim- Out th« tr»ubU- *a. all over !0 rents wharh one Spruiil's hoy owed hiiu. Win,, Gayi.or askeil the boy for the moniy, his fath»-r pro ■ rt'W to r. :.-e a fa - aud ti k- up ihe mattei (u)nor further sUstes !ha. lie left tKi scene an>l was followeal by the e!der Sprudl to several |.lar« s and that he rut h>m; he had fol lowe>l him to th- e plat Ikith ,r iffir, ar-d Givoor present their cases in a very f: vorahli man rt r to UwmdlCs, e-*ch f-oping that their aahrers&ries will rec.v. ». Ttiere is :cme suspirio* that w'rsky lad -on. -thi.v to to ii'ii th« trou M« in botii »»• rases SA\ FANOSCO TO SPKXI. Ml! l.'tlNS OV IIS IIA!!M>K l«ie city .f San K. t : to i ;.re p*au.' U, „ . u nur>y m. ... / dol lars on its haiLoe aixl to Hi#r.d it about two The improvement will be 'lone b> the city ai.d S'.nt.,- of California with the ureptini: of the ehao.sel leeding into the h. rhor which will be done by the goverr ment This unpsuvenMrnt will ndd to tlie fifteen miles of wharf space will givs the city a iiart»or «i*h a dotki. g frr.ut i f about th.rt) fin- miles. In comparison wil l lite prcposei wa'er Lransfwrtatiori iiae improvement in this State, the San Frai,ciso pro ject wdl eo»t nany time more. The people of thai city know the impor tance of "oo»i tr-xnsportati"i. facili ties. " CARD OF THANKS We wish to lhank our kind friends, ■eigkboii and physician for their ( help during thr •Sines? of our son. Corner G. laylor, whs was seriously | cat by • stalk cstUr. We era glad to say that he is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Taylor. TAX PROBLEM IS TO BE HANDLED] CONSTITUTION \L AMENDMENT | I BILL AIMED AT SOLUTION OP 1 NON-TAXABLE SECURITIES Raieign. N. C., AUK IS. —Partial i solution of tin" question of non-taxable J securities, which ha» aroused much tis j cussion Hi legislature.- ami other I places of recent ye*rs, ls aimed at lij a constitutional amendment bill in nJiWil in North Carolina State Sen nte by Senator \\ iUon of Vanceyviilc. The measure i aim,.! ai i Mttinu down taxes (.n moM> in hark- ari i loans or, u-al (state. The hill as introduced recites tha. theiv are "various an. I sundry, ami legitimate securities now being sold in the state, many, of which are I non-taxable, but are inviting to in vestor* ami the investment in whicl re moves funds ?hat mu'ht otkei\v I-e (>■ used in the :»nd development of thi* stat« and a con iderable portion Jtif s'jc-i funds is hoing tak-n out-id- I the state." It also recites that it i- I to the best interests of the state tha' jail available resources should be kept >r the state and that assets from with | out the state should lie biruirht into the itate It also (foes on lo state that limii.i assets often are renioveil from or ir vested outside the state or in non-tax able securities or else concealed jusr before tax listing date?:. The amendment proposed in h measure I - to section three of article live of the Constitution inserting the following: ( "Provided that all moneys on le i* -d 'ii a•\ Itank or trust coni|>any in Si- State of North Carolina, and notes si cured hy mortgare or lee. I of trust, en real estate situated within 'he state, if listed for taxation, shall lw> taxed, in the discretion of the (ieneral Assenihk. not in exo"s- f five cen» v s for state purposes, thirty cent'* for .county purposes and fifteen cents for mui filial purposes on each one hun dred dollars (»f \ alu» thertof." Tiie amendment would lie submitted , to |ieo|i!e a' the Novemlier e!ee , tion. • At'raelive Premiums J'or State Fair KiiUirh, Aug. IK. Ihe North Caro- I l.n.i A/ricuituial Society is sending [ out its annual Premium lists with thir ty thousand dollars in tfood money of fered as prizes for exhibits. Thi!- i the best guarantee that a real hair will b." In Id this >. ar i ' 'onten.platid changes h. the owner i ship of the sixty odd acres Use I for be l-a'r site w ill lint into effect *h year xn.l the Fair will be held in Oct «her as usual. The attractive prem iums Kuarantee u hi* an I interesting; line of exhibit.-, the management an pounces, but will Ik- by no ine::ii nil of the attractions. Some of the i*>- t fymnast# and i-a assortment of •I ow will lie provided for amuKA rnent. 'IT Three thou*i;;inl fi.r ca'tle arid over tluee thousand dollar.-, for dairy ca'tle ought to brinir some good live i-t-ck the fair, H S. Curtis states while W: W Shay is e(|ually sure that twenty-live hundred dollar- in ' premiums for swine will- fill the pens 'n ki.i division. Allen CI. Oliver lias been aliotel % twenty-seven hundred dollar.- in prein iums for poultry, and G. P. Williams lias a couple of thousand dollar.- to offer sheep grower*. Altogether, more than ten thousand dollais if offered ' in the livestock division. C. It. V. illiams draw- four thousand live hundred uillar.s for his division of agi icultut-al products whils a thousand ihdl.ii:i i. offered in the contests by j afticuiicral clubs, and nearl) a thoui.- ar.n doll in in the fruit division. Attractive money prue> are ir> ilte various other divisions, while five thouaaiui u act aside for th? rices, which are always in important part of the Fail. * —- It may be proper for the State to |ia> fifteen hand re. i dollars to the at torneys of Dr. L. 15. Mclir&yer, who rtood before the legislative investigat ing committee and a court of law and was found guilty but it is a bit hard to conceive of such a thing. Mcllrajer was fo.ced finally to. I -ave the employ of th. State. It is lather unusual for a man to act in such a way in the performance «?• an act that he has to be,,investigat ed by the iaUt He lia*fMt Uu date to a great expense and ihen aft.r all , the preceding trouble he turns and suiks the state to pay his attorneys. ■ , Miss Annie Kilpntrick of Kmstoii i rrived last evening to visit Mr. and , Mrs. P. L. Edwards for a few days. Miss Imogene Riddick of Elisabeth City is visiting Mia* .Sank HamlL '. * i_ * ■, ■ , .. j ' ' ■ I WATCH THE LABEL ON YOLK PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATE TOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 MARTIN RECOVERS ITS SEl'l EMBER TERM OF COURT 'September Term Slipped I Away and None was held last iSeptuniber » louring the last session of »he North Cmohna l.egi lature. Martin County lost its Sejiiemlier term of Superior court. It has alwa) s- been a bit mysterious that Martin' lie.air represented both in the li. u.-e ar,d Senate with -. cliairmanship of the judiciary com mittee. t'iat sucn a thine should have I : pjvnei! N: -h »oun'.y tmk the dates hat we had a-wa\s htd for irener at IOI.S. l:om j>r« ■> r.-,~ir;- e-- the Sep i alitor i urt i..-. ij.*j . > lured to us. This makes a much Oeiter scneiiule of our court- A : «a-. nc had a two weeks t :r M urh. • week each in June and IV*eiiu>er which were al t ~»■ !k - ir-i.'t iuate .. li tvii ; f iand an*t r«HMv»nsi that i l ull ',vu- lot ue -> -u'd t'laflk our i« maker- who luv» us a two week " court, be-^ir.niiic.the thin' week in Septemher Friday aad Saiuiday Busy Days for Fire Company The fire roinimny had i-comi call la t Saturday xvhen ;-n u.arivi was ■ent in from Church street. Up until this time the company l.; : lufi en- ioyiiig 'rJt'.her a:-, -xt. ;■ i- ■' •*s -t The ral' Krid iy fout"t the ountcin n fin* s.m;* and Satuniav "s call wa- answer ed even more i|uick!y 'kn the i-'s of thv day The weekly drills are due .to the Uam u.irk dr.-i layed by iur lire fninjur v \ >l.ould be «ncouraifisl h> th - m:,'. i: r \. Say, for Wist nee, the !aitie*"i\e ! b-«!l arid - call it th - "Firemen - H iII" We would !•;• e r rr ilarce t»u! .hi. ni -mliJ-r are the kihii tha' do -uit danei- It would not h* necessary to have siich a "knock out" as hall —a for tin. (Ii?- ntcn would do. We ki.i-K 1 }i tion »ill nteet the ip|>i.ivbl of the fire fighter- end sincerel' hope it will meet with that of t' i—oph a.- a whole. Now. hark to *he fire Wells it did n't do much .!am:-ri t " ".unt" l*>u's cntt.Ttrr, TO t . o rr'ied the chimney aPit fl i:*!t*ened tfv? ri >f. ( (tlJiltHl Miri IIOIHST (HI K il VISITED PROMINENT >1 NDAY Mllnol. WOUKEK' James . Eichelbcrar. i;iieral mi|>erintendent i f Sunday schools and the African Methodist Kp.scopdl Zion church, with hea (quarter- at Chicago, \ia.s at the l(H-al colored church Mcn ilay r.ight He lectured on •! work of the Sunday school-, the hur ii and !.is ret-i nt visit to th World Sunday : Srhool t Wvention winch WHS held at Clasgow, Scotland. t a Sout f i Carolinian by bitrh. He ha- *nade n ( id progress ' in life and now statals hi-*h tinong his und a, an Amerkaii ci'izcß. .Mr 'I. It. SLade of Hai..ilton was in •ovui yesterdax morning tittending to business. STRAND THEATRE W ILLIAMsrON Nolill. CAKOI.INA 1 nt- maliUKeint nt w . lies la au la unce tlia> on Ihursd:-,. I-ii.a) and Suluiday of thi- »«k tiers will be tiic folio* II. g: l —— —THURSDAY v Kithaitl lUrlhrlar» 1 l*erotii) tiisk in— "l HE bKIt.HT SiiAWL * Ja .and 60 W —KKIDAY-- Mil tea Sill» ' " "SKIN DEEP" And a two reel eomedy. 25 and 50 -SATURDAY— , I A real wtm of r .mance, action I' u'al thrills and • two reel comedy. 20 and 40 There will he no Mgvlar tun mt 1 pictures until further notice. A special will be shown new and theft—watch for

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